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Political Science: America

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Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

The Handling of Peace Making in 1918 and 1945
A comparison of the peacemaking process at the ends of World Wars I and II. Looks at the circumstances surrounding the peace talks, armistices, surrenders, etc. 82yr 7pgs 4fn 4s $62.65
The Mohawk Uprising at Oka, Quebec
The 1990 blockade and occupation of disputed tribal land by Canadian Mohawks is analyzed, Mohawk tribal history is briefly summarized and the events of the seige are described. 91yr 6pgs 11fn 8s $53.70
United States Social Welfare Legislation During the Last Ten Years
An examination of the plans and bills passed during the administrations of Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon. 78yr 20pgs 47fn 16s $179.00
The US Political System's Failure to Effectuate Majority Rule
Explores this in light of the designers intentions. 78yr 8pgs 9fn 7s $71.60
Congress and Professional Sports
Contends that Congressional intervention is limited due to the power of professional sports organizations with a discussion on Congressional bans and blackouts. 78yr 15pgs 27fn 7s $134.25
United States Legislation Relative to the Indian Tribes in America 1789 To the Present
A historical and sociological perspective. 78yr 12pgs 19fn 7s $107.40
The Undesirability of the Seniority System in the US House of Representatives
Observes the method of rewarding representatives in the House responsibilities often disproportionate to their abilities simply by staying in office and agreeing with party leaders. 78yr 10pgs 13fn 6s $89.50
The Pros and Cons of Nixon's Health Care Proposal
Analyzes the coverages of Nixon's Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973 (HMO) as a prepaid comprehensive health care program for a specific geographic population. Also notes opposition to plan. 78yr 8pgs 7fn 4s $71.60
Analysis Of The American Political Party System
Discusses candidate nomination, power structure, party differences and public reactions. 78yr 11pgs 32fn 21s $98.45
The American Government System
Discusses the balance of power between the three branches, and the recent increase in executive powers or Presidential ones. 78yr 10pgs 18fn 8s $89.50
How Democratic Is America?
Notes America's failure in democratic practices such as equality for minority and poverty groups in society. 78yr 5pgs 3fn 5s $44.75
Present And Future U.S. Foreign Policy
Discusses the U.S. and Greek relations. 78yr 5pgs 11fn 6s $44.75
The Growing Power Of Centralized Executive Government In The 20th Century
From a historical perspective, investigates the reasons centralized power came to be, the directions it is headed in the future. 78yr 5pgs 3fn 4s $44.75
A comparison Of The Powers Of Governors Of Texas With Other Governors
Notes election laws, state constitution, and a cultural phenomena to summarize their views on man and unity. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 5s $44.75
Strom Thrumond: The Public Speaker
Examiner his speeches content and approach from the Communist scares of the 50's to the Vietnam conflict, his philosophy, relation with other Southern Senators and public image. 78yr 18pgs 20fn 14s $161.10
The Impact Of The Civil Rights Movement On The South
Views education as the key to social mobility, role of desegregation programs, equalizing job opportunities, and Black-White Hostility that ensued. 78yr 10pgs 9fn 8s $89.50
The Veteran Readjustment Assistance Act Of 1974
Examines the passing of the bill, the play between executive and legislative branches, Ford's veto, Strom Thurmond's support and the passing of the bill. 78yr 10pgs 12fn 7s $89.50
The Volunteer Army
Examines the evolution of the Army by reviewing the history of the U.S. Draft System, and evaluates the effectiveness of the current volunteer system. 78yr 9pgs 10fn 6s $80.55
Should The JFK Assassination Case Be Reopened?
Looks at the recent clamor over the controversial findings of the Warren Commission Report and other recently noted discrepancies which may result in the case being reopened. 78yr 6pgs 3fn 7s $53.70
The Responsibility Of Political Parties To The Will Of The People
Discusses on how party politics serve or do not fit in with the government duty to serve. 78yr 10pgs 4fn 4s $89.50
The Roles Of The President Of The U.S.
