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Music: Modern

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Paper Title
Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

Roger Sessions: His Life and Works
Discusses the musician and composer from taped interviews as primary sources. 78yr 20pgs 42fn 3s $179.00
What is Jazz Music?
Discusses its origins, supposed free and unstructured nature, prominent persons, and the tendency for the general public to limit themselves to a single category of music, limiting their exposure to new sounds. 78yr 12pgs 3fn 4s $107.40
Bartok, Debussy, Barber, Stravinsky and the String Quartet
Traces each mans background and musical contributions leading to their eventual meeting and mutual compositions. 79yr 11pgs 10fn 8s $98.45
George Gershwin: Artist in Two Worlds
The story of Gershwin and his major contributions. 79yr 8pgs 13fn 14s $71.60
A Brief History of Piano Pedagogy From the Baroque Era to the Twentieth Century
Discusses the development of the piano from its earliest inception to present including the refinement of the instrument itself. 79yr 7pgs 8fn 4s $62.65
A Comparison of Contemporary Concert Music Vs. Jazz
Discusses rhythm and improvisation that characterize jazz, arrangements and notes and the use of electric instruments. 79yr 7pgs 10fn 11s $62.65
Modern Music
An examination of modern music including contemporary composers, live and canned music and music today as an art form and consumer product. 79yr 10pgs 13fn 10s $89.50
Benjamin Britten
An analysis of the major contributions of this English opera composer and Pianist, and the influences on operatic style. 79yr 10pgs 14fn 8s $89.50
Swing : An Era
Examines the origins of the "swing era' via its originality and relationship to both past and present music. The music of Benny Goodman will serve to illustrate the actual implementation of this style of music. 81yr 7pgs 12fn 6s $62.65
H.H. Stuckenschmudt's "Arnold Schoenberg: His Life, World, and Work"
A review/summary of this biography, highlighting aspects of Schoenberg's life, work, and the world he lived in. 84yr 10pgs 18fn 4s $89.50
Report on : Paul Hindemith, The Man Behind The Music
A biographical sketch of the 20th-century German composer. 83yr 8pgs 0fn 10s $71.60
Twentieth Century Music in Italy
A historical examination of the roots of Italian music, particularly opera music. 83yr 8pgs 3fn 7s $71.60
Paul Hindemith and His Place in Twentieth Century Musical History
The influence of Paul Hindemith on music and art; biographical information; an analysis of some of his major works. 81yr 12pgs 19fn 12s $107.40
A Historical Perspective of Contemporary Music Trends: 1977
An analysis and insight into the aesthetic qualities of modern music. 79yr 12pgs 6fn 3s $107.40
"We Wear the Mask" by Paul Laurence Dunbar and "Eleanor Rigby," by John Lennon and Paul McCartney
A comparison of this poem and the popular Beatles song, especially that both are calling for more authenticity between people. 83yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
The Folk Music Influence on Twentieth Century Classical Styles
Examines the strong reliance on folk music melodies and themes looking at folk influence on different prominent composers during or just prior to the 20th century. 91yr 10pgs 12fn 5s $89.50
Laurie Anderson : Analysis of a Song Representative of her work
An examination of Anderson's musical work, being a classical violinist, in which her synthesis of components comprise a landscape of contemporary music and art. Observes such works as O Superman and Gravity's Angels. 92yr 6pgs 7fn 5s $53.70
Compositions of Modern Composers
analyzes modern composers focusing on Philip Glass and Steve Reich representing a form of trance music that is distinctly modern as compared to either Romantic or Classical. 94yr 6pgs Afn 3s $53.70
The Musical Heritage of Bartok
Observes Bartoks major compositions in which his works are propelled by ahythmic and metric unlike that of any other composer, freely mingling speech rhythms and vocal fluctuations with the unyielding pulses of dance-based folk music. 94yr 5pgs Afn 2s $44.75
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