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Philosophy: Religious

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Philosophical Viewpoints
Deals with mans views on the existence of God and God figures. 78yr 7pgs 7fn 7s $62.65
The Place of God in Berkeley's Philosophy
Examines Berkeley's philosophy and insistence that God must exist for the universe to be understood and for life to be lived to the fullest. 79yr 10pgs 16fn 6s $89.50
The Reformation and Evolution of Western Values
Particularly thru Luther, discusses religiously based value systems, personal freedom and rule of the Church. 79yr 10pgs 11fn 16s $89.50
The Christologies of Calvin and Luther
Examines the God of philosophers as opposed to the God of the Bible. 79yr 27pgs 26fn 11s $241.65
Atheism and Some of the Principal Arguments Against It.
Notes Durkheim, Camus, Miller and the belief that God is a spiritual decision and disbelief an intellectual decision. 79yr 7pgs 4fn 5s $62.65
Reason and Revelation in the Middle Ages by Gilson
An account of belief and the theological lifestyle and the compromise of reason and revelation. 79yr 5pgs 5fn 0s $44.75
A Comparison of Mysticism as Conceived by William James and the Sufi Branch of Islam
Examines the mystical branch of Islam, Sufi and the Moslem group, their philosophical approach and striving towards mystical states. 79yr 6pgs 4fn 2s $53.70
Nietzche and Hume on Religion
An in-depth analysis of Neitzche's views on mans brief stay on earth, Christianity as a system of ethics, guilt and moral development, arguments concerning the existence of God, reality and individual choice. 79yr 9pgs 14fn 6s $80.55
Ecstasy and Rapture of Being Lost
An analysis and survey of the classical, mystical experience as it is characterized in Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism by a loss of self-hood and individuality and often by merging with a higher power or being. 79yr 21pgs 52fn 24s $187.95
The Bhagavad-Gita: God's Revealing Word.
A review and analysis of Roy Eugene Davis's translation and interpretations of "The Gospel of Hinduism". 79yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
The Christian Existentialism of Rudolph Bultmann
Examines the existentialist philosophy of Bultmann in relation to his concepts of God, myth and true faith. 79yr 7pgs 10fn 4s $62.65
The Confessions of St. Augustine ; A Critical Analysis in Relation to Roman History
An analysis of St, Augustine's declarations of the sinfulness that took place in Rome to demonstrate his prodigious indeptness to God for having bestowed upon him the saving grace of Baptism. 81yr 8pgs 11fn 5s $71.60
The Sources and Foundations of Jewish, Christian and Secular Ethics and Their Application in the Contemporary World
Examines the Mosaic Code contained in the Pentateuch and historical accounts of morality as the positive law of a theocratic community in the Talmud, Christian ethics as advanced by Aquinas, Kant, Mill,and Catholic teachings in application to such events. 81yr 10pgs 6fn 0s $89.50
St. Augustine : The Position of the Individual
An analysis of the development of the philosophical beliefs of St. Augustine, finding initially neo-Platonism a suitable instrument for his thought and evolving into a merging of this philosophy with his later beliefs in the tenets of Christianity. 81yr 15pgs 34fn 9s $134.25
St. Augustine's "Confessions" and its View of the Existence of God
Augustine's view of God as 'Spirit' instead of an anthomorphism; his personal struggle to find truth and reality. 82yr 10pgs 6fn 0s $89.50
Karl Jasper's Religious Philosophy
Jasper's concern with objective reality versus subjective values, or knowledge versus illumination. 83yr 10pgs 18fn 7s $89.50
A look at Voltaire's attitude toward organized religion, especially as he writes about them in "Zadig". 85yr 7pgs 10fn 3s $62.65
Erik Erikson on Martin Luther
Erikson's analysis of Martin Luther's psychological /religious/philosophical development from childhood. 74yr 6pgs 10fn 4s $53.70
The Philosophy of Ecclesiastics
The Bible book Ecclesiastics- its apparent contradictions and paradoxes, the preacher as a searcher for wisdom; the limits of wisdom without God. 83yr 7pgs Afn 0s $62.65
Anselm's Ontological Argument
Observes Anselm's views of defining God as that which there can be none greater. 90yr 3pgs 1fn 0s $26.85
The Philosophy of Martin Buber
Observes his thoughts that the notions of "dialogue", "I-Thou/I-It" and "betweenness" as all vital components of the human learning process. 90yr 4pgs 9fn 0s $35.80
St. Augustine's On Free Will
Considers and defines Augustine's positions on such matters as human error, the origin of evil and sin, and God's existence, His omnipotence and benevolence, and ultimately His responsibility for the condition of the world. 92yr 15pgs Afn 4s $134.25
Augustine's City of God and The Christian Church of the Middle Ages
Describes how Augustine's book shaped the foundations of medieval Christianity drawing upon Greek, Roman, Hebrew and Christian thought and ideas to create a synthesis. 92yr 10pgs 25fn 5s $89.50
Ayer's Position Regarding the Existence of God
observes his analysis of the insignifiance of the claim that God exists by pointing out that premises of such a God must be certain. 93yr 2pgs 0fn 0s $17.90
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