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Political Science: General

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Paper Title
Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

Nuclear Disarmament
Examines the diplomacy as negotiations and comparison. 78yr 7pgs 10fn 5s $62.65
Man, The State and War by Waltz
Reviews the psychology of men and affairs of the state. 78yr 12pgs 17fn 2s $107.40
The Multinationals by Tugendhat
A summary of the philosophy based on company before state. 78yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
France And England: Chief Executives
Compares France's President to England's Prime Minister in power assumption, legislature, image and role as chief executive. 78yr 7pgs Afn 9s $62.65
Freedom In Totalitarian State
Defines freedom within a system and freedom by breaking from a system, the illusory promise of freedom, semantical difficulty that can be used to the politician's advantage and freedom for the individual vs. freedom for the state. 78yr 11pgs 9fn 23s $98.45
From Neurenburg to My Lai
Reviews moral implications of war and events of international diplomacy. 78yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Political Participation In The U.S. And England
Analyzes lower-class and minority non-involvement in politics as symptomatic of social class apathy and disillusionment. 79yr 11pgs 10fn 15s $98.45
Comments On The Political Economy Of Racism
Discusses racism's link to national politics and economy. 79yr 5pgs 6fn 6s $44.75
A World Of Nations By Rustow
A critique examining basic similarities in political development of emerging and established nations. 79yr 10pgs 39fn 0s $89.50
Discussed as an important political and military factor in the historical development of a countries might and balance of power. 79yr 11pgs 20fn 10s $98.45
An analysis of the present U.S. position and relations with other members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. 80yr 6pgs 12fn 5s $53.70
The Political And Economic Impact Of Oil
An analysis of oil focusing on world production relationships, economic impact and strategic-political impact. 80yr 4pgs 0fn 10s $35.80
Aspects Of Limited Warfare
An analysis of characteristics of limited warfare, strategy, relation to NATO and its objectives, capabilities and missions of limited warfare forces and recommendations. 80yr 23pgs 24fn 19s $205.85
Revolutions In The Third World
A short discussion on the historical occurrence of revolutions in underdeveloped countries, aimed at social transformation. 80yr 4pgs 0fn 2s $35.80
Military Intervention In Politics
Examines the whys and wherefore of a military takeover, and the desirability of having the military so close at hand to the executive and legislative branches of government. 80yr 9pgs 17fn 4s $80.55
Problems Of Mobilization & The Crisis Of Democracy In Political Orders
Discusses and Analyzes questions of mobilizing developing nations and the resultant crises in democracy and how they can be solved. 80yr 5pgs 8fn 2s $44.75
The Role Of The Military In Politics
Analyzes and examines in an in-depth study, the economic, social and political aspects of the military as a political asset, noting their historical importance and current drawbacks. 80yr 24pgs 38fn 39s $214.80
Politics Of Cultural Pluralism
An analysis of the potentially hostile relationship between the forces of national development and modernization and traditionalist social or cultural forces in Iran and Israel. 80yr 7pgs 7fn 3s $62.65
An international System for the 1990's
Proposes a viable international system for the future by creating a new world order observing international law, equality, improvement of the human condition. 81yr 12pgs 33fn 13s $107.40
Types of Revolutions
Examines the contrasts and similarities between different types of social and political revolution. 81yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Discusses terrorism, its international impact, and the belief that terrorism and violence become substitutes for orderly political processes. 81yr 5pgs 2fn 2s $44.75
Communism Outside of Russia
The history of communism outside the USSR, looking at Eastern Europe, Asia, Latin America, the Mideast, Africa. The successes and failures of communism in the world. 85yr 20pgs 11fn 9s $179.00
Culture and International Communications
Research investigating cultural differences that affect relations between nations, particularly in the translation of international communications. 85yr 15pgs 6fn 6s $134.25
Questions on the Third World
Two books on the Third World compared; a review of a book on Hinduism as a hindrance to Indian economics; a view on the Third World's future. 85yr 10pgs 9fn 4s $89.50
"International Organization"
A summary of seven articles from "International Organization" on various world topics. 85yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Political/Social Mores Compared
A comparison of the political and societal systems in Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. The role of religion, colonialism, nationalism, urbanization, etc. 83yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Communism, Facism, Totalitarianism, and Freedom
How Communism and Facism are both totalitarian; a history of how both systems developed, with emphasis on communism in Russia and facism in Italy and Nazism in Germany; how each system was a reaction to liberalism; political, social, and economic circum. 85yr 45pgs 20fn 17s $402.75
A description of different acts of terrorism and distinguishing features of these acts which led to their classification as such. 88yr 6pgs 14fn 0s $53.70
The 1968 McCarthy Campaign
Examines Eugene McCarthy as the "peace candidate" in the 1968 presidential campaign, the effect of Kennedy, Humphrey and Johnson on his chances and the ultimate failure of his strategies. 89yr 7pgs 11fn 10s $62.65
