Refereed Publications

Tim Finin

on-line papers

    In preparation

  1.   Yun Peng, Yannis Labrou and Tim Finin, ``Communicating Software Agents'', invited paper, to be submitted to IEEE Intelligent Systems, 1998.

    Under review

  2.   Mike Grasso, David Ebert and Tim Finin, The Effect of Perceptual Structure on Multimodal Speech Recognition Interfaces, submitted, ACM Transactions on Human-computer interactions.

    Appeared or in press


  3.   Yun Peng, Tim Finin, Yannis Labrou, Bill Chu, J.Long, William Tolone, and Akram Boughannam, "A Multi-Agent System for Enterprise Integration", Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence, to appear, 1998.

  4.   Tim Finin, Yun Peng and Yannis Labrou, ``Should Mobile Agents talk, too?'', invited paper, submitted to IEEE Communications Magazine, special issue on ``Mobile Software Agents for Telecommunications'', 1998.

  5.   R. Scott Cost, Tim Finin, Yannis Labrou, Xiaocheng Luan, Yun Peng, Ian Soboroff, James Mayfield and Akram Boughannam, "Jackal: a Java-based Tool for Agent Development" in the Working Papers or the AAAI-98 Workshop on Software Tools for Developing Agents, pages xx-yy. (Workshop Notes available as AAAI Technical Report WS-98-??)

  6.   Y. Peng, T. Finin, Y. Labrou, B. Chu, B. Tolone and J. Long, ``A multi-agent system for enterprise integration'', International Journal of Agile Manufacturing, special issue on Innovative Software Support for Agile Manufacturing.

  7.   Bill Chu, W. Tolone, J. Long, R. Willhelm, Y. Peng, T. Finin and M. Mathews, Toward Intelligent Integrated Manufacturing Planning-Execution, The International Journal of Agile Manufacturing.

  8.   Qi He, Katia Sycara, and Tim Finin, ``Personal Security Agent: KQML-based Public Key Infrastructure'', Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Autonomous Agents (Agents'98), May, 1998.

  9.   Y. Peng, T. Finin, Y. Labrou, B. Chu, B. Tolone and J. Long, ``A multi-agent system for enterprise integration'' Third International Conference and Exhibition on The Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Technology, 1998.

  10.   R. Scott Cost, Tim Finin, Jeegar Lakhani, Ethan Miller, Charles Nicholas and Ian Soboroff, Developing communicating software agents in Tcl, Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages IV, M. Wooldridge, J. P. Muller and M. Tambe (eds). Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, 1998.


  11.   Yannis Labrou and Tim Finin, Towards a standard for an Agent Communication Language, AAAI Fall 1997 Symposium on Communicative Action in Humans and Machines, November 8-10th, 1997, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA.

  12.   Mike Grasso, David Ebert, and Tim Finin, Acceptance of a Speech Interface for Biomedical Data Collection, 1997 AMIA Annual Fall Symposium (SCAMC).

  13.   Yannis Labrou and Tim Finin, Semantics for an Agent Communication Language, the Fourth International Workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages, Providence, Rhode Island, USA July, 1997.

  14.   R. Scott Cost, Tim Finin, Jeegar Lakhani, Ethan Miller, Charles Nicholas and Ian Soboroff, Developing communicating software agents in Tcl, the Fourth International Workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages, Providence, Rhode Island, USA July, 1997.

  15.   Yannis Labrou and Tim Finin, Semantics and Conversations for an Agent Communication Language, in ``Readings in Agents'', Michael Huhns and Munindar Singh (eds), Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., to appear, 1997. (Reprinted from IJCAI-97 paper).

  16.   Ramesh S. Patil, Richard E. Fikes, Peter F. Patel-Schneider, Don McKay, Tim Finin, Thomas Gruber, and Robert Neches, The DARPA Knowledge Sharing Effort: Progress Report in ``Readings in Agents'', Michael Huhns and Munindar Singh (eds), Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1997.

