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Philosophy: Individual Philosophers

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Descarte's Meditations: A critique
A subjective view of existence (cogito ergo sum). 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Cartesian Dualism
Discusses the external realities and internal realities, both containing universal laws to which humans are subjected. 79yr 4pgs 4fn 2s $35.80
Descartes And Rational Philosophy
An introductory account of the contribution of Descartes to philosophy, followed by sections on Descartes" epistemology, phenomenology and philosophy of human nature, criticisms of Descartes by Hume and Kant and Descartes' influence on modern philosophy. 80yr 25pgs 22fn 8s $223.75
Descartes' Study of the Mind and Body
A review of Descartes' "Meditation" series, with his thoughts on mind and body. 83yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
Observes Decartes' philosophic concepts such as truth, God's existence, deduction reasoning, intuition. His role as "Father of modern Western Philosophy". 85yr 9pgs 10fn 0s $80.55
Descartes and the Cogito
Examines Descartes development of the cogito as the basis for human understanding and knowledge and proving the existence of God as a Transcendent being that could be known by man as a result of thinking. 93yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Descartes : Thought, Consciousness, and Certainity
Observes Descartes proof of existence of the self raising the question of what the certainty-existing self actually is and also his concept of metaphysical dualism following his logic through his Meditation series. 94yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Descartes on Reason and Experiment
Observes in Descartes, Discourse on Method, his concern with the problem of finding a starting point for a rational philosophy, and specifically with a starting point for epistemology. 94yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The Political Thought of John Locke
Examines the events shaping Locke's philosophy. 79yr 5pgs 3fn 3s $44.75
John Locke : His Life and Philosophy
A biographical sketch of John Locke as a prominent philosopher of his time and a pioneer of Western liberal thought. Looks at his ideas on psychology, politics and human nature. 90yr 7pgs 9fn 6s $62.65
Locke's Theory of Personal Identity and Butler's criticism
Looks at Joseph Butlers criticism of Locke's concept of individual idenity. 90yr 5pgs 5fn 0s $44.75
The Philosophy of John Locke and the Declaration of Independence
Discusses and comments upon the relationship between Locke's ideas as presented in the Second Treatise on Government and the Declaration of Independence and takes the position that without reference to Locke's emphasis upon natural law and the rights of. 93yr 6pgs Afn 1s $53.70
Locke on the Meaning of Words
An observation of Locke's belief that man needs greater attention to language and to avoid the pitfalls of careless abstraction which give rise to verbal confusion. 93yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Natural Law Theory In The Tratises Of Thomas Hobbes
Examines and analyzes Hobbesian notions of natural law as reflected in his masterpiece, Leviathan. 80yr 12pgs 18fn 5s $107.40
Hobbes on Political Obligation
Observes the sharply individualistic strain in the natural rights philosophy of the Enlightment as seen in the work of Thomas Hobbes, focusing on his views on political obligation. 94yr 8pgs Afn 6s $71.60
Liberty and Necessity
Notes Mill's views on social and civil liberty and free will. 78yr 10pgs 0fn 1s $89.50
On Liberty, by Mills
Examines theories of individual freedom and social control and the inherent truths in society. 79yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
On Liberty by Mills
Observes Mills thoughts on the question of justifiable interference with liberty on the part of society. 79yr 7pgs 14fn 3s $62.65
Mill On Freedom and Restraint
Examines the works of J.S. Mill as they apply to free will, reason and natural law. 80yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
John Mill: "Liberty"
An analysis of Mill's book "Liberty", and his views. 81yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
John Stuart Mill's Ideas of Freedom of Speech
Mills arguments for true liberty as must be sacrificed on certain occassions for the good of others. 90yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
John Stuart Mill on Desire, Will and Habit
