News and Notes
- Slides by Jesse Walker
of Intel about 802.11 Security Issues and the proposed 802.11i
- A web
page maintained by Bill
Arbaugh of UMCP about 802.11 security issues.
- Presentation about Bluetooth Security from KU Leuven
- Slides used by Mr. Parker
for his guest lecture about ad-hoc routing security
- Project announced in class
- Prof. Nitin Vaidya's page of Tutorials related to wireless networking issues. We'll use his draft InfoCom2004 tutorial to describe basic ad-hoc routing issues.
- Exam 1 will be on April 1. The material covered will exclude
topics on sensor networks. This means that the exam will be on
the material we've covered
in class about basic ideas, WLAN security, and MANET
security. This includes papers 1 through 9 on the web site.
- The proof of the key predistribution scheme we discussed in
class needs the following step. Basically, the probablity that
the 2 keyrings do not share a key is the number of ways you can
select the 2nd keyring divided by the total number of possible
keyrings. In other words, P-k Choose k / P Choose k
Anupam Joshi
Last modified: Thu Apr 22 11:13:27 EDT 2004