  17.   R. Scott Cost, Tim Finin, Jeegar Lakhani, Ethan Miller, Charles Nicholas and Ian Soboroff, Agent Development Support for Tcl, poster and extended abstract, 5th Annual Tcl/Tk Workshop '97, July 14-17, 1997 Boston.

  18.   Yannis Labrou and Tim Finin, Semantics and Conversations for an Agent Communication Language, Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-97), August, 1997.

  19.   Tim Finin, Yannis Labrou, and James Mayfield, KQML as an agent communication language, invited chapter in Jeff Bradshaw (Ed.), ``Software Agents'', MIT Press, Cambridge, (1997).

  20.   Mike Grasso and Tim Finin, Task Integration in Multimodal Speech Recognition Environments, ACM Crossroads, Spring, 1997.


  21.   B. Chu, B. W. Tolone, R. Wilhelm, M. Hegedus, J. Fesko, T. Finin, Y. Peng, C. Jones, J. Long, M. Matthews, J. Mayfield, J. Shimp, S. Su Integrating Manufacturing Softwares for Intelligent Planning-Execution: A CIIMPLEX Perspective, Plug and Play Software for Agile Manufacturing, SPIE International Symposium of Intelligent Systems and Advanced Manufacturing, Boston, November 1996.

  22.   Donald McKay, Jon Pastor, Robin McEntire and Tim Finin, An architecture for information agents, in ``Advanced Planning Technology'', (ed. Tate,A.), The AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA., USA, May 1996, ISBN 0-929280-98-0.

  23.   James Mayfield, Yannis Labrou, and Tim Finin, Evaluation of KQML as an Agent Communication Language, in Intelligent Agents Volume II -- Proceedings of the 1995 Workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages. M. Wooldridge, J. P. Muller and M. Tambe (eds). Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, 1996.


  24.   Chelliah Thirunavukkarasu, Tim Finin and James Mayfield, Secret Agents -- A Security Architecture for the KQML agent communication language , proceedings of the ACM CIKM Intelligent Information Agents Workshop, Baltimore, December 1995.

  25.   Tim Finin, Chelliah Thirunavukkarasu, Anupama Potluri, Donald McKay, and Robin McEntire, On Agent Domains, Agent Names and Proxy Agents, proceedings of the ACM CIKM Intelligent Information Agents Workshop, Baltimore, December 1995.

  26.   James Mayfield, Tim Finin, William MacCartney, Chetan Shah and Rajkumar Narayanaswamy, Cycic Friends Network , Proceedings of the ACM CIKM Intelligent Information Agents Workshop, Baltimore, December 1995.

  27.   James Mayfield, Marty Hall and Tim Finin. Automatic Memoization as a Software Engineering Tool. IJAST.

  28.   James Mayfield, Yannis Labrou and Tim Finin. Evaluation of KQML as an Agent Communication Language, IJCAI-95 Workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages, Montreal, Quebec, 19-20 August 1995.

  29.   James Mayfield, Marty Hall and Tim Finin. Using Automatic Memoization as a Software Engineering Tool in Real-World AI Systems. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Applications, March 1995.

  30.   James Mayfield, Yannis Labrou and Tim Finin, Desiderata for Agent Communication Languages, in the Proceedings of the 1995 AAAI Spring Symposium on Information Gathering in Distributed Environments, March 1995.


  31.   Tim Finin, Don McKay, Rich Fritzson, and Robin McEntire, ``KQML: An Information and Knowledge Exchange Protocol'', in Kazuhiro Fuchi and Toshio Yokoi (Ed.), Knowledge Building and Knowledge Sharing, Ohmsha and IOS Press, 1994.

  32.   Rich Fritzson, Tim Finin, Don McKay and Robin McEntire. KQML - A Language and Protocol for Knowledge and Information Exchange, 13th International Distributed Artificial Intelligence Workshop July 28-30, 1994: Seattle WA.

