World-Wide Web Access Statistics for GOSHEN

Last updated: Tue, 31 Jan 1996 00:00:00 (GMT -0500)

Totals for Summary Period: Jan 1 1996 to Jan 31 1996

Files Transmitted During Summary Period          678239
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period      4527382599
Average Files Transmitted Daily                   21635
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily               122361692

Daily Transmission Statistics

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Date
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------
 1.71  1.91     86277317    13662 | Jan  1 1996
 2.29  2.48    112138400    18369 | Jan  2 1996
 2.47  2.46    111520529    19735 | Jan  3 1996
 2.57  2.87    129950741    20538 | Jan  4 1996
 2.47  2.75    124380846    19784 | Jan  5 1996
 1.87  1.86     84013827    14962 | Jan  6 1996
 1.93  2.11     95387726    15448 | Jan  7 1996
 2.77  2.95    133536311    22171 | Jan  8 1996
 2.46  2.60    117892379    19677 | Jan  9 1996
 2.93  3.30    149201811    23451 | Jan 10 1996
 3.02  2.88    130372006    24181 | Jan 11 1996
 2.96  2.68    121490034    23697 | Jan 12 1996
 2.24  2.43    110174793    17961 | Jan 13 1996
 1.88  2.05     92608149    15072 | Jan 14 1996
 2.88  2.95    133499344    23024 | Jan 15 1996
 3.15  3.23    146077986    25193 | Jan 16 1996
 3.14  2.86    129537148    25157 | Jan 17 1996
 3.24  3.21    145227057    25941 | Jan 18 1996
 2.83  2.63    119271802    22682 | Jan 19 1996
 2.33  1.98     89656352    18678 | Jan 20 1996
 2.11  1.87     84604918    16925 | Jan 21 1996
 3.38  3.50    158472445    27064 | Jan 22 1996
 3.09  2.75    124590710    24773 | Jan 23 1996
 3.07  3.62    163893606    24575 | Jan 24 1996
 3.26  3.54    160368391    26101 | Jan 25 1996
 3.25  2.93    132590383    26028 | Jan 26 1996
 2.60  2.67    120903452    20833 | Jan 27 1996
 2.17  2.08     94287358    17391 | Jan 28 1996
 3.28  3.13    141556760    26252 | Jan 29 1996
 3.61  3.52    159228014    28873 | Jan 30 1996
 3.75  3.66    165654880    30041 | Jan 31 1996

Hourly Transmission Statistics

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Time
----- ----- ------------ -------- |-----
 4.15  3.96    179479735    33202 |  00
 3.01  2.87    129792647    24114 |  01
 2.16  2.29    103469153    17256 |  02
 1.56  1.83     82872337    12466 |  03
 1.11  1.34     60706177     8849 |  04
 1.03  0.90     40789697     8208 |  05
 1.22  1.31     59167997     9804 |  06
 1.93  2.02     91674017    15436 |  07
 2.91  3.05    138171637    23292 |  08
 3.92  4.03    182593684    31365 |  09
 4.65  4.69    212551090    37216 |  10
 5.28  5.25    237871295    42287 |  11
 6.01  5.55    251273275    48087 |  12
 6.06  5.91    267599817    48531 |  13
 5.96  5.70    258188768    47695 |  14
 6.38  5.98    270562887    51037 |  15
 6.55  6.04    273427426    52436 |  16
 5.79  5.61    253990588    46386 |  17
 4.97  5.61    254190621    39816 |  18
 4.74  4.99    225690750    37969 |  19
 4.73  4.78    216429035    37899 |  20
 5.12  5.09    230563341    40984 |  21
 5.63  5.85    264784140    45060 |  22
 5.13  5.34    241542485    41094 |  23

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 0.01  0.01       532905       83 | ae    United Arab Emirates
 0.00  0.01       309876       22 | ag    Antigua and Barbuda
 0.00  0.00        92188       21 | ai    Anguilla
 0.01  0.04      1736489       57 | ar    Argentina
 0.04  0.06      2939200      331 | at    Austria
 0.72  0.76     34325690     5740 | au    Australia
 0.00  0.00         6989        4 | bb    Barbados
 0.04  0.04      1752472      351 | be    Belgium
 0.01  0.01       311060       81 | bh    Bahrain
 0.01  0.07      3077773       52 | bm    Bermuda
 0.00  0.00        72721        8 | bn    Brunei Darussalam
 0.09  0.10      4536169      694 | br    Brazil
 2.21  2.17     98357237    17694 | ca    Canada
 0.06  0.07      3197912      492 | ch    Switzerland
 0.01  0.01       526431      117 | cl    Chile
 0.01  0.00       153191       45 | cn    China
 0.00  0.00        48785        4 | co    Colombia
 0.03  0.02       983006      247 | cr    Costa Rica
 0.00  0.00        56882       14 | cy    Cyprus
 0.02  0.01       649309      181 | cz    Czech Republic
 0.29  0.50     22585497     2318 | de    Germany
 0.13  0.11      5035463     1046 | dk    Denmark
 0.02  0.03      1146556      166 | do    Dominican Republic
 0.00  0.00        19178        4 | ec    Ecuador
 0.02  0.02       731782      171 | ee    Estonia
 0.02  0.02       742701      194 | es    Spain
 0.28  0.33     14981159     2226 | fi    Finland
 0.07  0.09      4209810      563 | fr    France
 0.00  0.00        27214       16 | gb    Great Britain (UK)
 0.00  0.00        30909       13 | ge    Georgia
 0.02  0.02       701930      143 | gr    Greece
 0.11  0.10      4528339      920 | hk    Hong Kong
 0.01  0.00       218339       71 | hr    Croatia (Hrvatska)
 0.03  0.09      3888633      259 | hu    Hungary
 0.09  0.10      4711499      703 | id    Indonesia
 0.04  0.03      1315598      297 | ie    Ireland
 0.14  0.16      7038141     1151 | il    Israel
 0.00  0.00         6191        3 | in    India
 0.06  0.16      7448681      473 | is    Iceland
 0.15  0.10      4400715     1175 | it    Italy
 0.00  0.00       115757       28 | jm    Jamaica
 0.27  0.30     13391773     2123 | jp    Japan
 0.00  0.00        62440        4 | ke    Kenya
 0.34  0.44     19905972     2701 | kr    Korea (South)
 0.01  0.01       375771      108 | kw    Kuwait
 0.00  0.00         6856        3 | ky    Cayman Islands
 0.00  0.00        26050       10 | lc    Saint Lucia
 0.01  0.01       566373      106 | lt    Lithuania
 0.00  0.00        98193       17 | lu    Luxembourg
 0.02  0.04      1790575      159 | lv    Latvia
 0.00  0.00       111352       21 | mt    Malta
 0.04  0.07      3001932      343 | mx    Mexico
 0.23  0.32     14458316     1831 | my    Malaysia
 0.00  0.00        19322        5 | ni    Nicaragua
 0.31  0.33     15039112     2490 | nl    Netherlands
 0.27  0.30     13636186     2201 | no    Norway
 0.15  0.17      7710461     1177 | nz    New Zealand (Aotearoa)
 0.00  0.01       234023       28 | pe    Peru
 0.04  0.03      1275038      350 | ph    Philippines
 0.02  0.03      1343081      176 | pl    Poland
 0.02  0.07      2970236      174 | pt    Portugal
 0.00  0.00        28795        3 | ro    Romania
 0.00  0.00        61323       28 | ru    Russian Federation
 0.42  0.49     22394461     3326 | se    Sweden
 0.47  0.51     22878399     3731 | sg    Singapore
 0.01  0.06      2509832      106 | si    Slovenia
 0.00  0.00        48239       15 | sk    Slovak Republic
 0.00  0.06      2904628       31 | su    USSR (former)
 0.02  0.14      6315217      179 | th    Thailand
 0.01  0.00       157938       47 | tr    Turkey
 0.00  0.00        59821       12 | tt    Trinidad and Tobago
 0.02  0.01       659992      134 | tw    Taiwan
 0.00  0.00        21183        4 | ua    Ukraine
 0.00  0.00         4640        1 | ug    Uganda
 0.73  0.80     36076417     5823 | uk    United Kingdom
 0.90  1.04     47090491     7235 | us    United States
 0.00  0.00        53093        7 | uy    Uruguay
 0.00  0.00        14031       11 | ve    Venezuela
 0.27  0.36     16414197     2130 | za    South Africa
 0.00  0.00       113258       34 | zm    Zambia
37.56 37.42   1694094027   300625 | com   US Commercial
 9.86 10.16    460037138    78894 | edu   US Educational
 1.22  1.12     50569886     9779 | gov   US Government
 0.00  0.00        27982        8 | int   International
 0.60  0.70     31671701     4816 | mil   US Military
18.48 17.39    787387623   147892 | net   Network
 1.17  1.22     55300824     9356 | org   Non-Profit Organization
 0.00  0.00         5304        2 | wst   
 0.15  0.09      4181352     1176 | arpa  Old style Arpanet
 0.00  0.00        48644       16 | pc24  
 0.00  0.00        99697       14 | rockwell 
 1.58  1.28     57927052    12621 | 
20.02 19.76    894651975   160228 | unresolved 

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
20.02 19.76    894651975   160228 | Unresolved
 0.01  0.01       532905       83 |
 0.00  0.01       309876       22 | ag.candw
 0.00  0.00        92188       21 |
 0.00  0.00       169570       10 |
 0.00  0.00        51675       12 |
 0.00  0.00        23945       10 |
 0.00  0.00        29633        6 |
 0.00  0.00        38665        6 |
 0.00  0.03      1423001       13 |
 0.00  0.00        17214        9 |
 0.00  0.00        82523       21 |
 0.01  0.01       237438       71 |
 0.00  0.00       100574       35 |
 0.00  0.01       243352       18 |
 0.01  0.00        52356       41 |
 0.01  0.00       182734       58 |
 0.01  0.01       235007       50 |
 0.00  0.00        58330        9 |
 0.00  0.00        48572       16 |
 0.00  0.00        24815       12 |
 0.01  0.01       434899       94 |
 0.09  0.05      2285289      684 |
 0.01  0.00       154455       48 |
 0.00  0.00        23794       10 |
 0.00  0.00        42999        7 |
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 |
 0.00  0.01       254212       25 |
 0.01  0.02       755326       59 |
 0.00  0.00       110812       22 |
 0.00  0.00        11608        1 |
 0.00  0.00          745        1 |
 0.00  0.00       101218       15 |
 0.00  0.00        17769       12 |
 0.00  0.00       127579       33 |
 0.00  0.00        30022       14 |
 0.00  0.00         6432        2 |
 0.00  0.02      1045780        9 |
 0.00  0.00        22122        4 | at.alcatel.aut
 0.01  0.00       224939       72 | at.atnet
 0.00  0.00         3414        2 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00        98461       22 | at.or.iaea
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | at.or.utopia
 0.00  0.00         1952        1 |
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 |
 0.00  0.00        31613        9 | at.siemens
 0.00  0.00        57704       10 |
 0.00  0.00         5305        2 |
 0.00  0.00        74003        4 |
 0.00  0.00        18457        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3634        1 |
 0.00  0.00        96301       10 |
 0.00  0.00        43672       15 |
 0.01  0.01       425339       87 |
 0.00  0.00        60428       20 |
 0.00  0.00       209206       23 |
 0.00  0.00         1813        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 |
 0.01  0.00       185763       43 |
 0.01  0.01       449670      104 |
 0.00  0.00        97557       11 |
 0.00  0.00        85801       21 |
 0.00  0.00        30041       10 |
 0.00  0.01       232356       24 |
 0.00  0.00          745        1 |
 0.00  0.00        54172        4 |
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 |
 0.00  0.00        71905       23 |
 0.00  0.00        18090       15 |
 0.00  0.00        68586        6 |
 0.00  0.00         9096        9 |
 0.00  0.00       105140       19 |
 0.00  0.00        34773        6 |
 0.00  0.00        42865        4 |
 0.00  0.00        38376       16 |
 0.00  0.00        46913        7 |
 0.01  0.01       322829       69 |
 0.00  0.00        22242        4 |
 0.00  0.00        70420       21 |
 0.00  0.00        50896       17 |
 0.01  0.01       252392       72 |
 0.09  0.07      3305004      701 |
 0.00  0.00       117972       16 |
 0.00  0.00        35102        5 |
 0.01  0.01       427430       85 |
 0.00  0.00         3430        2 |
 0.00  0.00       177404       37 |
 0.01  0.00       123544       56 |
 0.00  0.00        55575       12 |
 0.00  0.00        15952        4 |
 0.00  0.00         3217        3 |
 0.00  0.00       121886       37 |
 0.00  0.00        11186        4 |
 0.01  0.00       151802       42 |
 0.00  0.00        37035        7 |
 0.00  0.00        87946        9 |
 0.00  0.00        71413       10 |
 0.01  0.01       326396       91 |
 0.00  0.00        17195        5 | au.csiro.dit.cbr
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 | au.csiro.dmt.adl
 0.00  0.00       120604       32 | au.csiro.for.tas
 0.03  0.01       285584      206 | au.csiro.soils.cbr
 0.00  0.00        13476        3 |
 0.01  0.00       197286       44 |
 0.01  0.00       224971       58 |
 0.00  0.00        51560       10 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7331        3 |
 0.00  0.01       385909       23 |
 0.01  0.01       295005       61 |
 0.00  0.00        38597       11 |
 0.01  0.01       515891       82 |
 0.01  0.01       458985      109 |
 0.01  0.01       254922       51 |
 0.00  0.00        18587        1 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00        87944       22 |
 0.00  0.00       120973       22 |
 0.00  0.00       220680       35 |
 0.00  0.00        18316        3 |
 0.03  0.07      3159886      272 |
 0.00  0.00         1674        2 |
 0.00  0.00        15243        4 |
 0.00  0.00        15490        4 |
 0.00  0.01       373603       19 |
 0.01  0.01       326322       48 |
 0.00  0.00       147974       40 |
 0.00  0.00         2682        1 |
 0.00  0.00        43642        3 |
 0.00  0.00        14031       11 |
 0.00  0.00        27422        8 |
 0.00  0.00        38603       14 |
 0.00  0.00        77415       22 |
 0.00  0.00         4998        3 |
 0.01  0.00       202514       52 |
 0.00  0.00        57663       11 |
 0.00  0.00         1583        2 |
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 |
 0.00  0.00       151286       13 |
 0.00  0.01       399924       38 |
 0.00  0.00        93597       22 |
 0.00  0.00         2210        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3266        1 |
 0.00  0.00       157472       29 |
 0.00  0.00        52275        4 |
 0.00  0.00        51935        1 |
 0.00  0.00        59144       25 |
 0.02  0.01       527568      131 |
 0.00  0.00        93721       26 |
 0.00  0.00        18078       11 |
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 |
 0.00  0.00         5305        2 |
 0.00  0.03      1490590       24 |
 0.00  0.00        29239        3 |
 0.00  0.00          181        1 |
 0.00  0.00        31301       13 |
 0.05  0.09      4287819      401 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00         9365        2 |
 0.01  0.00       157619       52 |
 0.00  0.00        48422       16 |
 0.00  0.00        10397        7 |
 0.00  0.03      1432767       16 |
 0.00  0.00        25643        5 |
 0.00  0.00        16557       12 |
 0.00  0.00        25749        2 |
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 |
 0.00  0.00       174741       27 |
 0.02  0.01       667721      128 |
 0.00  0.00        41573       19 |
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 |
 0.00  0.00        30419        7 |
 0.01  0.01       293212       74 |
 0.00  0.00        40228       16 |
 0.00  0.00        19548        9 |
 0.01  0.00       171231       43 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.01  0.00       150531       65 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00       114453       17 |
 0.00  0.00        28819       13 |
 0.02  0.01       577276      127 |
 0.00  0.00       132255       26 |
 0.00  0.00         6206        2 |
 0.00  0.00        59508        6 |
 0.01  0.01       383505       68 |
 0.00  0.00        14434        7 |
 0.00  0.00        32146       14 |
 0.00  0.00        24151       17 |
 0.00  0.00        44083        4 |
 0.01  0.00       176483       56 |
 0.00  0.00         8493        2 |
 0.00  0.00         7245        2 |
 0.00  0.00         2852        1 |
 0.00  0.00        26704        7 |
 0.00  0.00       154575       27 |
 0.00  0.00        25598       11 |
 0.00  0.00        13910       10 |
 0.02  0.02       953510      191 |
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 |
 0.00  0.00        37744       11 |
 0.00  0.00        20382        6 |
 0.00  0.00        16980        2 |
 0.01  0.01       268433       45 |
 0.00  0.00        20271        3 |
 0.01  0.02       805659      100 |
 0.01  0.01       313665       47 |
 0.02  0.02       880552      153 |
 0.00  0.00       109088       17 |
 0.00  0.00        37627        7 |
 0.00  0.00       122294       17 |
 0.00  0.00         4764        1 |
 0.00  0.00        16321       11 |
 0.00  0.00         9592        4 | au.oz.dialix
 0.00  0.00         8880        3 | au.oz.lna
 0.00  0.00        67418        7 |
 0.00  0.00        82072        8 | au.oz.qpsx
 0.01  0.01       614947      103 |
 0.00  0.00        12996        3 |
 0.01  0.01       415665       74 |
 0.01  0.00       131426       43 |
 0.00  0.00       120885       27 |
 0.00  0.00        64011        4 | au.oz.uq.ceu.admin
 0.00  0.00       164031       12 | au.oz.uq.cltr
 0.00  0.00        98133       27 | au.oz.uq.minmet
 0.00  0.00         6989        4 |
 0.01  0.01       444151       44 |
 0.00  0.00        46545       13 |
 0.00  0.00        41972       24 |
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 |
 0.00  0.00         1674        2 |
 0.01  0.01       448421       69 |
 0.00  0.00        20507        7 |
 0.00  0.00       144814        9 |
 0.00  0.00        12487       13 |
 0.00  0.00        30472       12 | be.alcatel
 0.00  0.00        27731       15 | be.arcadis
 0.00  0.00         7649        4 | be.eunet
 0.00  0.00        55596       31 |
 0.00  0.00        34263       16 | be.eunet.hasselt
 0.00  0.00        94167       26 | be.eunet.liege
 0.00  0.00       141853       21 | be.glo
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 | be.ib
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 | be.innet
 0.00  0.00         9365        2 | be.interpac
 0.00  0.00        55568        7 | be.netpoint
 0.00  0.00        68937       14 |
 0.01  0.01       311060       81 |
 0.01  0.07      3077773       52 | bm.ibl
 0.00  0.00        72721        8 | bn.brunet
 0.00  0.00        14951        4 | br.ansp
 0.00  0.00       111425       14 | br.ccc
 0.00  0.00        13247       13 | br.cefetpr.cpgei
 0.00  0.00        25313        6 |
 0.00  0.00        15344       12 |
 0.00  0.00        80728        4 |
 0.00  0.00        26011       10 |
 0.02  0.02       799279      190 |
 0.01  0.03      1373311       89 |
 0.00  0.00        24551        5 |
 0.00  0.00         7971        1 |
 0.01  0.01       243136       61 |
 0.01  0.01       388359       48 |
 0.00  0.00       188542       22 |
 0.00  0.00       147562       33 | br.etfgo
 0.00  0.00        13490        1 |
 0.00  0.00         9592        4 | br.lncc
 0.00  0.00       118339       24 |
 0.00  0.00        40672       19 |
 0.00  0.00        12007        1 |
 0.00  0.00       127544       13 | br.rmg.treinamento
 0.00  0.00        15305        2 |
 0.00  0.00        77660       12 | br.rnp.hq
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | br.ufmg.dees
 0.01  0.01       317029       51 | br.ufrj.nce
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | br.ufsm.ccne
 0.00  0.00        34275        6 | br.ufv.cpd
 0.00  0.00        11526        5 | br.usp.if
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 | br.usp.lsi
 0.00  0.01       235788       19 | br.usp.pmt
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 |
 0.00  0.00       151419       39 | ca.ab.actc
 0.00  0.00        53479       18 | ca.ab.agt
 0.00  0.00       170963       25 | ca.ab.arc
 0.00  0.00        10201        2 | ca.ab.augustana
 0.00  0.00         9929        3 | ca.ab.banffcentre
 0.00  0.00        14340        1 |
 0.00  0.00       159550       37 | ca.ab.calgary.freenet
 0.00  0.00        18483        6 | ca.ab.cbe.b400
 0.03  0.02      1035786      205 | ca.ab.ccinet
 0.02  0.01       581533      127 | ca.ab.compusmart
 0.01  0.01       522226      117 | ca.ab.connect
 0.00  0.00       219723       26 | ca.ab.cosmos
 0.00  0.00        22360        4 | ca.ab.cuug
 0.00  0.00        96547       23 | ca.ab.datanet
 0.00  0.00       125394       17 | ca.ab.edmonton
 0.00  0.00        18368        8 | ca.ab.edmonton.epsb
 0.01  0.01       335601       42 | ca.ab.edmonton.freenet
 0.00  0.00        67314       30 | ca.ab.edmonton.worldgate
 0.00  0.00        89648       15 | ca.ab.gmcc
 0.00  0.00        89039       11 |
 0.00  0.00        14966        1 |
 0.00  0.00       102814       14 |
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 |
 0.00  0.00        33464        9 |
 0.00  0.00        58418       20 |
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 |
 0.00  0.00       102987       30 | ca.ab.inetnorth
 0.00  0.00       139983       27 | ca.ab.kingsu.lab
 0.01  0.00       109885       50 | ca.ab.lexicom
 0.00  0.00        39208       15 | ca.ab.lis
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | ca.ab.mtroyal
 0.00  0.00       105029       25 | ca.ab.nait
 0.00  0.00           98        1 | ca.ab.pbi
 0.00  0.00        53960        4 | ca.ab.sait.ace
 0.00  0.00        87830       25 |
 0.00  0.00        80728        4 | ca.ab.spots
 0.00  0.01       416580       38 | ca.ab.supernet
 0.01  0.00       123499       46 | ca.ab.terranet
 0.00  0.00        17830       13 | ca.ab.tic
 0.00  0.00        16967        7 | ca.ab.transalta
 0.01  0.01       385727       83 | ca.acadiau
 0.00  0.00        52911       20 | ca.aecl.candu
 0.00  0.00       179204       26 | ca.aecl.crl
 0.01  0.01       271908       69 | ca.aecl.wl
 0.00  0.00         9828        3 | ca.aei
 0.00  0.00         5158        3 | ca.agr
 0.00  0.00       175577       31 | ca.archives
 0.00  0.00        11491        4 | ca.bc.camosun
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | ca.bc.camosun.bus
 0.00  0.00          180        1 |
 0.00  0.00        21337       11 | ca.bc.cariboo
 0.01  0.02       753395      114 | ca.bc.computime
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 | ca.bc.cyberlink.29
 0.00  0.00        56566        3 | ca.bc.douglas
 0.00  0.00        49227       27 | ca.bc.dsi
 0.00  0.06      2918363       31 | ca.bc.etc
 0.00  0.00         6468        1 |
 0.00  0.00        86505        4 |
 0.01  0.02       726479      118 |
 0.00  0.00          745        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 |
 0.00  0.00        88024       23 | ca.bc.guild
 0.01  0.01       601201      106 | ca.bc.intergate
 0.00  0.00         1940        2 | ca.bc.lightspeed
 0.01  0.01       349205       85 | ca.bc.lynx
 0.00  0.00        34825       15 | ca.bc.mala
 0.00  0.00        35254        7 | ca.bc.nanaimo.sd68
 0.00  0.00        75732       15 | ca.bc.okanagan
 0.00  0.00        27897        7 | ca.bc.pris
 0.00  0.00       197586       38 | ca.bc.schdist60
 0.00  0.00        31728       12 | ca.bc.selkirk
 0.00  0.00        33308       16 | ca.bc.smus
 0.00  0.00        23249        7 | ca.bc.stellar
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | ca.bc.surrey.pacific-academy
 0.00  0.00         6585        1 | ca.bc.trail
 0.00  0.00         1407        1 | ca.bc.ucfv
 0.00  0.01       330778       35 | ca.bc.vancouver.freenet
 0.00  0.00        88382       31 | ca.bc.victoria.access
 0.00  0.00        86424       21 | ca.bc.victoria.freenet
 0.01  0.01       262961       95 | ca.bell
 0.02  0.02       881999      151 | ca.bnr
 0.00  0.00       109964       18 | ca.brandonu.bmhc
 0.00  0.00        68868       12 | ca.brandonu.fixed
 0.01  0.00       159496       45 | ca.brandonu.pcs
 0.00  0.00        14165        1 |
 0.00  0.00        84632       39 | ca.brocku.soci
 0.01  0.01       493720       50 | ca.carleton
 0.00  0.00        34342       12 | ca.carleton.ccs
 0.00  0.00        23495        4 | ca.carleton.mae
 0.01  0.01       313470      103 | ca.carleton.scs
 0.00  0.00        25749        2 | ca.cciw
 0.01  0.01       494952       72 | ca.concordia
 0.00  0.00         6259        2 | ca.corel
 0.01  0.01       409416       48 | ca.cyberstore
 0.03  0.02       828562      233 | ca.cyberus
 0.01  0.00       169929       41 | ca.cycor
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | ca.cymbiont
 0.00  0.00        43985        7 | ca.dal
 0.00  0.00        20176        3 | ca.dal.anatomy
 0.03  0.03      1172835      215 | ca.dal.cs
 0.00  0.00        24365        7 | ca.dal.dentistry
 0.00  0.00         2822        1 |
 0.00  0.00        61063       19 | ca.dal.reactor
 0.00  0.00        29389       10 | ca.dal.ucis
 0.17  0.14      6523608     1329 |
 0.00  0.00        32404        7 | ca.dmr.mtl
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | ca.dnd.cfcsc
 0.00  0.00        51216       15 | ca.dnd.disem
 0.00  0.00        96154       29 | ca.dnd.drea
 0.00  0.01       260084        9 | ca.dnd.drenet.nccts
 0.00  0.00        20458        5 | ca.dnd.dres
 0.00  0.00       160595       27 | ca.dnd.drev
 0.01  0.01       343562       60 | ca.doe.cmc
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | ca.doe.on.dow
 0.00  0.00        67107       20 | ca.eagle
 0.00  0.00        47646       15 | ca.easyinternet
 0.01  0.01       600728      116 | ca.enterprise
 0.04  0.03      1417942      328 | ca.enterprise.ts1
 0.04  0.06      2705576      304 | ca.escape
 0.01  0.00       106174       41 |
 0.00  0.00       151220       37 | ca.firstnations
 0.00  0.00        12171        5 | ca.forestry.fpmi
 0.00  0.00        83935       22 | ca.gc.dfait-maeci
 0.00  0.00       107323       17 | ca.gc.fin
 0.01  0.01       460946       64 | ca.gc.ic
 0.00  0.00        16389       39 | ca.gc.ic.sci000.brenda
 0.00  0.00        73540       24 | ca.gc.pco
 0.01  0.01       310487       66 | ca.gc.tbs-sct
 0.00  0.00        20931       10 | ca.gc.tpsgc
 0.00  0.00       119915       31 | ca.globeandmail
 0.01  0.00       212613       45 | ca.hawknet
 0.00  0.00         7018        5 | ca.hwc
 0.01  0.01       420638       88 | ca.icom
 0.00  0.00       182183        6 | ca.iisd
 0.00  0.00          264        1 | ca.inasec
 0.01  0.01       575894      107 | ca.ips
 0.01  0.00       134080       41 | ca.kanservu
 0.00  0.00        45608        9 |
 0.01  0.01       375085       81 | ca.lakeheadu
 0.00  0.00        32061        4 | ca.laurentian
 0.00  0.00       139058        6 |
 0.01  0.00       206553       41 | ca.lonet
 0.02  0.01       530858      140 | ca.magic
 0.01  0.01       374316       68 | ca.mb.cyberspc
 0.00  0.00         1674        2 | ca.mb.dsfm.clr
 0.00  0.01       231804       10 | ca.mb.freenet
 0.00  0.00        29883        8 |
 0.02  0.01       639264      151 | ca.mb.hsc
 0.01  0.00       223983       49 | ca.mb.infobahn
 0.00  0.00         1490        2 | ca.mb.keewatincc
 0.00  0.00       186214       36 | ca.mb.magic
 0.04  0.03      1283580      318 | ca.mb.mbnet
 0.00  0.00          280        1 | ca.mb.norcom
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 | ca.mb.pcs
 0.01  0.01       301410       88 | ca.mb.pli
 0.00  0.00        55090       18 | ca.mb.rrcc
 0.00  0.00         1640        1 | ca.mb.sirnet
 0.00  0.00       108474       10 | ca.mb.tkm
 0.00  0.00       113415       35 | ca.mcgill.cs
 0.01  0.00       215212       41 | ca.mcgill.das
 0.00  0.00         6681        3 |
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | ca.mcgill.lsa
 0.01  0.00       153760       54 | ca.mcmaster.cis
 0.00  0.00       107518       18 | ca.mcmaster.tshlab
 0.01  0.00       193177       47 | ca.mda
 0.01  0.01       261703       52 | ca.mgl
 0.02  0.01       414519      156 | ca.mitel
 0.00  0.00       188476       38 | ca.mpr
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 | ca.msvu
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | ca.multi-medias
 0.00  0.01       242311       13 | ca.mun.cs
 0.00  0.00         3898        2 | ca.mun.math
 0.01  0.01       466599       79 | ca.mun.remote
 0.00  0.00        65697       18 | ca.mun.t10-laba
 0.00  0.00        13490        1 | ca.mun.ucs
 0.00  0.00        18403        5 |
 0.00  0.00          257        1 |
 0.12  0.14      6379132      940 | ca.nb.nbnet
 0.01  0.01       285490       72 | ca.neocom
 0.01  0.04      1609493       60 | ca.netcore
 0.00  0.00        73684       15 | ca.netinc
 0.00  0.00        98638       19 |
 0.00  0.00       202589       11 |
 0.00  0.00        95119       25 |
 0.02  0.01       598187      131 |
 0.00  0.01       241017        4 |
 0.01  0.01       350839       94 |
 0.00  0.00        28686        9 | ca.nlc-bnc
 0.01  0.05      2111645       90 | ca.nova
 0.00  0.00        27849        8 | ca.nrc.bri
 0.00  0.00        19362        3 | ca.nrc.ibd
 0.00  0.00        13221        4 |
 0.00  0.00        53460        6 | ca.ns.cgc
 0.00  0.00        29239        3 | ca.ns.desktop
 0.00  0.00        78961       23 | ca.ns.ednet.millwood
 0.00  0.00        42456       14 |
 0.01  0.01       325384       90 | ca.ns.iol
 0.00  0.00        21159        3 | ca.ns.magi
 0.00  0.00        42658       11 | ca.ns.nscc.avtccb
 0.00  0.00        66966       13 | ca.ns.nscc.burridge
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00        39410       11 | ca.ns.nscc.pictou
 0.00  0.00        31678        5 |
 0.00  0.00         2858        1 | ca.ns.nscc.truro
 0.00  0.00        81979       26 | ca.ns.tartannet.clan
 0.00  0.00       119223       27 | ca.ns.uccb
 0.06  0.08      3552312      480 | ca.nstn
 0.00  0.00        20271        3 | ca.on
 0.01  0.01       259934       65 | ca.on.barint
 0.00  0.00         7816        4 | ca.on.cambrianc
 0.00  0.00        68605       38 | ca.on.computan
 0.00  0.00        43050       12 | ca.on.dis
 0.01  0.01       246213       64 |
 0.00  0.00        23966       10 |
 0.00  0.00        50219       11 |
 0.00  0.00        33621        5 |
 0.00  0.00        23218        6 | ca.on.flemingc
 0.00  0.00         6468        1 | ca.on.globalserve
 0.00  0.00         3005        1 |
 0.00  0.00        33902        4 |
 0.00  0.01       302905       31 | ca.on.hamilton.freenet
 0.00  0.00        64819        4 | ca.on.humberc
 0.02  0.02       841823      137 | ca.on.hurontel
 0.00  0.00         5869        1 | ca.on.hydro
 0.00  0.01       410623       34 | ca.on.iaw
 0.05  0.05      2290799      390 | ca.on.icis.lon
 0.00  0.00       102475       21 | ca.on.icis.sar
 0.00  0.00        11428        2 |
 0.00  0.00       106753       22 | ca.on.log
 0.00  0.00        12007        1 |
 0.00  0.00        61989       20 | ca.on.mohawkc
 0.03  0.02      1016339      212 | ca.on.netaccess
 0.01  0.00       222334       62 | ca.on.nornet
 0.00  0.00       150878       24 | ca.on.north-york.nybe.westview
 0.01  0.01       675755       83 | ca.on.npiec
 0.01  0.01       430991       83 | ca.on.odyssey
 0.00  0.00         3490        1 | ca.on.osc
 0.00  0.00        15917        2 | ca.on.redeemer
 0.01  0.00       117209       82 | ca.on.rohcg
 0.00  0.00         4640        1 | ca.on.saultc
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | ca.on.scbe
 0.01  0.01       256390       80 | ca.on.sheridanc
 0.00  0.00        74419       20 | ca.on.sickkids.ri
 0.02  0.02       872899      195 | ca.on.sos
 0.00  0.00        15305        2 | ca.on.stlawrencec.ati
 0.01  0.00       215827       49 | ca.on.ucc
 0.00  0.00       180555       24 | ca.on.vianet
 0.04  0.04      1903251      302 | ca.on.wchat
 0.01  0.00       129507       42 | ca.on.wchat.brantford
 0.02  0.02      1012803      171 | ca.on.xcelco
 0.00  0.00        38850        7 | ca.onramp.tor
 0.00  0.00       157765       15 | ca.pangea
 0.00  0.00       190052       24 | ca.passport
 0.00  0.00        26304        6 | ca.pcp
 0.00  0.00        38864       12 |
 0.00  0.00        64245       14 | ca.polymtl.slip
 0.01  0.01       573888       99 | ca.portal
 0.01  0.00       193799       65 |
 0.00  0.00        51113       15 | ca.qc.9bit
 0.00  0.00        26152        5 | ca.qc.belin
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | ca.qc.cegep-ste-foy
 0.00  0.00        55575       12 | ca.qc.champlaincollege
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 | ca.qc.collegeleboeuf
 0.00  0.00        43275       12 | ca.qc.imo
 0.00  0.00       122697        2 | ca.qc.infoteck
 0.00  0.00        63283        7 | ca.qc.interlinx
 0.01  0.01       446842      119 | ca.qc.intlaurentides
 0.00  0.00       132547       22 | ca.qc.itr
 0.00  0.00         8149        4 | ca.qc.ivic
 0.00  0.00          181        1 | ca.qc.netaxis
 0.00  0.00         2170        3 | ca.qc.rocler
 0.01  0.01       405961       83 | ca.qc.saglac
 0.01  0.00       119802       55 | ca.qc.sidoci
 0.00  0.00       212524        7 | ca.qc.sie
 0.00  0.00        50304       20 | ca.queensu.jeff-lab
 0.01  0.00       153403       41 | ca.queensu.n105
 0.00  0.00       108396       28 | ca.queensu.n110
 0.00  0.01       306997       24 | ca.queensu.phy
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | ca.queensu.qlink
 0.00  0.00        98788       27 | ca.queensu.tele
 0.00  0.00        92104       29 | ca.queensu.uncontrolled
 0.00  0.00        12631        4 | ca.rezo
 0.00  0.00       173245       23 | ca.ryerson.acs
 0.01  0.01       285199       97 |
 0.00  0.00       129712       34 | ca.sentex.gallium
 0.00  0.00       116376       30 | ca.sentex.lithium
 0.01  0.01       249769       45 | ca.sentex.silicon
 0.00  0.00       208469       38 | ca.sfu
 0.00  0.00         1815        1 | ca.sfu.educ
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | ca.sfu.excite
 0.01  0.01       460053       49 | ca.sfu.ucslabs.hcc
 0.00  0.00       157557       12 |
 0.03  0.04      1766189      268 |
 0.00  0.00         5298        4 |
 0.01  0.00       171063       45 | ca.soonet
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | ca.southam
 0.00  0.00        53746       34 | ca.spectranet
 0.00  0.00        26092        7 | ca.stfx
 0.01  0.01       470240       69 | ca.stmarys
 0.00  0.00        55047        6 | ca.sun
 0.01  0.01       375396       50 | ca.sympatico.on
 0.01  0.01       319655       44 | ca.sympatico.qc
 0.00  0.00        71672       27 | ca.teleglobe
 0.00  0.00        40159       18 | ca.teleserve
 0.01  0.01       393762       52 | ca.telos
 0.00  0.00         3490        1 | ca.transdata
 0.00  0.00        31916       13 | ca.trentu
 0.00  0.00         8750        6 | ca.tuns.ccs
 0.00  0.00        42966       12 | ca.tuns.vlsi
 0.00  0.01       266129       28 | ca.twu
 0.00  0.00        40503       20 | ca.ualberta.biochem
 0.00  0.00        19064       14 | ca.ualberta.cfer
 0.00  0.00          256        1 | ca.ualberta.cs
 0.00  0.00        95237       12 | ca.ualberta.hfs
 0.01  0.01       363468       88 | ca.ualberta.labs
 0.00  0.00        58605       11 |
 0.00  0.00        20293       10 | ca.ualberta.pd
 0.00  0.00        21999        5 | ca.ualberta.psych
 0.04  0.03      1401485      296 | ca.ualberta.remote
 0.00  0.00         7908        2 |
 0.01  0.01       424756       75 | ca.ualberta.srv
 0.00  0.00        19148       14 | ca.ualberta.uah
 0.00  0.00       104682       29 | ca.ubc.arts.mlc
 0.00  0.00        50155       12 | ca.ubc.chem
 0.00  0.00        74511        8 | ca.ubc.civil
 0.00  0.00        25398        5 | ca.ubc.cs
 0.00  0.00         7453        1 |
 0.00  0.00        19663       11 |
 0.00  0.00        75869       16 |
 0.00  0.00        48623       11 | ca.ubc.resnet
 0.03  0.03      1198208      267 | ca.ucalgary.acs
 0.00  0.00        29459       10 |
 0.01  0.01       430792      103 | ca.ucalgary.cpsc
 0.00  0.00        30617        8 | ca.ucalgary.enel
 0.00  0.00         5390        2 |
 0.00  0.00       119714       25 | ca.ucalgary.lib
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | ca.ucalgary.litho
 0.00  0.00        15305        2 | ca.ucalgary.mgmt
 0.01  0.01       267041       60 | ca.ucalgary.rels
 0.00  0.01       232685       12 |
 0.00  0.00         9972        4 | ca.ucalgary.ssw
 0.01  0.01       241966       56 | ca.ulaval
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00         5305        2 | ca.ulaval.fd
 0.00  0.00         1674        2 | ca.ulaval.gel
 0.00  0.00        29705        9 | ca.ulaval.sres
 0.00  0.00        61311        5 | ca.uleth.lab
 0.00  0.00        20693        3 | ca.uleth.upanet
 0.00  0.00        26987        8 | ca.umanitoba.alumni
 0.02  0.05      2376287      137 |
 0.00  0.00        23656        7 | ca.umanitoba.coned
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | ca.umanitoba.cs
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | ca.umanitoba.educ
 0.00  0.00        48841       16 |
 0.00  0.00        51113       15 | ca.umanitoba.mgmt
 0.00  0.00         5305        2 | ca.umanitoba.socio
 0.00  0.00        69031       12 | ca.umontreal.bib
 0.00  0.00        48301       22 | ca.umontreal.cerca
 0.01  0.00       158442       44 | ca.umontreal.ere
 0.00  0.00        69309       10 | ca.umontreal.jsp
 0.00  0.00        35376        9 | ca.unb.novlab
 0.00  0.00        41543       13 | ca.unb.nursb
 0.00  0.00         6622        1 | ca.uoguelph.cs
 0.02  0.02       730681      140 |
 0.00  0.00        36726        5 | ca.uottawa
 0.00  0.00        28220        7 |
 0.00  0.00        20931       10 | ca.upei.dalton
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | ca.upei.slip
 0.00  0.00         1819        7 |
 0.00  0.01       286491        5 | ca.uregina.cs
 0.00  0.00        15243        4 | ca.uregina.engg
 0.00  0.00       136054        5 | ca.uregina.stun
 0.01  0.02       808429      116 | ca.usask
 0.00  0.00         1674        2 | ca.usherb.gel
 0.02  0.01       420606      125 | ca.utoronto.dialin
 0.01  0.01       297189       54 | ca.utoronto.epas
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | ca.utoronto.erin
 0.00  0.00        13490        1 | ca.utoronto.feut
 0.01  0.00       167007       44 | ca.utoronto.library
 0.00  0.00        42999        7 |
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | ca.utoronto.oci
 0.00  0.00         1674        2 | ca.utoronto.physics
 0.00  0.00       110913       22 | ca.utoronto.scar
 0.00  0.00        18735       12 | ca.utoronto.utcc
 0.00  0.00       130897       19 | ca.utoronto.utcs
 0.00  0.00        51241        6 | ca.utoronto.utias
 0.00  0.00        16367       13 | ca.uunet
 0.00  0.00        73199       16 | ca.uvic
 0.00  0.00        15872        2 | ca.uvic.bioc
 0.00  0.00        55450       18 | ca.uvic.dialup
 0.00  0.00        22674       15 | ca.uvic.phys
 0.00  0.00        62272        4 | ca.uvic.seos
 0.03  0.02       979839      269 | ca.uwaterloo
 0.00  0.00        18153        5 | ca.uwaterloo.math
 0.02  0.01       572307      126 | ca.uwaterloo.watstar
 0.00  0.00       109820       27 | ca.uwindsor
 0.00  0.00       128453       33 | ca.uwinnipeg
 0.00  0.00        61978        4 | ca.uwo.apmaths
 0.00  0.00         5086        1 | ca.uwo.csd.gaul
 0.00  0.00        88474       19 | ca.uwo.engga
 0.00  0.00        46301       21 |
 0.00  0.00         4442        1 | ca.uwo.lib
 0.00  0.00        58399       13 | ca.uwo.rri.ctrg
 0.01  0.00       189493       41 | ca.uwo.rri.heart
 0.02  0.02       796659      170 | ca.uwo.slip
 0.00  0.00        85952       33 | ca.uwo.sscl
 0.00  0.00        20623        9 | ca.uwo.stats
 0.00  0.00       175897       29 | ca.village
 0.00  0.00        25873       12 | ca.voyageur
 0.02  0.02       878221      200 | ca.wbm
 0.00  0.00       101530       17 | ca.wlu
 0.00  0.00        17669        2 | ca.worldlink
 0.00  0.00        20931       10 |
 0.00  0.00        60346       22 | ca.yk.yknet
 0.00  0.00       126177        4 | ca.yk.yknet.hj
 0.00  0.00        17259       10 | ca.yorku.calumet
 0.00  0.00        51113       15 | ca.yorku.ccs
 0.01  0.01       267706       45 | ca.yorku.cs.ariel
 0.00  0.00         4186        2 | ca.yorku.delphi
 0.00  0.00        30822        5 | ca.yorku.fas
 0.00  0.00        10433        2 |
 0.00  0.00       134620       39 | ca.yorku.library
 0.00  0.00        37788       11 | ca.yorku.sci
 0.01  0.02       721975      120 | ca.yorku.slip
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | ca.yorku.steac014
 0.00  0.00         5651        3 | ca.yorku.steact128
 0.00  0.00       158580       35 | ca.yorku.visual-arts
 0.00  0.00        21152        6 | ca.yorku.writer
 0.00  0.00        74664       16 |
 0.01  0.02      1036873       93 | ch.access
 0.00  0.00       167783       12 | ch.ascom
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | ch.baz
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 |
 0.00  0.00        71571       14 | ch.centralnet.dial
 0.01  0.00       200767       58 |
 0.00  0.00       123348       19 | ch.datacomm
 0.00  0.00       177792       24 | ch.echo
 0.00  0.00         4373        3 | ch.ethz
 0.00  0.00        56565       16 | ch.ethz.inf
 0.00  0.00       111218       16 | ch.eunet.dial
 0.00  0.00         7357        5 | ch.hospvd
 0.00  0.00         8571        3 | ch.iprolink
 0.00  0.00         9922        3 | ch.isbe
 0.00  0.00       168252       22 |
 0.00  0.00        48548        7 | ch.itu
 0.00  0.00        84036       12 | ch.span
 0.00  0.00         7564        3 | ch.spectraweb
 0.00  0.00        45861       13 | ch.tinet
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | ch.touch
 0.00  0.00        58271       24 | ch.twi
 0.00  0.00       109919       31 | ch.unibas.germa
 0.00  0.00        11040        2 | ch.unibas.urz
 0.00  0.00        83057       19 | ch.unibe
 0.00  0.00       124518        8 | ch.unil
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 | ch.unine
 0.00  0.00         3266        1 | ch.unisg
 0.00  0.00       150298       26 | ch.unizh
 0.00  0.00        34227        8 | ch.vptt
 0.00  0.00        59062        6 | ch.who
 0.00  0.00       213044       35 | ch.worldcom
 0.00  0.00        20406        5 | cl.coasin-comp
 0.00  0.00       111438       29 | cl.puc
 0.00  0.00        38397        6 | cl.rdc
 0.00  0.00       156951       19 | cl.reuna.stgo
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | cl.uchile
 0.01  0.00       147906       45 | cl.ufro.enlaces
 0.00  0.00        50155       12 | cl.uta.electa
 0.00  0.00        53104       14 |
 0.00  0.00        87816       28 |
 0.00  0.00        12271        3 |
 0.00  0.00        48785        4 |
 0.01  0.01       264206       41 | com.1dc
 0.00  0.00        73083        9 | com.1dc.fdrsp
 0.01  0.01       538572       41 | com.1stnet
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.3wave
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.525post
 0.01  0.01       288964       93 | com.aaicorp
 0.02  0.04      1914359      144 | com.ab.cle
 0.00  0.00       153044       13 | com.ab.dub
 0.00  0.00       202844       39 | com.ab.mke
 0.00  0.00       196422        8 | com.abacom
 0.00  0.00          745        1 |
 0.01  0.00       206638       47 |
 0.00  0.00        96684       16 | com.abelcomputers
 0.00  0.00        69588       26 | com.abelink
 0.00  0.00        61499       16 | com.abest
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.abq-ros
 0.00  0.00        70248       22 |
 0.00  0.00       104977       30 | com.acb
 0.00  0.00        91973       11 | com.access
 0.01  0.01       253689       59 | com.accessnv
 0.02  0.02       807530      172 | com.accessone
 0.03  0.03      1324470      242 | com.accsyst
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.accutek
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.acetrans
 0.00  0.00        66921        7 | com.acgeas
 0.00  0.00       171140       19 | com.acquion
 0.00  0.00        66401        6 | com.actiontech
 0.01  0.01       400844       59 | com.activision
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.acton
 0.00  0.01       518633        5 | com.acuson
 0.05  0.05      2098382      430 | com.acxiom
 0.00  0.00        98946       20 | com.adaclabs
 0.00  0.00       141828       20 | com.adc
 0.00  0.00        65479        8 | com.adcg
 0.02  0.01       669519      143 | com.adnc
 0.01  0.01       419747      120 | com.adnetsol
 0.00  0.01       299945       35 |
 0.00  0.00        84409       13 | com.adra
 0.00  0.00        10393        4 | com.adsnet
 0.00  0.00        18795        3 | com.advalue
 0.00  0.00        94647       11 | com.advantis
 0.00  0.00        61886        7 | com.advent
 0.00  0.00        34272        3 | com.affymetrix
 0.00  0.01       264521       32 | com.age
 0.00  0.00       152316       20 | com.ahoynet
 0.01  0.01       353696       65 | com.aici
 0.00  0.00        68884       19 | com.aimetering
 0.01  0.01       491336      117 | com.aimnet.iway
 0.01  0.01       527075      102 | com.ainet
 0.00  0.00        19192        4 | com.airborne-express
 0.00  0.00        60749       24 | com.airtouch
 0.05  0.05      2217098      396 | com.alascom
 0.00  0.00       139287        6 | com.albint.alb
 0.01  0.05      2058807       76 | com.alcatel.aud
 0.00  0.00        18570       13 | com.alcatel.aur
 0.00  0.00        19355        4 | com.alcoa.atc
 0.00  0.02       685918       23 | com.alcoa.csi
 0.00  0.00        15663       13 | com.algorithms
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 | com.alinc
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.alleghenypower
 0.00  0.00        38816       21 | com.allergan
 0.00  0.01       320971       36 | com.allied.atsc
 0.02  0.02      1094148      158 | com.alliedsignal.tmp
 0.00  0.00        86498       18 | com.allware
 0.00  0.00        93084       33 | com.aloha
 0.00  0.00       105383       12 | com.aloha-cafe
 0.00  0.00        59479        6 | com.alr
 0.00  0.00        65096       15 | com.altabates
 0.00  0.00        10682        6 | com.altair
 0.00  0.00        17864        4 | com.altera
 0.00  0.00        18894        5 | com.alterity
 0.00  0.00       204747       25 | com.altron
 0.00  0.00        48328       10 | com.amaranth
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | com.amat
 0.01  0.04      1701464      113 | com.amd
 0.02  0.02       847483      126 | com.amdahl
 0.01  0.01       539641       93 | com.america
 0.00  0.00        11269       11 | com.america.ppp
 0.00  0.00        73742       22 | com.ameritech
 0.00  0.00        98441       25 | com.amgen
 0.00  0.00        48336       18 | com.amoco
 0.01  0.01       392833      116 | com.amp
 0.00  0.00        14840        6 | com.amsi
 0.00  0.00        99685       31 | com.amsinc
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.andataco
 0.00  0.00        86590       19 | com.anet-dfw
 0.02  0.01       453792      128 | com.anet-stl
 0.00  0.00        31694        5 | com.anixter-west
 0.00  0.00        57379        9 | com.annex
 0.00  0.00        75054       15 | com.anza
 0.16  0.16      7295702     1245 |
 7.96  7.78    352450592    63745 |
 0.00  0.00         5305        2 |
 0.00  0.00        27254        4 |
 0.00  0.00        31302       10 | com.aone.asto
 0.01  0.01       415002       91 | com.aone.rain
 0.00  0.00        25844        4 | com.aone.vanc
 0.00  0.00       121858       19 | com.aonline
 0.00  0.00        54333       13 | com.aosmith.ctc
 0.01  0.02       850413       69 | com.apci
 0.00  0.00       124264       14 | com.apdfw
 0.00  0.00        13686        3 | com.apertus
 0.00  0.00        33292        8 | com.apexsc
 0.02  0.02      1011439      190 |
 0.01  0.00       215847       52 |
 0.02  0.02       691329      158 |
 0.00  0.00        26612        7 | com.apta
 0.05  0.03      1525763      362 | com.aquila
 0.01  0.01       305443       75 | com.aracnet
 0.00  0.00        49683        3 |
 0.05  0.04      1935156      393 | com.arco
 0.00  0.00        13750       11 | com.arete
 0.02  0.02       893807      170 | com.ark
 0.00  0.00        11744       10 | com.arstpa
 0.00  0.00        23428        9 | com.artemis
 0.00  0.00       162840       31 | com.artgraphics
 0.01  0.01       365447      100 | com.asb
 0.01  0.00       155217       41 | com.asi
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.assocdata
 0.05  0.03      1408361      386 | com.atcon
 0.00  0.00        32154       12 | com.atcon.hfx
 0.00  0.00        16596       14 | com.atdesk
 0.13  0.15      6657950     1079 | com.atext
 0.00  0.00         8891        2 | com.atk
 0.00  0.00        31617        8 | com.atk.wa
 0.01  0.00       156574       42 | com.atlanta
 0.00  0.01       297277       36 | com.atmnet
 0.15  0.34     15211896     1221 | com.att
 0.02  0.02       922745      167 | com.att.research
 0.01  0.01       558108       93 | com.attgis
 0.00  0.00        58380        9 | com.attws
 0.00  0.00       132011       25 | com.atu
 0.00  0.00        11158        7 | com.atwood
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.aucnet
 0.00  0.02       800088       25 | com.aug
 0.00  0.00        18316        3 | com.aui
 0.01  0.01       266399       80 | com.autobaun
 0.00  0.00        38488       10 | com.autodesk
 0.00  0.00        60702       19 | com.automata
 0.00  0.00        76458       29 | com.avid
 0.02  0.04      1719268      131 | com.awinc
 0.00  0.00        51790       12 |
 0.00  0.00        93004       25 | com.awinc.access
 0.00  0.00       215553       24 | com.awinc.aim
 0.00  0.00        60757        2 | com.awinc.bowest
 0.00  0.00        88593       19 | com.awinc.commpass
 0.00  0.00        31208       11 | com.awinc.doublet
 0.00  0.00       186552       20 | com.awinc.eid
 0.01  0.02       814545      103 | com.awinc.focal
 0.00  0.00        31177        4 | com.awinc.jetstream
 0.01  0.00       175730       41 | com.awinc.kaien
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.awinc.kootenay2
 0.00  0.01       273717       37 | com.awinc.microage-ll
 0.01  0.00       221863       45 | com.awinc.mlc
 0.00  0.00       132976       35 | com.awinc.onramp2
 0.00  0.00        15572        2 | com.awinc.rapid
 0.00  0.00        43642        7 | com.awinc.stardate
 0.01  0.01       366860       62 | com.awinc.teledisc
 0.09  0.06      2613075      695 | com.awod
 0.00  0.00        93150       15 |
 0.01  0.01       394004       93 | com.axionet
 0.00  0.00        41167        2 | com.axnet
 0.02  0.02       821953      195 |
 0.08  0.10      4327173      676 | com.azstarnet
 0.00  0.00        30468       22 | com.babss.wi
 0.01  0.01       534767       80 | com.bah.jmb
 0.00  0.00       155012       30 | com.bah.usae
 0.00  0.00       117554       21 | com.bailey
 0.00  0.00        79598        9 | com.baka
 0.00  0.00        17744       14 | com.bakerbooks
 0.01  0.01       313380       79 | com.ball
 0.00  0.00        45984        8 | com.ballistic
 0.00  0.00        46806       22 | com.banyan
 0.00  0.00       126237       27 | com.barr
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.barra
 0.01  0.00       222511       50 | com.basf-corp
 0.02  0.02       707660      122 | com.basix
 0.00  0.00       129596       17 | com.batnet
 0.00  0.00       184269       24 | com.baxter.subnet159-198-129
 0.00  0.00       211022       36 | com.baxter.subnet159-198-17
 0.01  0.01       249382       73 | com.baxter.subnet159-198-172
 0.00  0.00        53104       14 | com.baxter.subnet159-198-234
 0.00  0.00          196        2 | com.baxter.subnet159-198-72
 0.00  0.00        64026       13 | com.baxter.subnet159-198-73
 0.00  0.00       155315       37 | com.baxter.subnet167-83-15
 0.00  0.00       164345       21 | com.bayer
 0.00  0.00        84429       10 | com.baynetworks.corpeast
 0.01  0.01       344823       90 | com.bayou
 0.00  0.00       141476       18 | com.bbn
 0.00  0.00        49815       10 | com.bbsa
 0.00  0.00        36451        6 | com.bbsnet
 0.00  0.00        51113       15 |
 0.00  0.00        36181        2 | com.bbtt
 0.00  0.00       176342       31 | com.bcc-empl
 0.00  0.00        61673       11 | com.bctm
 0.01  0.01       268269       96 | com.bdm
 0.00  0.00        61948       20 | com.bdmg
 0.02  0.01       393139      138 | com.bdsnet
 0.00  0.00        20954        7 | com.bdt.dial-up
 0.00  0.03      1504561       16 | com.bear
 0.01  0.01       260920       60 | com.bechtel
 0.01  0.01       306152       62 | com.beckett
 0.00  0.00        98700       16 | com.bell-atl
 0.03  0.02       822041      220 | com.bellatlantic
 0.00  0.00       132878       23 | com.bellcore
 0.00  0.00          516        2 | com.bellcore.bae
 0.01  0.01       348892       93 |
 0.00  0.00        25749        2 | com.bellcore.ctt
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | com.bellcore.esp
 0.00  0.00         5965        3 | com.bellcore.facs
 0.00  0.00         1490        2 | com.beluga
 0.02  0.02      1020679      169 | com.bendnet
 0.00  0.00       150911       34 |
 0.00  0.00         5305        2 | com.berger
 0.00  0.00       129670       39 | com.berksys
 0.06  0.08      3408861      502 |
 0.00  0.00       112746       29 | com.bga
 0.00  0.01       294560       32 | com.bgbbs
 0.00  0.00        23958        4 | com.bglobal
 0.00  0.00        16979        3 | com.biblenet
 0.01  0.01       350071       48 | com.biddeford
 0.00  0.00        51811       28 | com.bigeasy
 0.00  0.00        24365        7 | com.bitmailer
 0.00  0.00        30459       21 | com.bjke
 0.00  0.00       103326       30 | com.bkbank
 0.00  0.00        50639       11 | com.blacdisc
 0.01  0.02       844446      109 | com.blackhills