A discussion on the uses of the executive branch, and power as exemplified in 'weak' and 'strong' presidencies'. 78yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
American Presidential Policy And Elitism Since World War II
Looks at Presidential Policy decision from the 1940's to the present indicating that these policies reflect economic backing and power to the exclusion of the needs of the masses. 78yr 10pgs 18fn 0s $89.50
Executive Privilege
Examines the mysterious nature and power of the doctrine of "executive privilege" that supposedly held by the president and the execution of its power. From a historical precedent to the most recent Nixon interpretation. 78yr 11pgs 12fn 10s $98.45
The CIA's Covert Actions
An analysis of the Rockefeller Commission and the special Senate Committee on Intelligence's findings as to covert activities by the CIA against foreign leaders and government. 78yr 5pgs 10fn 6s $44.75
A Defense Of The CIA
An analysis of the genuine purposes for which the CIA was created, the extent to which it is a good organization and reasons for which it continues to exist. 78yr 6pgs 4fn 4s $53.70
Presidential Power To Remove Public Officers
An examination of the executive power to appoint and dismiss public officials as noted in light of Court interpretations, constitutional guidelines, and historical precedent. 79yr 12pgs 15fn 9s $107.40
Origins Of U.S. Foreign Policy
Discusses U.S. policy focusing on the "Open Door" policy and "The Bomb". 79yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
The Bullet Theory That Killed President Kennedy
Examines the Warren and Garrison investigations and their findings in light of controversial testimonies and public pressure to uncover covert activities related. 79yr 6pgs 15fn 6s $53.70
America's Most Powerful Atomic Bomb: Food
Looks at the importance of the U.S.'s position in food production potential as its most important economic asset and perhaps the most potent tool available in power politics. 79yr 10pgs 17fn 5s $89.50
U.S. Presidency And The Many Roles He Plays
Describes the many political and diplomatic roles assigned the President and foreign Heads of State. 79yr 6pgs 10fn 8s $53.70
Inside The Company by Agee
Reviews the journal of a CIA agent exposing practices. 79yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
American Government
A critical examination of the roles of Congress, the Judiciary and Executive Branch and political attitudes and protest. 79yr 30pgs 8fn 11s $268.50
The Pennsylvania Legislature: Powers And Limitations
Examines the legislature's power as a political force while noting the systems of checks and balances the limit and curb power. 79yr 10pgs 3fn 4s $89.50
Senator Robert Byrd
A discussion and analysis of the ambitions, political power and achievements of this influential Senator from Virginia. 79yr 8pgs 12fn 10s $71.60
The Legislative Process In The General Court Of Massachusetts
Observes the legislative process involved in the state of Mass for a bill to become a law. 79yr 10pgs 7fn 1s $89.50
Reforms In The Welfare System: A response To A Crisis
Discusses the failure of the government to meet the needs of the welfare recipient. 79yr 5pgs 6fn 3s $44.75
The Northeastern United States: A Political Sketch
Discusses the ten northeastern states as to their political temperament. 79yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
Government Budgeting Process
Analyzes the current fiscal activities of the federal government, with the traditional budget break-down in different areas. 79yr 30pgs 24fn 7s $268.50
A study of this indigenously congressional phenomenon as the essence of modern obstructionism. 80yr 10pgs 11fn 9s $89.50
Government Regulation Of The Airway Industry
An historical examination of governmental interest in the airlines beginning with the Civil Aeronautics Act to present day legislation. 80yr 11pgs 9fn 5s $98.45
Fishing Rights & Sea Conferences
Analyzes and discusses the problem of territorial waters and what constitutes fishing privileges in same, with current legislation and agreements. 80yr 7pgs 8fn 8s $62.65
The Great Society's "War On Poverty" Programs
Examines the Johnson administration's "war on poverty" as it fit into the "great society" programs in general and its effectiveness then and now. 80yr 10pgs 9fn 12s $89.50
Tax Legislation & Campaign Contributions
Examines federal tax legislation and liability as it pertains to contributions to Federal Campaign Funds. 80yr 6pgs 7fn 7s $53.70
The Committee Of Rules & Administration
A profile of this senate committee, noting its contributions to the august body's over-all comings and goings. 80yr 6pgs 11fn 7s $53.70
General Revenue Sharing Under The Nixon Administration
An analysis of the Nixon plan and the final congressionally approved plan in the distribution of Government tax proceeds back to the states. 80yr 26pgs 7fn 7s $232.70
The New Look In Machine Politics
Examines the new forms machine politics has taken in various cities in the country, particularly New York and Chicago. 80yr 12pgs 7fn 6s $107.40
Major Changes In Foreign Policy
Discusses the changes in foreign policy during the Nixon years, basically to detente and Kissinger, as well as resumption of limited relations with China. 80yr 7pgs 5fn 5s $62.65
Federal Administrative Budget
A definition of the subject, a history of the Federal Administrative Budget, an analysis of purposes it serves, an examination of the budget cycle and a projection of future plans and trend. 80yr 23pgs 25fn 9s $205.85
The CIA And Covert Operations
A critical account of past secret CIA activities together with recommendations as to limiting the CIA's future political role. 80yr 7pgs 3fn 6s $62.65
The Impact Of The Energy Crisis On United States Defense Policy
An analysis of the effect of the energy crisis upon U.S. defense policy, taking the view that the crisis is resulting into the integration of the American military into the mainstream of U.S., foreign and domestic policy. 80yr 19pgs 23fn 15s $170.05
The Committee System
A critical examination of the role of the committee system in both houses of Congress. 80yr 20pgs 9fn 8s $179.00
