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Philosophy: Eastern

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Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

Taoism: The Philosophy of Lao-Tzu and Chuang Ty
Traces the origins of Taoism, its philosophical nature and credited roots of acupuncture. 78yr 20pgs 46fn 9s $179.00
The Major Forms of Yoga
Discusses various types of yoga, philosophical differences, and paths to enlightenment each employs. 79yr 8pgs 17fn 7s $71.60
Mysticism in the East: The Meditative Tradition of India and Tibet
Examines the fundamental differences between Asiatics, Zen Buddhism and Tibetian Buddhism as seen thru the writings of Shankara, Aurobindo and Alexander David-Neel's experiences in Tibet and Sikkum. 79yr 18pgs 24fn 3s $161.10
Three Book Reports Dealing With Eastern Philosophies
Discusses Samkara's The Creet Jewel of Discrimination, McDermott's The Essential Aurobindo and Neal's Magic and Mystery in Tibet. 79yr 15pgs 7fn 3s $134.25
Marsilius Of Padua and Ibn Khaldun
A comparison of the legal concepts of these roughly contemporary and culturally antipodal thinkers. 80yr 11pgs 11fn 4s $98.45
Demosthene's "On The Peace."
Examines the thoughts of the great statesman of Athens on the peace with Philip of Macedon in the 4th century B.C. 80yr 10pgs 12fn 8s $89.50
Ibn Khaldun"s Philosophy of History : A Study in the Philosophic Foundation of the Science of Culture by Muhsin Mahdi
A study of the work of this late medieval Moslem thinker. 81yr 8pgs 12fn 1s $71.60
Taoism and the Arts
An analysis of the wisdom of the Oriental philosophy of Taoism noting its axioms including school of thought, ideals,contributions to social life and its influence in cultural development in Chinese art and music. 81yr 7pgs 19fn 9s $62.65
An explanation of the Yoga system and practices, evolution, and influence in the West. 84yr 10pgs 7fn 4s $89.50
The "Bhagavad Gita" as a Buddhist Text
How the "Bhagavad Gita" helped develop Buddhism, especially the importance of moderation and discipline. Also discusses differences between them. 83yr 7pgs 6fn 0s $62.65
A Comparison of the Taoist Philosophies of Chuang Tzu and Lao Tzu
How these two Taoist philosophers differ in conceiving the Way or Tao. Also looks at their similarities in thought. 85yr 7pgs 7fn 0s $62.65
The Concept of Early Man in China
Examines the two poles of ancient Chinese thought in terms of their views on individualism, man's relation to nature, the meaning of history, the function of government, and the ends of moral education. Looks at Confucianism and Taoism. 91yr 6pgs Afn 0s $53.70
Influence of Taoism on Art
Describes the ways in which Taoism has influenced the Chinese arts of landscape painting, poetry and music discussing in detail the various influences of Taoism and its ideals found in these traditional Chinese art forms. 94yr 15pgs 0fn 0s $134.25
The Influence of Zen on Art
Examines the manner in which Zen influences art and artistry in Japan, drawing upon several textsthat have analyzed this relationship between idealogical, ethical and practical orientation and the creation of various art forms. 94yr 15pgs 0fn 0s $134.25
The Philosophy of Chuang Chou
duscusses the writing of Chuang-Tzu, focusing upon the interpretation of "The Way" and the process of "becoming one with nature", one of the central themes of Chuang-Tzu and compares to the ideas of both Lao-Tzu and Confucius with respect to the question. 94yr 10pgs Afn 0s $89.50
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