 0.00  0.00        61449       13 | com.blkbox
 0.00  0.00        43248       19 |
 0.02  0.01       663378      152 | com.bls.bst
 0.00  0.00         9277        1 | com.bluebird
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | com.bluehawk
 0.00  0.00        30850       15 | com.bluestone
 0.00  0.00        35692       18 | com.blyonline
 0.06  0.04      1983814      518 | com.bmc
 0.00  0.00        28340        7 | com.bmdp
 0.03  0.02       745623      204 |
 0.00  0.00        55575       12 | com.bna
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.bnr.iss
 0.09  0.07      3367417      738 | com.boeing
 0.00  0.00        27804       24 | com.bookpage
 0.00  0.00        80304        4 | com.bookwire
 0.00  0.00        98517       35 | com.bopi
 0.01  0.00       218039       46 | com.borg
 0.00  0.00        67028       15 | com.bose
 0.00  0.00       124541       10 | com.bossnt
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.boxhill
 0.01  0.00       213320       55 | com.bp
 0.00  0.00        91578       14 | com.bramco
 0.00  0.00        94911       16 | com.brecknet
 0.00  0.01       239773       36 | com.bridge
 0.01  0.00       217070       47 | com.brigadoon
 0.01  0.01       416899       98 | com.broder
 0.00  0.00        30580       11 |
 0.00  0.00        20458        5 | com.bruno
 0.00  0.00       125930        3 | com.bsdi
 0.00  0.00        59931       20 | com.bslnet
 0.00  0.00       123321       16 | com.bsmwl
 0.00  0.00        67702       13 | com.bso
 0.00  0.00         2455        1 |
 0.00  0.00       207326        9 |
 0.00  0.00        15305        2 | com.btaarc
 0.00  0.00       139668        5 | com.btco
 0.00  0.00        70887        2 | com.btrieve
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.buckle
 0.00  0.00        58380        9 | com.buckman
 0.02  0.05      2164049      180 | com.bull.az05
 0.00  0.00         9927        3 | com.burgoyne
 0.00  0.00        30909       13 | com.burnsmcd
 0.00  0.00       199487       23 | com.buttenet
 0.01  0.01       234324       48 |
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | com.bykgardnerusa
 0.00  0.00        25185        8 | com.cablew
 0.02  0.01       666172      128 | com.cadence
 0.10  0.08      3492808      805 | com.cadvision
 0.00  0.00        29548        8 | com.cadworks
 0.00  0.00        17194        5 | com.cag
 0.00  0.00        25388        7 | com.cai
 0.03  0.02      1117035      208 | com.cais
 0.00  0.00        24364        7 | com.calcomp
 0.00  0.00        33663       10 | com.calibersys
 0.00  0.00       100207       37 | com.california
 0.03  0.04      1666810      239 | com.callamer
 0.00  0.00         2419        3 | com.callamer.dialup.snlo
 0.01  0.01       577629       87 | com.calon
 0.00  0.00        49041        4 | com.calspan
 0.02  0.02       881641      199 | com.calweb
 0.02  0.02       704144      129 | com.calypso
 0.00  0.00        73332       22 | com.campo
 0.01  0.02       810267      111 | com.canby
 0.00  0.00        43683       10 | com.candid
 0.00  0.00        75552       19 | com.candle
 0.00  0.00        24495        5 | com.cannet
 0.00  0.00        49508       19 | com.canuck
 0.00  0.00        36369       10 |
 0.00  0.00        13638        4 | com.caps
 0.02  0.04      1958641      122 | com.caribsurf
 0.01  0.01       289210       59 | com.carlson
 0.00  0.01       354701       33 | com.carroll
 0.01  0.01       292201       75 | com.cas-inc
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.cashways
 0.03  0.03      1154632      259 | com.castles
 0.00  0.00       109170       25 |
 0.01  0.01       306804       56 | com.caverns
 0.00  0.00        88875        9 | com.cbsinet
 0.00  0.00       109868       28 | com.cccc
 0.00  0.00        62306       28 | com.cch
 0.00  0.00       123337       31 | com.ccia
 0.00  0.00        60528       21 | com.ccmail
 0.01  0.01       564531       81 | com.ccnet
 0.00  0.00       159487       15 | com.ccp
 0.00  0.01       246387       38 | com.ccsi
 0.00  0.03      1465098       25 | com.ccsinc
 0.01  0.01       326085       76 | com.ccsnet
 0.02  0.02       784140      178 | com.cctt
 0.00  0.00        36033        6 | com.cdev
 0.00  0.00        48572       16 | com.cdev.canada.csd
 0.00  0.00        13657        3 | com.cdmnet.30
 0.00  0.00        20176        3 | com.cdmnet.53
 0.00  0.00        15162        3 | com.cdmnet.89
 0.00  0.00        32704       10 | com.cdrom
 0.00  0.00        92258       12 | com.cdsi
 0.00  0.06      2797327       14 | com.ceco
 0.00  0.00        13221        4 | com.centcon
 0.01  0.02      1060061       91 | com.centercomp
 0.00  0.00        53910       16 | com.centigram
 0.00  0.00        76415        7 | com.cet
 0.00  0.00       118793       16 | com.cetac
 0.00  0.00        12914        3 | com.cftnet
 0.01  0.00       141854       47 | com.cfw
 0.00  0.00       109231       19 | com.cgl
 0.00  0.00        64011        4 | com.ch2m
 0.01  0.00       147206       41 | com.channel1
 0.00  0.00        26034        2 | com.charro
 0.00  0.00         1107        3 | com.chatlink
 0.01  0.00       180563       41 | com.checkfree
 0.01  0.01       361181       77 | com.chesco
 0.00  0.00        65132       26 | com.cheshire-med
 0.03  0.02       895488      240 | com.chevron
 0.02  0.06      2767971      132 | com.chickasaw
 0.00  0.00       122459       19 | com.china
 0.00  0.00        21003       18 | com.chotel
 0.01  0.00       216509       62 | com.chron
 0.00  0.00       199695       34 | com.chronicle
 0.00  0.00        18956        5 | com.cia
 0.00  0.00       158417        9 | com.ciaccess.chatham
 0.00  0.00        72276       26 | com.cibadiag
 0.01  0.01       237498       52 | com.ciinc
 0.01  0.00       100925       49 | com.cimtegration
 0.00  0.00         2430        2 | com.cinbell
 0.04  0.03      1290277      302 | com.cincom
 0.01  0.01       327810       68 | com.cinergy
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.cinesite
 0.01  0.01       534232       75 | com.cioe
 0.00  0.00        57334       15 | com.cioe.mer
 0.00  0.00       143370       11 | com.cirrus
 0.01  0.01       520615       80 |
 0.01  0.01       581836       76 | com.cisnet
 0.00  0.00        53536       17 | com.citicom
 0.00  0.00        11991       12 | com.citicorp
 0.02  0.01       574774      178 | com.cjnetworks
 0.04  0.03      1193509      331 | com.clandjop
 0.00  0.00        25601       13 | com.claris
 0.00  0.00        25749        2 | com.clarity
 0.01  0.01       279408       48 | com.cldx
 0.01  0.01       316905       72 | com.cleaf
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.clearsys
 0.00  0.00        32258       12 | com.clorox
 0.01  0.01       513975       52 | com.cloudnet
 0.00  0.00        24661        5 | com.cmact
 0.00  0.00        32521        3 | com.cmaster
 0.00  0.01       282553       25 | com.cmd
 0.00  0.00        14254       13 | com.cmi.cs
 0.01  0.01       296023       79 | com.cml
 0.00  0.00        76684       13 | com.cnct
 0.01  0.01       591661      109 | com.cnetech
 0.01  0.00        98251       44 | com.cneti
 0.00  0.00        45937       13 | com.cnmnet
 0.00  0.00       142467       37 | com.cnw
 0.06  0.05      2485245      482 | com.coastalnet
 0.00  0.00        15519        6 | com.coastnet
 0.00  0.00       190711       26 | com.coat
 0.02  0.02       705982      174 | com.cobe
 0.01  0.00       208896       72 | com.coconet
 0.02  0.02      1054764      172 | com.coffey
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.coil
 0.00  0.00        77086       15 | com.colpal
 0.00  0.00        97930       28 | com.com21
 0.00  0.00         4640        1 | com.comcomsystems
 0.01  0.01       458453       84 | com.comland
 0.00  0.00        82027       19 | com.commerce
 0.00  0.00         2933        1 | com.commscope
 0.03  0.03      1235012      237 | com.compaq
 0.00  0.00        48572       16 | com.compass-da
 0.00  0.00       183700       36 | com.compassnet
 0.00  0.00        28774        9 | com.completenet
 0.00  0.03      1535057       27 | com.compudata
 0.01  0.01       458950       92 | com.compumedia
 3.65  3.87    174994278    29251 | com.compuserve
 0.00  0.00       113653       15 | com.compuserve.inhouse
 0.00  0.00        35584       14 | com.computerland
 0.00  0.00       131211       30 | com.computize
 0.01  0.01       430675       88 | com.computronix
 0.02  0.01       470831      136 | com.compuvar
 0.00  0.00       159562       25 | com.compuware
 0.00  0.00        12751        5 | com.comresources
 0.02  0.02       759531      187 | com.comteck
 0.00  0.00        50566       13 | com.concepta
 0.01  0.00       208455      115 | com.concom
 0.00  0.00       116220       28 | com.conknet
 0.01  0.00       146165       52 | com.conline
 0.00  0.00        29875       10 | com.connaught
 0.01  0.01       340616      102 | com.connecti
 0.01  0.04      2000352      113 | com.connectinc
 0.05  0.11      4986076      386 | com.connectnet
 0.00  0.00       184906       38 |
 0.01  0.01       334489       59 | com.connectusa
 0.03  0.04      1648313      277 | com.connix
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.continental
 0.02  0.01       625005      152 | com.continet
 0.00  0.00        60689       10 | com.convex
 0.00  0.00        48157       17 | com.corange
 0.00  0.00       216273       37 | com.corbis
 0.01  0.01       296429       91 | com.corcom
 0.01  0.04      1874513      104 | com.coredcs
 0.00  0.01       511056       28 | com.coresco
 0.01  0.00       195883       41 | com.coretech
 0.00  0.00        63188       22 | com.corning
 0.00  0.00        61358       12 | com.corpnet
 0.01  0.01       267762       47 | com.corsair
 0.00  0.00          992        2 | com.corsearch
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.corstar
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.cortland
 0.00  0.00          262        1 | com.courage
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | com.courant
 0.00  0.00        83287       19 | com.cplc
 0.02  0.02      1112771      161 | com.cqc
 0.00  0.00        14423        5 | com.cquest
 0.00  0.00        96925       23 | com.cray
 0.00  0.00        73642       15 | com.crc.orl
 0.00  0.00        48975       17 | com.creaf.cli
 0.00  0.01       238615        8 | com.creaf.ct
 0.00  0.00        28676        4 | com.crescendosoft
 0.26  0.22      9770890     2058 | com.cris
 0.01  0.01       616212      108 | com.crl
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00        57735       22 |
 0.00  0.00        29239        3 |
 0.00  0.00        72128       13 |
 0.00  0.00       140763       26 | com.crocker
 0.01  0.00       168441       42 | com.crso
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.crtelco
 0.01  0.01       244841       52 | com.cruzio
 0.00  0.00        51337        7 | com.crystaldata
 0.00  0.00        16277        5 | com.crystalpt
 0.00  0.00         3855        1 |
 0.00  0.00       175654       22 |
 0.00  0.00       130687       21 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00        95107       22 |
 0.00  0.00        45732       14 | com.csdc
 0.00  0.00        12250       11 | com.csfb
 0.00  0.00          268        1 | com.csh.csfb
 0.00  0.00        51497        1 | com.csihq
 0.02  0.01       599476      170 | com.csranet
 0.00  0.00        40490        9 | com.csw
 0.17  0.15      6970649     1356 | com.cswnet
 0.00  0.01       288863       30 | com.ctctel.dialup
 0.01  0.01       347414       59 | com.ctenet
 0.00  0.00         5311        1 | com.ctenet.onalaska
 0.01  0.01       283629       60 | com.cti-pet
 0.00  0.00        31958       14 | com.ctinc
 0.00  0.00        72284        8 | com.ctnet
 0.00  0.00       114899       32 | com.ctron
 0.06  0.08      3490342      477 | com.cts
 0.01  0.01       243934       63 | com.cummins
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.custinfo
 0.01  0.01       262912       70 | com.customcpu
 0.00  0.00       152802       22 | com.customer
 0.00  0.00        62450       27 |
 0.01  0.01       479282      116 | com.cwnet
 0.02  0.01       383335      140 | com.cwo
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 | com.cyber-dyne
 0.00  0.00        44410       13 | com.cyberdesic
 0.03  0.02       953930      218 | com.cyberg8t
 0.01  0.01       360108       65 | com.cybergate
 0.01  0.01       329356       61 | com.cyberia
 0.00  0.00         1407        1 | com.cybernw
 0.01  0.01       299306       62 | com.cyberport
 0.00  0.00        38489       10 | com.cybersmith
 0.01  0.01       433531       47 | com.cyberspy
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 | com.cybertours
 0.01  0.00       190101       56 | com.cybertron
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.cyberverse
 0.00  0.00       127276       26 | com.cyconx
 0.04  0.03      1338042      335 | com.cynergy
 0.00  0.00        25749        2 | com.cynet
 0.00  0.00         1940        2 | com.cyprus
 0.00  0.00       109909        2 | com.d2
 0.00  0.12      5515141       20 | com.daimler-benz.str.mbag.ep-mk01
 0.00  0.00        48100        9 | com.daknet
 0.01  0.00       194831       58 | com.daktel
 0.00  0.00        39859       14 | com.dalsemi
 0.00  0.00        90983       17 | com.damark
 0.00  0.00       186686       29 | com.dancooks
 0.00  0.00        89421       24 | com.dania
 0.00  0.00        23785        6 | com.dat
 0.01  0.01       262973       53 |
 0.00  0.00         5530        3 | com.datamatic
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.dataquest
 0.00  0.00       115135       31 | com.datastorm
 0.01  0.01       369469       51 | com.datasync
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | com.datatamers
 0.00  0.00        40144        6 | com.datatamers.dt1
 0.00  0.00       107896        7 | com.datatek
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.datawld
 0.00  0.01       258617       39 | com.dbisna
 0.00  0.00        75526       32 | com.dbsoftware
 0.00  0.00        60468       14 | com.dca.cin
 0.00  0.01       255825       33 | com.dcci
 0.00  0.00        80729        4 | com.dcduluth
 0.00  0.00        52060       18 | com.dcss.hou
 0.00  0.00        43589        7 | com.dct
 0.00  0.00        89160       14 | com.dcwi
 0.00  0.00       116347       23 | com.ddbniac
 0.00  0.00        26609        2 | com.ddynamics
 0.00  0.00       113694       34 | com.dead-parrot
 0.16  0.28     12808690     1260 |
 0.01  0.00       189450       51 | com.dedot
 0.00  0.00       138111       34 | com.deepcove
 0.02  0.01       663501      166 | com.deere
 0.00  0.00        20720        6 | com.definiti
 0.00  0.00        18316        3 | com.delmarva
 0.01  0.02       687572       99 | com.delphi
 0.13  0.15      7001585     1014 |
 0.01  0.00       166011       47 | com.delphi.beta
 0.00  0.00         5305        2 | com.delrina
 0.00  0.00       121433       34 |
 0.01  0.01       248887       65 | com.deltainet
 0.04  0.04      1706575      352 | com.deltanet
 0.00  0.00       109751       23 | com.deltec
 0.00  0.00        36928        5 | com.demnet
 0.00  0.00        75044       15 | com.descartes
 0.01  0.01       315403       74 | com.deskmedia
 0.00  0.00       172292       32 | com.detroitedison
 0.01  0.01       416380       87 | com.dg.canada
 0.00  0.00         2822        1 | com.dg.europe
 0.01  0.01       382014       91 | com.dg.rtp
 0.00  0.00       112863       29 |
 0.00  0.00         1940        2 | com.dg.webo
 0.01  0.00       194878       54 | com.dgsys
 0.00  0.00       196192       39 |
 0.01  0.01       246042       49 | com.dialog.corp
 0.00  0.00        61820        5 | com.dialog.east
 0.00  0.00        14397        8 | com.dickens
 0.00  0.00        33152       10 | com.digalog
 0.01  0.01       395916       63 | com.digicool
 0.08  0.14      6546450      668 |
 0.00  0.00         2334        9 | com.digpath
 0.00  0.00       136622       22 | com.dimensional
 0.00  0.00        43315        3 |
 0.02  0.01       555346      129 | com.dinfsvs
 0.00  0.00        92512       13 | com.direcpc
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.discovery
 0.00  0.00       129735       23 | com.disney
 0.01  0.00       190401       58 | com.divi
 0.00  0.00        50792       14 | com.divorcecare
 0.00  0.00        21975       14 | com.djcs
 0.00  0.00       100335       25 | com.dkeep
 0.00  0.00        45431        5 | com.dkp
 0.00  0.00        89203       30 | com.dlcwest
 0.00  0.00        77319       14 | com.dmccorp
 0.02  0.02       886541      166 | com.dmv.easton
 0.00  0.00        90143       14 | com.dmv.milford
 0.00  0.00       213661       40 | com.dmv.salisbury
 0.05  0.05      2079224      425 | com.dnai
 0.00  0.00        42524       14 | com.docker
 0.01  0.00       192328       58 | com.dodgenet
 0.00  0.00        25115        8 | com.dolby
 0.00  0.00        42780        7 | com.donnelly
 0.01  0.01       514353       90 | com.dow
 0.00  0.00        49144       13 | com.dowco
 0.01  0.01       508994      105 | com.dowcornusa
 0.01  0.01       379404       99 | com.dowelanco
 0.00  0.00         2892        1 | com.dowjones
 0.00  0.01       244642       37 | com.dptek
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 | com.dra.multilis
 0.00  0.00        13422        5 | com.draper
 0.02  0.01       584540      128 | com.drc
 0.00  0.00        98298       25 | com.dreamworks
 0.00  0.00        81710        9 | com.drink
 0.00  0.00        57358       23 | com.dris
 0.00  0.00        93091       16 | com.dsava
 0.00  0.00        99634       23 | com.dsccc
 0.00  0.00        56148       20 | com.dscga
 0.01  0.01       346968       89 | com.dsmnet
 0.00  0.00        41076        2 | com.dsnet
 0.00  0.00         4763        1 | com.dsoe
 0.00  0.00        40260        2 | com.dtd
 0.01  0.00       198555       58 | com.dttus
 0.07  0.08      3617541      582 | com.dukepower
 0.01  0.01       453240      117 | com.dungeon
 0.06  0.05      2307237      510 |
 0.00  0.00        55575       12 | com.dvsdghse
 0.00  0.00        62632        4 | com.dwights
 0.00  0.00        57032       30 | com.dynamic-info
 0.00  0.00        17302        3 | com.dyncorp
 0.00  0.00        20496       14 | com.dyniet
 0.04  0.03      1539712      328 | com.e-tex
 0.01  0.01       288112       73 | com.ea
 0.01  0.01       393276       85 | com.eaglenet
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.eaglequest
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | com.eai
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.eapi
 0.00  0.00       132767       34 | com.eastman
 0.00  0.00        89871        8 | com.easy
 0.00  0.00       174521       19 | com.echonyc
 0.00  0.00        19095        3 | com.ect
 0.00  0.00       153438       16 | com.eden
 0.01  0.01       323446      106 | com.eden.austin
 0.02  0.02      1070326      195 | com.eds
 0.00  0.00        24756        1 | com.eds.edsdrd
 0.01  0.01       505072       78 |
 0.01  0.00       157969       41 | com.ei
 0.00  0.00         3687        1 | com.einsteininfo
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.elbbs
 0.00  0.00       107653        3 | com.eldec
 0.00  0.00        65019        4 | com.electriciti.cs2
 0.00  0.00        78854        8 | com.electriciti.cs5
 0.00  0.00        98173       30 | com.electriciti.rsf
 0.00  0.00        64011        4 |
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 | com.elkpro
 0.01  0.00       198143       51 | com.ellensburg
 0.00  0.00       190265       33 | com.elt
 0.00  0.00        10564        6 | com.emc.isus
 0.00  0.00        37560       12 | com.emc.lss
 0.01  0.01       493476       92 | com.empirenet
 0.01  0.01       323591       72 | com.empnet
 0.00  0.00       182430       28 | com.encore
 0.00  0.00        30679        7 | com.enews.dc
 0.00  0.00        21626        3 | com.engraph
 0.00  0.00       109913       15 | com.ensco.hq
 0.00  0.00          360        2 | com.entex-is
 0.00  0.00        76641       31 | com.entrelan
 0.00  0.00        51113       15 | com.epctech
 0.00  0.00        33074       10 | com.epic
 0.00  0.00        53699       17 | com.epoch
 0.00  0.00        40824        3 | com.epsilon.osc
 0.06  0.04      1594982      447 |
 0.04  0.04      1765260      360 | com.erinet
 0.17  0.15      6988679     1386 | com.erols
 0.00  0.00        42067       17 |
 0.00  0.00        20538        1 | com.esasi
 0.02  0.02       749490      170 | com.eskimo
 0.00  0.00        51098       16 | com.esri
 0.00  0.00       123236       32 | com.essex1
 0.01  0.01       360021       82 | com.esslink
 0.01  0.01       376316       81 | com.estreet
 0.00  0.00       181829       22 | com.esy
 0.00  0.00        37166        7 | com.esygvl.icf
 0.00  0.00        85518       18 | com.esys.melpar
 0.00  0.00       123490       22 | com.etak
 0.00  0.00        59575       27 |
 0.00  0.00        92849       13 | com.etn.tcc
 0.00  0.00        51113       15 | com.eurekasoft
 0.03  0.08      3520477      246 | com.europa
 0.00  0.00        33150       10 | com.europeonline
 0.00  0.00        91586        3 | com.eves
 0.00  0.00        36096       10 | com.evtech
 0.00  0.00         3184        4 | com.ewol
 0.00  0.00        36503       13 | com.exabyte
 0.00  0.00        17830       13 | com.excell
 0.07  0.07      3117314      537 | com.execpc
 0.01  0.00       150985       44 | com.execulink
 0.00  0.00       191588       28 | com.execulink.saturn
 0.01  0.00       187121       55 | com.exit109
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.expec
 0.01  0.01       242182       61 |
 0.01  0.00       150199       53 | com.ey
 0.00  0.00        33043        3 | com.ezdial
 0.03  0.03      1540797      227 | com.ezl
 0.00  0.00        37793       25 | com.eznet
 0.00  0.00        34054       11 |
 0.00  0.00        29691        7 | com.fairfield
 0.00  0.00        61954        4 | com.farallon
 0.00  0.00        18991        9 | com.fasi
 0.00  0.00          181        1 | com.fbp-la
 0.01  0.01       264737       51 | com.fcnbd
 0.00  0.00        77611       29 | com.fcol
 0.00  0.00        83461       17 |
 0.00  0.00        19452        6 | com.feith
 0.01  0.01       248570       63 | com.feldspar
 0.02  0.02       705862      139 | com.filenet
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.fingerhut
 0.00  0.00        53389        9 | com.first-marketing
 0.01  0.01       227915       65 | com.firstnethou
 0.00  0.00        46815       11 | com.fiserv.sendero
 0.00  0.00        62353        8 | com.fleishman
 0.01  0.01       419508       90 | com.flinet
 0.03  0.05      2199545      202 | com.flink
 0.01  0.01       529330       94 | com.flinthills
 0.01  0.01       238417       51 | com.flnet
 0.00  0.00        19109        8 | com.fmc
 0.01  0.02       704224       86 | com.fmi
 0.03  0.02       975781      222 | com.fmr
 0.01  0.01       429864       75 | com.fni
 0.00  0.00         1258        1 |
 0.00  0.00        25346       11 | com.focustech
 0.00  0.00         8024        5 | com.follett
 0.00  0.00        24182        2 | com.follett.fsc
 0.01  0.01       292504       65 | com.forbin
 0.02  0.01       585246      160 |
 0.00  0.00        25601       13 | com.fortesys
 0.00  0.00        25859       17 | com.fortmyers
 0.00  0.00       166957       39 | com.fpl
 0.01  0.05      2314127      110 | com.frco
 0.00  0.00        38223       12 | com.freedomnet
 0.00  0.00        40046        8 | com.freeppp
 0.01  0.01       268796       62 | com.frii.ppp
 0.00  0.01       324829       30 | com.frugal
 0.01  0.00       196765       52 | com.fs
 0.01  0.01       399457      101 | com.fsd
 0.00  0.00        23257        9 | com.fsi2000
 0.00  0.00         3363        2 | com.ftcnet
 0.00  0.00        36718        8 | com.ftp
 0.00  0.00        59666       12 | com.fullnet
 0.00  0.00       194100       40 | com.funb
 0.02  0.01       661633      134 | com.fwi
 0.01  0.02       930913       87 | com.fyionline
 0.08  0.09      3937675      655 | com.galstar
 0.00  0.00        87695       21 | com.garlic.assign
 0.00  0.00        81628       20 | com.garply
 0.00  0.00        12251       12 | com.gartner
 0.00  0.00        31902        9 | com.gatecom
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | com.gbd
 0.00  0.00        94400       14 | com.gcomm
 0.00  0.00        26612        7 | com.gcr1
 0.00  0.00        21868        8 |
 0.00  0.00         8076        4 | com.gdc
 0.07  0.11      5150700      599 |
 0.00  0.00        74533       24 |
 0.00  0.00       162882       31 |
 0.00  0.00        13221        4 | com.gecinc
 0.01  0.01       287076       50 | com.gecm
 0.00  0.00       182288       40 | com.geffen
 0.00  0.00        48800       17 | com.gemlink
 0.01  0.01       289799       60 | com.gene
 0.00  0.00        10987        3 | com.genie
 0.01  0.00       162925       56 | com.genium
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | com.genrad
 0.03  0.02       782470      232 | com.getnet
 0.00  0.00        12091        1 | com.gfmurray
 0.02  0.01       306954      122 | com.ghgcorp
 0.00  0.00        15086        7 | com.ghj.abacus
 0.01  0.00       223788       42 |
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.giga
 0.01  0.00       165013       42 | com.gilbarco
 0.00  0.00        62720       22 | com.gilmanre
 0.03  0.03      1241041      229 | com.glaxo
 0.02  0.02       972676      151 | com.gld
 0.00  0.00         9929        3 | com.globalcon
 0.00  0.00       107658       38 | com.globaldialog
 0.00  0.00       181890       35 | com.globalinternet
 0.00  0.00        89683       19 | com.globedirect
 0.01  0.01       391495       93 | com.gmeds
 0.01  0.00       190486       64 | com.gmeds.agt
 0.00  0.00        42738       13 | com.gmr
 0.00  0.00        56071       13 | com.gmr.cs
 0.83  0.73     33258223     6641 | com.gnn
 0.00  0.00        51422       27 | com.gnn.ebay
 0.00  0.00        43627        8 | com.go2pa
 0.01  0.00       224195       58 | com.gocin
 0.02  0.01       410722      154 | com.gol
 0.00  0.00        61082        7 | com.goldinc
 0.02  0.01       606915      136 | com.goldrush
 0.00  0.00        50645        9 | com.goldsword.gilbert
 0.06  0.05      2284173      517 | com.goodnet
 0.00  0.00        37278       12 |
 0.00  0.00         9927        3 | com.gorgon
 0.00  0.00        55577       12 | com.gospelnet
 0.01  0.01       631565       92 | com.grapevine
 0.01  0.01       399176      101 |
 0.03  0.02      1082113      280 | com.greenapple
 0.00  0.00        89129       24 | com.grnet
 0.00  0.00        90648       26 |
 0.00  0.00       117710       30 | com.gs1
 0.00  0.00        61331       31 | com.gseps
 0.00  0.00       143378        9 | com.gsilink
 0.00  0.00        33292        8 | com.gsilink.clynx
 0.00  0.00       150008       33 | com.gte
 0.00  0.00        62621        4 | com.gtech
 0.02  0.02       837475      175 | com.gteens
 0.00  0.00         2170        3 | com.gtegsc.chnt.procurement
 0.00  0.00        40744       23 |
 0.00  0.00        59151        8 | com.gtegsc.cso
 0.01  0.00       222864       56 | com.gtegsc.iipo
 0.00  0.00       106517       32 | com.gtegsc.jssp
 0.00  0.00        21593       10 | com.gtegsc.mdr1
 0.01  0.00       225946       41 | com.gtegsc.mtv
 0.00  0.00       130351       34 | com.gtegsc.rock
 0.00  0.00        20519        2 | com.gtegsc.tjd
 0.02  0.01       583118      155 | com.gtetel
 0.00  0.00       174113       36 | com.gtii
 0.00  0.00        27422        8 | com.gtn
 0.00  0.00       121609       27 | com.gttw
 0.05  0.04      1953234      418 | com.gulfnet
 0.00  0.00        20458        5 | com.gulftel
 0.00  0.00        95521       11 | com.gulftel.fol3
 0.03  0.02      1044536      232 | com.gwis
 0.00  0.00         3198        3 | com.gya
 0.00  0.00        45240        7 | com.hac
 0.00  0.00        37971        7 | com.hal
 0.11  0.09      4279684      867 | com.halcyon
 0.00  0.00       149469       31 | com.halifax
 0.00  0.00       215823       29 | com.hamptons
 0.00  0.00       141403       17 | com.hannaford
 0.00  0.00       221989       24 | com.harbornet
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.harborside
 0.01  0.01       356608       44 | com.harborside.cb0
 0.01  0.01       426420       75 | com.harborside.gb0
 0.01  0.01       245804       57 | com.hargray
 0.00  0.00        58330        9 | com.harris.ccd
 0.00  0.00        59512        8 | com.harris.dts
 0.00  0.00       224809       36 | com.harris.ess
 0.00  0.00        40194        9 | com.harris.farcan
 0.01  0.01       233602       61 | com.harris.farinon
 0.00  0.01       242537       31 | com.harris.hisd.rsa
 0.00  0.00       139201       34 | com.harris.semi.mis
 0.00  0.01       267821       35 |
 0.01  0.00       191375       60 | com.harris.semi.rtp
 0.02  0.01       554450      150 | com.hasimons
 0.00  0.00        43913       16 | com.hasp
 0.00  0.00       218537       32 | com.hazel
 0.02  0.02       834954      177 | com.hcc
 0.01  0.01       516032       87 | com.hcl
 0.00  0.00        10005        3 | com.headgames
 0.01  0.00       149751       44 | com.headmort
 0.00  0.00        27709        2 | com.headwaters
 0.02  0.01       405202      168 | com.heafnet
 0.00  0.00        60490       14 | com.healthpartners
 0.00  0.00        26413        9 | com.hei
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.hekimian
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | com.henderson
 0.01  0.01       468732       62 | com.henge
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | com.hercules
 0.00  0.00        31231       16 | com.heritage
 0.00  0.01       246881       23 | com.heurikon
 0.02  0.05      2228689      198 | com.hevanet
 0.00  0.00         2146        6 | com.hh-club
 0.00  0.00        22010        5 | com.hili
 0.01  0.01       262557       59 | com.his
 0.00  0.00        48229       21 |
 0.00  0.01       266573       38 | com.hitc
 0.00  0.00        10136        6 | com.hknet
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.hkstandard
 0.02  0.01       664949      176 | com.hkstar
 0.00  0.00       137371       32 | com.hlp
 0.00  0.00        56089        9 | com.hmiller
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.hmm
 0.00  0.00          336        1 | com.hnc
 0.02  0.01       539875      138 | com.hns
 0.07  0.14      6211141      585 | com.holli
 0.01  0.01       226651       58 | com.hollyberry.abq-dialin
 0.00  0.00        61727       21 | com.hollyberry.abq-dialin2
 0.00  0.01       232356       24 | com.hollydig
 0.00  0.00       103509       38 | com.holstein
 0.01  0.01       328881       72 | com.homecare
 0.02  0.01       484379      146 |
 0.00  0.00       152329       35 |
 0.01  0.01       282046       50 |
 0.01  0.01       258005       42 |
 0.00  0.00        51113       15 |
 0.00  0.01       424543       26 |
 0.00  0.00        62434       21 |
 0.00  0.00        64579       26 |
 0.00  0.00        93603        8 | com.hoosier
 0.01  0.00       158683       44 |
 0.12  0.18      7954171      932 | com.hp.cns
 0.00  0.00       130872       27 | com.hp.col
 0.07  0.09      3861545      584 | com.hp.cup
 0.01  0.01       239105       69 | com.hp.fc
 0.00  0.00        39798        9 | com.hp.hpl
 0.00  0.00        58315       15 | com.hp.lsid
 0.01  0.00        89722       46 | com.hp.mayfield
 0.00  0.00        10097       14 | com.hp.sdd
 0.00  0.00          256        1 | com.hp.sgp
 0.00  0.00        95420       34 | com.hrb
 0.01  0.01       366243       86 | com.hroads
 0.00  0.00        77161        8 | com.hrweb.sna.appn
 0.00  0.00         3952        1 | com.hsi
 0.00  0.00        33292        8 | com.htn
 0.01  0.01       315807       97 | com.huber
 0.00  0.00       116533       17 |
 0.00  0.00       137500       30 | com.humboldt1
 0.00  0.00         3717        1 | com.hwsys
 0.01  0.01       253176       45 | com.hybrid.viacomcv
 0.00  0.00        74618       22 | com.hypersurf
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.i-2000.dh
 0.00  0.00         4847        6 | com.i-55
 0.04  0.05      2265201      360 | com.iafrica
 0.00  0.00       117819       12 | com.iah
 0.01  0.00       225918       72 | com.iainc
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | com.iautosys
 0.00  0.00        54350       24 | com.ibcco
 0.01  0.00       189101       41 |
 0.07  0.08      3499488      531 |
 0.00  0.00        56725       23 |
 0.01  0.01       298193      110 |
 0.01  0.01       238534       73 |
 0.02  0.01       477965      134 |
 0.00  0.00        59112        7 |
 0.00  0.00        49015        9 |
 0.00  0.00        16288       13 |
 0.06  0.05      2230669      469 |
 0.00  0.00        43088       12 |
 0.01  0.01       641057       91 |
 0.00  0.00        14031       11 |
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 |
 0.01  0.01       487819      103 |
 0.00  0.00        61312       25 | com.iceonline
 0.00  0.00        99817       11 | com.iceproxy
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 | com.icfkaiser
 0.04  0.04      1665547      316 | com.ichange
 0.00  0.01       336642       30 | com.ico
 0.00  0.00        18316        3 | com.icscom
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.icw
 0.00  0.00        26152        5 | com.idcnet
 0.00  0.00        56048        4 | com.ideon
 0.04  0.05      2079623      360 | com.idirect
 0.01  0.01       362456      103 | com.idsonline
 0.00  0.00        36239        6 | com.idtdna
 0.03  0.03      1307426      260 | com.iea
 0.01  0.01       539145       70 | com.ieway
 0.00  0.00        66801       18 | com.iexpress
 0.01  0.10      4582741       41 | com.iglou
 0.11  0.06      2916910      860 | com.iglou.ppp
 0.00  0.00        52509       11 | com.iinc
 0.00  0.00        22286        3 | com.iitri
 0.00  0.00        27422        8 | com.iitri.rome
 0.00  0.00        33062       14 | com.ilap
 0.02  0.01       633144      154 | com.ilhawaii
 0.00  0.00       159525       33 | com.ilk
 0.00  0.00        23405       13 | com.illustra
 0.00  0.00        49868       19 | com.imagiware
 0.00  0.00        41761        8 | com.imm
 0.00  0.00        14212       17 | com.imonics
 0.00  0.00        20743        9 | com.imsi
 0.01  0.00       213593       52 | com.imssys.ts3
 0.00  0.00       192713       34 | com.inch.dialup
 0.01  0.01       313504       96 | com.indelible-blue
 0.00  0.00        31551        8 | com.indirect
 0.53  0.25     11441526     4278 | com.indirect.phxslip4
 0.00  0.00         5686        4 | com.indirect.tucslip
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.indra
 0.00  0.00        96368       34 | com.inet-hou
 0.00  0.00       120997       12 | com.inet-serv
 0.02  0.01       614350      136 | com.inetnebr
 0.00  0.03      1482116       17 | com.inetp
 0.00  0.00        49783       10 | com.infi-net
 0.02  0.01       498871      137 | com.infinet
 0.01  0.02       841345       89 | com.infobahnos
 0.00  0.00        36012        9 | com.infochan
 0.00  0.00        57355       11 | com.infocom
 0.05  0.04      1875178      417 | com.infogo
 0.00  0.00        69281        6 | com.infohwy.com1
 0.00  0.00        47189       10 | com.infomartusa
 0.00  0.00       126521       18 | com.infomatch
 0.00  0.00       154917       35 | com.infonautics.busadmin
 0.02  0.01       519498      148 | com.informix
 0.04  0.04      1921793      294 | com.infoseek
 0.03  0.03      1190717      257 | com.infosphere
 0.00  0.00        66102        5 | com.ingr.b10
 0.02  0.02       757308      140 | com.ingr.b11
 0.03  0.05      2105890      253 | com.ingr.b17a
 0.00  0.00        26925        8 | com.ingr.b17d
 0.00  0.00        15344       12 | com.ingr.b2
 0.01  0.00       208515       53 | com.ingr.b21
 0.00  0.00        10159       10 | com.ingr.b23a
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.ingr.b23b
 0.00  0.00       141922       14 | com.ingr.b24a
 0.00  0.00         3544        2 | com.ingr.b26
 0.00  0.00        43093        6 | com.ingr.b3
 0.01  0.01       428982       48 | com.ingr.b30
 0.00  0.00        15572        2 | com.ingr.b8
 0.01  0.01       232829       48 | com.ingr.edaco
 0.00  0.00       139785       21 | com.ingr.lansing
 0.01  0.01       244159       49 | com.ingr.remote
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.inherent
 0.01  0.00       170866       56 | com.inil
 0.00  0.00        70984       17 | com.injersey
 0.00  0.00         9983        2 | com.inland
 0.02  0.01       494065      135 | com.inlink
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.inmet.gblt
 0.03  0.02      1091459      278 | com.inmind
 0.01  0.01       394709       97 | com.innovation
 0.04  0.05      2115862      327 | com.innovsoftd
 0.01  0.01       300991       95 | com.inow
 0.01  0.01       263959       56 | com.inreach
 0.00  0.00       210452       39 | com.inso
 0.00  0.00       159859       40 | com.instanet
 0.00  0.00         8933        6 | com.instrument
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.insuranceoffice
 0.00  0.00       179044       30 | com.intac
 0.00  0.01       252365        7 | com.intaccess
 0.00  0.00       180391       29 | com.intecom
 0.00  0.00        77883       15 | com.integctr
 0.01  0.02       795519       90 |
 0.02  0.02       951127      187 |
 0.00  0.00        32281       14 |
 0.03  0.02       893868      222 |
 0.01  0.00       194494       48 |
 0.00  0.00        10354        2 |
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 | com.intellex
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | com.intellimedia
 0.02  0.02       730921      138 | com.intellinet.bat
 0.00  0.00        38989       10 | com.intellinet.fyv
 0.00  0.00        65934       28 | com.intellinet.jbr
 0.01  0.01       525044       98 | com.intellinet.lit
 0.00  0.00        29013        7 | com.intelus
 0.00  0.00        23025        4 | com.interaccess
 0.01  0.00       145651       60 | com.interaccess.he
 0.00  0.00       135951       38 | com.interaccess.loop
 0.01  0.01       560094      110 | com.interaccess.nb
 0.02  0.02       944670      163 | com.interaccess.nhe
 0.01  0.01       569873      100 | com.interaccess.nnb
 0.01  0.01       411904       80 | com.interaccess.nwchi
 0.01  0.00       168654       44 | com.interaccess.sp
 0.03  0.03      1162884      260 |
 0.01  0.00       198780       65 | com.interaccess.w
 0.00  0.00        11954        4 | com.intercall
 0.01  0.01       259048       65 | com.intercom
 0.00  0.00        40229        8 | com.intercon
 0.00  0.00       111178       24 | com.interealm
 0.00  0.00         6994        3 | com.interlink.hq
 0.04  0.07      3048982      353 | com.interlog
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | com.interlog.tor
 0.00  0.00       119545       12 | com.intermedia
 0.00  0.00       117496       30 | com.intermedia.hq
 0.00  0.00        27415        9 | com.internetforce
 0.01  0.01       230682       65 | com.internetstore
 0.00  0.00        33565        5 | com.internetwis
 0.02  0.04      2031654      198 | com.internext
 0.00  0.00        46196       14 | com.internorth
 0.01  0.01       359254       81 | com.interoz
 0.00  0.00        17155        4 | com.interpath
 0.04  0.02       898800      283 |
 0.00  0.00         4762        8 |
 0.00  0.00        22164       11 |
 0.00  0.00        28405        8 |
 0.00  0.00        56204        6 |
 0.00  0.00        35469        3 |
 0.00  0.00        40789        3 |
 0.00  0.01       329190       26 | com.interramp.dc.washington
 0.00  0.00        18795        3 | com.interramp.fl.tampa
 0.02  0.01       650001      147 |
 0.00  0.00        18554       22 |
 0.01  0.00       100536       44 |
 0.00  0.00       156681       12 |
 0.00  0.00        97585       20 |
 0.00  0.00        65488       21 |
 0.00  0.00        41995        5 |
 0.00  0.00        14685        3 |
 0.00  0.00        80728        4 | com.interramp.mi.ann-arbor
 0.01  0.00        42571      119 | com.interramp.mi.birmingham
 0.01  0.01       275024       86 | com.interramp.mi.pontiac
 0.00  0.00        64105       21 |
 0.00  0.00        61841       22 |
 0.00  0.00        42736       13 |
 0.00  0.00        47193       14 |
 0.00  0.00       149093       36 | com.interramp.nj.newark
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.interramp.ny.islip
 0.00  0.00       181337       15 |
 0.00  0.00        37010        8 |
 0.00  0.00         8329        5 |
 0.00  0.00        41902       13 | com.interramp.ny.rochester
 0.00  0.01       392309        4 | com.interramp.oh.akron
 0.00  0.00        92032       17 | com.interramp.oh.cincinnatti
 0.00  0.00       147198       15 | com.interramp.oh.dublin2
 0.00  0.00       130764       32 |
 0.00  0.00        56933       11 |
 0.00  0.00        16288       13 |
 0.00  0.00        16670        5 |
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 |
 0.00  0.00        29668        3 |
 0.00  0.00        36980       10 | com.interramp.tx.abilene
 0.00  0.00       111202       32 | com.interramp.tx.dallas10
 0.00  0.00         5305        2 | com.interramp.tx.worth.ft
 0.03  0.03      1493097      227 |
 0.01  0.00       145382       50 |
 0.00  0.00        24324        9 |
 0.00  0.00        58139       22 |
 0.00  0.00       181309       40 | com.intersolv
 0.03  0.03      1193277      216 | com.intersource
 0.01  0.01       611107      102 | com.intersurf
 0.00  0.01       361772       29 | com.interval-intl
 0.00  0.00         5305        2 | com.inthenet
 0.00  0.00        26848        8 | com.intouchgroup
 0.00  0.00        49593        6 | com.intserv
 0.00  0.00        54459       13 |
 0.04  0.03      1382494      314 |
 0.00  0.00         2452        5 |
 0.01  0.01       381882       98 | com.iohk
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.ionsys
 0.02  0.01       663588      200 | com.ior
 0.01  0.01       454334       44 | com.ios
 0.00  0.00       121517       11 | com.iphase
 0.00  0.00         5644        2 | com.ipoline
 0.00  0.00         1625        2 | com.iquest
 0.00  0.00       204359       22 | com.irco
 0.00  0.00        66730       10 | com.isc-br
 0.00  0.00       177841       12 | com.isc-br.mont
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | com.isdnet
 0.00  0.01       282147       37 | com.isisnet
 0.00  0.00        77065       12 | com.island
 0.05  0.04      1989470      418 | com.islandnet
 0.00  0.00          181        1 | com.isma
 0.01  0.01       445500      108 | com.isomedia
 0.00  0.01       238659       31 |
 0.02  0.02      1080723      197 |
 0.01  0.01       535626      116 | com.istar
 0.01  0.01       479498      117 | com.itctel.dialup
 0.00  0.00        37201        6 | com.iterated
 0.00  0.00        21457        7 | com.iti-oh
 0.00  0.00        72011        8 | com.itron
 0.00  0.01       293325       37 | com.itsnet
 0.00  0.00        41277        4 | com.itt.acdin
 0.01  0.01       236033       61 | com.itthartford
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | com.itw
 0.04  0.04      1985119      338 | com.ivis
 0.00  0.00        22233       10 | com.ixks
 0.01  0.01       317291       45 | com.j51
 0.01  0.01       379478       62 | com.jagunet
 0.00  0.00        13115        5 | com.javanet
 0.06  0.04      2030552      484 | com.jaxnet
 0.02  0.01       416602      142 | com.jaycor
 0.00  0.00       101124       25 | com.jci
 0.01  0.01       358601       63 | com.jcpenney
 0.00  0.00       167038        9 | com.jeol
 0.00  0.00         2250        3 | com.jfrank
 0.00  0.00       111178       24 |
 0.00  0.00        61441       23 | com.jovanet
 0.01  0.01       294679       69 |
 0.00  0.00        95153       29 | com.judds
 0.00  0.00         8700       14 | com.judds.dcs
 0.01  0.01       226753       63 | com.jumppoint
 0.00  0.00        81893        9 | com.justcompute
 0.00  0.00       121938       23 | com.kaiwan
 0.04  0.03      1337911      336 | com.kalama
 0.00  0.00        40494       12 | com.kaman
 0.00  0.00       191001       35 | com.kcc
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | com.kcp
 0.00  0.00        80937       31 | com.kelco
 0.00  0.01       242653       31 | com.kellogg
 0.01  0.01       479714       96 | com.kern
 0.00  0.00        27696       14 | com.keytech
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 | com.kidsoft
 0.01  0.01       267487       53 | com.kindervision
 0.00  0.01       503908       34 | com.kingb
 0.01  0.01       244120       63 | com.kingdomconnect
 0.00  0.00       129424       27 | com.kingsnet
 0.00  0.00        27326        7 | com.kinkos
 0.00  0.00       111265       22 | com.kla
 0.02  0.02       861789      149 | com.kma
 0.01  0.01       529083       52 | com.kneehill
 0.00  0.00         6956        2 | com.knighted
 0.00  0.00        39901       10 | com.kns
 0.00  0.00         6681        3 | com.ko
 0.02  0.02       688664      178 | com.kodak
 0.00  0.00        97186       24 | com.konnections
 0.01  0.01       479182       96 | com.kosone
 0.03  0.04      1675356      261 | com.koyote
 0.01  0.00       152642       51 | com.kpcb
 0.00  0.00        70471       28 |
 0.00  0.00         1940        2 |
 0.02  0.01       560216      148 | com.kraft
 0.00  0.00         1940        2 | com.kspress.ppp
 0.00  0.00        11311        5 | com.kudonet
 0.00  0.00        62235        4 | com.kurz-ai
 0.00  0.01       273853       38 | com.kwanza
 0.00  0.00        90294       21 | com.kwic
 0.00  0.00        27006       10 | com.l5
 0.00  0.01       239619       40 | com.lainet
 0.00  0.00       210089       29 | com.laitram
 0.00  0.00        42298        6 | com.lakes.clear
 0.01  0.02       697097      120 | com.lakes.prairie
 0.00  0.00       107706       21 | com.lamrc
 0.00  0.00          858        3 | com.lanminds
 0.00  0.00        47092       19 | com.lantic
 0.02  0.01       444238      154 | com.lasertone
 0.00  0.00        22407        5 | com.lccinc
 0.00  0.00       125236       22 | com.lcp
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.lewebcafe
 0.00  0.00       113564       36 | com.lewisad
 0.04  0.03      1429858      288 | com.lewiston
 0.01  0.01       270289       44 | com.lexis-nexis
 0.08  0.05      2216173      608 | com.lexmark
 0.02  0.02       720030      139 | com.liberty
 0.00  0.00        90843       10 | com.licor
 0.00  0.01       264696       39 | com.lightlink
 0.01  0.00       205422       41 | com.lightside
 0.04  0.03      1552762      305 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.lincnet
 0.00  0.00       123012       40 | com.linex
 0.00  0.00        38925       20 |
 0.00  0.00         4640        1 | com.linnet
 0.00  0.00        44136       17 | com.lino
 0.01  0.01       415974       59 | com.litton
 0.00  0.00        53389        9 | com.livingston
 0.00  0.01       329999       37 | com.lloyd
 0.00  0.00       106842       31 | com.llv
 0.00  0.00         8891        2 | com.llx
 0.00  0.00          874        1 | com.lm
 0.04  0.05      2139466      351 | com.lm.slip
 0.00  0.00       133114       30 | com.lmato
 0.00  0.00        11633        3 | com.lmig
 0.00  0.00        17907       12 | com.lmt
 0.00  0.00        13221        4 | com.lnd
 0.00  0.00         2980        2 | com.loa
 0.00  0.00        85305       22 | com.localnet
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 | com.localnet.aub
 0.00  0.00        29788        6 | com.localnet.niag
 0.00  0.00        34320       15 | com.lockheed.fss-moses
 0.03  0.02       871473      231 | com.lockheed.lfwc
 0.00  0.00          265        1 | com.lockheed.litc
 0.02  0.02       766114      162 | com.lockheed.lmsc
 0.00  0.00          886        1 | com.lockheed.lmsc.ops
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | com.lockheed.lmsc.scf
 0.00  0.00       208593       27 | com.lockheed.outer
 0.00  0.00        18795        3 | com.lof
 0.00  0.00        55574       12 | com.logica
 0.00  0.00         7126        2 | com.logicalmicros
 0.00  0.00        38866       12 | com.logicnet
 0.09  0.06      2793844      696 | com.loop
 0.00  0.00        25293       12 |
 0.02  0.02       834612      189 | com.loral.lfs
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | com.loral.lmis
 0.00  0.00        25993       10 | com.loral.lvs
 0.01  0.01       287523       59 | com.loral.scf
 0.01  0.01       249739       66 | com.loral.ssd
 0.00  0.00        73626       21 | com.loral.wdl
 0.00  0.00        70280        8 | com.lord.sfb
 0.01  0.01       368918      107 | com.lotus
 0.00  0.00        10186        5 | com.loucol
 0.00  0.00       124213       36 | com.lsil
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.lsoft.dc
 0.00  0.01       417987       37 | com.ltec
 0.00  0.00        19548        9 | com.luckman
 0.00  0.00         5670        2 | com.lyceum
 0.01  0.01       296558       84 | com.lycos.eng
 0.00  0.00         3083        2 | com.lycos.srv
 0.00  0.00        15872        2 | com.maas-neotek
 0.00  0.00         4259        1 | com.macatawa
 0.00  0.00       130357       34 | com.macnet
 0.00  0.00        64305       17 | com.macon
 0.00  0.00       161227       21 | com.macroint
 0.00  0.00        20406        5 | com.macromedia
 0.01  0.01       280939       73 | com.macsch
 0.00  0.00        26152        5 |
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | com.maestro
 0.00  0.00       176110       10 | com.mag-net.ts
 0.00  0.00       122695       37 | com.magec
 0.03  0.03      1176884      279 | com.magi
 0.01  0.01       359089       75 | com.magiclink
 0.01  0.02       731261      115 | com.magmacom
 0.00  0.00        43150       30 | com.magnet
 0.00  0.00        98715       13 | com.magnus1
 0.00  0.00          677        2 | com.magpage
 0.01  0.01       261150       81 | com.main
 0.00  0.01       274998       29 | com.maine
 0.00  0.01       422285       25 | com.mall-net
 0.00  0.00        31977       10 | com.manifest
 0.01  0.01       431001      116 |
 0.00  0.00        10186        5 | com.marblehead
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.margeotes
 0.00  0.00        96506       23 |
 0.00  0.00        85007       14 | com.maroun
 0.00  0.00       171814        8 |
 0.01  0.00       188605       57 | com.mashell
 0.00  0.00        20188       13 | com.masterpiece
 0.00  0.00       118880       36 | com.maui.mrtc
 0.00  0.00        97512       34 | com.maxinet
 0.00  0.00        58826       10 | com.maxm
 0.00  0.00        10826        4 | com.maxtek
 0.00  0.00        34689       11 | com.mayatech
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.mccabe
 0.01  0.04      1697265       90 | com.mcdermott
 0.00  0.00        95795       20 | com.mci.con
 0.01  0.01       464242      120 | com.mci.cs
 0.00  0.00        20735        5 | com.mci.metro
 0.04  0.05      2154157      360 | com.mckinley
 0.00  0.00       136180       33 | com.mcp
 0.00  0.00         4639        3 | com.mcs
 0.00  0.00       133754       29 | com.mdalink
 0.07  0.16      7098810      578 | com.mdc
 0.00  0.00         7216        2 | com.mddc
 0.00  0.00         9718        2 |
 0.01  0.01       266609       44 | com.mdn
 0.00  0.00        26477        7 | com.mecc
 0.00  0.00       145130       14 |
 0.01  0.01       478667      115 |
 0.00  0.00        20496       14 | com.megamed
 0.00  0.00        20190        8 | com.megatoon
 0.00  0.00        63532       17 | com.megavision
 0.00  0.00         6901        2 | com.megavision.ogallala
 0.00  0.00         9174        4 | com.mei.diageng
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.mei.mis
 0.00  0.00        28600       10 | com.mei.moneng
 0.00  0.00        58330        9 | com.melita
 0.00  0.00         9259        3 | com.memc
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | com.memphisonline
 0.03  0.02       948869      276 | com.mentorg
 0.00  0.00        30480        5 | com.merchant-gould
 0.01  0.01       272827      116 | com.merck
 0.01  0.00       156361       50 | com.mervyns
 0.00  0.00        32374       10 | com.metaviolet
 0.00  0.00        26745        5 | com.metrobbs
 0.05  0.05      2314070      395 | com.metronet
 0.00  0.00        12407       12 | com.mfa
 0.00  0.00         5305        2 | com.mfsdatanet
 0.00  0.00        37879       13 | com.mgh
 0.00  0.00        34585       13 | com.mgroup
 0.00  0.00        29059        8 | com.mhi
 0.00  0.00       171064       29 | com.mich.dialip
 0.00  0.00        62202        4 | com.micom
 0.05  0.03      1344744      421 | com.microagewny
 0.01  0.01       478340      118 | com.micron
 0.01  0.01       467856      105 | com.microserve
 0.00  0.00        94517       26 | com.microserve.wbgate1.respool1
 0.10  0.13      5960580      781 |
 0.00  0.00       100535       10 | com.microspace
 0.00  0.00        62253       12 | com.microsys
 0.00  0.00        50838       17 | com.microtronix
 0.00  0.00         8943        8 | com.microweb
 0.01  0.01       261840       47 | com.midcoast
 0.00  0.00        22130        9 | com.milacron
 0.00  0.00        17579        9 | com.millcomm.mpls
