Nemzet 1996.07.17

N     N  EEEEEEE  M     M  ZZZZZZZ  EEEEEEE  TTTTTTTNN    N  E        MM   MM       Z   E           TN N   N  E        M M M M      Z    E           TN  N  N  EEEE     M  M  M     Z     EEEE        TN   N N  E        M     M    Z      E           TN    NN  E        M     M   Z       E           TN     N  EEEEEEE  M     M  ZZZZZZZ  EEEEEEE     T--->> M A G Y A R   I N T E R N E T   V I L A G L A P <<---



Az USA Kongresszusrol egyenesben kozvetito C-SPAN televizioadas
mutatta, hogy a USA Kongresszus Alsohaza percekkel ezelott,
Washingtoni ido szerint szerdan kb. d.u. 5 orakor, 333:87 aranyban
megszavazta Romanianak a "Permanens MFN" (legnagyobb
vamkedvezmeny) statuszt, a H3161 szamu Crane-Lantos
torvenytervezetet. A kedvezmenyre a Demokratak elsopro tobbsege
szavazott (174:23 aranyban), mig a Republikanusoknal 63
ellenszavazo kepviselo akadt. Egy "fuggetlen" kepviselo szinten ellene
szavazott. A magyar kulugyi politika ujabb veresege ez, s minden
kuzdelme ellenere Liptak Bela is ugyanugy vesztett Tom Lantos ellen
mint ahogy egy kulon harcban Csurka is alulmaradt. Csak
osszefogassal lehet gyozni! [A torvenyt meg a Felsohaznak (Szenatus)
is jova kell hagyni, valamint Clintonnak alairni, de egyik valoszinubb
mint a masik].
A NATO kiboviteset celzo torveny a kongresszus elott

Az AMOSz hirszolgalata jelenti: Az amerikai kongresszus hazanak
kulugyi bizottsaga julius 10-en targyalta a NATO kibovitesenek
elosegiteset celzo (NATO Enlargement Facilitation Act of 1996)
torvenyt, amiek a szama H.R. 3564. A Kulugyi bizottsag a
torvenyjavaslatnak a haz ele valo terjeszteset tulnyomo tobbseggel

Az Amerkai Magyarok Orszagos Szovetsege (AMOSZ) a torvenyt
tamogatta, mert az elsosorban Magyarorszagak, Lengyelooszagnak es
a Cseh Koztarsasagnak a NATO-ba valo felvetelet akarja
megkonnyiteni. A torveny erdekebe az AMOSZ a Kozep- es Kelet-
Europai Koalicio tagjakent tobb megbeszelesen is resztvett ugy a
hazban, mint a szenatusban, mikor annak szoveget a bizottsag tagjai

Az AMOSZ elnoket, Pasztor LaszIot, ma deluta a Haz kulugyi
bizottsaganak fo tanacsadoja: Stephen G. Rademaker az AMOSZ
washingtoni irodajaban felhivta es kozolte, hogy a torvenyjavaslatot
a bizottsag lenyegeben ugy szavazta meg, mint ahogy azt az elozo
heti megbeszelesukon a Koalicio tagjaival ismertettek. Rademaker
arrol is tajekoztatta Pasztort, hogy a torveny targyalasat a Haz mar
julius 22-re ki is tuzte es ezert fontos, hogy ha a magyarok szeretek,
hogy a torvenyt megszavazzak, akkor most az ideje, hogy felhivjak
kepviseIoiket vagy irjanak nekik, hogy a torvenyjavaslatot
tamogassak es azt szavazzak meg.

A torvenyjavaslat a NATO-ba bekerulesuk elosegitesere az emlitett
harom orszag szamara osszesen hatvan millio dollart is eloiranyoz.

Miutan az ido rovid, fontos, hogy akik tehetik mielobb hivjak fel
kepviselojuk helyi vagy washingtoni irodajat, es/vagy kuldjenek
faxot a maguk vagy egyesuletuk neveben kepviseloikek es
kerjek oket, hogy az H.R. 3564 szamu NATO Enlargement Facilitation
Act of 1996-et szavazzak meg. Akinek pedig van lengyel vagy cseh
szarmazasu amerikai ismerose azok kerjek meg azokat is, hogy
cselekedjenek hasonloan.



Sajtokivonatok napi- es hetilapokbol [Szent Hirek, a Sorok Kozt
Olvaso szabad velemenyeivel tarkitva] UM: Uj M.o., MN: Magyar
Nemzet, NSZ: Nepszabadsag, MH: Magyar Hirlap, NSZV: Nepszava, EH:
Esti Hirlap, HVG: Heti Vilaggazdasag, VG:Vilaggazdasag, NG: Napi
Gazdasag. A magyar copyright egyszer mar megjelent napi- es
hetilap anyagot szabadon utankozolhetonek tart.

1. Kulfold

[Teljesen keszen vagyunk EU-tagsagra. Milyen kar, hogy szo sincs
felvetelunkrol 3902 elott. Angolul ezt ugy mondjak "all dressed and
nowhere to go"]

Jovo januar elsejetol teljes egeszeben EU-szabatos lesz a vallalati
szferara vonatkozo magyarorszagi versenyszabalyok rendszere.
Emellett varhatoan 1997. julius elsejetol az unios eloirasokkal
osszhangban tortenik a magyar exporttermekekre vonatkozo
szarmazasi szabalyok alkalmazasa. Megegyezes szuletett egy olyan
nem kormanyzati konzultativ testulet felallitasarol, amely
lehetoseget nyujt a magyar es az europai unios gazdasagi-tarsadalmi
erdekegyeztesei forumok egyuttmukodesenek intezmenyesitesere -
derult ki a tegnap Brusszelben veget ert EU-magyar tarsulasi tanacs
ulese utan. Az ulesen Hans van den Broek elismereset fejezte ki a
belso gazdasagi helyzet javitasa erdekeben tett magyar erofeszitesek
miatt. Kovacs Laszlo kulugyminiszter szerint tenyleges EU-tagsagunk
elhuzodhat 2002-ig (NSZ).

