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Philosophy: Modern

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A Discussion of Malroux, Silone, Koestler, Orwell
Their response to Marxism, Communism, The Soviet Union and other contemporary human conditions are discussed. 80yr 6pgs Afn 20s $53.70
Existentialism and the Modern Versus the Contemporary Mode of Thought
According to Kierkegaard, Malroux, Kafka, Silone and others. 78yr 7pgs Afn 20s $62.65
Quine and Ullian: Observations and Hypothesis
Advocates the verification of the obvious to disclose all trickery. 78yr 6pgs 11fn 1s $53.70
John Dewey: A Philosophical Approach
Discusses his role in educational reform, the shift from traditional rote learning to learning thru experience and concepts. 79yr 12pgs 12fn 8s $107.40
The Philosophy of William James
A combination of intellect and spiritual sense constitutes this philosophy, stressing acceptance of the emotional element, striving for rationality, discusses ideals, good and evil. 79yr 12pgs 17fn 2s $107.40
A Critical Evaluation of Husserl's Sixth Logical Investigation
Examines ideas linking psychologism to an attempt to reach a scientifically rigorous philosophical method and a development of pure phenomenology. 79yr 14pgs 0fn 9s $125.30
Bertrand Russell's Overview of Western Philosophy
A comprehensive study of the views of ancient Greek thought and this influence in the development of modern ideas, including the conflict of science and magic, logic in philosophy, astrology, mysticism and empiricism as compared to subjectivity. 79yr 26pgs 37fn 8s $232.70
Alfred North Whitehead
Discusses his work as a mathematician, logician and philosopher, and attempts to reconcile Aristotleian and Platonian concepts of physics and metaphysics. 79yr 6pgs 6fn 6s $53.70
John Dewey: How His Life Affected His Philosophy
Investigates the significance of the development of a personal philosophy and contributions of Dewey. 79yr 12pgs 21fn 5s $107.40
Philosophy in the Contemporary US
Discusses material values and their relation to the formation of business and influence on the media, noting the rise of self-interest and moral irresponsibility. 79yr 9pgs 0fn 0s $80.55
So Human an Animal
by Rene Dubos A critique of his thesis of the continuing destruction of human and natural values in an affluent society. 79yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
The Pragmatic Philosophy of the Gilded Age (1850-1900)
An in-depth study into the roots of the philosophy of this age. Includes an examination of Social-Darwinism, Thorstein, Veblen's economic theories and the pragmatic writings of James and Dewey resulting in sociological jurisprudence application by Holme. 79yr 28pgs 50fn 64s $250.60
John Dewey
Discusses his philosophy of democracy, new concepts of human liberty and liberalism, Dewey's life and relationship to American educational theory. 80yr 16pgs 4fn 3s $143.20
Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Freire
Investigates this work in light of the oppressed and their relation to governmental control, economic conditions and politics as it overrides individual assertion and choice. 80yr 9pgs Afn 0s $80.55
Cognitivism: The Nature of Morality
by Gilbert Harman. Reviews Harman's book in a cognitive light, stressing its implications or ethics and morality in general. 80yr 7pgs 5fn 6s $62.65
Perspectives On American Philosophy
Attempts to shed some light on the little-known area of American philosophy, including the writings of Wright, Pierce, James, Dewey and Singer. 80yr 10pgs 14fn 17s $89.50
American Philosophy From Edwards to Dewey : An Introduction by Guy W. Stroh
A review and analysis of this book which presents an overview of the American philosophical school of thought with respect to its historical-cultural background. 81yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
The Attitude Towards Intellectuals
Observes the philosophies of Hegel, Marx de Tocqueville, Mill, Schopenhauer, and Nietzsche. 80yr 8pgs 11fn 16s $71.60
Perspectives on American Philosophy
Examines the empirical nature of American philosophies and philosophers as distinct from other schools of thought. 81yr 10pgs 14fn 7s $89.50
Social Thought in America: The Revolt Against Formalism by Morton White
A review of this historian/philosopher's book on social thought. 83yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
What is Dialectic?
A more detailed analysis of dialectic thinking. Its evolution ; uses in problem solving; uses in ideology and social systems; its place in the teachings of Hegel, Engels, Marx, etc. 82yr 32pgs 37fn 18s $286.40
Comparison of Pragmatism in Pierce, James, and Dewey
A comparison/analysis of the thoughts of Charles Pierce, William James, and and John Dewey. 81yr 7pgs 5fn 4s $62.65
Ludwig Wittgenstein's "Tractatus-Logico Philosophicus"
A discussion/book review of the German Philosopher who was regarded as one of the founders of the school of logical positivism. 82yr 7pgs 4fn 0s $62.65
Philosophical Perspectives on Abortion in Contemporary Society
The abortion debate - When does life begin? Is abortion right? Who decides? Other questions/issues. 87yr 10pgs 14fn 10s $89.50
Jamesian Pragmatism in Relation to Dewey's Notion of Experience
How William James and John Dewey agree and differ on perception and knowing in the individual. 85yr 9pgs 15fn 3s $80.55
The Female in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century European Existential Thought
How existential literature depicts women and why; how it comes from cultural and experiential views of women. 86yr 12pgs 13fn 0s $107.40
John Dewey
Dewey's philosophy, biography, and his experiments. 84yr 5pgs 7fn 4s $44.75
Alfred North Whitehead : The Man and his Philosophy
Looks at Whitehead, a philosopher and mathematician who made an outstanding attempt to produce a comprehensive metaphysical system, detailing his categories of the ultimate, of existence, of explanation and categorial obligations. 88yr 9pgs 11fn 8s $80.55
Bertrand Russell's Why I Am Not a Christian
Examines this work an extended argument against Christianity and its negative effects in the world. 90yr 10pgs 10fn 0s $89.50
Basic Tenets of Personalistic Ethics
The basic tenets of personalistic ethics according to The Dignity of Man as a Person by Andrew Woznicki. 90yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
Basic tenets of Personalistic Ethics
A discussion of the basic tenets of personalistic according to Woznicki, based on the Christian humanism of Pope John Paul II. 90yr 10pgs 14fn 0s $89.50
Henri Bergson's View of the Individual and of Society
Observes Bergson's views on individuals idenity in terms of consciousness, his definition of society, the task of society and his opinions on closed society. 91yr 6pgs 6fn 0s $53.70
Paralogical Ideals
Examines paralogical ideals or those that run counter to logic and these ideals in ideas such as the American Dream and Manifest Destiny of freedom of speech and press and money as a means of success having created positive and negative effects. 91yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Three Considerations of Psychology and Philosophy
Examines Martin Luther King's, Freud's and Karl Marx's views on society and social classes, Melanie Klein's techniques in analyzing the activities of children and Francis acon's concerns with the character of the natural world. 91yr 6pgs 14fn 0s $53.70
Fatal Strategies by Jean Baudrillard
An examination of this French philosopher's theory which attempts to make sense of the proliferation of communications through the media. 91yr 6pgs Afn 0s $53.70
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