Apartheid, Colonization and Slavery
Examines different works concerning racism and that Apartheid, colonization, or slavery all come from the same fundamental belief that other races are inferior to the white race and must be subjugated. 90yr 9pgs 15fn 4s $80.55
Imagined Communities : Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism by Benedict Anderson
Offers a refreshing and intelligent way of looking at the topic of nationalism. 92yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
The Bombing of the Rainbow Warrior
Explains what the French Government tried to do in sinking the Greenpeace Ship, Rainbow Warrior, why they tried to do this and what the results were. Observes this act as a use of pure political terrorism. 92yr 15pgs Afn 9s $134.25
Early Efforts Towards Nationalism
Discusses the importance and origins of early efforts toward nationalism and the value of studying this process as part of the effort required to fully appreciate the events taking place today in such separate geographic regions as the Indian Subcontinen. 94yr 10pgs Afn 9s $89.50
The Earth Summit Agreements : Implications for North-South Relations
Observes this conference, sponsered by the United Nations in June 1992, where delegates dealt with global issues concerning the environment and economic development particularly relations between wealthier industrial nations and third world countries. 94yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Ethnic Groups in Conflict by Donald L. Horowitz
Summarizes Horowitz's central theses and arguments and analyzes the value of the work from a critical perspective concerning ethnic conflict as a somewhat overlooked phenomenon which has enormous signifance in the shaping of world affairs and the orderin. 94yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
The Problem of Political Obligation
Examines the spoils system of political favors political world. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Politician
Discusses the amateur as one interested in the betterment of society as a whole and the professional as one gratified by power, income or status, approaches and methods of getting votes. 78yr 24pgs 43fn 5s $214.80
Constitutional Design Criteria
An illustration of the problem facing the designers of the constitution as far as the separation of powers is concerned. 78yr 9pgs 12fn 8s $80.55
Community Structure Of Government
Argues that style, manner and morals are the center of the basic order of the community. 78yr 5pgs 2fn 0s $44.75
An Analysis Of The Power Elite
Discusses the small, powerful ruling class in America today. 78yr 20pgs 16fn 8s $179.00
Review Of 5 Books Dealing With The Military-Industrial Complex
All concluding that the military is a permanent and highly influential segment of our society, that enourmous sums of money are spent on systems which rapidly become obsolete. 78yr 5pgs 2fn 1s $44.75
The Power Elite by Mills
A review and summary. 78yr 8pgs 7fn 1s $71.60
The Sovereign State of ITT by Sampson
A critical review. 78yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Sovereignty at Bay by Vernon
A critical review. 78yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The Infiltrators by Faith
A critical review of European investment in the American economy. 78yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The Condition of Man by Mumford
Discusses nationalism as a political movement. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Norman Mailer's perspective on money that changes hands during political campaigns, noting Rockerfeller, Humphrey and Nixon. 78yr 5pgs 9fn 4s $44.75
The Rise And Fall Of The Party Press In The U. S.
Traces the role of newspapers from colonial times, their effect on the balance of government powers and their present day focus on individuals rather than parties. 78yr 18pgs Afn 6s $161.10
The American Struggle by Cook
A theoretical study of the history and causes of the conflict between labor organizations and management of other groups formed against the demands of organized labor. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Preserve and Protect by Drury
A critique of the Pulitzer-Prize winner dealing with bargaining power in Washington and the men who rule the country. 78yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
The Imperial Presidency by Schlesinger
Examines the theory that the system is effective to a degree of staving off arbitrary misuse of power and that it is not very efficient and contains a tendency towards inertia. 78yr 5pgs 6fn 0s $44.75
Advise and Consent by Drury
Critique on the careers of political figures made popular in 1959 updated to coincide with significant events during the Johnson years, abdication and the Chicago riots. 78yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
Who Rules America? by Dionhoff
Studies the governing class of America during the 20th century cultural decision making, and the relation to industry, law, military, and the academic and executive branches of the U.s. 78yr 10pgs 3fn 0s $89.50
The Relationship Between Professionalism And Bureaucracy
Discusses the distinction between the two fields, bureaucracy being the function within an organization, and professional being the relationship between client and knowledgeable within the field. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Organization Of The Discipline Of Political Science
Discusses different approaches towards the study of and analysis of political phenomena. 79yr 15pgs 19fn 9s $134.25
Congressional And Bureaucratic Policy Making: Some Controversial And Cooperative Aspects
Details the role of Congress as a legislative power and examines the interest of promoting and impeding progress. 79yr 6pgs 12fn 4s $53.70
Political Prisoners In The U.S.
