WebCompare Server Features Comparison

Version 4.2, Mid-May 1996

Welcome to the WebCompare Server Features Comparison! This is a list of the generally-available, supported server software for the World Wide Web. These software packages are also called "HTTP servers" because their primary purpose it to serve data using the HTTP protocol, but "Web server" is a better term because they often do much more than just speak a protocol.

New in version 4.2

Six new features were added to the chart. The most important ones concern the soon-to-be-released HTTP/1.1 spec (which you can find a draft of at http://www.webcompare.com/draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-03). The new features for the chart are: The authors of most of the important servers responded, but not all. Since many of these features are about HTTP/1.1, which is vitally important to many Web server users, those who didn't respond are doing a disservice to the Internet community by not making it clear whether or not they support the new protocol.

A few new servers were added:


The latest version of this list can always be found at http://www.webcompare.com/server-main.html. This list is part of WebCompare, which is much more than just this server features chart. The other main part of WebCompare is the features of popular Web browsers.

Folks seem to like this chart: it was downloaded over 15,000 times last month.

This list includes all Web servers which seem to be currently supported. Other WWW servers certainly exist, but they are either sparsely supported (or completely unsupported), or the authors didn't feel like responding to requests for information about their server. We actively solicit the authors of all Web servers to participate, but we can't force them to.

Please note that the information in this list comes from the authors of the software, not from any determination we at WebCompare have made by looking at the server software or documentation. In the past, some readers have told us that some of the information in the chart is wrong, and we always go back to our contacts with these comments. Sometimes, it is a misunderstanding of the feature, but more often it has been that the server author didn't tell us that they added something to the server.

Features in the Chart

The features listed here are those that were asked for by readers like yourself, and by the Web server authors themselves. This list has evolved over more than a year, with some features being added while others were dropped.

One of the features that is often requested that isn't listed here is performance. Unfortunately, no good Web server performance tests exist yet. The ones that are out there do not measure anything even vaguely like real-world performance, and thus are fairly meaningless. (In this way, the Web market is much like the CPU market...) WebCompare will most likely be creating performance measuring tests in the future, but until then, performance performance-related features won't be listed.

For an extended description of what each feature means, please see the feature descriptions. Some of these descriptions refer to the draft versions of the HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 specifications (the drafts have yet to be finalized into RFCs). The HTTP/1.0 draft and HTTP/1.1 draft are available from WebCompare.

In upcoming issues, we will certainly be adding features relating to the evolving HTTP/1.1 standard. The features being added to HTTP/1.1 are still in flux, but the standard looks like it will settle down a great deal this month and probably be quite stable within a month or two. At that point, you should expect to see much better functionality and performance on the Web.

Of course, there will be even more features listed in the future. If there are features that you would like to see added to the list, please send a message to editors@webcompare.com.

Other Resources

Anyone who is thinking of running a Web site should certainly also be reading the World Wide Web Frequently Asked Questions, maintained by Thomas Boutell. That document covers many more topics than this list does and was part of the original inspiration for this list. Also, anyone running a Web site should be concerned with security, and should read the excellent Web Security FAQ.

If you're more interested in which servers are popular than in the features of the servers, you should certainly take a look at NetCraft. They maintain a great site that does a Webcrawl survey of which sites are using which kinds of servers.

There are a few other lists of Web server software available around the Web (gotta love that self-reference!). One list that has more software, but don't talk about features, is at Yahoo.

Getting Support

The number of Web servers is increasing rapidly, and the number of features in the servers is also going up as competition increases. This list will be updated every month in order to keep up with these changes.

There are some servers not listed here because the companies that sell them do not respond to repeated requests to be added to the list. Many people have asked why CompuSource's PowerWeb are not listed; the simple answer is that the company has not responded to many requests for their information. It is sad that many large companies have such a hard time sitting down and listing their actual features. There are also some servers that are not listed because they are unauthorized and unsupported ports of freeware servers in the list. It is not uncommon for someone to port a freeware Unix server to a different operating system, get it mostly working, then not finish the port and not keep up with new versions of the original server. These partially-working ports are specifically not listed here unless they are well supported by the porting team.

For example, long-time readers of this list will notice that CERN httpd is no longer listed. After CERN handed the code over to the W3C, it has been barely supported, if at all. An occaisional patch shows up every now and then, but no one's working on the code. W3C may come out with a new server in the future, but for now, the venerable CERN server is unsupported. If you really want to try it, you can find the source code and information on the W3C Web site.