[A kitomott babuban jominosegu magno rejtozott]

A Moszkva melletti Barhiva szanatoriumaban pihego Borisz Jelcin
elnok tegnap - betegsege miatt egynapos kesessel - fogadta Al Gore
amerikai alelnokot. Gore ujsagiroknak elmondta: jo szinben, nagyon
jo fizikai allapotban talalta Jelcint. A Reuter ugyanakkor megjegyezte,
hogy az ujsagirokat megdobbentette: az orosz elnok sapadt volt,
mereven mozgott, bar erthetoen beszelt (MN).


Kozlik a lapok, hogy sikertelen merenyletet kisereltek meg Pavlo
Lazarenko ukran kormanyfo ellen (MH).

2. Gazdasag

[A TB elkepeszto hiannyal kuzd, am csokkentik a TB alapba valo

A Penzugyminiszterium januartol minimalisan 2,5 szazalekkal
csokkentene a munkaadokat terhelo tb-jarulekok merteket, am nem
kizart a 4,5 szazalekos jarulekmersekles sem. A kieso beveteleket
ellensulyozando jarulekkotelesse tennek a szerzoi honorariumokat, a
tiszteletdijakat es a tokejovedelmek egy reszet. A kormany holnapi
ulesen dont a tb-alapok jovo evi koltsegvetesi iranyelveirol, am a
jarulekok mertekerol meg nem hataroznak a miniszterek (MH).

[Ujabb trukkok a nemzet kizsigerelesere]

A Nepjoleti Miniszteriumban elkeszult az egeszsegugyi ado
bevezeteserol szolo javaslat. Az egeszsegugy kozfinanszirozasu
modelljere kidolgozott eloterjesztes szerint az egeszsegbiztositasi
onkormanyzat csak a penzbeli juttatasok folyositasaval foglalkozna.
Az elkepzeles szerint a gyogyito-megelozo ellatasok finanszirozasat
szolgalo adot az APEH szedne be, az allami egeszsegugyi penzalapot a
nepjoleti miniszter, vagy egy, az iranyitasa alatt levo szervezet
kezelne. Minden jovedelem jarulek- es adokoteles lenne, es
bevezetnek az altalanos lakossagi teritesi dijat (NSZ).

[Kulfoldrol kanyaritott sikerpropaganda]

Politikai stabilitast, javulo hitelkepesseget es ennek megfelelo
befektetesi kategoriat, eroteljes tokebearamlast es stabil alapokon
nyugvo gyorsulo novekedest josol Magyarorszagnak az Economist
Intelligence Unit (EIU). A tekintelyes [bar tokeletesen ismeretlen]
londoni kutatointezet [?] a legnagyobb bizonytalansagi tenyezonek az
allamhaztartasi reform megvalosulasat tartja. Az EIU szerint az iden
az eddig vartnal lassabban, jovore viszont dinamikusan gyarapodhat
a magyar brutto hazai termek, a GDP, es elerheti a 4 szazalekot (VG).
[Jaj, de hasonlit ez arra, amikor a londoni japan intezetbol tudositott
valami Schwartz, amugy Suranyi haverja]

[Legalabb 10%-os cukoraremeles]

A NSZ kozli: a jovo hettol a jelek szerint teljes koru es hozzavetoleg
10 szazalekos cukoraremelesre lehet szamitani. Jelenleg 93-110
forintba kerul egy kilo cukor. A negy erdekcsoport kezen levo 12
cukorgyarban maris harom, illetve nyujtott muszakban dolgoznak az
egykilos zacskot tolto gepek, hogy az oktobertol varhato ujabb
aremeles elott a lakossag gyarapithassa hazi keszleteit. A lap
informacioi szerint van elegendo cukor, a gyarak raktaraiban jelenleg
130 ezer tonna var vevore.

[Kleptokratakent ismert rendszer ne szamitson jo hirnevre]

Magyarorszagon a kulfoldi partnereknek (sincs) fogalmuk a helyi
viszonyokrol, nem ismerik a jogszabalyokat, elegedetlenek a magyar
szakkepzettseggel - allitjak azok a magyar menedzserek, akiket az
osztrak Czipin and Partner ceg kerdezett meg arrol, mikent latjak ok
a kulfoldi beruhazokat. A felmeresbol kiderul: bar a kulfoldi toke
mar 7-8 eve jelen van a gazdasagban, a kulfoldi es magyar
vallalatvezetok kozott meg mindig nem szunt meg a kezdeti
bizalmatlansag. A kerdezettek 72 szazaleka szerint a kulfoldi
menedzserek legnagyobb hibaja, hogy nem ismerik a magyar
viszonylatokat (NSZV).

[Budapesti tozsde fog legeloszor osszeomlani]

Vilagszerte nagy arfolyamveszteseget konyvelhettek el tegnap a
reszvenytulajdonosok, miutan hetfon a romlo profitkilatasok miatt a
New York-i Dow Jones ipari index kozel harom szazalekkal zuhant. A
Wall Street-i fejlemenyek hatasara a dollar arfolyama 1,48 marka ala
esett, ami tobb mint 4 pfenninges gyengules. A kisebbfajta
panikhangulat a Budapesti Ertektozsden is ereztette hatasat: a BUX-
index harom szazalekkal alacsonyabb szinten zart (VG).

3. Belfold

[Altalanos sztrajk szeptemberben]