  33.   Tim Finin, Richard Fritzson, Don McKay and Robin McEntire, ``The KQML Information and Knowledge Exchange Protocol'', Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM-94), Gaithersburg, MD, November 1994.

  34.   Yannis Labrou and Tim Finin, ``A semantics approach for KQML -- a general purpose communication language for software agents''. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM-94), Gaithersburg, MD, November 1994. .


  35.   Martha Palmer, Rebecca Passonneau, Carl Weir and Tim Finin, The Kernel Natural Language Processing System, Artificial Intelligence, Volume 63, Issue (1--2), pp 17-68, October 1993. .

  36.   Tim Finin, Charles Nicholas and Yelena Yesha (eds.), ``Information and Knowledge Management, Expanding the Definition of Database'', Lecture Notes in Computer Science 752, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1993 (ISBN 3-540-57419-0)

  37.   Tim Finin, Don McKay, Rich Fritzson, and Robin McEntire, ``KQML: An Information and Knowledge Exchange Protocol'', International Conference on Building and Sharing of Very Large-Scale Knowledge Bases, Tokyo, December, 1993.

  38.   Bharat Bhargava, Yelena Yesha and Tim Finin, (eds.), Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, ACM Press, New York. November, 1993. (ISBN 0-89791-626-3).


  39.   Neches, R, et. al, An Overview of the Darpa Knowledge Sharing Effort, Principles Of Knowledge Representation And Reasoning: Proceedings of the Third International Conference (KR92), Bernhard Nebel, Charles Rich, and William Swartout, eds. Morgan Kaufman, 1992.

  40.   Jon Pastor, Don Mckay and Tim Finin, View-Concepts: Knowledge-Based Access to Databases, First International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Baltimore, November 1992.

  41.   Tim Finin, Rich Fritzson, and Don McKay, ``A Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language for Intelligent Agent Interoperability'', Fourth National Symposium on Concurrent Engineering, CE \& CALS Conference, Washington, DC June 1-4, 1992.

  42.   Tim Finin, Rich Fritzson, and Don McKay, ``A High-Level Language and Protocol to Support Intelligent Agent Interoperability'', Workshop on Enabling Technologies for Concurrent Engineering, Concurrent Engineering Research Center, Morgantown, WV, April 1992.

  43.   Jon Pastor, Don Mckay and Tim Finin, View-Concepts: Knowledge-Based Access to Databases, Loom Users Workshop, Marina Del Rey, California, March 1992.


  44.   Rebecca Passoneau, Carl Weir, Tim Finin and Martha Palmer, Integrating Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Based Processing: Demand Driven Reasoning for Document Analysis, Proceedings of the 1991 National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-91), Boston, August, 1991.

  45.   R. Neches, R. Fikes, T. Finin, T. Gruber, R. Patil, T. Senator and W. Swartout, ``Enabling Technology for Knowledge Sharing'', AI Magazine, v. 12, N. 3, pp 37-56, 1991.

  46.   Carl Weir, Tim Finin, Robin McEntire, and Barry Silk, ``A Three-Tiered Approach to Integrating Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing'', American Society for Information Science, Workshop on Language and Information Processing, October 27, 1991, Washington, D.C.

  47.   Tim Finin, Robin McEntire, Carl Weir, and Barry Silk, A Three-Tiered Approach to Natural Language Text Retrieval, AAAI Workshop on Natural Language Text Retrieval, AAAI, July, 1991.

  48.   Carl Weir, Tim Finin, Robin McEntire, and Barry Silk, ``The Unisys MUC-3 Text Understanding System'', Proceedings of the Third Message Understanding Conference, San Diego, May, 1991.

  49.   Carl Weir, Robin McEntire, Barry Silk and Tim Finin, ``MUC-3 Test Results and Analysis'', Proceedings of the Third Message Understanding Conference, San Diego, May, 1991.


  50.   Don McKay, Tim Finin and Anthony O'Hare, The Intelligent Database Interface, Proceedings of the 1990 National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-90), Boston, August, 1990.

