CS 691J - Spring '96
Topics in Object-Oriented Technology
When: Friday 9:00-11.30AM
Where: ACIV 006
Instructors: Enrico Gobbetti and Charles Nicholas
Suggested Books
- Bertrand Meyer (1989)
Object-Oriented Software Construction
Prentice Hall, ISBN ISBN 0-13-629049-3 * Paperback.
The best book I (Enrico) know on OO technology. Describes the method
presents an early version of Eiffel (v1.7). Extermely useful also for
non-Eiffel programmers.
- Kim Walden, Jean-Marc Nerson (1995)
Seamless Object-Oriented Software Architecture - Analysis and Design of
Reliable Systems
Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-031303-3 * Hardcover.
A discussion of analysis and design emphasizing seamlessness,
reversibility and Design by Contract, and describing the
BON method (Business Object Notation).
- Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides (1995)
Design Patterns - Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series,
ISBN 0-201-63361-2 * Hardcover.
A collection of design patterns.
- Tim Ritche (1995)
New Riders, ISBN 1-56205-533-X.
An introduction to the Java language.
- Bertrand Meyer (1992)
Eiffel - The Language
Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-247925-7 * Paperback.
Reference manual and rationale for the Eiffel language.
Page maintained by Enrico Gobbetti, gobbetti@cs.umbc.edu