Szeptemberben altalanos kozigazgatasi sztrajk is lehetseges,
amennyiben a koztisztviselok es a kozalkalmazottak szeptember 15-
ig nem kapjak meg a kormany altal 1996-ra igert 19,5 szazalekos
beremelest, valamint juliustol a kozponti allamigazgatas teruleti
szerveinel dolgozo felsofoku vegzettseguek illetmenykiegeszitesenek
tizszazalekos emeleset - jelentette ki tegnap Pataki Imrene, a
Foldhivatalok Orszagos Szakmai Tanacsanak alelnoke a Magyar
Koztisztviselok es Kozalkalmazottak Szakszervezetenek erdekvedelmi
foruman. Megjegyezte: a tapasztalatok azt mutatjak, hogy mar nincs
ertelme a tovabbi targyalasoknak, megallapodasokat kotni nem
erdemes. Felhivta a figyelmet, hogy az orszagos meretu sztrajk a
taxisblokaddal fog folerni. Mint ismeretes, majus 30-an a
koztisztviseloi forumon a PM kepviseloje bejelentette, julius 1-jevel a
felsosoku vegzettsegu koztisztviselok illetmenykiegeszitesenek tiz
szazalekpontos emelesere nincs lehetoseg, mert a kozigazgatasi
reform vegrehajtasa a kormany eredeti elkepzelesetol elteroen
alakul. Feher Jozsef, az MKKSZ fotitkara kozolte: egyertelmu
kormanyzati allaspontot nem ismernek, elfogadhatatlan, hogy a
legtobb esetben uzenetek utjan vagy a sajtobol ertesulnek a kormany
tervezett lepeseirol. A letszamleepites nem lehet celja a kozigazgatasi
rendszer korszerusitesenek, legfeljebb annak kovetkezmenye lehet.
Elfogadhatatlan, meltanytalan es mar-mar megalazo, hogy a juliusra
igert emelest csak szeptembertol tervezik megadni - jelentette ki
Feher Jozsef, s feltette a kerdest: megeri-e a kormanynak a
bizalomvesztes az illetmenykiegeszites emelesenek elhalasztasabol
szarmazo 90-100 millio forintos megtakaritas elleneben? A forum
resztvevoi a miniszterelnokhoz intezett peticioban fogalmaztak meg
koveteleseiket. A tanacskozason Aradi Zsolt, a PM foosztalyvezetoje
kozolte: a statisztikai adatok ismereteben augusztusban
megvizsgaljak a kozszferaben dolgozok beremelesenek lehetosegeit
(MN, NSZ).

[Egyetemi sztrajk szeptemberben]

Ha a koltsegvetesi iranyelvek jelenleg ismert valtozata valosulna
meg, az egyetemekrol es foiskolakrol jovore 4500 kutatot es oktatot
segito dolgozot kellene elbocsatani - allitja a Felsooktatasi Dolgozok
Szakszrvezete. Ha az iranyelvek modositasarol nem sikerul
megegyezni az illetekes tarcakkal, akkor az FDSZ - a Hallgatoi
Onkormanyzatok Orszagos Szovetsegevel kozosen - a
demonstracioktol vagy a tanevkezdes kesleltetesetol sem riadna

[A tandij 2 000 Ft-tal indult - maris 10 000 Ft-rol van szo]

Az FDSZ ugy ertesult, hogy a PM jovore 17 milliard forintot szan a
kozszferaban dolgozok beremelesere. Kis Papp Laszlo elnok elmondta:
ha ezt elosztjak a kozel 700 ezer kozalkalmazott kozott, akkor
senkinek sem jut 6 szazalekosnal nagyobb beremeles. Ahhoz
azonban, hogy a jovore tervezett 17 szazalekos inflaciot kovessek a
fizetesek, meg legalabb 4500 felsooktatasi dolgozotol kellene
megvalni, ezt pedig a szakszervezet nem tudja elfogadni. Skultety
Tamas, a HOKOSZ elnoke ertesuleseire hivatkozva azt allitotta, hogy
tizezer forintban maximalna a tandij havi osszeget a muvelodesi
miniszterium. A diakszervezet elfogadhatatlannak tartja a kiegeszito
tandij ujraelesztesenek otletet. Magyar Balint miniszter kozolte:
ellenzi a felsooktatasi elbocsatasokat. A tarca olyan tandijrendszert
kivan bevezetni, ahol a jo tanulok nem fizetnek (NSZV, MN).

[A magyar kozoktatas harmadik vilagba zullese]

Az MDF szerint teljesen abszurd, hogy a kormany a joleti kiadasok
koze sorolja az oktatas koltsegeit. Hazank ez ev tavaszatol az OECD
tagjava valt, de a kulonbsegek oriasiak: a felsooktatasban tanulokra
1994-ben nalunk fejenkent 40 dollart forditottak, mig az OECD
tagorszagok atlaga ennek hatszorosa, s a legfejlettebb ipari
orszagokban tizszerese - allapitotta meg Zavodszky Geza, az MDF
felsooktatasi kollegiumanak vezetoje a tegnapi tajekoztaton. A
felsooktatasi torvennyel kapcsolatban kijelentette: a mostani
torvenymodositassal olyan rendszert akar atvenni a koalicio, amely a
leggazdagabb es legfejlettebb nyugati orszagokban mar megbukott.
Zavodszky szerint a jovo generacioja igy nem juthat piackepes,
nemzetkozi ertekallo diplomahoz es oklevelhez. Vegezetul
diszkriminativnak es az emberi jogok megsertesenek minositette,
hogy az egyhazi iskolak csak abban az esetben jutnak allami
tamogatashoz, ha az allam szerzodest kot veluk (MN).

[A bekepapok Antall bukasakor ezt mondtak "Horn Gyulatol tobbet
varunk". Erdemes volna megkerdezni, hogy MOST mit mondanak!]

Szeptemberben mukodeskeptelenne valhatnak az egyhazi oktatasi
intezmenyek, mert nem kaptak meg kiegeszito allami tamogatasukat
- hangzott el a tortenelmi (katolikus, evangelikus, reformatus es
izraelita) egyhazak vezetoi es Medgyessy Peter penzugyminiszter
hetfoi talalkozojan, melyre az 1997-es koltsegvetesi iranyelvek
apropojan kerult sor. Gyulai Endre Szeged-csanadi megyes puspok
emlekeztetett ra, hogy 1995-ben 1,1 milliard forinttal, iden pedig 1,4
milliarddal maradt adosuk a tarca, s ha a muvelodesi miniszterium
nem teljesiti szerzodesben vallalt kotelezettsegeiket, be kell zarniuk
iskolaikat. Medgyessy Peter a muvelodesi miniszteriumhoz
iranyitotta a puspokot, allitolag felreertesek tortentek a kiutalaskor.
Gellert Kis Gabor az Orszaggyules emberi jogi, kisebbsegi es
vallasugyi bizottsaganak elnoke elmondta: bar keszul az egyhazak
finanszirozasarol szolo torvenytervezet, amelynek elfogadasat
szeptemberre igeri, ez nem nyujt azonnali tamogatast a negy eve
valtozatlan koltsegvetessel mukodo intezmenyeknek (NSZV).