Establishes what the political crime is, with a discussion of crimes related to government and politics, including the Watergate dilemma. 79yr 11pgs 15fn 7s $98.45
The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence by Marchetti and Marks
Reviews CIA practices and recent problems and investigations. 79yr 9pgs 3fn 0s $80.55
Rural Southern Poverty
Analysis of the geographical and ethnic distribution of poverty in the South. 79yr 5pgs 4fn 5s $44.75
A Study Of Democracy
Examines electoral, representative and participatory democracy and the historical and economic factors that define this term for various nations. 79yr 8pgs 5fn 9s $71.60
Walter Lippman: Politics And Philosophy
Reviews the works and philosophies of Lippman. 79yr 6pgs 9fn 3s $53.70
The Game Of Nations by Copeland
A review and analysis of the process of "crytodiplomacy" which assumes that this nation does what it does because the enemies of our nation are doing just the same and more as far as tactics and ethical dealings. 79yr 7pgs 9fn 0s $62.65
Community Conflict And Public Policy
An answer to the question of how democratic the American system is, unification of a community to become public policy. 79yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
Executive privilege by Berger
A critical review. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Domestic And International Bargaining
Examines economics and the role of military and governmental agencies and negotiations characterized by problem solving and crisis situations. 79yr 9pgs 13fn 6s $80.55
Lobbying And Political Pressure
Discusses the American tradition of our political system. 79yr 8pgs 7fn 6s $71.60
David R. Segal's Society & Politics
A review and analysis of the book, which notes the uniformity and diversity of modern democracy as practiced in this country. 79yr 13pgs 6fn 1s $116.35
Induction Into The U.S.. Army
Chronicles the steps and procedures which precede induction into the army. 79yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The Imperial Presidency By Schlesinger
A review and Analysis, commenting on the nature of the Presidency from its inception to the present day. 79yr 5pgs 6fn 0s $44.75
Airline Hijackings
Discusses and analyzes this topic, noting significance for modern society and prospects for future terrorism in underprivileged countries. 79yr 10pgs 9fn 9s $89.50
Strategy Of Theater War
Discusses the military officacy of containing war to theater to increase strength and consolidate weaknesses, as an effective striking element as well as a deterrent to attach. 80yr 8pgs 4fn 4s $71.60
Vital Signs, U.S.A., by John Fischer
A review and analysis of the book which discusses how some towns, communities and states have used and implemented innovative ideas. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Power Elite By C. W. Mills
A review and summary of the book, stressing an historical approach. 80yr 5pgs 8fn 2s $44.75
Poverty And Affluence
An examination of attempts to eliminate poverty from the Greeks through the present, including an analysis of Utopian theories. 80yr 25pgs 20fn 16s $223.75
The Powers that Be
by G. William Domhoff. Review and analyzes different questions about Domhoff's "policy formation process" and how it might apply to policy formation in New York City. 80yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The State in Capitalist Society and Unequal Justice
by Miliband and by Auerbach (Respectively). Critical Reviews. 80yr 6pgs 7fn 5s $53.70
Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy
by Henry Kissinger. Review and Analysis that makes a persuasive case that the United States needs a strategic doctrine for limited war. 80yr 7pgs 1fn 1s $62.65
by Leon Uris. Review and Analysis of this book dealing with Russian ignorance of Western resolve and toughness at the end of World War 11. 80yr 3pgs 3fn 2s $26.85
Political Science
County committees, the NY Democratic Presidential Primary, Political action committees, relationship between Big Business and Big Labor, the congressman. 83yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
The Ethnic Factor, The People's Choice, The American Voter
by Paul Lazarsfeld, by Kurt Long, by Agnes Campbell (Respectively). Critique and comparisonof the author's hypothesis's that ethnic groups in America have enormous potential political power of which they have been unaware. 80yr 12pgs 0fn 4s $107.40
