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Music: General

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Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

William Billings
A composer of special music, psalmody, the art of reciting psalms musically. 78yr 6pgs 5fn 4s $53.70
Afro-American Dancing: Concert and Vernacular
The influences of African and Black music on Afro-American dancing. 78yr 5pgs 22fn 6s $44.75
Gregorian Chants.
The beginnings of recorded Christian song, their means of recording, and diagrams of the precise structures of each chant. 79yr 10pgs 8fn 4s $89.50
Folk Dances in Southern Mexico
An analysis of the development and social origins of these dances. 79yr 10pgs 6fn 7s $89.50
Music of the Spheres
Examines Pythagoras' theory of music and harmonies in movement of the celestial bodies, linking music to mathematics. 79yr 9pgs 8fn 6s $80.55
The Acoustic and Electric Piano
Examines differences and similarities in structure and sound. 79yr 5pgs 6fn 10s $44.75
Improvisation in Music Education
Based on Plato's theory of existent harmony in all things, suggests study of the instrument to provide a more broad based understanding of theme and order, oriented towards 8th grade primarily. 79yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Applied Musical Acoustics
Deals specifically with the behavior of sound in enclosed rooms or auditoriums, consideration of architectural design, reverberation and the science developed during the classical period. 79yr 18pgs 59fn 24s $161.10
Methods of Conducting
Discusses and analyzes the various schools and methods of using the baton when directing an orchestra. 79yr 6pgs 7fn 5s $53.70
The History of Conducting
Discusses the background and various styles which have developed in the history of directing an orchestra of modern size. 80yr 7pgs 3fn 2s $62.65
Mexican Music
The history and role of Mariachi Bands and songs in Mexican culture. 80yr 8pgs 5fn 2s $71.60
Afro-American Music Styles
An analysis of the influence of Black and African forms and styles on contemporary American music such as jazz, hard bop, soul and funky music. 81yr 7pgs 9fn 5s $62.65
The Economics of the Stringed Instrument Building and Repair Trade
Focuses on violin making. History, current industry conditions, economics and pricing margins. 82yr 7pgs 4fn 4s $62.65
Irish Folk Dance7
Derivations and styles of Irish dancing, especially as related to Harp and bagpipe music. 80yr 6pgs 9fn 2s $53.70
The Latin Music of Cuba
A history of Latin music, especially in Cuba. Discusses instruments used and its influence on American music. 82yr 13pgs 14fn 6s $116.35
The Musical Criticism of Sacheverell Sitwell
An analysis of Sacheverell Sitwell's writings in music criticism. 82yr 9pgs 26fn 12s $80.55
Music Censorship
Observes the furor centering around the labelling of rock albums with parental advisories about the albums' supposedly objectional content, and the artists concern of this as censorship and an invasion of their First Amendment rights. 90yr 7pgs Afn 14s $62.65
The Xylophone
A discussion of this ancient member of the idiophone family of musical instruments tracing its development from primitative forms to its current uasge as a sophisticated jazz and concert instrument capable of all of the modulation and synthesizer effects. 91yr 9pgs 19fn 5s $80.55
Instrumental Sound Production : The Piano
Examines the large dynamic range of the piano, its history of design as originaly an improvement upon the clavichord and the harpsichord, tuning techniques in creating harmonic sounds, etc. 91yr 12pgs 18fn 6s $107.40
Laurie Anderson : Analysis of a Song Representative of her work
An examination of Anderson's musical work, being a classical violinist, in which her synthesis of components comprise a landscape of contemporary music and art. Observes such works as O Superman and Gravity's Angels. 92yr 6pgs 7fn 5s $53.70
A Brief Biography of Fred Astaire
Observes Fred Astaire as best remembered as one of America's most beloved and respected dancers, a man whose innovative style and modern expression made him famous and often imitated. 92yr 4pgs 0fn 5s $35.80
Elvis as a Commodity
Discusses the manner in which Elvis Presley has become an iconographic commodity and how this transformation of a rock and roll musician can be understood from a sociological perspective. 93yr 10pgs Afn 10s $89.50
Who Cares if You Listen by Milton Babbitt
A Response to this article written from the perspective of the music composer who presents a highly personalized view of what the audience should do as its share of the concert or performance experience. 93yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The African Roots of Rap and Hip Hop
Describes, from an anthropological perspective, the influence of African musical and dance forms on the development, in recent years, of two new variations on the rock and roll theme, rap and hip hop. 93yr 10pgs Afn 6s $89.50
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