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Philosophy: General

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Predestination from the 16th to the 18th Centuries
Discusses the interaction of predestination with economic and political happenings of the day. 78yr 7pgs 14fn 6s $62.65
Perception: Psychology, Philosophy and Neurology
Follows the ways in which man sees and chooses to see the world from Ancient Greece to the present, noting the perceptions coined realism, dualism and representative realism. 78yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
The Problem of Universals
Examines justification for their existence, their philosophical tradition, concluding that a belief in them is well-founded and offers supporting evidence and literature. 78yr 7pgs 3fn 4s $62.65
Free Will Vs. Determinism
Discusses two opposing philosophies describing mans relation to the environment, his control over his own destiny or lack of it. 79yr 5pgs 6fn 3s $44.75
Mental Phenomena in Plants and the Mind Body Relationship
Notes much parapsychological evidence supporting the physical effects of mental processes, particularly in Tompkins The Secret Life of Plants. 79yr 13pgs 11fn 0s $116.35
Barth's Floating Opera, Percey's The Moviegoer, and Welty's The Optimistic Daughter
Discusses the philosophical aspects of the conflict to continue living or to die. 79yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The Virtue of Imitation
Thru Don Quixote notes imitation as an ideal, the attempt to internalize values and being as opposed to trying to be. 79yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
Classic Studies in Rhetoric
From Aristotle's Rhetorica, Cicero's DeOrataore, Quintitian's Institution Oratorio, Plato's Gorgias and Phaedras and Longious' On the Sublime notes and the motive elements of persuasion for style, delivery and content, with summary. 79yr 24pgs 8fn 6s $214.80
Transcendental Meditation
Examines TM's current popularity, similar to other humanistic movements, its development, philosophical foundation, teaching, practical application and rewards thru practice. 79yr 15pgs 23fn 12s $134.25
A Critical Biography of Jacques Maritain
Discusses his work as a social and political philosopher, the influence of Thomas Aquinas' mans place in the universe, and relations with other individuals and the state. 79yr 5pgs 3fn 3s $44.75
Theoretical Implications of a Priori and a Posteriori
Discusses the uses and meaning of these two concepts of philosophical thinking. 79yr 7pgs 5fn 5s $62.65
The Concept of Persistence
Discusses the philosophical implications in the belief in persistence, that the essential material of which the universe is composed is unchanging and the belief in constant flux and apparent change. 82yr 5pgs 1fn 0s $44.75
Moses Mendelson
Mendelson as a philosopher and representative of the Jewish people. 79yr 8pgs 1fn 1s $71.60
Thoughts on a Personal Ideology
Position paper which advocates de-emphasis of governmental control and emphasis on self- actualization. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Myth of the Eternal Return
by Mircea Eliade. Examines the development of civilizations as being either progressive or repetitious. 79yr 7pgs 9fn 0s $62.65
Whether a Father's Commands to His Children Should be Considered Law. Is It ever Possible to Break the Law?
Examines Hobbes, Benthams and others determination of good and bad laws and the individual's right to break laws. 79yr 5pgs 7fn 7s $44.75
The Birth and Death of Meaning by E. Becker
Philosophical and sociological examination of the theories of mans existence, the significance of religion, and need for hope in unifying the society. 79yr 10pgs 11fn 0s $89.50
The Philosopher as Philosopher
Defines the characteristics and necessary qualifications of the philosopher, his pursuits and practices. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
An Analysis of Utopian Thought
Discusses and analyzes Utopian thinkers usually visionaries criticizing their own times, with a solution being the development and execution of a plan to eliminate the negative aspects of society. 79yr 6pgs 0fn 8s $53.70
Oedipus and Job
Examines the concurrent and sometimes mythical nature of Oedipus a Greek and Job a Hebrew, whom scholars argue as to their presumed existence. 80yr 10pgs 6fn 6s $89.50
Explorations in Existentialism
Examines the existentialist philosophy and various adherents including Sartre, Mann, Proust and Hesse. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 5s $44.75
Human Freedom
An examination of the growth of human freedom within the context of eight historical cultures. 80yr 9pgs 0fn 0s $80.55
Alan Watt's The Book
Discusses the philosophical, sociological and psychological implications inherent in Watt's blend of Western pragmatism and Eastern mysticism. 80yr 5pgs Afn 1s $44.75
The Heavenly City Of The 18th Century Philosophers By Carl L Becker
A review of Becker's classical work, stressing enlightenment thinkers suchEas Hume, Diderot, Montesquieu and Rousseau. 80yr 7pgs Afn 0s $62.65
Oedipus Rex: A Tragedy
A study of Sophocles' classic play as either a result of fate or a character flaw. 80yr 8pgs 14fn 8s $71.60
Examines the growth of this 18th century philosophy and compares it with other ethical systems. 80yr 6pgs 15fn 5s $53.70
The Philosophical Humor Of Woody Allen
A study of the comedian's material, noting philosophical and theological questions raised within it. 80yr 6pgs 5fn 6s $53.70
Ferre, Free Will and Determinism
Discusses the notions of determinism and free will, how they affect each other, and as they are reflected in the writings of Ferre. 80yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