Government Regulation Of Business. The Food And Drug Administration
A defense of the regulatory efforts of the F.D.A. in the drug industry. 80yr 10pgs 11fn 6s $89.50
International Human Rights and the United States
Historical and present viewpoints espoused by the U.S., changing administrative policies, and lack of distinct position. 80yr 11pgs 5fn 7s $98.45
The Marketing of Political Candidates
A proposal dealing with the issue of selling a candidate through "packaging". 80yr 7pgs 0fn 5s $62.65
Public Administration Response to Abortion Issue
Administrative policy on abortion is multi-factorial with various contributing factors. 80yr 7pgs 2fn 0s $62.65
Fragmentation of the Democratic Party
Impact of urban blacks on national politics after World War II, political purposes served by civil rights, Great society legislation, concessions to black socioeconomic demands. 80yr 13pgs 20fn 5s $116.35
The American voters and their Effects on the Political and Governing Process
Observes the political climate in elections from 1950 through the 1970's and notes that, although the franchise is exercised, the vote and outcome have little effect on public policy. 80yr 9pgs 13fn 9s $80.55
The New Ruling Class in America
A discussion of the current state of American society, whether it is pluralistic, manipulative, and tending towards decision-making by a small group of men, or a government of the elite and concluding that there is a noticeable tendency towards an elite. 80yr 15pgs 7fn 6s $134.25
Libertarian and Egalitarian Ethics
Countervailing political trends in the U.S. with respect to various political issues and federalism vs. individualism. 80yr 10pgs 13fn 8s $89.50
The Organization and the Powers of the Department of Energy
Structure, function, and duties of the new department compared to old energy administration. 80yr 20pgs 19fn 11s $179.00
Installing a Personnel Function in a Governmental Agency
A master's of public administration project that demonstrates some of the typical problems encountered in installing a new staff function and how it can be effectively implemented. 80yr 37pgs 27fn 28s $331.15
Federal Revenue Sharing
Problems, allocations of funds to states and local governments, and the efficiency of revenue sharing as an agent for financing government activity. 80yr 10pgs 10fn 3s $89.50
Socialized Medicine
Three approaches to national health insurance legislation -catastrophic, private, or social. A comparison of each approach in light of national economics, medical costs, and health care needs, present and future. 84yr 25pgs 26fn 17s $223.75
Governmental Regulation of Air Traffic Use
How the US regulates air traffic- events leading to increased regulation; background and roles of the CAB and the FAA; the tri-state (NY, NJ, CT) area as a case study; effects, advantages, and disadvantages of regulation. 84yr 16pgs 0fn 0s $143.20
Government Regulation of the Economy Air-Bags
How the government requirement mandating the installation of air-bags in cars affected its role in price regulation. Should the federal government regulate the economy? Also addresses governmental intervention. 83yr 21pgs 15fn 7s $187.95
Public Administration
The role of public administration and its distinctions from government. Thoughts from several authorities from Aristotle to Woodrow Wilson. 83yr 7pgs 8fn 8s $62.65
Bosses and Reformers
A look at the differences between the political "boss" and the reformer, especially their motivations for helping people. How bosses took advantage for selfish gain. 82yr 7pgs 3fn 1s $62.65
The Presidency
Discusses the merits/demerits of a six-year presidential term; immoral/illegal presidential actions before Nixon; a short explanation of executive privilege. 84yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Finance and Budgeting Administration
A training manual for nursing personnel to be trained in finance and budget administration. Goes into the approaches and perspectives to budgeting; the effects of 'Reaganomics'; municipal and state fiscal problems; politics involved, budget reform, the. 84yr 24pgs 11fn 8s $214.80
The President's Role in the Determination of Domestic Policy
An explanation of the President's role as leader; his role in determining domestic policies, with emphasis on social and economic policies. 82yr 7pgs 7fn 5s $62.65
The Economy and the US Elections
How economic conditions have affected Presidential elections, especially 1984 and Reagan's incumbency, before and after. 84yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Reagonomics - Definition, relation to supply-side economics, military spending, domestic program cuts, a political agenda and an economic policy. 85yr 10pgs 16fn 4s $89.50
Governors as State Leaders
A look at the importance of the governorship- office tenure, setting goals, state and legislative leadership, leadership over state finances. 82yr 7pgs 4fn 3s $62.65
National Defense Spending
Why defense spending got a low priority before Reagan; his plan to increase it and give certain social programs to the state;the effect of spending policies on people. 84yr 7pgs 6fn 5s $62.65
The Relationship Between Budgeting and Policy-Making
The importance of budgeting to the policy-making process; reforms in the budget and politics; budgetary strategies; budget manipulation on the state and local level. 83yr 15pgs 15fn 19s $134.25
The Impact on the Reagan Administration's Proposed Budget Reductions on Transportation in California
How Reagan's proposed budget cuts will affect transportation in the state of California. Addresses such questions as: how much in cuts, how long before they take effect, what is the political atmosphere around this. Case examples of how policy had alrea. 83yr 32pgs 27fn 13s $286.40
The Future of Zero-Base Budgeting
A short explanation of zero- based budgeting and an evaluation of where it is most effective. How the local budget cycle differs from the federal. Effect on Reagan cutbacks; contrast revenue and expenditure estimation. 84yr 9pgs 24fn 0s $80.55
American Mass Media Intervention Into Third World Countries