  51.   Kass, Robert and Tim Finin, ``General User Modeling: A Facility to Support Intelligent Interaction'', in J. Sullivan and S. Tyler (eds.) Architectures for Intelligent Interfaces: Elements and Prototypes, ACM Frontier Series, Addison-Wesley, 1990.

  52.   Tim Finin and Jim McGuire, Inheritance in Logic Programming Knowledge Bases, extended abstract, ICLP'90 Workshop on Structuring Disciplines for Logic Programming, International Conference on Logic Programming, June, Eilat, Israel, June 1990.

  53.   Martha Palmer and Tim Finin, Report on the Workshop on the Evaluation of Natural Language Processing Systems, Computational Linguistics, 16:3, pp 175-181, September, 1990.

  54.   Finin, Tim and Dave Matuszek, ``The Proper Role of an Intelligent Agent in Human-Machine Interfaces'', AAAI Spring Symposium on Knowledge-Based Human-Computer Communication, Palo Alto, March, 1990.

  55.   Finin, Tim, ``Interactive Classification - A Technique for the Acquisition and Maintenance of Knowledge Bases'', reprinted in Peter G. Raeth (ed), Expert Systems: A Software Methodology for Modern Applications, 1990.

  56.   Finin, Tim, Bonnie Webber and Aravind K. Joshi, ``Natural Language Interactions with Artificial Experts'', reprinted in Peter G. Raeth (ed), Expert Systems: A Software Methodology for Modern Applications, 1990.

  57.   Matuszek, David and Tim Finin, ``Human-Machine Interface Tools - An Overview and Underview'', in Proceedings of the Third Unisys Software Engineering Symposium, January 1990.

  58.   Finin, Tim and James McGuire, ``Inheritance Hierarchies in Logic Programming Languages'', in Inheritance Hierarchies in Knowledge Representation, M. Lenzerini, D. Nardi and M. Simi (eds.), Wiley, 1990.

  59.   Shimon Schocken and Tim Finin, Meta-Interpreters for Rule-Based Inference Under Uncertainty, Decision Support Systems, 6 (1990), 165-181.

  60.   Rebecca Passonneau, Carl Weir, and Tim Finin, Interfacing Natural Language Processing and Knowledge-Based Processing in PUNDIT, (extended abstract) , Proceedings of the DARPA Speech and Natural Language Workshop, Morgan Kaufman, 1990.


  61.   Finin, Tim, et. al., ``The Intelligent System Server -- Delivering AI to Complex Systems'', First International Workshop on Tools for AI, ``Architectures, Languages and Algorithms'', (sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society), Fairfax, VA, October, 1989.

  62.   Finin, Tim and David Klein, ``Characterizing Knowledge Depth in Intelligent Safety Systems'', Applied Artificial Intelligence, volume 3, number 2, pages 129-142, (special issue``Towards Causal AI Models in Practice''), 1989.

  63.   Finin, Tim and David Klein, ``Characterizing Knowledge Depth in Intelligent Safety Systems'' in Causal AI Models: Steps Towards Applications, Werner Horn (ed), Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, 1989.

  64.   Finin, Tim and Jim McGuire, ``A Hierarchical Database Model with Inheritance for Logic Programming'', Workshop on Inheritance Hierarchies in Knowledge Representation and Programming Languages, Rome, 1989.

  65.   Finin, Tim and Rich Fritzson, ``How to Serve Knowledge - Notes on the Design of a Knowledge Base Server'', AAAI Spring Symposium on Knowledge System Development Tools and Languages, Palo Alto, March 1989.

  66.   Finin, Tim, Rich Fritzson and Dave Matuszek, ``Adding Forward Chaining and Truth Maintenance to Prolog'', IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications, (pp. 123 - 130), Miami, March 1989.

  67.   Finin, Tim and Gary Morris, Abductive Reasoning in Multiple Fault Diagnosis, Artificial Intelligence Review, 3, pp 129-158 (1989).