Considers mill as primarily a social and political philosopher defining such forces as desire, will and habit more in terms of their utilitarian effects than of their psychological or metaphysical meaning. 90yr 6pgs Afn 3s $53.70
Liberalism in Government and Society from the Perspective of John Stuart Mill
Observes liberalism's most enduring contribution as having been its advocacy of individual action and choice and Mill's relatively early and classic case for liberalism, personal freedom and dismissal of conformity, in his book On Liberty. 94yr 8pgs 16fn 8s $71.60
Kant's Copernican Revolution In Metaphysics And His Antimomes Of Pure Reason
An analysis of Kantian epistemology and of Kant's distinction between various forms of knowledge. 80yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
Kant's Conception Of Mathematics Based On Synthetic A Priori Knowledge
An analysis of Kant's view that empirical knowledge was of a lower order than that required to demonstrate the certainties of Mathematics. 80yr 7pgs Afn 0s $62.65
Principles of Immanuel Kant's philosophy- freedom, reason, noumenon, the will, his aim to bring our reason to self-consciousness. 85yr 17pgs 53fn 18s $152.15
Immanuel Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason"
A review of the first 113 pages of Kant's classic; an examination of knowledge and how it can be acquired. 84yr 5pgs 3fn 0s $44.75
Kant's Critique of Pure Reason
Observes the implications for theology as Kant address himself to questions of the relationship between philosophy and theology as seen in his Critique of Pure Reason. 90yr 8pgs 10fn 7s $71.60
Kant's Definition of the Will
Examines Kant's philosophy regarding types of will, imperatives which define will and moral implications. 90yr 7pgs 10fn 4s $62.65
An Analysis of Kant's Position on Duty and Inclination
Examines Kant's position on both duty and inclination, assessing the strengths and weaknesses of his position, and attempting to determine which value is most decisive. 92yr 5pgs 10fn 5s $44.75
Key Individuals in Philosophy
Examines Rousseau's letter to Voltaire. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Rousseau's Social Contract
Examines theories stating the belief in primitive simplicity and progress as being able to corrupt a society. 79yr 5pgs 7fn 3s $44.75
Rousseau's Confessions
Discusses and analyzes Rousseau's contributions as an Enlightenment thinker, expressed in his highly sensitive autobiography. 80yr 8pgs 4fn 0s $71.60
Rousseau's Emile
A Discussion of Rousseau's "ideal education" stressing authority and freedom. 80yr 7pgs 8fn 5s $62.65
Rousseau's Discourse on Inequality
Observes, through this discourse, an assumption of a rather negative stance on civilization and government, claiming that inequality has actually increased since the advent of governments. and that democracies do not correct this condition. 92yr 6pgs 7fn 0s $53.70
Marxism and Black Liberation
Discusses Marxist theories affect on Black liberation. 79yr 13pgs 17fn 12s $116.35
Karl Marx and the Classical Definition of Truth
Examines Marxist ideals of humanized nature or the sense that man can regard a part of nature, a part of himself. 79yr 5pgs 4fn 1s $44.75
Karl Marx: Selected Writings in Sociological and Social Philosophy
As translated by Bottomore. A review and analysis as an attempt to develop Marx' proper place as a forerunner of modern sociology. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Karl Marx And Friedrich Engels On Bouregois And Proletarians And Karl Marx On Class Conflict
An examination of some of the social theories contained in The Communist Manifesto and other Marxist writings. 80yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Karl Marx And The Philosophy Of History
An analysis of Marx's philosophy of history containing few direct quotes but utilizing instead the writer's own language. 80yr 20pgs 2fn 11s $179.00
Karl Marx: Somewhat Random Reflections
An approach to Marxism aimed at proving the argument that there is no "authentic" Marxist position on any particular issue since Marx was not a systematic thinker. 80yr 6pgs Afn 5s $53.70
Karl Marx On The Materialist Conception Of History, Existence And Consciousness And The Sociology Of Capitalism
An analysis of certain Marxist texts concerned with philosophical and sociological problems. 80yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Scholar Antonio Gramsci's interpretation of Marx compared with Weber's views on politics and science. 85yr 7pgs 7fn 2s $62.65
The Theories of Machiavelli Applied to Business Management