A discussion of the trend towards increased international marketing and advertising by American multinational companies. Its affect on foreign mass media control and culture, and how some countries are handling it. 79yr 10pgs 1fn 3s $89.50
State government and California
Why state government is becoming the 'center of gravity' of American politics; state campaign management, organization, fund raising, issue strategy, publicity. Looks at California as an example. 83yr 8pgs 4fn 3s $71.60
Mayor Edward Koch
A psychological profile of New York mayor Edward Koch. How he sees himself; his ideological evolution; how his early years shaped his outlook and attitudes. 85yr 7pgs 6fn 10s $62.65
A Critical Examination of the 1985 Budget
A critical evaluation of Reagan's 1985 budget. How existing and future deficits threaten recovery efforts. What Congress, economists, and others are doing about it. 86yr 9pgs 6fn 5s $80.55
Zero-Based Budgeting (ZBB) in NJ
Case study of the New Jersey state budget and its implications for public policy. Its use of ZBB and the way it works; the controversy surrounding it in NJ. 83yr 8pgs 9fn 7s $71.60
US Participation in Shipping Conferences
Historical background of neutrality laws as governing territorial waters; US participation in conflicts and conferences; history and purpose of the UN conferences on the Law of the Sea; legislation; conflicts. 83yr 30pgs 43fn 25s $268.50
Mayor Daley
An evaluation of the late Chicago mayor Richard Daley- his role as a charismatic figure; relationships with his constituents; comparisons with Christ as a leader, power figure, and organizer. 83yr 7pgs 7fn 0s $62.65
How Technology Affects the Government
The Military Mega-Machine' and its effect on the government; crises and technology; technology and basic Communism; political control. 83yr 8pgs 14fn 3s $71.60
Spy Satellites and Surveillance
Historical, strategic, and espionage features of spy satellites. A brief look at NASA's policies. A history of surveillance activities. 87yr 8pgs 12fn 8s $71.60
US Constitution, Public Policy, and the Deficit
The relation of the US Constitution to public administration policy in regards to the current federal deficit. Problem, purpose, literature review, suggestions. 87yr 12pgs 14fn 13s $107.40
Hunger in America
History of hunger in America from Colonial times; a look at programs designed to alleviate the problem and legislative efforts. 83yr 8pgs 12fn 6s $71.60
The Influence of the Mass Media on Political Events
The dominance of the media in American political (and social) events from the 1960 Presidential election. The potential for manipulation, especially on tv. The increased role of tv news since 1960. 85yr 23pgs 12fn 9s $205.85
Congressman Morris Udall
Morris Udall - Background information about his congressional district (2nd Dist., AZ); personal biography, Congressional committee performance and voting record. 84yr 15pgs 16fn 0s $134.25
Representation/Apportionment of Local Government
How the way districts were aligned affected representation and what has been done about it through the courts and legislature. 85yr 16pgs 40fn 14s $143.20
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Antecedents of the FDA; concerns of the FDA; the increasing importance of its work as a reflection of growing concern for the environment and health. 85yr 7pgs 7fn 5s $62.65
The F-18 and Trident
A cost benefit analysis of the F-18 and the Trident nuclear submarine- what is gained, what is lost. Description of each weapons system and their makers. 86yr 9pgs 10fn 7s $80.55
The Budget Cycle and Associated Political and Legislative Activity
What a budget is; how it functions in various administrations; the budget cycle and how it relates to political considerations. 84yr 15pgs 18fn 15s $134.25
Two Questions Regarding Public Policy and Administration
Social policy and social planning -how to keep moral issues in economic development. Policy decisions regarding budget expenses at a drug treatment clinic. 85yr 9pgs 0fn 10s $80.55
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the Committee System
An explanation of the committee system- its power, actions, etc. A special look at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and how it operates. 81yr 20pgs 8fn 13s $179.00
Labor and Political Administration
The importance of labor in political events; a history of its political activity; issues facing labor today. 85yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Incitement and Advocacy in a Democratic Society
How incitement and advocacy work within freedom of the press and speech and the process of constitutional democracy. 85yr 7pgs 6fn 0s $62.65
Four Provisions of the Constitution: Interest, Ideas and Experience
A review of four of the original seven articles of the Constitution in terms of the interest represented, concept behind it, and what experiences led to the article. 86yr 10pgs 12fn 5s $89.50
An Analysis of the Anti-Nuclear Movement
A historical overview, success of the movement to date (1982) and strategies employed by the anti-nuclear movement. 84yr 10pgs 5fn 5s $89.50
Bottle Bill Legislation
The social and political effects of legislation dealing with beverage containers, with proposed legislation in New Jersey as an example. 84yr 15pgs 10fn 0s $134.25
Public Finance and Public Transportation
A discussion of how public finance affects public transportation issues. Considers the question of completing the 63rd Street Subway in New York City. 85yr 11pgs 19fn 16s $98.45
Political Science-Local Government
A look at public administration and its distinction from government. A look at specific political jobs in a Manhattan district. 78yr 7pgs 4fn 4s $62.65
Social Security
A look at the Social Security program - its growth, demographic statistics, changes needed, suggested alternatives. Bergen County, NJ as an example. 84yr 9pgs 3fn 7s $80.55
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
The duties of the FTC; why and how it was created; its overall ideals and effectiveness. Economic regulation and the public interest. 78yr 7pgs 2fn 7s $62.65
Power in America