  68.   Finin, Tim, ``A General User Modeling System'', in Kobsa and Wahlster (eds.), User Modeling, Springer Symbolic Computation Series, Springer-Verlag, 1989.

  69.   Finin, Tim, Rich Fritzson, Don McKay and Robin McEntire, ``The Intelligent System Server -- Delivering AI to Complex Systems'', (extended abstract), Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Intelligence Community AI/Advanced Computing Symposium, Reston, Va, October 4-6, 1989.

  70.   Kass, Robert and Tim Finin, ``The Role of User Models in Cooperative Interactive Systems'', International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 1:4 (81-112), 1989.

  71.   John D. Keenan and Tim Finin. ``Developing an Expert System for Hazardous Waste Remediation'', Journal of Resource Management and Technology, 17, 4, (1989).


  72.   Kass, Robert and Tim Finin, Modeling the User in Natural Language Systems, Computational Linguistics, 14:3 (pp 5-22), September 1988.

  73.   Finin, Tim, ``Default Reasoning and Stereotypes in User Modeling'', International Journal of Expert Systems, Volume 1, Number 2, Pp. 131-158, 1988.

  74.   Kass, Robert and Tim Finin, Acquiring User Models for Tailoring Explanations, (extended abstract), AAAI Workshop on Explanations, August 1988, Seattle WA.

  75.   Kass, Robert and Tim Finin, ``The Need for User Models in Generating Expert System Explanations'', International Journal of Expert Systems, 1:4, pp 345-376, (1988).

  76.   Kass, Robert and Tim Finin, ``General User Modeling: A Facility to Support Intelligent Interaction'', Proceedings of the Workshop on Architectures for Intelligent Interfaces: Elements and Prototypes, Monterey, March, 1988.

  77.   Kass, Robert and Tim Finin, ``A General User Modeling Facility'', Proceedings of CHI'88 - Conference of Human Factors in Computing Systems, Washington D.D., May, 1988.

  78.   Matuszek, David, Tim Finin, Rich Fritzson and Chris Overton, Endpoint Relations on Temporal Intervals, Proceedings of the Third Annual Rocky Mountain Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (pp. 182 - 188), June 1988.


  79.   Finin, Tim and David Klein, On the Requirements of Active Expert Systems, Proceedings of AVIGNON 87 - The Seventh International Conference on Expert Systems and their Application, pp. 1199-1207, Avignon, France, May 1987.

  80.   Finin, Tim and Joshua Levy, ``BBC, A BlackBoard Generating System'', (extended abstract) Proceedings of the AAAI Workshop on Blackboard Systems: Implementational Issues, 1987.

  81.   Finin, Tim and Martha Palmer, ``Parsing with Unification and Logical Variables'', in L. Bolc (ed.) Natural Language Parsing Systems, Springer-Verlag, 1987.

  82.   Finin, Tim and John Keenan, Developing an Expert System for Hazardous Waste Remediation, Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Industrial Resource Management, New York, February, 1987.

  83.   Hui, Alan, Michael Feinberg and Tim Finin, DMA: A Depression Treatment Planning System Using an Expectation Driven Advisement Paradigm, (extended abstract), Proceedings of the AAAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 1987.

  84.   Kass, Robert, Ron Katrial and Tim Finin, Breaking the Primitive Concept Barrier, Proceedings of the IEEE Third Annual Conference on AI Applications, Orlando, FL, February, 1987.

  85.   Kass, Robert and Tim Finin, Rules for the Implicit Acquisition of Knowledge about the User, Proc. The National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-87), July 1987.

  86.   Klein, David and Tim Finin, What's in a Deep Model - A Characterization of Knowledge Depth in Intelligent Safety Systems, Proc. Tenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-87), August, 1987.


  87.   Finin, Tim, Bonnie Webber and Aravind K. Joshi, ``Natural Language Interactions with Artificial Experts'', in Proceedings of the IEEE, invited paper, pp. 921-938, July 1986.

  88.   Finin, Tim, ``Interactive Classification - A Technique for the Acquisition and Maintenance of Knowledge Bases'', Proceedings of the IEEE, volume 74, number 10, October 1986.

