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Philosophy: Comparative

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Locke and Watergate
Compares Locke's treatise on government with the Watergate dilemma. 78yr 5pgs 4fn 6s $44.75
Mature Selfishness: A Question of Ethics
A comparison of objectivity and subjectivity. 78yr 5pgs Afn 0s $44.75
Liberalism and Freedom
Research on the philosophy of liberty between Black and White people based on the theories of Locke, Dubois and E. Cleaver. 78yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
Discusses the various views on why be moral based on the philosophies of Hobbs, Plato and Sartre. 78yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Where Does John Dewey Stand in Regard to Christian Theology
Contends that he is pragmatic and scientific as opposed to tenants of blind faith in religion, and his feelings that there is religious value to goodness. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
A Comparison of Butler and Kant
A discussion on their respective views on ethics. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
A Comparison of Perception in The Philosophy of A.N. Whitehead and the Teachings of Nyayavaiseshika
Observes the distinctions in the views of Alfred North Whitehead in the Principia Mathimatica and Hinduism on perception and types of knowledge. 78yr 10pgs 11fn 5s $89.50
A comparison of Job and Homer's Achilles
An illustration of the great disparities between the Hebrew and Greek views of life, religion and human heroism. 78yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Theories of Social Contract (Rousseau)
Examines the positions of Rousseau and Locke and their respective contributions to the justification of the body politic's rule. 79yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
Locke and Watergate
Examines the Watergate scandal and its violation of Lockian theory asserting that government is via the consent of the governed. 79yr 8pgs 3fn 4s $71.60
Plato and Fascism: Friends or Foes
A comparison of Plato's programmatic approaches to government with a basic assumption and logical deduction on the way things should be as opposed to facism's from the bottom approach, lacking corresponding theory. 79yr 5pgs 24fn 9s $44.75
Marx, Durkheim or Weber?
Discusses and compares the theories of these men in a political-philosophical reference and their varied views on economics, social justice and human motivation and desire. 79yr 6pgs 3fn 3s $53.70
Love, Beauty, and Death: The Trinity.
Examines the characteristics that set man apart from nature, the idea of transcendence, noting the ideas of Camus, Keats, Joyce, Mann and Plato. 79yr 11pgs 18fn 8s $98.45
Theories of Tyranny by Plato, Locke and Madison
In examining the nature of tyranny, discusses the causes, problems, its relationship with absolute power, and the government and the writings of the mentioned above. 79yr 15pgs 7fn 3s $134.25
Sartre and Buber
Focuses on Buber the Theologian and Sartre the Atheist, existentialism, the meaning of freedom, the I-it relationship and the structure of consciousness according to these philosophers. 79yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Differences Between Greek and Christian Thinkers
Views of God are discussed as being perceived as a divine being, as nature, particularly by Aristotle, Plato. 79yr 5pgs 6fn 6s $44.75
The Function of Government: Hobbes and Plato
Examines the concepts of law, power, authority, the individual and community according to these philosophers. 79yr 5pgs 5fn 2s $44.75
The Misery of Philosophy by Marx vs. The Philosophy of Misery by Proudnon
Compares these works and their concepts of social order, labor and wages, property and political attitude. 79yr 7pgs 0fn 10s $62.65
Free Will and Determinism
A comparative study of the philosophy of Descartes, Socrates, Plato and Nietzche. 79yr 6pgs 10fn 5s $53.70
Logical and Psychological Implications of Belief and Their Importance in History
Examines the ideas of belief and disbelief as seen through Christian writings and Marxist theory. 79yr 6pgs 8fn 7s $53.70
A Discussion of Humanism
A look at the development and present philosophical roots of the Humanist philosophy and its relation with Scholasticism. 80yr 7pgs 8fn 7s $62.65
The Philosophy of Aristotle
Examines Aristotle's philosophy in light of other major philosophies from various time periods such as Rousseau, Marx, Engles, Mills, Plato, Hobbs, and Machiavelli. 80yr 20pgs 3fn 6s $179.00
Can A Classical Literal Find Personal Equanimity in a Welfare Capitalist State?