 0.00  0.00        52590        8 | com.millcomm.roch
 0.01  0.01       439708       90 | com.millennianet
 0.00  0.00       126920       36 | com.minbar
 0.13  0.13      5882872     1014 | com.mindspring
 0.13  0.12      5625515     1013 | com.mindspring.dialup
 0.00  0.00       122310       35 | com.minot
 0.00  0.00        90862       11 | com.misnet
 0.02  0.02       787457      158 | com.mixcom
 0.00  0.00       112641       29 |
 0.00  0.00        60594        8 | com.mlode
 0.00  0.00        42078        5 |
 0.01  0.01       456934      101 | com.mmc.den
 0.03  0.03      1198477      248 | com.mmc.orl
 0.05  0.06      2657672      381 | com.mmc.vf
 0.00  0.00       108876       18 | com.mmd
 0.00  0.00       161603       13 | com.mmm
 0.04  0.04      1653241      300 | com.mnsinc
 0.04  0.03      1158152      317 | com.moa
 0.01  0.01       486014       45 |
 0.00  0.00       107812       23 | com.mobility
 0.00  0.00        84109        9 | com.mobynet
 0.00  0.00        21975       14 | com.monarc
 0.00  0.00        21794       13 | com.monlan
 0.03  0.03      1138051      213 | com.monmouth
 0.03  0.02      1105929      238 | com.monsanto
 0.02  0.02       921703      180 | com.montana
 0.03  0.02       821838      208 | com.moodys
 0.00  0.00         3986        2 | com.moran
 0.00  0.00        29154       10 | com.mortimer
 0.01  0.01       301017       71 | com.mosaic-comp
 0.01  0.01       227514       45 | com.mosby
 0.01  0.01       446067       99 |
 0.00  0.00       102754       30 | com.mosquito
 0.10  0.10      4525951      776 | com.mot
 0.00  0.00       101179       29 |
 0.00  0.00        62173       12 | com.mot.paging
 0.00  0.00        80824       13 | com.mot.sps
 0.02  0.01       542189      122 | com.mother.dav
 0.00  0.00       160296       20 | com.mother.sac
 0.01  0.00       193562       42 | com.moultrie
 0.02  0.02       760340      149 | com.mozcom
 0.00  0.00        95593        8 | com.mpcs
 0.00  0.00        38606        4 | com.mpgn.keywest
 0.00  0.00         2146        6 | com.mpl
 0.00  0.00        70827       28 | com.mrj
 0.00  0.01       279616       34 | com.mrj.dial
 0.00  0.00         6681        3 | com.mrj.ent
 0.00  0.00        49361       14 | com.mrnet
 0.00  0.00       121329       40 |
 0.00  0.00        23934        1 | com.msen.aa
 0.00  0.00        85637       28 | com.mti
 0.01  0.01       228285       57 | com.mts
 0.03  0.02      1063460      214 | com.mulberry
 0.00  0.00        91471       32 | com.murlin
 0.01  0.01       261761       47 | com.muskoka
 0.03  0.02       703166      210 |
 0.00  0.00         9927        3 | com.mw3
 0.00  0.00        69447       16 | com.mwwssb
 0.00  0.01       239959       25 | com.myna.rn1
 0.02  0.02       717258      141 | com.n-link
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.naplesnet
 0.00  0.00        83189       35 | com.nas
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | com.nasd
 0.10  0.05      2483013      775 | com.nashville
 0.00  0.00       165459       29 | com.natinst
 0.00  0.00       174893       38 |
 0.00  0.00        58380        9 | com.natoil
 0.00  0.00        35818       13 | com.ncd
 0.00  0.01       236524       28 | com.ncfcomm
 0.00  0.00       217928       38 | com.ncia
 0.01  0.02       918442       95 | com.ncweb
 0.00  0.00        53906       20 |
 0.00  0.00        19192        4 |
 0.00  0.00       140715       36 | com.neca
 0.01  0.01       299888       47 | com.neesnet
 0.01  0.01       336946       62 | com.nemonet
 0.00  0.00        86313       31 | com.neog
 0.00  0.00        65351       15 | com.neonramp
 0.00  0.00         4449        1 | com.neont
 0.05  0.06      2519607      416 | com.neosoft
 0.01  0.00       143834       54 |
 0.00  0.00       160587       34 | com.neptune
 0.00  0.00       160162       38 | com.neptune.lauderdale
 0.00  0.00        38892       16 | com.nesusa
 0.00  0.00        94469       26 |
 0.00  0.00        92349       16 |
 0.00  0.00       178892       24 | com.neta
 0.00  0.00        78815       26 | com.netaxis
 0.01  0.01       299410       61 | com.netaxs
 0.01  0.01       439293      110 | com.netaxs.slip
 0.01  0.00       105484       42 |
 0.00  0.00        24279        7 | com.netbook
 0.00  0.00          360        2 | com.netcarta
 0.04  0.03      1210852      297 | com.netcom
 3.34  3.04    137636984    26771 | com.netcom.ix
 0.00  0.00        59807       35 | com.netcom.slip
 0.01  0.00       175165       49 | com.netctrl
 0.01  0.01       230158       95 | com.netdepot
 0.04  0.03      1436569      308 | com.netdoor
 0.00  0.00       156322       35 | com.netedge
 0.00  0.00         3178        1 | com.netframe
 0.00  0.00        85670       27 | com.netgravity
 0.03  0.03      1368359      220 | com.netheaven
 0.00  0.00        20496       14 | com.netis
 0.00  0.00        37737        8 | com.netlnx
 0.00  0.01       438208       30 | com.netmind
 0.00  0.00       160306       39 | com.netone.dialin
 0.00  0.00        37889       11 | com.netport.buster
 0.00  0.00        25548        8 | com.netpower
 0.00  0.00       201403       28 | com.netrex
 0.00  0.00        44503       23 | com.netronix
 0.00  0.00        37219       23 | com.netrover
 0.00  0.00        85438       32 | com.netscape
 0.01  0.01       379667       52 | com.netset
 0.01  0.01       638335      101 | com.netside
 0.00  0.01       229241       40 | com.netstar
 0.01  0.01       245347       54 | com.nettally
 0.00  0.00        12407       12 | com.nettap
 0.01  0.01       399955       85 | com.netwalk
 0.01  0.01       320594       83 | com.netwest
 0.00  0.00        34380       14 |
 0.00  0.00       142437       23 | com.netxn
 0.01  0.01       527715       92 | com.netxpress
 0.07  0.06      2699195      578 | com.netzone
 0.00  0.00         1170        1 | com.newaccount
 0.01  0.02       871730       87 | com.newbridge
 0.00  0.00        38866       14 | com.newl
 0.00  0.00        34744        4 | com.newmedium
 0.00  0.00          984        2 | com.newpower.head
 0.00  0.00        30617        8 |
 0.00  0.00        58644       10 | com.nfe
 0.00  0.00        70443       12 | com.nfic
 0.00  0.00       166278       19 | com.nfinity
 0.00  0.00       165487       22 | com.nfld.remote
 0.00  0.00        29812        4 | com.nforce
 0.00  0.00        46054        1 | com.ngc
 0.01  0.04      1637280       67 | com.nhr
 0.01  0.00       159550       42 | com.niagara
 0.00  0.00        15572        2 | com.nibcomp
 0.00  0.00       157980       21 | com.nicoh.poky
 0.02  0.01       538246      174 | com.nidlink
 0.00  0.00        33929        2 | com.nielsen
 0.00  0.00        10308        3 |
 0.01  0.01       415661       58 | com.nilenet
 0.00  0.00         2487        1 | com.niyp
 0.00  0.00        48383       16 | com.njcc
 0.01  0.01       495008      108 | com.nmia
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.nmol
 0.00  0.00        22118        3 | com.nns.apt
 0.00  0.00        16321       11 | com.nobelmed
 0.00  0.00        83795        9 | com.noblestar
 0.00  0.00       104756       21 |
 0.00  0.01       347544       29 |
 0.00  0.00        24279        7 | com.nomius
 0.00  0.00       157012       24 | com.norand
 0.01  0.01       669125      120 | com.norden1
 0.01  0.01       369422       88 | com.northcoast
 0.01  0.01       306857       58 | com.northrop
 0.00  0.01       351629       33 | com.northwest
 0.02  0.02      1104297      178 | com.novagate
 0.00  0.01       296037       40 | com.novell.orem
 0.00  0.00        17830       13 | com.novell.provo.nld
 0.03  0.02      1108804      212 | com.novell.provo.nsd
 0.00  0.00        52801        7 | com.novell.provo.usg
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 | com.novell.sjf
 0.01  0.01       430088      120 | com.nppdnet
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | com.npsnet
 0.07  0.03      1279285      592 | com.nsc
 0.03  0.03      1232396      231 | com.nsis.pmaster1
 0.00  0.00       127544       13 | com.nspco
 0.02  0.02       726114      180 | com.nt
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 | com.nternet
 0.00  0.00         9592        4 | com.ntrs
 0.00  0.00       162693       39 |
 0.01  0.01       237452       49 | com.nucleus
 0.00  0.00       125754       32 | com.nvi
 0.01  0.01       277753       70 | com.nwark
 0.00  0.00        21252       11 | com.nwinternet
 0.03  0.02       931311      224 | com.nwlink.annex2
 0.01  0.00       169943       83 | com.nwlink.annex3
 0.03  0.02       972863      231 | com.nwlink.annex4
 0.03  0.03      1153126      237 | com.nwlink.annex5
 0.00  0.00        15572        2 | com.nyic
 0.00  0.00        27973       15 | com.nynexst
 0.01  0.01       436072       77 | com.oanet
 0.00  0.00        11846       11 | com.oc
 0.00  0.00        22647       19 | com.octonet
 0.00  0.00         7821        2 | com.odco
 0.00  0.00        53389        9 | com.odi
 0.00  0.00        40122       22 | com.oedison
 0.01  0.00        71410       42 | com.ohioedison
 0.00  0.00       148188       39 | com.oknet.com1
 0.01  0.01       308575       70 | com.oknet.com2
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | com.oknet.com4
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.oldcolo
 0.00  0.00        46690        6 | com.oleane.tls
 0.00  0.00       148327       27 | com.olin
 0.00  0.00        15572        2 | com.on-demand
 0.00  0.00        40528        6 | com.on-ramp
 0.00  0.00       122290       24 | com.onetinc
 0.00  0.00        89231       28 | com.onix
 0.02  0.01       675208      152 | com.onr
 0.00  0.00        66497        6 | com.ontario
 0.00  0.00        53342       11 | com.openix
 0.00  0.00        49191       16 | com.openmarket
 0.00  0.00        83569        9 | com.opennet
 0.00  0.00        62611       11 | com.opentext
 0.00  0.00         3118        2 |
 0.00  0.00       128121       34 | com.opus-networx
 0.01  0.01       540791      115 |
 0.00  0.00       149186       40 | com.orci
 0.00  0.00       175451       22 | com.ordata
 0.00  0.00       103515       14 | com.oregoncoast
 0.00  0.00       164174        5 |
 0.00  0.00        49138        7 | com.orion2000
 0.00  0.00         8748        4 | com.ossi
 0.00  0.00        13542        6 |
 0.00  0.00        80784       14 | com.our-town
 0.00  0.01       248578        1 | com.outer-net
 0.00  0.00        23720        2 | com.outlinebible
 0.01  0.00       176168       47 | com.ovnet
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.owens-corning
 0.00  0.00       135522       31 | com.owt
 0.01  0.00       185338       51 | com.oxy
 0.00  0.00        28714        9 | com.oz
 0.00  0.00         6515        2 | com.pacbell.bsrn2420
 0.00  0.00       119610       37 |
 0.00  0.00       174444       26 | com.pacbell.ffcrc
 0.00  0.00         1985        7 | com.pacbell.scrm2700
 0.00  0.00        32026        3 | com.pacbell.scrm3600
 0.00  0.00        78893        6 | com.pacbell.snfc370
 0.01  0.01       389337       89 | com.pacbell.srv
 0.00  0.00        93881       19 | com.paccar.techcenter
 0.00  0.01       314073       25 | com.pacesetter
 0.00  0.00        56994       23 | com.pacificorp
 0.01  0.00       185166       71 | com.pacifier.van1
 0.01  0.01       278785       45 | com.pacifier.van2
 0.00  0.00        50289       19 | com.pacifier.van3
 0.00  0.00        51978       10 | com.page1
 0.00  0.00        96822       32 | com.paloverde
 0.00  0.00       153895       30 | com.paltech.dialup
 0.00  0.00        12513        2 |
 0.00  0.00        52055        2 | com.panix
 0.00  0.00         9168        4 | com.pantek
 0.00  0.00        10308        3 | com.par-inst
 0.00  0.00        70887        2 | com.paramax.vfl
 0.00  0.00        22186        5 | com.parcplace
 0.00  0.00         1080        6 | com.parsecweb
 0.02  0.05      2256890      127 | com.pathcom
 0.01  0.00       219587       49 | com.pb
 0.01  0.01       447222       66 | com.pcix
 0.04  0.04      1951447      306 | com.pclink
 0.00  0.00          540        3 | com.pcnet
 0.00  0.00       133870       34 | com.pcshs
 0.05  0.04      1930824      381 | com.pcsonline
 0.00  0.00        10201        3 | com.pcsvcs
 0.00  0.00        34744        4 | com.pctraining
 0.00  0.00       185435       36 | com.pecinc
 0.03  0.02       859400      227 | com.peganet
 0.00  0.00       111949       12 | com.pel
 0.00  0.00       216803       38 | com.pella
 0.01  0.01       338687       92 | com.penn
 0.01  0.01       597043       92 | com.pensacola
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.peoplesoft
 0.00  0.00        30620        8 | com.pepboys
 0.00  0.00        63195        4 | com.peregrine
 0.02  0.04      2014893      127 |
 0.01  0.00       185093       46 | com.pge
 0.00  0.00       161657       26 | com.pgn
 0.00  0.00        37145       21 | com.pgs.twgg.hstn
 0.03  0.02       709186      239 | com.phibred
 0.00  0.00        15276        2 |
 0.00  0.00         4442        1 |
 0.00  0.00       136478       27 |
 0.00  0.00        18316        3 | com.phlfs
 0.02  0.02       970559      188 | com.phoenixat
 0.00  0.00         2549        1 | com.phonetic
 0.00  0.00       124061       11 | com.photoflex
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | com.phs
 0.00  0.01       265670       26 | com.phxbbs
 0.00  0.00        75710       24 | com.picker
 0.00  0.00        20438       13 | com.pictel
 0.00  0.01       329732       34 | com.pinc
 0.00  0.00       115598       34 | com.pios
 0.02  0.02       901527      153 |
 0.24  0.22     10178017     1905 | com.pipeline.usa.h1
 0.20  0.15      6886131     1591 | com.pipex.du
 0.00  0.00        78876        9 | com.pixar
 0.04  0.03      1339392      286 | com.pixi
 0.00  0.00       125901       39 | com.planet-group
 0.03  0.03      1300789      206 | com.planetc
 0.04  0.03      1270771      329 | com.platinum
 0.01  0.01       540003      104 | com.pld
 0.01  0.01       493380       86 |
 0.01  0.01       474929       68 | com.pnn.t0
 0.00  0.00        46912       21 | com.pnx
 0.00  0.00         3625        2 | com.pointcast
 0.00  0.00        88372       21 | com.polarcomm
 0.03  0.03      1144147      256 | com.polarnet
 0.01  0.01       558021       84 | com.pond.vf
 0.00  0.00       113790       28 | com.poptal
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.portal.corp
 0.00  0.01       307986       34 | com.portal.ip
 0.00  0.00        34249        7 |
 0.00  0.00         1640        1 | com.portalinc
 0.01  0.01       228766       53 | com.portup
 0.00  0.00        13578        3 | com.postsw
 0.00  0.00       168125       30 | com.powersoft
 0.00  0.00        12184        6 | com.ppwinc
 0.02  0.01       618008      129 | com.prairieweb
 0.00  0.00       147240       14 | com.praxair
 0.00  0.00        35649        9 | com.prc
 0.00  0.00        12054        5 | com.prc.bellevue
 0.01  0.00       211523       43 |
 0.00  0.00        89295       23 | com.preferred
 0.01  0.02       719621      100 | com.pressenter
 0.00  0.00        84120       27 | com.primenet
 0.01  0.01       235911       91 | com.primenet.boi
 0.00  0.00       125719       36 | com.primenet.cap
 0.07  0.06      2572999      544 | com.primenet.fhu
 0.01  0.01       256835       72 | com.primenet.flg
 0.03  0.02      1062761      223 | com.primenet.lax
 0.01  0.00       174103       43 | com.primenet.mci
 0.00  0.00       122219       23 | com.primenet.msp
 0.10  0.07      3368100      820 | com.primenet.phx
 0.01  0.01       405036       92 | com.primenet.pom
 0.01  0.01       395405       47 | com.primenet.prc
 0.01  0.00       174321       44 | com.primenet.sbd
 0.00  0.00       165390       37 | com.primenet.sna
 0.03  0.02       994869      265 | com.primenet.tus
 0.01  0.01       348575       97 | com.primenet.vcv
 0.00  0.00        38781        8 | com.primenet.wik
 0.01  0.00       207938       47 | com.primenet.yum
 0.02  0.02       733997      154 | com.printronix
 0.00  0.00       100192       18 | com.prismnet
 0.03  0.03      1230421      253 | com.proaxis
 1.43  1.83     82867127    11438 | com.prodigy
 0.00  0.00        52972       18 |
 0.00  0.00         8195        4 | com.professionals
 0.01  0.01       254030       56 | com.prognet
 0.01  0.01       284981       97 | com.promega
 0.00  0.00        18026       12 | com.prospertech
 0.01  0.01       254060       57 | com.prostar
 0.00  0.00        14031       11 | com.protocom
 0.01  0.01       428382       74 |
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 | com.prusec
 0.00  0.00         3226        2 | com.psg
 0.03  0.03      1203871      273 |
 0.00  0.00        58828       16 | com.psi.csg
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.psiint.fairfax
 0.00  0.00        42699        7 | com.psln
 0.01  0.00       145388       41 | com.psyber
 0.00  0.00        24364        7 | com.ptc
 0.00  0.00        64263        9 | com.ptech
 0.04  0.02      1127493      285 | com.ptw
 0.01  0.01       300735       55 | com.pulsenet
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.purine-mills
 0.00  0.00         1258        1 | com.pwfl
 0.01  0.01       459309      111 | com.pwrnet
 0.01  0.01       332687       87 | com.pyramid.eng
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | com.pyramid.mis
 0.00  0.00        10230        2 | com.pyrotechnics
 0.00  0.00       212860       32 | com.qcktrn
 0.00  0.00        38320        5 | com.qdeck
 0.00  0.00         6901        2 | com.qds
 0.00  0.01       521357        6 | com.qgraph
 0.01  0.01       297773       72 | com.qms
 0.02  0.01       504243      159 |
 0.01  0.01       288331       66 |
 0.01  0.01       391400      114 |
 0.00  0.00        40286        7 |
 0.06  0.05      2478154      476 | com.qni
 0.00  0.00        17403        7 | com.qns
 0.01  0.07      3161860      105 | com.qntm
 0.00  0.00       158444       35 | com.qrp
 0.03  0.02      1025469      228 | com.qualcomm
 0.00  0.00         5305        2 | com.quebectel.f001
 0.00  0.00         4287        1 | com.quebectel.f003
 0.00  0.00        54647       17 | com.quebectel.f006
 0.00  0.00        22430       12 | com.quebectel.f013
 0.00  0.00        17025        7 | com.quebectel.f014
 0.00  0.00       224379       18 | com.quicklink
 0.05  0.03      1517986      381 | com.quiknet
 0.00  0.00        12407       12 | com.racal
 0.00  0.00        10047        4 | com.radian.internal.129
 0.01  0.01       256589       58 | com.radian.internal.144
 0.00  0.00        40523       15 | com.radian.internal.152
 0.00  0.00        24495        5 | com.radian.internal.41
 0.00  0.00        44935        7 | com.radian.internal.9
 0.00  0.00         3490        1 | com.raima
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | com.rain.aria
 0.08  0.05      2390461      628 | com.randomc
 0.00  0.00        35293       14 | com.rapidnet
 0.01  0.01       556015      105 | com.rapidramp
 0.00  0.00       103353       29 | com.ray
 0.00  0.00        22890       12 | com.raymond-group
 0.01  0.01       236647       41 | com.rbdc
 0.00  0.00       115802       21 | com.rbvdnr
 0.01  0.01       472271       82 | com.rcinet
 0.00  0.00       112322       36 | com.rconnect
 0.01  0.01       498327       56 | com.reach
 0.01  0.01       261852       43 | com.reallink
 0.02  0.22     10046113      159 | com.realtime
 0.01  0.00       152187       49 | com.reapernet
 0.00  0.00       135799       30 | com.recom
 0.00  0.00        81301       14 | com.redac
 0.03  0.03      1535354      243 | com.redshift
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.relex
 0.00  0.00        75280       16 | com.reol
 0.00  0.00        55541        8 | com.res
 0.01  0.01       396058       95 | com.revco
 0.01  0.01       356079       71 | com.ricommunity
 0.00  0.00       180234       32 |
 0.01  0.00       102775       70 | com.ripco
 0.01  0.00       218260       99 | com.rippers
 0.00  0.00       104019       30 | com.riverbend
 0.00  0.00        21211        7 | com.rjsconsulting
 0.02  0.02       902926      199 | com.rmc
 0.06  0.04      1601051      479 | com.rmii
 0.00  0.00       160689       19 | com.rnet
 0.01  0.01       401539       91 |
 0.00  0.00        28021        9 | com.roche
 0.01  0.02       708967       95 | com.rockwell.anatcp
 0.02  0.05      2194195      199 | com.rockwell.cacd
 0.01  0.04      1615185       47 | com.rockwell.cca
 0.01  0.01       299319       86 | com.rockwell.comsys
 0.01  0.00       146157       41 | com.rockwell.corp
 0.01  0.01       387645       50 | com.rockwell.dny
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | com.rockwell.rdyne
 0.00  0.00        84237       19 | com.rockwell.rsoc
 0.00  0.00       158643       33 | com.rockwell.ssd
 0.01  0.02       918295      108 | com.rockwell.tsdatl
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.rohmhaas.cry
 0.03  0.03      1371802      257 |
 0.00  0.00        27857       11 | com.rose
 0.00  0.00       214222       35 | com.rosecs
 0.01  0.01       297999       41 | com.rossnutrition
 0.00  0.00        48823       14 | com.rpna.rpr
 0.01  0.01       611222      111 | com.rrd
 0.01  0.02       698952       63 | com.rrnet
 0.02  0.01       675233      186 |
 0.01  0.01       494261      120 | com.rt66
 0.00  0.00       162759       39 | com.rtd
 0.00  0.00         7367        1 | com.rtis
 0.00  0.00        38606        4 | com.rudd
 0.00  0.00       121181       30 | com.russell
 0.00  0.00        73547       40 | com.rvlink
 0.00  0.00       168889       39 | com.sabredata.lab
 0.01  0.01       240698       54 | com.sacbee
 0.01  0.00       101976       41 | com.saddleback
 0.00  0.00        10594        5 | com.safarinet
 0.00  0.00       110120       38 | com.sagus
 0.02  0.01       438139      167 | com.saic
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.saic.dayton
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | com.saic.ehsg
 0.00  0.00        74083       10 | com.saic.tucson
 0.01  0.01       548926       48 | com.sal-junction
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.sanctuary
 0.01  0.01       495306       78 | com.sanders
 0.00  0.00         5635        3 | com.sarnoff
 0.01  0.01       361137       80 |
 0.01  0.01       460268       60 | com.sbc.corp
 0.00  0.00        15344       12 |
 0.00  0.00          992        2 |
 0.00  0.00        40802       10 |
 0.01  0.04      1743379       92 | com.sce
 0.00  0.00        28727       10 | com.schwab
 0.01  0.01       373934      112 | com.sciatl
 0.00  0.00        39411        3 | com.scitex
 0.00  0.00        42696        6 | com.sco.pdev
 0.00  0.00        87922       23 | com.sco.uss
 0.00  0.00        42874       16 | com.score
 0.00  0.00       109710       26 |
 0.02  0.02       757701      158 | com.scsnet
 0.00  0.00        12528        7 | com.sctc
 0.00  0.01       317770       30 | com.sctcorp
 0.00  0.00        18395        5 | com.sdrc
 0.00  0.00        67681       37 | com.sdt
 0.00  0.00        53104       14 | com.seacoast
 0.04  0.04      1658196      336 | com.seanet
 0.00  0.00        50268       11 | com.seasurf
 0.00  0.00       113639       14 | com.secapl
 0.00  0.00       138511       34 | com.secis
 0.00  0.00       107339       16 | com.segue
 0.00  0.00        58485        9 | com.selectnet
 0.00  0.00         8880        3 | com.sems
 0.00  0.00        68663       17 | com.sequent
 0.00  0.00        33099        5 | com.sequoia
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | com.servtech
 0.00  0.00       219965       30 | com.servtech.bat
 0.00  0.00        92125       40 | com.servtech.ceh
 0.03  0.02       890550      251 | com.servtech.jam
 0.01  0.00       224285       68 | com.servtech.roc
 0.01  0.01       478454       82 | com.servtech.tor
 0.01  0.01       556185      109 | com.sfdungeon
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | com.sfo
 0.00  0.00        52095       18 | com.sgate
 0.04  0.03      1565692      288 | com.sgi
 0.00  0.00        29786       13 |
 0.01  0.01       493258       92 | com.shasta
 0.00  0.00        72143       13 | com.shaysnet
 0.04  0.02      1109820      301 | com.shellus
 0.00  0.00        30871       11 | com.sherwin
 0.00  0.00        38080       11 | com.shiva
 0.01  0.02       902353       92 | com.shivasys
 0.00  0.00         3366        1 | com.shl.gis
 0.00  0.00        33135        8 | com.shults
 0.00  0.00         9277        1 | com.siac
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.sial
 0.00  0.00       196436       26 | com.siemens
 0.00  0.01       238740       15 | com.siemens.sms.nmg
 0.01  0.01       604033       83 | com.siemensrolm
 0.00  0.00       162129       18 | com.sihope
 0.00  0.00        13121        6 | com.sikorsky.sea
 0.01  0.01       415830      102 | com.silcom.sba
 0.00  0.00         5305        2 | com.silcom.syv
 0.00  0.00        22591        7 | com.simsci
 0.00  0.00         5305        2 | com.sincom
 0.00  0.00         9480        4 | com.sinet
 0.01  0.01       230044       58 | com.sirius
 0.01  0.00       176964       53 | com.sirus
 0.00  0.00        24647        5 | com.siscotel
 0.03  0.03      1497493      260 | com.sisna
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00       106406       24 | com.skybus.pm2
 0.00  0.00        97394       19 | com.skypoint
 0.00  0.00       158023       14 | com.slb.asc.austin
 0.00  0.01       260800       31 | com.slb.ate.san-jose
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | com.slb.geco-prakla.gatwick
 0.00  0.00        14773        3 | com.slb.geco-prakla.houston
 0.00  0.00        94929       19 | com.slb.geco-prakla.oslo
 0.00  0.00         3504        2 | com.slb.geco-prakla.stavanger
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.slb.geoquest
 0.00  0.00        19447        3 | com.slb.geoquest.houston
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | com.slb.ipm.aberdeen
 0.00  0.00       216588       34 | com.slb.sinet.access
 0.00  0.00        12528        7 | com.slb.wireline.caracas
 0.00  0.00         3490        1 | com.slb.wireline.sugar-land
 0.01  0.00       186505       48 | com.slb.wm.tallassee
 0.01  0.01       461141       65 | com.slhduluth
 0.01  0.01       516096       92 | com.slic
 0.00  0.00        22829        9 | com.slmd
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | com.sltd6
 0.00  0.00        75735        9 | com.smallmedia.andrea
 0.01  0.01       231157       66 | com.smartt
 0.00  0.00        15305        2 | com.smginc
 0.00  0.00        40894       19 | com.smithadv
 0.00  0.00       186251       40 | com.smmcduluth
 0.00  0.00        81571       15 | com.smsnet
 0.00  0.00        82308       18 | com.sna
 0.01  0.01       541434      108 | com.snds
 0.00  0.00        25300       11 | com.snetnsa
 0.01  0.00       188296       62 | com.snni
 0.00  0.00       175046       21 | com.snt
 0.02  0.02       747346      198 | com.soar
 0.00  0.00       142414       35 | com.softart
 0.02  0.02       826471      161 | com.softdisk
 0.00  0.00        40873        9 | com.softshell
 0.00  0.00        17391        6 | com.softwareresults
 0.01  0.01       444919      111 | com.sojourn
 0.00  0.00       101052       21 | com.solcorp
 0.01  0.01       365344       59 | com.solgate
 0.02  0.02       884598      196 |
 0.00  0.00       133907       34 | com.sonatech
 0.04  0.04      1974840      360 | com.sonnet
 0.01  0.00       205578       45 |
 0.03  0.03      1246735      248 |
 0.00  0.00        48975       17 | com.southwind
 0.00  0.00        80098       26 | com.spacecom
 0.16  0.09      4026542     1250 | com.spacestar
 0.00  0.00        74861       14 | com.sparcom
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.sparta.mclean
 0.01  0.00       200024       57 | com.spec
 0.00  0.00       153397       32 | com.spectra
 0.00  0.00       177873       10 | com.speedware
 0.00  0.01       280620       22 | com.sperry-sun
 0.01  0.00       204939       49 | com.spiretech
 0.01  0.00       197711       70 | com.sprintcorp.fon
 0.00  0.00        24136        8 | com.spydernet
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 | com.spyglass
 0.01  0.01       655179      102 | com.sra
 0.00  0.01       233224       34 | com.sri
 0.00  0.00       176968       28 | com.ssb.clipper
 0.01  0.00       217455       45 | com.ssci
 0.00  0.00        10011        3 | com.ssd
 0.01  0.00       197363       46 | com.sshare
 0.00  0.00         8376        3 | com.ssi1
 0.03  0.02       799713      271 | com.ssnet
 0.00  0.00        51980       16 | com.ssquare
 0.00  0.00        35879        9 | com.ssw
 0.00  0.00        95910       27 | com.stac
 0.01  0.00       180738       43 | com.starlink
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | com.starnetc
 0.03  0.02      1071241      213 | com.starnetinc
 0.00  0.00        33292        8 | com.starpaging
 0.02  0.02       767890      192 | com.std
 0.00  0.00        52103        2 | com.stem
 0.00  0.00        55047        6 | com.stepan
 0.00  0.00        68340       13 | com.stephens
 0.00  0.00        59336        7 | com.sterling.dublin
 0.00  0.00       138798       11 | com.sterling.itd
 0.00  0.00       173280       39 | com.stewnet
 0.00  0.00       149021       39 |
 0.00  0.00       120351       28 | com.stlnet
 0.00  0.00        24279        7 | com.stlukes
 0.05  0.17      7602663      387 | com.stortek
 0.00  0.00        88494       38 | com.strata
 0.01  0.01       297946       59 | com.stratus
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | com.stratus.hqsl
 0.00  0.00          992        2 | com.stratus.mfg
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.01  0.00       217580       50 | com.strydr
 0.00  0.00       116760       18 | com.stx
 0.05  0.04      1836628      371 | com.sun
 0.01  0.01       325080       83 | com.sunquest
 0.00  0.00        38606        4 | com.sunray
 0.05  0.05      2055439      365 | com.sunrem
 0.00  0.00        41277       10 | com.sunsetdirect
 0.01  0.01       283084       60 | com.surfsouth
 0.02  0.01       635688      187 | com.swcp
 0.01  0.01       402367       69 | com.swn
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.swreview
 0.00  0.00         4259        1 | com.swsbbs
 0.01  0.01       356418       87 | com.sybase
 0.01  0.01       477144      113 | com.sykes
 0.00  0.00        50805       14 | com.sylvest
 0.02  0.02       698125      139 | com.symbios
 0.00  0.00        23624       17 | com.synon
 0.01  0.00       151747       45 | com.synopsys
 0.00  0.00        87097       21 | com.synoptics
 0.00  0.00       133347       19 | com.syntex
 0.01  0.01       256149       95 | com.syrres
 0.01  0.01       525262       54 | com.syspac
 0.00  0.00       205616       35 |
 0.00  0.00        81849       14 | com.taligent
 0.00  0.00        50651       13 | com.talongrp
 0.01  0.01       254525       66 | com.tandem.loc201
 0.00  0.00        59908       19 | com.tandem.loc248
 0.00  0.00          282        1 | com.tandem.loc3
 0.00  0.00        71824       18 | com.tandem.mis
 0.01  0.01       366502      102 | com.tandem.mpd
 0.00  0.00          180        1 |
 0.01  0.00       154397       47 | com.tandem.tower
 0.00  0.00        16321       11 | com.tandy
 0.00  0.00       213449       28 | com.tanisys
 0.01  0.00       164481       50 | com.tasc
 0.00  0.00         6699        1 | com.tasc.dayt
 0.00  0.00        86791       18 |
 0.00  0.00         9192        5 | com.tayberry
 0.00  0.00        20406        5 | com.tbcnet
 0.01  0.01       348100       66 | com.tbe
 0.00  0.00        25530       20 | com.tbo
 0.00  0.00       149602       23 | com.tbwa.stl
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.tc3net
 0.01  0.01       249695       50 | com.tcac
 0.00  0.00       159980       14 | com.tcbi
 0.00  0.00          492        1 | com.tccn
 0.01  0.01       315616       97 | com.tce.indy
 0.00  0.00       130696        4 | com.tcel
 0.00  0.00       107788       17 | com.tcfarm
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 | com.tcs-inc
 0.01  0.01       453373      113 | com.tctc
 0.00  0.00        42246        8 | com.tcu
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.tde
 0.00  0.00        44122       16 | com.tdl
 0.00  0.00        87482       22 | com.tdnet.ics
 0.00  0.00        36421       15 | com.tdsnet.ccm
 0.01  0.01       367696       97 | com.tdsnet.conc
 0.00  0.01       257845       26 | com.tdsnet.ics
 0.01  0.00       158996       44 | com.tdsnet.indy
 0.01  0.01       459577      104 | com.tdsnet.kear
 0.00  0.00        17020        3 | com.tdsnet.peop
 0.00  0.00        41076        2 | com.tdsnet.waun
 0.01  0.01       247503       63 | com.teachersoft
 0.00  0.00         7126        2 |
 0.01  0.01       399952      106 | com.techline
 0.00  0.00        12107       12 | com.technonet
 0.00  0.00        95963       25 | com.techreps
 0.00  0.00        43032       12 | com.tecinfo
 0.02  0.02       938737      147 | com.tek
 0.00  0.00       165763       25 | com.teknetwork.ppp
 0.00  0.00       123017       14 | com.teldta
 0.00  0.00       178687       38 | com.telecheck
 0.01  0.01       420870      108 | com.telepath
 0.16  0.14      6376891     1314 | com.teleport
 0.00  0.03      1484545       24 | com.telia
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.telia.midnet
 0.00  0.00        34037        9 |
 0.00  0.00        41277        4 | com.tellabs.lisle
 0.00  0.00       113902       17 | com.teltech
 0.01  0.01       405058      110 | com.telxon.eng
 0.00  0.00       116233       32 | com.telxon.mis
 0.00  0.00        74530       16 | com.teradyne
 0.00  0.00         5448        6 | com.teradyne.ecf
 0.00  0.00       221148       38 | com.teradyne.mtest
 0.01  0.00       145886       52 | com.teradyne.std
 0.00  0.00        74976       16 | com.teradyne.ttd
 0.04  0.04      1786341      304 | com.terminus
 0.00  0.00        12586        6 | com.terranet
 0.01  0.00       122761       46 | com.tesser
 0.00  0.00         6856        3 | com.teubner
 0.00  0.00         2663        1 | com.texaco
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.texnet
 0.05  0.09      3886016      428 | com.texoma
 0.00  0.00        15558        8 | com.tezcat
 0.00  0.00        92638       27 | com.tfn
 0.01  0.01       276712       49 |
 0.00  0.00       159837       21 | com.thegap
 0.00  0.00         8631        8 | com.themachine
 0.00  0.00         9922        3 | com.themis
 0.01  0.02      1078013       49 | com.thenet-usa
 0.00  0.00        70355       17 | com.theriver.pm0
 0.00  0.00        39610        8 | com.theriver.pm1
 0.00  0.00       130464       28 | com.theworks
 0.00  0.00        24094       11 | com.third-wave
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.thoughtport
 0.00  0.00        15465        7 | com.thunderstone
 0.00  0.00       179482       39 | com.thurston
 0.18  0.26     11768044     1412 | com.ti
 0.01  0.00       194571       60 | com.tidepool
 0.00  0.00        43579       16 | com.tig
 0.01  0.01       282466       89 | com.tima
 0.00  0.00        83569        9 | com.timeplex
 0.00  0.00       125594       11 | com.timetrend
 0.00  0.00         2822        1 | com.timewarner
 0.01  0.05      2122304       94 | com.timken
 0.12  0.09      3875032      995 | com.tir
 0.00  0.00        55575       12 | com.titan.cst.tpa
 0.00  0.00        42786       10 | com.titan.linkabit
 0.00  0.00        63476       17 | com.tka
 0.00  0.00         8932        2 | com.tmac
 0.01  0.01       476461      114 | com.tminet
 0.00  0.00         6794        5 | com.tnc
 0.00  0.00        21344        6 | com.tnnet
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.tnp
 0.01  0.01       274239       79 | com.tocnet
 0.00  0.00        12507        7 | com.toj
 0.01  0.11      4880801       97 | com.toledolink
 0.04  0.03      1161964      288 | com.townsqr
 0.00  0.00       101563       20 | com.tpp
 0.00  0.00        84050       10 | com.tracer
 0.01  0.00       176700       56 | com.transport
 0.01  0.00       219384       55 |
 0.01  0.01       387161       72 | com.traveller
 0.00  0.00       141774        4 | com.travsoft
 0.00  0.00         5686        4 | com.trcaccess
 0.03  0.02       961838      255 | com.trib
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.tribnet.snoopy
 0.00  0.00        67756       29 | com.tricord
 0.00  0.00       184360       20 | com.tridom
 0.00  0.01       232356       24 | com.tridsys
 0.00  0.00        75937       19 | com.trinova
 0.00  0.00        99165       21 | com.triteal
 0.02  0.03      1228566      181 | com.trucom
 0.00  0.00       220881       40 | com.truenorth
 0.00  0.00        34509        9 | com.trw.emc
 0.00  0.00        76817       17 | com.trw.fp
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.trw.ofl
 0.03  0.03      1154922      254 | com.trw.sdd
 0.01  0.00       146357       46 | com.trw.sedd
 0.02  0.02      1052858      183 | com.trw.sp
 0.00  0.00        73793       29 | com.trw.svl
 0.00  0.00       105313       39 | com.trytel
 0.00  0.00        75950       15 | com.tsc
 0.01  0.00       197382       45 | com.tscnet
 0.00  0.00         8608        5 | com.tsixroads
 0.00  0.00        19550        7 | com.tsrcom
 0.01  0.01       255110       47 | com.tss-inc
 0.01  0.01       406110      108 | com.tst-medhat
 0.00  0.00        78081       29 | com.tstonramp
 0.00  0.00        10950        7 | com.ttc
 0.00  0.00        70505        1 | com.ttgnet
 0.00  0.00        22231        9 | com.tuelectric
 0.00  0.00        15572        2 | com.turbonet
 0.02  0.02       729624      161 | com.turner
 0.00  0.00         5305        2 | com.tvratings
 0.00  0.00        68052        7 | com.twc
 0.00  0.00        17830       13 | com.twcable
 0.00  0.00        45695       23 | com.twibp
 0.00  0.00        35075       13 | com.tyson
 0.01  0.01       365507       71 | com.u-net
 0.00  0.00       156202       17 | com.ub
 0.00  0.00        58832        3 | com.ucarb.sct
 0.00  0.00        26981        5 | com.ucg
 0.00  0.00       163895       20 | com.ucinet
 0.02  0.01       553088      124 | com.ugc
 0.00  0.00       212395       24 | com.uhc
 0.00  0.00        20380        5 | com.uic
 0.00  0.00        22075        6 | com.uicc
 0.02  0.03      1159718      195 | com.ultranet
 0.01  0.00       149670       41 | com.unibase
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 | com.unipac
 0.00  0.00          264        1 | com.unipress
 0.00  0.00        31610       11 |
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | com.unison
 0.03  0.02      1012445      243 | com.unisys
 0.00  0.00        33035       13 | com.unisys.federal.mcln
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | com.unisys.federal.vab
 0.01  0.01       309352       75 | com.unisysgsg.eag
 0.01  0.01       291711       59 | com.unocal
 0.00  0.00        51113       15 | com.up.corp.beth
 0.00  0.00         1940        2 | com.upj
 0.00  0.00        38280       14 | com.uprr.omhq
 0.06  0.05      2076856      451 | com.usa1
 0.00  0.00        33573        5 | com.usagroup
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.usainfo
 0.00  0.00        56048        4 | com.usair
 0.00  0.00        60879       16 | com.usaor.gator
 0.00  0.00       149597       36 | com.usimicro
 0.00  0.00       217415       34 | com.usld
 0.00  0.00        14901       12 | com.usnews
 0.00  0.00         5539        2 | com.usonline
 0.06  0.06      2720083      512 | com.uswest
 0.00  0.00        10863        7 | com.uswest.advtech
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.utc
 0.00  0.00        24668       11 | com.utelfla
 0.00  0.00        15305        2 | com.uvsg
 0.08  0.07      3285203      612 | com.valleynet
 0.00  0.00       132728       15 | com.valunet
 0.00  0.00        27667        5 | com.varian.cfrp
 0.00  0.00        35957       14 | com.varian.os
 0.00  0.00        43978        8 | com.varian.sgl
 0.02  0.01       624274      122 | com.vaxxine
 0.01  0.00       226181       65 | com.vcn
 0.01  0.01       346807       68 | com.vcnet
 0.00  0.00        85501       14 | com.vdolive
 0.00  0.00        57428        1 | com.vdospk
 0.00  0.00        24933        7 | com.verifone
 0.00  0.00       163257       30 | com.verilink
 0.00  0.00        73858       31 | com.veritas
 0.00  0.00       130093       34 | com.verity
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.vermontel
 0.00  0.00        12022       11 | com.vexcel
 0.00  0.00        55959       23 | com.vfc
 0.00  0.00        10813       11 | com.vgi
 0.00  0.02       696715       18 | com.vhsla
 0.00  0.00        43295        6 | com.viacom
 0.00  0.00         6818        2 | com.vicksburg
 0.00  0.00        29204       19 | com.vigra
 0.00  0.00        39561       17 | com.vii
 0.01  0.01       448401       71 | com.vir
 0.00  0.00        17709        3 | com.vircom
 0.00  0.00         9658        7 |
 0.00  0.00        95107       22 | com.viscorp
 0.02  0.03      1264538      144 | com.visi
 0.00  0.00       162769       20 | com.vitinc
 0.01  0.00        94036       41 | com.vitro
 0.00  0.00       156048       37 | com.vivanet
 0.00  0.00        84492       21 | com.vix.home
 0.01  0.01       283580       47 | com.vlsi
 0.16  0.13      5665616     1308 | com.voicenet
 0.00  0.00        20982        7 | com.voltdelta
 0.00  0.00          276        1 | com.vpharm
 0.02  0.01       439566      131 | com.vt
 0.00  0.00        14977        9 | com.vtls
 0.09  0.05      2205107      695 | com.vvm
 0.00  0.00        85529       36 |
 0.00  0.01       303622       38 | com.wal-mart
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.waldec
 0.00  0.00        56226        5 | com.walrus.ts1
 0.00  0.00        15305        2 | com.wanet.sdios
 0.02  0.08      3415540      165 |
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.wantabe.sail
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 | com.waters
 0.00  0.00        22591        7 | com.wavefront
 0.01  0.01       452190      112 | com.wavenet
 0.01  0.01       348239      107 | com.wco
 0.01  0.01       505991       99 | com.wcoil
 0.00  0.00        34744        4 | com.wcsr
 0.00  0.00        25240        9 | com.wdc
 0.00  0.00        21343        9 | com.wdc.dt
 0.01  0.00       130572       45 | com.wdn.bbs
 0.02  0.01       628070      173 | com.wdni
 0.00  0.00        11844       11 | com.webadept
 0.00  0.00        40152        2 | com.webcc
 0.03  0.02       747808      234 | com.webcrawler
 0.00  0.00         7880        4 | com.webdoc
 0.02  0.01       550698      147 | com.webex
 0.00  0.00        18766        3 | com.weblinq
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | com.webnexus
 0.04  0.06      2724098      311 | com.wec.bwi
 0.00  0.00        52129       19 | com.wec.orl
 0.01  0.01       257119       42 | com.wec.pgh
 0.00  0.00        68553       13 | com.well
 0.00  0.00        43759       11 | com.westat
 0.00  0.00       154981       37 | com.westol
 0.01  0.01       399795       71 | com.westpub
 0.00  0.00        15781        3 | com.westworld
 0.01  0.00       121751       42 |
 0.00  0.01       423549       28 | com.what
 0.01  0.01       402956       80 | com.whidbey
 0.00  0.00       117021       24 | com.whirlpool
 0.02  0.02       745748      139 | com.widomaker.wmbg
 0.00  0.00         6585        1 | com.wilcom
 0.00  0.00       137432       35 | com.willmar
 0.03  0.02       785521      217 | com.wiltel
 0.00  0.00         8072        2 | com.winc
 0.01  0.01       531295      112 | com.wincam
 0.00  0.00         1668        1 | com.winternet
 0.05  0.03      1288115      365 | com.winternet.dialup
 0.00  0.00        13221        4 | com.wired
 0.01  0.01       371912       76 | com.wis
 0.01  0.00       158262       49 | com.wizard
 0.00  0.00        19240        8 | com.wj
 0.00  0.00        45457        4 | com.wjsa
 0.00  0.00       221276       32 | com.wl.aa.research
 0.00  0.00        19097       16 | com.wln
 0.00  0.00        19244        4 | com.wnc
 0.00  0.00       130205        6 | com.wni
 0.10  0.19      8743106      795 | com.wolfenet
 0.00  0.00        15872        2 | com.wonderware
 0.11  0.21      9705481      847 | com.woodtech
 0.00  0.00        15305        2 | com.woodward
 0.00  0.00        42999        7 | com.woolpert
 0.00  0.00         6856        3 |
 0.00  0.00        10072        3 |
 0.02  0.03      1489707      142 | com.worldaccess
 0.05  0.02       874840      377 | com.worldaxes
 0.00  0.00        76671        5 | com.worldcom
 0.00  0.00        15801        3 | com.worldgate
 0.00  0.00         5739        3 |
 0.00  0.00        58679        9 | com.worldlinx.rlaval
 0.00  0.00        51376       18 | com.worldtrade
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | com.wpe
 0.04  0.03      1324127      282 | com.wpl
 0.01  0.00       115098       45 | com.wri
 0.00  0.00        23944        7 | com.wsc
 0.00  0.00        22164       11 | com.wsmv
 0.01  0.00       156305       52 | com.wsnet.b1
 0.00  0.00       113509       27 | com.wsnet.b2
 0.01  0.01       347246       71 | com.wspice
 0.00  0.00         8739        1 | com.wstrnresources
 0.00  0.00        71653       18 | com.wvi
 0.02  0.02       690292      169 | com.wwa
 0.02  0.01       630421      124 | com.wwdc
 0.00  0.01       278353       34 | com.wwic
 0.01  0.01       325676       51 | com.wwonline
 0.01  0.00       214279       61 | com.wynalda
 0.01  0.01       396733       94 | com.wyoming
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 | com.wyse.x
 0.00  0.00       110888       18 | com.xcaliber
 0.04  0.04      1702563      315 |
 0.00  0.00        78985       28 | com.xetron
 0.00  0.00        45565        4 | com.xicom
 0.01  0.00        79023       43 | com.xilinx
 0.00  0.00        15957        4 | com.xinc
 0.00  0.00        38025        7 | com.xis
 0.01  0.01       377477      112 | com.xmission
 0.05  0.04      1673595      396 | com.xnet
 0.00  0.00        30803       10 | com.xplor
 0.01  0.01       369961       70 | com.xroads
 0.01  0.02       709399       58 | com.xsm
 0.00  0.00       159972       25 | com.yab
 0.01  0.01       347514       57 |
 0.00  0.00        27010       12 | com.yell
 0.00  0.00       167219       16 | com.yelmtel.nwr-y10
 0.00  0.00        98946       20 | com.ypn
 0.02  0.01       446047      131 | com.yr
 0.00  0.00          594        2 | com.zds.il01
 0.01  0.00       165663       70 | com.zds.mi04
 0.00  0.00        15751       15 | com.zender
 0.00  0.01       228517       38 | com.zenox
 0.01  0.01       471668       92 | com.zianet
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | com.ziff.zdi
 0.00  0.00         6535        1 | com.ziprobes
 0.00  0.01       345682       29 | com.znet
 0.00  0.00       145143       27 | com.zoom
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | com.zzz
 0.00  0.00         1671        3 | com.zzz.pdx1
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00        41002       19 |
 0.00  0.00        16321       11 |
 0.03  0.02       925187      216 |
 0.00  0.00        32517        7 |
 0.00  0.00        24365        7 |
 0.00  0.00       122224       34 | cz.cesnet
 0.00  0.00        48787       16 |
 0.00  0.00        28174        4 | cz.cvut.felk
 0.00  0.00        68075        9 |
 0.00  0.00        71103       21 | cz.dcit
 0.00  0.00        17270        8 | cz.login
 0.00  0.00        15569        2 |
 0.01  0.01       246214       74 | cz.muni.ics
 0.00  0.00        31893       13 | cz.vsb
 0.00  0.00        48572       16 | de.books
 0.00  0.01       241503       20 | de.compuserve
 0.00  0.00        69704       15 | de.cyberyder
 0.00  0.00        19202        2 | de.desy
 0.00  0.00        24364        7 | de.dhd
 0.00  0.00        18839        8 | de.ditec.vil
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | de.donau
 0.06  0.05      2077463      445 | de.dtag.btx
 0.00  0.00         4235        2 | de.epv
 0.00  0.00         1852        3 |
 0.00  0.00        82053       19 |
 0.00  0.00         6468        1 | de.fh-albsig
 0.00  0.00          837        1 | de.fh-flensburg
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | de.fh-furtwangen.ft-lab
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | de.fh-heilbronn.rz
 0.01  0.00       103487       47 | de.fh-karlsruhe
 0.00  0.02      1123329       10 | de.fh-schmalkalden.e-technik
 0.00  0.00        33761        4 | de.fht-esslingen.rz
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | de.fhtw-berlin.fb3
 0.00  0.00        38147        3 | de.fzk.iai
 0.00  0.00        21975       14 | de.gmd
 0.00  0.00        54757       16 | de.gmd.darmstadt
 0.00  0.00        11844       11 | de.gmd.technopark.cybercon
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | de.gsi
 0.00  0.00        47536       11 | de.gwdg
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | de.htw-dresden.informatik
 0.00  0.00        31986        8 | de.htwm
 0.00  0.00       106712       19 | de.kfa-juelich.ich
 0.00  0.03      1449185       15 | de.kfa-juelich.sp
 0.00  0.00          181        1 | de.lrz-muenchen
 0.00  0.00        21626        3 | de.mabi
 0.00  0.00        78280       13 | de.mcs
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | de.mms-gmbh
 0.00  0.00        10682        6 | de.mpg.mpi-msp-halle
 0.00  0.00        20649       14 | de.mpg.mpi-stuttgart
 0.00  0.00        25722        4 | de.mpg.mpifr-bonn
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | de.mpg.mpip-mainz
 0.00  0.00        33292        8 | de.neckar-alb
 0.00  0.01       271002       29 | de.netsurf
 0.00  0.00        37392        4 | de.netsurf.freiburg
 0.00  0.00        44083        4 | de.netsurf.giessen
 0.00  0.00        79072       19 | de.netsurf.rhein-neckar
 0.00  0.00        40316       12 | de.netsurf.schweinfurt
 0.00  0.00        29755        7 | de.osn
 0.00  0.00         3892        4 | de.prisma
 0.00  0.00       114365       26 | de.protel
 0.00  0.00       124558       12 |
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 |
 0.00  0.00        29715        5 |
 0.00  0.00        20623        9 | de.rwth-aachen.informatik
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | de.scn
 0.00  0.00       224174       29 | de.siemens
 0.00  0.00        23105       12 | de.snafu
 0.00  0.00        32766        6 |
 0.00  0.00         8751        2 | de.sni
 0.03  0.06      2746693      215 | de.sni.mch
 0.00  0.00        16902       13 | de.sni.pdb
 0.00  0.00        35823       13 | de.swb
 0.00  0.00        42999        7 | de.tap
 0.00  0.00        40686       11 | de.tfh-berlin
 0.00  0.00        12218       13 |
 0.00  0.00        48879       12 |
 0.00  0.00        11792        5 | de.tu-berlin.cs
 0.01  0.00       220362       47 | de.tu-chemnitz.hrz
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | de.tu-dresden.wh1
 0.00  0.00        52062       17 | de.tu-ilmenau.prakinf
 0.00  0.00        14454        6 | de.tu-muenchen.bauwesen.cip
 0.00  0.00         3744        2 | de.ufz.uoe
 0.00  0.00        26978        9 | de.uni-bamberg.ktheo
 0.00  0.00        44199        4 | de.uni-bamberg.split
 0.00  0.00         2455        1 | de.uni-bonn.informatik
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | de.uni-bonn.rhrz
 0.00  0.00         5896        5 | de.uni-bremen.zfn
 0.00  0.00        25004        8 | de.uni-duesseldorf.rz
 0.00  0.00         4900        1 | de.uni-duisburg
 0.00  0.00        51113       15 | de.uni-erlangen.physik
 0.00  0.00        69177       14 | de.uni-erlangen.rrze
 0.00  0.00       104254       29 | de.uni-frankfurt.rz
 0.00  0.01       380999       12 | de.uni-freiburg.biologie
 0.00  0.03      1486431       31 | de.uni-freiburg.imbi
 0.00  0.00         2894        1 | de.uni-giessen.hrz
 0.00  0.00         2013        1 | de.uni-greifswald.biologie
 0.00  0.00       138571       33 | de.uni-halle.urz
 0.00  0.00        62991       10 | de.uni-hamburg.chemie
 0.01  0.01       367285       69 | de.uni-hamburg.erzwiss
 0.00  0.00         4640        1 | de.uni-hamburg.public
 0.01  0.00       153110       58 | de.uni-hamburg.rrz
 0.00  0.00         5305        2 | de.uni-hannover.rrzn
 0.00  0.00        73816       16 | de.uni-heidelberg.iwr
 0.00  0.00        76362       13 | de.uni-heidelberg.urz
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | de.uni-jena.astro
 0.00  0.00        70212       21 | de.uni-karlsruhe.rz
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | de.uni-kassel.hrz
 0.00  0.00        10421        2 | de.uni-kiel.bwl
 0.00  0.00         6014        1 | de.uni-kiel.mail
 0.00  0.00       121571       29 | de.uni-koeln.rrz
 0.00  0.00       117730        6 | de.uni-konstanz.biologie
 0.00  0.00        11090        3 | de.uni-konstanz.inf-wiss
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | de.uni-konstanz.rz
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | de.uni-konstanz.tzk
 0.00  0.00        21667       13 | de.uni-mainz.physik
 0.00  0.00        33512       24 | de.uni-mainz.zdv
