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Political Science: Asia

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Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

The Political Framework Of India
Discusses the Hindu social order, British impact of colonialism, and future appendices. 78yr 14pgs 11fn 4s $125.30
U. S. And Japanese Governments
A comparison of governmental systems. 78yr 6pgs 12fn 3s $53.70
The Cambodian Bombing Issue
Notes role of Nixon, Kissinger, Congress and the House, attempts to deceive the public, threats of Communist takeover, and implications on future military and political moves by the U.S. 78yr 11pgs 16fn 11s $98.45
The Sino-Soviet Dispute: Soviet Policy In An Era Of Dispute:
An analysis of present Soviet positions in reference to foreign policy objectives with the U.S. and this position's effect on relations with China in the growing rift. 78yr 13pgs 22fn 13s $116.35
The British Influence On India
A Discussion on British colonization of India, including the establishment of a code of law, religious influence, etc. 78yr 5pgs 2fn 2s $44.75
The Yenan Way in Revolutionary China By Seldan
A critical review. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Politics Of Chinese Communism: Kiangsi Under The Soviets By Kim
A critical review. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Problem Of Partition: Vietnam
Discusses and analyzes the division of Vietnam into Northern and Southern sectors after the French defeat in 1954, and specific problems encountered between the geo-political differences between North and South Vietnam. 79yr 4pgs 2fn 1s $35.80
Sino-Soviet Relations
Soviet-Chinese political relations are discussed and analyzed in light of a reflection of incidents and developments over the past twenty years to present. 79yr 5pgs 7fn 6s $44.75
Examines internal conflict and foreign intervention emphasizing the need for domestic harmony. 79yr 11pgs 3fn 4s $98.45
Gandhi And The Indian Nationalist Movement
An investigation and historical analysis of "Mahatma" Ghandi including his charismatic rule over India, advocacy of non-violent revolution in India, and his influence over shaping India's nationalistic goals. 79yr 10pgs 17fn 12s $89.50
The Impact Of International Communist Movement On The Development And Direction Of Indian Communist Parties
Considers the impact of the Sino-Soviet rift and the Sino-Indian border clash on the radical left parties in India. 79yr 15pgs 10fn 6s $134.25
The Sino-Soviet Split
An analysis into the question of whether current Soviet domestic and foreign policies are in the Soviet national interest or simply a magnification of communist ideology to unify world objectives of communist ideology. 79yr 20pgs 25fn 14s $179.00
The Political Effects Of The "Great Leap Forward"
An analysis of the economic and political developments arising from Mao's "Great Leap Forward" plan from 1953 to 1958. 80yr 10pgs 18fn 7s $89.50
Urbanization In Western Europe Vs. Asia And Africa
Observes the urbanization rate of under-developed countries as much faster than European countries, even when European countries were in the heyday of urban growth. 80yr 4pgs 5fn 2s $35.80
Taiwan And Independence
Discusses whether U.S. support is advisable. 80yr 2pgs 0fn 0s $17.90
The Establishment Of Communism In China
Discusses the rise of the Red Star in China, emphasizing the overthrow of the Kuomintang, the Long March, and the ultimate success of Mao's troops. 80yr 14pgs Afn 6s $125.30
China, The U.S., & Taiwan
Examines and analyzes U.S. -China relations through the years with the nationalists on Taiwan since 1949, and with the mainland Communists since 1975. 75yr 10pgs 13fn 8s $89.50
Intellectual Leadership in the People's Republic of China
An examination of the ambiguous role of Chinese Communist intellectually who as revolutionaries support the regime while frequently demanding greater liberalization and less thought control. 80yr 15pgs 12fn 11s $134.25
An overview of Vietnamese conflicts, especially the U.S. -Vietnam conflict. Account of the Paris Peace talks and the outcome; impact of the talks in Indochina when the U.S. left. 84yr 24pgs 28fn 12s $214.80
The May Fourth Movement: Intellectual Revolution in Modern China
A critical analysis of this book by Chow Tse-Tung, with other sources used to provide the review. which examines the growth of the significant range of concepts and idealogies published in China from the 1890's culminating in the May Fourth Movement of 1. 85yr 7pgs 9fn 8s $62.65
Contemporary China and Japan
A comparison/contrast of China and Japan, past and present, especially since WWII. 87yr 16pgs 8fn 8s $143.20
The Southeast Asian Economy and its Future Prospects in Relation to ASEAN
Historical, economic, and political background of the five ASEAN nations; a look at future prospects in relation to Southeast Asia as a whole. 84yr 13pgs 8fn 10s $116.35
An Examination of Japan's Limited Defense Posture
An examination of Japan's policy of limited defense since WWII and why it came about; its realisticness. 83yr 15pgs 28fn 12s $134.25
Modern Western Democracy in Japan
Japan's history of political modernization and stability; a look at the political structure and its evolution. 85yr 15pgs 20fn 14s $134.25
The Political Style of Indira Gandhi
A look at Indira Gandhi's political style. Ideological background, emergency rule, elections, political comeback, foreign policy, her future and the 1980's. 83yr 16pgs 37fn 15s $143.20
A Comparison of China's Military Policy During and After Mao
How China's military policy was carried out before and after Mao's reign. A detailed look at the Army and its role in certain conflicts. 83yr 22pgs 21fn 13s $196.90
"Madame Gandhi: A Political Biography"
A review of this book on Indira Gandhi- early grooming for leadership, education, influence of Mahatma Gandhi, political career, handling political and economic problems. 83yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
The Transition from Marcos to Aquino
An overview of the events surrounding the transfer of the Philippine presidency from Ferdinand Marcos to Corazon Aquino. Focuses on November 1985-February 1986, with some discussion of Aquino's effectiveness since then. 88yr 11pgs 14fn 30s $98.45