Some authors/companies of the servers described in this list answered immediately and were quite responsive, while some barely answered or answered weeks after being asked. You may want to consider which server you use based on how actively it is supported and how quickly your questions get answered. As many people who run Web sites are now discovering, having no or little support for their Web server software can be disasterous to their site and their health.

Note that some of the packages listed here, particularly the commercial ones, have additional features that can make Web administration easier, and some have other nifty features that differentiate them from their competitors. Of course, the technical support also varies greatly from server to server. You should probably check out each of the servers that are appropriate for your operating system before committing to one.

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Servers Covered In This List

The following list has links to both the individual server charts, as well as each server's URL. You can also see sub-charts for just the Unix-based servers or for just the Windows-based servers. If your browser does not display HTML tables, you can also view the main chart with no tables, the Unix-only chart with no tables, or the Windows-only chart with no tables. The server software programs listed in this document are:

Full nameShort nameLink to
Link to
own URL
Alibaba Alibaba chart URL 2.0
Amiga Web Server AmigaWeb chart URL 2.0
Apache Apache chart URL 1.02
Apache-SSL-US ApacheSSL chart URL 1.0.3+1.1
Common Lisp Hypermedia Server CL-HTTP chart URL 58.12
Commerce Builder Commerce Builder chart URL 1.5
COSMOS Web Server COSMOS chart URL 1.0
OSU DECthreads server DECthreads chart URL 2.0
EMWAC Freeware HTTPS EMWAC chart URL 0.99
EnterpriseWeb EnterpriseWeb chart URL 1.0 beta
Esplanade Esplanade chart URL 1.2
Esplanade Secure Edition Esplanade Secure chart URL 1.2
ExpressO HTTP Server ExpressO chart URL B1.8
Fnord Server Fnord chart URL
FolkWeb FolkWeb chart URL 1.01
GN GN chart URL 2.24
GNNserver GNNserver chart URL 2.03
GoServe for OS/2 GoServe chart URL 2.48
IBM Internet Connection Server IBM Connection chart URL 4.0
IBM Internet Connection Secure Server IBM Connection Secure chart URL 4.0
JSB INTRAnet Jazz Server Jazz chart URL 0.9
MacHTTP from Quarterdeck MacHTTP chart URL 2.2
Microsoft Internet Information Server Microsoft IIS chart URL 1.0
NCSA HTTPd NCSA chart URL 1.5a
NetPresenz NetPresenz chart URL 4.0.1
Netscape Enterprise Server Netscape Enterprise chart URL 2.0
Netscape FastTrack Server Netscape FastTrack chart URL 2.0
Open Market Secure WebServer Open Market Secure chart URL 1.1
Open Market WebServer Open Market WebServer chart URL 1.1
Oracle WebServer Oracle chart URL 2.0
Purveyor WebServer Purveyor chart URL 1.2
Quarterdeck WebServer Quarterdeck WebServer chart URL 1.0
Sioux Sioux chart URL 1.0.1
Spinnaker Web Server Spinnaker chart URL 2.0
Spinner Spinner chart URL 1.0b13
SPRY SafetyWeb Server SPRY SafetyWeb chart URL 1.1
SPRY Web Server SPRYWeb chart URL 1.1
Stairways Web Server Stairways chart URL 1.0d2
SU/httpd SU/httpd chart URL 1.0
SuperWeb Server SuperWeb chart URL 1.1
TECWeb Server TECWeb chart URL 1.1
thttpd thttpd chart URL 1.00
VBServer VBServer chart URL 2.0
W4-Server W4 chart URL 2.4
Web Server/400 WebServer400 chart URL 1.2
Webshare Webshare chart URL 1.2.3
WebSite from O'Reilly & Associates WebSite chart URL 1.1E
WebSTAR 95/NT from Quarterdeck WebSTAR 95/NT chart URL 2.0
WebSTAR Mac from Quarterdeck WebSTAR Mac chart URL 1.2.4
Webware Commercial Edition Webware Comm chart URL
WN WN chart URL 1.13
Zeus Server Zeus chart URL 1.0.1

Harness the power of the Internet!