A look at who has power in America; specific emphasis on how Reagan's three-year tax cuts assisted the rich and corporate elite. Corporate influence in the US. 83yr 7pgs 4fn 5s $62.65
Federal Campaign Funds
A look at federal tax legislation and tax liability as it pertains to contributions to Federal campaign funds. 80yr 7pgs 7fn 7s $62.65
The Future of Zero-Base Budgeting
Differences between the local and federal styles of ZBB; future of Reagan's cutbacks, reversed or current reversal permanent. Explanation and effectiveness of ZBB. 83yr 9pgs 24fn 0s $80.55
Illegal Aliens
An outline of Reagan's proposal to deal with the illegal alien problem and how it relates to his ideology. His level of commitment to the proposal. Support and opposition. 85yr 10pgs 6fn 5s $89.50
The US Defense Budget
A paper taking the position that US defense spending is out of hand and that budgeting is done backwards. A call for improvements in budgeting. One of the main reasons is because the budgeting system is turned upside down. The call is to get the syste. 88yr 8pgs 4fn 4s $71.60
An Analysis of the Interest Group--AARP (American Association of Retired Persons)
Examines the history of the American Association of Retired Persons created in 1958 to protect the rights and assist the elderly in society, the AARP in state and national politics, support and programs of the AARP. 88yr 17pgs 11fn 10s $152.15
Progress Report on a Policy Briefing : A Statewide Smoking Policy in California
A policy briefing or background paper with recommendations for action prepared for use by a decision maker or a candidate. A progress report on research thus far on smoking and its medical effects. Includes summary, introduction, analysis, prelimina. 88yr 15pgs 10fn 11s $134.25
Progress Report on a Policy Briefing : A Ban on Tobacco Subsidies
A policy briefing, or a background paper with recommendations for action prepared for use by a decision maker or a candidate, on the issue of price supports on tobacco. Includes introduction, background, analysis, preliminary recommendations and additio. 88yr 14pgs 31fn 12s $125.30
Airline Deregulation : An Analysis
Examines the state of the airline industry since passage of the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978, noting mergers creating stronger airlines, fierce competition, reduction in fares and improved scheduling. 88yr 10pgs 11fn 11s $89.50
Immigration Issues
Discusses prevalent problems, identification and significance of the 1965 Immigration Act to Asian immigrant groups. 88yr 2pgs 0fn 0s $17.90
The National Problem of Child Care : A Proposal to the President
Proposes a national public policy that can implement a uniform approach to child care with the guidance of the Federal Government. 88yr 7pgs 12fn 9s $62.65
Topics in politics and Economics
Discusses various contemporary topics including multinational phenomena, women in politics, war's effect on government and economy, national health care. 88yr 9pgs 5fn 0s $80.55
Political Forces and their Effect on the Administration of the Tennessee Valley Authority
Examines funding of the TVA, board of directors powers, management and policy and political factors. 89yr 13pgs 13fn 12s $116.35
Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA)
Analyzes this agency, created in 1970 as an agency within the Labor Department to promulgate and enforce worker safety and health standards and the various rules and regulations enacted to present. 88yr 7pgs 22fn 8s $62.65
Air Patrolling Procedures and Surveillance
Looks at the U.S. security system developed as a response to airborne drug smugglers as severely inadequate and the current response in developing state of the art surveillance techniques and interdiction of the flow of illicit drugs into the United Stat. 88yr 7pgs 12fn 10s $62.65
The Right to Bear Arms
Examines the growing controversy over gun control, fueled by availabilty of assault type rifles used in violent crimes and the NRA's response in challenging semiautomatic gun control laws. 89yr 6pgs 10fn 6s $53.70
The New American Poverty by Michael Harrington
Discusses this work which defines the new American poverty as being a collection of poverties, which have not been cured by the idealistic and monumental investment of the sixties nor by the disinterest of the Reagan controlled eighties. 89yr 9pgs 10fn 0s $80.55
Effect of Language Causing Change in the Political Domain : 1988 election and the linguistic Justification of the Status Quo
Examines the creation and perpetuation of myth in political language focusing on the emotionally charged rhetoric of the Bush and Dukakis camps in the recent 1988 Presidential election. 88yr 20pgs 25fn 17s $179.00
The Budget Deficit : An Important and Avoided Issue in the 1988 Presidential Election
Discusses the federal budget deficit, having tripled in the past eight years and threatening the whole economy of the United States and notes the candidates Bush and Dukakis failures to address this issue in the recent 1988 Presidential election. 88yr 7pgs 11fn 7s $62.65
A Memorandum to the President : The Federal Minimum Wage
A proposal to raise the federal minimum wage from $3.35 to $4.00 per hour and continue to rise to $5.10 per hour by 1991 and its ramifications. 88yr 6pgs 14fn 8s $53.70
Health Policy : OSHA and Its Impact
Looks at the policies added and deleted, successes and failures of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) created in 1970 during a period of great concern over environmental, safety and health problems in protecting worker health and sa. 88yr 8pgs 13fn 14s $71.60
Proposition 103 and its effect on California Politics
Examines the narrow victory of the initiative pitting progressive and consumer advocates against conservatives and the insurance industry. 90yr 7pgs 6fn 7s $62.65
Pennsylvania and Tennessee
Shows how these states represent two sides of America's social, historical, political and economic development. 90yr 9pgs 13fn 8s $80.55
The Role of Post-Cold War America
Examines current problems and issues facing American society such as the "war on drugs", ecological commitmant and reconfiguration of the American military structure. 90yr 7pgs 7fn 5s $62.65
