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Political Science: Africa

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Paper Title
Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

International Relief To The Sahelian Nations
Discusses the drought that struck the 6 nations and international government policies of aid. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Effect And Importance Of Oil Production On The Economy Of Nigeria
A thesis proposal to accomplish a topological view of the effect and importance of oil production on the economy of Nigeria. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 4s $44.75
The Yorba of Southwestern Nigeria by Bascom
A review and analysisof the effects of European civilization on the Yoruba culture. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Apartheid In South Africa
Examines the roots of a system that began by defining, and ended by oppressing 'persons of color'. 79yr 8pgs 22fn 13s $71.60
Nigeria's Struggle To Independence
Examines the creation of a state of diversity. 79yr 5pgs 7fn 5s $44.75
Africa: A Comparative Study Of Four Nations
Discusses Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya as representative of present-day African Nations developing under differing conditions. 79yr 12pgs 0fn 0s $107.40
Takeover of Angola By Cubans & Russians
An in-depth study of the recent Communist takeover of this miniscule African nation, due to failure of U.S. policy. 80yr 23pgs 20fn 43s $205.85
African Urbanization
Deals with some of the literature available on West African urbanization and its impact on political, economic, and social order. 81yr 21pgs 27fn 14s $187.95
Challenge of the Congo
by Kwame Nkrumah. Review and analysis which presents an eye-witness account of the years of turmoil in this African country stemming from its declaration of independence in 1960. 81yr 9pgs 20fn 7s $80.55
Economic and Agricultural Particulars Regarding Ethopia
Includes previous African famine, mid-70's, uneasy diplomatic relations, world response as far as medicine and food shipments to people in need. Ethiopian government responsibility possible solutions. 86yr 8pgs 9fn 10s $71.60
U.S. Policy Toward South Africa
A study of the history of apartheid and its defense by the South African government; a look at black and white opposition; U.S. anti-apartheid policy. 86yr 20pgs 13fn 7s $179.00
Obstacles to Revolution: Apartheid Rule
Discusses background of colonization and the development of apartheid rule; significance of apartheid, multiracialism, history of resistance to apartheid and the growing trend of South Africa towards confrontation and isolation. 84yr 17pgs 13fn 10s $152.15
An Informational Perspective on African Urbanization
A look at urbanization in Africa - factors in its increase, evolution through history, the changes it has brought to the social and family order, women's roles, migratory patterns, etc. 83yr 21pgs 27fn 14s $187.95
African Resistance to Outside Rule
An overview of The Organization of African Unity's (OAU)'s attempts to establish and use a peacekeeping force to deal with intra-continental conflicts. 84yr 7pgs 0fn 5s $62.65
Economic Development and Political Stability in Nigeria
A paper answering some questions about Nigeria - Trading relations before and since WWII, the land tenure system, who the government represents, development strategy. 84yr 17pgs 0fn 0s $152.15
A look at the many ethnic, language and racial groups in Kenya, their relations and culture. Ethnic and racial patterns and relations before and after colonization. Attempts at creating a national identity/unity. 83yr 19pgs 12fn 30s $170.05
An overview of racial and ethnic relations in Kenya, based primarily on selected Parliamentary Papers of 1963. Discusses various general theories on race/ethnic relations; specifics as applied to Kenya; economic, political, social, and cultural implicat. 84yr 29pgs 40fn 0s $259.55
Questions About Apartheid
Discusses how the economic and social changes brought about by Apartheid have shaped the government's reform strategy in South Africa and the continuities and changes in the organization and idealogies of resistance to Apartheid. 88yr 9pgs 12fn 10s $80.55
Observes life in Nigeria today and the effect of the discovery and exportation of oil has had on their traditions, values and culture. 90yr 10pgs 16fn 18s $89.50
Botswana Today : Social Organization and Political Mobilization
Examines this South African democracy as still in an evolutionary state since its independence in 1966 and as one of the few genuine multi-party democracies in Africa, noted for its democratic traditions, political stability and largely free market econo. 91yr 6pgs 8fn 6s $53.70
The Creation of a Democratic System of Government in South Africa
Observes that in the years to come, a transition to democracy can take place if aparthied is ended, pragmatism and free will win out and power is shared with blacks on a meaningful level with peaceful negotiations between opposing parties. 94yr 7pgs 12fn 10s $62.65
How did Racial Discrimination Foster, Hinder or Shape the form of the economic development in South Africa prior to the 1970's
Observes that although the Republic of South Africa had an apartheid policy formally since 1948, the underlying order of racial separatism has been a fixture of South African society and economy for hundreds of years. 94yr 7pgs 5fn 4s $62.65
Nigeria, The Food Supply, and U.S. Policy
Provides an overview of Nigeria's economic situation, with specific reference to the question of its ability to produce sufficient food to meet the needs of its population. 94yr 9pgs 21fn 8s $80.55
Recent American Policy Towards Somalia
U.S. aid to Somalia as staging area in the Indian Ocean, as a result of fall of Shah of Iran and Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. 80yr 11pgs 12fn 10s $98.45
Policy Recommendations
Resolution of the European Parliament on disarmament; US role in the Rhodesian situation; US involvement in Nicaragua. 83yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
South African Domestic and Foreign Policies
A look at how apartheid has influenced both South African domestic and foreign policy. 84yr 10pgs 8fn 6s $89.50
U.S. Aid Policy Toward Nigeria : Food For Oil
Examines the explanations for the virtual cutoff of American Aid and food assistance to Nigeria and the international communities worries about Nigeria's default on its 28 Billion external debt. 94yr 7pgs 12fn 0s $62.65
South African Domestic and Foreign Policies
A look at how apartheid has influenced both South African domestic and foreign policy. 84yr 10pgs 8fn 6s $89.50
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