[Embertelen korulmenyek kozott a betegek]

A MH osszeallitasabol kiderul, hogy a korhazak nem kenyszerulnek
az igen draga szivmutetek elhalasztasara finanszirozasi problemak
miatt sem videken, sem a fovarosban. Az intezmenyek azonban
rafizetnek az eletmento beavatkozasokra. A MN Bordas Istvan, a
nepjoleti tarca miniszteri biztosa elmondta: nincs ok a felelemre, az
eletmento muteteket tovabbra is elvegzik a korhazakban a nehez
anyagi helyzet ellenere is. Hianyzik a pszichiatriai fekvobeteg-
intezetekben es otthonokban apolt betegek emberi es allampolgari
jogainak ervenyesulese folott orkodo tarsadalmi es szakmai kontroll
- allapitotta meg az a vizsgalat, amelyet az allampolgari jogok
orszaggyulesi biztosa vegzett el szakertok segitsegevel. Az ot
magyarorszagi intezmenyre kiterjedo vizsgalat tapasztalata szerint az
intezetekben embertelen korulmenyek uralkodnak, serulnek a
betegek jogai, s a bekerulok tobbsege - a szocialis halo hianya, a
gondnoksaggal valo visszaeles miatt - soha tobbe nem hagyhatja el a
gondozointezetet. Gonczol Katalin, az allampolgari jogok orszaggyulesi
biztosa hangsulyozta: egetoen fontos, hogy mihamarabb atalakitsak a
jelenleg visszassagokkal mukodo gondnoki rendszert, mert az
onkormanyzati hataskorben dolgozo es kirendelt gondnokok nem
tudjak ellatni megfeleloen a feladataikat. Jelenleg mintegy 100-150
betegre jut egy hivatasos gondnok. A gyakorlat az onkentessegen
alapulo ellatas hatarozatlan idotartamat vegleges idoszakkent
ertelmezi. Jelenleg hazankban 90 kulonfele pszichiatriai intezmeny
mukodik, megkozelitoleg tizezer gondozottal falaik mogott. Gonczol
szerint a betegek jogait kulon torvenyben kellene szabalyozni. Veer
Andras, az Orszagos Pszichiatriai es Neurologiai Intezet foigazgatoja
egyetert ezzel, de szerinte kulon elmetorvenyre is szukseg van (NSZ,

[Dul a Kisgazdak szetveresere iranyulo legujabb kiserlet]

A NSZV ertesulesei szerint rendkivuli elnoksegi ulest tart penteken
az FKGP. A lap ugy tudja, hogy a szabadsagon levo Torgyan Jozsef
partelnok azert kenyszerult az elnokseg soron kivuli osszehivasara,
mert a part vezeteseben tobben puccstol tartanak. G. Nagyne Maczo
Agnes alelnok megerositve ezt az ertesulest, elmondta: az MDF-bol
elszarmazott elnoki tanacsadok Torgyan Jozsef kotenye moge bujva
megkezdtek elorenyomulasukat es magat az elnokot is megbuktatva,
hatalomatvetelre keszulnek. Az FKGP vezeto testuleteinek helyzete
azonban valtozatlanul szilard, a szabadsag idejen is az elnok mogottt
allnak, es nem hagyjak, hogy a kivulrol erkezett tanacsadok MDF-
mintara az FKGP-ben is puccsot hajtsanak vegre. Az UM-ban Torgyan
Jozsef hatarozottan cafolja, hogy puccs keszulne ellene, s mint
kifejtette: "... a szakertelem es tudas nem feltetlenul jar egyutt a
valasztott tisztseggel. Nem biztos, hogy a part elnoke a legokosabb
ember a partban, ezert alkalmazunk szakertoket. Miert jelent ez
hatalomatvetelt? Az FKGP nem MSZMP, nalunk megfogalmazhatoak
az ellenvelemenyek, igy alakul ki a partprogram".

[KoKoMa probalja elkenni a koalicios valsagot, nem sok sikerrel]

A MH-ban nyilatkozo Kosane Kovacs Magda, az MSZP ugyvezeto
alelnoke elmondta: az MSZP es az SZDSZ konfliktusa az uj alkotmany
es a hazszabaly ugyeben nem jelent koalicios valsagot. Ha elhuzodik
az alaptorveny megalkotasa, akkor egyertelmu, hogy nem lehet
fenntartani a moratoriumot. Kosane torvenyszerunek tartja, hogy a
valasztasok kozeledtevel a koalicios partok viszonyat egyre inkabb a
rivalizalas jellemzi. A szocialista politikus nem lat eselyt arra, hogy az
MSZP es az SZDSZ valasztasi szovetseget kosson.

[Kleptokraciaban "siker" az, ha valaki tobbet lop]

Az UM Giczy Gyorggyel keszitett interjut, aki szerint ma az erkolcsos
ember helyebe a sikeres lepett. "Tarsadalmi korulmenyeink kozott a
siker legtobbszor csak masok karara lehet elerni. Le kell gyozni a
masikat, hogy elonyosebb helyzetbe keruljunk. Korunkra is jellemzo
Immanuel Kant mondasa: kozmegbecsulesnek orvendenek azok a
tolvajok, akik eleget tudnak lopni. Kivaltkepp ervenyes ez a
"rendszervaltoztato" Magyarorszagra".

[A zsido szarmazasu Monus Aron a szabadkomuvesseg ellen]