Health Crisis Within the Homeless Population
Observes the increasing number of homeless people in the U.S. and the encompassing degree of assistance that is required including the provision of health care. 90yr 10pgs 14fn 9s $89.50
An analysis of who they are and why they are without shelter, reasons for homelessness and what can be done to reduce or relieve the problem. 90yr 6pgs 9fn 4s $53.70
The Civil Rights Movement
An analysis of the history and events concerning the civil-rights movement, one of the most powerful and divisive influences in American society in the 1960's. 90yr 7pgs 6fn 5s $62.65
The Underground Press and the March on the Pentagon
Includes origins of the underground press, beliefs and activities, stance on presence in Vietnam, the march on the Pentagon and what inspired it, press involvement and outcome. 90yr 10pgs 7fn 7s $89.50
The Plant Notification Bill
Observes the major battle in Congress concerning the Plant Notification Bill, wherein large companies must provide their workers with advance notice before closing factories. 90yr 10pgs 15fn 6s $89.50
User Fees in Local Government : Recent Trends
an Developments. Observes the declining role of fees and charges, the tendency toward the increased incidence of user fees, efficient charging policies, realistic charging policies. 90yr 17pgs 23fn 11s $152.15
A Proposal for Federal Funding
A proposal to the Health Resources Oppurtunity Program of the Health Resources and Services Administration for a program for the recruitment and retention of underrepresented or unrepresented groups among senior high school students eligible for careers. 91yr 15pgs Afn 7s $134.25
The Unemployment Insurance Act of 1991
An examination of this new unemployment benefits bill which provides 20 weeks of extra federal payments to jobless workers who exhaust their basic six months of state aid. 91yr 6pgs 6fn 5s $53.70
The Export Enhancement Act of 1988
Examines this Act which spells out procedures for identifying countries with unfair trade barriers, those which interfere with American entry into foreign markets, inhibiting the progress and success of American exports. 91yr 5pgs 4fn 4s $44.75
David Duke and the Media
Reveals the bitter division of the media in regards to David Duke, some being swayed by his intelligence and personal charisma and others seeing him as a racist and bigot and insidious menace. 91yr 6pgs 7fn 3s $53.70
Major Foreign Policy Issues Confronting the United States in the Future
Looks at scientific discovery, third world policies, defense, relations with USSR, maintenance of good relations with allies. 91yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Proposed FAA Rule Changes : An Analysis
Examines this proposed rule as a response to drug trafficking having become a national crisis, the Federal Aviation Administration proposed changes in the registration of aircraft, certification of airmen, etc. 91yr 15pgs 35fn 11s $134.25
The End of Liberalism : The Second Republic of the United States by Theodore Lowi and Exporting Democracy : Fulfilling America's Destiny by Joshua Muravchik : A review and comparison
Compares these two works, one dealing with domestic/political history , the other with America's historical role in the international arena. 91yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Why David Duke Should be Repudiated
Analyzes the recent developments in the political career of David Duke, his recent election to Louisiana's House of Representatives, and his prominance as attesting to the resurgence of American racism in the past decade. 91yr 16pgs 24fn 12s $143.20
A comparison of Three Views on Development, Regionalism, and the Environment
Examines, from different articles, perspectives on development and the environment, comparing approaches taken. 92yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Mayoral Elections and Functions in American Local government
Examines the role of newspapers and local media in the conduct and outcome of mayoral elections observing that print media retains a high degree of influence in the area of city government. 92yr 13pgs Afn 12s $116.35
Helms-Hunt Campaign : Morality of the Moment
An observation of the Jesse Helms vs. Governor Hunt in the Senate race in North Carolina looking at each candidates strategy and concluding that morality questions work well in the politics of North Carolina. 92yr 6pgs 3fn 4s $53.70
The Constitution, Central Government, and Failures of the Citizenry
Deals with methods of the authors of the constitution to prevent the development of an overly powerful central government and the relationship between individual activities to influence government, government failure and balance between individual and sp. 92yr 13pgs 27fn 12s $116.35
Federal Aid to Cities : A Position Paper
Takes the position that the Federal government take an increased role in restoring financial health to cities as opposed to the policy of shifting the burden to state and local government. 92yr 8pgs Afn 16s $71.60
Democracy and City Government : Mayoral Elections
An observation that political machines in American municipal politics are designed to favor the priorities of a relatively small population of socioeconomic elites over those of the general public. 92yr 7pgs Afn 16s $62.65
President Bush's Economic and Foreign Trade Policies
Explores Bush's economic and foreign trade policies from the perspective of the multinational corporation to see how his programs have impacted such firms. Looks at issues such as corporate taxes, tariffs versus protectionism, and national industrial po. 93yr 10pgs Afn 12s $89.50
The American Antiwar Movement Viewed from a Sociological Perspective : Two Political Process Models
Argues that the antiwar movement which developed in response to the Vietnam conflict was a distinct social movement and looking at theorys of movement dynamics against historical evidence concerning the membership and goals of the antiwar movement throug. 93yr 25pgs 30fn 18s $223.75
An Overview of the Prochoice Movement in the U.S.