Ideological Interpretations of Presidential Elections
An analytical review by Miller and Levitan. 80yr 8pgs 10fn 4s $71.60
Black Panther Party
An investigation into the growth and development of the Party in the late 1960's, its leaders, organization structure, ideology, and final eclipse. 80yr 9pgs 12fn 7s $80.55
"Political Choices" by Clotfelter and Prysby
A review of this 1980 work,emphasizing its third chapter on class and voting trends, particularly as it relates to the two-party system; the role of economics in voting. 82yr 7pgs 5fn 0s $62.65
Raymond McGrath
A biography of Republican Congressman Raymond McGrath of New York, representing the Fifth Congressional District; a look at the district and his congressional record. 84yr 12pgs 10fn 6s $107.40
The M-1 Battle Tank: Cost Benefit Analysis
Facts about the M-1 tank, including an overview of the contract process. Costs and causes of overruns; opportunity costs. 85yr 9pgs 11fn 9s $80.55
The Relationship Between the Military and Society in America
The government's failure to heed earlier warnings about the potential behemoth that defense spending had become. How the Pentagon 'scare' the public into believing that increases in defense spending are necessary. 85yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Eric Redman's "The Dance of Legislation"
A review of this book on the legislative bargaining process and how power, persuasion, etc. enter the process. 83yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Political Power of Minorities
A look at the progress blacks (and other minorities) have made politically, in terms of voter participation and the number of minority elected officials, especially in the South. How minorities affected various elections. 82yr 9pgs 0fn 0s $80.55
Political Personalities
A review of James Barber's analysis of recent US Presidents into active-positive and active-negative personalities and why they are that way. 83yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
"The Power Broker"
A review of this book, a biography of politician Robert Moses. An account of his life and the forces that shaped him, especially how he dealt with power. 83yr 7pgs 19fn 0s $62.65
An Analysis of "The Brethren"
A review of the book that investigated the Supreme Court and presented the justices as human beings motivated less by constitutionality than personal prestige and politics. 85yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
"The Intemperate Zone"
A review of this book, which is an account of Third World challenges to US foreign policy and superpower influence. 84yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
An essay on the progress nations and agencies have made in the areas of human rights, individual rights, the New International Economic Order and armaments control. 83yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
"Participatory Democracy"
A review of this book, which records the shift of democratic ideals from a more 'representative' to a more participatory form of democracy. 84yr 7pgs 2fn 0s $62.65
"Wealth and Power in America"/"Regulating the Poor
Reviews of each of these books, one on distributions of wealth and power and the other on welfare programs, especially during the Depression and the 1960's. 79yr 11pgs 41fn 0s $98.45
General William C. Westmoreland : A Biography
Cronicle's the life of this top military strategist, why he was chosen to be commander of U.S. forces in Vietnam, his failures and good points in this position, honors received, tours of duty and general background. 88yr 8pgs 16fn 6s $71.60
The Command and Control of Nuclear Forces by Paul Bracken
A chilling study of nuclear force management by analyzing nuclear command systems in both peace and war. 0yr 6pgs 9fn 0s $53.70
The Day of Reckoning by B.M. Friedman
Economic policy under Reagan and in the future based on this book, an analysis. 88yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Global Patterns and Changes in Agriculture
Observes changes in agriculture/industrial production and the ramifications for the general and specfic agricultural communities. 90yr 6pgs 12fn 10s $53.70
Is There a Gender Gap?