Discusses the topic according to philosophies of Locke, Paine, Sartre and Rousseau. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Classical Philosopher Vs. The Modern Intellectual
A study in time and changes, centering on these paragons of ancient and modern thought. 80yr 7pgs 6fn 4s $62.65
Kant's Metaphysics of Morals and Bhagavad Gita
Compares and contrasts the philosophical relevance of these two works, indigenous to eastern and western culture, noting differences and similarities in over-all ethical make-up. 80yr 15pgs Afn 2s $134.25
The Question Of Morality Autonomy and The Writings Of Plato, Bettelheim and Bonhoeffer
An examination of the use of personal freedom in ethical issues as seen in the Republic, The informed Heart and Bonhoeffer's theology. 80yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
The Enlightenment In France: Fontanelie, Montesquieu, and Prevost
Traces the development of Enlightenment thought as seen through the writings of these three seminal French thinkers. 80yr 7pgs 4fn 8s $62.65
Platonic Justice and the American Way
Discusses classical ideal in justice and how it applies in modern American thought. 80yr 5pgs 8fn 6s $44.75
Frege, Hume, Determinism and Free Will
Analyzes the concepts of free will and determinism as seen in the writings of two of its leading exponents. 80yr 7pgs 3fn 4s $62.65
Hume and Hegel
Discusses the philosophies of these two thinkers, and their importance to the Enlightenment. 80yr 7pgs 4fn 3s $62.65
Mill and Rousseau On Liberty
A comparison of ideas which discusses through detailed analyses, the ideas of liberty of J S Mill and Rousseau, including free will for an individual, group or government. 80yr 11pgs 17fn 7s $98.45
Kant And Hume
Discusses the theory of a priori reasoning in the works of these two great thinkers. 80yr 8pgs 4fn 2s $71.60
The Skepticism Of Hume and Descartes
Discusses this issue in the works of both, noting doubts and similarities of thought, with a critique of Cartesian thought and Hume's Enquiries. 80yr 10pgs 10fn 6s $89.50
A discussion of Plato's Republic, Protagoras and Gorgias and Hume's A Treatise of Human Nature. 80yr 7pgs 0fn 4s $62.65
Role Of Property--An Analysis Of The Theories Of Plato, Locke And Marx
A comparison of theories of property stressing the fact that all three thinkers believed that an unlimited private property could cause considerable harm to the welfare of society. 80yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
The Political Philosophy Of Hobbes, Locke And Rousseau
A general comparison of their theories of the individual and the state. 80yr 6pgs 0fn 5s $53.70
Philosophy : Freedom and Responsibility
Attention to Plato and Bonhoeffer's views on the interconnection of freedom and responsibility and the effect of the individual's on the soul and spiritual being. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Concept of Change as viewed by Marx, Sorel, Nietzsche, Freud and Kafka
An examination of the ideas of various thinkers/intellectuals/philosophers and their contribution to our "intellectual history". 81yr 11pgs 13fn 11s $98.45
Plato and Bonhoeffer : Philosophic and Theological Issues
Notes Bonhoeffer's viewing of theology and philosophy as extensions of mans spirituality and Plato's concern with the functioning and organization of the social order. 81yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas on the Nature of the Soul
Analyzes Aristotle's concept of the soul as a substantial form and Aquinas's view of the internal formative power in the body is the soul. 81yr 7pgs Afn 4s $62.65
Problems in Philosophy of Law
Examines various philosophers' views of law and justice including Aquinas, J.S.Mill, Aristotle, Hart, J.Bentham and John Rawls. 81yr 9pgs 0fn 0s $80.55
The Views of Hume, Darrow, Broad and Huxley on the Mind and Body
Examines these various philosophers viewpoints as consistently advancing the notion that the human being has no spiritual substance underlying his physical substance. 81yr 6pgs 6fn 3s $53.70
The Influence of Aristotle on the Growth on the Growth of Western Civilization
Aristotle's influence on the Greek civilization, the Roman Empire, Christianity, influence on the renaissance and the legacy of Aristotle on the modern world. 81yr 9pgs 8fn 6s $80.55
J.S.Mill and Bentham on the quality of pleasure
Discusses how Mill and Bentham differ, if at all, over which pleasures are worth pursuing. 81yr 7pgs 3fn 3s $62.65
Plato and Bonhoeffer : A Comparison
Examines and compares the philosophical viewpoints on various issues of Plato and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. 81yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Augustine on Soul and God; Aristotle on Passive and Active Mind. Are They Making the Same Statement?