A MN Monus Aronnal, az Osszeeskuves: a Nietzschei Birodalom cimu
konyv szerzojevel keszitett interjut, aki szerint szabadkomuves
osszeeskuves iranyitja a vilagot. Leszogezte: "A kommunizmus a
szabadkomuvesseg muve. A nagy bolsevikok, koztuk sok zsido, szinte
mind szabadkomuvesek voltak, Lenin is". Monus azt allitja, hogy
zsido bankarok penzeltek Hitlert, s szerinte a szabadkomuvesek
ugyanazt a kimentesi trukkot csinaltak a nurnbergi perben Hjalmar
Schattal, Hitler egykori vezeto penzemberevel, amit "egy masik
szabadkomuves ugynokukkel, Horn Gyulaval". Monus leszogezte: a
Vatikan teljesen "be van halozva a szabadkomuvesek altal", s ha o
valakirol azt allitja, hogy szabadkomuves, akkor arra bizonyiteka
van. Szerinte szabadkomuves volt Antall Jozsef is, a mostani
politikusaink kozul pedig Horn Gyula, Orban Viktor, Peto Ivan, Szabo
Ivan es Goncz Arpad is az. Torgyan Jozsefrol nincs bizonyiteka, de az
biztos, hogy "o a zsido bolsevikok ellen soha nem emelt szot, de a
szabadkomuvesek ellen sem". [Na, akkor hogy is van ez? A zsido
Monus Aron tamadja legelesebben a zsido (es nem egeszen az)
szabadkomuveseket? Van ebben barmi racio? Van bizony. A
vilaguralmi ideologiak a gyenge helyzetben levo szemelyeket (es
nemzeteket) FELHASZNALJAK. Igy sok-sok zsido (es mas
veszelyeztetett, gyenge, identitasaban megroggyant) allt be mind a
szabadkomuves, mind a kommunista (internacionalista vilaguralmi)
ideologiak szolgajanak, azoktol remelve (es IDEIGLENESEN meg is
kapva!) a ho"n ahitott EROT. (Penzt, paripat, fegyvert, Peter Gabor
AVO-jat, Trockij-Berija KGB-jet, Schat Hitler-jet). Csakhogy, -mint
legjobban a Holocaust mutatja- hajszalpontosan azokkal bant el
legkegyetlenebbul a kiszolgaloin athompolygo "internacionalizmus",
akik annak uralomrajutasaban legszolgaibb modon segedkeztek.
Monus Aron ugy tunik azok kozott van, akik ezt MAR felismertek...]

[Panem et circenses. Ha mar a kenyer 3,60 helyett 103,60 beszeljunk
megint a Nemzeti Szinhazrol. Mar csak ezert sem fog felepulni amig
ez a csocselek uralmon van - akkor nem lehetne tovabb hulyiteni a
nepet vele]

Az V. keruleti onkormanyzat kepviselotestulete kedden elfogadta a
Nemzeti Szinhaz felepitesenek programjat. Elhangzott: a helyet
kijelolo vitak utan immar valodi kozpark valhat az Erzsebet terbol,
amelynek csak kis reszet foglalja majd el a szinhaz. Magyar Balint
kultuszminiszter szerint az 1998-ban kezdodo epitkezes ket ev alatt
befejezodik (NSZ). [Hol lesz mar Magyar Balint 1998-ban? Sajnos nem
bortonben, hanem egy nepes varosban, melynek neve NEM

[MTV elnokseg]

Otre szukitette a lehetsege teveelnok-jeloltek szamat tegnap az MTV
kuratoriumi elnoksege. A megismetelt palyazaton indult husz
jelentkezo kozul a testulet Gombar Janos, Kapuvari Gabor, Koltay
Gabor, Kurucz Pal es Petak Istvan palyamunkajat, illetve szemelyet
tartja erdemesnek a vegso megmeretesre. A MH informacioi szerint
valoszinuleg a jovo heti szavazason sem sikerul a jelolt szemelyeben
megallapodni. A MN-ben Koltay Gabor cafolja, hogy az SZDSZ is ra
szavazna, ha elnokhelyettesnek az MTV jelenlegi megbizott alelnoket,
Szekely Ferencet venne maga melle. Ismeretes, hogy Koltay az elso
forduloban a szukseges hat szavazatbol otot megszerzett.



A Stolmar G. Ilona kuratoriuma alatt allo "Trianon Adattarban" az
utobbi napokban, a "Trianon Tarsasag" megalakulasa alkalmabol tett
Nemzet-felhivas segitsegevel, jelentos fejlesztes tortent. A "Trianon
Adattar" megtekintheto az alabbi cimen:

Kerjuk olvasoinkat, hogy a "Trianon Adattar"-ba alkalmas anyagokat
juttassak el a

e-mail cimre, ahonnan azok felkerulnek a Trianoni adattar
ottlapjaira. Arrol is kerunk jelzeseket, hogy milyen URL-ek alatt
talalhatok maris www-anyagok, hogy azokhoz a megfelelo
kapcsolatokat a Trianoni Adattarba beepithessuk!



From: (I&G Jalsovszky)

Tisztelt Szerkesztoseg!

Az okori olimpiak szep hagyomanya volt, hogy a jatekok idejere az
egymassal haboruzo felek felfuggesztettek harci cselekmenyeiket.
Szeretnem javasolni a Nemzet szerkesztosegenek: a'ssa el a
csataba'rdot ket hetre, es osszpontositson az olimpia esemenyeire.
Minthogy a legfontosabb esemenyek magyar ido szerint ejjel
tortennek, arra kerem az Atlanti Ocean tuloldalan elo magyar
kozosseg tagjait, akik ebbol a szempontbol kedvezobb helyzetben
lesznek, hogy tajekoztassak az O'haza Nemzet-olvasoit a legfrissebb
eredmenyekrol, elsosorban HONFITARSAINK szerepleserol.

[A Nemzet termeszetesen tudositani fog az Olimpiarol, bar Bardos
Gyorgy es Jasovszky Gyorgy alabbi osszeallitasa szerint az Internet
Olimpiai cimein boven lesz informacio. Onkentes jelentkezo(ke)t
kerunk, akik (akar nevvel, akar anelkul) vallalkoznak olyan Olimpiai
tudositasra, amely a Nemzet erdekeit legjobban szolgalja]

A hivatalos olimpiai oldal

A Nemzetkozi Olimpiai Bizottsag Home-Page:

Atlanta Games - egy kotetlenebb forma

PointCast online szolgaltatasa percre pontos eredmenyeket iger.

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Egy kicsit omlesztve: - CNN - NBC - USA Today - Sports Illustrated
Online - Yahoo - MSNBC - ESPN SportZone - SportsLine


Dow Jones Business News -- July 17, 1996

Hungary's Stocks Down Sharply; Oil Share MOL Loses 10.9%

AP-Dow Jones News Service

BUDAPEST -- Shares took a nosedive on the Budapest Stock
Exchange Tuesday as investors hurried to unload Hungarian
stocks after markets fell back in Japan Tuesday and on Wall
Street Monday.

The BUX index, which measures performance of the top 23
shares by market capitalization, closed at 3077.79, 105.95
points lower from 3183.74 Monday. That's a drop of 3.3%.