 0.00  0.00         9929        3 | de.uni-mannheim
 0.00  0.00        43050       12 | de.uni-marburg.hrz
 0.00  0.00        13490        1 | de.uni-marburg.phys-chemie
 0.00  0.00        11218        8 | de.uni-muenchen.forst.cip
 0.01  0.01       371202       66 | de.uni-muenster
 0.01  0.00       157278       45 | de.uni-oldenburg.informatik
 0.00  0.00        16442        4 | de.uni-osnabrueck.rz
 0.01  0.12      5466410      115 | de.uni-paderborn
 0.00  0.00         9359        2 | de.uni-potsdam.rz
 0.01  0.00       223434       50 | de.uni-regensburg.cip
 0.00  0.00        21252       11 | de.uni-regensburg.klinik
 0.00  0.00        20852        7 | de.uni-regensburg.rz
 0.00  0.00         6901        2 |
 0.00  0.00       112468       33 | de.uni-sb.rz
 0.00  0.03      1452198       19 | de.uni-stuttgart.bmt
 0.00  0.00        54135       11 | de.uni-stuttgart.mikro
 0.00  0.00        25107        7 | de.uni-stuttgart.physik.itap
 0.01  0.00       129686       41 | de.uni-stuttgart.rus
 0.00  0.00       104428       11 | de.uni-trier
 0.01  0.01       492348       65 | de.uni-tuebingen.zdv
 0.00  0.00        13723       10 | de.uni-wuerzburg.biozentrum
 0.00  0.00         9860        5 | de.uni-wuerzburg.theologie
 0.00  0.00        98432       27 | de.uni-wuppertal.urz
 0.00  0.00        29755        6 | de.unibw-muenchen.lrt
 0.00  0.00        26355        6 | de.wmd
 0.01  0.01       242456       50 | dk.aau.daimi
 0.00  0.00        80450       17 | dk.aau.hum
 0.00  0.00         5305        2 | dk.aau.mi
 0.00  0.00        26650        7 | dk.aau.zoo
 0.00  0.00        30601       12 | dk.agora
 0.04  0.03      1577283      308 | dk.auc.aud
 0.00  0.00        10642        6 | dk.auc.control
 0.00  0.00         8471        3 | dk.auc.hum
 0.00  0.00        59404       16 | dk.auc.iesd
 0.00  0.00        36192        9 | dk.bib.dbc
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | dk.bib.kb.macip
 0.00  0.00        45910        5 |
 0.00  0.00         2873        3 | dk.cybercity
 0.00  0.00        55108        6 | dk.cybernet
 0.02  0.02       757954      157 | dk.danadata
 0.00  0.00        42966       12 | dk.danfoss
 0.00  0.00        81075       20 | dk.diatel
 0.01  0.01       484461       76 | dk.diku
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | dk.djh
 0.00  0.00        30014       12 |
 0.00  0.00        13543        6 | dk.dknet.pip
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | dk.dtu.emi
 0.00  0.00         1674        2 | dk.dtu.gbar
 0.00  0.00          745        1 |
 0.01  0.00       122878       42 | dk.hillkomm
 0.00  0.00        28184        9 | dk.ia
 0.00  0.00        26364        9 | dk.if
 0.00  0.01       278310       21 | dk.internet
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 | dk.min.natmus
 0.01  0.01       491659       87 | dk.ot
 0.00  0.00        28700       11 | dk.risoe
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | dk.stibo
 0.02  0.01       432027      122 | dk.uni-c
 0.00  0.00        12941        5 | dk.uni-c.kursus
 0.02  0.03      1146556      166 |
 0.00  0.00        18682        3 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00       165092       10 | edu.ab
 0.01  0.00       131763       42 |
 0.03  0.03      1198768      211 | edu.acu
 0.00  0.00        34826        9 | edu.acu.mcm
 0.00  0.00        32017        8 | edu.afsc
 0.02  0.01       555641      171 | edu.alaska
 0.00  0.00        24078       11 | edu.alaska.uafac
 0.00  0.00        94600       18 | edu.albany
 0.00  0.00        64011        4 | edu.albany.bus
 0.00  0.00       117725       19 | edu.albany.cs
 0.00  0.00        43582       18 | edu.albany.ulib2
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | edu.alfred
 0.00  0.00        24365        7 | edu.alfredtech
 0.00  0.00         1184        1 | edu.alleg
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | edu.alma.bruske
 0.00  0.00        81176       13 | edu.alma.ehs
 0.00  0.00        54866       19 | edu.alma.sac110
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | edu.alvernia
 0.00  0.00        48787       16 | edu.american.develop
 0.00  0.00        52159       25 | edu.american.dorms
 0.00  0.00        38554        5 | edu.american.letts
 0.00  0.00        58400       21 | edu.american.library
 0.00  0.00        46054        1 | edu.american.ucc
 0.00  0.00          801        4 | edu.amherst
 0.00  0.00        12091        1 | edu.amherst.acc8
 0.00  0.00       208286       38 | edu.anderson.bibl
 0.00  0.00        63969       19 | edu.anderson.imc
 0.00  0.00         3504        2 |
 0.00  0.00        11217        3 | edu.andrews.aim
 0.00  0.00        10682        6 | edu.andrews.ausa
 0.01  0.01       417062      109 |
 0.01  0.01       486826       80 | edu.andrews.cs
 0.01  0.01       383113      103 | edu.andrews.libr
 0.00  0.00        15305        2 | edu.andrews.resmeier
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00        26477        7 | edu.anselm
 0.00  0.00        31818        8 | edu.antioch
 0.00  0.00        15331        5 | edu.appstate
 0.03  0.02       905887      233 | edu.appstate.acs
 0.00  0.00        26190        7 | edu.appstate.ced
 0.00  0.00        20925       35 | edu.appstate.slip
 0.00  0.00         4640        1 | edu.aps
 0.00  0.00        14002        1 | edu.apsu
 0.02  0.02       698638      124 | edu.apu
 0.01  0.01       665749      110 | edu.arbor
 0.00  0.00         8309        6 | edu.arizona
 0.00  0.00        98957       25 | edu.arizona.agforbes
 0.01  0.01       391619      107 | edu.arizona.ame
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | edu.arizona.anthro
 0.00  0.00        51113       15 |
 0.05  0.03      1332531      394 | edu.arizona.bpa
 0.04  0.03      1244625      353 | edu.arizona.ccit
 0.00  0.00        63461       13 | edu.arizona.cs
 0.00  0.00         5305        2 | edu.arizona.exsci
 0.00  0.00         8546        2 | edu.arizona.library
 0.00  0.00        27329        7 |
 0.00  0.00        42999        7 | edu.arizona.math
 0.00  0.00        28714        9 | edu.arizona.medadmin
 0.00  0.00        35316        9 | edu.arizona.pharm
 0.00  0.00        18146        8 | edu.arizona.radiology
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.arizona.rescomp
 0.00  0.00         9277        1 | edu.arizona.u
 0.00  0.00        23233        5 | edu.arizona.uug.gas
 0.00  0.00        30772       10 | edu.artcenter
 0.00  0.00        50962       19 | edu.artic
 0.00  0.00         5592        5 | edu.ashland
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 | edu.asri
 0.00  0.00          886        1 | edu.astate
 0.01  0.01       425962      109 | edu.asu
 0.02  0.01       632412      129 | edu.asu.inre
 0.00  0.00        55287       20 |
 0.01  0.00       142523       55 | edu.auburn.acenet
 0.03  0.02       958820      207 | edu.auburn.duc
 0.01  0.01       279518       52 | edu.auburn.eng
 0.01  0.01       484872      103 | edu.auburn.lib
 0.00  0.00        32574        6 | edu.auc
 0.00  0.00         3271        2 | edu.augie
 0.00  0.00        11175        3 | edu.aum
 0.00  0.00        10522        3 | edu.aurora
 0.00  0.00        42158        8 | edu.austinc
 0.00  0.00       175535       33 | edu.baldwinw
 0.00  0.00         7768        2 | edu.barry
 0.01  0.00        54439       41 | edu.bates
 0.04  0.04      1585581      295 | edu.baylor
 0.03  0.03      1210957      210 | edu.bc
 0.00  0.00         4217        3 | edu.belmont
 0.03  0.03      1191886      237 | edu.berkeley
 0.00  0.00        78330       17 | edu.berkeley.apa
 0.00  0.00        10946       11 | edu.berkeley.biol
 0.00  0.00        17781       12 | edu.berkeley.cchem
 0.03  0.02      1117671      201 | edu.berkeley.cs
 0.00  0.00       138567       32 | edu.berkeley.dofm
 0.01  0.01       358158      105 | edu.berkeley.eecs
 0.02  0.02      1015779      139 | edu.berkeley.hip
 0.00  0.00        38187       15 | edu.berkeley.lib
 0.01  0.00       195151      100 | edu.berkeley.matl
 0.01  0.01       320587       62 | edu.berkeley.reshall
 0.00  0.00        53389        9 | edu.berkeley.ssl
 0.00  0.00       161660       23 | edu.berkeley.uga
 0.00  0.00        76413       32 | edu.berkeley.urel
 0.00  0.01       264234       40 | edu.bethel
 0.01  0.00       186036       52 | edu.bethel.acs
 0.00  0.00        10308        3 | edu.bethel.admin
 0.01  0.01       342774       48 | edu.bethel.gator
 0.01  0.01       269333      105 |
 0.01  0.01       342469       85 | edu.bethel.sem
 0.01  0.01       322108       56 |
 0.03  0.02       928428      204 | edu.bgsu
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.bgu.csu
 0.00  0.01       226860        1 | edu.bgu.ecn
 0.01  0.01       350379       82 | edu.bgu.eiu
 0.01  0.00       125629       43 | edu.bgu.gsu
 0.00  0.00        10813       11 | edu.bgu.neiu
 0.01  0.00       209784       58 | edu.bgu.wiu
 0.00  0.00        21427       11 | edu.bhsu
 0.00  0.00        40470        3 |
 0.00  0.00        32182       12 | edu.binghamton.lib
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.binghamton.math
 0.00  0.00       108585       15 | edu.binghamton.net21
 0.00  0.00        11837        3 | edu.biola
 0.01  0.01       252392       53 |
 0.08  0.07      3195644      642 | edu.biola.admin
 0.01  0.01       279098       91 | edu.biola.student
 0.00  0.00       101555       17 | edu.blackburn
 0.00  0.00       189334       37 | edu.blc
 0.00  0.00        82280       28 | edu.bloomu
 0.01  0.01       596729      104 | edu.bradley
 0.00  0.00       127408       37 | edu.bradley.slip
 0.00  0.00       181051       14 | edu.brandeis.cs
 0.00  0.00         9277        1 | edu.brandeis.library
 0.00  0.00       194268       15 | edu.bridgewater
 0.00  0.00        41722        5 | edu.brown.andrews
 0.00  0.00        38820       15 | edu.brown.cis
 0.00  0.00       127142       17 | edu.brown.cs
 0.01  0.00       146274       46 | edu.brown.engin
 0.00  0.00        96547       23 | edu.brown.library
 0.00  0.00        29531        3 | edu.bsu.bsuvc
 0.00  0.00       117728       22 | edu.bsu.cs
 0.00  0.00        26704        7 | edu.bsu.cspy
 0.06  0.08      3752598      464 | edu.bu
 0.01  0.01       491949       77 | edu.bucknell
 0.00  0.00       131253       22 | edu.buffalo
 0.05  0.04      1791143      380 | edu.buffalo.acsu
 0.00  0.00        68601       18 |
 0.00  0.00        78886       30 | edu.buffalo.cit
 0.00  0.00        16928       13 | edu.buffalo.eng
 0.00  0.00        18533        8 | edu.buffalo.gse
 0.00  0.00        49620        9 | edu.buffalo.lib
 0.00  0.00       178551       37 | edu.buffalo.ppp-net
 0.00  0.00         7841        2 | edu.butler
 0.00  0.00        17841        4 | edu.butler.student-lab
 0.00  0.00       127288       21 | edu.byu
 0.00  0.00        25601       13 | edu.byu.cs
 0.00  0.00        82061       11 |
 0.00  0.00        40260        2 | edu.byu.lib
 0.00  0.31     14084284       10 | edu.calpoly.aix
 0.00  0.00        30825       14 | edu.calpoly.busfac
 0.00  0.00       161978       36 |
 0.00  0.01       238303       26 | edu.calpoly.dorms
 0.01  0.00       143129       45 | edu.calpoly.lib
 0.02  0.02       744157      128 | edu.calpoly.offcampus
 0.00  0.00        80488       24 | edu.calstate.gina
 0.01  0.01       427024       69 | edu.calstatela
 0.01  0.01       348746       80 | edu.caltech
 0.00  0.00        13221        4 | edu.caltech.cithep
 0.00  0.00        27640       18 | edu.caltech.gps
 0.00  0.00        20470        5 | edu.caltech.ugcs
 0.24  0.16      7347695     1959 | edu.calvin
 0.00  0.00        12981       11 | edu.canton
 0.00  0.00        58330        9 |
 0.00  0.00       135750       14 | edu.carleton.acs
 0.00  0.00        78414       25 | edu.carroll
 0.00  0.00         8660        3 | edu.catawba
 0.00  0.00        10518        4 | edu.cau
 0.00  0.00        52367        5 | edu.cbu
 0.00  0.00        35588        5 | edu.ccac
 0.00  0.00         7311        6 | edu.ccsn
 0.11  0.10      4704164      873 | edu.cedarville
 0.01  0.00       177359       47 | edu.centre
 0.00  0.00       171612       12 | edu.cerritos
 0.00  0.00        58044       20 | edu.ceu
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | edu.cgs
 0.00  0.00        31610       11 | edu.champlain
 0.00  0.00        28510       15 | edu.chapman.slip33
 0.00  0.00       111897       34 | edu.chowan
 0.00  0.00         3366        1 |
 0.00  0.00         9277        1 | edu.clarion
 0.00  0.00         2651        1 | edu.clark
 0.00  0.00        50942        8 | edu.clarke
 0.00  0.00       155859       16 |
 0.00  0.00       111239        4 | edu.clarkson.dorm
 0.00  0.00        15806        2 | edu.clarku
 0.01  0.00       109760       45 | edu.clemson
 0.00  0.00        45457        4 |
 0.00  0.01       339732       34 | edu.clemson.eng
 0.00  0.00        20406        5 | edu.clemson.m1m2net
 0.00  0.00         7563        2 | edu.clu.upr
 0.01  0.01       451134      119 | edu.cmh
 0.00  0.00        96131        6 | edu.cmich.cps
 0.00  0.00        17230       12 | edu.cmich.csv
 0.00  0.01       368754        9 | edu.cmich.ehhs
 0.00  0.00        81074       22 | edu.cmu.andrew
 0.00  0.00         6681        3 | edu.cmu.andrew.cyert
 0.01  0.00       205996       45 |
 0.01  0.00       222000       71 | edu.cmu.andrew.slip
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 | edu.cmu.andrew.weh
 0.00  0.00        25857        9 |
 0.01  0.01       231460       59 |
 0.00  0.00       140902       34 |
 0.00  0.00        34788       12 | edu.cmu.cs.ius
 0.00  0.00          621        3 | edu.cmu.cs.scandal
 0.01  0.00       185183       51 | edu.cmu.gsia
 0.00  0.00        23059        7 | edu.cmu.ini
 0.00  0.00         3198        3 | edu.cmu.phil
 0.00  0.00        70379       16 | edu.cmu.res
 0.00  0.00        40811        9 | edu.cmu.sei
 0.00  0.00        42239       18 |
 0.00  0.00        56114       18 | edu.cnu
 0.00  0.00         1815        1 | edu.cod
 0.00  0.00          181        1 | edu.colby.history-government
 0.03  0.02      1095416      224 | edu.colorado
 0.00  0.00        74014       10 |
 0.00  0.00        11518        5 | edu.colorado.cs
 0.01  0.00       110751       43 | edu.colostate.halls
 0.00  0.00         8891        2 | edu.colostate.lance
 0.00  0.00        13745        1 | edu.colostate.nrel
 0.01  0.01       538972       56 | edu.colostate.slip
 0.00  0.00        24779        9 | edu.columbia.barnard
 0.01  0.01       595166       82 |
 0.00  0.00        42999        7 | edu.columbia.cspa
 0.00  0.00         8076        4 | edu.columbia.nevis
 0.00  0.00        97143       12 | edu.columbia.nltl
 0.00  0.00        70451        8 | edu.columbia.phys
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | edu.columbia.prtsvc
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.columbia.radlab
 0.01  0.01       253816       58 | edu.columbia.rhno.jj
 0.00  0.00       127153       35 | edu.columbia.rhno.river
 0.00  0.00        16781        2 | edu.columbia.rhno.schap
 0.00  0.00        80729        4 |
 0.00  0.00        43683       17 | edu.columbia.sipa
 0.00  0.00        10813       11 | edu.columbia.ssw
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | edu.columbia.udar
 0.00  0.00        75592       12 | edu.columbia.uts
 0.00  0.00        48787       16 | edu.conncoll.smth
 0.00  0.00        29610        6 | edu.cookman
 0.02  0.01       594269      136 | edu.cornell.cit
 0.00  0.00         3132        2 | edu.cornell.cnf
 0.00  0.00        34622       10 |
 0.00  0.00        19756        6 |
 0.00  0.00       106149       22 | edu.cornell.lns
 0.01  0.01       276655       75 |
 0.00  0.00        71256       29 | edu.cornell.msc
 0.04  0.04      1591615      298 | edu.cornell.resnet
 0.00  0.00        75576       25 |
 0.00  0.00       101813       28 | edu.cornerstone
 0.00  0.00       208109       24 | edu.covenant
 0.00  0.00       167179       22 | edu.creighton
 0.02  0.01       464450      122 | edu.csbsju
 0.00  0.00        47838       21 | edu.csmc
 0.00  0.00        15243        4 | edu.csubak
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | edu.csubak.cs
 0.00  0.00        62766       19 | edu.csubak.lib
 0.00  0.00        82318       28 | edu.csuchico
 0.01  0.01       315431       76 | edu.csuchico.dip
 0.00  0.00         3135        5 | edu.csuchico.ecst
 0.00  0.00       152167       17 | edu.csuchico.lab
 0.00  0.00        66057       19 | edu.csudh
 0.00  0.00        53104       14 | edu.csufresno.engr
 0.00  0.00       111221       15 | edu.csufresno.lib
 0.00  0.00        23884        7 |
 0.01  0.01       332527       58 | edu.csuhayward
 0.00  0.00        18633        3 | edu.csulb.engr
 0.03  0.03      1175525      237 | edu.csun
 0.00  0.00        27237        4 | edu.csuohio
 0.00  0.00       101709       21 | edu.csuohio.async
 0.00  0.00         3828        3 |
 0.00  0.00        32258       12 |
 0.00  0.00        37726        9 |
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | edu.csupomona.sci
 0.01  0.01       317119       70 | edu.csus.dialin
 0.00  0.00        10186        5 | edu.csus.educ
 0.00  0.00        15572        2 |
 0.01  0.01       338116       51 | edu.csusm
 0.00  0.00        10744        5 | edu.csustan
 0.00  0.00        52086       12 | edu.ctc.edmonds
 0.00  0.00        12091        1 | edu.ctstateu
 0.01  0.00       189101       48 | edu.ctstateu.scsu
 0.00  0.00        38299       11 | edu.ctstateu.sysoff
 0.00  0.00        21734        3 | edu.cua
 0.00  0.00         5668        4 |
 0.00  0.00        42190       13 | edu.cua.pbsf
 0.00  0.00        76142       19 | edu.cudenver
 0.01  0.01       323289       53 | edu.cuis
 0.00  0.00        54768       14 | edu.cumber
 0.00  0.00       118769       30 | edu.cuny.ccny.sci
 0.00  0.00          181        1 | edu.cuny.gc
 0.00  0.00         4442        1 | edu.cuny.hunter
 0.00  0.00        13314        4 | edu.cuw
 0.00  0.00        33026        9 | edu.cwru.f-remote
 0.00  0.00         1531        1 | edu.cwru.ins
 0.00  0.00        17830       13 | edu.cwru.nurs
 0.00  0.00       151909       20 | edu.cwru.som
 0.00  0.00       144450       27 | edu.cwru.student
 0.01  0.01       238997       43 | edu.cwu
 0.00  0.00        88116       27 |
 0.01  0.00       205866       47 | edu.cwu.lab
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | edu.cwu.lib
 0.02  0.03      1283625      171 | edu.dartmouth
 0.00  0.00       106248       26 | edu.dartmouth.cs
 0.00  0.00       109969       18 | edu.dcccd.139.8
 0.00  0.00        21856       10 | edu.dcccd.2.48
 0.00  0.00         2933        1 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.denison.fellows
 0.00  0.00        10682        6 | edu.denison.macknapp
 0.00  0.01       277186       33 |
 0.00  0.00        12418        2 | edu.depaul.bogusfad
 0.00  0.00        49700       22 | edu.depaul.cs
 0.00  0.00        39973       11 | edu.depaul.lib
 0.00  0.00        21503        5 | edu.depaul.ohc-lab
 0.01  0.01       491435       68 | edu.devry.dup
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.dixie.lib
 0.00  0.00        60088       21 | edu.dlu
 0.00  0.00         2086        1 | edu.dominican
 0.01  0.01       342470       56 | edu.dordt
 0.00  0.00        62655       17 | edu.drake
 0.00  0.00        67660       16 | edu.drew
 0.00  0.00        62273        6 |
 0.00  0.00         9277        1 | edu.drexel.ece
 0.00  0.00        40832        7 | edu.drexel.library
 0.00  0.00        14960        1 | edu.drexel.mcs
 0.01  0.00       147029       46 | edu.drexel.resnet
 0.00  0.00        32391        9 | edu.dsu
 0.00  0.03      1390401        3 | edu.dtcc
 0.00  0.00        43710        5 | edu.du.cs
 0.01  0.01       246895       48 | edu.du.ducomm
 0.00  0.00        11909        2 | edu.du.phys
 0.00  0.00       120517       35 |
 0.00  0.00       154322       28 | edu.duke.acpub
 0.04  0.03      1224046      327 | edu.duke.async
 0.00  0.00        26908       21 | edu.duke.bootp
 0.00  0.00        14106        1 | edu.duke.chronicle
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.duke.development
 0.02  0.01       447763      138 | edu.duke.dorm
 0.01  0.00       195010       52 | edu.duke.fsb
 0.03  0.02       909703      211 |
 0.00  0.00        41785        6 | edu.duke.phy
 0.00  0.01       294066       19 | edu.duke.poli
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | edu.duke.tunl
 0.00  0.00        12274        5 |
 0.00  0.00        80643       19 | edu.duq.mathcs
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.dwc
 0.01  0.01       277122       45 | edu.east-tenn-st
 0.00  0.00        14811        4 | edu.eckerd
 0.00  0.00        39628       16 | edu.ecu.cis
 0.00  0.00        94380       24 | edu.ecu.educ
 0.00  0.00         2300        1 | edu.edinboro.vax
 0.00  0.00        87125        7 | edu.eiu
 0.00  0.00         1010        1 | edu.elon
 0.00  0.00       225957       36 | edu.emich.labs
 0.00  0.00        40260        2 | edu.emory.bus
 0.00  0.00       156001       26 |
 0.00  0.00        18374       13 | edu.emory.chem
 0.01  0.02       805319       94 | edu.emory.dialup
 0.00  0.00         5158        3 | edu.emory.english
 0.01  0.18      8062283       72 | edu.emory.epd
 0.02  0.02       767668      142 | edu.emory.fmd
 0.00  0.00        43649       18 | edu.emory.ped
 0.01  0.01       261440       50 | edu.emory.pharm
 0.00  0.00        52478       12 | edu.emory.pitts
 0.00  0.00        55045        9 | edu.emory.registrar
 0.00  0.00       122697        2 | edu.emory.univaprt
 0.01  0.00       195347       71 | edu.emporia
 0.00  0.00       110697       31 | edu.enc
 0.00  0.01       301522       37 | edu.enmu
 0.01  0.01       247011       57 | edu.epbc
 0.00  0.00         9331        4 | edu.esc
 0.00  0.00        61324       16 | edu.etsu
 0.00  0.00        58728        9 | edu.eureka
 0.01  0.00       158659       42 | edu.evansville
 0.00  0.00       133041       31 | edu.evergreen
 0.00  0.00       115753       35 | edu.ewu
 0.00  0.00         3429        2 | edu.fandm
 0.00  0.00         3112        2 | edu.fau
 0.00  0.00         1674        2 | edu.fau.cse
 0.00  0.00        20694        1 | edu.fau.oe
 0.00  0.00         1756        1 | edu.fhda
 0.00  0.00        11824        3 | edu.fingerlakes
 0.03  0.03      1232075      257 | edu.firn
 0.00  0.00        97992       37 |
 0.00  0.00       129107       37 |
 0.00  0.00         4640        1 |
 0.02  0.01       631413      138 | edu.fiu
 0.00  0.00       141364       36 | edu.flcoll
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.fortlewis
 0.00  0.00        65673       12 | edu.fresno
 0.01  0.01       365602       63 | edu.fsu.acns
 0.00  0.00        21801        8 | edu.fsu.acns-slp
 0.00  0.00        82964       29 | edu.fsu.aus
 0.00  0.00         5305        2 |
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | edu.fsu.coe
 0.00  0.00       106313       20 | edu.fsu.comm
 0.00  0.00       129223       26 | edu.fsu.coss
 0.00  0.00        16050        3 | edu.fsu.eng
 0.00  0.00        55832        4 | edu.fsu.lis
 0.00  0.00        33666        4 | edu.fsu.math
 0.00  0.00         5305        2 | edu.fsu.met
 0.00  0.00        14685        3 | edu.fsu.ocean
 0.00  0.00        58330        9 | edu.fsu.otc
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | edu.fsu.pc
 0.00  0.00        10800        6 | edu.fsu.physics
 0.00  0.00       121880       28 | edu.fsu.scl
 0.04  0.03      1166379      304 | edu.fsu.scri
 0.00  0.00        42767        8 | edu.fsu.wes
 0.00  0.00          270        1 | edu.fullcoll
 0.02  0.02      1126183      187 | edu.fuller
 0.00  0.00       121738       22 | edu.fullerton
 0.01  0.00       124066       45 | edu.furman
 0.00  0.00        69278        9 | edu.gac
 0.00  0.00         1461        1 | edu.gac.res-hall
 0.00  0.00         8284        2 | edu.gallaudet
 0.00  0.00         7043        2 |
 0.00  0.00        27973       15 | edu.gasou.lrc
 0.01  0.00       130339       53 | edu.gasou.pla
 0.03  0.03      1263891      213 | edu.gatech
 0.00  0.00        45292       10 | edu.gatech.arch
 0.00  0.00        15344       12 | edu.gatech.cad
 0.01  0.01       322310       71 | edu.gatech.ceismc
 0.00  0.00        25293       12 | edu.gatech.eas
 0.00  0.00        54280       26 |
 0.00  0.00        18533        8 | edu.gatech.eecom
 0.00  0.00       106873       37 | edu.gatech.gtf
 0.01  0.01       419658       62 | edu.gatech.gtri
 0.00  0.00        52213       14 | edu.gatech.isye
 0.01  0.00       195989       51 | edu.gatech.mirc
 0.00  0.00        25293       12 | edu.gatech.ohr
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 | edu.gatech.oit
 0.00  0.00        65582       23 | edu.gatech.pbf
 0.00  0.00        28891       10 | edu.gatech.remote
 0.06  0.06      2830885      472 | edu.gatech.residence
 0.00  0.00        49340        9 | edu.gatech.stucen
 0.01  0.01       504077       68 | edu.geneva
 0.01  0.00       157149       51 | edu.georgetown.icc
 0.00  0.00        75628        7 | edu.getty.bha
 0.00  0.00          258        1 |
 0.00  0.00       126061       30 |
 0.00  0.00        29795       18 |
 0.02  0.02       685102      129 | edu.gmu
 0.00  0.00         6468        1 | edu.gonzaga
 0.01  0.01       445876       56 | edu.goshen
 0.01  0.00       208038       56 | edu.grace
 0.00  0.00       125035        3 | edu.greenville
 0.01  0.00       190293       47 | edu.gsu
 0.00  0.00         5351        4 | edu.guilford
 0.00  0.00        15697       12 | edu.gwu.circ
 0.00  0.00         1940        2 | edu.hahnemann
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | edu.hamilton.its
 0.01  0.00       128396       42 | edu.hampshire
 0.01  0.06      2865332       67 | edu.hanover
 0.00  0.00        19151       13 | edu.harding
 0.01  0.01       422836       54 | edu.harvard
 0.01  0.01       422408       61 | edu.harvard.bih
 0.00  0.00        10950        7 | edu.harvard.eecs
 0.01  0.01       263510       57 | edu.harvard.fas
 0.00  0.00        13218        5 |
 0.01  0.01       378282       94 | edu.harvard.mgh
 0.02  0.02       713836      179 | edu.harvard.student
 0.00  0.00        15305        2 | edu.hastings
 0.00  0.00        44663        6 | edu.haverford.resnet
 0.00  0.00       137711       31 | edu.hawaii.dialup
 0.00  0.00       188448       29 | edu.hawaii.ics
 0.00  0.00        26826       10 | edu.hawaii.ifa
 0.00  0.00        29336        5 | edu.hawaii.its
 0.00  0.00        53389        9 | edu.hawaii.ssc
 0.00  0.00       105472       21 | edu.hawaii.stjohn
 0.00  0.00       134302       29 | edu.hawaii.uhcc
 0.00  0.00         7311        2 | edu.hawaii.uhwh
 0.00  0.00         7503        1 | edu.heidelberg
 0.01  0.01       305064       75 | edu.hesston
 0.00  0.00       100987       19 |
 0.00  0.00        75464       17 |
 0.00  0.00        10308        3 |
 0.00  0.00       100944       30 | edu.hnc
 0.00  0.00         8891        2 |
 0.00  0.00        65803       14 | edu.hope.cit
 0.00  0.00        75299       19 | edu.hope.cs
 0.00  0.00       130963       37 | edu.hope.lab
 0.00  0.00        40443        3 | edu.hope.library
 0.00  0.00        59798       17 | edu.hope.western_sem
 0.00  0.00        36015       13 | edu.houghton
 0.06  0.07      3014828      496 | edu.hputx
 0.00  0.00        51526       20 | edu.hsc
 0.00  0.00        20056        5 | edu.hscbklyn.medlib
 0.00  0.00       124558       12 | edu.hscsyr.cs
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | edu.humboldt
 0.01  0.01       283290       45 | edu.huntcol
 0.00  0.00        82460       15 | edu.huntingdon
 0.00  0.00        29019       11 | edu.hvcc
 0.00  0.00        46414        7 | edu.iastate
 0.00  0.00       110556       16 | edu.iastate.admin
 0.00  0.00        48406        9 | edu.iastate.ansci
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.iastate.catd
 0.00  0.00        94010       29 |
 0.00  0.00        28267       18 | edu.iastate.econ
 0.00  0.00        73609       10 | edu.iastate.educ
 0.00  0.01       295555       30 |
 0.00  0.00        88386       20 | edu.iastate.eng
 0.00  0.00        18316        3 | edu.iastate.engl
 0.00  0.00        10414        5 | edu.iastate.fcs
 0.00  0.01       231578       40 | edu.iastate.ppp
 0.01  0.01       322189       66 | edu.iastate.res
 0.01  0.01       273275       51 | edu.iastate.vincent
 0.00  0.00         3326        1 | edu.ic
 0.00  0.00       139817        5 | edu.idbsu
 0.00  0.00        30601       12 |
 0.00  0.00        48162        5 | edu.iit.rice
 0.01  0.00       183703       46 | edu.ilstu.aca
 0.00  0.00        36205       11 | edu.ilstu.cmp
 0.00  0.00         3717        1 |
 0.00  0.00        17044        4 | edu.ilstu.macip
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 |
 0.00  0.00       115103       32 | edu.ilstu.ppp
 0.01  0.01       363279       61 | edu.ilstu.ras
 0.04  0.01       588458      298 | edu.indiana.admissions
 0.00  0.00        31553        8 | edu.indiana.briscoe
 0.00  0.00        49515       23 | edu.indiana.bus
 0.00  0.00         5305        2 | edu.indiana.campusview
 0.00  0.00        52103        2 | edu.indiana.chem
 0.00  0.00        44218        5 | edu.indiana.econ
 0.00  0.00        21351        6 | edu.indiana.eigenmann
 0.00  0.00        17849       14 | edu.indiana.evermann
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.indiana.fa
 0.00  0.00        10813       11 | edu.indiana.hper
 0.01  0.01       264083       63 | edu.indiana.iun
 0.01  0.00       219685       48 | edu.indiana.iupress
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.indiana.lib
 0.00  0.00        34509        9 | edu.indiana.mcnutt
 0.00  0.00        36950        6 | edu.indiana.physics
 0.01  0.00       150673       47 | edu.indiana.psych
 0.00  0.00        26477        7 |
 0.00  0.00        80728        4 | edu.indiana.service
 0.01  0.01       495299       54 | edu.indiana.spea
 0.00  0.00        72266       21 | edu.indiana.teter
 0.00  0.00       106524       21 | edu.indiana.tuliptree
 0.04  0.03      1360778      298 | edu.indiana.ucs
 0.00  0.00        49203        6 | edu.indiana.union
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.indiana.willkie
 0.03  0.02       775658      206 | edu.indiana.woodburn
 0.00  0.00        63462       13 | edu.indiana.wright
 0.00  0.00       137386       21 | edu.indstate
 0.01  0.01       282822       42 | edu.indtech
 0.00  0.00       112795       32 | edu.indwes
 0.00  0.00        40981       16 | edu.inter
 0.00  0.00       109048       24 | edu.iona
 0.00  0.00       107744       35 | edu.ipst
 0.01  0.00       193653       53 | edu.isu
 0.00  0.00         7875        3 | edu.ithaca
 0.00  0.00         8076        4 |
 0.00  0.00        57175        5 | edu.iup.grove
 0.00  0.00         4764        1 | edu.iupui
 0.01  0.01       233869       45 | edu.iupui.dialin
 0.00  0.00        82283       20 | edu.iupui.indyrad
 0.00  0.00       131784        5 | edu.iupui.oitlc
 0.00  0.01       271544       21 | edu.iupui.ulib
 0.00  0.01       249750       29 | edu.jbu
 0.00  0.00        41968       18 | edu.jc
 0.00  0.00        68380       22 | edu.jcstate
 0.00  0.00        30425        4 | edu.jcsu
 0.00  0.00       172018       23 |
 0.00  0.00        31278        1 | edu.jhu.che
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 | edu.jhu.ece
 0.00  0.00        96932       35 | edu.jhu.hcf
 0.00  0.03      1168570       17 |
 0.00  0.00         8076        4 | edu.jhu.mse
 0.00  0.00        21520        3 | edu.jhu.peabody
 0.00  0.00       184737       25 | edu.jhu.ppp
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00       174755       38 | edu.jhu.res
 0.01  0.00        80611       46 | edu.jhu.scs
 0.00  0.00        27698        9 | edu.jhu.welch
 0.02  0.02       884161      180 | edu.jhuapl
 0.00  0.00        11976        3 | edu.jmu
 0.00  0.00        30909       13 | edu.jmu.lab
 0.00  0.00         6681        3 | edu.jmu.pc
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | edu.jmu.resnet
 0.00  0.00        18374       13 | edu.jstb
 0.01  0.11      5121795      113 | edu.jsu
 0.00  0.00       128561        9 | edu.ju
 0.00  0.00         2651        1 | edu.juniata
 0.02  0.02       797099      183 | edu.kcc
 0.00  0.00        22080       13 | edu.kean
 0.00  0.00         1583        2 | edu.keene
 0.00  0.00          181        1 | edu.kennesaw
 0.00  0.00        78955       16 | edu.kent
 0.00  0.00        69110        8 |
 0.00  0.00         3114        1 | edu.kent.educ
 0.00  0.00         3423        3 | edu.kent.geauga
 0.00  0.00         5508        2 | edu.kent.mcs
 0.00  0.00        10604        4 | edu.kent.mcs.pcnet
 0.00  0.00        47030        5 | edu.kentlaw
 0.00  0.00       140393       39 | edu.kenyon
 0.00  0.00        26865        5 | edu.knox.pix
 0.00  0.00        40355        1 | edu.ksu
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | edu.ksu.agron
 0.00  0.00        13362        6 | edu.ksu.ksu
 0.00  0.00         6980        2 | edu.ksu.lab
 0.04  0.02       991894      346 | edu.ksu.slip
 0.00  0.00        25119       12 | edu.kumc.cs
 0.00  0.00        24012        5 | edu.kumc.itc
 0.00  0.00        54530       19 | edu.kumc.shiva1
 0.00  0.00       126536       26 | edu.kumc.shiva3
 0.00  0.00         9972        4 | edu.kutztown.hou
 0.00  0.00       140764       18 | edu.kutztown.las
 0.00  0.00        29424       10 | edu.kutztown.lis
 0.00  0.00        11130        3 | edu.kzoo
 0.00  0.00        15872        2 | edu.lacoe
 0.00  0.00         2667        2 | edu.lane
 0.00  0.01       405675       30 | edu.lanecc
 0.00  0.00         7176        7 |
 0.00  0.00       109466       30 | edu.latech.engr
 0.00  0.00        30564        2 | edu.latech.journ
 0.02  0.02       737644      123 | edu.latech.remote
 0.00  0.00        90006        6 | edu.lccs
 0.00  0.00        23807        5 | edu.lcsc
 0.00  0.00        41411       16 |
 0.01  0.00       216717       49 | edu.lehigh.res
 0.00  0.01       601065        7 | edu.lemoyne
 0.01  0.01       541352      105 | edu.letu
 0.00  0.00        67878       10 | edu.lewis
 0.01  0.01       309281       80 | edu.liberty
 0.00  0.00          745        1 |
 0.01  0.01       303826       62 |
 0.00  0.00        22998        5 | edu.liunet
 0.00  0.00        76762       14 | edu.louisville
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | edu.louisville.adm
 0.00  0.00        57592        7 | edu.louisville.adm-houchens
 0.00  0.00        17380        2 | edu.louisville.comm
 0.00  0.00        64099       11 |
 0.00  0.00         7068        2 | edu.louisville.library
 0.00  0.00        82947       31 | edu.louisville.remote
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 | edu.louisville.spdlan
 0.00  0.00        47071       19 | edu.loyno
 0.17  0.15      6675823     1394 | edu.loyola
 0.00  0.00        32847        3 | edu.loyola.lattanze
 0.00  0.00        14254       13 | edu.lsu.agadm
 0.00  0.00        37897       14 | edu.lsu.ais
 0.01  0.01       399072       49 | edu.lsu.bae
 0.00  0.00        33094       13 | edu.lsu.cadgis
 0.00  0.00       143333       19 | edu.lsu.che
 0.01  0.01       234982       58 | edu.lsu.chem
 0.00  0.00        51113       15 | edu.lsu.disd
 0.00  0.00        67259       12 | edu.lsu.enrg
 0.00  0.00        38850        5 | edu.lsu.jour
 0.00  0.00       147652       26 | edu.lsu.lib
 0.00  0.00        60513       28 |
 0.00  0.00       141633       32 | edu.lsu.ocs
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.lsu.ops
 0.00  0.00        57474       16 | edu.lsu.poli
 0.00  0.00       147896       32 | edu.lsumc.biocom
 0.00  0.00       117368       36 | edu.lsumc.conway
 0.00  0.00        42999        7 | edu.lsumc.micro
 0.00  0.00        68462       12 | edu.lsumc.mrec
 0.01  0.00       201261       53 | edu.lsumc.ortho
 0.00  0.00       164211       13 | edu.lsumc.purch-sh
 0.00  0.00       107287       34 | edu.lsus
 0.00  0.00        32258       12 | edu.ltu
 0.00  0.00        29210       10 |
 0.00  0.00          992        2 | edu.luc.library
 0.00  0.00         8350        1 |
 0.00  0.00         5586        4 | edu.luc.medctr
 0.00  0.00        53389        9 | edu.luc.meddean
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.luc.parmly
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | edu.luorc
 0.00  0.00        59755       14 | edu.macalstr.lib
 0.00  0.00       107097       14 | edu.maine
 0.00  0.00        91725       19 | edu.maine.caps
 0.00  0.01       340480       35 | edu.maine.caps.ts-p-caps
 0.00  0.00        68008       13 |
 0.00  0.00        13221        4 | edu.maine.ume
 0.00  0.01       230231       22 | edu.maine.umead
 0.01  0.01       334053       73 | edu.maine.umeasa
 0.02  0.02       740613      156 | edu.maine.umetel
 0.00  0.00        23319        8 | edu.maine.umfacad
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.maine.umpi
 0.00  0.00        28795        3 | edu.maine.usmacs
 0.00  0.00        10518        4 | edu.malone
 0.00  0.00        66973        7 | edu.mancol.miguel
 0.00  0.00        39390        7 | edu.maricopa.dist.its
 0.00  0.00       209478       26 | edu.maricopa.gc
 0.01  0.01       653683       54 |
 0.00  0.00        64233       17 | edu.maricopa.pc.b-lab
 0.00  0.00        74097       21 | edu.maricopa.pc.pod6
 0.03  0.02      1130056      251 | edu.marshall
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.marywood
 0.00  0.00       192508       38 | edu.mass
 0.00  0.00         3385        5 | edu.mass.frc
 0.00  0.00         4763        1 | edu.mass.mecn
 0.00  0.00        44699        8 | edu.mass.wsc
 0.00  0.00        11633        3 | edu.masters
 0.02  0.03      1249837      164 | edu.mayo
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 | edu.mcg
 0.00  0.00        29518       11 | edu.mcgill.mcrcim
 0.00  0.00        12996        3 | edu.mckenna
 0.00  0.00       101632       25 | edu.mcw.admin
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.01  0.00       166051       46 | edu.mcw.its
 0.01  0.00       226283       43 | edu.mcw.psych
 0.03  0.02       826601      207 | edu.memphis
 0.01  0.00       195059       48 | edu.memphis.ceri
 0.00  0.00        89148       19 | edu.memphis.lib
 0.00  0.00        85966       24 | edu.merit.ws21
 0.00  0.00        54540       10 | edu.messiah
 0.00  0.00        59704       23 |
 0.01  0.00       217661       52 |
 0.00  0.00        41905       12 |
 0.00  0.01       237372        5 |
 0.00  0.00        10186        5 |
 0.01  0.00       218652       51 | edu.middlebury
 0.00  0.00        62027        4 | edu.millersv
 0.00  0.00        17333        3 | edu.millikin
 0.00  0.01       279366       24 | edu.millsaps
 0.01  0.01       309305       42 | edu.mines
 0.02  0.02      1016369      198 | edu.missouri
 0.00  0.00        13037        5 | edu.missouri.agron
 0.01  0.00       158499       44 | edu.missouri.biosci
 0.01  0.00       206438       58 | edu.missouri.coin
 0.00  0.00        12711        5 | edu.missouri.hsc
 0.00  0.00        33094       13 | edu.missouri.leehills
 0.06  0.07      3189474      508 |
 0.02  0.01       426263      123 |
 0.00  0.00        19536        6 | edu.mlc
 0.00  0.00         9936        2 | edu.mmc
 0.00  0.00        68125       15 | edu.mnsfld
 0.01  0.01       353482       53 | edu.monroe
 0.00  0.01       352624       37 | edu.montana.oscs
 0.00  0.00        27585        4 | edu.montclair
 0.01  0.00       118654       49 | edu.monterey
 0.01  0.01       261531       58 | edu.montreat
 0.05  0.07      3188460      393 | edu.moody
 0.00  0.00        81281       11 | edu.moravian
 0.00  0.00         8046        3 | edu.moravian.cs
 0.00  0.00        33176        9 | edu.morehead-st
 0.00  0.00        27424        2 | edu.mscd
 0.00  0.00        16068        3 | edu.msoe.acsd
 0.00  0.00        62462       20 |
 0.00  0.00        26477        7 | edu.msstate.drec.ts1
 0.00  0.00       101474       30 |
 0.00  0.00        96420       14 | edu.msstate.mscl
 0.01  0.01       310308       93 | edu.msstate.ts1
 0.02  0.01       573765      127 | edu.msstate.ts2
 0.00  0.00        12126        7 | edu.msstate.ur
 0.00  0.00        21331        4 | edu.msu.aec
 0.04  0.03      1393655      322 |
 0.00  0.00        31631        9 |
 0.00  0.00       186267       26 | edu.msu.cps
 0.00  0.00        47220       21 | edu.msu.css
 0.00  0.00        17514        4 | edu.msu.cvm
 0.01  0.02       762068       80 | edu.msu.egr
 0.00  0.00         1733        1 | edu.msu.kbs
 0.00  0.00         8284        2 | edu.msu.lir
 0.01  0.01       269833       76 | edu.msu.msufgp
 0.00  0.00        52060       18 | edu.msu.mth
 0.00  0.00        29446        8 |
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | edu.msu.nscl
 0.00  0.00        77238        8 | edu.msu.nursing
 0.00  0.00        20176        3 | edu.msu.opb
 0.00  0.00       104199       19 | edu.msu.orcbs
 0.00  0.00          362        2 | edu.msu.pls
 0.00  0.00        11215        3 |
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | edu.msus.mankato
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | edu.msus.mankato.reslife
 0.02  0.01       640429      130 | edu.msus.stcloud
 0.01  0.00       122186       45 | edu.mtsac
 0.01  0.01       238719       49 | edu.mtsu
 0.00  0.00        61652       19 | edu.mtu.admin
 0.00  0.00        18795        3 | edu.mtu.chem
 0.00  0.00        91778       27 | edu.mtu.civil
 0.00  0.00        33292        8 | edu.mtu.cs
 0.00  0.00        32711        7 | edu.mtu.cts
 0.00  0.01       266467       36 |
 0.01  0.01       423198      120 |
 0.00  0.00        79674       15 |
 0.01  0.01       305174       81 | edu.mtu.mathlab
 0.01  0.00       218667       49 |
 0.00  0.00        15663       13 |
 0.00  0.00        62247        4 | edu.mtwilson
 0.00  0.00        29520        3 |
 0.00  0.00        16321       11 |
 0.00  0.00        70887        2 | edu.muc
 0.00  0.00        85420        9 | edu.muhlberg.oit
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.muhs
 0.00  0.00       103843       24 | edu.muohio.acs
 0.00  0.00        73956       18 | edu.muohio.lib
 0.00  0.00       142365       30 |
 0.00  0.00        81880       11 | edu.mursuky
 0.00  0.00        32517       26 | edu.muw
 0.00  0.00        10682        6 | edu.mville
 0.00  0.00        59719       15 | edu.mvnc
 0.00  0.00        27665       14 | edu.mwc
 0.00  0.00        24690        4 | edu.mwsc
 0.00  0.00        60670       27 | edu.mwsc.dormlab
 0.00  0.00        42702       19 | edu.mwsu
 0.00  0.00        25084        4 | edu.nas
 0.00  0.00        23414       15 | edu.nau.cca
 0.00  0.00        71822       17 | edu.nau.ucc
 0.01  0.00        98621       50 | edu.ncat
 0.01  0.01       413946       93 | edu.ncat.library
 0.02  0.01       416251      121 | edu.ncbc
 0.01  0.00       212907       47 | edu.ncssm
 0.00  0.00       124786       35 | edu.ncsu.ce
 0.00  0.00       150028       19 | edu.ncsu.ces
 0.00  0.00        31144        4 | edu.ncsu.cfr
 0.00  0.00        47068       12 | edu.ncsu.chass
 0.00  0.00        40830       15 | edu.ncsu.coe
 0.01  0.00       195708       61 |
 0.00  0.00        55119        7 | edu.ncsu.ece
 0.00  0.00        11218        8 | edu.ncsu.econ
 0.03  0.03      1530892      260 | edu.ncsu.eos
 0.00  0.00        72651       16 | edu.ncsu.ies
 0.00  0.00        10682        6 | edu.ncsu.lib
 0.00  0.00        56794       27 | edu.ncsu.math
 0.00  0.00        27705       10 | edu.ncsu.mck
 0.00  0.00        62301       19 |
 0.00  0.00        41720       11 | edu.ncsu.pams
 0.01  0.00       137588       41 | edu.ncsu.ppp
 0.01  0.00       214494       61 | edu.ncsu.rh
 0.01  0.00       207161       48 | edu.ncsu.soil
 0.01  0.01       410259      101 | edu.ncsu.unity
 0.00  0.00        31515       20 | edu.ncwc
 0.00  0.00        39061        9 |
 0.00  0.00       147366       37 |
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | edu.nd.ccmblab
 0.00  0.00        29299       11 | edu.nd.helios
 0.00  0.00       109913       27 |
 0.00  0.00        71004       18 | edu.nd.lab.debartolo
 0.03  0.04      1825871      263 | edu.nd.lab.hesburgh
 0.02  0.02      1119275      197 | edu.nd.library
 0.00  0.00       111342       19 | edu.nd.liturgy
 0.00  0.00        60470       14 | edu.nd.registrar
 0.00  0.00       100971       29 | edu.nd.risk-management
 0.00  0.00       125578        3 |
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 | edu.nd.tc1
 0.00  0.00       153076       29 | edu.nemostate
 0.00  0.00        57393       21 | edu.neoucom.csdept
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 | edu.neu.dac
 0.01  0.00       178476       42 | edu.neu.sp
 0.00  0.00        20538        1 | edu.nevada
 0.00  0.00       115670       18 | edu.nevada.ccsn
 0.00  0.00        24364        7 |
 0.00  0.00        98946       20 |
 0.00  0.00        27973       15 |
 0.00  0.00          745        1 |
 0.00  0.00         6468        1 | edu.nich
 0.00  0.00        31073        8 | edu.niu.cso
 0.00  0.00        18870        5 |
 0.01  0.01       492211       54 | edu.njit
 0.01  0.01       542666      103 | edu.nkn
 0.00  0.00        32487       10 | edu.nlu.net2
 0.00  0.00         4900        1 | edu.nmclites
 0.03  0.02      1025436      229 | edu.nmsu
 0.00  0.00        28720        6 | edu.nmt
 0.00  0.00          264        1 | edu.nmt.emrtc
 0.00  0.00       118280       34 | edu.nmu.acs
 0.01  0.01       375275       65 | edu.nodak
 0.00  0.00         6834        6 | edu.nodak.bsc.ndts1
 0.02  0.02       704610      166 | edu.nodak.dsu
 0.01  0.00       150330       42 | edu.nodak.dsu.ndts1
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.nodak.misu.bus
 0.00  0.00         7076        1 | edu.nodak.misu.cs
 0.00  0.00       170197       17 | edu.nodak.misu.gat197
 0.01  0.01       314998       77 | edu.nodak.misu.gat198
 0.00  0.00       155313       23 | edu.nodak.misu.ndts1
 0.00  0.00        42966       12 | edu.nodak.ndsu.arch
 0.01  0.00       140465       41 |
 0.00  0.00        53104       14 | edu.nodak.ndsu.cs
 0.00  0.00         8891        2 | edu.nodak.ndsu.pt03
 0.00  0.00        95512       20 | edu.nodak.ndsu.pt05
 0.00  0.00         7456        3 | edu.nodak.ndsu.pt09
 0.00  0.00        11486        9 | edu.nodak.ndsu.pt10
 0.00  0.00        31850        5 | edu.nodak.ndsu.pt12
 0.00  0.00          492        1 | edu.nodak.ndsu.pt13
 0.00  0.00        34581        7 | edu.nodak.sendit
 0.01  0.01       551439       64 | edu.nodak.und
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | edu.nodak.und-w
 0.00  0.00       156643       40 | edu.nodak.und.cas
 0.00  0.00        77319       31 |
 0.02  0.00       188783      131 | edu.nodak.und.housing
 0.00  0.00        31105        8 |
 0.00  0.00         1940        2 |
 0.00  0.00        27392       13 | edu.nodak.vcsu.ndts1
 0.00  0.00         9277        1 | edu.norwich.library
 0.01  0.02       864217       86 | edu.nova.acast
 0.00  0.00        64567       24 | edu.nova.microlab
 0.00  0.00         3990        1 | edu.nova.ncs
 0.00  0.00       197236       33 | edu.npcts
 0.00  0.00        16782       13 | edu.npu
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.nscee
 0.00  0.00        21211        7 | edu.nsula.keyser
 0.00  0.00        65122       28 | edu.nsula.lsv
 0.00  0.00         1940        2 | edu.nsula.tec
 0.01  0.01       449520       79 | edu.nsuok
 0.00  0.00         6681        3 | edu.nttc
 0.01  0.01       270626       75 | edu.nwciowa
 0.01  0.01       293323       65 | edu.nwu.acns
 0.00  0.00        20650        4 | edu.nwu.allen
 0.00  0.00        50805       14 | edu.nwu.cqe
 0.00  0.00        77065       12 | edu.nwu.dermatology
 0.00  0.00        27718        9 | edu.nwu.eecs
 0.00  0.01       288107       26 | edu.nwu.ghsl
 0.00  0.00        53389        9 | edu.nwu.gsa-orsp
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.nwu.hogan
 0.00  0.00        27317        9 | edu.nwu.kellogg
 0.00  0.00        70588       20 | edu.nwu.library
 0.02  0.01       627745      147 | edu.nwu.meas-adm
 0.00  0.00       142812       37 | edu.nwu.mech
 0.02  0.02      1099030      172 | edu.nwu.nuts
 0.00  0.00        68008       13 | edu.nwu.pick
 0.01  0.01       285449       54 | edu.nwu.prevmed
 0.00  0.00        32258       12 | edu.nwu.psych
 0.01  0.01       440468       98 | edu.nwu.res-hall
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | edu.nwu.sesp
 0.00  0.00        72021       17 | edu.nyu
 0.00  0.00        80579        4 | edu.nyu.admin
 0.00  0.00        68362       18 | edu.nyu.cdv
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.nyu.cns
 0.00  0.00        51055       14 |
 0.00  0.00        62618       18 |
 0.00  0.00        32847        3 |
 0.00  0.00        58044       20 | edu.nyu.soc
 0.00  0.00        62766        4 | edu.nyu.stern
 0.00  0.01       459923       18 | edu.oak
 0.01  0.01       277603       63 | edu.oakland.acs
 0.00  0.00           98        1 | edu.oakland.nursing
 0.01  0.01       229150       52 | edu.oakland.opr
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | edu.oakland.sehs
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | edu.oakland.vpaa
 0.00  0.00        28920        9 | edu.oberlin.barnard
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.oberlin.kade
 0.00  0.00        70653       22 | edu.oberlin.lib
 0.00  0.00        11754       10 | edu.oberlin.public
 0.00  0.00        77667       25 | edu.obu
 0.02  0.01       492271      126 | edu.odedodea
 0.00  0.00        20612        3 | edu.odu.ccpo
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 |
 0.01  0.01       371100      109 | edu.odu.cs
 0.00  0.00        77714       25 | edu.odu.lib
 0.01  0.01       476913       62 | edu.odu.mem
 0.00  0.00        10822        7 | edu.odu.swtt
 0.04  0.03      1164409      282 | edu.ohio-state.acs
 0.00  0.00        59240       19 |
 0.00  0.00        69964       21 | edu.ohio-state.cis
 0.01  0.01       304093      109 | edu.ohio-state.eng
 0.01  0.00       223760       66 | edu.ohio-state.homenet
 0.00  0.00         8076        4 | edu.ohio-state.marion
 0.00  0.00       141403       17 |
 0.01  0.01       372732       72 | edu.ohio-state.mps
 0.00  0.00        62202        4 | edu.ohio-state.oardc
 0.00  0.00        82886       10 | edu.ohio-state.psy
 0.02  0.05      2137700      174 | edu.ohio-state.uts
 0.00  0.00         9927        3 | edu.ohio-state.wca
 0.01  0.01       436933      102 | edu.ohiou.cats
 0.00  0.00        84035       14 | edu.ohiou.cs
 0.01  0.01       582513       95 | edu.ohiou.dialnet
 0.00  0.00        44239       14 | edu.okstate.agcom
 0.00  0.00        59718       15 | edu.okstate.anmsci
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.okstate.cas
 0.00  0.00        82341        8 | edu.okstate.cislabs
 0.00  0.00         1950        4 | edu.okstate.cvm
 0.00  0.00       206096       23 | edu.okstate.fad
 0.01  0.00       170882       45 | edu.okstate.lib
 0.00  0.00       102556       28 | edu.okstate.lse
 0.02  0.02       707406      148 | edu.okstate.nchrtm
 0.00  0.00        41127       26 | edu.okstate.ocom
 0.00  0.00        57797       13 | edu.okstate.osuokc
 0.00  0.00        55099       21 | edu.okstate.pio
 0.00  0.00       184828       33 | edu.okstate.pp
 0.00  0.00        20931       10 | edu.okstate.psych
 0.01  0.01       451735       90 | edu.okstate.remote
 0.00  0.00        49536       29 | edu.okstate.reslife
 0.00  0.00        30512        5 | edu.okstate.stat
 0.01  0.01       320360       61 | edu.okstate.stdrem
 0.04  0.04      1627676      358 | edu.okstate.stflabs
 0.00  0.00        25787        5 | edu.okstate.ucc
 0.00  0.00        22370        4 | edu.okstate.wh
 0.00  0.00        12771        6 | edu.olemiss.lib
 0.02  0.01       568195      160 |
 0.00  0.00        29337        4 | edu.olemiss.te
 0.00  0.00        44373        2 | edu.olemiss.weirmacs
 0.02  0.02      1062496      165 | edu.olivet
 0.01  0.00       117035       42 | edu.oneonta
 0.01  0.01       243837       83 | edu.onu
 0.00  0.00        30381       10 | edu.orst.agchem
 0.00  0.00        41722        5 | edu.orst.arec
 0.03  0.02       804778      250 | edu.orst.bus
 0.00  0.00        31610       11 | edu.orst.ece
 0.00  0.00        70379       16 | edu.orst.engr
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.orst.ess
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.orst.geo
 0.00  0.00       162346       35 | edu.orst.kerrlab
 0.00  0.00        89815       24 |
 0.00  0.00        47021       16 | edu.orst.nws
 0.00  0.00        14408        5 | edu.orst.rhn
 0.02  0.01       657750      125 | edu.orst.ucs
 0.00  0.00        30306        8 | edu.ortn.oradm
 0.01  0.01       589353      119 | edu.ortn.oren
 0.00  0.00        48975       17 | edu.osc
 0.00  0.00       154297       40 | edu.osrhe.hps
 0.00  0.01       228808       29 | edu.osshe
 0.00  0.00         7503        1 | edu.osshe.sosc