  89.   Finin, Tim, ``Understanding Frame Languages'', AI Expert, November, 1986.

  90.   Finin, Tim, ``Implementing PFL'', AI Expert, December, 1986.

  91.   Finin, Tim, ``Constraining the Interpretation of Nominal Compounds in a Limited Context'', in Grishman and Kitterage (ed.) Analyzing Language in Restricted Domains, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1986.

  92.   Finin, Tim and David Drager, GUMS - A General User Modeling System, Proceedings of the 1986 Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence (CSCSI-86), May 1986.

  93.   Finin, Tim and David Drager, A General User Modeling Shell, Proceedings of the DARPA Strategic Computing Natural Language Processing Workshop, Information Sciences Institute, USC, May 1986.

  94.   Kass, Robert and Tim Finin, User Models in Intelligent Interfaces: Why They are Needed, Problems with Their Implementation, Proceedings of the AAAI Workshop on Intelligent Interfaces, August, 1986.

  95.   Ethel Schuster and Tim Finin, ``VP2 - The Role of User Modeling in Correcting Errors in Second Language Learning'', in A.G. Cohn and J.R. Thomas (ed). Artificial Intelligence and its Applications, John Wiley and Sons Limited, 1986.


  96.   Finin, Tim and Norm Badler, ``Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence'', Computer Graphics and Applications, Volume 5 number 11, November 1985.

  97.   Finin, Tim, ``Interactive Classification as a Knowledge Acquisition Tool'', in L. Kerschberg (Ed.) Expert Data Base Systems, Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Menlo Park CA, 1985.

  98.   Schuster, Ethel and Tim Finin, VP2: The Role of User Modeling in Correcting Errors in Second Language Learning, Proceedings of The Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behavior, April 1985.


  99.   Finin, Tim, John McAdams and Pam Kleinosky, Expert Systems for Automatic Test Equipment, Proceedings of The 1984 Conference on Intelligent Systems, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, 1984.

  100.   Finin, Tim, John McAdams and Pam Kleinosky, FOREST - An Expert System for Automatic Test Equipment, Proceedings of the First Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications (IEEE), Denver, Colorado, December 1984.

  101.   Finin, Tim and David Silverman, Interactive Classification of Conceptual Knowledge, Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Expert Database Systems, October 1984.

  102.   Finin, Tim and David Silverman, Interactive Classification - A Technique for the Acquisition and Maintenance of Knowledge Bases, Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Principals of Knowledge-Based Systems, Denver, December 1984.

  103.   Howe, Adele and Tim Finin, Using Spreading Activation to Identify Relevant Help, Proceedings of the 1984 Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence (CSCSI-84), 1984.

  104.   Webber, Bonnie and Tim Finin, ``In Response: Next Steps in Natural Language Interaction'', in W. Reitman (ed.), Artificial Intelligence Applications for Business. Norwood NJ: Ablex Publishing Co., 1984.


  105.   Finin, Tim and Martha Palmer, Parsing with Logical Variables, Proceedings of the Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing, Santa Monica, 1983.

  106.   Finin, Tim, Providing Help and Advice in Task Oriented Systems, Proc. Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-83), 1983.


  107.   Shrager, Jeff and Tim Finin, An Expert System that Volunteers Advice, Proceedings of the Second Annual National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-82), 1982.


  108.   Finin, Tim, ``Parsing with ATN Grammars'', in Leonard Bolc (ed.) The Design of Interpreters, Compilers, and Editors for Augmented Transition Networks, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1981.


  109.   Finin, Tim, The Semantic Interpretation of Nominal Compounds, in Proc. First Annual National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-80), 1980.


  110.   Finin, Tim, Brad Goodman and Harry Tennant, JETS: Achieving Completeness Through Coverage and Closure, Proceedings of the Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-79), 1979.


  111.   Finin, Tim and George Hadden, Augmenting ATNs, Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-77), 1977.