'It was an ugly fall,' said one trader, describing Tuesday's

Total volume was 1.435 billion forints worth of shares
traded, up sharply from Monday's 414 million forints worth
of shares traded.

'There's no good reason for the Budapest market itself to
fall,' said Kalman Schuszter, share broker at New York
broker in Budapest. 'It's just doing so because of what's
happening on other markets. Hungarian stocks can't move
against the rest of the world.'

Among major shares, oil and gas giant MOL Rt. closed at
1,470 forints, down 180 forints, or 10.9%, from Monday's
1,650 forints.

Chemicals share BorsodChem Rt. fell to 2,490 forints from
Monday's 2,605, a drop of 115 forints, on volume of 41,500
shares. OTP Bank was down 120 forints to 2,105 from Monday's
2,225 forints on volume of 52,900 shares.

Pharmaceutical stocks also declined. Richter Gedeon Rt.
shares fell 505 forints to close at 6,200 forints from
Monday's 6,705 on 53,700 shares traded, while Egis Rt.
shares closed at 8,600 forints, down 300 from Monday's 8,900
forints on volume of 12,700 shares.

'Everybody's waiting for Wednesday,' Schuszter said. 'It
depends on what happens on Wall Street. People will be
looking for deals in the Budapest market Wednesday, but if
other markets fall again, then we will too.'

But the longer-term outlook for Hungarian equities remains
positive, according to Adam Santa, share broker at Daiwa-MKB
Securities in Budapest.

'The market should stabilize by the end of week, and buyers
will appear,' Santa said. 'The first-half 1996 results from
the companies are expected to be good, and foreign investors
still have confidence in Hungarian stocks.'

The National Bank of Hungary fixed the forint at 153.44 per
dollar Tuesday, compared to 154.14 Monday. Three-month
interbank rates are indicated at 23.50% to 24.50.%.

BUDAPEST (AP-Dow Jones)--Shares continued to plummet on the
Budapest Stock Exchange Wednesday, bringing the current
market correction into its seventh consecutive session.

The BUX index, which measures the performance of the top 23
shares by market capitalization, closed at 3015.28, down
62.51 points from 3077.79 on Tuesday.

Total volume was 1.222 billion forints worth of shares,
lower somewhat from 1.425 billion forints worth of shares

Wednesday's losses followed a 105-point plunge Tuesday,
which traders attributed in part to the equities market
crash on Wall Street Monday. The BUX index has fallen 168.41
points, or 5%, in the last two sessions.

Traders also cited the dollar's weakness against other
European currencies.

'Foreign investors are selling,' said Robert Agoston, a
share broker at Daewoo Hungary in Budapest. 'The key
question now is, is it a correction or is the market's trend

Agoston said a strengthening forint will likely boost share

The most active stock was chemicals share BorsodChem Rt.,
which fell 125 forints to close at 2,365 forints from 2,490
on 81,790 shares traded.

Among other major shares, banking share OTP lost 55 forints
to close at 2,050 forints from 2,105 forints on 61,485
shares traded.

Pharmaceutical share Egis Rt. lost 700 forints to end at
7,900 forints from 8,600 forints on 4,290 shares traded.

Pharmaceutical share Richter Gedeon Rt, slipped 25 forints
to close at 6,175 forints from 6,200 forints on 30,310
shares traded.

But oil and gas giant MOL Rt. gained 65 forints to close at
1,535 forint from 1,470 on 87,215 shares traded.

The National Bank of Hungary fixed the forint at 152.33 per
dollar, compared to 153.44.


Dow Jones Business News -- July 15, 1996

Romania Foreign Minister To Plead For NATO Entry
AP-Dow Jones News Service

BUCHAREST, Romania -- With his mind set on convincing U.S
politicians that Romania should be a prime candidate for NATO entry,
Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu left Monday for a one-week visit
to the United States.

'I hope that my visit to the United States will be a very good
occasion for us to show ... the interest we believe not only that NATO
presents for Romania, but also that Romania presents for NATO,'
Melescanu told the state news agency Rompres.

Melescanu was invited to Washington by Secretary of State Warren
Christopher and will meet various congressmen during his visit.

NATO is to decide in January which of the former Soviet-led
Warsaw Pact countries should join the alliance. Romania is concerned
that its exclusion will create frictions with its western neighbor
Hungary, which some say stands a better chance for entry.

Romania was the first country to sign up for the Partnership for
Peace program in 1994. The move was seen as a step toward NATO

Romanian officials argue that the country is a factor of stability in
the region. Romania is located in the Balkans and has Ukraine as its
northern neighbor.

In the past two years, Romania has held several joint military
exercises with NATO troops, but there are lingering doubts about the
country's economic and political stability, which are more shaky than

During his visit, Melescanu also is keen to get the country's most
favored nation status, which grants certain trade tariff exemptions,
made permanent. Currently, most favored nation status is renewed



ROMANIAN FOREIGN MINISTER IN U.S. Teodor Melescanu met with
U.S. Defense Minister William Perry in Washington on 16 July to
discuss Romania's application for NATO membership, Radio Bucharest
reported on 16-17 July. Melescanu described the talks as "positive."
Chief of Staff Gen. Dumitru Cioflina is also in the U.S. to seek support
for Romania's admission to the alliance. Melescanu, who is on a five-
day official visit to the U.S., also met with U.S. Congress members to
discuss granting Romania permanent most-favored-nation status in
trade with the U.S. A vote in Congress on this issue was postponed
for 17 July after debates in which some congressmen expressed
harsh criticism of President Ion Iliescu and the Romanian
government. -- Michael Shafir

"AUTONOMY" DEBATE. Laszlo Kovacs, meeting with EU Commissioner
Hans van den Broek in Brussels on 16 July, reiterated that the recent
declaration supporting autonomy for Magyar minorities abroad (see
OMRI Daily Digest, 9 July 1996) is in line with existing European
norms, Hungarian media reported. Van den Broek was quoted as
saying that while he is not familiar with the details of the document,
he is convinced that the Hungarian government is pursuing a policy
in full harmony with European legislation and practices. Kovacs told a
Brussels press conference that Hungary is working on a detailed
answer to sharp criticism from the Slovak and Romanian Foreign
Ministries. -- Zsofia Szilagyi