 0.00  0.30     13362823       27 | edu.oswego
 0.00  0.00         7814        2 |
 0.00  0.00        39635       12 | edu.oxy.lib
 0.01  0.01       311815       84 | edu.oxy.ppp
 0.00  0.00         7352        2 |
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | edu.pace.nlib
 0.00  0.00         6771        1 | edu.pdx.uml
 0.00  0.01       310782       30 | edu.peachnet.cesrdc.tifton
 0.00  0.00        93283        9 | edu.peachnet.dc
 0.00  0.00        32471        9 | edu.peachnet.gac
 0.00  0.00         3634        1 | edu.peachnet.gsw
 0.00  0.00        27948        6 | edu.peachnet.ngc
 0.00  0.00        40527       10 | edu.pepperdine
 0.00  0.00        20023        8 | edu.pima
 0.00  0.00       211661       39 | edu.pitt.cas
 0.00  0.00        20176        3 | edu.pitt.cbio
 0.00  0.00         9718        2 | edu.pitt.chem
 0.00  0.00        93262       30 | edu.pitt.cis
 0.01  0.01       454337      103 | edu.pitt.cis.labs
 0.00  0.00        17972        5 | edu.pitt.ext-study
 0.00  0.00         6681        3 | edu.pitt.human-resources
 0.01  0.00       209946       51 | edu.pitt.lis
 0.01  0.00       165242       41 | edu.pitt.lrdc
 0.00  0.00        73637       29 |
 0.02  0.02       720447      161 |
 0.00  0.00       179826       26 | edu.pitt.otc
 0.00  0.00       104358       37 | edu.pitt.pharm
 0.00  0.00        60111       16 | edu.pitt.upj
 0.00  0.00        22170       16 | edu.pitt.upj.labs
 0.01  0.01       432188       72 | edu.pitt.wpic
 0.00  0.00        54370       19 | edu.plattsburgh.lab
 0.00  0.01       564199       27 | edu.plu
 0.01  0.00       203491       54 | edu.plymouth
 0.00  0.00       123385       27 | edu.poly
 0.00  0.00        15305        2 | edu.pomona
 0.00  0.00        48572       16 | edu.potsdam
 0.00  0.01       586866       29 | edu.presby
 0.01  0.01       383521       68 | edu.princeton
 0.00  0.00        34502       12 | edu.princeton.remote
 0.04  0.02       970039      287 | edu.princeton.student
 0.00  0.00        68192       19 | edu.providence
 0.00  0.00        17642        8 | edu.psc
 0.00  0.00        38183        8 | edu.psu
 0.01  0.00       193315       43 | edu.psu.aa
 0.00  0.00        22808       13 | edu.psu.age
 0.00  0.00         7331        3 | edu.psu.agronomy
 0.00  0.00        21469        4 | edu.psu.alu
 0.00  0.00       109972       21 | edu.psu.arl
 0.00  0.00       102911       18 |
 0.04  0.07      3358181      302 | edu.psu.cac
 0.11  0.06      2661884      858 | edu.psu.cac-labs
 0.00  0.00        30611       25 | edu.psu.cas
 0.01  0.00       123088       50 | edu.psu.cco
 0.00  0.00        65236       12 | edu.psu.ce
 0.00  0.00       125736       38 | edu.psu.ces
 0.00  0.00        24966        6 | edu.psu.chem
 0.02  0.02       784689      150 | edu.psu.cse
 0.00  0.00        21469        4 | edu.psu.ece
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 | edu.psu.ed
 0.00  0.01       595440       39 |
 0.00  0.00        28609        5 | edu.psu.essc
 0.00  0.02       764075       21 | edu.psu.fe
 0.00  0.00         6644        3 | edu.psu.hhdev
 0.00  0.00        21252       11 | edu.psu.hmc.anes
 0.00  0.00        29715        5 | edu.psu.hmc.clc
 0.00  0.00        87624       17 |
 0.00  0.00        33916        7 | edu.psu.hmc.nb
 0.01  0.00       157699       49 |
 0.00  0.00        31531        6 | edu.psu.math
 0.00  0.00        21469        4 |
 0.02  0.01       346012      122 | edu.psu.meche
 0.00  0.00         6901        2 | edu.psu.meteo
 0.00  0.00        32482       10 | edu.psu.pnge
 0.01  0.00       173338       48 | edu.psu.pti
 0.00  0.00        82969       17 | edu.psu.rh
 0.00  0.00        32100       13 | edu.psu.rhbk
 0.00  0.00        32144        5 | edu.psu.sip
 0.00  0.00        20109       18 |
 0.01  0.01       480316       61 | edu.ptsem
 0.00  0.00        20244        9 | edu.puc
 0.00  0.00        24635        8 | edu.puc.prep
 0.00  0.00         6701        5 | edu.purdue.acn.vigo
 0.00  0.00        54365       28 | edu.purdue.agecon
 0.00  0.00       121020       10 |
 0.00  0.00       213893       32 | edu.purdue.calumet
 0.05  0.04      1706177      374 |
 0.00  0.00        41277        4 | edu.purdue.cea
 0.00  0.01       265871       36 | edu.purdue.chem
 0.00  0.00        26477        7 | edu.purdue.cs
 0.01  0.01       383048       90 | edu.purdue.ecn
 0.00  0.00        40152        2 | edu.purdue.math
 0.00  0.00        18316        3 | edu.purdue.mgmt
 0.00  0.00         7184        4 | edu.purdue.polsci
 0.00  0.00        26195       12 | edu.purdue.stat
 0.00  0.00         6186        2 | edu.qc.acc
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | edu.raritanval
 0.00  0.00        72087       11 | edu.regent
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.rhodes
 0.02  0.01       585322      129 | edu.rice
 0.00  0.02       843744       13 | edu.rice.baker
 0.00  0.00        96629       27 | edu.rice.hanszen
 0.00  0.00        20867        7 |
 0.01  0.01       249426       52 | edu.rice.lovett
 0.02  0.01       408315      129 | edu.rice.owlnet
 0.00  0.00         6945        5 | edu.rice.sid
 0.00  0.00        82027       19 | edu.rice.wrc
 0.02  0.03      1299887      126 | edu.rider
 0.00  0.00        17907       12 | edu.rit.cs
 0.02  0.01       513918      147 | edu.rit.isc
 0.00  0.00       141433       27 | edu.roanoke
 0.00  0.00        41523       22 |
 0.00  0.00        42067       17 | edu.rochester.medinfo
 0.00  0.00         7259        2 | edu.rochester.psych
 0.02  0.01       432169      133 | edu.rochester.rad
 0.01  0.01       244414       54 | edu.rochester.ssb
 0.00  0.00        76405       12 | edu.rockhurst
 0.00  0.00         7288        3 | edu.rollins
 0.01  0.00       137295       47 | edu.rose-hulman
 0.00  0.00          435        1 | edu.rose-hulman.laptop
 0.00  0.00        56444       18 | edu.rose-hulman.student
 0.00  0.00        43517        4 | edu.rowan
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.rpi.chem
 0.00  0.00       221874       27 | edu.rpi.eamri
 0.01  0.00       168836       79 | edu.rpi.eng
 0.02  0.02      1062290      190 | edu.rpi.its
 0.00  0.01       482587       38 | edu.rpi.math
 0.00  0.00        14254       13 | edu.rpi.meche
 0.00  0.01       275393       36 | edu.rpi.stu
 0.00  0.00       159300       37 | edu.rpi.xyp
 0.00  0.00        15305        2 | edu.rpslmc.atr
 0.00  0.00        18450        2 | edu.runet
 0.01  0.00       107490       47 |
 0.00  0.00        34744        4 | edu.runet.psych
 0.00  0.00        22395        5 | edu.runet.walker
 0.05  0.05      2098458      421 | edu.rutgers
 0.00  0.00        50123       11 | edu.rutgers.cabm
 0.00  0.00        53413       18 | edu.saintmarys
 0.00  0.00        27422        8 | edu.santarosa
 0.00  0.00        62413        6 | edu.santarosa.pma
 0.00  0.00        83067       30 | edu.sau
 0.00  0.00        48490       13 | edu.sau.cepheus
 0.00  0.00        20931       10 |
 0.00  0.00        91789       26 | edu.sbuniv
 0.01  0.01       322191       49 |
 0.00  0.01       272488        6 |
 0.00  0.00         1951        1 | edu.scarolina.csd
 0.00  0.03      1482083       26 | edu.sckans
 0.00  0.00        21536        9 | edu.sct
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 | edu.scu.scudc
 0.00  0.00        51669       14 | edu.sdsc
 0.02  0.11      5110350      130 | edu.sdsmt
 0.00  0.00        43333       15 | edu.sdstate
 0.01  0.01       306080       65 | edu.sdsu
 0.00  0.00        48875       21 | edu.seattleu
 0.00  0.00         2174        1 | edu.selu
 0.00  0.00         5305        2 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.selu.cslab
 0.01  0.01       483295      108 | edu.semo.lab
 0.00  0.00        32258       12 |
 0.00  0.00        79558       10 | edu.sfasu
 0.01  0.01       486607      108 | edu.sfsu
 0.00  0.00         5014        2 | edu.shawnee
 0.00  0.00         8518        2 | edu.ship.admin
 0.03  0.03      1185888      227 | edu.shsu
 0.00  0.00        24823        8 | edu.shu
 0.00  0.00       103342       28 |
 0.01  0.07      3207282      101 |
 0.00  0.00        78911       16 | edu.siskiyous
 0.00  0.00         2822        1 | edu.siskiyous.e170
 0.00  0.00        20720        6 | edu.siskiyous.pt1
 0.02  0.01       545265      122 | edu.siu.aixdialin
 0.03  0.02       748502      205 | edu.siu.c-cafstr
 0.00  0.00        12091        1 | edu.siu.c-calab1
 0.00  0.00        27153        6 | edu.siu.c-clc3
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | edu.siu.ctc
 0.00  0.00        45134       12 | edu.siu.educ
 0.00  0.00          677        2 | edu.siu.engr
 0.00  0.00        15344       12 | edu.siu.irs
 0.00  0.00       116335       30 |
 0.00  0.00        67877       17 | edu.siu.lib
 0.01  0.00       109491       47 | edu.siu.mgraphics
 0.00  0.00        58784       22 | edu.siu.sombio
 0.00  0.00         8149        4 | edu.siue.fa
 0.00  0.00        92472       20 | edu.siue.opr
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.siue.slip
 0.00  0.00         3490        1 | edu.siumed.clinics
 0.00  0.00       110615       23 |
 0.00  0.00       121572       23 | edu.siumed.pharm
 0.00  0.00        55838        6 | edu.sjc
 0.00  0.00       138718       21 | edu.sjca
 0.00  0.00         7841        2 | edu.sjfc
 0.00  0.00        15290        4 | edu.sjsu
 0.00  0.00         4817        1 | edu.sju
 0.01  0.00       184487       43 | edu.slu
 0.00  0.00        97628       30 | edu.smcm
 0.01  0.01       405707       91 | edu.smsu
 0.01  0.01       252183       63 | edu.smsu.async
 0.00  0.00       126965       34 | edu.smu.bridlib
 0.00  0.00         3366        1 | edu.smu.cis
 0.00  0.00       131207       24 | edu.smu.hamon_arts
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 | edu.smu.perkins
 0.00  0.00        29767       11 | edu.smu.ppp
 0.01  0.00       178161       42 | edu.smumn
 0.00  0.00        71985       14 | edu.snc
 0.00  0.00          745        1 |
 0.00  0.00        38704       12 | edu.sonoma
 0.01  0.01       399102       45 | edu.southern
 0.00  0.00        13628        3 | edu.southwestern
 0.00  0.00         8076        4 | edu.spfldcol
 0.05  0.04      1640592      403 | edu.spu
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.sru.dorm.patterson
 0.00  0.00        21469        4 |
 0.06  0.05      2234036      499 | edu.stanford
 0.01  0.01       340377      112 | edu.stanford.slac
 0.01  0.01       395936       81 |
 0.00  0.00        75341       39 |
 0.00  0.00        26477        7 | edu.stevens-tech.eecs
 0.00  0.00         4851        2 | edu.stmarytx
 0.00  0.00       223600       25 | edu.stockton
 0.00  0.00        64356       17 | edu.stolaf.acc
 0.00  0.01       243221       20 | edu.stolaf.atalk
 0.01  0.01       357552       53 | edu.stsci
 0.00  0.00       218662       27 | edu.stthomas.irelib
 0.00  0.00          264        1 | edu.stthomas.lib
 0.00  0.00        69384       21 | edu.stthomas.mpls
 0.01  0.00       186832       70 | edu.stthomas.oec
 0.00  0.00         6681        3 | edu.subr.engr
 0.00  0.00        12679        5 | edu.sulross
 0.00  0.00        78973        7 | edu.suny.sysadm
 0.00  0.00       154389       13 | edu.sunyit.arsc
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | edu.sunyrockland
 0.00  0.00         8163        1 | edu.sunysb
 0.00  0.00        58330        9 | edu.suu.gc
 0.00  0.00        57922       14 |
 0.00  0.00        20406        5 | edu.suu.po
 0.00  0.00        15572        2 | edu.svsu
 0.00  0.00        36756       10 | edu.swarthmore.parrishe1
 0.00  0.00          362        2 | edu.swarthmore.willets3
 0.01  0.00       204887       76 | edu.swmed
 0.00  0.00       153053       14 | edu.swri.ccf
 0.00  0.00        83788        9 | edu.swri.datasys
 0.00  0.00         8661        2 | edu.swt
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00        15572        2 | edu.swt.math
 0.03  0.03      1253136      260 | edu.syr
 0.00  0.00        11954        4 | edu.syr.mame
 0.07  0.07      3024635      561 | edu.tamu
 0.00  0.00       190808       28 | edu.tamu.cs
 0.00  0.00        97943       31 | edu.tamu.dorms
 0.00  0.00        81559       19 | edu.tamu.evans
 0.04  0.03      1569053      342 | edu.tamu.rns
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.tamu.tamug
 0.01  0.01       378697       54 | edu.tamucc
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 | edu.tarleton
 0.00  0.00       149061       34 | edu.tayloru
 0.00  0.00        71632       13 | edu.tayloru.css
 0.00  0.00       203351       37 | edu.tcu.dorm
 0.00  0.00          435        1 | edu.tcu.engr
 0.00  0.00        16834        5 |
 0.00  0.00          435        1 | edu.tcu.lib
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.tcu.sbu
 0.00  0.00        34166       10 | edu.temple.ocis
 0.03  0.04      1708911      233 | edu.tenet
 0.00  0.00        52095       18 | edu.tenet.isd.spring-branch
 0.00  0.00        99358       22 | edu.texsci
 0.00  0.00        65935       25 | edu.thecoo
 0.00  0.00        40842        9 | edu.tju
 0.00  0.00        44274        4 | edu.tju.rad
 0.00  0.00        11346        4 | edu.tju.tjh
 0.00  0.00        10014        7 | edu.tmc.bcm.vpdr
 0.00  0.00         9277        1 | edu.tmc.mdacc
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 | edu.tmc.uth.hh
 0.02  0.01       508453      146 | edu.tmc.uth.hsc
 0.00  0.00        20879        6 | edu.tmc.uth.mda
 0.01  0.01       252872       61 |
 0.00  0.00        57663       19 | edu.tmc.uth.sahs
 0.00  0.00        46046       13 | edu.tmc.uth.sph
 0.01  0.01       467286       60 | edu.tnstate
 0.00  0.00        61292       14 | edu.tntech
 0.00  0.00        39049       10 | edu.tntech.extedu
 0.00  0.00        70945       21 |
 0.00  0.00        13745        1 | edu.toronto.cdf
 0.00  0.00       127754       40 | edu.toronto.ecf
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.toronto.materials
 0.01  0.01       274749       49 | edu.toronto.trinity
 0.00  0.13      5864344       21 | edu.towson
 0.00  0.00        77453       11 | edu.trenton
 0.00  0.00        26138       14 | edu.trevecca
 0.00  0.00        53088       12 |
 0.00  0.00         6681        3 | edu.trincoll.dynamic
 0.00  0.00        44983       11 | edu.trincoll.mac
 0.01  0.01       348599       47 | edu.trinity.buso
 0.01  0.01       241859       79 | edu.trinity.tucc
 0.01  0.01       635545      105 | edu.tstc
 0.01  0.00       210334       42 | edu.tsufl
 0.00  0.03      1261671       10 | edu.ttu
 0.00  0.00        55988       22 | edu.ttu.chem
 0.00  0.00        30530        8 |
 0.00  0.00        53389        9 | edu.ttu.pols
 0.00  0.00        75131       33 | edu.ttuhsc.lubb
 0.00  0.00        21351        6 | edu.ttuhsc.odessa
 0.00  0.00        53104       14 | edu.ttuhsc.umc
 0.00  0.00       217771        2 | edu.tufts
 0.00  0.00       114129        5 | edu.tufts.cs
 0.00  0.00        20931       10 | edu.tufts.eaton
 0.00  0.00        87397       26 | edu.tufts.infonet
 0.00  0.00        53451       25 |
 0.00  0.00         1583        2 | edu.tulane
 0.00  0.00        87885       32 | edu.tulane.dorm
 0.00  0.00        21667       10 | edu.tulane.tcs
 0.00  0.00        60018       10 | edu.twu
 0.00  0.00        10287        3 |
 0.02  0.02       787597      180 |
 0.00  0.00        96184       20 |
 0.00  0.00        72201        9 |
 0.02  0.02       725847      184 |
 0.00  0.00        51113       15 |
 0.00  0.00       133447       36 |
 0.00  0.00        24418        9 |
 0.00  0.00        68182       18 |
 0.00  0.00       120889       13 | edu.uab.cis
 0.01  0.00       170978       42 | edu.uab.cvsr
 0.01  0.01       240688       99 | edu.uab.ppp.maze
 0.00  0.00       192946       27 | edu.uaex
 0.00  0.00        74257       28 | edu.uah.cs.aspire
 0.00  0.01       235840       20 | edu.uah.hh
 0.09  0.06      2765662      722 |
 0.00  0.00        43939       16 | edu.uakron.englishlab
 0.02  0.01       452487      129 |
 0.00  0.00        72784       22 | edu.uakron.gradschool
 0.00  0.00        15601        8 | edu.uakron.mech
 0.00  0.00        62668       21 | edu.ualr
 0.00  0.00        48740        6 | edu.uamont
 0.01  0.01       531001       55 | edu.uams
 0.00  0.00       169048       38 | edu.uark
 0.01  0.01       615461      111 | edu.uark.engr
 0.00  0.00        50396       15 | edu.ubalt
 0.00  0.00       106162       24 |
 0.06  0.02       774240      495 |
 0.01  0.01       657889       82 | edu.uc.con
 0.00  0.00       138685       13 | edu.uc.fnd
 0.00  0.00        48572       16 | edu.uc.lng
 0.00  0.00        61978        4 |
 0.00  0.00        30909       13 | edu.uc.mse
 0.00  0.00         1913        1 | edu.uc.occ
 0.01  0.00       200039       46 | edu.uc.rvs
 0.00  0.00        12132        8 | edu.uc.rwc
 0.00  0.00       125303       13 | edu.uc.san
 0.02  0.04      1926375      190 | edu.uc.slip
 0.00  0.00        32797       15 | edu.uc.snd
 0.00  0.01       497690       22 | edu.ucar.acd
 0.00  0.00         3490        1 | edu.ucar.comet
 0.01  0.01       260619       59 | edu.uccs
 0.04  0.10      4423188      358 | edu.ucdavis
 0.00  0.00        88035       27 | edu.ucdavis.engr
 0.00  0.00       194838       26 | edu.ucdavis.ucdmc
 0.01  0.00       128343       45 | edu.ucdavis.ucdmc.clineng
 0.01  0.02       838045       79 |
 0.04  0.03      1342941      289 | edu.uchicago
 0.00  0.01       232276       37 | edu.uchicago.bsd
 0.00  0.00        14002        1 | edu.uchicago.cs
 0.00  0.00        36010       16 | edu.uchicago.lib
 0.00  0.00        93207       36 | edu.uchicago.rh
 0.00  0.00        52839        7 | edu.uchicago.spc
 0.00  0.00        46466       12 | edu.uchsc
 0.00  0.00       126816       32 | edu.uci.acs
 0.00  0.00        63462       13 | edu.uci.adcom
 0.00  0.00         4221        6 |
 0.00  0.00        33443        6 | edu.uci.cnlm
 0.00  0.00        28454        7 | edu.uci.ehs
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 | edu.uci.eng
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | edu.uci.ics
 0.00  0.00        68008       13 | edu.uci.lib
 0.00  0.00        11691       12 | edu.uci.nts.slip
 0.00  0.00        25601       13 | edu.uci.oaa
 0.02  0.01       538569      139 | edu.uci.slip
 0.00  0.00         1490        2 |
 0.00  0.00        58330        9 | edu.uci.uadv
 0.00  0.00        36116        7 | edu.uci.ugs
 0.00  0.00        23438        2 | edu.uckac
 0.01  0.00       197492       51 | edu.ucla.atmos
 0.00  0.00       160131       25 | edu.ucla.botany
 0.00  0.00        58992       13 | edu.ucla.ea
 0.00  0.00        15276        2 | edu.ucla.gslis
 0.00  0.00        73976       21 | edu.ucla.math
 0.00  0.00        24450        4 | edu.ucla.oac
 0.00  0.00        36031       27 | edu.ucla.oac-commons
 0.00  0.00       150792       20 | edu.ucla.psych
 0.02  0.01       476990      142 | edu.ucla.resnet
 0.00  0.00       116172       35 | edu.ucla.seas
 0.04  0.03      1384779      318 | edu.ucla.ts.wla
 0.00  0.00        50196        9 | edu.ucok
 0.00  0.00        23189        2 | edu.ucollege
 0.00  0.00        42992       11 |
 0.00  0.00        36000       10 | edu.uconn.eng2
 0.00  0.00       166254       30 | edu.uconn.lib
 0.00  0.00        89059       28 | edu.uconn.phys
 0.00  0.00        52798        8 | edu.uconn.sba
 0.01  0.01       484464      103 | edu.ucop
 0.01  0.02       743271      107 | edu.ucr
 0.01  0.01       388443       72 | edu.ucsb
 0.00  0.00        19839        5 |
 0.00  0.00        35662       11 |
 0.00  0.00       148844       39 | edu.ucsb.cs
 0.00  0.00        46885        5 | edu.ucsb.geog
 0.00  0.00        87201        5 | edu.ucsb.gse
 0.00  0.00        18011        5 | edu.ucsb.library
 0.00  0.00        47027       14 | edu.ucsb.lscf
 0.00  0.00        25601       13 | edu.ucsb.physics
 0.01  0.00       165310       42 | edu.ucsc
 0.00  0.00       111999       27 | edu.ucsc.cse
 0.03  0.02      1027358      249 | edu.ucsd
 0.02  0.01       473294      135 | edu.ucsd.extern
 0.01  0.01       515203      104 | edu.ucsf
 0.00  0.00        33450        8 | edu.uct
 0.00  0.00        52351        7 | edu.udallas
 0.00  0.00       122778       25 | edu.udayton.admin
 0.00  0.00         9972        4 | edu.udayton.engr
 0.01  0.00       104377       43 | edu.udayton.founders
 0.00  0.00        25945        4 | edu.udayton.mcrest
 0.01  0.01       346122      103 | edu.udayton.ppp
 0.00  0.00        57034       14 | edu.udayton.stuart
 0.00  0.00         7444        2 | edu.udel
 0.00  0.00        15305        2 | edu.udel.cet
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.udel.comm
 0.00  0.00          843        2 | edu.udel.morris
 0.00  0.00        84063       21 | edu.udel.nss
 0.00  0.00        63191       26 | edu.udel.rdny
 0.00  0.00       101647       12 |
 0.00  0.00        85557       27 | edu.ufl.circa
 0.00  0.00        48225       14 | edu.ufl.cis
 0.00  0.00        20922        7 | edu.ufl.doce
 0.01  0.01       512387      119 | edu.ufl.nerdc
 0.00  0.00       133519        6 | edu.ufl.pathology
 0.00  0.00        65871       19 | edu.ufl.stat
 0.00  0.00        16557       12 | edu.ufl.zoo
 0.00  0.00        44306       19 | edu.uga.bae
 0.00  0.00        83214       19 | edu.uga.biochem
 0.00  0.00        13939       10 | edu.uga.botany
 0.01  0.02       777200       52 |
 0.00  0.00       128392       40 | edu.uga.chem
 0.00  0.01       318279       39 | edu.uga.coe
 0.00  0.00        58466       14 | edu.uga.cssites
 0.00  0.00        81677       13 | edu.uga.econ
 0.00  0.00        91876       27 | edu.uga.fst
 0.03  0.02      1126717      222 | edu.uga.gactr
 0.00  0.00        87545       19 | edu.uga.ggy
 0.00  0.00        45292       10 | edu.uga.sis
 0.00  0.00        38474        9 | edu.uga.ucns
 0.00  0.00        55603       12 | edu.uga.vps
 0.00  0.00        29887        9 |
 0.00  0.00        24473        2 | edu.uh.cua-building
 0.00  0.00        10136        6 | edu.uh.egr
 0.00  0.00        70950       13 | edu.uh.ias
 0.00  0.00        10616        3 |
 0.00  0.00        81092        9 | edu.uh.lib
 0.00  0.00        32847        3 | edu.uh.math
 0.00  0.00        47009       10 |
 0.00  0.00        12658        4 | edu.uh.opt-building
 0.01  0.07      2972099       44 | edu.uh.public-dialups
 0.00  0.00       103414       26 | edu.uh.scp
 0.01  0.01       459684       73 | edu.uh.sw-building.110
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 | edu.uh.vic
 0.00  0.00        43638        9 | edu.uic.bsbb001
 0.00  0.00        33889        8 |
 0.01  0.01       450318      108 | edu.uic.dialin
 0.00  0.00          336        1 | edu.uic.eecs
 0.00  0.00        89634       12 | edu.uic.hc
 0.00  0.00        50729       18 | edu.uic.phy
 0.01  0.01       303923       70 | edu.uic.sel2249
 0.00  0.00          534        2 | edu.uic.sel2249f
 0.00  0.00       130188       21 | edu.uic.sel2265
 0.00  0.00        49832        7 | edu.uic.sphw523
 0.00  0.00         2822        1 | edu.uic.src2027
 0.00  0.00        41160       17 | edu.uic.srh205
 0.00  0.00        46275        5 | edu.uic.uicomp
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 | edu.uidaho.chem
 0.00  0.00       123526       24 | edu.uidaho.cs
 0.04  0.03      1441294      322 | edu.uidaho.csrv
 0.00  0.00        66519       14 | edu.uidaho.if
 0.00  0.00       214913        6 | edu.uidaho.labs
 0.00  0.00       162978       19 | edu.uiowa.adp
 0.00  0.00        91957       18 | edu.uiowa.arcade
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.uiowa.artmuseum
 0.00  0.00        13757        5 | edu.uiowa.ecn
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00        60943       24 | edu.uiowa.icaen
 0.00  0.00        32824        7 |
 0.00  0.00        70222        9 | edu.uiowa.isca
 0.00  0.00        94678       13 | edu.uiowa.itc
 0.00  0.00        91860       11 |
 0.00  0.00        65369       27 | edu.uiowa.medadmin
 0.00  0.00        65934        5 | edu.uiowa.ophth
 0.00  0.00        82872       20 | edu.uiowa.physics
 0.01  0.01       305366       58 | edu.uiowa.weeg
 0.00  0.00        21404        6 | edu.uis
 0.00  0.00        63156       19 | edu.uiuc.acs
 0.00  0.00        26704        7 |
 0.00  0.00         6432        2 | edu.uiuc.aiss
 0.00  0.00         7675        4 | edu.uiuc.apr
 0.00  0.00       141172       16 | edu.uiuc.athletics
 0.00  0.00        28340        6 | edu.uiuc.atmos
 0.00  0.00        20005        9 | edu.uiuc.beckman
 0.00  0.00       150432       19 | edu.uiuc.ccsm
 0.00  0.01       229187       27 | edu.uiuc.cen
 0.00  0.00         9277        1 | edu.uiuc.cerl
 0.01  0.02       918860       41 | edu.uiuc.cs
 0.00  0.00        23315        3 | edu.uiuc.csl
 0.02  0.03      1189422      193 | edu.uiuc.cso
 0.00  0.00        86439       31 | edu.uiuc.cvm
 0.01  0.01       273304       47 | edu.uiuc.geology
 0.00  0.00       150957       17 |
 0.00  0.00         2651        1 | edu.uiuc.hort
 0.00  0.00        27664        6 | edu.uiuc.kcpa
 0.00  0.00         7068        2 |
 0.00  0.00        97918       28 | edu.uiuc.library
 0.00  0.00        47135        5 | edu.uiuc.lis
 0.00  0.00        26477        7 |
 0.01  0.01       386633       73 | edu.uiuc.ncsa
 0.00  0.00        72143       13 |
 0.00  0.00       105474       33 | edu.uiuc.npl
 0.00  0.01       248663       26 | edu.uiuc.oba
 0.00  0.00        93033       17 | edu.uiuc.oir
 0.01  0.01       307247       58 | edu.uiuc.oisa
 0.00  0.00        11496        4 |
 0.00  0.00        47661       16 | edu.uiuc.scs
 0.00  0.00        83775       34 | edu.uiuc.sites
 0.03  0.02       959601      271 | edu.uiuc.slip
 0.00  0.00        11616        2 | edu.uiuc.uif
 0.02  0.01       608238      149 | edu.uiuc.urh
 0.00  0.00        28714        9 | edu.uiuc.vp
 0.01  0.00       180775       41 | edu.uiuc.will
 0.01  0.01       533933       80 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.ukans.eds
 0.00  0.01       232356       24 | edu.ukans.engr
 0.00  0.00        56113       17 | edu.ukans.phsx
 0.00  0.00        48572       16 | edu.ukans.wstcmp
 0.00  0.01       237837       37 | edu.uky
 0.01  0.01       329962       78 |
 0.00  0.00        65547       19 |
 0.00  0.00       168575       39 | edu.uky.gws
 0.00  0.00        62730       12 | edu.uky.mik
 0.00  0.00        11636        4 | edu.uky.mscf
 0.00  0.00        64284       18 |
 0.00  0.00         1270        3 | edu.umass.cs
 0.00  0.00        24870        8 | edu.umass.ecs
 0.00  0.00        80871       20 | edu.umass.oit
 0.00  0.00        72706        9 | edu.umass.phast
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.umass.pse
 0.00  0.00       193253       37 | edu.umass.remote
 0.00  0.00        31508        8 |
 0.01  0.01       272316       73 | edu.umbc
 0.00  0.00       147817       33 | edu.umbc.acslab
 0.01  0.00       206650       59 | edu.umbc.cs
 0.00  0.00        57453       14 | edu.umbc.ifsm
 0.00  0.00       101786       22 | edu.umbc.mis
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | edu.umcaz
 0.01  0.01       537389       92 | edu.umd
 0.00  0.00        61542       11 | edu.umd.ab
 0.02  0.01       643662      167 | edu.umd.dial
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | edu.umd.eng
 0.00  0.00         9941        2 | edu.umd.ssu
 0.00  0.00       159110       13 | edu.umd.wam
 0.00  0.00       136247       32 | edu.umdnj
 0.00  0.00        30909       13 |
 0.00  0.00        15572        2 |
 0.00  0.00         7696        3 | edu.umich.eecs
 0.01  0.01       468521      110 | edu.umich.engin
 0.00  0.00        61672        5 | edu.umich.flint
 0.00  0.00        15896        2 | edu.umich.icpsr
 0.03  0.02       899765      211 | edu.umich.itd.ccs
 0.00  0.00        61178        7 | edu.umich.itd.ns
 0.00  0.00        85376       20 |
 0.00  0.00       111305       32 | edu.umich.itd.uis
 0.01  0.01       327342      117 | edu.umich.lsa.chem
 0.00  0.00       196610       39 | edu.umich.lsa.math
 0.00  0.00        90767       22 | edu.umich.lsa.scilabs
 0.00  0.00         9277        1 |
 0.00  0.00        55575       12 |
 0.00  0.00        21244        6 |
 0.00  0.00          280        1 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.01  0.00       171076       49 |
 0.00  0.00        29239        3 |
 0.00  0.00        69420       21 |
 0.01  0.01       450941       62 |
 0.00  0.00       191078       12 | edu.umich.musart
 0.00  0.00        99792       33 | edu.umich.reshall
 0.00  0.00        33813        8 | edu.umich.soe
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 | edu.umich.umd
 0.00  0.00        48572       16 |
 0.01  0.00       171556       57 | edu.umkc
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | edu.umkc.cuep
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00          745        1 |
 0.00  0.00        63680        4 | edu.umkc.ssb
 0.00  0.00        83569        9 | edu.umkc.teeth
 0.00  0.01       291351       10 | edu.uml
 0.00  0.00        64426       22 | edu.ummed
 0.00  0.00        63121        4 | edu.umn.arc
 0.01  0.01       259037       42 | edu.umn.bae
 0.00  0.00        39114       13 |
 0.00  0.00        10682        6 | edu.umn.chem
 0.00  0.00        61820        5 | edu.umn.cie
 0.00  0.00        41430        1 | edu.umn.coled
 0.01  0.02       851624      111 | edu.umn.d
 0.00  0.00        20931       10 | edu.umn.dehs
 0.01  0.00       154650       41 | edu.umn.ejack
 0.00  0.00        72112        9 | edu.umn.finop
 0.00  0.00          560        2 | edu.umn.finop.fss
 0.00  0.04      1691196       36 | edu.umn.fw
 0.00  0.00        21606        7 | edu.umn.geo
 0.00  0.00        65400       13 | edu.umn.geom
 0.15  0.16      7434568     1169 |
 0.00  0.00         8891        2 | edu.umn.hsci
 0.00  0.00        31122       14 | edu.umn.itlabs
 0.00  0.00        12091        1 | edu.umn.math
 0.01  0.01       301851       45 |
 0.00  0.00        24365        7 | edu.umn.mes
 0.00  0.01       260273       38 | edu.umn.micro
 0.01  0.06      2599620       97 | edu.umn.mnext
 0.00  0.00        70262       12 | edu.umn.mrs
 0.00  0.00       157003       32 |
 0.00  0.00       124492       25 |
 0.00  0.00        96217       29 | edu.umn.openpn.micro
 0.00  0.00        36775       10 | edu.umn.polisci
 0.01  0.01       356202      115 | edu.umn.reshalls
 0.00  0.00        57973       17 | edu.umn.safhl
 0.00  0.00        58330        9 | edu.umn.soils
 0.00  0.00        40332        3 | edu.umn.stu
 0.00  0.00        15903        3 |
 0.00  0.00        40076        8 | edu.umn.umhc
 0.00  0.00       127079       27 | edu.umr.assess
 0.00  0.00        70477       22 |
 0.00  0.00          512        2 | edu.umr.cs
 0.00  0.00        59514        5 |
 0.00  0.00        22705        8 | edu.umr.mgtsys
 0.00  0.00        59355       28 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.umr.student
 0.01  0.00       205896       49 | edu.umsl
 0.00  0.00       117474       13 | edu.umt
 0.00  0.00        66403       17 | edu.umt.acadaff
 0.00  0.00       106075       12 |
 0.00  0.00        26650        7 | edu.umt.forestry
 0.00  0.00        83619       17 |
 0.00  0.00        74178       13 | edu.umt.oit
 0.00  0.00        26560        3 | edu.umuc
 0.00  0.01       415909       22 | edu.unbc
 0.00  0.00       105495       40 | edu.unbc.lab
 0.00  0.00        21825        6 | edu.unc
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00         6711        9 | edu.unc.dent
 0.00  0.01       265939       18 |
 0.00  0.00        31602       10 |
 0.00  0.00        70443       12 | edu.unc.ils
 0.00  0.00        81458       20 |
 0.01  0.00       209026       48 | edu.unc.lib
 0.01  0.01       395625       92 |
 0.00  0.00         6681        3 | edu.unc.mstl
 0.01  0.02       740853       47 | edu.unc.nursing
 0.00  0.00        66523       16 | edu.unc.oit
 0.00  0.00       110900       28 | edu.unc.oitlabs
 0.00  0.00        90915       11 | edu.unc.our
 0.00  0.00       160414       34 | edu.unc.sph
 0.00  0.00        13221        4 | edu.unc.stat
 0.01  0.01       523699       71 | edu.uncc
 0.01  0.01       512862      101 | edu.uncg
 0.00  0.00        55830       13 | edu.uncwil.br_lab
 0.00  0.00        63296       17 | edu.uncwil.finart
 0.00  0.00         2857        1 | edu.uncwil.ocis
 0.00  0.00        39039       15 | edu.unf.library
 0.00  0.00        48194       18 | edu.unh
 0.01  0.01       258434       90 |
 0.00  0.00        20788        8 | edu.uni
 0.00  0.00        36557       17 | edu.uni.dialup
 0.00  0.00        29844       14 | edu.uni.physics
 0.01  0.01       316234       56 | edu.uni.scc2
 0.00  0.00        68348       10 | edu.unk
 0.00  0.00       122601       30 | edu.unk.physics
 0.02  0.02       947001      193 | edu.unl
 0.02  0.02       797909      172 | edu.unm
 0.00  0.00        60215       16 |
 0.00  0.00         1583        2 | edu.unm.mrc
 0.00  0.00        31557        8 |
 0.00  0.00        97643       21 |
 0.01  0.02       925030       57 | edu.unomaha
 0.00  0.00        34259        9 |
 0.00  0.00       122024       21 | edu.unr.scs
 0.00  0.00         5358        1 | edu.unt.acs
 0.00  0.00        91658       27 |
 0.00  0.00        60859        4 | edu.unt.csci
 0.01  0.00       198704       60 | edu.unt.decal
 0.01  0.02       830865       98 | edu.unt.dialup
 0.00  0.00        22129        8 | edu.unt.dsa
 0.00  0.00        31131       16 | edu.unt.hsc
 0.00  0.00         5305        2 | edu.unt.polysci
 0.00  0.00       120467       38 | edu.unt.scs
 0.00  0.00        23315        3 | edu.uofs.library
 0.00  0.00        32808        6 | edu.uoknor.ecn
 0.01  0.01       333378       77 | edu.uoknor.lab
 0.00  0.00        39739       13 | edu.uoknor.metr
 0.01  0.01       246845      105 | edu.uoknor.modems
 0.00  0.00         1674        2 | edu.uoknor.osf
 0.00  0.01       571756       29 | edu.uoknor.reshall
 0.00  0.00       167427       37 | edu.uoknor.ucs
 0.00  0.00        11680        3 |
 0.00  0.00        39249       18 | edu.uop.cs
 0.01  0.01       226432       95 | edu.uop.eng
 0.00  0.00        60176        8 | edu.uophx
 0.04  0.03      1415361      314 | edu.uoregon
 0.01  0.00       209211       54 | edu.up
 0.02  0.02       731055      134 | edu.upenn
 0.00  0.00        79392       21 | edu.upenn.chem
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 | edu.upenn.comm
 0.00  0.00        30777       10 | edu.upenn.dpp
 0.00  0.00        16781        2 | edu.upenn.gse
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.upenn.humgen
 0.00  0.00        69585        4 | edu.upenn.lib
 0.00  0.00        95688       31 |
 0.00  0.00        18927        7 | edu.upenn.newman
 0.00  0.00       111573       26 | edu.upenn.resnet
 0.01  0.01       598796      103 |
 0.00  0.00         6681        3 | edu.upenn.seas
 0.00  0.00          627        1 | edu.upenn.wharton
 0.01  0.01       389876      103 |
 0.00  0.01       231760       13 | edu.urgrgcc
 0.00  0.00        25293       12 | edu.uri.gso
 0.00  0.00       161690       39 | edu.urich
 0.00  0.00       117865       36 | edu.urich.ppp
 0.07  0.09      4149482      599 | edu.usc
 0.01  0.00       165369       51 | edu.usc.hsc
 0.00  0.00        30210       16 | edu.usd
 0.00  0.00        83623       16 | edu.usd.fa
 0.00  0.00        19849        4 | edu.usd.lib
 0.00  0.00        80729        4 |
 0.00  0.00       199387       20 | edu.usf.cfr
 0.00  0.00         6681        3 | edu.usf.cis
 0.00  0.00        51376       18 | edu.usf.coedu
 0.00  0.00        61501       14 | edu.usf.fmhi
 0.00  0.00       165157       20 | edu.usf.moffitt
 0.00  0.00        50805       14 | edu.usf.shs
 0.01  0.00       217036       48 | edu.usfca
 0.00  0.00        69636       13 | edu.usi
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 | edu.usl.acim
 0.00  0.00        15572        2 | edu.usl.ucs
 0.02  0.02       695245      162 | edu.usm
 0.00  0.00         1613        1 | edu.usouthal
 0.00  0.00        17902        3 | edu.usu
 0.00  0.00       141403       17 | edu.usu.aglab
 0.00  0.00        21071        5 | edu.usu.agsci
 0.00  0.00        18375        6 | edu.usu.cs
 0.00  0.00         9909        8 | edu.usu.dorms
 0.00  0.00        50862       22 | edu.usu.engrlab
 0.00  0.00         1674        2 | edu.usu.lib.liblab
 0.00  0.00         7068        2 | edu.usu.nb2
 0.00  0.00          751        2 | edu.usu.stllab
 0.00  0.00        95530       16 | edu.usu.writectr
 0.00  0.00       122775       16 | edu.uta
 0.00  0.00        58882       26 | edu.utah.acs
 0.00  0.00        74687       12 | edu.utah.aim
 0.00  0.00        10414        5 | edu.utah.campplan
 0.01  0.01       311735       92 |
 0.00  0.00        75994       24 | edu.utah.eng
 0.00  0.00        24020        6 | edu.utah.geog
 0.00  0.00        29935       21 | edu.utah.lib.alexandria
 0.00  0.00        28982        8 |
 0.01  0.01       277361      100 | edu.utah.mlmc
 0.00  0.00        61746       15 | edu.utah.unionlab
 0.01  0.01       357186       51 | edu.utc.lib
 0.00  0.00        87092       20 | edu.utdallas
 0.00  0.00        22268        5 | edu.utep.dialin
 0.00  0.00        81324        8 | edu.utep.ece
 0.00  0.00        20954        7 |
 0.00  0.01       237949       38 | edu.utexas.arlut
 0.00  0.00        58330        9 | edu.utexas.bus
 0.00  0.00       148886       36 |
 0.00  0.00       190051       22 | edu.utexas.che
 0.00  0.00        21824        8 |
 0.00  0.00       151993       34 | edu.utexas.csr
 0.02  0.02       820267      168 | edu.utexas.ctr
 0.00  0.00        25601       13 | edu.utexas.dp
 0.02  0.01       403634      125 | edu.utexas.ece
 0.00  0.00        37274        2 | edu.utexas.en
 0.00  0.00        56751       13 | edu.utexas.esb
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 | edu.utexas.fa
 0.01  0.01       337005       82 | edu.utexas.facsmf
 0.00  0.00        50243        2 |
 0.00  0.00        55575       12 | edu.utexas.iat
 0.01  0.00       195592       47 |
 0.00  0.00        46966       12 | edu.utexas.lib
 0.00  0.00        26079       11 |
 0.01  0.00       208905       43 | edu.utexas.mer
 0.00  0.00        14685        3 | edu.utexas.osfs
 0.09  0.07      3055289      696 | edu.utexas.ots
 0.00  0.00        99081       33 | edu.uthscsa
 0.00  0.00        20499        5 | edu.utk.admin
 0.01  0.01       431235       98 |
 0.00  0.00        46327       18 | edu.utk.asa
 0.00  0.00        52294       13 | edu.utk.cas
 0.00  0.00        51113       15 | edu.utk.ce
 0.00  0.00        10682        6 | edu.utk.chem
 0.00  0.00        24364        7 | edu.utk.coe
 0.00  0.00        26290        4 |
 0.00  0.00        20931       10 | edu.utk.cs
 0.00  0.00        84034       16 | edu.utk.csw
 0.01  0.00       211374       45 | edu.utk.engr
 0.00  0.00        58330        9 | edu.utk.hosp
 0.00  0.00        58694       12 | edu.utk.ips
 0.00  0.00         6345        4 |
 0.00  0.00        79509       20 | edu.utk.lib
 0.00  0.00         6535        1 | edu.utk.math
 0.00  0.00        46880       10 |
 0.00  0.00        29592        4 | edu.utk.phys
 0.01  0.01       272066       47 | edu.utk.psych
 0.00  0.00          627        1 | edu.utk.res
 0.01  0.01       501860       86 | edu.utk.rmt
 0.01  0.01       433306       58 | edu.utk.rtd
 0.01  0.01       404179       84 | edu.utk.utcc
 0.00  0.00       109084       35 | edu.utm
 0.00  0.00        58330        9 |
 0.01  0.01       521691      106 | edu.utmem
 0.00  0.00        28716        8 | edu.utoledo.dialins
 0.00  0.00        10813       11 | edu.utsa.eng
 0.00  0.00        37219       10 | edu.utsa.jpl
 0.01  0.01       267999       49 | edu.utulsa
 0.00  0.00         9074        3 | edu.utulsa.keh
 0.00  0.00         6585        1 | edu.uvm
 0.00  0.00        22164       11 | edu.uvm.emba
 0.00  0.00        53596       11 | edu.uvsc.openlab
 0.00  0.00        48644       16 | edu.uvsc.ota
 0.00  0.00        24279        7 | edu.uvsc.provo
 0.00  0.00        10161       11 | edu.uwf.pulse
 0.00  0.00        20620        3 | edu.uwm
 0.00  0.00        10682        6 | edu.uwm.cae
 0.01  0.08      3672799       97 | edu.uwm.csd
 0.00  0.00         6681        3 | edu.uwm.ruhs
 0.00  0.00       167391       39 | edu.uwp
 0.00  0.00        20538        1 | edu.uwplatt.ucs
 0.00  0.00       151764       25 | edu.uwrf.acc
 0.00  0.00        78272       13 | edu.uwrf.anetsrvcs
 0.00  0.00        50381       21 | edu.uwsp
 0.00  0.00        11007        2 | edu.uwstout
 0.00  0.00        41942       12 | edu.uww
 0.01  0.01       256801       73 | edu.uwyo
 0.00  0.00        11146        9 | edu.vak12ed
 0.00  0.00        60882        9 | edu.valpo
 0.00  0.00       186743       20 | edu.valpo.kretzmann
 0.00  0.00        16321       11 | edu.valpo.moel
 0.00  0.00         3841        2 | edu.valpo.rh.alu
 0.00  0.00       114744       24 | edu.valpo.rh.lan
 0.00  0.00         1674        2 | edu.valpo.schnabel
 0.00  0.00        29492        7 | edu.valpo.urschel
 0.02  0.02       750348      169 | edu.vanderbilt
 0.00  0.00        88384       20 | edu.vanderbilt.vuse
 0.00  0.00        42287        9 | edu.vcu
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 | edu.vcu.acw
 0.00  0.00        21159        3 | edu.vcu.pio
 0.01  0.01       630546      118 | edu.virginia.acc
 0.03  0.03      1224837      214 | edu.virginia.bootp
 0.00  0.00         4107        1 | edu.virginia.clas
 0.00  0.00        32540        3 | edu.virginia.cs
 0.01  0.01       227635       50 | edu.virginia.itc
 0.00  0.00         6952        2 |
 0.00  0.00        44624        7 | edu.vmi
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00        51391       25 | edu.vt.async
 0.00  0.00        13635        5 | edu.vt.campus
 0.04  0.05      2076946      328 |
 0.00  0.00         1407        1 | edu.vt.cns.sl001
 0.00  0.00       170771       39 | edu.vt.cns.sl002
 0.00  0.00       118983        6 | edu.vt.cns.sl003
 0.00  0.00       122473        7 | edu.vt.cns.sl004
 0.00  0.00        61968        7 | edu.vt.cns.sl005
 0.00  0.00        89054       12 | edu.vt.cns.sl007
 0.00  0.00       198775       27 | edu.vt.cns.sl010
 0.00  0.00        37152        7 | edu.vt.cns.sl011
 0.00  0.00        45249       19 | edu.vt.cns.sl012
 0.01  0.00       209264       58 | edu.vt.cns.sl013
 0.00  0.00        84877       18 | edu.vt.cns.sl014
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | edu.vt.cns.sl015
 0.00  0.00        75721       13 | edu.vt.cns.sl016
 0.00  0.00        18339        4 | edu.vt.cns.sl017
 0.00  0.00        49385        9 | edu.vt.cns.sl020
 0.00  0.00        39493       20 | edu.vt.cns.sl024
 0.00  0.00        50020       13 | edu.vt.cns.sl032
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | edu.vt.cns.sl033
 0.00  0.00         3490        1 | edu.vt.cns.sl035
 0.00  0.00        68436        8 | edu.vt.cns.sl047
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.vt.cns.sl104
 0.00  0.00       142124       33 | edu.vt.cns.sl106
 0.01  0.01       284106       51 | edu.vt.cns.sl124
 0.00  0.00        10638       10 | edu.vt.cns.sl136
 0.00  0.00         6795        4 | edu.vt.cs
 0.00  0.00         9321        4 |
 0.00  0.00        34518        6 | edu.vt.enable-plaza
 0.00  0.00        51113       15 | edu.vt.english
 0.01  0.01       363967       77 | edu.vt.lib
 0.00  0.00         5259        2 | edu.vt.mine
 0.00  0.00        65934        5 | edu.vt.phys
 0.00  0.00        58330        9 | edu.vt.police
 0.00  0.00        15980       12 | edu.vt.uusa
 0.00  0.01       389609       31 | edu.wabash.lab
 0.00  0.00        51469       17 | edu.waldenu
 0.00  0.00        12496        2 | edu.wartburg.ctc
 0.00  0.00        15054        4 | edu.washcoll
 0.00  0.00        60917       14 | edu.washington.amath
 0.01  0.01       470858       76 | edu.washington.cac
 0.00  0.00        36205        6 | edu.washington.chem
 0.01  0.02       771859      102 | edu.washington.cs
 0.00  0.00        97669       24 | edu.washington.dhcp
 0.00  0.00       127544       13 | edu.washington.engr
 0.00  0.00        48879       12 |
 0.00  0.00        25601       13 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.washington.saam
 0.05  0.06      2565512      423 | edu.washington.u
 0.00  0.00        43672       15 | edu.wayne.math
 0.00  0.00         6681        3 | edu.wcu
 0.01  0.00       216090       56 | edu.wcupa
 0.00  0.00         6648        3 | edu.wednet.esdtcom
 0.01  0.00       185199       45 | edu.wednet.lkwash
 0.00  0.00        33953       14 | edu.wellesley
 0.00  0.00        13362        6 |
 0.00  0.00        22164       11 | edu.wesleyan.postoffice
 0.00  0.00         8149        4 | edu.wesleyan.scilab
 0.00  0.00        65556       13 | edu.westga.ed
 0.00  0.00        42290       13 | edu.westga.isil
 0.00  0.00       165144       29 | edu.westmont
 0.00  0.00        51113       15 |
 0.00  0.00         8284        2 | edu.wfu.mthcsc
 0.02  0.02      1023263      190 | edu.wfu.ppp
 0.00  0.00        40309        7 | edu.wfu.thinkpad
 0.06  0.05      2443585      447 | edu.wheaton
 0.00  0.00         3717        1 |
 0.00  0.00        25214        4 |
 0.00  0.00        65125       15 | edu.whitman
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 | edu.whoi
 0.00  0.00         5335        1 | edu.whoi.wh
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | edu.wilkes.chem
 0.00  0.00        20458        5 | edu.willamette.admin
 0.00  0.00        18142        6 | edu.williams
 0.00  0.00         4591        2 |
 0.00  0.00         9231        4 | edu.winthrop
 0.00  0.00        14254       13 | edu.wisc.adp
 0.03  0.04      1747222      271 | edu.wisc.cae
 0.00  0.00         5202        1 | edu.wisc.cs
 0.00  0.00       181990       27 | edu.wisc.macc
 0.03  0.02      1074808      275 |
 0.00  0.00        48572       16 | edu.wisc.physics
 0.00  0.00         6956        2 | edu.wisc.soemadison
 0.00  0.00        81674        7 | edu.wittenberg
 0.00  0.00       117651       31 | edu.wku.acrs-grise
 0.00  0.00       143941       28 | edu.wku.acrs-helm
 0.01  0.01       354256       87 | edu.wku.acrs-tccw
 0.00  0.00        48710       16 | edu.wku.bc
 0.00  0.00        32258       12 | edu.wku.dduc
 0.00  0.00        59800        6 | edu.wku.honprog
 0.00  0.00        58330        9 | edu.wku.pbs
 0.00  0.00         6901        2 | edu.wku.potter
 0.00  0.00       126921       18 | edu.wku.tph
 0.02  0.02       719208      145 | edu.wku.wab
 0.00  0.00        58709        3 | edu.wlu.uc
 0.00  0.00        16103        5 |
 0.00  0.00        99972       23 | edu.wm.tyler
 0.01  0.00       167982       59 | edu.wmich.bernhard
 0.00  0.00        31551        8 | edu.wmich.brown.lab
 0.00  0.00        42332       12 |
 0.00  0.00        70965       19 | edu.wmich.dalton
 0.00  0.00        26612        7 | edu.wmich.dunbar
 0.01  0.01       350919       70 | edu.wmich.ellsworth
 0.00  0.00        30343       15 | edu.wmich.hcob
 0.00  0.00         4640        1 | edu.wmich.rood
 0.00  0.00        27329        7 | edu.wmich.speech
 0.00  0.00        27973       15 | edu.wmich.trimpe
 0.00  0.00        61978        4 | edu.wmich.wmlib
 0.00  0.00         1278        1 | edu.wofford
 0.00  0.00       119688       15 | edu.wolfpack
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | edu.woodbury
 0.00  0.00       136063       39 | edu.wpi
 0.00  0.00         9244        5 | edu.wpi.res
 0.00  0.00        27006        2 | edu.wright
 0.00  0.00        61014        9 | edu.wright.cola
 0.00  0.00        16738        7 | edu.wright.cs
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 | edu.wright.ed
 0.00  0.00        24365        7 | edu.wright.library
 0.00  0.00       104298       23 |
 0.00  0.00        55574       12 | edu.wsc
 0.00  0.00         8789        4 | edu.wsu.cahe
 0.00  0.00         5305        2 | edu.wsu.chem
 0.00  0.00       127826       26 | edu.wsu.eecs
 0.02  0.02      1052516      170 |
 0.00  0.00        27973       15 | edu.wsu.tricity
 0.01  0.00       182579       45 | edu.wsu.urel
 0.00  0.00        55575       12 | edu.wsu.vancouver
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | edu.wsu.zoology
 0.00  0.00       132929       38 | edu.wtamu
 0.01  0.01       505624      102 | edu.wustl
 0.00  0.00        28340        6 | edu.wustl.arch
 0.00  0.00        53218        9 | edu.wustl.cec
 0.00  0.00       134140       14 | edu.wustl.cs
 0.00  0.00       221071       19 | edu.wvnet
 0.00  0.00        32439        9 | edu.wvnet.concord
 0.01  0.01       286939       90 | edu.wvnet.dialup
 0.00  0.00        18417        2 |
 0.00  0.00         7454        2 | edu.wvnet.wvitcoe
 0.00  0.00         4259        1 | edu.wvnet.wvsc
 0.00  0.00        57239        7 | edu.wvu.aa
 0.00  0.00        30590       26 | edu.wvu.vhs
 0.02  0.01       447312      140 | edu.wwc
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 | edu.wwu.ath
 0.00  0.02       691462       18 |
 0.00  0.00        48572       16 | edu.wwu.cs.lake
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | edu.wwu.lab02
 0.00  0.00        37348        5 | edu.wwu.lab03
 0.00  0.00        99155       15 | edu.wwu.lab04
 0.00  0.00        16062        7 | edu.wwu.lis
 0.01  0.00       194220       44 | edu.wwu.wce
 0.00  0.00        40152        2 | edu.wwu.xtrn01
 0.01  0.01       280002       71 | edu.yale.cis
 0.00  0.00        60912       24 | edu.yale.cis.cluster
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | edu.yale.csb
 0.00  0.00       105237       14 | edu.yale.facilities
 0.00  0.00        25715        6 |
 0.00  0.01       232356       24 | edu.yale.library
 0.00  0.00        72360       28 |
 0.01  0.02       857639       56 |
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | edu.yale.som
 0.00  0.00        80728        4 |
 0.00  0.00         6572        5 | edu.yale.ycia
 0.00  0.00        48431        8 | edu.ycp
 0.03  0.03      1198083      214 | edu.ysu
 0.00  0.00        20942        4 |
 0.00  0.00        44211        7 | edu.yu.aecom
 0.00  0.00        81333       14 | ee.folklore
 0.01  0.01       441867      102 | ee.postimees
 0.00  0.00        33163        3 | ee.teleport
 0.00  0.00        27470       10 |
 0.00  0.00        29168        4 | ee.uninet
 0.00  0.00        37897       14 | ee.ut.lai
 0.00  0.00        13953        4 | ee.ut.psych
 0.00  0.00        66931       20 | ee.zzz
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | es.apb
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | es.cafeinternet
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | es.canaldinamic
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | es.cedex
 0.00  0.00        14031       11 | es.cica
 0.00  0.00        15490        4 | es.ciemat
 0.00  0.00         7487        1 | es.eniac
 0.00  0.00       214508       28 | es.grn
 0.00  0.00         2517        5 | es.ibercaja
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | es.inta
 0.00  0.00        22163       14 | es.intercom
 0.00  0.00        21906        4 | es.jet
 0.00  0.00          992        2 | es.lander
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | es.readysoft
 0.00  0.00        63295        7 |
 0.00  0.00         1674        2 | es.servicom.val
 0.00  0.00        49700       22 | es.solmelia
 0.00  0.00         6772        1 | es.tid
 0.00  0.00        15642        3 | es.tsai
 0.00  0.00        63461       13 | es.uam.adi
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00        38982        1 | es.ulpgc
 0.01  0.00       155466       49 | es.unex
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | es.upc
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | es.upm.dit.gsi
 0.00  0.00         1940        2 | es.upv.agr
 0.00  0.00         5869        1 | es.usal
 0.01  0.01       271307       49 | fi.abo
 0.00  0.00        50370       18 | fi.benefon
 0.00  0.00        38255       15 | fi.datafellows
 0.02  0.02      1100565      134 | fi.eunet
 0.00  0.00         3790        3 | fi.fak
 0.00  0.00         2795        1 | fi.frelon
 0.02  0.02       755516      127 | fi.funet
 0.00  0.00        83905        5 |
 0.00  0.00        20797        6 |
 0.00  0.00       159097       33 |
 0.00  0.00        43686       13 | fi.heo
 0.03  0.02       929418      208 | fi.hut
 0.00  0.00        22879        6 | fi.hut.cs
 0.01  0.01       503930       70 | fi.inet
 0.00  0.00        97428       24 | fi.inet.dial
 0.00  0.00        36052       24 | fi.intermin
 0.00  0.00        27424        2 | fi.japo.pp
 0.00  0.00        47999       12 | fi.joensuu
 0.00  0.00       108987       16 | fi.jyaiko
 0.00  0.00       125996       27 |
 0.00  0.00        14559        6 | fi.jyu.dialup
 0.00  0.00        75743       23 | fi.jyu.macmat
 0.01  0.01       292024       61 | fi.jyu.pcphys
 0.00  0.00        39901       10 | fi.kaukajarvi
 0.01  0.01       368862       72 | fi.kolumbus
 0.00  0.00        15872        2 | fi.ktt
 0.00  0.00        61749       23 | fi.lpt
 0.00  0.00        73064       16 | fi.lut