An Examination of Various Utilitarian Positions on Suicide, Abortion, Lying, Intellectual Pleasures and Distinctions of Truthfulness
A discussion of specific problems arising in Kantian and in utiliarian ethics. 80yr 7pgs 11fn 1s $62.65
Issues in Philosophy : Kant on Abortion,Utilitarian Position on Abortion,Utilitarianism on Lying, Mill's doctrine and the Utilitarian position,Kant on truthfulness
Discusses these various positions and issues especially on lying and abortion and the Utilitarian position on these matters. 79yr 7pgs 11fn 1s $62.65
Boethus' Consolation Of Philosophy: Three Translations
A comparison of the versions made by King Alfred, Viscount Preston (1680) and H. R. James (1897). 80yr 10pgs Afn 0s $89.50
Introduction To Philosophy
An analysis of some philosophical themes in Descartes, Kant, Nietzsche, Dostoyevsky and Sartre. 80yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Ethical Dilemmas Concerning War, Defense, and Pacificism
The peculiar and delicate balance of the Judeo-Christian mix, traditionally having taught mankind that until peace is achieved, intentional violence may be required. 81yr 11pgs 7fn 6s $98.45
Good and Evil in Detective Stories
Observes the two best examples as representing good and evil in detective stories as Josephine Tey's The Daughter of Time and Eva-Lis Wuorio's Z For Zaborra. 81yr 7pgs 5fn 0s $62.65
Ralph Waldo Emerson"s Philosophy of the Freedom of the Individual
Emerson's life and work reflecting the conflict in his mind between his belief that man possessed the capacity for total freedom and his faith in a God who determined the nature of all things. 81yr 6pgs 10fn 0s $53.70
Philosophy and the Oath of the Witness
The nature and origin of the terms "oath" and "witness" and an analysis of their implicit assumptions and their relationship to philosophy. 80yr 9pgs 20fn 9s $80.55
Marsilio Ficino : Humanist
An analysis of Humanism, the intellectual movement which more than any other marks the beginning of the Renaissance, and particular attention to Ficino, one of the greatest of the Renaissance thinkers. 80yr 18pgs 27fn 12s $161.10
Philosophy : Problems of Metaphysics
Observes the problem in Metaphysics in that there is a distinction in analysis, how something looks as to how it really is beneath external appearances. 81yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
The distinction between a posteriori knowledge and a priori knowledge
Examines various philosophers views and theories on the difference between a posteriori knowledge, which is possible only through experience, and a priori knowledge, which is knowledge absolutely independent of all experience. 81yr 7pgs 5fn 6s $62.65
Ethics and Philosophy of Epictetus, Hobbes, Hume, Spinoza, and Kant
Examines the philosophy and ethics of these various philosophers on different subjects. 81yr 5pgs 7fn 5s $44.75
"Siddhartha" by Herman Hesse
The meaning of Siddhartha's life; the metaphor of the river in the book as representative of life. 84yr 7pgs 11fn 0s $62.65
Boethius' "The Consolation of Philosophy"
A review of this book that served as a 'bridge' between ancient and more recent philosophy. 84yr 7pgs Afn 0s $62.65
Art, Science, and Values
Discusses how art and science shape values; how they compete for domination and confront each other; art as idealism and science as realism. 83yr 16pgs 11fn 7s $143.20
"Errand Into the Wilderness," by Perry Miller
A review of this book, a collection of articles tracing the development of American political and religious thought. 83yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Philosophical Questions Answered
Plato's views on the immortality of the Soul; the life of faith; the book of Genesis; Atheism. 85yr 10pgs 3fn 0s $89.50
Basic Problems of Philosophy- Aquinas to Hume
Summaries of the thoughts of Aquinas, Anselm, Descartes, Hobbes, and Hume on philosophical problems. 84yr 12pgs 0fn 0s $107.40
Happiness as a Concept and a Reality, the Cultural Differences
A definition of happiness; pleasure; culture; civilization; how they all affect and promote happiness. 83yr 7pgs 12fn 9s $62.65
"Philosophy and Ideology: An Adventure"
A review of Larry Azar's book on the need for philosophy as a guiding principle for humanity. 83yr 8pgs 14fn 0s $71.60
Erasmus and Modern Scholarship
How Erasmus would have felt about modern scholarship. 85yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
The Mind/Body Problem in Philosophy: The Plausibility of the Materialists
An overview of various theories concerning philosophic materialism as it relates to the mind/body problem. Is man a psychological, physical, or psychophysical being?. 84yr 15pgs 18fn 6s $134.25
American and Japanese Concepts of Beauty
A comparison of Japanese and American philosophies of beauty and aesthetics and the forces that shaped them, such as history, technology, customs, media. 88yr 10pgs 14fn 8s $89.50
Negative and Positive Rights and Liberty
Examines positive rights as an outside influence into the liberty of the individual and negative rights as the right to natural freedom without being subjected to the will or authority of any other man. 88yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Human Spiritual Growth
A personal viewpoint on human spiritual growth and an account of same according to Da Free John. 88yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
War : Inhumanity for Profit
Examines war as an economic manipulation of human life, as a ritual, as an inhumane treatment of man for the purposes of those who rule. 90yr 10pgs 20fn 22s $89.50
Themes of Punishment, Morality and Law
Different philosophers viewpoints on moral laws, laws of society and forms of punishment. 90yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