Features Chart

The following lists the features compared in this chart. There is also a list of the full descriptions of each of the features in the list.

Operating Systems

UnixApache, ApacheSSL, CL-HTTP, COSMOS, ExpressO, GN, GNNserver, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure, Jazz, NCSA, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Oracle, Sioux, Spinner, SU/httpd, TECWeb, thttpd, WN, Zeus
Windows NTAlibaba, Commerce Builder, EMWAC, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, ExpressO, Fnord, FolkWeb, GNNserver, IBM Connection, Jazz, Microsoft IIS, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Oracle, Purveyor, Quarterdeck WebServer, Spinnaker, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, SuperWeb, VBServer, W4, WebSite, WebSTAR 95/NT
Windows 95Alibaba, Commerce Builder, ExpressO, Fnord, FolkWeb, Purveyor, Quarterdeck WebServer, Spinnaker, VBServer, W4, WebSite, WebSTAR 95/NT
Windows 3.1Quarterdeck WebServer, VBServer
OS/2Apache, GoServe, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure
Macintosh OSCL-HTTP, ExpressO, MacHTTP, NetPresenz, WebSTAR Mac
Novell NetwarePurveyor, Webware Comm
VMSDECthreads, Purveyor
Amiga OSAmigaWeb
VM/CMSEnterpriseWeb, Webshare
MVSIBM Connection
Be OSStairways
Unix variants
AIX: IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure
Digital Unix 3.2, HP/UX 9, HP/UX 10, Intel Solaris 2.4, Linux 1.2.x, SGI Irix 5.3, Sparc Solaris 2.4, SunOS 4.1.4: GNNserver
Most: Apache, ApacheSSL, COSMOS, GN, NCSA, SU/httpd, Spinner, WN
Requires Java runtime: ExpressO
Solaris (for Intel and Sparc), SunOS, HP-UX, AIX, IRIX, Digital UNIX, BSD/OS, SCO UNIX, NEC UNIX, SINIX, Sony UNIX: Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack
Solaris/Sparc: TECWeb
Solaris/Sparc, SunOS 4.1, IBM AIX, BSD/386/1.1, HP-UX, HP MPE, SGI, Digital Unix, Tandem NSK: Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer
Solaris/Sparc, SunOS, IRIX, Linux, BSDI, FreeBSD, OSF/1, HP-UX: Zeus
Sun SPARC Solaris 2.4: Oracle
SunOS, OSF, Solaris, SGI: CL-HTTP
SunOS, Solaris, FreeBSD, NetBSD, Linux, Irix, HP/UX, OSF/1, BSDI: thttpd
SunOS4, Solaris 2.4, Solaris 2.5, Linux, FreeBSD, Irix 5.3: Sioux
Windows NT CPUs
Alpha, PowerPC: Commerce Builder
Intel: Alibaba, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, Fnord, FolkWeb, IBM Connection Secure, Jazz, Quarterdeck WebServer, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, Spinnaker, SuperWeb, VBServer, W4, WebSTAR 95/NT, WebSite
Intel, Alpha: GNNserver, Oracle, Purveyor
Intel, Alpha, MIPS: Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack
Intel, Alpha, MIPS, PowerPC: EMWAC, Microsoft IIS
Requires Java runtime: ExpressO