Observes the movement as being actively involved in lobbying the various legislative and judicial bodies in the country to maintain and expand the rights uf women to abortion on demand. 93yr 5pgs 10fn 0s $44.75
The Effect of Communications on Politics and Political Systems in the Contemporary United States
Discusses the ongoing tendency of American political systems to use broadcast and print media as a means of casting candidates, elected officials, and policies of government in a light that best serves both the immediate and long term objectives of the p. 93yr 14pgs 19fn 5s $125.30
Bill Clinton's Pro-Choice Position
Looks at Clinton's position on abortion and the way it was reflected in the Democratic Party platform, to see how his views might affect the future of Supreme Court nominations, health care policy, and congressional legislation on this issue. 93yr 7pgs Afn 8s $62.65
Airline Safety Issues
Includes a review of literature regarding safety of pregnant women who fly and young children with parents on flights and interviews airline specialists working for major airlines regarding this issue. 93yr 8pgs Afn 6s $71.60
Racism in the United States in the 1990's
Examines the numerous instances in the 1990's of racist activity such as the Howard Beach incident, the Central park rape, the murder of Yusef Hawkins in Brooklyn, the Rodney King incident, etc. to indicate racism is alive and well in the United States. 93yr 5pgs 0fn 6s $44.75
Airport Security : Literature Review and Interviews
Examines the effect of international terrorism on this industry by reviewing the relevant literature on the topic and interviews airport personnel whose resposibilities include oversight of anti-terrorism programs and strategies. 93yr 8pgs Afn 8s $71.60
Public Policy : The New York City and New Jersey Health Care proposals Analyzed
Observes people depending solely upon public assistance and the rising costs for services, programs, and other related expenses as forcing public administration units to rethink existing programs and to develop new programs for the future. 93yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
Federal Budget Deficit
Examines the current federal budget deficit from the perspective of public policy theory. Shows that from submission to implementation, the process has failed to create the kind of stable fiscal and economic policy and spending patterns that are capable. 93yr 7pgs Afn 9s $62.65
The Abuse of Power : The Permanent Government and the Fall of New York byJack Newfield and Paul DuBrul
Observes their thoughts that the structure of New York has been undermined through the combined efforts of a number of special interest groups including public utilities owners, organized crime, political groups and politicians, and capitalist power brok. 93yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
A National Health Care System : Macro and Microeconomic Analysis
Observes the Clinton adminstrations proposals to put in place a program of national health care, providing medical insurance to all and mandating employer coverage in all businesses, which represents a major extension of Federal government into the priva. 93yr 6pgs 9fn 9s $53.70
Advertising and the Presidential Process
Examines texts dedicated to the packaging of Presidential candidates and the role played by the media by focusing on Joe McGinniss' The Selling of the President 1968 and Kathleen H. Jamieson's Packaging the Presidency. 93yr 7pgs 8fn 0s $62.65
Separation of Powers in a Visible Democracy
Discusses what is meant by the separation of power and presents an overview of the rationale for this principle as a means of insuring a visible democracy. 93yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Presidential Power and Public Candor
Examines the expansion of the Presidency and Presedential powers and the willingnees or unwillingness for the President to speak with candor to the american public regarding specific events, crisis, or situationsin which it may be assumed that the public. 93yr 8pgs Afn 4s $71.60
The Balanced Budget Crisis
An observation of the crisis in the federal deficit and the call for a balanced budget through either, or a combination of, cooperation of the Congress, the Executive branch or a constitutional amendment. 93yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Mission of the Fire Department of New York City
Purpose is to describe New York City's system of providing fire protection and related emergency services from the perspective of the departments personnel, which is responsible for the appropriate handling of human resources in any number of situations. 93yr 7pgs 6fn 5s $62.65
Animal Rights Activists and the Veal Industry
Examines the veal industry, its policies and practices, and the public response to demands that the industry restructure many of its production policies and programs. 93yr 7pgs 16fn 0s $62.65
Homosexuals in the Military : Efforts to end or Transform the Current ban on Gay Military Service
Examines the issue of permitting people who are openly gay to enter military service in light of the attention that matter has been given in the media, also looking at the Clinton administration reaction to it and their responses. 93yr 15pgs 28fn 10s $134.25
An Economic Perspective on the EPA
Examines the Environmental Protection Agency as having been created to provide programs, policies and monitering activities that would work to achieve the goal of reducing negative environmental imacts emerging from business, industrial and household beh. 93yr 10pgs 22fn 7s $89.50
The Role of African-American Women in the Liberation Movements
Summarizes and assesses the role played by Black women in the drive toward the liberation of the oppressed in America and examines the question of whether or not Black american women should form coalitions with the White feminist movement in order to spe. 93yr 12pgs 33fn 7s $107.40
