UMBC CSEE Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Baltimore Maryland 21250 USA
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Program Admission & Financial Assistance

Applicants must apply separately to the graduate program in computer science or to the graduate program in electrical engineering. Admission to the M.S. and Ph.D degree programs are separate into Computer Science Admission and Electrical Engineering Admission.

Computer Science: When seeking admission to the graduate program in computer science, applicants must satisfy all entrance requirements of the Graduate School at UMBC. These include the submission of transcripts, letters of recommendation, statement of purpose, the results of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE General Test), and for foreign students, scores for the TOEFL. Students transferring from another graduate program must in addition include a letter from the Graduate Director of their program. Application deadlines are specified by the Graduate School:

The application review process will begin by January 15 for admission in the Fall semester, and by July 15, for admission in the following Spring semester, and will continue until the deadlines. Favorable consideration will be given to applications received early in each review cycle. It is the policy of the Department to admit students solely on the basis of their academic and research performance. PLEASE NOTE: Applications are reviewed for admission and financial aid simulaneously. All applications seeking financial aid should be complete before January 1 for fall admission (financial aid is rarely given for spring admissions).

In addition to the requirements of the Graduate School, an applicant to the graduate program in computer science is expected to have a strong background in computer science and mathematics courses. This includes, calculus I and II, linear algebra, and at least one more advanced course in mathematics. In addition, applicants are expected to have had the equivalents of the following computer science courses at UMBC:

Students may apply for admission to either the M.S. or the Ph.D. program. However, admission to the Ph.D. program is highly selective and only the student with an exceptional background will be accepted. Students who plan to pursue the Ph.D. degree, but who do not already have an M.S. in computer science, are advised to apply for admission to the M.S. program. New students will be assigned an academic advisor, who can provide advice on choice of courses, degree requirements, and other important matters during the first year. By the end of the first year, students should find a faculty member who will agree to serve as the research advisor, and who will help to meet research and writing skills requirements under CMSC 693.

Electrical Engineering: The admission requirements and procedures correspond to the requirements set forth by the Graduate School at UMBC. Minimum requirements for admission to the graduate program in electrical engineering are a B.S. degree from an ABET accredited undergraduate program in electrical engineering, with a GPA of "B+" or higher; individuals whose records indicate strong potential for successful pursuit of the M.S. or Ph.D. degree objectives, and who have similar undergraduate preparation with strong academic records in computer science, mathematics, physics, or other areas of engineering or science are encouraged to apply (B.S. degrees in engineering technology are not considered equivalent to the B.S. degree in engineering or B.A. degree in the sciences). Students whose degrees are not in electrical engineering will generally be required to take courses to make up deficiencies in their backgrounds. Graduate Record Exam (GRE) scores are required for admission (and TOEFL scores for foreign students). Applicants are competitively judged by the Department's Admissions Committee, and those who appear suitably qualified to successfully complete the requirements of the intended degree program are selected for admission subject to available resources

Financial Assistance: Financial aid is available on a competitive basis to a limited number of qualified graduate students in the form of graduate teaching assistantships (TAs), graduate research assistantships (RAs), Graduate School fellowships, workstudy positions, and hourly employment as graders. Preference for TAs is given to first year Ph.D. applicants. Graduate RAs are often available to students actively engaged in M.S. thesis or Ph.D. dissertation research, and are awarded and renewed subject to availability of funds and satisfactory research progress. Students must apply for financial aid in writing to the Graduate Program Director at are encouraged to apply directly to nationally awarded fellowship programs.

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