Launching and Logging

Can run from inetd (Unix and OS/2 systems only)Apache, CL-HTTP, COSMOS, GN, GNNserver, GoServe, Jazz, NCSA, Oracle, SU/httpd, WN
Can serve different directory roots for different IP addressesAlibaba, Apache, ApacheSSL, Commerce Builder, COSMOS, DECthreads, EnterpriseWeb, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, ExpressO, GNNserver, GoServe, IBM Connection Secure, Jazz, Microsoft IIS, NCSA, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Oracle, Purveyor, Sioux, Spinner, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, TECWeb, thttpd, WebServer400, Webshare, WebSite, WebSTAR 95/NT, Webware Comm, WN, Zeus
Runs as Windows NT service and/or application
Application: Fnord, FolkWeb, IBM Connection, Quarterdeck WebServer, Spinnaker, VBServer
Both: Alibaba, Commerce Builder, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, GNNserver, Jazz, WebSTAR 95/NT, WebSite
Service: EMWAC, Microsoft IIS, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Oracle, Purveyor, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, SuperWeb
Logging with syslog (Unix) or Event Log (Windows NT)Alibaba, Commerce Builder, EMWAC, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, GN, Microsoft IIS, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Oracle, Purveyor, Sioux, Spinnaker, Spinner, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, SuperWeb, TECWeb, thttpd, WebSTAR 95/NT, WN
CERN/NCSA common log formatAlibaba, Apache, ApacheSSL, CL-HTTP, Commerce Builder, COSMOS, DECthreads, EnterpriseWeb, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, ExpressO, Fnord, FolkWeb, GNNserver, GoServe, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure, Jazz, NCSA, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Oracle, Purveyor, Quarterdeck WebServer, Sioux, Spinnaker, Spinner, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, TECWeb, thttpd, W4, WebServer400, WebSite, Webware Comm, WN, Zeus
Log files can be automatically cycled or archivedAlibaba, AmigaWeb, CL-HTTP, Commerce Builder, COSMOS, EMWAC, EnterpriseWeb, ExpressO, FolkWeb, GNNserver, GoServe, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure, Jazz, Microsoft IIS, NetPresenz, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Purveyor, Sioux, Spinner, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, SuperWeb, TECWeb, thttpd, VBServer, W4, WebServer400, Webshare, WebSite, Webware Comm, Zeus
Normal (hit) log entries can be customizedAlibaba, Apache, ApacheSSL, CL-HTTP, Commerce Builder, EnterpriseWeb, ExpressO, GoServe, Microsoft IIS, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Oracle, Purveyor, Spinner, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, TECWeb, VBServer, W4, WebSTAR Mac, Webware Comm, WN, Zeus
Can write to multiple logsAlibaba, AmigaWeb, Apache, ApacheSSL, CL-HTTP, Commerce Builder, DECthreads, EnterpriseWeb, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, ExpressO, FolkWeb, GNNserver, GoServe, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure, Jazz, NCSA, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Purveyor, Sioux, Spinner, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, TECWeb, VBServer, WebServer400, WebSite, WebSTAR 95/NT, Webware Comm, WN, Zeus
Server can generate non-hit log entries (such as comments)Alibaba, AmigaWeb, CL-HTTP, Commerce Builder, COSMOS, EnterpriseWeb, ExpressO, GNNserver, GoServe, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure, Microsoft IIS, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Purveyor, Quarterdeck WebServer, Spinner, TECWeb, VBServer, W4, Webware Comm, Zeus
CGI scripts can create their own log entriesAlibaba, CL-HTTP, COSMOS, EnterpriseWeb, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, ExpressO, FolkWeb, GoServe, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure, Jazz, Microsoft IIS, NCSA, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Purveyor, Sioux, Spinnaker, thttpd, VBServer, W4, Webshare, WebSTAR Mac, Webware Comm, WN
Performance measurment logsAlibaba, CL-HTTP, DECthreads, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, ExpressO, GoServe, Microsoft IIS, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Purveyor, Spinnaker, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, W4, WebServer400, WebSite, WebSTAR 95/NT, Zeus
Can generate referer log entriesAlibaba, AmigaWeb, Apache, ApacheSSL, CL-HTTP, Commerce Builder, COSMOS, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, ExpressO, Fnord, GNNserver, GoServe, Jazz, NCSA, NetPresenz, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Purveyor, Sioux, Spinner, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, TECWeb, thttpd, VBServer, W4, WebSite, WebSTAR 95/NT, WebSTAR Mac, Webware Comm, WN, Zeus
Can generate browser log entriesAlibaba, AmigaWeb, Apache, ApacheSSL, CL-HTTP, Commerce Builder, COSMOS, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, ExpressO, GNNserver, GoServe, Jazz, NCSA, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Purveyor, Spinner, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, TECWeb, thttpd, VBServer, WebSite, WebSTAR Mac, Webware Comm, WN, Zeus
Can track individual users in logAlibaba, AmigaWeb, Apache, ApacheSSL, CL-HTTP, Commerce Builder, COSMOS, FolkWeb, GoServe, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Purveyor, Sioux, Spinner, TECWeb, VBServer, W4, Webware Comm, WN