H. Ross Perot's Presidential Campaign of 1992
Examines Perot's background and beliefs, his solutions to the nations problems, his campaign organization, why his campaign failed, and the pros and cons of his presidential qualities. 93yr 10pgs 46fn 76s $89.50
The Federal Budget Deficit
Discusses, its background and historyof deficit spending, current budget policies of Reagan, Bush, Clinton and beyond, alternatives to current policy, including conservative proposals, liberal proposals, conclusions and recommendations. 94yr 11pgs 16fn 0s $98.45
Gun Control : Opposing Viewpoints
Discusses viewpoints of gun control advocates who argue that machine guns, assault rifles, etc. have no function other than to kill human beings and opposing viewpoints by hunting and target shooters citing the right to bear arms theory in the Second Ame. 94yr 6pgs Afn 5s $53.70
A Satirical View of Animal Rights Activists
Observes Animal rights as an extension of the various human rights movements emanating from American life after 1950 and their arguments against humans possession of autonomy over animals to justify their own ends. 94yr 7pgs 4fn 7s $62.65
An Analysis of the Effect of Political Action Committees on the Political Process
Examines , in some depth, the history of the Political Action committee (PAC), the nature of its membership and role in the electoral and legislative processes, the types of actions that PAC's are involved in, the effects of PAC's and the return on PAC i. 94yr 15pgs 38fn 14s $134.25
U.S. Immigration Policy Toward Soviet Emigres : Changes since the Dissolution of the U.S.S.R.
Analyzes U. S. immigration policy toward Russian immigrants noting that it is simply another weapon in the propaganda arsenal of the Cold War where this policy tends toward favaorable treatment to artists, sailors, military operatives with sensitive info. 94yr 22pgs 39fn 13s $196.90
Two Issues of Importance Confronting the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
observes the splintering of the Movement of the NAACP due to its lack of influence in many areas and the lack of white alliance as also contributing to its decline. 94yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
Senator Phil Gramm of Texas
Examines the various accomplishments of Gramm, such as his changing of political parties, the Deficit Reduction Act, keynote speaker, etc. 94yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
OSHA as it Approaches the Year 2000
Provides and overview of the significant changes in technology, in the production, management and disposal of toxic wastes in state and federal regulations and OSHA as fostering, in this decade, a work environment that is responsive to the safety and hea. 94yr 23pgs 51fn 20s $205.85
Factors That Structure Voter Attitude : City and County
An examination of the demographic factors such as etnicity, religion, economic status, and social issue orientation focusing on city precincts or districts, and county level politics. 94yr 6pgs Afn 4s $53.70
A rationale for Supporting Clinton's Health Plan
Observes the essentials of the Clinton Health Care proposal, and a summarization of its components as well as looking at it from the perspective of the American public. 94yr 6pgs Afn 8s $53.70
An Analysis of Clinton's Health Care Proposal
Analyzes the policy implications of the plan, discusses the political and social ramifications of the plan and the responses to it by various interest groups and offers a strategy for follow up support. 94yr 5pgs Afn 4s $44.75
Water Channeling and Control in Pennsylvania Highway Construction
Examines the environmental and engineering factors involved in controlling and channeling water on highway construction projects, with a special view to the various structural, geographical, regulatory and ecological considerations involved in Pennsylvan. 94yr 20pgs Afn 8s $179.00
President Clinton's National Health Care Plan
Analyzes the policy implications of the plan, and discusses the political and social ramifications of the plan and the responses to it by various interest groups and assesses the plan from the perspective that law and legislation alone are incapable of. 94yr 10pgs Afn 10s $89.50
Computers : Political and Social Impacts and Issues of Privacy
outlines some of the major social and political impacts of enhanced global and national computerization, with reference to such issues as alienation, privacy, workers rights, job maintenance and information transfer. 94yr 12pgs Afn 11s $107.40
A Discussion of the Information Highway
Examines, under the aegis of the Clinton Administration, plans for a national and even international information highway as the communication process is again reshaped and reformed. 94yr 6pgs Afn 5s $53.70
Anti-Black Discrimination in American Restaurants
Observes anti-black discriminatiuon as continuing to be a major social problem in the United States observing recent incidents in well known restaurant chains, Denny's and Shoney's indicating that antiblack discrimination continues to plague social relat. 94yr 15pgs Afn 24s $134.25
Hate Crime in the United States
Examines the number of reported and unprovoked incidents of violence directed against contemporary Americans because of their ethnic origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, or similar demographic characteristics as having increasing occurance over th. 94yr 6pgs 7fn 6s $53.70
Illegal Aliens and Public Benefits : Causes and Consequences of California Proposition 187
Looks at the causes and consequences of Proposition 187, examining the measure in the context of the ongoing debate over legal and illegal immigration considering the public benefits and the burden to the State of California of the many welfare and benef. 94yr 15pgs Afn 24s $134.25
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