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Ecology: General

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Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

Industries Attitude Toward The Environmental Crisis
An economic approach as to why there is an environmental problem in the US and what industries motives are in trying to solve the problems. 78yr 15pgs 23fn 9s $134.25
Urban and Environmental Problems Created by Pollution
Notes the changing quality of air, water and land, noting suggestions for improvement and government policies. 78yr 7pgs 2fn 3s $62.65
Alternatives to Current Food Production
Discusses recent and future advances in agricultural farming and livestock upkeep in trying to prevent shortage. 78yr 6pgs 0fn 11s $53.70
Landscapes and Cultures
Essays on the development and incorporation of culture into landscaping. 78yr 8pgs 3fn 8s $71.60
Satellites: Environmental Contribution or Consequence
Discusses the ability to foresee natural disaster and pollution problems with the aid of satellites and preventative steps in areas of weather forecasting, land use planning, crop inventory and prospective resources. 79yr 6pgs 15fn 6s $53.70
International Aspects of Marine Oil Pollution
Notes, sources, effects, legal and inter-country actions to prevent pollution from occurring. 78yr 29pgs 31fn 22s $259.55
Public Demand for High Vs. Low Pollution Products
Explores if the public is willing to pay extra for low pollution products or not. 78yr 5pgs 6fn 7s $44.75
Protecting Our Environment
An overview of land, water and air pollution and what is being done. 79yr 6pgs 10fn 4s $53.70
DDT and Its Ecological Impact
Examines DDT from the 1940's when it was considered a miracle cure, the factors leading to political and scientific investigation and finally viewing DDT as a curse as well as a cure. 78yr 13pgs 27fn 11s $116.35
A Discussion of Overpopulation and Density
An analysis of the condition and possible solutions to overpopulation and the resources available to those interested in population control. 79yr 10pgs 4fn 10s $89.50
Silent Spring
by R. Carson; a book review. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Economics of Pollution
Looks at the process of making pollution a national concern, expenditures in prevention vs. correction of pollution and polluted areas, and the responsibility of government and industry in this light. 76yr 11pgs 4fn 5s $98.45
Offshore Oil Drilling
Examines the ecological impact of this process off the New Jersey coast with conclusion. 79yr 6pgs 27fn 16s $53.70
Anti-Pollution Legislation and the Steel Industry
An examination of the polluting effects of the production of steel resulting in massive amounts of sulphur dioxide being sent into the atmosphere and the resultant legislation limiting this, the steel industry's response and anti-pollution measures that have been taken. 80yr 21pgs 73fn 11s $187.95
India and the Population Problem
Examines the booming world population problem centering on India and its teeming masses with emphasis on the various birth control programs which have been tried. 80yr 9pgs 14fn 7s $80.55
Solar Energy in New Jersey
Examines the efficiency of this method of conservation and power as a viable alternative for the Garden State. 80yr 6pgs 8fn 8s $53.70
Alternative Bases of Energy
Examines the various alternative theories of energy based on Presidential ideals, including geo-thermal energy, wind power and solar energy. 80yr 12pgs 19fn 10s $107.40
Politics and Macroeconomics in the Energy Crisis
The implications of the energy crisis for politicians and the economy. 80yr 8pgs 5fn 11s $71.60
Construction Design and Codes For Fire Line Safety
An inquiry into existing fire zone codes regarding the construction of new buildings. 80yr 17pgs 44fn 5s $152.15
Why Nuclear Power is not the Answer for the U.S.