 0.00  0.00        18900        5 | fi.megabaud
 0.00  0.00        53053       17 | fi.mikkeliamk
 0.00  0.00        73139       25 | fi.mission
 0.00  0.08      3608522       39 | fi.multi
 0.00  0.00        48960       14 | fi.netti.pp
 0.00  0.00       157864       17 |
 0.00  0.00        29008       12 | fi.odin
 0.01  0.01       456393      112 | fi.oulu
 0.00  0.00       169274       17 | fi.pp
 0.00  0.00        68008       13 | fi.pspt
 0.00  0.00        44566        9 | fi.sci
 0.01  0.01       266149       69 | fi.siba
 0.00  0.00        31488       13 | fi.sley
 0.00  0.00        15872        2 |
 0.00  0.00        19740       14 |
 0.00  0.00         4259        1 |
 0.00  0.00        67484        7 | fi.tieh
 0.00  0.00         7478       32 | fi.tit
 0.00  0.00        58768       12 | fi.tukkk
 0.00  0.00         1674        2 |
 0.00  0.00        30909       13 | fi.tut.cs
 0.00  0.00        45002        8 |
 0.00  0.00       143573       31 | fi.uku
 0.00  0.00         1879        5 | fi.uta
 0.00  0.00        41031       17 | fi.uta.sjoki
 0.00  0.00         5353        2 | fi.utu
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 |
 0.00  0.02      1112860        7 | fi.utu.rokl
 0.00  0.00        86374       10 | fi.utu.slip
 0.00  0.00        24763       12 | fi.utu.suo
 0.00  0.00        30022       14 | fi.uwasa
 0.04  0.04      1614174      344 |
 0.03  0.02      1015781      248 | fi.vaasa
 0.00  0.00        38915        6 | fi.vitech
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 | fi.vsonic
 0.00  0.00        50841       19 | fi.vtt.kem
 0.00  0.00        30909       13 | fi.vtt.sah
 0.00  0.00        39901       10 | fi.vtyh
 0.00  0.00        51113       15 | fi.wakkanet
 0.00  0.00        25107        7 | fi.yle
 0.00  0.00        15305        2 | fr.alienor
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | fr.archimedia
 0.02  0.01       516761      129 | fr.asi
 0.00  0.00        44797       20 | fr.atlantel
 0.00  0.00        58271       14 | fr.bull
 0.00  0.00        11683        3 | fr.cadrus
 0.00  0.00         6541        2 | fr.calvacom
 0.00  0.01       518822       23 | fr.cci-oise
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 | fr.cirad
 0.00  0.00       166294       12 | fr.citi2
 0.00  0.03      1430380       18 |
 0.00  0.00         1076        1 | fr.cnet.issy
 0.00  0.00        23185        4 | fr.cnet.lannion
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | fr.cnrs-orleans
 0.00  0.00        15490        4 | fr.easynet
 0.00  0.00         6771        1 | fr.efrei
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | fr.ens
 0.00  0.00         1674        2 | fr.ens-lyon
 0.00  0.00        42280       14 | fr.enssat
 0.00  0.00        76784        7 | fr.ensta
 0.00  0.00         6468        1 | fr.enstimac
 0.00  0.00         9592        4 | fr.hrnet
 0.00  0.00        13464       12 |
 0.00  0.00         4004        5 | fr.imag
 0.00  0.00        60415        5 | fr.imaginet
 0.00  0.00        13745        1 | fr.in2p3.lal
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | fr.infrescom
 0.00  0.00        20337        7 | fr.insa-lyon
 0.00  0.00        27239        7 | fr.insa-rouen
 0.00  0.00        21875        9 | fr.ipl
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | fr.iut-lannion
 0.00  0.00        23432       16 | fr.iway.dialup
 0.00  0.00        44678        4 | fr.jussieu.ijm
 0.00  0.00         7953        3 | fr.lenet
 0.00  0.00        21764        8 | fr.lifl.ens
 0.00  0.00        42999        7 | fr.lri
 0.00  0.00        25293       12 | fr.magic
 0.00  0.00        76395       21 | fr.micronet
 0.00  0.00        28390       10 |
 0.00  0.00        63461       13 | fr.mnet
 0.00  0.00        55575       12 | fr.neptune
 0.00  0.00        67117       11 | fr.onecert
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | fr.polytechnique
 0.00  0.00       169244       31 | fr.sct
 0.00  0.00        30228       24 | fr.teaser
 0.00  0.00        36981       10 | fr.u-bordeaux.math
 0.00  0.00        93005       11 | fr.u-nancy.plg
 0.00  0.00        55539        8 | fr.unicaen.msh
 0.00  0.00        17468        9 | fr.univ-lille1
 0.00  0.00        13011        7 | fr.univ-lyon1
 0.00  0.00         6772        1 | fr.univ-montp2.ges
 0.00  0.00         1940        2 | fr.univ-paris8.cs
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | fr.univ-poitiers
 0.00  0.00        13221        4 | fr.univ-rouen.dir
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | fr.uvsq.robot
 0.00  0.00       164178       11 | fr.valcofim
 0.00  0.00        17229       14 | gb.hmg.dra
 0.00  0.00         9985        2 | gb.hmg.dra.scs
 0.00  0.00        30909       13 | ge.sanet
 0.00  0.00        42257       13 | gov.ameslab.hep
 0.00  0.00        43050       12 | gov.ameslab.scl
 0.00  0.00        25749        2 | gov.anl.anlw
 0.00  0.00        29624       27 | gov.anl.aps1
 0.00  0.00        83884       30 | gov.anl.cmt
 0.00  0.00        19849        4 | gov.anl.ctd
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | gov.anl.dis
 0.00  0.00       124416       39 | gov.anl.emo
 0.00  0.00        80267       24 | gov.anl.mcs
 0.00  0.00        60859        4 | gov.anl.mct
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | gov.anl.otd-er
 0.00  0.00        21724        7 | gov.anl.pfs
 0.00  0.00         8076        4 | gov.aoc
 0.00  0.00        11744       10 | gov.arsusda
 0.00  0.00        15344       12 | gov.bldrdoc.ceee
 0.00  0.00        67076       21 |
 0.00  0.00        22220        8 |
 0.00  0.00       168973       27 |
 0.00  0.00        23315        3 |
 0.00  0.00        32088        7 | gov.blm.or.orso
 0.00  0.00        15305        2 | gov.blm.ut
 0.00  0.00        10505       10 |
 0.00  0.00        28714        9 |
 0.00  0.00       147423       18 |
 0.00  0.00        24675        6 |
 0.00  0.00       172795       37 | gov.bpa
 0.01  0.01       247082       88 |
 0.04  0.03      1348446      309 |
 0.00  0.00        33814        8 | gov.cbo
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | gov.cdc.biotech
 0.00  0.00       139817        5 | gov.census
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 | gov.census.geo
 0.00  0.00        25749        2 |
 0.00  0.00        28714        9 | gov.dhhs.os
 0.00  0.00        72757       23 | gov.doc.bea
 0.00  0.00        99699       14 | gov.doe-md
 0.00  0.00        69314       19 | gov.doe.dp
 0.00  0.00        73909       16 |
 0.00  0.00       123358       30 | gov.doe.gte
 0.00  0.00        15169        6 |
 0.00  0.00       149768       40 | gov.doi.ios
 0.00  0.01       238261       34 | gov.dol
 0.01  0.00       115874       70 | gov.doleta.uis
 0.00  0.00        36107       29 |
 0.00  0.00        14840        6 | gov.eop
 0.00  0.00        13490        1 | gov.epa.ath
 0.00  0.00        91424       22 | gov.epa.dcoerr2
 0.00  0.00        11218        8 | gov.epa.dcoppe1
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | gov.epa.las
 0.00  0.00        25749        2 | gov.epa.r1pmd
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | gov.epa.r5ora
 0.00  0.00       175164       32 | gov.epa.rtp4501a
 0.00  0.00        55160       14 | gov.epa.rtptsdmu
 0.00  0.00        32100       13 | gov.epa.sdc2tok
 0.00  0.00        53674       14 | gov.epa.sdc3
 0.00  0.00        20496       14 | gov.erl.aoml
 0.00  0.00       101786       40 | gov.faa
 0.00  0.00         9583        2 | gov.fcc
 0.00  0.00         3119        2 | gov.fda.cfsan
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | gov.fda.nctr
 0.01  0.01       335008       57 | gov.fdic
 0.02  0.02       846285      190 | gov.fnal
 0.00  0.00        15754        5 | gov.frb
 0.01  0.01       432409       72 | gov.ftc
 0.01  0.01       309900       83 | gov.gpo
 0.02  0.02      1092471      122 |
 0.00  0.00        90909       24 | gov.hud
 0.02  0.01       662676      148 | gov.inel
 0.00  0.00        43974       13 | gov.kpl
 0.02  0.01       671757      187 | gov.lanl
 0.00  0.00        28340        6 | gov.lanl.atdiv
 0.01  0.01       314219       85 | gov.lanl.c3
 0.00  0.00        78876       23 | gov.lanl.esa
 0.00  0.00       132255       12 | gov.lanl.lansce
 0.00  0.00        62104        4 | gov.lanl.mst
 0.02  0.01       658811      122 | gov.lbl
 0.05  0.04      1832172      432 | gov.llnl
 0.00  0.00        18962        5 |
 0.01  0.01       238620       72 | gov.loc
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | gov.mcmurdo
 0.01  0.04      1627119      109 | gov.metrokc
 0.00  0.00       116482       19 |
 0.01  0.01       300366       59 | gov.nara
 0.00  0.00         8099        3 | gov.nara.arch1
 0.01  0.01       447701       79 | gov.nasa.arc
 0.02  0.01       577493      128 | gov.nasa.dfrc
 0.03  0.02       797101      210 | gov.nasa.gsfc
 0.01  0.01       352761       78 | gov.nasa.ivv
 0.04  0.05      2113422      356 | gov.nasa.jpl
 0.00  0.00       121979       24 | gov.nasa.jsc
 0.00  0.00        86627       23 | gov.nasa.ksc
 0.00  0.00        64521       15 | gov.nasa.ksc.cad
 0.02  0.02       802241      154 | gov.nasa.larc
 0.01  0.01       466733      101 | gov.nasa.lerc
 0.17  0.13      6006727     1380 | gov.nasa.msfc
 0.00  0.02       723016       26 | gov.nasa.nas
 0.03  0.03      1370504      260 | gov.nasa.sewp
 0.00  0.00       171896       31 | gov.nasa.ssc
 0.00  0.00        24365        7 | gov.nasa.wff
 0.00  0.00       146030       23 | gov.nbs.emtc
 0.00  0.00        24279        7 | gov.ncaur
 0.00  0.00        26630        4 | gov.ncifcrf
 0.00  0.00        56431        3 | gov.nih
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 | gov.nih.nci
 0.00  0.00        62621        4 | gov.nih.ncrr
 0.01  0.01       315588       72 | gov.nih.niaid
 0.00  0.00         9642        2 | gov.nih.nichd
 0.01  0.01       489364      110 | gov.nih.niehs
 0.00  0.00        59072       25 | gov.nih.nimh
 0.00  0.01       338201       22 | gov.nih.ninds
 0.01  0.01       343247       64 | gov.nist
 0.01  0.00       107779       41 |
 0.00  0.00        20411        5 | gov.nist.radp
 0.00  0.00         1055        1 | gov.nmfs.tib
 0.00  0.00       103417       31 | gov.noaa.atdd
 0.00  0.00        27566       14 | gov.noaa.ngdc
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | gov.noaa.nws
 0.00  0.00         3198        3 | gov.noaa.pubnwscr
 0.01  0.01       486079       98 | gov.nrc
 0.00  0.00        63461       13 | gov.nrel
 0.00  0.00       129278       38 | gov.nsf.irm
 0.01  0.00       223554       55 | gov.nsf.sbe
 0.00  0.00         9576        4 | gov.ohio
 0.00  0.00         7798        2 | gov.ohio.access
 0.00  0.00        13457        6 | gov.ohio.ciec
 0.01  0.00       170125       78 | gov.ohio.laca.jvs
 0.00  0.00        58330        9 | gov.ohio.leeca
 0.00  0.00        15313        5 | gov.ohio.mveca
 0.00  0.00       208982       34 | gov.ohio.neomin
 0.00  0.00        65522        4 |
 0.00  0.00        72901       15 | gov.ohio.odn
 0.00  0.00        11661        2 | gov.ohio.seovec
 0.00  0.00        24439       10 | gov.ohio.swoca
 0.00  0.00         3781        1 | gov.ohio.tccsa
 0.01  0.01       233026       58 | gov.ohio.woco
 0.01  0.01       364575       84 | gov.or.osl
 0.00  0.06      2844057       31 | gov.ornl.acd
 0.01  0.01       351554       93 | gov.ornl.ct
 0.00  0.00        29990        5 | gov.ornl.dsrd
 0.00  0.00       106352       17 | gov.ornl.ed
 0.00  0.00        11186        4 | gov.ornl.ehp
 0.00  0.00        31590        7 | gov.ornl.emd
 0.01  0.01       382259       65 | gov.ornl.eng
 0.00  0.00        16659        6 | gov.ornl.eshr
 0.00  0.00         2166        3 | gov.ornl.fbm
 0.01  0.03      1166112       56 | gov.ornl.hsr
 0.00  0.00        58330        9 | gov.ornl.isd
 0.00  0.00        11158        7 |
 0.00  0.00        16288       13 | gov.ornl.oecd
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 | gov.ornl.orp
 0.00  0.00       177634       24 |
 0.01  0.00       169613       48 | gov.ornl.rrd
 0.01  0.00       200927       49 | gov.ornl.ssd
 0.00  0.00        25601       13 | gov.ornl.tsca
 0.00  0.00        58330        9 | gov.ornl.tsd
 0.00  0.00        27940        5 |
 0.01  0.01       336196       51 | gov.ornl.wmd
 0.00  0.00        41538        3 | gov.ornl.xdoe
 0.00  0.00        44498       14 | gov.ornl.ymd
 0.00  0.00        14194        4 | gov.osha
 0.00  0.00        22728        4 | gov.osmre
 0.00  0.00       176610       25 | gov.osti
 0.01  0.01       250157       46 | gov.pader
 0.00  0.00        20735        5 | gov.pasen
 0.01  0.01       300426       54 | gov.pnl
 0.01  0.01       453455       52 | gov.pppl
 0.00  0.00         5305        2 | gov.pswfs
 0.00  0.00       140165       25 | gov.rhilinet
 0.00  0.00        35441       13 | gov.rl
 0.02  0.01       385881      130 | gov.s1
 0.01  0.01       480967       93 | gov.sandia
 0.00  0.00        59138       24 |
 0.00  0.00        15872        2 |
 0.00  0.00        94036       25 | gov.sannet
 0.01  0.01       552703      115 | gov.senate
 0.01  0.00       214309       60 | gov.srs
 0.02  0.02       852691      174 | gov.ssa
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | gov.texas.dhs
 0.00  0.00        24863        8 |
 0.00  0.00        76977       32 | gov.tva
 0.00  0.00        50251       17 | gov.usbm.tcrc
 0.01  0.00       223590       43 | gov.usbr
 0.01  0.01       300219       74 |
 0.00  0.00        71423       25 |
 0.00  0.00        42836       12 |
 0.00  0.00        22075        6 | gov.usbr.wo
 0.00  0.00       102393       22 | gov.usda.aphis
 0.00  0.00        26958        5 | gov.usda.marc
 0.01  0.02      1042582       52 | gov.usda.nal
 0.00  0.00        46504        9 | gov.usda.obpa
 0.00  0.00        90256       30 |
 0.01  0.01       272098       50 |
 0.00  0.00         9277        1 | gov.usia
 0.00  0.00        20333        4 | gov.usitc
 0.00  0.00        30880       11 | gov.uspis
 0.12  0.09      4070135      921 | gov.usps
 0.01  0.01       262912       53 | gov.ustr
 0.01  0.00       220032       55 | gov.ustreas
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | gov.wa.ecy
 0.00  0.00        70489       16 | gov.wa.leg
 0.01  0.00       204970       42 | gov.wa.wsdot
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | gr.ariadne-t.ncmr
 0.01  0.00       146957       43 | gr.compulink
 0.00  0.00         2122        2 | gr.cti
 0.01  0.00       174881       42 | gr.hol
 0.00  0.00       149968       14 | gr.hol.logos
 0.00  0.00       194940       28 | gr.netor.ath2
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 |
 0.01  0.01       486854       99 |
 0.00  0.00       127816        8 |
 0.03  0.02      1118593      243 |
 0.00  0.00         9592        4 |
 0.00  0.00        64181       11 | hk.cuhk.cclab
 0.02  0.02       803924      168 |
 0.00  0.00       170686       26 | hk.cuhk.lib
 0.01  0.01       403610       56 |
 0.00  0.00        33433        9 |
 0.00  0.00       116125       35 |
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 |
 0.00  0.00        51969       13 |
 0.00  0.00        10616        3 |
 0.00  0.00         3490        1 | hk.hkbc
 0.00  0.00        25074       15 | hk.hku
 0.01  0.01       439928       59 | hk.hku.du
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | hk.lnc
 0.00  0.00       134171       36 |
 0.00  0.00        26441        6 |
 0.00  0.00        23588        4 |
 0.01  0.01       375675      101 | hk.ust
 0.00  0.00        91803       18 | hk.ust.cs
 0.00  0.00         7838        2 |
 0.01  0.00       204331       64 | hr.matis
 0.00  0.00         3326        1 | hr.srce
 0.00  0.00        10682        6 |
 0.00  0.00        24452       16 | hu.bme.dial
 0.00  0.01       251888       15 | hu.bme.sch
 0.01  0.00       169247       46 | hu.ceu
 0.00  0.00        29843       12 | hu.elte
 0.00  0.00        88680       20 | hu.elte.csoma
 0.00  0.00       121931       35 | hu.elte.inf
 0.00  0.00        75767       23 | hu.eunet.dial
 0.00  0.00        41294       13 | hu.iif
 0.00  0.00         3077        1 | hu.iqsoft
 0.00  0.00        33750       14 | hu.jpte
 0.00  0.06      2793182       12 | hu.kfki.rmki
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | hu.kfki.szfki
 0.00  0.00        14685        3 | hu.nest
 0.00  0.00        25749        2 | hu.u-szeged.szbk
 0.00  0.00        78796       15 | hu.u-szeged.szote.celib
 0.00  0.00       135114       31 | hu.uni-miskolc.hgeol
 0.00  0.00         1170        1 |
 0.00  0.00        19559       15 |
 0.00  0.00         4764        1 |
 0.00  0.00       216562       10 |
 0.00  0.00        94058       12 |
 0.00  0.01       262650       19 |
 0.04  0.03      1476891      325 |
 0.01  0.01       528980       59 |
 0.03  0.05      2106865      261 |
 0.00  0.00         4900        1 | ie.dcu.compapp
 0.00  0.00         2651        1 | ie.dcu.eeng
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | ie.ieunet
 0.01  0.01       345221       86 | ie.indigo
 0.00  0.00        72904       21 | ie.internet-eireann
 0.01  0.01       471135       97 | ie.iol
 0.00  0.00         4900        1 | ie.rtc-carlow
 0.00  0.00       104556       26 | ie.tcd.cs
 0.00  0.00         5305        2 | ie.tcd.maths
 0.00  0.00        14643        6 | ie.ucc
 0.00  0.00       191823       28 | ie.ucd
 0.00  0.00        97064       27 | ie.ul.staff_4
 0.02  0.01       399504      150 |
 0.00  0.00        41277        4 |
 0.00  0.00        51113       15 |
 0.00  0.00        79344        9 |
 0.00  0.01       254055       14 |
 0.00  0.00          362        2 |
 0.00  0.00        43713       18 |
 0.00  0.00        41561        9 |
 0.00  0.03      1447997       13 |
 0.00  0.00         1940        2 |
 0.02  0.02       889084      170 |
 0.09  0.08      3781933      741 |
 0.00  0.00         3326        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 |
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 |
 0.00  0.00         6191        3 | in.uunet
 0.00  0.00        27982        8 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | is.aknet
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | is.centrum
 0.01  0.01       492194      114 |
 0.00  0.06      2873638       34 | is.hi.rhi
 0.00  0.00        40454        6 | is.isgate
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | is.islandia
 0.03  0.02       973842      247 | is.ismennt
 0.00  0.00         5830        2 | is.itn
 0.00  0.00         3504        2 | is.mmedia
 0.00  0.06      2826311       18 | is.rarik
 0.00  0.00        20791       14 | is.simi
 0.00  0.00        24975        8 | is.snerpa
 0.00  0.00       168284       18 | is.spornet
 0.00  0.00        15763        5 | is.ti
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | is.treknet
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | is.tvi
 0.00  0.00        40790        3 | it.abacom
 0.00  0.00        22655        8 | it.alcatel.tlt.chi
 0.00  0.00       154518       31 | it.alpcom
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | it.ats
 0.00  0.00        60078       25 | it.augustea
 0.00  0.00        12569        3 | it.bitron
 0.00  0.00       107799       20 | it.bologna.comune
 0.00  0.00         6772        1 | it.cilea
 0.00  0.00        58261        7 | it.clio
 0.00  0.00        11455        3 |
 0.00  0.00        20954        7 | it.cnr.mi.itia
 0.00  0.00        26477        7 | it.comm2000
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | it.csi.dialup
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | it.cybernet
 0.00  0.00        56561       14 | it.dada
 0.00  0.00        10505       10 | it.dsnet
 0.01  0.00       190671       67 | it.flashnet
 0.00  0.00         2746        4 | it.galactica
 0.00  0.00          992        2 |
 0.00  0.00        15572        2 | it.gpnet
 0.00  0.00        80561       20 | it.inet
 0.00  0.00         4219        2 | it.infn.roma1
 0.01  0.01       345145       81 | it.iol
 0.00  0.00        19135        7 | it.its
 0.00  0.00        25009        8 | it.ittc
 0.00  0.00         8573        5 | it.iunet
 0.00  0.00        22687        9 | it.iunet.logical
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | it.iunet.tai
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | it.linknet
 0.00  0.00        53104       14 | it.lunet
 0.01  0.01       327758      106 | it.mclink
 0.00  0.00        26370        8 | it.mercurio
 0.00  0.00       127260       38 | it.microsys
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | it.nettuno
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00       128604       30 |
 0.00  0.00        24860        8 | it.novara.itis.fauser
 0.00  0.00        18840        6 | it.polimi.cdc
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 | it.polito
 0.00  0.00        23586        7 | it.protec
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | it.sapienza
 0.01  0.01       318893       53 | it.shiny
 0.00  0.00        26477        7 | it.sinet
 0.00  0.00        87641       19 | it.sirnet
 0.00  0.00       111549       22 | it.sns
 0.00  0.00         4556        2 | it.softeam
 0.00  0.00        26477        7 | it.spin.ts
 0.01  0.00       191400       69 | it.stm
 0.00  0.00          594        2 | it.synapsis
 0.00  0.00        36760       10 | it.telecomitalia.csai
 0.01  0.00       216481       50 | it.teseo
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | it.tizeta
 0.00  0.00        20922        7 | it.totobit
 0.00  0.00        71812       10 | it.trieste.ictp
 0.00  0.00        48585       15 | it.unict.pese
 0.00  0.00        88955       39 | it.unidata
 0.00  0.00        12941        5 |
 0.00  0.00        25667        6 | it.unige.economia
 0.00  0.00          843        2 | it.unime
 0.01  0.00        69989       47 | it.unimi.vanvi
 0.00  0.00       154434       10 | it.unipd.dei
 0.00  0.00        19602        9 |
 0.01  0.00       114977       44 | it.unito.cisi
 0.00  0.00        47734       15 | it.univaq
 0.01  0.01       514991      102 | it.vol
 0.01  0.00        88781       42 | it.vol.aquila
 0.00  0.00        40274        2 | it.worldnet
 0.00  0.00       115757       28 |
 0.00  0.00        32724        7 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00        27972        7 |
 0.00  0.00        73865       16 |
 0.00  0.03      1450742       16 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00        21469        4 |
 0.00  0.00          745        1 |
 0.00  0.00        41076        2 |
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 |
 0.00  0.00        74529       14 |
 0.00  0.00        20718       15 |
 0.00  0.00        77054       15 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00        44109       13 |
 0.00  0.00       101320       16 |
 0.00  0.00        13222        3 |
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 |
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 |
 0.00  0.00        24365        7 |
 0.03  0.03      1410567      209 |
 0.00  0.00         4900        1 |
 0.00  0.00        71117       18 |
 0.00  0.00        49929       16 |
 0.01  0.01       291941       50 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00        99642       23 |
 0.00  0.00        26344       10 |
 0.00  0.00        53104       14 |
 0.00  0.03      1435892       29 |
 0.00  0.00        36814       10 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00        39323       16 |
 0.01  0.00       182910       53 |
 0.00  0.00       150187       15 |
 0.00  0.00       163103        6 |
 0.00  0.00       151749       20 |
 0.00  0.00         5305        2 |
 0.00  0.00         7453        1 |
 0.00  0.00        44886       12 |
 0.00  0.00       103746       11 |
 0.00  0.00        39049       10 |
 0.00  0.00        32101       12 |
 0.00  0.00         4070        1 |
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 |
 0.00  0.00        47541        7 |
 0.00  0.00        24364        7 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00        10682        6 |
 0.00  0.00        48264       15 |
 0.00  0.00        30306        8 |
 0.00  0.00        20570        3 |
 0.00  0.00        11844       11 |
 0.00  0.00        13218        4 |
 0.01  0.00       135627       55 |
 0.00  0.00        64032       14 |
 0.00  0.00        25543        8 |
 0.00  0.00        39901       10 |
 0.00  0.00        34549       15 |
 0.00  0.00        29848        9 |
 0.00  0.00        27153        6 |
 0.00  0.00         9093        3 |
 0.00  0.00        77245       10 |
 0.01  0.01       282948       48 |
 0.00  0.00         3198        3 | jp.go.riken.bmc
 0.00  0.00       128786       28 |
 0.00  0.00        26092        7 |
 0.00  0.00        14169        6 |
 0.00  0.00       162857       23 | jp.or.aix
 0.00  0.00        69756       21 | jp.or.alpha-web
 0.02  0.03      1359953      176 | jp.or.asahi-net
 0.00  0.00         1613        1 | jp.or.ask
 0.00  0.00       124550       22 | jp.or.avisnet
 0.01  0.02       782118      105 | jp.or.bekkoame
 0.00  0.00       160957       36 | jp.or.bnn-net
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | jp.or.coara
 0.00  0.00        95511       20 | jp.or.copn
 0.00  0.00        26038        9 | jp.or.egg.harajuku
 0.00  0.00        24364        7 | jp.or.globe
 0.00  0.00        40938       12 | jp.or.gulf
 0.00  0.00        24364        7 | jp.or.highway
 0.00  0.00        69241       17 | jp.or.iijnet.po
 0.00  0.00        27714        3 | jp.or.inforyukyu
 0.00  0.00        49025       12 | jp.or.infosphere
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | jp.or.interlink
 0.00  0.00        80554       30 | jp.or.interlink.ppp
 0.00  0.00         1209        1 | jp.or.jeton
 0.00  0.00       116803       28 | jp.or.justnet
 0.00  0.00        24364        7 |
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | jp.or.mahoroba
 0.00  0.00        18883        9 | jp.or.marinet
 0.00  0.00        48092       21 | jp.or.netspace
 0.00  0.00       125493       32 | jp.or.nmda.tepia
 0.00  0.00        41862       17 | jp.or.nnc
 0.00  0.00        72011        8 | jp.or.nsknet
 0.04  0.03      1375295      329 | jp.or.oon
 0.00  0.00        43056        5 | jp.or.pcvan
 0.00  0.00       136240        8 | jp.or.people
 0.00  0.00        24365        7 | jp.or.rim.hf
 0.00  0.00         2822        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3340        1 |
 0.00  0.00       198730       37 | jp.or.rim.yk
 0.00  0.00        72805        6 | jp.or.rim.yo
 0.00  0.00        27720        7 | jp.or.shizuokanet
 0.01  0.01       263594       83 | jp.or.threewebnet.osk
 0.00  0.00        40260        2 | jp.or.wbs
 0.00  0.00        33960        7 |
 0.00  0.00        62440        4 | ke.or
 0.00  0.00        58380        9 |
 0.00  0.00        15533        1 |
 0.00  0.00        82402        6 |
 0.00  0.00        16232        7 |
 0.05  0.05      2152778      415 |
 0.00  0.03      1403977        8 |
 0.00  0.00       142023       33 |
 0.00  0.01       229474       19 |
 0.00  0.00        25601       13 |
 0.00  0.00         5261        2 |
 0.00  0.01       244295       36 |
 0.01  0.00       222707       47 |
 0.00  0.00        72519       17 |
 0.00  0.00        71342       21 |
 0.12  0.07      3232539      927 |
 0.00  0.00        16822        3 |
 0.00  0.00        52063       21 |
 0.00  0.00       106698       40 |
 0.00  0.00       129241       13 |
 0.00  0.00         1568        5 |
 0.03  0.03      1519410      251 |
 0.03  0.11      5198652      214 |
 0.01  0.00       176864       59 |
 0.03  0.02       807990      260 |
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 |
 0.03  0.09      3868721      261 | kr.nm.kornet
 0.00  0.00        25487        4 |
 0.00  0.00          180        1 |
 0.00  0.00         4963        3 |
 0.00  0.00        19362        3 |
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 |
 0.00  0.00       192024       33 |
 0.01  0.00       183747       75 | kw.moc
 0.00  0.00         6856        3 | ky.candw.dialup
 0.00  0.00        26050       10 | lc.candw
 0.00  0.00        14031       11 | lt.ktu.pit
 0.00  0.00        94513       28 | lt.ktu.soften
 0.01  0.01       457829       67 | lt.std
 0.00  0.00         1674        2 | lu.chl.inf
 0.00  0.00         1613        1 |
 0.00  0.00        56196        2 |
 0.00  0.00        38710       12 | lu.restena
 0.00  0.01       276349       35 | lv.latnet
 0.02  0.03      1498756      122 |
 0.00  0.00        15470        2 | lv.riga
 0.00  0.00       149682       29 | mil.acom
 0.00  0.00        77432       33 |
 0.01  0.01       591738      115 |
 0.01  0.00       143141       46 |
 0.00  0.00        31397       12 |
 0.00  0.00        30591        7 |
 0.00  0.00        12658        4 |
 0.02  0.02       761925      179 |
 0.00  0.00       156707        8 |
 0.01  0.00       221120       55 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00        38982        1 |
 0.00  0.00       135577       20 |
 0.00  0.00       105307       26 |
 0.00  0.00          181        1 |
 0.00  0.00        18344        6 |
 0.00  0.00        50073       18 |
 0.00  0.00        14174        2 |
 0.01  0.01       406841       50 |
 0.01  0.01       323316       63 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00        30393       26 |
 0.01  0.03      1305426       41 |
 0.00  0.00        21978        2 |
 0.00  0.00        66945       11 |
 0.00  0.00        36826       16 |
 0.00  0.00       118223       15 |
 0.01  0.01       384562       77 |
 0.00  0.00         2436        3 |
 0.00  0.00        79525       15 |
 0.00  0.00        30513        9 |
 0.00  0.00        52730       13 |
 0.01  0.01       498790       98 |
 0.02  0.06      2602139      129 |
 0.00  0.04      1656016       32 |
 0.00  0.00        53481       13 |
 0.01  0.01       305026       85 |
 0.05  0.04      1748675      430 |
 0.00  0.00       102190       19 |
 0.00  0.00        32761       11 |
 0.03  0.03      1363158      201 |
 0.00  0.00        69942        7 |
 0.06  0.04      1885470      502 |
 0.00  0.00         1940        2 |
 0.01  0.00       205638       82 |
 0.03  0.02       937724      214 |
 0.00  0.00        24309        9 |
 0.00  0.00        57065        8 |
 0.00  0.00         1325        2 |
 0.00  0.00        20709        8 |
 0.01  0.01       241603       74 | mil.arl
 0.00  0.00       119765       12 |
 0.00  0.00        19745        9 |
 0.00  0.00         4640        1 |
 0.00  0.00        10186        5 |
 0.00  0.00        96117       18 |
 0.00  0.00        26533        4 |
 0.00  0.00        52634       15 |
 0.01  0.01       261253       57 |
 0.00  0.00        69076       32 |
 0.00  0.00        78535       23 |
 0.00  0.00        10186        5 |
 0.01  0.01       484294       78 |
 0.00  0.00       208983       35 |
 0.01  0.00       225515       53 |
 0.01  0.12      5439612       82 |
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 |
 0.00  0.01       388798       38 |
 0.00  0.00        17514        4 |
 0.01  0.00       172536       57 |
 0.01  0.00       165589       45 |
 0.00  0.00       134890       33 | mil.disa.itsi
 0.00  0.00       135166       20 | mil.disa.okc
 0.00  0.00         5609        4 | mil.dla.dcrt.dcrtltv
 0.00  0.00       143100       31 | mil.dla.europe
 0.00  0.00        10695        4 | mil.js
 0.00  0.00        14543        3 | mil.jsc
 0.01  0.00       225047       67 |
 0.01  0.01       360482       47 |
 0.00  0.00         8742        4 |
 0.00  0.00        20610        4 |
 0.00  0.00        26439       12 |
 0.00  0.00        78356       16 |
 0.00  0.00       100698       13 |
 0.01  0.01       324735       68 |
 0.01  0.01       480741       98 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00        10642        6 |
 0.00  0.00        38714       13 |
 0.00  0.00       138822       30 |
 0.01  0.00       212917      100 |
 0.00  0.00        47504       15 |
 0.00  0.00       165435       29 |
 0.02  0.02       688090      146 |
 0.01  0.01       262522       50 |
 0.00  0.00          704        1 |
 0.01  0.00       214368       64 |
 0.00  0.00        38982        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8284        2 |
 0.00  0.00        63848        4 |
 0.01  0.01       671504      115 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00        55502       14 | mil.ncsc.epoch
 0.00  0.00        38599        5 | mil.ncsc.tycho
 0.04  0.03      1503219      284 | mil.nosc
 0.00  0.00        40662       22 | mil.osd
 0.00  0.00        99045       16 | mil.osd.acq
 0.00  0.00       123389       32 | mil.osd.comm
 0.00  0.00        49145       16 |
 0.00  0.00        51113       15 | mil.osd.pae
 0.00  0.00       111352       21 | mt.keyworld
 0.00  0.03      1466185       23 | mx.cicese
 0.00  0.00        27268       10 |
 0.00  0.00          745        1 |
 0.00  0.00        92163       29 |
 0.00  0.00       186821       20 |
 0.00  0.00       142504       16 |
 0.00  0.00         3258        3 |
 0.00  0.00        12915        4 | mx.conacyt.ciateq
 0.00  0.00        25683        5 | mx.itam.ster
 0.01  0.01       255613       56 | mx.itesm.ccm
 0.00  0.00       110993       29 | mx.itesm.cem
 0.00  0.00        20406        5 | mx.itesm.lag
 0.00  0.00       112627       24 | mx.itesm.mor
 0.00  0.00       207287       30 | mx.itesm.mty
 0.00  0.00        48600       11 | mx.itesm.qro
 0.00  0.00        69111       17 |
 0.00  0.00        68617        7 | mx.uachnet
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 | mx.uanl.dsi
 0.00  0.00        58851       30 | mx.udlap.pue
 0.00  0.00        55575       12 | mx.unam.acatlan
 0.00  0.00        15572        2 | mx.unam.iimas
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | mx.unam.noc
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | mx.unam.veterin
 0.00  0.00        26577        9 |
 0.01  0.01       373916       58 |
 0.00  0.00          745        1 |
 0.00  0.00        20406        5 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1184        1 |
 0.00  0.03      1447195       14 | my.jaring.als2
 0.01  0.01       538312       68 | my.jaring.bng2
 0.00  0.00        35028        8 | my.jaring.brf10
 0.00  0.00        25992        2 | my.jaring.brf2
 0.00  0.00        21807        9 | my.jaring.brf3
 0.00  0.00         6515        2 | my.jaring.brf5
 0.00  0.01       297346       34 | my.jaring.brf51
 0.01  0.01       447481       66 | my.jaring.brf52
 0.00  0.01       631802       40 | my.jaring.brf53
 0.00  0.00       175058       28 | my.jaring.brf54
 0.00  0.01       644428       39 | my.jaring.brf55
 0.00  0.00       130496       14 | my.jaring.brf56
 0.01  0.01       390135       74 | my.jaring.brf57
 0.01  0.02       695419      117 | my.jaring.brf58
 0.02  0.01       614988      166 | my.jaring.brf6
 0.00  0.00        36861       15 | my.jaring.brf7
 0.00  0.00        88789       19 | my.jaring.brf8
 0.01  0.01       256371       65 | my.jaring.brf9
 0.01  0.01       283162       51 | my.jaring.glg4
 0.00  0.00       181376       35 | my.jaring.glg5
 0.00  0.00        97513       20 | my.jaring.glg51
 0.00  0.00        36335        7 | my.jaring.glg52
 0.00  0.00        18389        9 | my.jaring.glg53
 0.00  0.00         7414        3 | my.jaring.glg54
 0.01  0.01       279810       56 | my.jaring.glg6
 0.00  0.01       416841       29 | my.jaring.iph3
 0.02  0.02       732856      136 | my.jaring.iph4
 0.00  0.00        15572        2 | my.jaring.jhb2
 0.00  0.00        31749        7 | my.jaring.jhb3
 0.00  0.00        75194       26 | my.jaring.jhb5
 0.00  0.00         2685        1 | my.jaring.kch2
 0.00  0.00         6849       11 | my.jaring.kch3
 0.01  0.00       145578       50 | my.jaring.kch4
 0.00  0.00         5470        2 | my.jaring.kch5
 0.01  0.01       293364       63 | my.jaring.kl2
 0.00  0.00        26211        9 | my.jaring.kl3
 0.00  0.00        68159       14 | my.jaring.klt2
 0.00  0.00        93628       14 | my.jaring.ktk2
 0.00  0.00       152007       35 | my.jaring.ktk3
 0.00  0.00        32100       13 | my.jaring.ktk5
 0.00  0.00        59075       10 | my.jaring.ktn3
 0.00  0.00        61466        7 | my.jaring.mlk3
 0.01  0.01       470902       71 | my.jaring.mri
 0.00  0.03      1452666       21 | my.jaring.ptl1
 0.01  0.03      1571092      109 | my.jaring.ptl4
 0.01  0.01       328287       58 | my.jaring.ptl5
 0.01  0.01       558440       93 | my.jaring.sha2
 0.00  0.00        44768       11 |
 0.00  0.00         2011        3 | my.unimas.frst
 0.01  0.01       385596       77 | net.2sprint
 0.01  0.00       213743       71 | net.aa
 0.00  0.00         7126        2 |
 0.00  0.00        67726       11 | net.ablecom.ppp
 0.01  0.02       732751       60 | net.abs
 0.02  0.02       875603      193 |
 0.01  0.01       284313       41 | net.acadia
 0.01  0.03      1201182      109 | net.accent
 0.01  0.01       373627       88 | net.access.dialup
 0.00  0.00        83019       20 | net.accesscom
 0.01  0.01       454925       93 | net.accesscomm
 0.08  0.06      2637218      632 | net.accessus
 0.00  0.00        78653       11 | net.accucomm
 0.01  0.01       236111       52 | net.achilles
 0.00  0.00        73327       16 | net.acnet
 0.00  0.00        50768        5 | net.adams
 0.00  0.00        71552       21 | net.adi
 0.03  0.02      1022383      232 | net.adsnet
 0.01  0.01       333786       75 | net.agate.sdi
 0.01  0.01       349774      105 | net.agn
 0.01  0.01       624764       97 | net.agt
 0.00  0.00       180404       27 | net.airdata
 0.01  0.03      1246086       88 | net.airnet
 0.00  0.00         8891        2 | net.airshow
 0.01  0.00       212715       57 | net.ais.dialup
 0.00  0.00        18898        5 | net.ak
 0.01  0.01       466695       86 | net.aksi
 0.12  0.21      9703918      945 | net.alaska
 0.01  0.01       374652       55 | net.albany
 0.00  0.00       103155       11 | net.ald
 0.15  0.12      5401423     1222 | net.alliance.ppp
 0.01  0.00       168953       41 | net.alltelga
 0.08  0.07      3009233      635 | net.aloha.u
 0.00  0.00        66326       11 | net.alter
 0.00  0.00       125526       27 |
 0.00  0.01       387467       38 |
 0.00  0.00       104092       30 |
 0.00  0.00        99171       27 |
 0.00  0.00        12418        2 |
 0.00  0.00        42321       18 |
 0.00  0.00        42999        7 |
 0.00  0.00        10425        5 |
 0.01  0.01       543448      118 |
 0.01  0.00       200518       46 |
 0.00  0.00        65934        5 |
 0.00  0.00        43835       10 |
 0.01  0.00        92887       50 | net.alter.dynip.dc.washington.max8
 0.01  0.00       141212       41 |
 0.00  0.00        55574       12 | net.alter.dynip.fl.orlando.max2
 0.02  0.01       632982      139 | net.alter.dynip.fl.orlando.max4
 0.00  0.00         8991        5 |
 0.01  0.01       375033      106 |
 0.00  0.00        13968        5 |
 0.00  0.00        86883       28 |
 0.00  0.00        18533        8 |
 0.00  0.00        52108        9 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00       199831       25 |
 0.00  0.00       103955       17 |
 0.00  0.00        25749        2 |
 0.00  0.00        46240       22 |
 0.00  0.00        40260        2 |
 0.00  0.00        67132       17 |
 0.00  0.00        22879        6 |
 0.00  0.00        20406        5 |
 0.00  0.00        64187        8 | net.alter.dynip.mi.detroit.max11
 0.00  0.00          181        1 | net.alter.dynip.mi.detroit.max9
 0.00  0.00        22856       16 |
 0.00  0.00        51583       17 |
 0.00  0.00        59075       10 |
 0.00  0.00        99543       30 |
 0.00  0.00        42243        3 |
 0.00  0.00        87349       31 | net.alter.dynip.nj.newark.max1
 0.00  0.00        36124        7 | net.alter.dynip.nj.newark.max11
 0.00  0.00       101904        9 |
 0.00  0.00        54799        2 |
 0.00  0.00         1674        2 |
 0.00  0.00       120859       10 |
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 |
 0.00  0.00       128031       18 |
 0.00  0.00        19202        4 |
 0.00  0.00        33014       18 | net.alter.dynip.oh.cleveland.max8
 0.02  0.02       852925      167 |
 0.00  0.00       114115       17 |
 0.01  0.01       452372       64 | net.alter.dynip.tx.dallas.max1
 0.00  0.00        55664        8 | net.alter.dynip.tx.dallas.max2
 0.00  0.00        22506        6 | net.alter.dynip.tx.dallas.max3
 0.00  0.00        15305        2 | net.alter.dynip.tx.dallas.max8
 0.00  0.00        10682        6 | net.alter.dynip.tx.houston.max4
 0.00  0.00        16095        2 |
 0.00  0.00        35913       22 | net.alter.dynip.wa.seattle.max1
 0.00  0.00        41722        5 | net.alter.dynip.wa.seattle.max7
 0.01  0.01       403377       94 | net.america
 0.04  0.04      1929649      339 | net.ameritel.an1
 0.00  0.00       147485       21 | net.ameritel.an2
 0.00  0.00        68809       25 | net.ameritel.chats1
 0.00  0.00        63848        4 | net.ameritel.hs1
 0.01  0.00       185567       41 | net.ames
 0.00  0.01       286381       33 | net.angel.ts1
 0.01  0.01       483807      115 | net.anv
 0.01  0.02       975353       74 |
 0.01  0.01       254910       42 | net.ap
 0.00  0.00       122454        4 | net.apa
 0.00  0.00        12126        7 | net.apc
 0.02  0.02      1068347      129 | net.apci
 0.04  0.02      1094424      308 | net.apk
 0.00  0.00        14637        7 | net.aqua
 0.00  0.00        13083       14 | net.argo
 0.00  0.00        66342       14 | net.ari
 0.00  0.00        81520       32 | net.arias
 0.04  0.04      1677452      320 | net.aristotle
 0.07  0.09      3889733      546 | net.arn
 0.00  0.01       377566       37 | net.aros
 0.00  0.00         7453        1 | net.artnet
 0.00  0.00         5193        2 | net.asianet
 0.04  0.05      2047950      333 | net.asiaonline
 0.02  0.02       731169      121 | net.athenet
 0.01  0.01       367745       85 | net.athens
 0.01  0.01       433260       95 | net.atlantic
 0.03  0.03      1255521      251 | net.atlcom
 0.00  0.00        48092       13 | net.atmnet
 0.00  0.00       217652       25 | net.atnet
 0.00  0.00        22859        3 | net.atomic
 0.00  0.02       760756       28 | net.att.cistd
 0.00  0.00       102044       22 |
 0.00  0.00        32013        6 |
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | net.att.dial-access.fl.orlando-1
 0.00  0.00        55603       12 | net.att.dial-access.fl.tampa-2
 0.00  0.00        88628       23 |
 0.00  0.00        83344       21 |
 0.00  0.00       184627       23 |
 0.00  0.00       100498       10 | net.att.dial-access.nj.newark-1
 0.00  0.00        11178        7 | net.att.dial-access.nj.newark-2
 0.01  0.01       471606       50 |
 0.00  0.00        71491       21 | net.att.dial-access.or.portland-1
 0.00  0.00        95265       17 | net.att.dial-access.tx.dallas-1
 0.01  0.01       316951       76 | net.att.dial-access.tx.dallas-2
 0.02  0.01       453384      131 | net.att.dial-access.tx.houston-1
 0.01  0.00       175506       42 |
 0.01  0.01       518354      118 |
 0.01  0.02       693577       97 |
 0.00  0.00         9927        3 | net.att.dial-access.wa.seattle-1
 0.01  0.01       355782       89 | net.att.ico
 0.01  0.01       266914       49 | net.attach
 0.01  0.01       369305       85 | net.aurora.annex1
 0.00  0.00          992        2 | net.autoroute
 0.00  0.00         1940        2 | net.avalon
 0.00  0.00         1674        2 | net.ave
 0.00  0.00       137118       16 | net.avicom
 0.00  0.00          783        1 | net.axiom
 0.00  0.00         1105        3 | net.axs
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | net.azalea
 0.00  0.00         1952        1 | net.bamanet
 0.00  0.00        18766        3 | net.barrnet.ravenswd
 0.01  0.01       351359       74 | net.basic
 0.00  0.01       247224       17 | net.baynet
 0.00  0.00        25289        3 | net.bbsi
 0.00  0.00        19404        3 | net.bcinet
 0.04  0.03      1489110      291 | net.bcl
 0.00  0.00       100281       28 |
 0.01  0.01       452078       93 | net.bconnex
 0.00  0.00         9017        1 | net.bctel
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 | net.bcwan
 0.02  0.01       594417      138 | net.beaches
 0.00  0.00        12822        3 | net.bei.annex01
 0.01  0.01       498978      101 | net.berkshire
 0.01  0.00       148017       68 | net.bihs.xyplex-2
 0.01  0.01       597985       81 | net.binc
 0.01  0.01       409651       99 | net.bitstream
 0.01  0.01       390526       87 | net.blarg
 0.01  0.01       589715      111 |
 0.01  0.01       300881       95 | net.bluefin
 0.01  0.00       204560       69 | net.bluegrass
 0.00  0.00       155752       25 | net.bluemarble
 0.00  0.00        47854       38 | net.border
 0.00  0.00        72470       15 |
 0.00  0.00        92081       16 | net.bpsi
 0.00  0.00        72851        8 | net.bridge
 0.11  0.08      3465826      888 | net.bright.dial
 0.03  0.03      1489472      246 |
 0.01  0.00       211543       57 | net.brookings
 0.00  0.00         5579        3 |
 0.00  0.00        21975       14 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | net.btl
 0.02  0.02       997624      136 | net.buffnet
 0.00  0.00        86128       12 | net.bway
 0.00  0.00        25926        2 | net.c2
 0.00  0.00        17140        5 | net.cablelink
 0.00  0.00        49661       22 | net.cableol
 0.01  0.01       236155       42 | net.capcon
 0.01  0.05      2103596      112 | net.cape
 0.02  0.02       697521      171 | net.capecod
 0.01  0.00       172990       41 |
 0.01  0.00       192370       45 | net.caribe
 0.01  0.01       240105       51 | net.caribnet
 0.01  0.01       337757       63 | net.carol
 0.04  0.02       989434      327 | net.carte
 0.00  0.00        26980        2 | net.cascade
 0.00  0.00         1674        2 | net.ccil
 0.00  0.00         1977        1 | net.ccis
 0.05  0.03      1262121      365 | net.cdc
 0.00  0.00       139014       34 | net.cdepot
 0.07  0.05      2370949      536 | net.cdsnet
 0.00  0.00        66054        8 | net.cedar
 0.02  0.05      2103752      138 | net.cei
 0.02  0.02      1069969      134 | net.cei.fs
 0.03  0.02      1071903      231 | net.cei.max
 0.01  0.01       308163       89 | net.cei.pb
 0.00  0.00        46176       20 | net.cei.rus
 0.06  0.08      3494053      494 | net.cencom
 0.00  0.00        16288       13 | net.centex
 0.01  0.01       309697       49 |
 0.01  0.01       258595       62 | net.centuryinter.hd
 0.00  0.00        79699       25 | net.centuryinter.iw
 0.01  0.02       997013       94 |
 0.01  0.00       147382       44 | net.cetlink
 0.01  0.00       186592       55 | net.charm
 0.01  0.01       421731       74 | net.chattanooga
 0.03  0.02       691911      225 | net.cheney
 0.00  0.00        14966        1 | net.chevalier
 0.01  0.01       356830       66 | net.chilepac
 0.00  0.00       155522       35 | net.christ
 0.01  0.01       404781       68 | net.cic.dial
 0.00  0.00       176596       31 | net.cinenet
 0.00  0.00       181086       26 | net.cinternet
 0.01  0.01       478114      117 | net.cinti
 0.01  0.00       170335       49 | net.citenet
 0.00  0.00        71942       25 | net.citynet
 0.00  0.00        26647       11 | net.citytel
 0.03  0.03      1502484      210 | net.clark
 0.02  0.08      3809414      143 | net.clic.qbc
 0.00  0.00        21837        3 | net.cloud9
 0.00  0.00        42857       16 | net.cloud9.dialup
 0.00  0.00        50694        6 | net.clubnet.dial
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | net.cmn
 0.01  0.00       220370      103 |
 0.00  0.00       109263       31 | net.coast.iavbbs
 0.00  0.00        20931       10 | net.coax
 0.00  0.00        83993       16 | net.communique.cov2
 0.01  0.00       175646       50 | net.communique.msy4
 0.01  0.00       154487       45 | net.communique.sli2
 0.01  0.01       525694      105 |
 0.01  0.01       595979       48 |
 0.01  0.00       200151       46 |
 0.03  0.04      1929799      232 | net.companet
 0.00  0.00        88201       26 | net.compmore
 0.10  0.09      3934768      785 | net.computek
 0.05  0.05      2054282      394 |
 0.02  0.01       449005      184 | net.comsource
 0.15  0.13      5788152     1238 | net.concentric
 0.03  0.03      1146663      203 | net.connect
 0.00  0.00        15572        2 | net.connectmmic
 0.02  0.02       682248      128 | net.continuum
 0.00  0.00        14901       12 | net.cora
 0.00  0.00        12941        5 | net.corpcomm
 0.00  0.00        65248       19 | net.cowboy
 0.00  0.00        42559        9 | net.cp-tel
 0.01  0.01       332458      105 | net.cpbx
 0.01  0.01       442518       72 | net.cpnet
 0.00  0.00        99894        9 | net.creative
 0.00  0.00        24661        5 | net.crosslink
 0.00  0.00        48693       21 |
 0.02  0.01       511627      141 |
 0.00  0.00        11981       11 |
 0.07  0.04      1593641      523 |
 0.00  0.00        47682       16 |
 0.00  0.00        79079       28 |
 0.00  0.00        17512        4 | net.cruznet
 0.00  0.00        30909       13 | net.csd
 0.01  0.00       205998       70 | net.csn
 0.01  0.01       279171       54 | net.csn.dialup.boulder-2
 0.00  0.00        45085        8 | net.csn.dialup.colorado-springs
 0.00  0.00        33895       13 | net.csn.dialup.denver1
 0.00  0.00         3490        1 | net.csn.dialup.grand-junction
 0.00  0.00        77574       15 | net.csn.dialup.ucb
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | net.csnet
 0.02  0.02      1109409      162 | net.csra
 0.00  0.01       500802       33 | net.csrlink
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 | net.cstone
 0.01  0.01       481367      101 | net.csu.gina.slip
 0.01  0.01       294749       67 | net.ct
 0.00  0.00        44739       16 | net.ctm.macau
 0.00  0.00        54319       10 | net.cvns
 0.01  0.01       429580       84 |
 0.00  0.00        82518       24 | net.cyberatl
 0.00  0.00       174284       37 | net.cybercom
 0.00  0.00        70504        6 | net.cybercomm
 0.00  0.00       156200       35 |
 0.03  0.02       991858      252 | net.cyberenet.ppp
 0.01  0.01       231946       46 | net.cybergate
 0.09  0.11      5044447      696 | net.cyberhighway
 0.00  0.00       152586       38 | net.cybernex
 0.00  0.00        24661        5 | net.cybernex.ny
 0.02  0.02       753876      141 | net.cyberport
 0.00  0.00         9718        2 | net.cyberportal
 0.01  0.01       412838       65 | net.cyberramp
 0.01  0.00       187929       43 | net.cyberstation
 0.00  0.00        13490        1 | net.cyberstation.pm1
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | net.cyberstop
 0.01  0.00       155489       42 | net.cyberview
 0.00  0.00       220456       29 | net.cyg
 0.00  0.00        25987        8 | net.dakota
 0.01  0.00       165850       66 | net.databahn
 0.01  0.01       417326      100 | net.datastram
 0.01  0.01       301171       45 | net.dave-world
 0.01  0.01       328341      119 | net.dbtech
 0.00  0.00         6432        2 | net.dca
 0.00  0.00       133174       33 | net.denver
 0.01  0.01       504585      108 | net.dfw
 0.01  0.01       272912       59 | net.dia
 0.03  0.05      2462857      240 | net.dialnet
 0.00  0.00        25548        8 | net.dialup.ge_xc
 0.00  0.00        42252       11 | net.dibbs
 0.00  0.00         2086        1 | net.dickson
 0.00  0.00         5611        2 | net.digex
 0.00  0.00        64578       15 | net.digex.balt
 0.00  0.00       110838       28 | net.digex.belt
 0.00  0.00        27982       14 | net.digex.gblt
 0.01  0.01       395466       91 | net.digex.slip
 0.03  0.02       855490      226 | net.digisys
 0.09  0.08      3413144      708 |
 0.00  0.01       312031       33 | net.directnet
 0.00  0.00        62657       17 |
 0.00  0.00       122697        2 |
 0.00  0.00       164171       26 |
 0.00  0.00        50339       11 |
 0.00  0.00       143432       32 | net.dmci
 0.00  0.00        37025        5 | net.dmrtc
 0.02  0.01       618269      176 | net.dmsc
 0.00  0.00        33883       12 | net.dn.ppp
 0.00  0.00       144925       32 | net.dnaco
 0.02  0.01       575647      174 | net.dnet
 0.00  0.00        77279       15 | net.dol
 0.01  0.00       149767       49 | net.dsphere
 0.00  0.00       171300       40 | net.dtc
 0.00  0.00       206816       40 | net.dtx
 0.00  0.00        43275       11 | net.durham
 0.01  0.00       187693       66 | net.dwx
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 | net.dx
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | net.earthcom
 0.19  0.18      8014953     1547 | net.earthlink
 0.06  0.05      2175292      462 | net.ebicom
 0.00  0.00       189564       29 | net.ebtech
 0.01  0.00       168407       47 |
 0.03  0.03      1165797      275 | net.echo-on
 0.00  0.00        89852       23 | net.eclipse
 0.01  0.00       195402       55 | net.ecsis
 0.01  0.02       882329       54 | net.edge
 0.02  0.03      1200323      157 | net.edge.nash
 0.02  0.01       546192      135 | net.edge.tull
 0.00  0.00        24470        8 | net.edp