Protocol Support and Includes

Automatic response to If-Modified-SinceAlibaba, AmigaWeb, Apache, ApacheSSL, CL-HTTP, Commerce Builder, DECthreads, EMWAC, EnterpriseWeb, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, ExpressO, Fnord, FolkWeb, GN, GNNserver, GoServe, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure, Jazz, MacHTTP, Microsoft IIS, NCSA, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Oracle, Purveyor, Quarterdeck WebServer, Sioux, Spinnaker, Spinner, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, SuperWeb, thttpd, WebServer400, WebSite, WebSTAR 95/NT, WebSTAR Mac, Webware Comm, WN, Zeus
Select documents based on Accept headerAlibaba, Apache, ApacheSSL, Commerce Builder, FolkWeb, GoServe, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure, Jazz, NCSA, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Oracle, Purveyor, Sioux, Spinnaker, Spinner, SuperWeb, TECWeb, W4, WebSTAR Mac, Webware Comm, WN, Zeus
Select documents based on User-Agent headerAlibaba, Apache, ApacheSSL, Commerce Builder, COSMOS, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, FolkWeb, GoServe, NCSA, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Oracle, Sioux, Spinnaker, Spinner, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, SuperWeb, TECWeb, Webware Comm, WN, Zeus
Includes based on HTML commentsAlibaba, Apache, ApacheSSL, Commerce Builder, DECthreads, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, ExpressO, GNNserver, GoServe, IBM Connection, Microsoft IIS, NCSA, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Oracle, Purveyor, Sioux, Spinnaker, Spinner, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, TECWeb, thttpd, WebServer400, WebSite, Webware Comm, WN, Zeus
Server can force includesAlibaba, COSMOS, EnterpriseWeb, ExpressO, GNNserver, IBM Connection, Microsoft IIS, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Oracle, Sioux, Spinnaker, TECWeb, VBServer, W4, Webware Comm, Zeus
Includes can be based on request headersAlibaba, Commerce Builder, COSMOS, EnterpriseWeb, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, GoServe, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Oracle, Purveyor, Spinnaker, Spinner, TECWeb, W4, Webware Comm, WN
Automatically include any HTTP headers in responsesAlibaba, Apache, ApacheSSL, Commerce Builder, COSMOS, EnterpriseWeb, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, ExpressO, FolkWeb, GoServe, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure, Jazz, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Oracle, Purveyor, Spinnaker, Spinner, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, TECWeb, W4, WebSTAR 95/NT, Webware Comm, WN, Zeus
Access to server state variables from CGI or other scriptingAlibaba, Apache, ApacheSSL, CL-HTTP, Commerce Builder, COSMOS, EnterpriseWeb, ExpressO, GNNserver, GoServe, MacHTTP, Microsoft IIS, NCSA, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Oracle, Purveyor, Sioux, Spinnaker, Spinner, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, SuperWeb, TECWeb, thttpd, VBServer, W4, WebServer400, Webshare, WebSite, WebSTAR Mac, Webware Comm, WN, Zeus
Has built-in scripting language
ARexx: AmigaWeb
Apache Server API: ApacheSSL
BGI: SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb
Dynamic HTML: Spinnaker
ISAPI: Purveyor
NSAPI and Java applet API: Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack
Python: Sioux
Rexx: GoServe
SMX: Commerce Builder
Sockd: Zeus
Tcl and C API: GNNserver
Tcl, WSAPI, and FastCGI: Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer
Yes: EnterpriseWeb, MacHTTP, Microsoft IIS, W4, WebSTAR 95/NT, WebSTAR Mac, Webware Comm
custom: TECWeb
microLPC: Spinner
Has built-in image-map handlingAlibaba, AmigaWeb, Apache, ApacheSSL, CL-HTTP, Commerce Builder, DECthreads, EMWAC, EnterpriseWeb, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, ExpressO, FolkWeb, GNNserver, GoServe, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure, Jazz, Microsoft IIS, NCSA, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Oracle, Purveyor, Sioux, Spinnaker, Spinner, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, SuperWeb, TECWeb, W4, WebServer400, WebSite, WebSTAR 95/NT, Webware Comm, WN, Zeus
Supports HTTP/1.1 PUTCL-HTTP, ExpressO, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Spinnaker, Spinner, WebSite
Non-supported methods can invoke a scriptCL-HTTP, Commerce Builder, EnterpriseWeb, ExpressO, GNNserver, GoServe, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure, Spinnaker, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, SU/httpd, SuperWeb, Webware Comm, Zeus
Supports the Windows CGI interfaceAlibaba, Commerce Builder, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, FolkWeb, GNNserver, Microsoft IIS, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Spinnaker, SuperWeb, WebSite, WebSTAR 95/NT
Comes with SNMP agentMicrosoft IIS, Netscape Enterprise, Spinner
Supports HTTP/1.1 byte rangesExpressO, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Spinner, WebSite
Supports HTTP/1.1 persistent connectionsCL-HTTP, ExpressO, Netscape Enterprise, Spinner, WebSite, Zeus
Understands full URIs in HTTP/1.1 requestsCL-HTTP, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Spinner, WebSite