An examination of the resemblance between St. Augustine's concept of the relation of the soul to God and Aristotle's notion of the intellective function of soul and Active Mind. 81yr 10pgs 20fn 4s $89.50
Aristotle's Concept of Form and Matter
Analyzes Aristotles concept of form and matter as they appear in three levels of soul: nutritive, sensitive, and intellective and inextricably linked notions of "actuality" and potentiality". 81yr 25pgs 55fn 3s $223.75
Gabriel Marcel's Philosophic Notion of Truth
Focuses on Gabriel Marcel's interpretation of truth and its compliance or non-compliance with the thinking of Plato, the Sophists, Aristotle, Kant and Hegel. 81yr 7pgs 13fn 7s $62.65
The Concept of Progress in Hegel, Marx, Comte, Darwin,Spencer and Emile Durkheim
The evolution of ideas and the development of realization of progress as exemplified in the philosophical theories of these thinkers. 81yr 8pgs 7fn 8s $71.60
A comparison of Ideas of Liberty Held by Mill and Rousseau
Discusses their intimate political philosophy regarding liberty and its connotations for life. 81yr 10pgs 14fn 7s $89.50
Freudian and Hegelian Views on the Legitimacy of Authority
Hoe both Freud and Hegel legitimate authority. Comparison of each views of the state; challenges to authority; the writer's own philosophy. 83yr 17pgs 7fn 7s $152.15
A Comparison of the Doctrines of Jean-Jaques Rousseau with those of John Locke
Locke's view of society as an improvement on the individual's abilities versus Rousseau's view of society as antithecal to the nature of man. 78yr 6pgs 5fn 4s $53.70
A Comparison of the Concept of Individual Freedom in John Stuart Mill and Karl Marx
Mill's ideal of liberty versus Marx's dislike for it without economic freedom. 81yr 3pgs 3fn 2s $26.85
A Comparison of Liberalism and Socialism
A comparison of liberal and socialist views, using Locke, Mill, Marx, Bernstein, and Lenin as examples. 84yr 7pgs 6fn 6s $62.65
The Leibniz-Clarke Exchanges
An account of a series of exchanges between Leibniz and Clarke on free will, divine will and the nature and use of language. 85yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
The Concept and Form of Love as Presented in "King Lear", Plato's "Symposium" and the "Hippolytus of Euripedes
The importance, form, and consequences of love in these three works. 85yr 7pgs 10fn 9s $62.65
A Comparison Between Plato's "Republic" and Orwell's "1984"
Compares and contrasts the two works, the societies they were set in, and their depictions of the subordination of individual rights and liberties to the state. 85yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
A Comparison of the Political and Social Philosophy of Karl Marx and Gandhi
A comparison of the views of Mark and Gandhi on political/social change, their nature and implementation. 85yr 13pgs 18fn 0s $116.35
Dietrich Bonhoeffer on Salvation and the Christian Life
An analysis of Bonhoeffer's views on spirituality as a means of achieving religious faith. Comparisons to Plato. 83yr 7pgs 8fn 6s $62.65
John Locke and Plato: A Comparative and Contrastive Essay
Compares Plato's and Locke's philosophical theories on the role of government and political theory. 84yr 7pgs 7fn 6s $62.65
Machiavelli and Hobbes
A comparison of the political thought of Machiavelli and Hobbes, especially the status of the Prince. 82yr 6pgs 8fn 5s $53.70
A Comparison of the Political Thought of Hobbes and Machiavelli
How both Machiavelli and Hobbes made political authority dependent on political power; other similarities and differences. 83yr 7pgs 7fn 4s $62.65
A Comparison of Mill's and Marx's Ideas About the Idea and Function of the State
How Marx and Mill both thought that the state should represent the people's interests; concepts of freedom, liberty, and economics. 84yr 7pgs 8fn 4s $62.65
Two Considerations of Literary Philosophy
An analysis of Camus and Frankl - how they viewed existence, meaning, etc. 84yr 6pgs 10fn 0s $53.70
The Perfect State and the Perfect Ruler
A comparison of the political views of Plato, Aristotle, Maimonides, and Machiavelli on the perfect state and the perfect ruler. 82yr 16pgs 30fn 18s $143.20
The Concept of Nature in the Political Thinking of Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau
A comparison of how these three philosophers viewed nature's role in shaping their political thinking. 82yr 9pgs 8fn 4s $80.55
Philosophy Questions
Answers various questions on the respective philosophies of Plato, Decarte, Hume, Hegel, Marx, and Sartre. Kind of a philosophical catch all of some of the most asked and relevant questions in any modern day philosphical arena. 88yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
Luther and Machiavelli's View of Society
Analyzes Luther's and Machivelli's viewpoints on the expression of the individual in society. 88yr 6pgs 8fn 5s $53.70
Locke and Rousseau : Compared