 0.01  0.00       132283       49 |
 0.00  0.00         7638        2 | net.einet
 0.00  0.00        93958       26 | net.eirenet
 0.00  0.00        42442       25 | net.elim
 0.01  0.01       273799       54 | net.elink
 0.01  0.01       399240       85 | net.elite
 0.01  0.01       628406      114 | net.elysian
 0.02  0.02      1018805      156 | net.emanon
 0.03  0.02      1013261      241 | net.emi
 0.01  0.01       395156       65 | net.empire
 0.04  0.09      3852871      306 | net.en
 0.01  0.00       159323       44 | net.enet
 0.01  0.03      1429924       57 | net.enter
 0.01  0.02       726057       92 | net.enterprise
 0.00  0.00       166302       15 | net.envisionet
 0.02  0.11      5045593      151 | net.eon.planet
 0.05  0.04      1742001      363 | net.eos
 0.00  0.00        10470        4 | net.epic
 0.11  0.10      4478428      861 | net.epix
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | net.eramp
 0.01  0.01       649654      105 | net.erie
 0.00  0.00         3198        3 |
 0.00  0.00        42966       12 | net.esc
 0.00  0.00       109674       27 | net.esinet
 0.00  0.01       382208       40 | net.eskimo.ndip
 0.00  0.00        35455        6 | net.esva
 0.00  0.00        19979        8 |
 0.00  0.00        28900       15 |
 0.00  0.00        98069       30 | net.euro
 0.02  0.02       915703      185 | net.evansville
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | net.everett
 0.02  0.02       766797      132 | net.excel
 0.00  0.00        93777       27 | net.execu
 0.02  0.05      2052527      170 | net.exis
 0.01  0.02       733228      110 | net.exodus
 0.00  0.00        96867       24 | net.ezin
 0.00  0.00       129395       33 | net.eznet
 0.00  0.00         1407        1 | net.ezo
 0.02  0.02      1126865      146 |
 0.01  0.01       390147      112 | net.fastlane
 0.01  0.01       357896       89 | net.fcg
 0.00  0.00         5115        1 | net.fdt.51
 0.01  0.00       121195       53 | net.fidalgo
 0.00  0.00       110776       38 | net.fishnet
 0.01  0.00       224492       56 | net.fix
 0.00  0.00       156562       40 | net.fla
 0.04  0.05      2249018      342 | net.flash
 0.01  0.00       166776       44 | net.flex
 0.01  0.01       647900       95 | net.fn
 0.00  0.00        73249       11 | net.fns
 0.00  0.00       104971       16 | net.foothill
 0.00  0.00       192175       22 | net.four
 0.00  0.00       102149       20 | net.fred
 0.00  0.00         8203        1 | net.freespace
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | net.freespace.cardinal
 0.00  0.00       175517       40 | net.freeway
 0.00  0.00        20107        5 |
 0.02  0.02       775249      176 | net.frontiercomm.dialup
 0.01  0.01       332937       78 | net.frontiernet
 0.00  0.00        33174        8 | net.ftech
 0.01  0.01       313364       56 | net.ftn
 0.00  0.00       202201       23 | net.future
 0.00  0.00       196511       26 | net.futuris
 0.00  0.00       132090       30 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | net.galaxy
 0.00  0.00        58330        9 | net.galileo
 0.01  0.01       428822       75 | net.gamewood
 0.01  0.01       380266       59 | net.ganet
 0.00  0.00        46690        6 |
 0.12  0.11      4813507      953 | net.gate
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | net.gatewest
 0.00  0.00        57254       20 | net.gatewy
 0.02  0.03      1268478      143 | net.gdi
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | net.generation
 0.00  0.00       136188       22 | net.geneseo
 0.02  0.02       997528      142 | net.genesis
 0.01  0.01       456505      105 | net.genstar
 0.00  0.00         5449        6 | net.georgian
 0.00  0.00        84877       29 | net.giant
 0.00  0.00        97599       26 | net.gig
 0.00  0.00       125236       34 | net.gil
 0.01  0.00       185370       53 | net.gim
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | net.gis
 0.01  0.01       290831       79 | net.glasscity
 0.02  0.02       804172      144 | net.global1
 0.00  0.00         2953        1 | net.globalcenter.castilleja
 0.00  0.00         2587        3 | net.globale
 0.02  0.02       920572      167 | net.globalvision
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | net.globenet
 0.01  0.01       269985       72 | net.gnat
 0.01  0.01       359932       75 | net.gnatnet
 0.02  0.02       905112      182 | net.golden
 0.00  0.00        36042        6 | net.goldengate
 0.01  0.01       406049       99 | net.goodnews
 0.02  0.02       719227      167 | net.gorge
 1.58  1.28     57927052    12621 | net.goshen
 0.01  0.01       511260      116 | net.gospelcom
 0.01  0.01       331669       96 |
 0.01  0.01       329270       65 | net.gower
 0.00  0.00         6075        2 | net.greene
 0.02  0.02       738320      162 | net.groupz
 0.01  0.01       272361       76 | net.grove
 0.02  0.01       497399      122 |
 0.00  0.00       139668        5 | net.gsl
 0.06  0.07      3118376      469 | net.gte
 0.01  0.01       389282      112 | net.guam.kuentos
 0.00  0.00       116887        5 | net.guernsey
 0.02  0.01       589745      125 | net.gulf.fwb
 0.00  0.01       247974       26 | net.gulf.monroeville
 0.10  0.10      4678701      763 | net.gulf.pcola
 0.01  0.01       427525       77 | net.gvi
 0.00  0.00         8284        2 | net.gworld
 0.00  0.00       219924       32 | net.harborcom
 0.00  0.00       106629       29 | net.hawaiian
 0.01  0.01       654003       63 | net.hci
 0.00  0.00        41870       14 | net.heart
 0.01  0.00       174082       43 | net.helix
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | net.henry
 0.01  0.01       296399       54 | net.hic
 0.02  0.01       618997      130 | net.hiline
 0.00  0.00          264        1 | net.hit
 0.00  0.00        40267       29 | net.hits
 0.10  0.19      8441114      812 | net.hiwaay
 0.00  0.00        38923       22 |
 0.00  0.00        10642        6 | net.hkabc
 0.00  0.00        58083       16 | net.hklink
 0.03  0.02       816281      244 | net.hkstar
 0.00  0.00       156003       38 |
 0.01  0.01       603934      111 | net.hnc
 0.01  0.01       572029      117 | net.hom
 0.00  0.01       278453       32 | net.hondunet
 0.01  0.01       307902       50 | net.hooked
 0.01  0.01       379864       89 | net.hooked.ppp
 0.00  0.00        88087       32 |
 0.01  0.01       353951      104 | net.hookup.tor
 0.02  0.02       889408      158 | net.hookup.wat
 0.00  0.00        55518        7 | net.houston.com2
 0.00  0.00         4258        1 | net.houston.com3
 0.03  0.03      1189801      260 | net.hsonline
 0.01  0.01       395233      108 | net.htp
 0.00  0.00        26477        7 | net.hula
 0.00  0.00         7741        2 | net.hungary.bp
 0.00  0.00        71306       18 | net.i-2000.dh.access1
 0.00  0.00        93333       12 | net.i-2000.dh.access2
 0.01  0.01       339762       68 | net.i-link
 0.03  0.02       973803      212 | net.i1
 0.02  0.01       658877      163 | net.i2020
 0.01  0.01       329058       85 | net.i2k
 0.01  0.00       219734       56 | net.iac
 0.59  0.42     19031382     4740 | net.iadfw.ppp
 0.01  0.01       342907       51 | net.iag
 0.07  0.11      4792904      528 | net.iamerica
 0.01  0.01       234014       62 | net.ianet
 0.00  0.00        21416        4 | net.iapc
 0.00  0.00        24365        7 | net.iaxs
 0.04  0.02      1023453      314 |
 0.00  0.00        32715       13 |
 0.03  0.03      1472698      231 |
 0.00  0.00        51858       16 |
 0.01  0.01       482021       88 |
 0.00  0.00        52647       17 |
 0.00  0.00        50890        8 |
 0.03  0.04      1824146      246 |
 0.01  0.01       356531       99 |
 0.00  0.00        25293       12 |
 0.00  0.00        15114       14 |
 0.14  0.12      5394939     1081 |
 0.00  0.00        45700        8 |
 0.00  0.00        19528       14 |
 0.00  0.00        36663        6 |
 0.00  0.00         8880        3 | net.ibt
 0.00  0.00        80973       20 | net.ic.gateway1
 0.01  0.01       311722       58 | net.ic.gateway2
 0.00  0.00        35226        3 | net.ic.gateway3
 0.00  0.00        48743       15 | net.ic.t.hubbard1
 0.00  0.00        43411        6 | net.ic.t.hubbard2
 0.00  0.00        92250       12 | net.ic.t.hubbard3
 0.00  0.00        95356       24 | net.ic.t.phuron
 0.00  0.00       182564       13 | net.ic.t.ply1
 0.00  0.00        23332       11 | net.ic.t.ravine
 0.00  0.00       192259       31 | net.ican
 0.02  0.02       796440      196 | net.icanect
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | net.icanect.brow
 0.00  0.00        99722       31 | net.icanect.dade
 0.01  0.00       177146       44 |
 0.01  0.01       281298       59 | net.icgroup
 0.01  0.01       365140      114 | net.ici
 0.01  0.00       192964       56 | net.icinet
 0.00  0.00         5086        1 | net.icis.adm
 0.04  0.09      4265438      347 | net.icon
 0.02  0.01       509508      139 | net.icon-stl
 0.04  0.04      1864534      359 | net.iconn
 0.00  0.00       193208       23 | net.iconnect
 0.01  0.01       335639       92 | net.icsi
 0.00  0.00        17050        3 |
 0.01  0.02       714497      116 | net.ida
 0.01  0.01       520037       93 | net.idir
 0.01  0.01       314594       72 | net.idir.idtslw1
 0.00  0.00        38364       16 | net.idir.idtsot1
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 | net.ids
 0.01  0.01       455498       89 | net.ids.egr-ri
 0.00  0.00        55575       12 | net.ids.ksc-fl
 0.00  0.00         8932        2 | net.ids.nrc-ny
 0.00  0.00        78280       13 | net.ids.pvd-ri
 0.00  0.00         5305        2 | net.idt.ct.ts-1
 0.00  0.00        98070       16 | net.idt.dc.ts-1
 0.01  0.01       398995       44 | net.idt.dc.ts-2
 0.00  0.00         5515        1 | net.idt.dc.ts-3
 0.01  0.01       452406      120 | net.idt.hck.ts-1
 0.00  0.00       100191       21 | net.idt.hck.ts-2
 0.00  0.00        38051        6 | net.idt.hck.ts-3
 0.00  0.00       105051       29 | net.idt.hck.ts-6
 0.00  0.00        17371        6 | net.idt.hck.ts-7
 0.00  0.00       141663       18 | net.idt.hck.ts-8
 0.00  0.01       256597       17 | net.idt.hck.ts-9
 0.01  0.01       404619       50 | net.idt.hou.ts-1
 0.01  0.01       411889       88 | net.idt.hp.ts-1
 0.00  0.00        67631       26 | net.idt.hp.ts-2
 0.00  0.00        95304       32 |
 0.00  0.00        81807       11 |
 0.00  0.00        36406       10 |
 0.00  0.00       130164       19 |
 0.01  0.00       203427       78 |
 0.00  0.00        44487       22 |
 0.01  0.01       296058       51 |
 0.00  0.00        20818       14 |
 0.00  0.00       154691       38 |
 0.01  0.00       201419       57 |
 0.01  0.01       381628       65 |
 0.01  0.00       219663       48 |
 0.02  0.01       491198      122 |
 0.00  0.00        27973       15 | net.idt.phx.ts-1
 0.01  0.01       587478      108 | net.iftech
 0.01  0.01       391470       49 | net.ifu
 0.02  0.02       694098      125 | net.igc
 0.00  0.00        75404       18 | net.igcom.ppp
 0.01  0.00       172715       46 | net.igs
 0.01  0.00       183096       61 | net.igs.blvl
 0.00  0.00       113104       19 | net.igs.cnwl
 0.00  0.00        19144        5 | net.igs.hawk
 0.00  0.00        26677       10 | net.igs.osha
 0.00  0.00        55900       20 | net.igs.ptbo
 0.00  0.00       154228       25 | net.igs.renc
 0.00  0.00         2196        3 | net.igs.simcoe
 0.01  0.01       602742      104 | net.ih2000
 0.00  0.01       267229       35 | net.iii
 0.03  0.02       885376      219 | net.ilhawaii
 0.01  0.00       222426       59 | net.ilinkgn
 0.00  0.00        21714       13 | net.ilinkgn.carter
 0.00  0.01       251440       24 | net.ilinkgn.elizabethton
 0.01  0.00       153247       46 | net.ilinkgn.greene
 0.00  0.01       242308       27 | net.ilinkgn.johnsoncity
 0.01  0.01       227597       58 | net.ilinkgn.sullivan
 0.02  0.02       935904      183 | net.imperium
 0.01  0.01       533774       91 | net.imsweb
 0.00  0.00        95853       31 | net.imt
 0.01  0.01       376862       62 |
 0.03  0.03      1205739      223 | net.inav
 0.00  0.00         6901        2 |
 0.00  0.00        95875       27 | net.incc
 0.00  0.00         6869        2 | net.ind
 0.01  0.01       449993      109 | net.ind.mhill
 0.01  0.02      1105202       72 | net.ind.mtvl
 0.04  0.03      1320472      300 | net.indy
 0.03  0.02       981776      203 | net.indy.slip
 0.00  0.00        51656       10 |
 0.03  0.02       856152      232 | net.inetdirect
 0.00  0.00        32996        9 | net.inetnow
 0.00  0.00       108085       27 | net.inetw
 0.06  0.05      2324855      501 | net.inf
 0.01  0.00       197372       41 | net.infi.annap
 0.01  0.01       405625       94 | net.infi.cid
 0.00  0.00       174600       25 | net.infi.dc
 0.00  0.00        20007       24 | net.infi.ekx
 0.01  0.01       402682      116 | net.infi.fay
 0.00  0.00        16158        7 | net.infi.hpn
 0.02  0.02       929025      171 | net.infi.lex
 0.01  0.00       200731       60 | net.infi.nc5
 0.10  0.08      3703632      830 | net.infi.norfolk
 0.07  0.05      2076486      541 |
 0.00  0.00        60912       19 | net.infi.orf
 0.00  0.00        51155        7 | net.infi.phl
 0.03  0.03      1435002      280 | net.infi.richmond
 0.03  0.02       973514      220 | net.infi.roanoke
 0.00  0.00        73064       16 |
 0.00  0.00        58974        7 | net.infocom
 0.02  0.01       644319      194 | net.infolink
 0.00  0.00        21997        8 | net.inforamp
 0.02  0.02       695756      133 | net.inforamp.hfx
 0.00  0.00         3694        4 |
 0.06  0.08      3747126      456 | net.inforamp.tor
 0.00  0.00         5670        2 | net.inforamp.wpg
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | net.infoserve
 0.01  0.01       300156       84 | net.infoshare
 0.00  0.00       148457       28 | net.initco
 0.00  0.00         3504        2 | net.inquo
 0.01  0.00       117894       45 | net.insync
 0.00  0.00        44336       18 |
 0.00  0.00        29578       23 | net.intele
 0.00  0.00        55575       12 | net.intelenet
 0.00  0.00       146251       27 | net.intellistar
 0.00  0.00       113499       27 | net.intellisys
 0.00  0.00        56251       10 | net.interaccess
 0.00  0.01       232356       24 | net.interax.258
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | net.intercable
 0.02  0.02       876881      172 | net.intercom
 0.00  0.00         1055        1 | net.intercon
 0.00  0.00        42306        9 | net.interconnect
 0.00  0.00         2240        1 | net.intergate
 0.00  0.00        81570       22 | net.interhop
 0.00  0.00       137376       23 | net.interl
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | net.interlink.258
 0.00  0.00        24776        5 | net.interlynx
 0.00  0.00        43384       16 | net.intermind
 0.00  0.00        19548        9 | net.internex
 0.00  0.00        47823       13 | net.internode
 0.02  0.01       395401      149 | net.interpac
 0.04  0.04      1691774      350 | net.interpath
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | net.interpath.guilford
 0.06  0.05      2047773      463 | net.interpath.pdial
 0.03  0.04      1982615      247 | net.interserf
 0.01  0.00       119313       46 | net.intex
 0.02  0.02      1011650      195 | net.intnet
 0.01  0.09      4240560       70 | net.intr
 0.00  0.00        43691       15 | net.intrepid
 0.08  0.05      2168417      608 | net.intrnet.ppp
 0.00  0.00        18316        3 | net.intur
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | net.inx
 0.01  0.00       190277       45 | net.inxpress
 0.73  0.44     20118055     5837 | net.ionet
 0.01  0.04      1724185       65 | net.ionline
 0.00  0.00        74551       11 | net.iosphere
 0.02  0.12      5278744      159 | net.ipa
 0.00  0.00       105910       10 | net.iphil
 0.12  0.13      5705639      959 | net.iquest
 0.00  0.00        77002        5 |
 0.02  0.02      1089460      140 | net.isdn.ts2
 0.06  0.03      1475881      493 | net.iserv
 0.00  0.00         1044        4 | net.isi
 0.04  0.04      1613117      345 | net.isl
 0.01  0.02       907213      107 | net.island
 0.00  0.00        10682        6 | net.island.comox
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 |
 0.00  0.00        40059        8 | net.island.duncan
 0.01  0.01       239989       52 | net.island.north
 0.00  0.00        32096        7 | net.island.port
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | net.island.qb
 0.00  0.00         2044        3 | net.ism
 0.00  0.00        99450       19 | net.ismi
 0.00  0.00        13199        2 | net.isp
 0.00  0.00        24691        9 | net.istar.shownet1
 0.00  0.00        83690       11 | net.isys
 0.00  0.00       137347       26 | net.itek
 0.00  0.00        77215       27 | net.iti2
 0.00  0.00        22833        8 | net.itinet
 0.00  0.00       125973       11 | net.itl
 0.03  0.02       969340      202 | net.iu
 0.01  0.01       416809       61 | net.iw
 0.00  0.00       157099       31 | net.iwaynet
 0.00  0.00        20538        1 | net.ix.cin
 0.00  0.00       107208       25 | net.izzy
 0.02  0.01       589737      136 | net.jax-inter
 0.00  0.00        31641       19 | net.jc
 0.00  0.00         6699        1 | net.jersey
 0.01  0.01       590919      114 | net.jetlink
 0.00  0.00        21114        6 |
 0.00  0.00       122572       39 | net.jump
 0.00  0.01       256691       32 | net.junction
 0.00  0.00        94522       30 | net.jvnc
 0.00  0.00        89960       37 |
 0.00  0.00        49664       31 |
 0.01  0.00       215414       81 | net.kdsi
 0.00  0.00         7067        3 | net.kersur
 0.00  0.00        57650       11 | net.kingston
 0.00  0.00        24224       11 | net.kis
 0.00  0.00        67633       36 | net.klink
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | net.knoware
 0.00  0.00        36419        2 | net.knox
 0.01  0.01       391579       62 | net.kode
 0.00  0.00        31491        6 | net.ktb
 0.00  0.00        19362        3 | net.laker
 0.00  0.00        15421        7 | net.lancite
 0.00  0.00         3091        1 | net.laser
 0.03  0.03      1366427      275 | net.lava
 0.00  0.00        10176       10 | net.lcs
 0.00  0.00         9148       22 | net.leba
 0.00  0.01       233425       22 | net.leonardo
 0.01  0.01       373756      105 |
 0.04  0.03      1291107      287 | net.lightspeed
 0.01  0.00       182826       54 |
 0.00  0.00       125313       20 | net.link2000
 0.01  0.01       286441       59 |
 0.13  0.14      6278077     1070 | net.linknet
 0.00  0.00        30048        5 | net.lion
 0.00  0.00       212354       40 | net.llano
 0.00  0.00       120984       22 | net.login
 0.01  0.01       627687       84 |
 0.05  0.04      1826043      433 | net.ltec
 0.00  0.00        58330        9 | net.lthouse
 0.01  0.01       364262       59 | net.luminet
 0.00  0.00        53515        9 | net.luna.rotterdam
 0.00  0.00       143437       24 |
 0.00  0.00        26440       18 | net.maas
 0.01  0.00       213469       50 | net.magg
 0.02  0.03      1249704      179 | net.magibox
 0.00  0.00        27408        7 | net.magick
 0.00  0.00       135022        7 | net.magick.cj
 0.01  0.01       438440      104 |
 0.00  0.00        75691       30 | net.magick.kf
 0.10  0.08      3501344      836 | net.magicnet
 0.00  0.00       134934       33 | net.mailstation
 0.02  0.01       649957      153 | net.mainelink
 0.00  0.00        51714       11 | net.mainstream
 0.01  0.00       116474       49 | net.maple
 0.00  0.00         4334        3 | net.maple.burlington
 0.00  0.00        32867       16 | net.maple.kent
 0.00  0.00       127260       10 | net.marble
 0.00  0.00        51573       18 | net.maska
 0.02  0.02       734000      184 | net.mastnet
 0.00  0.00       100060       19 | net.maui
 0.00  0.00        16423        7 | net.maz
 0.00  0.00       140308        7 | net.mbay
 0.00  0.00       222358       39 | net.mbay.mtry
 0.00  0.00        17463        3 |
 0.10  0.09      4211704      800 | net.mci.atlanta
 0.02  0.02       870140      194 | net.mci.bloomington
 0.00  0.00         3005        1 |
 0.01  0.00       196932       74 | net.mci.campus
 0.00  0.00       112946       33 | net.mci.campus.ash-uky
 0.02  0.01       615247      128 | net.mci.campus.auburn
 0.00  0.00       194003       27 | net.mci.campus.clemson
 0.00  0.00         2226        1 | net.mci.campus.hcc-uky
 0.00  0.00        20092        4 | net.mci.campus.hop-uky
 0.00  0.00        69982       18 | net.mci.campus.may-uky
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | net.mci.campus.mursuky
 0.01  0.00       223379       47 | net.mci.campus.nccu
 0.01  0.00       225048       43 | net.mci.campus.occ-uky
 0.01  0.01       237183       42 | net.mci.campus.pad-uky
 0.00  0.00        58330        9 | net.mci.campus.pcc-uky
 0.00  0.00        76856       22 | net.mci.campus.scc-uky
 0.00  0.00        11446        8 | net.mci.campus.sierra
 0.01  0.01       519061       77 | net.mci.campus.som-uky
 0.00  0.00        50477        9 | net.mci.campus.tnstate
 0.01  0.00       159344       44 | net.mci.campus.twsu
 0.01  0.01       364530       83 | net.mci.campus.ucr
 0.01  0.00       190464       45 | net.mci.campus.uky
 0.01  0.01       474073       59 | net.mci.campus.usc
 0.01  0.00       187261       62 | net.mci.campus.wcu
 0.00  0.00        22613        9 | net.mci.campus.wku
 0.03  0.03      1146301      227 | net.mci.chicago
 0.00  0.00        55506       11 | net.mci.dallas
 0.00  0.00         1779        4 | net.mci.kansascity
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | net.mci.losangeles
 0.00  0.00        76297       18 | net.mci.newyork
 0.00  0.00        75382        4 | net.mci.seattle
 0.02  0.01       444270      129 | net.mci.washington
 0.02  0.01       399035      137 | net.mcn
 0.01  0.01       369956       67 | net.mcs.isdn
 0.07  0.07      3134877      596 |
 0.00  0.00        92532       12 | net.mdc
 0.00  0.00       223798       18 | net.mdn
 0.07  0.07      3011971      597 | net.mediasoft
 0.00  0.00        82609       20 | net.megalink
 0.01  0.01       481528       49 | net.metrolink
 0.00  0.00       120563       26 | net.mhtc
 0.02  0.02       697888      162 | net.mhv
 0.02  0.02       817693      162 | net.mi
 0.38  0.35     15801124     3074 | net.mich.dialip
 0.01  0.01       383637      108 | net.micron.boi
 0.01  0.01       623661      110 |
 0.02  0.03      1519342      176 | net.micron.nam
 0.00  0.01       266090       35 | net.micron.twf
 0.00  0.00        30500        7 | net.microserve
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | net.microsys
 0.00  0.00       203529       30 | net.midplains
 0.01  0.01       507637       75 | net.midtenn
 0.00  0.00       140031       16 | net.midtown
 0.04  0.03      1526561      323 | net.midwest
 0.01  0.00       138255       47 | net.mind
 0.00  0.00         4640        1 | net.mindlink
 0.01  0.01       543677       99 |
 0.00  0.00       186652        7 | net.mindlink.kel
 0.05  0.04      1698243      413 | net.mindlink.nwm
 0.00  0.00        13613        5 |
 0.01  0.01       526757      107 | net.mindlink.vrn
 0.02  0.01       580978      133 | net.mindport
 0.03  0.04      1803570      202 | net.minn
 0.02  0.02       868327      191 |
 0.18  0.07      2949913     1433 | net.mis
 0.00  0.00         6005        4 | net.misha
 0.00  0.00        67989        8 | net.misslink
 0.01  0.01       259712       80 | net.miworld
 0.00  0.00       131015       22 | net.mixi
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 | net.mks
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | net.mlink
 0.01  0.01       330835       45 | net.mms
 0.00  0.01       444370       40 | net.mnsi
 0.07  0.06      2543524      600 |
 0.00  0.00       120802       29 | net.moa.ouhub
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | net.mobius
 0.00  0.00        16836        2 | net.molalla
 0.02  0.02       722837      143 |
 0.01  0.00       151457       48 |
 0.02  0.02       793472      164 | net.mountain
 0.00  0.00         6535        1 | net.mountain-inter
 0.00  0.00       139752       33 | net.mpro
 0.01  0.02       754379       79 |
 0.09  0.09      4205599      729 | net.mts
 0.00  0.00         2822        1 | net.musiccity
 0.01  0.00       124377       46 | net.mwci
 0.00  0.00        71124       17 | net.mwt.lemonweir
 0.00  0.00       184930       33 | net.mwt.sabin
 0.01  0.01       550082      105 | net.myriad
 0.01  0.01       484204      117 | net.mystic
 0.00  0.00        56092       14 | net.n2
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | net.nacs
 0.02  0.01       557797      141 | net.nai
 0.23  0.31     14082157     1839 | net.nando
 0.02  0.02       832248      147 | net.nantucket
 0.01  0.02       680111      110 | net.napanet
 0.00  0.00       199607       38 | net.naples.annex1
 0.00  0.00       208360       27 | net.nauticom
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | net.nauticom.du.100.151.234
 0.00  0.00        38884        8 | net.nauticom.du.11.151.234
 0.00  0.00         3504        2 | net.nauticom.du.116.151.234
 0.00  0.00        10682        6 | net.nauticom.du.130.151.234
 0.00  0.00          928        6 | net.nauticom.du.139.151.234
 0.00  0.00        24365        7 | net.nauticom.du.14.151.234
 0.00  0.00       142621       15 | net.nauticom.du.143.151.234
 0.00  0.00        75375       15 | net.nauticom.du.150.151.234
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | net.nauticom.du.16.151.234
 0.00  0.00        37607        4 | net.nauticom.du.2.151.234
 0.00  0.00         1026        7 | net.nauticom.du.216.151.234
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | net.nauticom.du.217.151.234
 0.00  0.00        77002        5 | net.nauticom.du.221.151.234
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | net.nauticom.du.222.151.234
 0.00  0.00        66665        8 | net.nauticom.du.233.151.234
 0.00  0.00          594        2 | net.nauticom.du.30.151.234
 0.00  0.00        58330        9 | net.nauticom.du.47
 0.00  0.00       103466       22 | net.nauticom.du.61.151.234
 0.00  0.00        50157        5 | net.nauticom.du.67.151.234
 0.00  0.00        29592        4 | net.nauticom.du.7.151.234
 0.00  0.00        50109       11 | net.nauticom.du.80.151.234
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | net.nauticom.du.89.151.234
 0.00  0.00       126607       31 | net.nauticom.du.96.151.234
 0.00  0.00       124536       21 | net.navnet
 0.07  0.06      2678649      538 | net.nb
 0.01  0.01       428371      109 | net.nbn
 0.01  0.01       653036      109 | net.nccn
 0.00  0.00         4604        2 | net.ncia
 0.00  0.00        80194        9 | net.ncinter
 0.01  0.00       221185       48 | net.ncn
 0.02  0.02       764899      148 | net.ncw
 0.00  0.00        69420       31 | net.ndak.dialup
 0.00  0.00         5038        1 | net.nebula
 0.00  0.00        35493       12 | net.negia
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | net.neocomm
 0.01  0.02       910771       89 |
 0.03  0.03      1389575      232 |
 0.00  0.00        66009       29 |
 0.00  0.00        57336       21 | net.net1
 0.01  0.01       425602       75 | net.netacc
 0.00  0.00        16784       14 | net.netam.bowgrn
 0.05  0.03      1532154      388 | net.netam.oboro
 0.01  0.01       384399       88 | net.netexpress
 0.00  0.00        27547        2 | net.netfront
 0.01  0.01       278244       74 | net.netgate
 0.02  0.02       792109      156 | net.netins
 0.00  0.00       130055       25 | net.netins.dialup
 0.00  0.00        83986       16 | net.netline
 0.00  0.00       124725       39 | net.netlink
 0.01  0.01       325561       79 | net.netnet
 0.02  0.02       925698      138 | net.netonecom
 0.01  0.01       407662      106 | net.netpath
 0.01  0.00       101490       43 | net.netrail
 0.00  0.00       156048       35 | net.netreach
 0.00  0.00        64126       17 | net.netrex
 0.00  0.00       125102       33 | net.netropolis
 0.00  0.00        93385       11 | net.netroute.nebula
 0.01  0.01       268539       71 | net.netrunner
 0.00  0.00        60557       13 | net.netrus
 0.01  0.05      2081251       92 | net.netshop
 0.00  0.00        30377       11 | net.netsurf
 0.01  0.01       309712      104 | net.netten
 0.00  0.00        53389        9 | net.netusa
 0.05  0.05      2069975      425 | net.netusa1
 0.01  0.01       322852       62 | net.netvoyage
 0.07  0.04      1772850      542 | net.netwave
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | net.netway
 0.03  0.02       810888      233 | net.newcomm
 0.00  0.00         2822        1 | net.newedge
 0.00  0.00         5651        3 | net.newnorth
 0.00  0.00        20912        4 | net.newwave
 0.00  0.00        93197       39 |
 0.02  0.02       837413      193 | net.niia
 0.00  0.00        33323       10 | net.nis.paramus
 0.00  0.00         4640        1 | net.nis.ramsey
 0.00  0.00       164529       12 | net.nisiq.gns1
 0.00  0.00        19769        3 | net.nisiq.gns2
 0.01  0.01       430996      112 | net.nkn
 0.01  0.01       476405       94 |
 0.00  0.00        68166       22 |
 0.00  0.00        25482        8 |
 0.00  0.00        32933       10 |
 0.01  0.00       222341       69 |
 0.01  0.01       472786       81 |
 0.00  0.00       159028       31 |
 0.01  0.01       276668       64 | net.nlanr.cache
 0.00  0.00        34549        3 | net.nlis
 0.00  0.00        30472       12 | net.nol
 0.02  0.09      4105019      189 | net.nortel
 0.01  0.01       463012       92 | net.novia
 0.00  0.00        33210       10 | net.nrv.admin
 0.01  0.01       334318       57 | net.nrv.server2
 0.05  0.04      1762581      392 | net.ns
 0.03  0.02      1010304      217 | net.nsn
 0.01  0.00       163047       42 | net.nt
 0.01  0.01       404236       93 | net.ntr
 0.02  0.04      1935721      141 | net.nuri
 0.00  0.00        68652        8 | net.nvi
 0.00  0.00        81821       17 | net.nwrain.tpl1
 0.00  0.00       169702       15 | net.nyx
 0.01  0.01       253603       77 | net.ocsnet
 0.04  0.04      1888499      310 | net.odyssee
 0.00  0.00       102037       20 | net.odyssey
 0.01  0.01       396529      111 | net.ofthe.hub
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | net.oia.slippp
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 | net.ols
 0.00  0.00       156773       32 | net.olympic
 0.02  0.02       794873      176 | net.olympus
 0.00  0.00        93389       15 | net.olywa
 0.04  0.10      4410588      346 | net.omnitel
 0.07  0.06      2614120      525 |
 0.01  0.01       292974       44 | net.onlink
 0.37  0.35     16013397     2931 | net.onramp
 0.00  0.00        70379       16 | net.op.ppp
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 | net.orbonline
 0.02  0.01       576679      148 | net.oro
 0.02  0.02       840256      197 | net.oslo
 0.00  0.00        30072        7 | net.ot.ppp
 0.00  0.00       147479       14 | net.ottawa
 0.00  0.01       294190       37 | net.oxford
 0.01  0.01       260286       66 | net.oz
 0.01  0.01       269426       60 | net.pacific
 0.01  0.00       159305       48 | net.pacificcoast
 0.02  0.02       697880      156 | net.pacificnet
 0.01  0.00       167939       65 | net.pacificrim
 0.00  0.00        22876       12 | net.packet
 0.00  0.00       137676       14 | net.paclink
 0.01  0.01       257597       74 | net.paradise
 0.00  0.00        22637       17 | net.parrett
 0.00  0.00        80039       16 | net.partyline
 0.00  0.00        64927       18 | net.patch
 0.02  0.01       388161      121 | net.paulbunyan
 0.03  0.02       972573      244 | net.pb
 0.03  0.02      1097827      209 | net.pbmo
 0.00  0.00        55575       12 | net.pcd.seatac
 0.01  0.02       820739      120 | net.pcis
 0.00  0.00        89676       32 | net.pcs-i
 0.08  0.09      3894454      669 |
 0.00  0.00        57977        6 | net.peach.dial.albany
 0.00  0.00        18447        6 | net.peach.dial.atlanta
 0.01  0.01       420578       83 | net.peach.dial.l716-roden
 0.00  0.00        71623       13 | net.peach.dial.l734-telfair
 0.00  0.00        86355       28 | net.peach.dial.locm
 0.00  0.00        50684        6 | net.peach.dial.lscr
 0.00  0.00       115935       20 | net.peach.dial.valdosta_private
 0.04  0.08      3415529      328 | net.pennet
 0.00  0.00        14172        7 | net.penny
 0.00  0.00        75010       23 | net.peoples
 0.02  0.02       858918      171 | net.pernet
 0.00  0.00        71093       19 | net.peterboro
 0.00  0.00        31913        9 | net.pfi.irf
 0.01  0.01       251797       61 | net.pgh
 0.01  0.01       413926       85 | net.pgh.beaver
 0.00  0.00          992        2 | net.pgh.greene
 0.01  0.01       334867       79 | net.phoenix
 0.02  0.02       892290      125 | net.pi
 0.01  0.00       160651       41 |
 0.01  0.01       254177       60 | net.piedmont
 0.03  0.02       728684      208 | net.pig
 0.02  0.01       657526      134 | net.pilot
 0.02  0.01       622212      164 | net.pinn
 0.00  0.00        46452       23 | net.pionet
 0.00  0.00        60137       20 | net.pla-net.ts
 0.00  0.00       107426       17 | net.planet
 0.00  0.00        41574        7 | net.planete
 0.03  0.02       866464      260 | net.plano
 0.02  0.02      1115360      200 | net.polaris
 0.02  0.02       821341      198 | net.polaristel.dialup
 0.00  0.00        94790       12 | net.pond
 0.01  0.00       181994       52 | net.popi
 0.01  0.01       478015       78 | net.port
 0.01  0.01       419961       88 | net.portage
 0.01  0.01       365731       74 | net.poweramp
 0.00  0.00        49088        8 | net.powernet
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00        43003        6 | net.praline
 0.03  0.02      1118042      235 | net.premier.dialup
 0.00  0.00       140948       38 | net.premier1
 0.00  0.00       158266       16 | net.primeline
 0.00  0.01       261492       26 | net.probe
 0.01  0.01       265056       79 | net.prodigy
 0.01  0.01       429219       84 | net.prysm
 0.01  0.01       246274       56 |
 0.00  0.00        15305        2 | net.psci
 0.00  0.00       214747       24 | net.psyberlink
 0.01  0.00       208243       63 | net.ptd.all
 0.00  0.00       180493       40 | net.ptd.blo
 0.00  0.00         1583        2 | net.ptd.cli
 0.00  0.00        68542       27 | net.ptd.con
 0.01  0.01       629616      117 | net.ptd.eph
 0.00  0.00        33150       10 | net.ptd.eph.cable
 0.00  0.00       147178       30 | net.ptd.haw
 0.01  0.02       916874      106 | net.ptd.haz
 0.00  0.00       176987       18 | net.ptd.lan
 0.00  0.00       173411       26 | net.ptd.leb
 0.01  0.00       137607       47 | net.ptd.leh
 0.00  0.00        38623       13 | net.ptd.mah
 0.00  0.00        32858       10 |
 0.00  0.00       221238       31 |
 0.00  0.00       134190       23 | net.ptd.pcn
 0.00  0.00        46690        6 | net.ptd.phl
 0.00  0.00       134813       39 | net.ptd.pot
 0.00  0.00       120727       29 | net.ptd.scr
 0.00  0.00        93095       25 |
 0.01  0.01       310943       97 | net.ptd.str
 0.00  0.00       177269       30 | net.ptd.sun
 0.01  0.00       176939       43 | net.ptd.wb
 0.00  0.00       186617       38 | net.ptd.wil
 0.03  0.03      1296895      253 | net.ptialaska.dialups
 0.00  0.00       208761       36 | net.ptialaska.tlc
 0.00  0.00        61436       10 | net.pubnix
 0.00  0.00        94924       13 | net.pulsar
 0.00  0.00        20496       14 | net.pure-research
 0.01  0.00       171757       42 | net.q-net
 0.00  0.00       183717       35 | net.qis
 0.02  0.02       701713      148 | net.qnis
 0.02  0.02       715148      185 | net.qtm
 0.00  0.00        87298       17 | net.quantum
 0.00  0.00       134699       25 | net.quicklink
 0.02  0.01       584421      121 | net.radiks
 0.00  0.00          263        1 | net.radix
 0.01  0.01       432827       76 | net.radix.annex1
 0.01  0.01       398339       81 | net.radix.annex2
 0.00  0.00       117230       11 | net.rahul
 0.06  0.12      5430783      505 | net.ramlink
 0.01  0.01       327035       67 | net.rc
 0.00  0.00        10813       11 | net.reach
 0.00  0.00        15054        4 | net.realm
 0.01  0.05      2279982       56 | net.realtime
 0.00  0.00       169860       17 | net.realtime.aip
 0.01  0.04      1790506      119 | net.realtime.ip
 0.07  0.05      2142631      538 | net.redrose
 0.00  0.00        79575       10 | net.rev
 0.00  0.00       143412       30 | net.richnet
 0.02  0.01       518103      144 | net.rmci
 0.00  0.00        13490        1 | net.rmrc
 0.01  0.01       255568       67 | net.ronan
 0.01  0.01       445761       94 | net.rosenet
 0.00  0.01       317437       33 | net.rpa
 0.00  0.00        16627        5 | net.ruralnet
 0.02  0.02       841971      182 | net.rust
 0.01  0.01       290201       62 | net.sabre
 0.01  0.01       277791       57 | net.safari
 0.00  0.00        76685       10 | net.sage
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | net.sagelink
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00       157120       19 | net.saix.fs
 0.00  0.00          180        1 |
 0.00  0.00        11925        4 | net.saix.nt
 0.01  0.01       253210       51 | net.saix.wc
 0.00  0.00         2800        1 | net.salamander
 0.11  0.09      4170542      868 | net.sat
 0.00  0.00        49788       12 | net.satcom
 0.00  0.00        24698        5 | net.sbt
 0.00  0.00        77895       13 |
 0.00  0.00        84674       10 | net.scn
 0.02  0.01       559510      132 | net.scott
 0.06  0.19      8758591      451 | net.scsn
 0.01  0.01       246268       44 | net.sedona
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | net.sentex
 0.00  0.00        46690        6 | net.sentex.gclabs
 0.02  0.02       879168      169 | net.sequel
 0.03  0.03      1161900      253 | net.serv
 0.03  0.05      2298349      254 | net.shadow
 0.01  0.01       378107       83 | net.shelby
 0.03  0.02      1130396      267 | net.shentel
 0.03  0.02      1038098      216 | net.shore
 0.00  0.00        83462       12 | net.shout
 0.00  0.00         3069        1 |
 0.02  0.02       707145      163 | net.sierra
 0.00  0.01       233836       31 |
 0.00  0.00       160919       25 | net.sirinet
 0.04  0.02       946399      350 |
 0.00  0.00        41893       10 |
 0.01  0.01       258286       87 | net.skn
 0.03  0.02       950212      238 |
 0.01  0.01       441138       98 | net.skyenet
 0.00  0.00         8660        3 | net.skylands
 0.00  0.00       120804       36 | net.skylink
 0.04  0.08      3410086      317 | net.skypoint
 0.02  0.01       542190      150 | net.slip
 0.01  0.00       185837       55 |
 0.03  0.02       836448      240 | net.smartlink
 0.02  0.02       759650      186 | net.smartnet
 0.00  0.00        53910       19 | net.snet
 0.03  0.02      1088384      279 | net.snider
 0.00  0.00       138222       29 | net.sno
 0.00  0.00        55439       19 | net.snowcrest.ftjones
 0.01  0.01       344922       90 | net.snowcrest.mtshasta
 0.02  0.02       694023      140 | net.snowcrest.redding
 0.00  0.00       102350       34 | net.snowcrest.yreka
 0.01  0.01       326545       87 | net.socketis
 0.01  0.00       175325       42 | net.softaid
 0.00  0.00        62416       18 |
 0.01  0.01       226667       52 | net.sojourn
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 |
 0.02  0.01       438444      122 | net.sonic
 0.03  0.02      1009433      226 | net.sos
 0.09  0.05      2252230      684 | net.sound
 0.03  0.03      1137023      256 | net.southwind
 0.00  0.00       136670       33 | net.sover.ben
 0.00  0.00        63257       18 |
 0.04  0.02       997893      312 | net.sover.bratt
 0.00  0.00       144662       32 | net.sover.mid
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | net.sover.mont
 0.00  0.01       263536       39 | net.sover.rut
 0.00  0.00        30148        8 | net.sover.wrj
 0.00  0.00        25627        5 |
 0.05  0.03      1496716      395 | net.spectra
 0.00  0.00        38726        7 | net.speed
 0.00  0.00        82156       17 | net.speednet
 0.00  0.00        29128        8 | net.spidernet
 0.01  0.01       520114       88 | net.spindle
 0.00  0.00          900        5 | net.spy
 0.00  0.00       161860       19 | net.spyder
 0.02  0.01       454972      125 | net.srv
 0.00  0.00         9307        7 | net.srv.poky
 0.00  0.00        43159        9 |
 0.00  0.00        95847       25 | net.startext
 0.00  0.00        73173       22 | net.stic
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | net.success
 0.01  0.01       606024      107 | net.sunbelt
 0.01  0.03      1520163       49 | net.sunbelt.gaagst.r1
 0.00  0.00       198351       37 | net.sunbelt.gaagst.r2
 0.00  0.00        95937       33 | net.sunbelt.garmhl.r1
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | net.sunbelt.garmhl.r2
 0.00  0.00       196988       13 | net.sunbelt.gastbo.r2
 0.00  0.00       102416       29 | net.sunbelt.lacrly.r1
 0.00  0.01       287107       30 | net.sunbelt.lalars.r1
 0.00  0.00        48508       24 | net.sunbelt.lalars.r2
 0.00  0.00        59145        8 | net.sunbelt.ncbldw.r1
 0.00  0.00        95913       20 | net.sunbelt.ncbldw.r2
 0.01  0.01       271477       86 | net.sunbelt.ncchrl.r03
 0.01  0.01       476949       97 | net.sunbelt.nccncr.r1
 0.00  0.00       186385       30 | net.sunbelt.nccrty.r1
 0.00  0.00       105688       23 | net.sunbelt.nccrty.r2
 0.01  0.01       328883       50 | net.sunbelt.ncelrb.r1
 0.00  0.00        99873       31 | net.sunbelt.nchgpt.r1
 0.01  0.00       222923       43 | net.sunbelt.nchgpt.r2
 0.00  0.00       136375       17 | net.sunbelt.nclvcr.r1
 0.00  0.00        55047        6 | net.sunbelt.nclvcr.r2
 0.00  0.00        53459        4 | net.sunbelt.nclvcr.r3
 0.00  0.00        11067        4 | net.sunbelt.nclxtn.r2
 0.00  0.00         6967        5 | net.sunbelt.ncwtmc.r1
 0.00  0.00       159914       26 | net.sunbelt.scabvl.r1
 0.00  0.00       105244       26 | net.sunbelt.scches.r1
 0.00  0.00        45700        8 | net.sunbelt.sccht2.r1
 0.02  0.03      1175344      177 | net.sunbelt.scclma.r5
 0.01  0.01       276428       69 | net.sunbelt.scflr2.r1
 0.01  0.01       234963       48 | net.sunbelt.scgnvl.r2
 0.01  0.01       288914       64 | net.sunbelt.scgnvl.r3
 0.00  0.00        98192       12 | net.sunbelt.scktre.r1
 0.00  0.00       190813        8 | net.sunbelt.scmcnr.r1
 0.00  0.00         1940        2 | net.sunbelt.scnmng.r1
 0.01  0.00       220249       53 | net.sunbelt.scsumt.r1
 0.01  0.01       509871       96 | net.sunbelt.scsumt.r3
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | net.sunbelt.scsumt.r4
 0.00  0.00        93609       39 | net.sunbelt.tncphl.r1
 0.00  0.00       122943       22 | net.sunbelt.tncphl.r2
 0.01  0.01       284729       58 | net.sunbelt.tngnbo.r2
 0.00  0.00        51113       15 | net.sunbelt.tngnbo.r3
 0.01  0.01       260646       90 | net.sunbelt.tnlfyt.r1
 0.02  0.02       688564      138 | net.sunbelt.tnmmrl.r2
 0.01  0.01       443627       78 | net.sunbelt.tnpkvl.r1
 0.01  0.01       247134       41 | net.sunbelt.tnwabg.r1
 0.01  0.01       360242      110 | net.sundial
 0.00  0.01       237369       27 | net.sunlink
 0.03  0.02       984487      216 |
 0.02  0.02       754884      182 | net.superlink
 0.00  0.00       134955       24 | net.supernet
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | net.sura.ams96
 0.00  0.00       199375       20 | net.swip
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | net.swva
 0.00  0.00       171599       25 | net.symnet
 0.00  0.00          992        2 | net.synapse
 0.00  0.00       199634       38 | net.synergy
 0.00  0.00       128848       18 | net.synergy.ppp
 0.00  0.00        22906       12 | net.syra
 0.01  0.01       338641       66 |
 0.00  0.00         3567        2 | net.taconic
 0.01  0.04      1773357       82 | net.tap
 0.00  0.00        12941        5 | net.tcd.cedar
 0.03  0.02       800090      217 | net.tcd.cheyenne
 0.00  0.00         1674        2 | net.tcd.evanston
 0.00  0.00         6901        2 | net.tcn
 0.02  0.02       853196      158 | net.tdi
 0.06  0.08      3811901      484 | net.teclink
 0.05  0.04      1952228      378 | net.telalink
 0.00  0.00        14868        4 | net.tele.du
 0.00  0.00        13221        4 |
 0.00  0.00        20694        1 | net.telenet
 0.02  0.01       500726      128 | net.teleplex
 0.02  0.01       625417      126 | net.terraport
 0.00  0.00       195374       38 | net.tetranet
 0.01  0.00       156367       56 | net.texas.austin
 0.02  0.02       824016      196 | net.texas.sat
 0.01  0.01       487710      113 | net.texhoma
 0.03  0.02       811576      214 | net.tfs
 0.01  0.02       958222       89 | net.tfsksu
 0.01  0.00       156105       47 | net.tgn
 0.00  0.00        63994        4 | net.the-hermes
 0.00  0.00        33526        9 | net.themall
 0.00  0.00        13218        4 | net.theonramp
 0.01  0.01       414688      103 | net.thepoint.sburg
 0.00  0.00       208544       39 | net.theramp
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | net.thirdwave.manhattan
 0.00  0.00        35998        8 | net.thirdwave.newport
 0.11  0.10      4553703      857 | net.tiac
 0.01  0.01       309930       55 | net.tie
 0.01  0.01       328882      107 | net.tip.dial
 0.00  0.00        76417       15 | net.tlg
 0.00  0.00         3990        1 | net.together
 0.01  0.00       207187       48 | net.together.ramp
 0.02  0.01       611855      154 |
 0.00  0.00       210761       40 | net.torfree
 0.00  0.00          196        2 | net.tpoint
 0.00  0.00        18713       14 | net.tradeweb
 0.00  0.00        98135       13 | net.tri
 0.03  0.02       759281      203 | net.tricon
 0.00  0.00         8171        1 | net.trip
 0.00  0.00        47629        9 | net.true
 0.00  0.00       113872       30 |
 0.11  0.12      5521008      895 |
 0.01  0.01       342819       71 | net.twave
 0.00  0.00        73897       13 | net.txcc
 0.02  0.01       673864      172 | net.txdirect
 0.04  0.05      2346693      292 | net.tyler
 0.03  0.03      1180296      275 | net.tyrell
 0.00  0.00         9897        3 | net.uen.uu
 0.00  0.00        20538        1 | net.uen.uvsc
 0.01  0.01       431565      100 | net.ulix
 0.00  0.00        10682        6 | net.ultratech
 0.01  0.00       186364       43 | net.ultratech.pm01
 0.00  0.00         1940        2 | net.uni.roma
 0.01  0.01       442808      119 |
 0.01  0.01       285054       73 | net.unicomp
 0.01  0.01       318467       54 | net.up
 0.00  0.00        85928       24 | net.upstel
 0.00  0.00        70845       13 |
 0.03  0.03      1468584      262 |
 0.00  0.00       201362       30 | net.usa
 0.00  0.00        45324        9 | net.usa.abq-annex
 0.02  0.01       599183      166 | net.usa.cos1-annex
 0.02  0.01       616906      133 | net.usa.cos2-annex
 0.01  0.01       230698       81 | net.usa.den1-annex
 0.00  0.01       383815       29 |
 0.01  0.01       587743       82 | net.usaor
 0.00  0.00        19462       32 | net.usit
 0.09  0.09      4077594      727 | net.usit.dynamic
 0.01  0.01       507710      101 | net.usit.ppp
 0.00  0.00        45393       19 | net.uslink
 0.00  0.00        19344        2 | net.usvi
 0.05  0.03      1346139      369 | net.utech
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | net.uu
 0.00  0.01       341425       38 |
 0.00  0.00        41968       12 |
 0.01  0.01       229621       48 |
 0.00  0.00        23840        4 |
 0.01  0.02       763862      106 |
 0.00  0.00        77981        6 |
 0.00  0.00        80873       21 |
 0.00  0.00        34913       13 |
 0.01  0.01       379506       55 |
 0.00  0.00        73094       38 |
 0.00  0.00        92793       14 |
 0.00  0.00        48742       34 |
 0.01  0.03      1580334       70 |
 0.01  0.01       446916       55 |
 0.01  0.01       347950       92 |
 0.01  0.01       410685       94 |
 0.00  0.00        18189        2 |
 0.02  0.01       668621      152 |
 0.01  0.00       209633       72 |
 0.01  0.00       180511       47 |
 0.00  0.00        74069       24 |
 0.01  0.04      1749456       78 |
 0.01  0.01       310674       49 |
 0.01  0.01       240206       68 |
 0.01  0.01       305023       89 |
 0.00  0.00        12154        3 |
 0.01  0.01       278330       54 |
 0.00  0.00        75692       22 |
 0.00  0.00       124065       25 |
 0.00  0.00        15572        2 |
 0.00  0.00          745        1 |
 0.03  0.02      1052483      235 |
 0.01  0.01       614188       81 |
 0.01  0.01       482475      103 |
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 |
 0.03  0.02      1000736      276 |
 0.03  0.03      1150443      215 |
 0.02  0.02       722451      139 |
 0.00  0.00       113871       35 |
 0.01  0.00       160939       64 |
 0.00  0.00       105696       39 |
 0.01  0.00       152294       61 |
 0.01  0.00       164376       46 |
 0.00  0.00       223195       35 |
 0.01  0.01       359016      115 |
 0.01  0.01       354558      111 |
 0.00  0.00        51915       17 |
 0.00  0.01       286683       35 |
 0.01  0.01       284911       67 |
 0.00  0.00          745        1 |
 0.01  0.01       248193       74 |
 0.00  0.00        64075       31 |
 0.05  0.05      2209254      370 |
 0.00  0.00       127640        8 |
 0.00  0.00        88243       15 |
 0.00  0.00       159059       23 |
 0.00  0.00       172154       16 |
 0.00  0.00        64037       11 |
 0.01  0.01       483155      116 |
 0.00  0.00       125502       17 |
 0.01  0.01       241857       48 |
 0.02  0.02       772598      168 |
 0.03  0.02       920220      229 |
 0.00  0.00       167353       25 |
 0.00  0.00       106471       27 |
 0.00  0.01       241029       26 |
 0.02  0.02       749031      180 |
 0.00  0.00        62805       15 |
 0.00  0.00        14759        6 |
 0.00  0.00       104902       25 |
 0.00  0.00        10136        6 |
 0.00  0.00        75876       11 |
 0.00  0.00       201079       39 |
 0.00  0.00         4996        2 |
 0.00  0.00        25939        8 |
 0.00  0.00       196337       30 |
 0.02  0.02       993595      174 |
 0.01  0.01       541649       99 |
 0.01  0.00       199659       77 |
 0.00  0.00        20976        7 |
 0.05  0.03      1460403      389 |
 0.01  0.01       585520      106 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00       104844       22 |
 0.01  0.01       336979       95 |
 0.00  0.00        27906        5 |
 0.00  0.00         9332        2 |
 0.00  0.00       100687       36 |
 0.00  0.00        50300       11 |
 0.01  0.01       250741       44 |
 0.00  0.00         7331        3 |
 0.00  0.00        32681        3 |
 0.01  0.01       442328       56 |
 0.00  0.00       166871        6 |
 0.00  0.00        85671       17 |
 0.00  0.00        26010       10 |
 0.00  0.00        56710        6 |
 0.01  0.01       586100      115 |
 0.00  0.00       115291       25 |
 0.01  0.01       280234       75 |
 0.02  0.01       569140      128 |
 0.00  0.00        66389       20 |
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 |
 0.00  0.00       117147       33 |
 0.02  0.01       644939      155 |
 0.00  0.00       135062       30 |
 0.00  0.00        71968       22 |
 0.01  0.01       336341       47 |
 0.00  0.01       279582       33 |
 0.00  0.00        15344       12 |
 0.01  0.01       516852       71 |
 0.01  0.01       258334       73 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00        20458        5 |
 0.00  0.00        92416       17 |
 0.00  0.00        72981       27 |
 0.00  0.00        52040       28 |
 0.01  0.00       205474       71 |
 0.01  0.01       228442       53 |
 0.00  0.00        19476        6 |
 0.00  0.00       134610       25 |
 0.00  0.00        49061        9 |
 0.00  0.00         6216        2 |
 0.00  0.00        20931       10 |
 0.01  0.01       255306       63 |
 0.01  0.00       212033       60 |
 0.00  0.00       143550       31 |
 0.01  0.01       332259       50 |
 0.00  0.00       170824       18 |
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 |
 0.00  0.00        13578        3 |
 0.01  0.01       595532      120 |
 0.01  0.00       131976       67 |
 0.01  0.00       153520       46 |
 0.00  0.00        25540        8 |
 0.02  0.01       620283      181 |
 0.01  0.00       200888       57 |
 0.00  0.00        84081       32 |
 0.01  0.02       685891      112 |
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 |
 0.00  0.00       133719       24 |
 0.01  0.01       347874       55 |
 0.00  0.00          196        2 |
 0.00  0.00        61607        9 |
 0.02  0.02       850373      199 |
 0.00  0.00        40047       11 |
 0.00  0.00          745        1 |
 0.00  0.00        74510       23 |
 0.00  0.00        38299       11 |
 0.01  0.00       216343       50 |
 0.00  0.00          745        1 |
 0.01  0.01       449950      109 |
 0.00  0.00       116093        9 |
 0.01  0.00       114743       52 |
 0.00  0.00          445        1 |
 0.01  0.01       393359       71 |
 0.02  0.03      1450524      194 |