Can require password (Authorization: user)Alibaba, Apache, ApacheSSL, CL-HTTP, Commerce Builder, DECthreads, EnterpriseWeb, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, ExpressO, Fnord, FolkWeb, GNNserver, GoServe, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure, Jazz, MacHTTP, Microsoft IIS, NCSA, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Oracle, Purveyor, Quarterdeck WebServer, Sioux, Spinnaker, Spinner, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, SuperWeb, TECWeb, W4, WebServer400, WebSite, WebSTAR 95/NT, WebSTAR Mac, Webware Comm, WN, Zeus
Supports SSL v. 2Alibaba, ApacheSSL, Commerce Builder, COSMOS, Esplanade Secure, GNNserver, IBM Connection Secure, Microsoft IIS, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Oracle, Purveyor, Sioux, SPRY SafetyWeb, WebSTAR Mac, Zeus
Supprots SSL v. 3Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Sioux
Supports S-HTTPIBM Connection Secure, Open Market Secure
Supports PCTOpen Market Secure, Open Market WebServer
Prohibit by domain nameAlibaba, Apache, ApacheSSL, CL-HTTP, Commerce Builder, DECthreads, EnterpriseWeb, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, ExpressO, FolkWeb, GN, GNNserver, GoServe, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure, Jazz, MacHTTP, NCSA, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Oracle, Purveyor, Quarterdeck WebServer, Sioux, Spinner, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, TECWeb, WebServer400, WebSite, WebSTAR 95/NT, WebSTAR Mac, Webware Comm, WN, Zeus
Prohibit by IP addressAlibaba, Apache, ApacheSSL, CL-HTTP, Commerce Builder, DECthreads, EnterpriseWeb, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, ExpressO, Fnord, FolkWeb, GN, GNNserver, GoServe, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure, Jazz, MacHTTP, Microsoft IIS, NCSA, NetPresenz, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Oracle, Purveyor, Quarterdeck WebServer, Sioux, Spinnaker, Spinner, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, SuperWeb, TECWeb, W4, WebServer400, WebSite, WebSTAR 95/NT, WebSTAR Mac, Webware Comm, WN, Zeus
Configurable user groups (not just a single user list)Alibaba, Apache, ApacheSSL, CL-HTTP, Commerce Builder, EnterpriseWeb, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, ExpressO, Fnord, FolkWeb, GNNserver, GoServe, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure, Jazz, Microsoft IIS, NCSA, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Oracle, Purveyor, Quarterdeck WebServer, Sioux, Spinnaker, Spinner, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, SuperWeb, TECWeb, WebServer400, WebSite, WebSTAR 95/NT, Zeus
Can change user access control list without restarting serverAlibaba, Apache, ApacheSSL, CL-HTTP, Commerce Builder, DECthreads, EnterpriseWeb, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, ExpressO, FolkWeb, GN, GNNserver, GoServe, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure, Jazz, MacHTTP, Microsoft IIS, NCSA, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Purveyor, Sioux, Spinnaker, Spinner, SuperWeb, TECWeb, W4, WebServer400, WebSite, WebSTAR 95/NT, WebSTAR Mac, Webware Comm, WN, Zeus
Can hide part of a document based on security rulesCL-HTTP, Commerce Builder, GoServe, Microsoft IIS, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Purveyor, Spinnaker, Spinner, TECWeb, W4, WebServer400, Webware Comm, WN, Zeus
Security rules can be based on URLsAlibaba, CL-HTTP, Commerce Builder, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, ExpressO, FolkWeb, GNNserver, GoServe, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure, Jazz, MacHTTP, Microsoft IIS, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Purveyor, Sioux, Spinnaker, Spinner, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, SuperWeb, TECWeb, W4, WebServer400, WebSite, WebSTAR Mac, Webware Comm, WN, Zeus
Default security model for file-based documents
Allow access to all files (no access file): AmigaWeb, CL-HTTP, EMWAC, Fnord, GNNserver, GoServe, NetPresenz, Oracle, Quarterdeck WebServer, SU/httpd, Stairways, VBServer, WebSTAR 95/NT, WebSite, Webshare, thttpd
Allow access to all files unless listed in an access file: Alibaba, Apache, ApacheSSL, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, ExpressO, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure, Jazz, MacHTTP, Microsoft IIS, NCSA, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Purveyor, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, Sioux, Spinner, SuperWeb, WebSTAR Mac, WebServer400
Deny access to all files unless listed in an access file: Commerce Builder, DECthreads, EnterpriseWeb, FolkWeb, GN, Spinnaker, W4, WN, Webware Comm, Zeus
Doesn't access file system at all (pure database): COSMOS, TECWeb
Hierarchical permissions for directory-based documentsAlibaba, Apache, ApacheSSL, CL-HTTP, Commerce Builder, EnterpriseWeb, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, ExpressO, GN, GNNserver, Jazz, Microsoft IIS, NCSA, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Oracle, Purveyor, Sioux, Spinner, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, W4, WebServer400, WebSite, WebSTAR Mac, Webware Comm, Zeus