Compares their views on inalienable individual rights and the nature of government as seen in Locke's Second Treatise and Rosseau's Social Contract. 90yr 9pgs 13fn 0s $80.55
Hobbes and Locke on Sovereignty
Hobbes and Locke viewing sovereignty and human nature in semmingly similar but fundamentally different ways. 90yr 6pgs 11fn 0s $53.70
Hume and Kant
Hume in challenging traditional metaphysics by questioning common sense assumptions about the nature of the world and Kant in seeking to find certainity instead in the nature of knowing itself. 90yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
Kant and Aristotle on Morality and Individuality
Observes their views of the origin of and relation between morality and individuality in highly different ways. 90yr 7pgs 9fn 5s $62.65
A Comparison of Bentham and Hegel
Compares and Contrasts their opposing philosophies. 90yr 6pgs 2fn 0s $53.70
Camus as Extentialist, Kierkegaard's Aesthetic Life,
Heidegger's Authentic Existence. Observes Camus's afinity for depicting alienated individuals struggling to maintain their identities, Kierkegaard beliefs that aethetc state of being can cause individual alienation through misunderstanding an Heidegger o. 90yr 13pgs 12fn 5s $116.35
Locke, Milton, Mill and King
examines thoughts of these individuals on various topics. 90yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Locke, Rosseau and Landes Compared
Examines, through their respective works, their heavily divergent views on political participation. 90yr 8pgs 11fn 4s $71.60
Hobbes and Locke : A Comparison
Compares and contrasts Hobbes and Locke on their philosophies regarding liberty, law and the purpose of government and civil society. 90yr 6pgs 9fn 0s $53.70
What has Morality to do with Politics
A look at the political implications to be derived from the moral philosophies of Aristotle, Kant and Goodin, in order to see if their visions' of the "good and valuable social order" can be reconciled. 90yr 6pgs Afn 3s $53.70
Machiavelli and Hobbes : The Imapct of History on Political Theory
An examination of The Prince and Leviathan as sharing a common interest, to evolve a political philosophy which responded to the recent history and current events of the periods in which they were written. 91yr 6pgs 13fn 9s $53.70
A Comparison of the State of Nature and the State of War in Hobbes's Leviathan and Locke's Second Treatise on Government
Hobbes and Locke's views on natural law and dispositions of peace as seen in these works. 91yr 6pgs Afn 3s $53.70
A Comparison and Contrast of Thomas More's Utopia and B.F. Skinners's Walden Two
Examines these works as reflecting the human capacity to fantasize about ideal societies against which the shortcomings of existing society can be measured. 91yr 10pgs Afn 6s $89.50
Kant and Hume : Contrast and Analysis
An observation of the different philosophical viewpoints of each centering on Hume's empirical viewpoint aimed at the center of metaphysics and as a rational approach to the Age of Reason and Kant challenging knowledge of a priori ideas of principles, on. 91yr 10pgs 8fn 8s $89.50
Locke and Marx on the Origin and Right of Property
Observes Locke's view of property being an extension of ones own individual laobors and the Hegelian/ Marxist interpretation of property in which all power, rights and property belonged to the state. 92yr 6pgs Afn 4s $53.70
Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau and the State of Nature
Compares and contrasts The views of these philosophers regarding theit views on the state of nature natural law,and the relationship between man and nature. 95yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Descarte, Spinoza and Locke : Philosophy and Tolerance in 17th Century Holland
Examines the philosophical thoughts of Decarte, Spinoza and John Lockeas congregating in holland in the 17th Century where a cosmopolitan and stimulating climate of intellectual exchange and creativity existed. 93yr 10pgs Afn 3s $89.50
Jerusalem and Athens : The Dialogue Between Faith and Reason in Aristotle
Observes two cities as points of departure, each having a long history as a site of human habitation and the philosophical conditions they symbolize. 94yr 9pgs 16fn 10s $80.55
Montesquieu, Smith and Mill : Social Equality and Social Welfare in the Republican Era of the 18th and 19th Centuries
Examines Montesquieu's concern with the spirit of the laws and the poor, Adam Smith on poverty, 19th century arguments on natural law and poverty and the poor law debates. 94yr 14pgs Afn 39s $125.30
A Comparison of Machiavelli and Hobbes
Proceeds from the assumption that Hobbes had read Machiavelli's work prior to producing his own, and draws upon The Prince and Leviathan to compare and contrast three specific themes regarding the role of individuals with respect to the functioning of th. 94yr 7pgs Afn 2s $62.65
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