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Music: Classical and Ancient

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Ludwig Van Beethoven: Stylistic Development
Examines the works of Beethoven through an observation of his three style periods. The first characterized by an imitation of Haydn and Mozart, the second by complete freedom from his models and the third a new, personal and introspective style. 78yr 9pgs 21fn 4s $80.55
Chopin: The Later Years
A discussion of his life and work as a composer. 79yr 8pgs 10fn 12s $71.60
Gregorian Chants.
The beginnings of recorded Christian song, their means of recording, and diagrams of the precise structures of each chant. 79yr 10pgs 8fn 4s $89.50
Beethoven: A String Quartet Op. 59, No. 2 in E. Minor
(Rasumovsky) discusses structure and style. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
A Brief History of Piano Pedagogy From the Baroque Era to the Twentieth Century
Discusses the development of the piano from its earliest inception to present including the refinement of the instrument itself. 79yr 7pgs 8fn 4s $62.65
The Middle Baroque Opera: An Evolutionary Art Form
Examines opera as it grew from its religious conception, sets and characterization, particularly in Venice. 79yr 21pgs 41fn 29s $187.95
Symphonies Pastoral and Fantastique
Discusses a 5 movement creation depicting the interaction between two lovers. 79yr 4pgs 4fn 2s $35.80
A Comparison of Two Pieces by Beethoven
Examines Pethetique Sonata No. 8 in C. minor, Op. 31 and Moonlight Sonata No. 14, in C sharp, Op. 27 #2. 79yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Impressionism in Music: Debussey & Ravel
Analyzes the impressionist movement as it pertained to music, especially in Debussy's L'Apres-midi d'un Faune and La Mer and Ravel's Jeaux d'Eau and Gaspard de la Nuit. 80yr 7pgs 4fn 10s $62.65
Bach's Art of the Fugue
Examines his influence on later composers such as Mozart and Beethoven. 80yr 6pgs 10fn 5s $53.70
Chopin: The Later Years
Examines the various crises of his life and their influence on his later career. 80yr 8pgs 10fn 12s $71.60
Mozart and Haydn
Discusses the early development of symphonic form in the music of these composers. 79yr 7pgs 12fn 8s $62.65
The Development and Function of the Trumpet in the Baroque Era
An overview of the Baroque Era as a musical era and the relationship of the trumpet and its influence and use in Baroque music. 79yr 7pgs 12fn 8s $62.65
The Waltz : A History to Present
Observes the development of the waltz in the late eighteenth and traces its development as a dance style and contrasts it with such dances as the Samba and Mambo. 81yr 7pgs 12fn 4s $62.65
The First Movement of Bach's Brandenburg Concerto #2/ Mozart's Symphony #41 (Jupiter) in C-the first movement
Compares the above musical works in light of their thematic contrasts, dynamics, texture, and tone color, as well as rhythmic and melodic features. 81yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Johannes Brahms
Examines the life and great compositions of Brahms, the fundamentalist style of his creations and a musical analysis of the symphonies of this German composer. 81yr 7pgs 5fn 4s $62.65
Opposing Tendencies in the Romantic Era
How the Romantic Era changed and influenced music, particularly from the earlier Classical Era. 84yr 9pgs 47fn 7s $80.55
Development of the Motet (Notre Dame through Palestrina)
A history of the motet, from the Notre Dame school through the composer Palestrina. 82yr 8pgs 39fn 7s $71.60
Mozart and the Movie "Amadeus"
Was the life of Mozart depicted accurately in the play "Amadeus" by Peter Shaffer? Comparisons between the play and historical facts about the genius composer. 88yr 10pgs 19fn 8s $89.50
A Discussion on Various Musical Pieces
Looks at the rhythm, symmetry, meter, etc. of the Opera's Carmen, La Traviata, the rhapsodies of Liszt,Rachmaninoff, Stravinsky and works by Beethoven, Faure,Roussel. 88yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
Brandenburg Concerto 5 vs.Beethoven's Violin Concerto O.P. 61
Looks at the first movement of both of these pieces comparing in regard to melody, harmony, rhythm, and texture and their effect of mood feeling and expression. 88yr 6pgs 10fn 6s $53.70
Jean Sibelius : Symphony No. 3 in C Major, Opus 52
An analysis of of this work by this Finnish composer noted for his well-rendered expression of new musical forms and evidenced by his extraordinary originality as a symphonic thinker. 92yr 6pgs 9fn 5s $53.70
Beethoven : his Spiritual Development by J.W.N. Sullivan
Summarizes the central themes in Sullivan's work and presents a definition of "spiritual development" as it applies to Beethoven and his music. 94yr 5pgs Afn 0s $44.75
Analysis of Beethoven's Early Work
observes his works of the early period culminating in the Symphony in C major (OPus21), which was composed in 1800 and concludes that this work is much along the lines defined as classical, established by Haydn and Mozart. 94yr 5pgs Afn 5s $44.75
Analysis of Beethoven's Later Work
Observes the third and final period of Beethoven's life as a composer, the transformation from the purely Classical to the newly Romantic, focusing on his Ninth Symphony, which appeared in 1823. 94yr 5pgs Afn 5s $44.75
Robert Schumann : Composer
analyzes Schumann's work as a pianistic thinker where his work fell short of the breathtaking levels reached by many of his contemporary composers and sees Schumann as moving from the classical to position himself in the center of the Romantic Movement. 94yr 6pgs Afn 6s $53.70
Wagner and Parsifal
Observes the surprise of Wagner's final work, Parsifal, an opera that preached the value of Christian love and faith, as opposed to his earlier beliefs in anti-semitism and atagonist of the Christian church. 94yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Wagner and Tristan and Isolde
Observes this tragic and gloomy production where Wagner carried out an evolution in his personal style that had been simulated to a certain extent with the chromatic idiom of franz Liszt's symphonic poems. 94yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Wagner and Lohengrin
Looks at Wagner's using medieval legend and folklore as sources in Lohengrin, transformiong the traditional treatment into a more highly generalized and symbolic dramatic form. 94yr 5pgs Afn 5s $44.75
The Musical Heritage of Bartok
Observes Bartoks major compositions in which his works are propelled by ahythmic and metric unlike that of any other composer, freely mingling speech rhythms and vocal fluctuations with the unyielding pulses of dance-based folk music. 94yr 5pgs Afn 2s $44.75
Robert Schumann's "Fantasie in C Major, Op.17" and Romanticism
Describes one of the longer piano works of Schumann, the "Fantasie in C Major, Op. 17", created in 1836, and applys Romantic values to this piece. 94yr 5pgs Afn 4s $44.75
Mozart and His Father
Examine's Mozart's rrelationship with his father, Leopold Mozart, a well known and accomplished musician and demanding parent, who tutored young Wolfgang's natural genius and pushed his career as a concert performer and court composer. 94yr 6pgs Afn 4s $53.70
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