Discusses Machiavelli's theories in terms of their feasibility and also in terms of their desirability as applied to business management activities. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Machiavelli's Prince as a Treatise on the Science of Statecraft and as a Center of the Humanist Movement
A relating of Machiavelli's The Prince to its renaissance Florentine setting. 80yr 8pgs 9fn 4s $71.60
Machiavelli's The Prince : A Treatise on the Science of Statecraft
Explores a conception that Machiavelli's masterpiece The Prince has been misinterpreted as to the intent of the writing and poses the idea that the author's location in the center of the humanist movement and his undisguised loyalty to republican ideals. 79yr 8pgs 9fn 4s $71.60
Machiavelli's Theories on Reason of State
Machiavelli's thoughts as a preoccupation with power; his desire for a strong government; role in divorcing politics from morality; what Machiavelli would have thought of the U.S. roles in Iran and Nicaragua. 83yr 30pgs 17fn 5s $268.50
A dissection of "The Prince", with a brief biographical sketch and comments from renowned critics. 84yr 7pgs 9fn 10s $62.65
Machiavelli's Violation of the Humanist Ideal
Machiavelli and the realities of power as he saw them; applications to modern politics. 81yr 5pgs 6fn 2s $44.75
Machiavelli: A Study in Opposing Concepts
A look at people's interpretations of "The Prince"- was it an attack or a how-to manual?; relating Machiavelli's writings to political theory. 82yr 10pgs 12fn 8s $89.50
"Prince" and "Discourses": A Study in Machiavellian Inconsistency
An analysis of the inconsistencies between Machiavelli's two works. The political and social events in Italy that influenced both writings. 83yr 9pgs 12fn 4s $80.55
How to view Machiavelli and "The Prince"- whether moral or immoral, a work on art. The ruler in the "Prince". 83yr 5pgs 4fn 0s $44.75
Machiavelli's Signifance For Intellectual History
Observes Machiavelli's philosophy and advanced world-view as being both original and revolutionary by his contempories at the point of the Italian Renaissance focusing on his Volume ,The Prince. 92yr 7pgs 8fn 3s $62.65
The Prince : A Movement Away from old traditions to a New Modernity
Observes, through his work The Prince, Machiavelli's description of a new type of ruler based upon the inherent ability of the individual to seize power and wield it to great personal advantage. 92yr 6pgs Afn 3s $53.70
The Prince by Machiavelli
An essay on the theme of difficult times calls for strong, determined and ambitious leaders without being bound by conventional ethics and morality. 94yr 2pgs 0fn 0s $17.90
Phenomenology of Mind by Hegel
Examens Hegel's goal that the mind strives to understand what knowing is thru the concepts of the whole, the absolute and God. 79yr 7pgs 5fn 0s $62.65
The Phenomenology of Mind
by Hegel. An analysis of the fifth chapter dealing with individual consciousness as absolute reality of self-consciousness. 79yr 5pgs 4fn 0s $44.75
Hegel's Notion of "Lordship and Bondage" in "The Phenomenology of Mind"
Hegel's discussion of the master-slave relationship as an example of his use of the dialectic; also on history as a reflection of Spirit. 83yr 15pgs 14fn 5s $134.25
An examination of Sartre's views on hatred. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
An Analysis of Jean-Paul Sartre's Anti-Semite and the Jew
Concludes that laws that prohibit anti-Semitism will, in the long run, be of less significance, implying that Jews are hated because of their very humanity. 80yr 7pgs 17fn 0s $62.65
The Holy Spirit in the Theology of St, Thomas Aquinas
Discusses the philosophy of St, Thomas Aquinas, called the greatest of all the medieval philosophers, with particular attention to his theological views on the nature of the Holy Spirit. 81yr 15pgs 31fn 14s $134.25
Aquinas Proofs for the Existence of God
Observes ,through his Summa Theologica, five ways of proving the existence of God. 90yr 3pgs 1fn 0s $26.85
A Discussion of Some of the Elements of Thomas Aquinas' Theories
Describes three of Aquinas' ethical positions : the natural goodness of creation, the natural moral law and the nature of individuals as rational, social beings who seek happiness. 93yr 5pgs 15fn 4s $44.75
A Study of the Political and Religious Doctrines in Sir Thomas Moore's Utopia
Examines Sir Thomas More's Utopia as a presentation and discussion of an ideal country, his expressed religious views, political views and the context of the times in which it was written. 78yr 6pgs 4fn 6s $53.70