The Meaning of Existence
Observes the destruction of the meaning of existence through revolving around an concerning only oneself. 90yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
Tocqueville's and Madisons Views Compared
Focuses on their opposing points of view on the role of religion in democratic governments. 90yr 6pgs Afn 0s $53.70
The difference between a tyrant and a benevolent leader
Observes the differences of control of the tyrant, strictly in control of the situation for his own purpose and the benevolent leader seen in democracies. 91yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
The Development of the Just War Theory
Examines the Just War Theory as evolving from need for organization and control of armed hostilities and is concerned with the evaluation of the causes of war and the conduct of war. 91yr 12pgs 18fn 11s $107.40
The Various Meanings of Liberty in Both Theoretical and Practical Contexts
Examines liberty cosidered from a political context, a personal, individual context and a social context or menaing the state of not being in confinement or servititude. 91yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
Questions on Ethics
The ethics governing sexual conduct, the issue of the right to die, the conflict between "strict construction" and liberal interpretation of the Constitution, and Supreme Court decisions on capital punishment and affirmative action are reviewed. 91yr 8pgs 8fn 2s $71.60
Gerwirth's "IS" to "OUGHT" Argument
Attempts to place Gerwirth's theory in the context of the moral philosophy of Hume and Kant, and assesses whether his argument succeeds or fails on its own merits. Draws on his address "The Is-Ought Problem Resolved". 92yr 16pgs Afn 2s $143.20
The Search For Myself
A personal essay on looking for meaning inside ourselves and the purpose of life as being in our relationships with others. 92yr 6pgs 0fn 4s $53.70
Myths and Contemporary Thought
Observes several myths as archetypes arising from the collective human consciousness and relating them to contemporary life. 92yr 4pgs 10fn 0s $35.80
A Personal Definition of Beauty
Attempts to draw together a number of concepts that can be identified , drawn, written, bred, eaten, seen, talked about or commented upon which may or may not constitute beauty. 93yr 9pgs 0fn 0s $80.55
Philosophical Evaluation of Issues Regarding PMS
An evaluation of an article which describes the growing belief that Pre menstrual syndrome (PMS) causes involuntary actions on the part of female sufferers where her behavior can become extremely violent, self destructive or abusive. 93yr 11pgs Afn 4s $98.45
Foucault on the Origin and Nature of the Modern Individual
Examines Foucault's writings on the subject of the origins of the modern spirit where his studies of the psychology of power have treated, in his works, the respective subjects of sanity and justice not as universal ideals, but as social instruments for. 93yr 7pgs Afn 3s $62.65
Two Perspectives on Beauty
Observes the Disney animated film Beauty and the Beast as a fable which addresses the idea that beauty is more than physical appearance. 93yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
An Analysis of the Case for Benevolent Lies
Examines the positions taken on this matter by Kant and Thomas Hill Jr., whose views on the question are relatively similar and emerge from a conviction that truthfulness is an aspect of autonomy. 93yr 6pgs 17fn 0s $53.70
Moral Dilemmas and Ethical Reasoning
Presents a viewpoint that morality and moral dilemmas are largely a subjective phenomenom which can easily present choices not capable of resolution. 93yr 6pgs Afn 6s $53.70
An Analysis of Utilitarianism : Objections and Responses
Observes J.J. C. Smart and Bernard Williams writings concerning utilitarianisn. 93yr 5pgs 11fn 0s $44.75
An Observation of Skepticism
Looks at problems in the skeptic argument, and explains it as an attitude of mind rather than a doctrinal commitment. 93yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
A Discussion of Issues : Raised in People, Penguins and Plastic Trees
Observes the utilitarian approach to defending the rights of animals as to bringing about the best consequences. 93yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Abortion and Thomson's Theory of Rights
Characterizes and criticizes J>J, Thomson's argument in support of the conclusion that there are circumstances that killing an innocent person is not necessarily wrong. 93yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Moral Philosophy of Peter Singer : The Case For Giving
Observes the Utilitarian beliefs of Singer who believes that utility and values reside in the capability of a thing or behavior or to bring good to those who perform it. 93yr 7pgs 12fn 1s $62.65
Natural Rights and Thinking Machines
Observes the questions of human rights, natural and otherwise and the rights that could be conceivably afforded to the concept of artificial intellegence, or machine generated thinking and reasoning powers. 94yr 11pgs Afn 11s $98.45
Then Value of Utilitarianism
A defense of utilitarianism, the fundamental principles and ideas contained in utilitarian philosophy, and this theory analyzed that holds that the maximization of good, or benefits, should be pursued as happiness and pleasure are intrinsically good and. 94yr 7pgs 11fn 6s $62.65
Views on Predestination
Focuses on the attitudes of Freud, Darwin, and Marx and Engels with respect to the question of whether or not man's life is shaped by forces which may well be beyond his immediate control. 94yr 7pgs 11fn 0s $62.65
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