Military Security and Preparedness : The Contrast Between South Korea and Japan
Examines the pacifistic beliefs of the Japanese and their resistance to military buildup and contrasts with that of South Korea, threatened by both North Korea and the Soviet Union. 88yr 8pgs 11fn 9s $71.60
China : Modernizing a Giant
Examines the tensions and strains involved in modernizing contemporary China politically, economically and culturally as China evolves from the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, reform and the shift from centralized planning. 89yr 12pgs 11fn 9s $107.40
Micronesia and the Independence Movements after World War II
Examines the legislation and principles in the independence movement of this chain of Islands in the South Pacific the largest of which are Palau, the Marianas and the Marshall Islands. 88yr 10pgs Afn 9s $89.50
The Phillipine Brain Drain
Looks at the consistent exodus of professionals leaving the Philipines for other countries, the causes and its effect on Philippine society. 90yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
The Communist Party of China
A historical examination of the communist party from Mao Tsetung proclaiming the People's Republic of China to the curent dissension culminating in the massacre at Tienanmen Square. 90yr 13pgs 9fn 9s $116.35
A Comparison Between the Chinese and Mexican Historical, Socio-Economic and Political Landscape : An Environmental Approach
Examines the rise of civilization in Mexico and China as made possible by the adoption of agricultural methods which significantly increase food production and provided means of supporting large populations. 91yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Effect of the Sino-Soviet Detente on the Policies of China and Vietnam
Observes the detente as facilitating China's ability to maneuver between the Soviet Union and the United States but where Vietnam was concerned, being heavily dependent on Soviet aid, and undercut of Soviet support resulted in no improvement of relations. 91yr 9pgs 8fn 14s $80.55
The Foreign Policy of the People's Republic of China and Vietnam
Observes that while China and Vietnam are both Communist states, nationalism rather than ideology has tended to guide their respective foreign policies and that these policies have usually been directed against one another. 91yr 9pgs 17fn 0s $80.55
Taiwan : A Country Study
Observes the physical terrain, dialects spoken,culture and society, customs and etiquette,business and law, and its fast moving economy. 93yr 10pgs Afn 11s $89.50
Economic Prospects for China in the 1990's
Describes China's current economic situation and its short and long term prospects, with reference to the effect of the Chinese economy on the global economic infrastructure. 94yr 8pgs Afn 11s $71.60
A Discussion of Changes in Indonesia's Economic and Social Structure
Analyzes the ways in which Indonesia's economic profile is changing, with specific reference to its economic base, the ionterface between culture and economics, environmental and economic conflicts, the national financial sector, and government led devel. 94yr 19pgs Afn 10s $170.05
Japan's Military Role
Observes Japan's military as only '"self defense' forces as to the spirit of its 1948 constitution, with a severe restriction as to the scope and range of its military activities and the outlawing of nuclear weapons. 94yr 10pgs 14fn 8s $89.50
The Decision To Drop The Atomic Bomb
Examines the crisis in American foreign policy which resulted from the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima in 1945. 80yr 29pgs 47fn 12s $259.55
The Development of American Foreign Policy Towards Japan from World War II to Present
The mutually beneficial relationship due to similar goals of security, prosperity, and self-sufficiency. 80yr 7pgs 7fn 16s $62.65
The Cambodia Invasion
A look at crisis management in the Cambodia invasion; an examination of the Nixon-Kissinger policy and decision-making strategy. 85yr 8pgs 6fn 5s $71.60
How America became involved in Vietnam
Reviews a number of accounts of the Vietnam war , what U.S. policy objectives were and how the U.S. failed in those objectives. 90yr 6pgs Afn 5s $53.70
Analysis of Media coverage of the Tet Offensive
and the My Lai Massacre. Examines both occurances of coverage in the Vietnam War in which the war was brought "home" to Americans in an unprecedented manner and heightened the controversy through their reporting. 90yr 16pgs 23fn 20s $143.20
The Fall of Saigon
A tracing of the events that led to the fall of Saigon, a glimpse at the end of the Vietnam conflict, from an American conflict provides a background for the eventual collapse of the South Vietnamese government. 90yr 9pgs 9fn 4s $80.55
Japan and the United States : The American Need to Create a more Beneficial Trading Relationship with Japan
Examines Japanese trade surpluses, the huge budget deficits of the United States and the call in both the United States and numerous other countries commercially associated with Japan to force open Japanese domestic markets. 91yr 20pgs 23fn 19s $179.00
Japanese Immigrants in the United States and Canada : A Comparative Analysis
Examines this new type of immigrant, coming from Japan to North America, seeking business opportunities and the ability to own property. 92yr 8pgs 7fn 7s $71.60
Bosnia and Vietnam
compares the Bosnian and Vietnam situations regarding those favoring and those opposed to U.S. military intervention in Bosnia and the caution expressed by many that the U.S. will be quagmired in another Vietnam situation. 93yr 7pgs Afn 10s $62.65
Vietnamese Immigration to the U.S. Following the Fall of Saigon
Examines the massive numbers of Vietnamese relocations to the U.S. following the fall of Saigon, the resentment of Americans against the relocation, but with the eventual intermarriage and dating that would emerge in American social conventions. 94yr 7pgs Afn 6s $62.65
Analysis of Media coverage of the Tet Offensive
and the My Lai Massacre. Examines both occurances of coverage in the Vietnam War in which the war was brought "home" to Americans in an unprecedented manner and heightened the controversy through their reporting. 90yr 16pgs 23fn 20s $143.20
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