The following are the descriptions of the additional security features of the servers, as described by the server's author or company selling the server.

Other Features

GUI-based setupAlibaba, Commerce Builder, COSMOS, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, ExpressO, Fnord, FolkWeb, GNNserver, GoServe, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure, Microsoft IIS, NCSA, NetPresenz, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Oracle, Purveyor, Quarterdeck WebServer, Spinnaker, Spinner, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, SuperWeb, VBServer, W4, WebServer400, WebSite, WebSTAR 95/NT, WebSTAR Mac, Zeus
GUI-based maintenanceAlibaba, CL-HTTP, Commerce Builder, COSMOS, EMWAC, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, ExpressO, Fnord, FolkWeb, GNNserver, GoServe, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure, Microsoft IIS, NetPresenz, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Oracle, Purveyor, Quarterdeck WebServer, Spinnaker, Spinner, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, SuperWeb, TECWeb, W4, WebServer400, WebSite, WebSTAR 95/NT, WebSTAR Mac, Webware Comm, Zeus
Remote maintenanceAlibaba, Apache, ApacheSSL, CL-HTTP, Commerce Builder, COSMOS, DECthreads, EnterpriseWeb, ExpressO, GNNserver, GoServe, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure, Jazz, Microsoft IIS, NetPresenz, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Oracle, Purveyor, Sioux, Spinner, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, SuperWeb, TECWeb, WebServer400, WebSite, WebSTAR Mac, Webware Comm, WN, Zeus
Real-time performance measurement toolsApache, ApacheSSL, CL-HTTP, COSMOS, DECthreads, ExpressO, FolkWeb, GoServe, MacHTTP, Microsoft IIS, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Purveyor, Sioux, Spinnaker, Spinner, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, SuperWeb, W4, WebServer400, WebSite, WebSTAR Mac, Webware Comm, Zeus
Script or action based on output media typeAlibaba, Apache, ApacheSSL, CL-HTTP, Commerce Builder, DECthreads, EnterpriseWeb, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, GoServe, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Purveyor, Sioux, Spinnaker, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, TECWeb, WebSTAR Mac
Also serves other TCP protocols
FTP, Gopher: NetPresenz
FTP, Gopher, WAIS, telnet, Usenet news: Jazz
Gopher: GN, GoServe
HTTP, FTP, Gopher: Microsoft IIS
Automatic directory treeAlibaba, Apache, ApacheSSL, CL-HTTP, Commerce Builder, DECthreads, EMWAC, EnterpriseWeb, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, Fnord, FolkWeb, GNNserver, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure, Jazz, Microsoft IIS, NCSA, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Oracle, Purveyor, Quarterdeck WebServer, Sioux, Spinner, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, SuperWeb, thttpd, W4, WebServer400, Webshare, WebSite, WebSTAR 95/NT, Webware Comm, Zeus
User directoriesAlibaba, Apache, ApacheSSL, CL-HTTP, Commerce Builder, DECthreads, EnterpriseWeb, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, ExpressO, FolkWeb, GNNserver, GoServe, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure, Jazz, Microsoft IIS, NCSA, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Oracle, Purveyor, Sioux, Spinner, SU/httpd, SuperWeb, TECWeb, thttpd, W4, WebServer400, Webshare, Webware Comm, WN, Zeus
Search engine
AppleSearch: MacHTTP, WebSTAR Mac
Architext: SPRY SafetyWeb
Built-in indexer and search engine: WebSite
Gateway: VBServer
Illustra text blade index: GNNserver
Internal search engine as well as freeWAIS support: NCSA