CUTS IN EDUCATION. Student and university employee unions on 16
July threatened to stage demonstrations and delay the start of the
next academic year if the government does not withdraw its plans to
dismiss 4,500 teachers, researchers, and other employees at
institutes of higher education in 1997, Hungarian dailies reported.
Union leaders condemned the government's failure to allocate the
necessary funds for the education sector as well as its plans to
dismiss personnel as a money-saving measure. Officials also pointed
out that while only $40 was spent on one college student in Hungary,
the average in OECD countries is six times higher. In other news,
unions representing public service employees on 16 July raised the
possibility of a general strike in September unless the government
makes good on its pledge to retroactively raise wages by 10% as of 1
July. -- Zsofia Szilagyi

POLISH PUBLIC OPINION ON NATO. Poles want to join NATO but do
not want to pay for it, according to a poll conducted by the Public
Opinion Research Center (CBOS) earlier this month. Of the
respondents, 83% are in favor of Poland joining NATO and concede
that membership would mean large expenditures. Only 23%,
however, want to reduce other budget expenditures to meet the cost
of membership, Gazeta Wyborcza reported on 16 July. The daily also
reported that according to data published by the U.S. Information
Agency, 9% of Hungarians, 8% of Czechs, and 7% of Slovaks approve
of using public funds to bring their armies up to NATO standards. --
Jakub Karpinski

East European Committee of Socialist International is holding its first-
ever meeting in Bratislava, Slovak media reported. More than 70
delegates and guests gathered in the Slovak capital on 15 July for the
two-day session. Meeting with Slovak President Michal Kovac,
Socialist International Secretary-General Luis Ayala said his
organization aims to help strengthen democracy in Slovakia and to
work toward the country's full integration into European structures.
With regard to the political situation in Slovakia, Social Democratic
Party chairman Jaroslav Volf noted that sharing of power among the
coalition parties and participation in property distribution were the
main reasons for the recent coalition crisis. Volf criticized the
opposition's continued exclusion from key oversight committees. --
Sharon Fisher

in eastern Slovakia on 14 July, Vladimir Meciar was accused of not
helping the ailing armaments factory ZTS Dubnica by refusing GM's
offer to buy it. Meciar responded by saying that his government
offered to sell the firm to GM for 1 crown, to build villas with
swimming pools for the managers in the nearby spa town of
Trencianske Teplice, and to send a helicopter to Vienna weekly to
buy goods for the managers' wives. "They did not accept it," Meciar
said, alleging that GM's offer was not "serious." GM responded the
next day by saying it "would not have negotiated with the Slovak
government for more than 10 months if it did not seriously want to
carry out the project." -- Sharon Fisher

chief prosecutor has decided to suspend the jail sentences of two
journalists convicted last week for libel pending a re-examination of
their case, Radio Bucharest reported on 15 July. The journalists, who
work for the Constanta daily Telegraf, had reported on corruption in
the city's municipal council (see OMRI Daily Digest, 12 July 1996).
The suspension follows protests by Romanian and international
human rights organizations. According to Telegraf, police have been
ordered not to carry out the sentence until 30 August. -- Michael

IRON GUARD REVIVAL IN ROMANIA. The Legionary Movement--also
known as the Iron Guard--has launched a month-long "summer
camp" at the Black Sea resort of Eforie-Sud, the Bucharest daily
Libertatea reported on 16 July The camp is modeled on those
organized by the inter-war fascist movement and claims to be
educational, including the study of the Legionary Movement
doctrines. Last year, a similar camp organized at Padina, in the
Carpathian mountains, was strongly criticized by the Romanian
Intelligence Service (SRI) as undermining state security. Journalists
and SRI representatives have been invited to the 1996 camp in order
to see that its activities are not subversive. -- Michael Shafir

an interview with a Western news agency on 15 July, warned that
political and economic chaos might lead to social unrest, Standart
reported. He repeated his call for the president's powers to be
increased at the expense of the parliament. Otherwise, he said,
"people will not want a presidential republic but a dictatorship
because they are used to it." He said he was "not too enthusiastic"
about the upcoming presidential elections, since neither Socialist
candidate Foreign Minister Georgi Pirinski nor opposition candidate
Petar Stoyanov "have anything reasonable to offer." He said
Stoyanov's victory over him in the primaries was the result of
"massive manipulation" but did not give further details. -- Stefan

was unhurt but shaken after a bomb explosion damaged his car on
the way to Kyiv's Boryspil airport, Ukrainian and Western agencies
reported on 16 July. The apparent assassination attempt took place
as the prime minister's motorcade was overtaking a bus. Both the
trunk of his car and another vehicle in his entourage were damaged.
Lazarenko was examined at the scene and then transported in
another car to the airport, where he boarded his scheduled flight to
Donetsk. Authorities said the blast was triggered by a remote-
controlled bomb detonated from a nearby car. Later in Donetsk,
Lazarenko met with Deputy Prime Minister Vasyl Durdynets, who
suggested the attempt on the premier's life was related to his efforts
to clean up the country's ailing coal industry. Lazarenko has exposed
widespread abuses of government funds by coal pit managers and
Donetsk officials. -- Chrystyna Lapychak

Hans van den Broek, meeting with Polish Foreign Minister Dariusz
Rosati in Brussels on 16 July, complained about Polish protectionism,
international media reported. The EU is dissatisfied with the slow
pace at which Poland is dismantling trade barriers. The EU criticized
measures to protect the oil sector and restrict the import of
commercial vehicles. It also objected to import surcharges and long
lines at border crossings. Van den Broek said the EU is concerned
about a deal between Poland and Korean car manufacturer Daewoo
whereby the latter bring into Poland some 110,000 disassembled
cars duty-free for two years. Rosati blamed the EU for the
difficulties, saying its refusal to name a date for Polish admission into
the union had forced Poland to protect itself. -- Jakub Karpinski

European Socialists on 16 July called for the arrest, prosecution, and
punishment on war crimes charges of Bosnian Serb leader Radovan
Karadzic and military chief Gen. Ratko Mladic, Slovak media and
Reuters reported. The resolution said neither should play any role in
the upcoming Bosnian elections. Meeting with Slovak Prime Minister
Vladimir Meciar, Socialist International representatives expressed
support for Slovak membership in the EU and criticized those who
call for Slovakia's isolation. The opposition Slovak Social Democratic
Party is member of the Socialist International, and the Party of the
Democratic Left is expected to be admitted in September. -- Sharon