men and women viewing political issues and political candidates differently, its causes and its significance for political leaders and political parties in America. 90yr 11pgs Afn 8s $98.45
Comparison of Agruments in Gilpin and Ray
Divergent opinions about the nature of change in international relations are offered in their books Global Politics and War and Change in World Politics. 90yr 6pgs Afn 0s $53.70
The Power of Human Needs in World Society by Roger A. Coate and Jerel A. Rosati
An analysis of this work which attempts to build a cohesive, interconnected argument for the notion that the only "realistic" interpretation of world politics is based on the centrality of human needs. 91yr 6pgs 16fn 0s $53.70
Gambling With History by L.I. Barrett
Critiques this work as suffering from the author's journalistic approach toward the subject dealing with Reagan's first two years as President, and woefully wrong in judgement. 91yr 6pgs 8fn 0s $53.70
Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy : Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World
Examines in this 1966 study two fundamental problems of modern political history, endeavoring to explainf the varied political roles played by the landed upper classes and peasantry in the transformation from agrarian societies. 0yr 6pgs Afn 1s $53.70
Racial Conflict in Contemporary Society by John Stone
Observes this work which concerns world society and racial conflict - violence in South Africa, immigration laws in Great Britain and affirmative action policies in the U.S. 91yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
The Ethnic Phenomenon by Pierre L. van den Berghe
Contends that interethnic relations are but reflections of fundamental biosocial mechanisms. 91yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
Socio-economic Influence on the Political System : An Overview
Observes that the elite, not masses govern America and that life now in a democracy, just as in totalitarian society, is shared by a handful of men. 92yr 13pgs 15fn 6s $116.35
Racism and Political Action in Britain by Robert Miles and Annie Phizacklea
An examination of papers presented at a conference on racial relations and policy held in Great Britain in 1977. 92yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Ideological Manifestation of Anti-Democratic Behavior : Themes of Agitation in Contemporary Media
Observes Canadian Journalists atitudes in championing the rights of sane white males and their spouses over fringe groups such as feminists, homosexuals, immigrants, Indians, multiculturalists and the like. 92yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Abortion : Murder or Self-Defense
A philosophical approach to the issue of abortion examining the pro-life position and the adherents to the Roe-Wade decision allowing the mother to terminate the child. 92yr 8pgs 9fn 7s $71.60
The Twenty Years' Crisis, 1919-1939 by Edward Hallett Carr
Examines Carr's presentation which might be called a moderate realist theory of the role of power politics in the deterioration of international relations in Europe in the two decades prior to World War II. 92yr 10pgs 19fn 6s $89.50
Women in Combat
An observation of women in the military looking at factors bringing about oppurtunities, studies indicating women would perform equally as well as men on the battlefield but the instutionalized view that women are not suited for battle. 92yr 6pgs 3fn 0s $53.70
Welfare State in U.S. and Britain : The Gender Influence
Observes that the creation of the welfare state lay in the unity and equality of the war effort in England and the United States in that women were forced to join the effort. 92yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Cultural Literacy by E.D. Hirsch : A Critical Analysis
Concentrates on salient factors of design and structure of this work which regards cultural literacy as the possession of fundamental shared knowledge needed to prosper in contemporary society. 92yr 6pgs 13fn 5s $53.70
Racism by Robert Miles
Demonstrates that racism is a term presently used injudiciously by most persons and that it is in danger of becoming a mere term of abuse. 92yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Dan Quayle and the Senate Processes
Observes Richard F. Fenno's book The Making of a Senator: Dan Quayle and how members of the senate function and develop during their tenure in office. 93yr 10pgs Afn 4s $89.50
Polyarchy : Participation and Opposition by Robert A. Dahl
Discusses the key arguments and themes provided by Dahl as they relate to the general topic of public opposition to a democracy. 94yr 6pgs Afn 1s $53.70
In Defense of Anarchism by Robert Woolf
Discusses Woolf's thesis addressing the question of how economic goods in America should be distributed by means of taxation, health plans, and social welfare programs, attempting to determine whether equal or unequal distribution methods should be used. 94yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
A Discussion of "A Peculiar Institution" contained in this Kenneth Stampp Work
Assesses the pathos of the history of the American Southern slaveholding states and the tragedy of this region of the country where the choice of slavery as the solution to the demands of a strictly agrarian economic society for survival was deliberate. 94yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Bob Woodward's The Agenda : Inside the Clinton White House
Observes Woodward's book as a personal attack on the President, accusing him of incompetent management of the White House staff, personal fits of rage bordering on hysteria and secret motives for a liberal agenda. 94yr 4pgs Afn 1s $35.80
The Long Fuse by Laurence Lafore
Observes Lafore's look at the central role of the Serbs in the outbreak of World War I, examining the geographical and political circumstances that drew all of the great powers of Europe into the conflict. 94yr 6pgs Afn 1s $53.70
Sexual Politics : Two Viewpoints by Kate Millett
Examines radical feminism from the standpoint of its movement and ideological premises upon it was based to see how Heidi Hartman's work expanded on Millett's thesis and developed facts and theory concerning women's work. 94yr 5pgs Afn 2s $44.75
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