Keyword: COSMOS
PLWeb Intro from PLS, Excite from Architext, and Open Text Index: Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer
Verity and WAIS: Purveyor
WAIS Toolkit for Windows NT: EMWAC
Yes: Alibaba, GN, Netscape Enterprise, SuperWeb, WN
Has direct (non-CGI) link to a DBMSCL-HTTP, Commerce Builder, FolkWeb, GNNserver, GoServe, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Oracle, Spinnaker, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, TECWeb, W4, WebServer400, Webware Comm, WN, Zeus
Includes user interaction tools
Chat rooms, forums: TECWeb
Chatrooms, newsgroup system: Commerce Builder
User profiles, conferencing, file submissions: Spinnaker
Yes: Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Oracle, W4
Type of server-side imagemaps
Both: CL-HTTP, DECthreads, Spinner, WebSite
CERN: ExpressO
NCSA: ApacheSSL, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Spinnaker, Zeus
Allows non-blocking DNSCL-HTTP, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Spinner, Zeus
Has a support mailing listAmigaWeb, ApacheSSL, CL-HTTP, Commerce Builder, DECthreads, EMWAC, GN, GNNserver, GoServe, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Oracle, Purveyor, Sioux, Spinner, SuperWeb, thttpd, WebSite, WN
Also acts as an HTTP proxy serverAlibaba, CL-HTTP, Commerce Builder, ExpressO, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure, Jazz, Oracle, Purveyor, Spinner, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb
Proxy server also cachesAlibaba, Commerce Builder, ExpressO, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure, Jazz, Purveyor, Spinner, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb
Includes full source code for server
Always included: Apache, ApacheSSL, CL-HTTP, DECthreads, Fnord, GN, NCSA, SU/httpd, Spinner, Stairways, WN, Webshare, thttpd
Extra fee: EnterpriseWeb, ExpressO, Purveyor, Sioux, SuperWeb
None available: Alibaba, AmigaWeb, COSMOS, Commerce Builder, EMWAC, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, FolkWeb, GNNserver, GoServe, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure, Jazz, MacHTTP, Microsoft IIS, NetPresenz, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Oracle, Quarterdeck WebServer, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, Spinnaker, TECWeb, VBServer, W4, WebSTAR 95/NT, WebSTAR Mac, WebServer400, WebSite, Webware Comm, Zeus
Commercial: Alibaba, ApacheSSL, COSMOS, Commerce Builder, EnterpriseWeb, Esplanade, Esplanade Secure, ExpressO, FolkWeb, GNNserver, Jazz, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape FastTrack, Open Market Secure, Open Market WebServer, Oracle, Purveyor, Quarterdeck WebServer, SPRY SafetyWeb, SPRYWeb, Sioux, Spinnaker, SuperWeb, TECWeb, VBServer, WebSTAR 95/NT, WebSTAR Mac, WebServer400, WebSite, Webware Comm, Zeus
Free: AmigaWeb, Apache, CL-HTTP, DECthreads, EMWAC, Fnord, GN, GoServe, IBM Connection, IBM Connection Secure, NCSA, SU/httpd, Spinner, WN, Webshare, thttpd
Free with fee for support: Microsoft IIS
Shareware: MacHTTP, NetPresenz, Stairways, W4

The following are the descriptions of the pricing of the servers, as described by the server's author or company selling the server. This list only includes non-trivial pricing information, not things like "free" or "varies".

The following are the descriptions of the best features of the servers, as described by the server's author or company selling the server. They were limited to 25 words or less, so this probably doesn't reflect everything they think is great about the server.

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Individual Servers

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