National Bank of Slovakia on 15 July approved new monetary
policies aimed at maintaining internal and external stability and
supporting healthy economic growth, Praca reported two days later.
The first half of the year witnessed continued favorable inflation and
a high GDP growth rate but also saw an increasing trade deficit,
increased lending, and fast growth of money supply. As of 17 July,
the Slovak crown is floated in a band widened from plus/minus 3%
to plus/minus 5%, while the NBS's Lombard rate has been raised
from 13% to 15%. From 1 August, minimum required reserves at
commercial banks must increase to 9% of primary deposits, while
those banks' minimum reserves at the NBS must reach 1.5%. --
Sharon Fisher

ambassador to Bucharest Oleksander Cheli told a seminar on mass
media at the Black Sea resort of Eforie Nord that Ukraine will agree
to denouncing the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact in a Ukrainian-Romanian
basic treaty if Romania agrees to denounce the pact between its
wartime leader, Marshal Ion Antonescu, and Adolf Hitler, Romanian
media reported on16 July. Cheli noted that the latter pact had caused
widespread suffering to the Ukrainian population after Hitler and
Antonescu invaded their country in 1941. -- Michael Shafir

Party of Romania (PDAR) and the extra-parliamentary Romanian
Humanist Party have formed an electoral alliance, called the National
Centrist Union, Romanian agencies reported on 16 July. The two
parties said the Romanian Ecologist Movement (MER) may also join
the alliance, but a decision has been postponed owing to the MER's
"internal problems." It is unclear what will now happen to the
National Unity Bloc, which includes the PDAR, MER, and the Party of
Romanian National Unity. -- Michael Shafir

Litskai, foreign minister of the breakaway Dniester region, has said
all troops in the region must be withdrawn or disbanded after the
conclusion of the peace memorandum scheduled for signing next
month in Moscow, Reuters reported on 16 July. Litskai added that all
Moldova should be demilitarized and that neither Chisinau nor
Tiraspol should have armies. He said Tiraspol would agree only to
troops carrying light arms, and he demanded international
guarantees "similar to those Ukraine received in order to rid itself of
Ukrainian weapons." -- Michael Shafir

Gennadii Seleznev expressed dissatisfaction with the appointment of
Anatolii Chubais as presidential chief of staff, saying Chubais would
interfere in the government's work, Russian Public TV (ORT)
reported on 16 July. Chubais is widely disliked for his privatization
program but has said that he will not handle economic issues in his
new post. Seleznev also complained that mayors of Russian cities--
many of whom supported Communist candidate Gennadii Zyuganov
in the presidential election--would have difficulty working with
Chubais, ITAR-TASS reported. Chubais is expected to purge many of
them before regional elections this fall. In most cases, mayors were
appointed to their posts and will face elections for the first time.
Seleznev said that Chubais' appointment would not prevent the Duma
from confirming Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin. -- Robert

-WHILE DEMOCRATS PRAISE HIM. Sergei Belyaev, leader of the Our
Home Is Russia Duma faction, praised Chubais as someone capable of
implementing the president's decrees, ITAR-TASS reported on 17
July. This view is widely held in the pro-Yeltsin Russian press. Irina
Khakamada, a member of the Russian Regions faction, claimed that
Chubais' appointment give market reforms an additional chance.
Nezavisimaya gazeta called his appointment "an almost ingenious
political move" on Yeltsin's part, saying that Chubais will
counterbalance the mutual animosity between Security Council
Secretary Aleksandr Lebed and Chernomyrdin; this arrangement
leaves ultimate control in Yeltsin's hands. Moskovskii komsomolets
on 17 July argued, however, that Chernomyrdin strongly supported
Chubais' appointment to help counter the influence of Lebed. --
Robert Orttung

correspondent for Reuters, one of two U.S. journalists who
accompanied Vice President Al Gore to meet President Boris Yeltsin
at the Barvikha sanitarium outside Moscow, said Yeltsin was pale,
had lost a lot of weight, and appeared to have difficulty walking,
Reuters reported on 16 July. The journalist, Laurence McQuillan, said
that before Gore's arrival, he and a number of other journalists had
seen Yeltsin shuffle gingerly across the room where the meeting was
to be held: "His head staring at the floor, Yeltsin clearly was
concentrating intently on walking," he noted. McQuillan contrasted
Yeltsin's appearance with the "vim and vigor" the president had
displayed when the journalist had last seen him in April, describing
the difference as "shocking." -- Penny Morvant

session of the U.S.-Russian Economic and Technological Cooperation
Commission ended on 16 July with U.S. Vice President Al Gore and
Prime Minister Chernomyrdin signing four agreements, Russian and
Western agencies reported. These included accords outlining
cooperation in building the Alpha space station, preventing industrial
accidents and natural disasters, reducing greenhouse gas emissions,
and were among a total of 27 agreements signed during the session.
Both Gore and Chernomyrdin gave glowing assessments of the
prospects for future bilateral cooperation, with Chernomyrdin saying
that Russia and the U.S. are now "acting together." Gore hailed the
opening of a "new era" in bilateral economic ties, and downplayed
concerns about President Yeltsin's health, saying Yeltsin "was in very
good spirits" their 16 July meeting. -- Scott Parrish

ANOTHER BOMB THREAT IN MOSCOW. One of Moscow's biggest
airports, Vnukovo-1, was closed for several hours on 17 July after a
bomb threat, but no explosives were discovered, Reuters reported. At
a press conference the previous day, Interior Minister Anatolii
Kulikov said he is convinced that last week's trolley bus explosions
were masterminded by Chechen rebels, 2x2 TV reported. Kulikov
said his statement is based on information supplied by a man
arrested in connection with the bus bombing in Nalchik and an
intercepted telephone call. Chechen leaders, however, have reiterated
their condemnation of any acts of terrorism against civilians. --
Penny Morvant

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Research Institute, a nonprofit organization with research offices in
Prague, Czech Republic. For more information on OMRI publications,
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