 0.00  0.00       218853       39 |
 0.01  0.00       202027       48 |
 0.01  0.01       240422       71 |
 0.00  0.00         8678        2 |
 0.01  0.02       817197       93 |
 0.01  0.01       376843       79 |
 0.00  0.00        39414       17 |
 0.02  0.01       636469      147 |
 0.01  0.02       719974      114 |
 0.01  0.01       666549       66 |
 0.00  0.00        17830       13 |
 0.00  0.00        80462       12 |
 0.00  0.00        22164       11 |
 0.03  0.02       987740      212 |
 0.00  0.00        47366       16 |
 0.00  0.00        87809       13 |
 0.01  0.01       306929       75 |
 0.00  0.00       153299       22 |
 0.01  0.01       565384       80 |
 0.01  0.01       479868       85 |
 0.01  0.00       210245       77 |
 0.00  0.00        90743       10 |
 0.01  0.00       199470       41 |
 0.00  0.00       174106       40 |
 0.00  0.01       244683       39 | net.valley
 0.01  0.01       384551       88 | net.value
 0.00  0.00       135177       32 | net.valuu
 0.01  0.01       237544       56 | net.vantek
 0.01  0.00       163669       46 | net.vci
 0.00  0.00        15243        4 | net.vcomm
 0.00  0.00        29239        3 | net.vector
 0.00  0.00        30776       12 | net.ven
 0.00  0.00        60134       11 | net.venus
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | net.via
 0.00  0.00        11853        5 | net.viasub
 0.00  0.00        74560       22 | net.vicon
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 | net.viper
 0.01  0.00       177959       47 | net.visi
 0.00  0.00       115664       25 | net.vistech
 0.13  0.06      2807200     1062 | net.vivid
 0.06  0.05      2408960      516 | net.vnet
 0.00  0.00       129087       30 | net.vol
 0.00  0.00        27422        8 | net.voyager
 0.00  0.00       135551       31 | net.voyager.dial
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | net.voyageronline
 0.03  0.03      1369305      216 | net.warwick
 0.00  0.01       400549       24 | net.waterloo
 0.01  0.01       296874       99 | net.wave.t0
 0.00  0.00       146268       38 | net.wctc
 0.00  0.00        74087       16 | net.wdc
 0.00  0.00          594        2 | net.webbernet
 0.03  0.02       979675      204 | net.webstar
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 | net.wels
 0.00  0.00          745        1 |
 0.01  0.01       592618      115 | net.west.vta
 0.01  0.01       317619       74 |
 0.01  0.00       215493       85 | net.whc
 0.12  0.10      4612788      963 | net.whidbey
 0.00  0.00        15305        2 | net.whole
 0.05  0.04      1901852      413 | net.why
 0.01  0.01       524843      105 | net.wi
 0.01  0.01       337881       46 | net.wic
 0.04  0.03      1301395      301 | net.wilmington.wisedial
 0.00  0.00        95192       21 |
 0.01  0.01       522397      113 | net.wincom
 0.00  0.01       312719       13 | net.wing
 0.00  0.00        86641       23 |
 0.01  0.01       349243       77 | net.wis.bby
 0.01  0.02       822825       87 | net.wis.vcr
 0.03  0.02       918250      201 | net.wiscnet
 0.00  0.00        19849        4 | net.woodland
 0.00  0.01       273052       20 |
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 | net.worldpassage
 0.00  0.00        13569        5 | net.worldramp
 0.00  0.00       170393       35 | net.worldweb
 0.00  0.00        23294        7 | net.wt
 0.01  0.01       276539       97 | net.wwinternet
 0.01  0.00        69787       46 | net.xe
 0.04  0.05      2335168      282 | net.xtalwind
 0.01  0.01       618327       90 | net.xtc
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | net.xyberlynx
 0.00  0.00         9423        3 |
 0.00  0.00        42999        7 | net.zapcom
 0.00  0.00        71398        7 | net.znet
 0.01  0.02       698708       80 | net.zoomnet.portsmouth
 0.00  0.00       117169       27 | net.zynet
 0.00  0.00         6101        1 |
 0.00  0.00        13221        4 |
 0.00  0.00        99367       10 | nl.a1
 0.00  0.00        26477        7 | nl.ahk.cb
 0.00  0.00        49471       18 | nl.att.sandoz
 0.00  0.00         9677        3 | nl.bart
 0.00  0.00        23147       10 | nl.bart.noord.gn2
 0.00  0.00        42483       12 | nl.bart.noord.gn4
 0.01  0.00       155771       41 | nl.bart.noord.jr1
 0.00  0.00       166751       12 | nl.bart.noord.lw1
 0.01  0.01       287798       92 | nl.cta
 0.00  0.00        73754       16 | nl.cybercomm.heerenveen
 0.00  0.00        15291        3 |
 0.00  0.00         6468        1 |
 0.00  0.00          181        1 | nl.elsevier
 0.00  0.00        28985        5 | nl.eo.automatisering
 0.00  0.00        39126       12 | nl.eo.internet
 0.01  0.01       462025       95 | nl.eo.verkondigend
 0.01  0.01       259227       63 | nl.epsilon
 0.01  0.01       433038       85 | nl.esa.estec
 0.00  0.00       147265       15 | nl.eur.fbk
 0.00  0.00        93750       27 |
 0.00  0.00        11258        9 | nl.eur.fgg.pc
 0.00  0.00       207307       16 | nl.eur.remote
 0.00  0.00       160665       35 | nl.euronet.asd
 0.00  0.00        30164       11 | nl.euronet.asp
 0.01  0.01       282189       53 | nl.euronet.ztm
 0.00  0.00        14031       11 | nl.getronics.ges
 0.00  0.00        10005        3 | nl.globalxs
 0.01  0.01       274208       62 | nl.hacom
 0.00  0.00        14031       11 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | nl.hku
 0.00  0.00        35717        8 | nl.hol
 0.00  0.00        28852        5 | nl.hse.fe
 0.00  0.00        16380        9 | nl.hva
 0.00  0.00        34733        6 | nl.hva.tmf.bwot
 0.00  0.00        14031       11 | nl.iaehv
 0.01  0.01       474732       70 | nl.knaw.library
 0.01  0.01       280160       84 | nl.knoware
 0.00  0.00        78790       28 | nl.ksla
 0.00  0.00        17928        5 | nl.kub
 0.00  0.00       126369       30 | nl.leidenuniv
 0.00  0.00        33999        4 | nl.mediacenter
 0.00  0.00        18057        5 | nl.metropolis
 0.00  0.03      1384384        9 | nl.nhl.tem
 0.01  0.01       372959       89 | nl.rug
 0.00  0.00        17669        2 | nl.rug.astro
 0.00  0.00        20733       10 | nl.rug.bdk
 0.00  0.00          360        2 | nl.rug.cs
 0.02  0.02       746041      149 | nl.rug.let
 0.00  0.00         1674        2 |
 0.01  0.01       437170      118 | nl.rug.phys
 0.00  0.00        58380        9 | nl.rug.ppsw
 0.01  0.01       369571      103 | nl.rug.rcondw
 0.00  0.00        32611       13 | nl.rulimburg
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.01  0.01       253773       47 | nl.ruu.chem
 0.00  0.00        73685       10 |
 0.00  0.00        60464       21 | nl.simplex
 0.00  0.00       122016       20 | nl.telebyte
 0.00  0.00        61857       12 | nl.tros
 0.00  0.00        80728        4 | nl.tudelft
 0.00  0.00        18136        2 | nl.tudelft.library
 0.01  0.01       274047       54 |
 0.00  0.00       118726       25 |
 0.00  0.00        66448       26 |
 0.00  0.00        90488       37 | nl.tudelft.twi
 0.00  0.00        14031       11 | nl.tudelft.wbmt
 0.00  0.00        42285        4 | nl.tue.bwk
 0.00  0.00         7331        3 | nl.tue.chem
 0.00  0.00         9365        2 | nl.tue.urc
 0.00  0.00        88374       32 |
 0.00  0.00        44699        8 | nl.tue.wmw
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | nl.tue.wtb.wop
 0.00  0.00        15781        3 | nl.utwente.civ
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | nl.utwente.ct
 0.00  0.00        39699       11 | nl.utwente.isdn
 0.00  0.00        25683       10 | nl.uva.amc
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | nl.uva.fee
 0.00  0.00        26692        9 | nl.uva.fwi
 0.00  0.00        28762        8 | nl.via
 0.00  0.00         1940        2 |
 0.00  0.00         2651        1 | nl.wau
 0.01  0.07      3199971       51 | nl.worldaccess
 0.07  0.05      2242532      561 | nl.xs4all.dial
 0.04  0.04      1976078      304 | no.aftenposten
 0.00  0.00         1055        1 | no.bbsas
 0.01  0.01       355909      104 | no.bgnett
 0.00  0.00       135704       31 |
 0.00  0.00         1674        2 |
 0.00  0.00         9505        4 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | no.deko
 0.00  0.00        83259       15 | no.eunet.bergen-pm2-1
 0.00  0.00         6235        2 | no.eunet.fredrikstad-pm2-1
 0.01  0.01       393339       83 | no.eunet.lillehammer-pm2-1
 0.00  0.00       207575       24 | no.eunet.pm2-1
 0.00  0.00        26544        3 | no.eunet.pm2-2
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | no.eunet.skjetten-pm2-1
 0.00  0.00         5944        4 | no.everyday
 0.00  0.00          362        2 | no.folkebibl.deich
 0.00  0.00        40152        2 | no.hia.grm
 0.00  0.00        32100       13 | no.hib.lsv
 0.00  0.00         9365        2 | no.hig
 0.00  0.00       157059       39 | no.himolde
 0.00  0.00       103009       25 | no.hint.stud
 0.00  0.00        27735        8 | no.hiof
 0.00  0.00       172233       26 | no.hioslo.iu
 0.00  0.00       209701       12 | no.hioslo.p52
 0.00  0.00       115341        9 | no.hist.idb
 0.00  0.00         1674        2 | no.hist.iet
 0.01  0.01       264889       85 | no.hit.not
 0.00  0.00         1583        2 | no.hivolda
 0.00  0.00         6818        2 | no.hsh
 0.00  0.00       133348       28 | no.hsr
 0.00  0.00       111553       29 | no.icenet
 0.00  0.00        35312        3 | no.infonet
 0.00  0.00        24995        5 | no.intercom
 0.00  0.01       273892       27 | no.internet
 0.00  0.00        24710        9 | no.kih
 0.01  0.00       223151       60 |
 0.00  0.00       123525       23 | no.misjonshs
 0.00  0.00        15598        6 | no.moldenett
 0.00  0.00        33453       10 | no.nhh
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | no.nipnett
 0.00  0.00       101158       34 | no.nla
 0.01  0.01       378176      101 | no.norconnect
 0.00  0.01       314989       35 | no.powertech
 0.00  0.00        27568       11 | no.powertech.ppp
 0.00  0.00        50155       12 | no.rlvphs
 0.00  0.00        15305        2 | no.sintef.efi
 0.00  0.00       104710       27 | no.sintef.runit
 0.01  0.00       221844       46 |
 0.00  0.01       280009       30 |
 0.00  0.00        62621        4 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | no.svglh
 0.00  0.00        97854       11 | no.telenor
 0.05  0.08      3626597      372 | no.telepost
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | no.trdkunst
 0.00  0.00       106553       21 | no.uib
 0.00  0.00        81399       18 | no.uib.gfi
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | no.uib.hf-fak
 0.00  0.00       116191       23 | no.uib.mi
 0.00  0.00        80773       19 | no.uib.svf
 0.00  0.00        98734       23 | no.uib.ubb
 0.00  0.00       102690        5 | no.uib.ums
 0.00  0.00        84035       20 | no.uio
 0.01  0.00       198481       56 | no.uio.ifi
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | no.uit.chem
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | no.uit.irv
 0.00  0.00         1940        2 | no.uit.nfh
 0.00  0.00        24365        7 | no.uit.sesam
 0.00  0.00       115018       28 | no.unit.alkymi
 0.00  0.00        25420        8 | no.unit.avh
 0.00  0.00        24657        5 | no.unit.itk
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | no.unit.marina
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | no.unit.mnfak
 0.00  0.00        15572        2 | no.unit.stud
 0.00  0.00        17230       12 | no.unit.tele
 0.03  0.04      1842095      229 |
 0.00  0.00        30064        6 | no.vgs.bergen-mar
 0.00  0.00         8076        4 | no.vgs.hvag
 0.00  0.00       124395       33 |
 0.00  0.00        57720       18 |
 0.00  0.00        54849        7 |
 0.00  0.00        71508        4 |
 0.00  0.00         1936        1 |
 0.00  0.03      1478824       18 |
 0.01  0.00       214955       46 |
 0.00  0.00        88774       15 |
 0.00  0.00        37207       19 |
 0.00  0.00        18736        5 |
 0.00  0.00        29222        3 |
 0.00  0.00        25497        9 |
 0.00  0.00        15308        4 |
 0.00  0.00       117728       22 |
 0.01  0.01       266854       70 |
 0.00  0.00        55325       20 |
 0.00  0.00         7689        3 |
 0.02  0.02       957653      134 |
 0.00  0.00        80141       13 |
 0.00  0.00        65136       24 |
 0.00  0.00        64931       21 |
 0.00  0.00        17013       12 |
 0.00  0.00        27833       14 |
 0.00  0.00        12091        1 |
 0.00  0.00        38411       10 |
 0.01  0.00       199817       47 |
 0.01  0.01       233524       62 |
 0.01  0.01       522928       95 |
 0.02  0.01       463535      139 |
 0.00  0.00        28680        6 |
 0.00  0.01       251014       11 | nz.cri.grace
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 | nz.cri.hort
 0.00  0.00        51067        1 |
 0.00  0.00       204559       22 | nz.gen
 0.01  0.01       277950       64 | nz.gen.actrix
 0.00  0.00        69568        5 | nz.gen.manawatu
 0.00  0.00        15344       12 | nz.gen.planet.wn
 0.00  0.00         7260        4 | nz.govt.dosli
 0.02  0.03      1454035      182 |
 0.00  0.00       140577       36 |
 0.00  0.00       106730       31 | org.acm
 0.00  0.00        10704        3 | org.ael
 0.01  0.01       358787       57 |
 0.02  0.02       854765      136 | org.afn
 0.01  0.01       520195       91 | org.amug
 0.01  0.01       481658       99 | org.ansi
 0.00  0.00        13774        2 | org.ap
 0.00  0.00        19568        6 | org.apc
 0.01  0.00       189978       42 | org.apc.glas
 0.00  0.00       204547       35 | org.apc.igc
 0.00  0.00        38854       13 | org.apc.peg.dialup
 0.00  0.00       130284       31 | org.apc.wn
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | org.arachnaut
 0.01  0.01       236854       45 | org.arcos
 0.00  0.00        53104       14 | org.arrl
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | org.asa
 0.00  0.00        33441        5 | org.asiandevbank
 0.00  0.00        16326        3 | org.asqc
 0.00  0.00        10122        4 | org.axsamer
 0.00  0.00        98379        8 | org.bcbsal
 0.00  0.00        42939        8 | org.believers
 0.02  0.01       653319      123 | org.bethany
 0.03  0.02       682443      238 | org.bluecrab
 0.00  0.00        18316        3 | org.boystown
 0.00  0.00       143308       33 | org.bpl
 0.01  0.01       231651       61 |
 0.00  0.00         2933        1 | org.capaccess
 0.00  0.00         4329        3 | org.carenet
 0.00  0.00        23947       13 | org.carl
 0.00  0.00         6496        2 | org.cas
 0.03  0.02      1091892      272 |
 0.00  0.00         8214        3 | org.ccil
 0.00  0.00       204247       36 | org.cedarnet
 0.01  0.01       437645       91 |
 0.02  0.01       663722      133 | org.cgiar.irri
 0.00  0.00          785        3 | org.charweb
 0.01  0.01       265830       73 | org.chrysalis
 0.00  0.00         5158        3 | org.ciesin
 0.01  0.02       692723       47 | org.clpgh
 0.00  0.00        59183       17 | org.cmf
 0.01  0.01       319450       65 | org.cna
 0.00  0.00        31610       11 | org.columbuscenter.scitec
 0.00  0.00        33308       16 | org.computrek
 0.01  0.01       299584       60 | org.cpcug
 0.00  0.00        40392       12 | org.cpl
 0.01  0.01       530427      112 | org.cresnet
 0.00  0.00        18481        5 | org.crisny
 0.00  0.00        77948       18 | org.crnet
 0.01  0.02       734574       63 | org.daybreak
 0.00  0.00        17116        4 | org.dbsa
 0.00  0.00        52232        6 | org.dorsai
 0.00  0.00        71846       21 | org.dorsai.ppp2
 0.00  0.00       191751       30 | org.dsi
 0.00  0.00        19811        2 | org.durham
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | org.eee
 0.00  0.00        51113       15 | org.eff
 0.16  0.12      5641976     1291 | org.efn
 0.01  0.00       177767      106 | org.emilyslist
 0.00  0.01       241217       23 | org.environ
 0.00  0.00       119626       28 | org.episcopalian
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | org.erim
 0.00  0.00        29691        7 | org.ets
 0.01  0.01       237380       41 | org.ets.pclan
 0.00  0.00        50045       15 | org.eushc
 0.00  0.00       146664       25 | org.fortnet
 0.00  0.00        58959       16 |
 0.00  0.00       124248       21 | org.freenet
 0.01  0.01       553850      113 | org.generalhealth
 0.02  0.03      1481145      130 | org.gnofn
 0.01  0.01       266741       58 | org.golden
 0.00  0.01       232094       29 | org.grfn
 0.02  0.03      1304317      190 | org.gty
 0.00  0.00        51806       13 | org.guthrie
 0.01  0.02       862082       87 | org.hal-pc
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | org.hchp
 0.01  0.01       241295       68 | org.hgea
 0.00  0.00        94530       14 | org.hitchcock
 0.01  0.01       337652       78 | org.hslc
 0.00  0.00         8860       12 | org.ibnet
 0.02  0.01       527028      126 | org.ibs
 0.00  0.00        14867        8 | org.iceworld
 0.05  0.07      3267661      411 | org.iclnet
 0.00  0.00       104477       32 | org.ida.adm
 0.00  0.00        60417        5 | org.ida.ccr-p
 0.00  0.00       109035       23 | org.ida.csed
 0.00  0.01       230866        6 | org.ideology
 0.00  0.00          256        1 |
 0.03  0.02      1011240      250 | org.igc
 0.00  0.00         4872        5 | org.iges
 0.00  0.00       186330       33 |
 0.00  0.00        10505       10 | org.inmarsat
 0.00  0.00         7300        4 |
 0.00  0.00        85743        7 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.01  0.01       456218       51 |
 0.00  0.00         2822        1 |
 0.00  0.00        17825        4 | org.jax
 0.01  0.01       293610       50 | org.kern
 0.00  0.01       232356       24 | org.kiski
 0.00  0.00        81205       18 | org.kpnw
 0.01  0.01       228555       64 | org.lafn
 0.00  0.00        13637        4 | org.libby
 0.00  0.00        62760       11 | org.llion
 0.00  0.00       218560       20 | org.lmi
 0.00  0.00        24801        9 | org.macatawa
 0.00  0.00       175040       20 | org.maf
 0.00  0.00       164238       25 | org.mccg
 0.00  0.00       153410       13 | org.mcn
 0.00  0.00         6771        1 | org.mcnc
 0.00  0.00        26769        3 | org.metro
 0.00  0.00        17165        6 | org.micro
 0.01  0.01       255269       54 | org.mid
 0.02  0.02       786654      177 | org.mitre
 0.00  0.00        10946       11 | org.molres
 0.00  0.00       208425       21 | org.mps
 0.01  0.02      1087290       61 |
 0.00  0.00       121158       30 | org.naic
 0.00  0.03      1391806        3 | org.ncanet
 0.00  0.00          276        1 | org.ncgr
 0.00  0.00        15781        3 | org.nemc.anes
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | org.nemc.cdm
 0.00  0.00        77061       14 | org.nexusprime
 0.04  0.05      2363668      285 | org.nmaa
 0.01  0.01       468877      105 | org.nol
 0.01  0.00        71123       41 | org.northnet
 0.00  0.00         4353        1 | org.northnet.canton
 0.00  0.00        15305        2 | org.northnet.gouverneur
 0.01  0.01       433899       78 | org.northnet.lowville
 0.00  0.00        60775       11 | org.northnet.saranac
 0.00  0.00         5179        2 | org.northnet.watertown
 0.00  0.00        14897       10 | org.nova.ppp
 0.00  0.01       381857       35 | org.npr
 0.00  0.00        81426       27 | org.nslsilus
 0.00  0.00        15872        2 | org.nybc
 0.00  0.00        15572        2 | org.oakwood
 0.03  0.02      1062405      212 |
 0.00  0.00          791        3 |
 0.00  0.00       103268       17 | org.oecd
 0.00  0.00        18936       12 | org.omahafreenet
 0.02  0.02       784547      170 |
 0.06  0.08      3667126      457 | org.orion
 0.02  0.02       866440      186 | org.osf
 0.00  0.00        43224       11 | org.outlinebible
 0.00  0.00        22164       11 | org.pbs
 0.01  0.01       284744       60 | org.peak
 0.01  0.00       218837       66 | org.prairienet
 0.00  0.00       135145       18 | org.rain
 0.01  0.04      1686290       55 | org.rain.ventura.term1
 0.00  0.00        81210       21 | org.rain.ventura.term2
 0.00  0.00         7331        3 | org.rain.wlv.term1
 0.00  0.00        15872        2 | org.rand
 0.00  0.01       402186        8 | org.reptiles.tlug
 0.01  0.01       306653       56 | org.rollanet
 0.00  0.00        54927       14 | org.rti
 0.01  0.00       210011       49 | org.scn
 0.00  0.00         2084        1 | org.sctboces
 0.00  0.00        24473        2 | org.sematech
 0.00  0.00         4305        1 | org.sfpcug
 0.00  0.00        83739       18 |
 0.01  0.01       272907       63 | org.sil.pclab
 0.00  0.00       161439       27 | org.sil.proj95
 0.00  0.00       226139       27 | org.sil.strinf
 0.00  0.00        10682        6 | org.sil.txsil
 0.01  0.00       211923      113 | org.speakeasy
 0.02  0.01       295051      138 | org.sw
 0.01  0.01       378048       72 | org.tasb
 0.00  0.00        65733        8 | org.tech2020
 0.00  0.00        25601       13 |
 0.00  0.00         5115        1 | org.trinitysem
 0.01  0.00       224766       59 | org.twr
 0.00  0.00       132912       30 | org.undp
 0.00  0.00          181        1 | org.unesco
 0.00  0.00         1241        2 | org.unicc
 0.01  0.00       199435       48 |
 0.00  0.00        29715        5 | org.via-christi
 0.00  0.00         7208        2 | org.vtmednet
 0.00  0.00        20538        1 | org.wadsworth
 0.01  0.01       239886       54 | org.wariat
 0.00  0.00        71631       16 | org.wcg
 0.00  0.00         8149        4 | org.websciences
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | org.whit
 0.02  0.02       897334      151 |
 0.00  0.00         9103        2 | org.wlrn
 0.01  0.04      1749542       60 | org.worldbank
 0.00  0.00        63462       13 | org.x
 0.01  0.01       674529      115 | org.xc
 0.00  0.00        48644       16 | pc24.e07
 0.00  0.01       234023       28 |
 0.00  0.00        28902       13 |
 0.00  0.00        41108        8 |
 0.00  0.00        12941        5 |
 0.01  0.01       238646      109 |
 0.02  0.01       425390      154 |
 0.00  0.01       295695       37 |
 0.00  0.01       232356       24 |
 0.00  0.00        26651        6 |
 0.00  0.00        35230       17 |
 0.00  0.00        10950        7 |
 0.00  0.00         1674        2 |
 0.00  0.00        10414        5 |
 0.00  0.00         1613        1 |
 0.00  0.00        10843        5 |
 0.00  0.00        61500        7 | pl.gliwice.polsl.iele
 0.00  0.00        99836       32 |
 0.00  0.00         8523        3 | pl.krakow.kki
 0.00  0.00        37799       15 | pl.poznan.efp
 0.00  0.00        74502        6 | pl.pse
 0.00  0.02       683534        6 | pl.wroc.pwr
 0.01  0.00       172627       41 | pl.wroc.pwr.ioz
 0.00  0.00        77122       11 | pl.wroc.pwr.itma
 0.00  0.00        29518       11 | pl.wroc.uni.ii
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | pl.zgora.wsi.iie
 0.00  0.00        18348        6 | pt.caleida
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 | pt.ipp.idt-isep
 0.01  0.01       612152      120 | pt.telepac
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.05      2231632       14 | pt.uc.dei
 0.00  0.00        48787       16 | pt.uc.ipn
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 |
 0.00  0.00         3504        2 | pt.uninova
 0.00  0.00        35234        8 |
 0.00  0.00        28795        3 | ro.sfos
 0.00  0.00        99697       14 | rockwell.switch
 0.00  0.00        13955        2 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | ru.dux
 0.00  0.00         1950        4 | ru.mipt
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | ru.mipt.crec
 0.00  0.00        10682        6 | ru.nsc
 0.00  0.00         1674        2 | ru.usu
 0.00  0.00        60104       23 |
 0.03  0.03      1342391      270 | se.algonet
 0.00  0.00        17830       13 | se.ap
 0.00  0.00        49361       18 | se.arosnet
 0.03  0.04      1900838      263 | se.bahnhof
 0.00  0.00         1940        2 | se.canit
 0.00  0.00        60215       16 | se.chalmers.etek
 0.00  0.00         2746        4 | se.chalmers.hydr
 0.00  0.00        49467       18 | se.chalmers.ios
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 | se.chalmers.mot
 0.00  0.00         3486        5 | se.chalmers.mtek
 0.00  0.00        15305        2 | se.dalnet
 0.01  0.01       242315       78 |
 0.00  0.00        20385       14 | se.exmandato
 0.00  0.00          181        1 | se.foa.sto
 0.00  0.00        74894       27 | se.fredrika
 0.00  0.00        10755        5 | se.goteborg.educ.ostravux.adm
 0.00  0.00         5305        2 |
 0.00  0.00          181        1 |
 0.00  0.00        54518        9 |
 0.00  0.00        15572        2 | se.hfb
 0.00  0.00       202779       30 | se.hh
 0.00  0.00        26227        2 | se.hik.dialin
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | se.hik.te
 0.00  0.02      1104765       11 | se.his.ite
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 | se.hj.ansv-4
 0.00  0.00         8756        4 |
 0.00  0.00        37480        4 | se.hks.hum
 0.01  0.00       212366       53 | se.hks.ppp
 0.00  0.00        13984        4 | se.hks.stud
 0.00  0.00        74336       12 | se.hls
 0.00  0.00        17907       12 | se.htu.thn
 0.01  0.01       590686       93 | se.htu.udd
 0.00  0.00        80729        4 | se.hv
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 | se.hv.univ
 0.00  0.00        26477        7 | se.interact
 0.00  0.00        89679       17 |
 0.00  0.00         8251        2 | se.ivab.image
 0.00  0.00        24823        8 | se.kdtnet
 0.00  0.00         6901        2 |
 0.00  0.00        26230        6 | se.kiruna.dial
 0.00  0.01       303423       34 | se.ks
 0.00  0.00        32054        8 | se.kth.e
 0.00  0.00        79361       24 | se.kth.math
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | se.kth.midgard
 0.01  0.01       669737      109 | se.kth.nada
 0.00  0.00        45292       10 | se.kth.physchem
 0.00  0.00        14031       11 | se.kth.surfchem
 0.00  0.00       121387       17 | se.lfv
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | se.liu.ida
 0.00  0.00       120465       22 |
 0.00  0.00          774        3 | se.liu.lidac
 0.00  0.00        48572       16 | se.lth.byggmek
 0.00  0.00        68008       13 | se.lth.dna
 0.00  0.00         1570        5 | se.lth.efd
 0.00  0.00        64011        6 | se.lth.fysik.dial
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | se.lth.hbg
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | se.lth.malmo
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | se.lth.student
 0.00  0.00          180        1 |
 0.00  0.00        38884        8 |
 0.00  0.00        24279        7 |
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 |
 0.00  0.00        48402       15 |
 0.00  0.00          181        1 |
 0.00  0.00        52175       14 | se.luth.dc
 0.00  0.00        22160        7 | se.luth.ludd
 0.00  0.02       937105       30 |
 0.01  0.00       195929       44 |
 0.01  0.01       504537      115 | se.mdh
 0.00  0.00        20176        3 | se.mdh.adm
 0.00  0.00        10227        6 | se.mdh.ikp
 0.03  0.03      1327994      226 | se.medianetwork
 0.00  0.00        33292        8 | se.merrymac
 0.00  0.00        37738       14 |
 0.00  0.00          492        1 | se.nerikes
 0.00  0.00       210187        6 | se.netg.ppp
 0.00  0.00        13543        6 | se.nettime
 0.00  0.00        27865       10 |
 0.00  0.00       105472       25 | se.nocom
 0.01  0.00       201143       50 | se.pharmacia
 0.00  0.00         1934        3 | se.pi
 0.01  0.01       314835       66 | se.pi.lund
 0.01  0.00       187998       47 | se.qd.kd
 0.00  0.00       163534       38 | se.saab.air
 0.01  0.03      1559109       64 | se.sbbs
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | se.scania
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 | se.skelleftea
 0.00  0.00        29920        8 | se.slu
 0.00  0.00        21533       11 |
 0.00  0.00         3490        1 | se.slu.sekon
 0.00  0.00        31974        8 |
 0.00  0.00        32566       13 |
 0.00  0.00        26784        3 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00       118360       33 |
 0.08  0.13      5952478      604 | se.swipnet
 0.00  0.00        27422        8 | se.telia.dialup
 0.00  0.00        32664       11 |
 0.00  0.00       142931       35 | se.tim
 0.00  0.00       131036       36 | se.trab.haninge
 0.00  0.00        72540        7 | se.tripnet
 0.00  0.00         1932        2 | se.uas
 0.00  0.00       150278        9 | se.umu
 0.00  0.00        73909       12 | se.umu.cs
 0.00  0.00        66119       17 | se.umu.hh
 0.00  0.00       214209        9 | se.umu.lung
 0.00  0.00        25447        7 | se.umu.modem
 0.01  0.00        98364       41 | se.umu.religion
 0.00  0.00        48975       17 | se.unisource.jkp
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | se.upnet
 0.00  0.00         9147       11 | se.uu.anst
 0.02  0.01       582135      128 | se.uu.csd
 0.00  0.00        67556       27 | se.uu.fysik
 0.00  0.00        42999        7 | se.uu.kemi
 0.00  0.00        27735        8 | se.uu.ling
 0.00  0.00        23629       19 | se.uu.math
 0.00  0.00        21730        7 | se.uu.medgen
 0.00  0.00        23056        1 | se.uu.pcr
 0.00  0.00        63161       16 | se.uu.tdb
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | se.uu.teknikum
 0.00  0.00        36458       23 | se.uu.teol
 0.00  0.00        20406        5 | se.uu.zoologi
 0.00  0.00        18996        7 |
 0.01  0.02       754101       69 |
 0.01  0.01       439749       75 |
 0.01  0.01       344099      100 |
 0.00  0.00        34028       19 |
 0.02  0.01       612343      130 |
 0.00  0.01       243735       33 |
 0.01  0.01       296778       91 |
 0.00  0.00        83407       20 |
 0.01  0.00       218453       52 |
 0.14  0.16      7121419     1099 |
 0.00  0.00         2822        1 |
 0.01  0.01       279300       71 |
 0.02  0.01       598072      166 |
 0.02  0.02       734949      137 |
 0.00  0.00        77430       16 |
 0.00  0.00        51113       15 |
 0.00  0.00          362        2 |
 0.00  0.01       339099       25 |
 0.00  0.00        19540        4 |
 0.03  0.02       809516      249 |
 0.07  0.06      2568816      598 |
 0.01  0.03      1210396       62 |
 0.07  0.11      4993524      522 | sg.nus
 0.00  0.00         3725        3 | sg.nus.cz3
 0.00  0.00       105510        4 | sg.nus.iscs
 0.00  0.00        71810       14 | sg.nus.iss
 0.01  0.01       632253      101 | sg.nus.pc
 0.00  0.00        99902       22 |
 0.00  0.00       132148       31 | sg.technet
 0.00  0.00        49505       14 | si.arnes
 0.00  0.00       100724       14 | si.eunet.slip
 0.00  0.00        25548        8 | si.medinet
 0.01  0.01       558750       44 | si.sigov
 0.00  0.04      1749516       13 | si.uni-lj.kiss
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | si.uni-lj.sou
 0.00  0.00        25293       12 | si.unistar
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | sk.gratex
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 | sk.sanet
 0.00  0.00         3954        1 | sk.stuba.elf
 0.00  0.00        14767        3 | sk.uniba.fmph.dnom
 0.00  0.00         2822        1 | su.altai
 0.00  0.00        70742        6 | su.demos
 0.00  0.00          992        2 | su.e-burg.rcupi
 0.00  0.00        15670        2 | su.kemerovo
 0.00  0.06      2786510       14 | su.msu.cs
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | su.msu.npi
 0.00  0.00        27396        5 | su.spb.infopro
 0.00  0.00        80926       11 |
 0.00  0.00        19135        7 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.01  0.03      1226033       53 |
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 |
 0.00  0.00        10917        5 |
 0.00  0.00          508        2 | th.go.moph
 0.01  0.11      4958563       94 |
 0.00  0.00        14658        5 |
 0.00  0.00          745        1 |
 0.00  0.00        11531        9 |
 0.00  0.00       113067       28 |
 0.00  0.00        17937        4 |
 0.00  0.00        59821       12 |
 0.01  0.01       328423       49 |
 0.00  0.00        30727       13 |
 0.01  0.01       227316       54 |
 0.00  0.00        26925        8 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1178        1 |
 0.00  0.00        44927        8 |
 0.00  0.00        15572        2 | ua.donetsk.aladon
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | ua.kiev.freenet
 0.00  0.00         5115        1 | ua.kiev.ts
 0.00  0.00         4640        1 |
 0.00  0.00        15872        2 |
 0.00  0.01       354941       26 |
 0.00  0.00        42168        4 |
 0.00  0.00        26261        3 |
 0.00  0.00        48975       17 |
 0.00  0.00        90652        3 |
 0.01  0.01       237183       44 |
 0.00  0.00         3990        1 |
 0.00  0.00        47347        8 |
 0.00  0.00        15572        2 |
 0.00  0.00        12064        9 |
 0.00  0.01       249627       28 |
 0.00  0.00        18029        4 |
 0.00  0.00        20931       10 |
 0.00  0.00          181        1 |
 0.01  0.01       382967       57 |
 0.00  0.00       121060       19 |
 0.00  0.00        13208        3 |
 0.00  0.00        18374       13 |
 0.00  0.00        20700        7 |
 0.00  0.00       163882        9 |
 0.00  0.00        15572        2 |
 0.00  0.00        47236        6 |
 0.00  0.00        16321       11 |
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 |
 0.01  0.00       164815       47 |
 0.00  0.00        32035       10 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00         4358        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 |
 0.00  0.00        61848       20 |
 0.00  0.00        90087       19 |
 0.00  0.00        33323       10 |
 0.00  0.00        12205        3 |
 0.00  0.00        82747       20 |
 0.00  0.00       106295       30 |
 0.00  0.00        15872        2 |
 0.00  0.00        48912       26 |
 0.00  0.00        64981       26 |
 0.00  0.00       109148       30 |
 0.00  0.00        29961        3 |
 0.00  0.00          180        1 |
 0.01  0.01       288558       57 |
 0.00  0.00         4900        1 |
 0.01  0.01       354870       58 |
 0.00  0.00       102362       18 |
 0.00  0.00        19095        3 |
 0.00  0.00       100577       19 |
 0.00  0.00        42800        7 |
 0.00  0.01       316944       10 |
 0.00  0.00        21990        7 |
 0.11  0.16      7299610      859 |
 0.00  0.00        51113       15 |
 0.00  0.00        78503       22 |
 0.00  0.00        56435       13 |
 0.00  0.00        48996       10 |
 0.00  0.00          181        1 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.01  0.00       111237       50 |
 0.00  0.00        64491       15 |
 0.00  0.00        99791       25 |
 0.00  0.00         3118        3 |
 0.00  0.00       133069       16 |
 0.01  0.00       216046       41 |
 0.00  0.00        58287       21 |
 0.00  0.00         7126        2 |
 0.00  0.00        10186        5 |
 0.01  0.01       242363       82 |
 0.02  0.02       770595      198 |
 0.00  0.00        33148        5 |
 0.00  0.00        54967        2 |
 0.01  0.01       311054       56 |
 0.01  0.00       146622       48 |
 0.00  0.00        78690       16 |
 0.00  0.00        36534        5 |
 0.00  0.00         6468        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1674        2 |
 0.00  0.00        25078        3 |
 0.00  0.00        25020        6 |
 0.00  0.00         2086        1 |
 0.00  0.00        58330        9 |
 0.00  0.00         1940        2 |
 0.00  0.00          745        1 |
 0.02  0.01       547379      158 |
 0.00  0.00         5335        1 |
 0.00  0.00       133906       40 |
 0.00  0.00        17669        2 |
 0.00  0.00       169787       21 |
 0.00  0.00        57602       12 |
 0.00  0.00        55371        3 |
 0.00  0.00       165710       35 |
 0.00  0.00        19732        6 |
 0.01  0.01       606994      103 |
 0.02  0.02      1005211      188 |
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 |
 0.00  0.00        15305        2 |
 0.00  0.00         1754        2 |
 0.00  0.00        49450       22 |
 0.00  0.00        25328        6 |
 0.01  0.01       352015       45 |
 0.00  0.01       227154       23 |
 0.01  0.01       264324       64 |
 0.02  0.02       998217      159 |
 0.00  0.00        21463        4 |
 0.00  0.00         7550        1 |
 0.00  0.00        90489       10 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.01  0.00       130656       43 |
 0.00  0.00        89042       29 |
 0.00  0.01       234000       40 |
 0.01  0.01       250391       66 |
 0.00  0.00        37338        6 |
 0.01  0.00        97663       41 |
 0.00  0.00       146613       30 |
 0.00  0.00        70765       10 |
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 |
 0.01  0.01       345532       61 |
 0.00  0.00        15572        2 |
 0.00  0.00         6721        4 |
 0.00  0.00        20406        5 |
 0.01  0.11      5138587       46 |
 0.00  0.00        80494       26 |
 0.00  0.00         9592        4 |
 0.00  0.00       204367       26 |
 0.00  0.00        37114       14 |
 0.00  0.00        19336        3 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00        25098       17 |
 0.00  0.00        30552        4 |
 0.00  0.00        25859        7 |
 0.00  0.00       117949       23 |
 0.00  0.00        24528        2 |
 0.00  0.00        20612        3 |
 0.00  0.00        10813       11 |
 0.00  0.00        21211        7 |
 0.00  0.00         3490        1 |
 0.08  0.07      2974676      637 |
 0.02  0.02       711932      140 |
 0.01  0.01       325659       91 |
 0.02  0.02      1016868      192 |
 0.01  0.00       182406       50 |
 0.01  0.00       194354       47 |
 0.00  0.00        62373       10 |
 0.00  0.00          745        1 |
 0.00  0.00        75908       28 |
 0.00  0.00        40876        9 |
 0.00  0.01       342081       35 |
 0.00  0.00        86377       22 |
 0.00  0.00        48479       15 |
 0.00  0.00         5965        3 |
 0.02  0.01       567931      156 |
 0.00  0.00          180        1 |
 0.00  0.00       155569       10 |
 0.00  0.00       176477       39 |
 0.00  0.00          180        1 |
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 |
 0.00  0.00        13723       10 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00        59741       23 |
 0.00  0.00        10813       11 |
 0.00  0.00        70793       15 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00        21089        4 |
 0.00  0.00        56994       23 |
 0.00  0.00         2160       12 |
 0.00  0.00        42999        7 |
 0.00  0.00        47192       13 |
 0.00  0.00       109680       14 |
 0.00  0.00        86860       28 |
 0.00  0.00       122556       16 |
 0.00  0.00         1674        2 |
 0.00  0.00        49698       15 |
 0.00  0.00       132352       21 |
 0.01  0.01       614165       52 |
 0.00  0.00        40260        2 |
 0.00  0.00        34703       11 |
 0.00  0.00         1258        1 |
 0.01  0.00       172332       59 |
 0.00  0.00        33808        9 |
 0.00  0.00        30472       12 |
 0.00  0.00       104824       15 |
 0.00  0.00         3069        1 |
 0.00  0.00        29619        9 |
 0.00  0.00        40403        8 |
 0.00  0.00        52909       11 |
 0.01  0.01       435190      112 |
 0.00  0.00        72271       22 |
 0.00  0.00         5305        2 |
 0.00  0.00        11193        2 |
 0.00  0.00          745        1 |
 0.00  0.00          745        1 |
 0.00  0.00        14803        5 |
 0.00  0.00         9852        5 |
 0.00  0.00        83956       14 |
 0.00  0.00        60565        5 |
 0.00  0.00         1674        2 |
 0.00  0.00        43993        7 |
 0.00  0.00        30894        7 |
 0.00  0.00        43545       17 |
 0.00  0.00        73700       14 | uk.nhs.n-i
 0.00  0.00        70988        5 |
 0.01  0.01       427911       86 |
 0.00  0.00         9347        3 |
 0.00  0.00        22920        4 |
 0.03  0.18      8256297      248 |
 0.00  0.00       104917       28 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00        11052        1 |
 0.00  0.00        27096        8 |
 0.00  0.00        72284        8 |
 0.00  0.00        10186        5 |
 0.00  0.00        13011        3 |
 0.00  0.00        81942       33 |
 0.00  0.00        64046        9 |
 0.00  0.00        15305        2 |
 0.01  0.00       194074       42 |
 0.00  0.00         8880        3 |
 0.00  0.00        83239       13 |
 0.00  0.01       421576       18 |
 0.00  0.00       150411       32 |
 0.00  0.00       173976       13 |
 0.00  0.00        47855       13 |
 0.00  0.00        31117        8 |
 0.00  0.00         2822        1 |
 0.01  0.01       312262       57 |
 0.00  0.00        67471       26 |
 0.00  0.00        24365        7 |
 0.00  0.00       164983       22 |
 0.00  0.00        69941       13 |
 0.00  0.00         6956        2 |
 0.01  0.01       387779       76 |
 0.00  0.00        24495        5 |
 0.01  0.01       344972       45 |
 0.00  0.00        13544        2 |
 0.00  0.00        15009        5 |
 0.00  0.00        15554        2 |
 0.00  0.00        81532       12 |
 0.00  0.01       378604       26 |
 0.12  0.08      3648651      929 |
 0.00  0.00         2086        1 |
 0.00  0.00        75605        7 |
 0.01  0.01       566440      111 |
 0.00  0.00        30400       16 |
 0.01  0.00       182331       52 |
 0.00  0.00          745        1 |
 0.00  0.00         4592        1 |
 0.00  0.00        51714       11 | us.ct.k12.pvt.ews
 0.00  0.00        37008        5 | us.ct.k12.pvt.westminster
 0.00  0.00        61639        9 |
 0.01  0.00       110597       56 |
 0.00  0.00        14775        6 | us.fl.k12.leon.leon
 0.00  0.00        23223        2 | us.fl.lib.brev
 0.00  0.00         6973        4 | us.fl.lib.ccla
 0.01  0.00       218004       57 | us.fl.lib.mdpls
 0.01  0.01       449991       43 | us.fl.lib.seflin
 0.00  0.00         1534        1 | us.fl.lib.tblc
 0.00  0.00         2784        1 | us.fl.lib.thpl
 0.00  0.00        41009        7 | us.fl.sarasota.marinelab
 0.01  0.00       212877       41 | us.fl.tlh.freenet
 0.00  0.00        29592        4 |
 0.00  0.00        15989        5 |
 0.00  0.00        58271       14 |
 0.00  0.01       267695       30 |
 0.02  0.01       256171      128 |
 0.00  0.00        22129        8 |
 0.00  0.00       142468       34 |
 0.01  0.00       187261       45 |
 0.00  0.00       108286       11 |
 0.00  0.00       128615       33 | us.ia.k12.aea5
 0.00  0.00        91860       12 | us.ia.k12.aea9
 0.00  0.00       139269       22 | us.ia.k12.camanche.hs
 0.00  0.00        51622       17 | us.ia.k12.ccs
 0.01  0.01       352713       44 | us.ia.k12.davenport
 0.00  0.01       373662        8 | us.ia.k12.gilbert
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | us.ia.k12.ruthven
 0.00  0.00        69105       15 | us.ia.k12.spirit-lake
 0.00  0.00        86152       17 | us.ia.k12.w-delaware
 0.00  0.00        12658        4 | us.ia.k12.west-bend
 0.00  0.00        67597       14 | us.ia.k12.winterset
 0.00  0.00         2289        1 | us.ia.lib.cedar-rapids
 0.00  0.00        20406        5 | us.ia.state.dhs
 0.00  0.00        25422       12 | us.ia.state.guard
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 | us.ia.state.legis
 0.00  0.00        53389        9 |
 0.00  0.00       121059        7 |
 0.00  0.00        84328       26 |
 0.00  0.00        33298        3 |
 0.00  0.00        10682        6 |
 0.00  0.00         1674        2 |
 0.00  0.00         9986        2 |
 0.00  0.00       221903       28 |
 0.00  0.00        29022       10 |
 0.00  0.01       609790       26 |
 0.00  0.00       142855       18 |
 0.00  0.00       198225       26 |
 0.00  0.00         8729        1 |
 0.03  0.03      1262342      210 |
 0.00  0.00        27900        5 | us.ks.state.discdial10
 0.00  0.00        72284        8 |
 0.01  0.01       531934       49 |
 0.00  0.00        63121        4 |
 0.00  0.00        89629       14 |
 0.00  0.00        78356       27 |
 0.00  0.00        72650       11 |
 0.00  0.00        67817       19 |
 0.00  0.00        21344        6 |
 0.00  0.00        60236        9 |
 0.00  0.00        85135       22 |
 0.01  0.00       212920       47 |
 0.01  0.01       446200       72 |
 0.02  0.01       523738      123 |
 0.00  0.00         3490        1 |
 0.00  0.00       181619       20 |
 0.00  0.00          180        1 |
 0.00  0.00        15572        2 |
 0.01  0.01       451031       91 |
 0.00  0.00        33189        5 |
 0.00  0.00        27983        3 |
 0.00  0.00        14057        1 |
 0.00  0.00        17429        3 |
 0.00  0.00       119635       16 |
 0.00  0.00        40260        2 |
 0.00  0.00        97737       21 |
 0.01  0.00       157300       46 | us.mi.k12.detpub
 0.00  0.00        79085       16 | us.mi.k12.fvl
 0.00  0.00        30565        9 | us.mi.k12.ingham
 0.00  0.00        14031       11 | us.mi.k12.sthugo.lab
 0.00  0.00        63615       19 | us.mi.lib
 0.03  0.02       905640      242 | us.mi.newaygo
 0.00  0.01       232356       24 | us.mi.newaygo.tec.ncctc
 0.00  0.00        30610        4 |
 0.00  0.00       137860       34 |
 0.00  0.00        81363       13 |
 0.00  0.00        66403        9 |
 0.00  0.00        50141       11 |
 0.00  0.00        13221        4 |
 0.00  0.00        68357       17 |
 0.00  0.00        62502       19 |
 0.00  0.00        55321       13 |
 0.00  0.00        18316        3 |
 0.00  0.00          745        1 |
 0.01  0.01       291967       47 |
 0.00  0.01       451723       17 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00         4763        1 |
 0.00  0.01       252831       13 |
 0.00  0.00        45409       11 |
 0.00  0.01       251977       15 |
 0.00  0.00         7076        1 |
 0.00  0.00        51036       14 |
 0.01  0.01       532534       80 |
 0.00  0.00        64672       12 |
 0.00  0.00         8516        2 |
 0.00  0.00        76418       24 |
 0.03  0.03      1263265      231 |
 0.02  0.02       928731      128 |
 0.00  0.01       300962       31 |
 0.00  0.00         8249        6 |
 0.02  0.02       997518      181 |
 0.00  0.00        71842        9 |
 0.00  0.00        80679       15 |
 0.00  0.00        36354       10 |
 0.01  0.02       876442       93 |
 0.00  0.00         8569        3 |
 0.00  0.00        42780       15 |
 0.00  0.00        24647        5 |
 0.00  0.00        34509        9 |
 0.00  0.00        21211        7 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00       125947       12 |
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | us.nd.state.swc
 0.00  0.00        71984       12 |
 0.00  0.00       171913       40 |
 0.00  0.00       134133       33 |
 0.01  0.01       337471       54 |
 0.00  0.00         6993        6 |
 0.00  0.00        89470        9 |
 0.02  0.01       529763      137 |
 0.00  0.00        62740       14 |
 0.00  0.00         1407        1 |
 0.00  0.00        13221        4 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | us.nj.k12.nvnet
 0.00  0.00        22674       15 |
 0.00  0.00        53389        9 | us.nm.k12.gmcs.ghs
 0.01  0.00       118463       54 | us.nv.carson-city
 0.01  0.02       851650       49 | us.nv.minden
 0.00  0.00        63180       18 | us.nv.reno
 0.00  0.00        48572       16 | us.ny.k12.sachem
 0.00  0.00       108564       16 | us.ny.lib.rochester
 0.00  0.00        40401       11 | us.ny.lib.suffolk
 0.00  0.00         6515        2 | us.ny.state.hin
 0.00  0.00        22164       11 |
 0.00  0.00       152251       33 | us.oh.columbus.freenet
 0.01  0.01       521213      103 | us.oh.lib.ascpl
 0.00  0.00         3490        1 | us.oh.lib.dayton
 0.00  0.00        94181       10 | us.oh.lib.tlc
 0.00  0.00       125470       25 | us.oh.lib.wpl
 0.01  0.00       153275       42 |
 0.00  0.00         7655        5 | us.ok.state.okladot
 0.02  0.02       826513      130 |
 0.00  0.00        37962        5 |
 0.01  0.01       338214       80 | us.or.k12.nclack
 0.00  0.00        60531        5 | us.or.lib.multnomah
 0.00  0.00        68807       19 |
 0.00  0.00       132665       35 |
 0.00  0.00        15476        3 |
 0.00  0.00         6973        3 |
 0.00  0.00        14888        1 |
 0.00  0.00          435        1 |
 0.00  0.00        44306        3 |
 0.01  0.01       266130       49 |
 0.00  0.00        25904        5 |
 0.00  0.00        40977        5 |
 0.00  0.00         3374        3 |
 0.00  0.00         8781        2 |
 0.00  0.00        13170        2 |
 0.00  0.00        20792        4 |
 0.01  0.04      1976850      101 |
 0.01  0.00       224316       64 |
 0.00  0.00       114728       38 |
 0.00  0.00         5365        2 |
 0.01  0.00       133392       45 |
 0.00  0.00        31958       14 | us.tx.dst.nctcog
 0.00  0.00        20538        1 | us.tx.k12.port-aransas
 0.00  0.00        21868        7 |
 0.00  0.00        78905       24 | us.tx.state.mhmr.cof
 0.00  0.00       135680       39 |
 0.01  0.00       143512       44 | us.tx.state.tpwd
 0.00  0.01       264501       15 | us.tx.state.tsl
 0.00  0.00       144834       35 | us.ut.k12.jordan.wjhs
 0.00  0.00       116040       36 | us.ut.k12.wash.pvhs
 0.01  0.00       155341       60 |
 0.01  0.01       336499       74 |
 0.00  0.00        17928        5 |
 0.00  0.00       141498       26 |
 0.00  0.00        14892        4 |
 0.00  0.00        24701       11 |
 0.00  0.00        15305        2 |
 0.00  0.00        29301        5 |
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 |
 0.00  0.00        18639        6 |
 0.00  0.00        49593        6 |
 0.00  0.00        32073        9 |
 0.00  0.00       101134       19 |
 0.00  0.00        27422        8 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 | us.vt.k12.cssd.cvu
 0.00  0.00         4596        4 | us.wa.k12.ssd
 0.00  0.00        24279        7 | us.wa.k12.vannet
 0.00  0.00        30761       11 | us.wa.lib.kitsap
 0.00  0.00       132854       23 | us.wa.lib.spl
 0.01  0.01       258181       45 | us.wa.lib.spokpl
 0.01  0.01       333302       41 | us.wa.lib.timberland
 0.00  0.00          181        1 | us.wi.k12.madison
 0.00  0.00       105234       28 | us.wi.tec.madison
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | us.wv.k12.c06.s501
 0.00  0.00          745        1 | us.wv.k12.c12.s307
 0.00  0.00        15872        2 | us.wv.k12.c39.s401
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 | us.wv.k12.c39.s506
 0.00  0.00        25945        4 | us.wv.k12.c41.s501
 0.00  0.00        18294        8 | us.wv.k12.c49.s502
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 | us.wv.k12.c89.s302
 0.00  0.00        12631        4 | us.wv.k12.c89.s501
 0.00  0.01       235772       32 | us.wy.park.wave
 0.00  0.00       152665       39 | us.wy.sheridan.wave
 0.00  0.00        64865       10 | us.wy.state
 0.00  0.00        18766        3 |
 0.00  0.00        34327        4 |
 0.00  0.00        14031       11 |
 0.00  0.00         5304        2 | wst.wst_hs_nw142
 0.00  0.00       129692        8 |
 0.01  0.00       133943       42 |
 0.01  0.01       361415      109 |
 0.00  0.00        38452       14 |
 0.00  0.00        47287       14 |
 0.01  0.00       131302       43 |
 0.00  0.00         5335        1 |
 0.00  0.00        35374        6 |
 0.00  0.00        47095       13 |
 0.00  0.00        29592        4 |
 0.00  0.00        27424        2 |
 0.00  0.00       182333       39 |
 0.00  0.00       107926       17 |
 0.02  0.02       794758      180 |
 0.01  0.01       320645       70 |
 0.00  0.01       249934       24 |
 0.00  0.00        27665       14 |
 0.00  0.00        80394        6 |
 0.00  0.00         1444        1 |
 0.00  0.00        74450       14 |
 0.01  0.00       203379       56 |
 0.03  0.04      1606334      254 |
 0.00  0.00        13130        4 |
 0.00  0.00        13737       12 |
 0.00  0.01       291564       19 |
 0.00  0.00        15305        2 |
 0.00  0.00        77641        9 |
 0.00  0.04      2002309       20 |
 0.00  0.01       495235       18 |
 0.00  0.00        42074       10 |
 0.00  0.00        58422       10 |
 0.01  0.02       748250      110 |
 0.00  0.00       148145       35 |
 0.00  0.00       112198        9 |
 0.00  0.00        27973       15 |
 0.03  0.03      1487873      221 |
 0.02  0.01       380956      131 |
 0.00  0.00       113731       17 |
 0.00  0.00         4556        2 |
 0.04  0.08      3661293      315 |
 0.00  0.00       169910       28 |
 0.00  0.00          496        1 |
 0.00  0.00        15305        2 |
 0.00  0.00        62443       18 | za.nis
 0.02  0.03      1571098      155 | za.pix
 0.00  0.01       264380       36 | za.pix.pta
 0.00  0.00       113258       34 | zm.zamnet

This summary was generated by wwwstat-1.0