Spinoza's Doctrine of Eternity
Includes defining Spinoza's terms, eternity v. duration, the logical core of his theories, ideas of real and not real, that which is measurable by time, external existence and the implications of God theory on real or not real essence in time. 79yr 10pgs 3fn 1s $89.50
Spinoza: The Emotions of Man and Freedom
Analyzes and discusses Spinoza's philosophy as applicable to free will, emotional makeup and pertinence to the external world. 80yr 8pgs 10fn 6s $71.60
Spinoza: Intellectual and Moral Theory
Examines Spinoza's theories further in the realm of cognition and ethics outlined in his master work, The Ethica. 80yr 10pgs 7fn 8s $89.50
Spinoza"s Conception of the Relation of Substance and Mode. How is his view of Man reflected in his view of this Relation
Spinoza's conception of the relation of substance and mode and a reflection of this theory in his view of man. 81yr 7pgs 4fn 4s $62.65
Spinoza's Theory of Knowledge and his Moral Theory
Investigates Spinoza's theory of knowledge and its relationship to his moral theory. the concepts of imagination, reason, and scientific intuition are included. 81yr 9pgs 15fn 6s $80.55
Spinoza's Concept of the Mind and Body
An analysis of Spinoza's attempt to reconcile the mind and the body, or spiritual ideas with science. 84yr 7pgs 7fn 6s $62.65
Spinoza and the Concept of Human Freedom
Analyzes Spinoza's observation that in order for human freedom to occur, the necessity of man is to exercise full control over his emotions as freedom is a consequence of clear thinking on the part of the mind. 83yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Nietzsche and Hitler: The Perversion of German Philosophy
Examines Nietzsche's concepts as Hitler applied them pointing out similarities and gauging the level of influence one had upon the other. 79yr 15pgs 21fn 10s $134.25
Nietzche and National Socialism
An examination of the philosophical theories and application of these theories into the Ideology of the National Socialist Movement in Germany in the 1930's and an analysis of how Nietzche's philosophy exposes Nazi ideologies and is used as a convenient. 79yr 16pgs 16fn 13s $143.20
Nietzsche's Moral Structure
An analysis of the German Philosopher's views on morality and moral structure. 80yr 11pgs 0fn 5s $98.45
The Concept Of Ascetic Ideals In The Third Book Of Nietzche's
The Genealogy of Morals. A study of Nietzsche's use of the ascetic ideal to attack certain philosophies with which he was in disagreement. 80yr 7pgs 3fn 3s $62.65
The Idea of "The Veil of the Unhistorical" in Nietzsche's "The Use and Abuse of History"
A discourse on Nietzsche's view that history's value is really unhistorical, as it relates to art. 84yr 7pgs 11fn 7s $62.65
What is Nietzsche's view of the truth? Is He Right?
Observes Nietzsche's ideas concerning truth with his finding of a world devoid of form and meaning, as such, there is nothing in it which might logically be supposed to have value. 92yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
David Hume's Philosophy Examined
Includes the concept of chronological sequence and belief. 79yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
David Hume
A critique and analysis of Hume's works, including A Treatise of Human Nature and Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, stressing empiricist thought. 80yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Hume: Arguments from Design
The design and method of David Hume's philosophy regarding various philosophical concepts. 81yr 10pgs 11fn 5s $89.50
Hume: Arguments From Design
Examines the writings of British philosopher David Hume and his ideas concerning man and religion, role of myth, law and his other doctrines of skepticism. 78yr 11pgs 11fn 5s $98.45
David Hume
The theories and philosophical approaches of Hume; views on laws, liberty, God, the self. 85yr 9pgs 0fn 0s $80.55
"Treatise of Human Nature" by David Hume
An analysis of Hume's major philosophical work where he gives his thoughts on the concept of nature. 84yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Hume's philosophy on self identity
Hume on the concept of self identity, problems with his rational empirical model he employs regarding ideas of self identity, etc. 90yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
The Plague by Camus
Discusses Camus' contemplation of the nature of death and moral values as illustrated in this work. 79yr 8pgs 21fn 9s $71.60
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