Why nuclear power will not work for the US as an energy alternative, with explanations from a scientific, ecological, and a social policy point of view. 81yr 8pgs 10fn 6s $71.60
Evaluation of the Tarbela Dam Project
An analysis of the project and its effect on the economy of Pakistan. 79yr 9pgs 9fn 5s $80.55
Offshore Drilling
Analyzes the legal and technical aspects. 79yr 28pgs Afn 37s $250.60
Alternatives to Gasoline for Transportation
An examination of chemical and solar possibilities as replacements. 79yr 8pgs 4fn 6s $71.60
The Development of Alaskan Oil
A history of the development of the Prudhoe Bay Oil field. 80yr 13pgs 5fn 17s $116.35
Analysis of the Problems Facing the Clamming Industry
Studies the ecological and economic difficulties. 80yr 7pgs 9fn 7s $62.65
Insurance Against Nuclear Hazards
An analysis of the dangers inherent in generation of electrical power by fission, the minimizing of such danger and the legal liability for accidents. 81yr 10pgs 5fn 6s $89.50
Solar Energy: An Imperative Alternative
An examination of the current state of solar technology and its advantages over atomic and chemical energy sources. 81yr 20pgs 5fn 7s $179.00
The Use of the Solar Collector in the Twentieth Century
Studies the current application to the energy needs of society. 81yr 9pgs 8fn 7s $80.55
Esso Possas in The Saloniki
A case study of the economic, social and public relation effects of pollution. 80yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Alternative Energy Sources
Edited by James P. Harnett, Academic Press. A review and summary of the book. 81yr 6pgs 4fn 4s $53.70
Corrosions Impact on Civil Engineering Foundations Structures
Impact of chemical corrosion on highways, water supply systems and environment. 81yr 11pgs Afn 6s $98.45
Growing Food Crops: Cereals, Fruits, Vegetables
Commercial growing conditions and methodology. 81yr 8pgs 8fn 4s $71.60
Solar Energy: An Aerospace Dividend
Contribution of space exploration to alternative source of energy. 81yr 6pgs 8fn 6s $53.70
Oil Degradation by Bacteria
Contributing factors to and solutions for contaminated oil. 81yr 5pgs Afn 9s $44.75
The Shadow of the Stationary State
by Kenneth Boulding. Pros and Cons of a no-growth society and mechanisms for controlling growth. 81yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Man's Use and Abuse of the Sea Environment
An examination of the sea as a source of nourishment and recreation and man's abuse of this treasure through oil spills and nuclear waste. 87yr 9pgs 14fn 6s $80.55
The Management of Hazardous Waste Materials
Observes the tremendous problem of hazardous waste, focusing on land disposal,definition of toxic substance, history of problem, policy recommendations, legislative recommendations, landfill legislation. 83yr 18pgs 11fn 16s $161.10
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
A comprehensive examination of the TVA, emphasizing organization and structure, goals and missions, resources, operations and services of the TVA., and the constituents of this natural resource. 83yr 21pgs 68fn 20s $187.95
Environmental Problems and a Broader View of Science
Observes the environmental problems as correlated with the economic structure of American society, particularly focusing on pollutants and the resultant quality of life. Also offers solutions to such problems. 80yr 12pgs Afn 7s $107.40
Water Crisis on Long Island, N.Y.
An examination of the use of groundwater on Long Island and its abundant supply of water through its aquifers. 83yr 7pgs 5fn 7s $62.65
Environmental Pollutants and their effects on Mankind: Introduction
A series of one page annotations on this general topic. 79yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
Economic Issues and the Environment
Looks at various economic issues important to environmentalists such as economic indexes, trade deficits, taxes, spending, personal savings rate, and other indicators. 88yr 9pgs 17fn 11s $80.55
An Environmental Management Plan for Elkhorn Slough
A management plan for the protection of this estuary located in Monterey County, California to coordinate the activities of the various state agencies and private interests in the interests of proserving this ecosystem. 88yr 30pgs Afn 13s $268.50
The Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant : A Position paper arguing for its opening
Looks at the arguments presented by the Long Island Lighting Company (LILCO) that the plant could have been used in a safe and efficient manner, both economically and environmentally, but failed to open because of a weak presentation of these facts. 88yr 30pgs 22fn 27s $268.50
Environmental/Ecological Movements
Discusses the various movements and their activities in environmental causes including Greenpeace,The Sierra Club, Friends of the Earth with their history and tactics. 88yr 8pgs 18fn 0s $71.60
Industrial Hazardous Wastes : International movements
of them, Problems and Solutions. Examines the relief found in Third World countries by industrialized nations in disposing of hazardous wastes by offering cash payments to accept those wastes for essentially unregulated disposal. 90yr 11pgs 12fn 11s $98.45
Population Control
Examines this pressing concern and controversies currently facing the world since population growth is thought to perpetuate poverty and hinder economic growth. 90yr 9pgs 16fn 6s $80.55
A Discussion of Population Growth Patterns
Describes methods of computing and measuring population growth patterns in human and non-human organisms. Discusses such factors as vacant places, carrying capacity, reproduction, and competition. 92yr 5pgs 14fn 5s $44.75
Issues in Environmentalism
Attributes crisis in environment as due to christian emphasis on work and productivity,arguments that trees have rights, utilitarian theories regarding environment and value of wilderness and Hofer and Thoreau' views oncommunication with nature. 93yr 7pgs 2fn 4s $62.65
Trashing the Planet : An Analysis and Report
Observes the author's contentions that environmental problems are vastly overrated and thatnuclear power has significant advantages over other energy sources. 93yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
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