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Business: Stocks & Bonds

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Paper Title
Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

Problems In The Mutual Fund Industry
Notes pros and cons of investment companies to the investor. 78yr 6pgs 11fn 7s $53.70
Closed End Investment Companies
Includes definition, comparison to other types of investment companies, financial performance evaluation, and predictions on future performance, with graphs. 78yr 10pgs 7fn 0s $89.50
Financing By Warrants
Examines warrants as a source of financing, compares it to other financing and convertible rights of the one being financed. 78yr 14pgs 0fn 12s $125.30
A Random Walk Down Wall Street by B. Malkiel
A review and discussion. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Option Stock Buying
Looks at the advantages and disadvantages of option as opposed to conventional trading methods in stock market trading. 79yr 22pgs 20fn 10s $196.90
Marketing Program
Examines a hypothetical, open-ended investment company in terms of funds, promotional efforts, investments and stock-holding. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Impact of Institutional Investors on the Securities Market
How institutional investing is changing and controlling the securities industry. Sources of money. The role of the SEC and the institutions themselves. 84yr 8pgs 6fn 4s $71.60
Market Performance and The Standard Industrial Code
Examines the method of determining a stock's future prospects based on past performance. 80yr 8pgs 5fn 3s $71.60
The Portfolio's investment Growth
Examines the stress on a balanced portfolio for investors interested in capitalizing on the stock market, not becoming a victim of it. 80yr 7pgs 5fn 3s $62.65
Capitalization Ratios and Working Capital in Common Stock Purchases
A study of the various elements which effect the investor in common stocks, using a furniture corporation as an example. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Stock Purchasing: Eastman Kodak
An analysis of the choice of purchasing Eastman Kodak stock at current levels. 80yr 8pgs 8fn 7s $71.60
Value Line Securities and Fast Food Franchises
Value line rates securities on safety, investment, earnings with rankings. 80yr 10pgs 9fn 9s $89.50
Closed End Investment Companies
An analysis of this subject discussing peculiarities with emphasis on tax consideration. 80yr 11pgs 1fn 10s $98.45
The Case of the Changing Cage
Discussion of policies of people who work in cages and who deal with money and securities. 80yr 8pgs 0fn 6s $71.60
The Issuance of New Equity Securities
The ease with which most securities can be issued. 80yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Norton Company
Objectives and strategies of maximizing profit, enhancing stock value maintaining social responsibility. 81yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
The Portfolio and Investment Growth
Discusses Dow Jones stocks, portfolio managers and quality stocks, high risk stocks, interest rates, etc. 83yr 7pgs 3fn 5s $62.65
Portfolio Analysis
A hypothetical situation upon a $ 100,000 investment and the best possible scenarios for investment. 84yr 7pgs 9fn 6s $62.65
Commercial paper interest rate prediction model
Commercial paper , as defined in this report, consists of promissory notes of large firms, generally with high credit standings, that are sold to other business firms, insurance companies, pension funds, banks and to the general public. 82yr 14pgs 9fn 0s $125.30
Investment Forecasting
An analysis of investment forecasting as to spotting trends and making well informed business decisions. 84yr 7pgs 2fn 7s $62.65
Analysis of Eastman Kodak Corporation - Stock Data and Purchase choice
A case study. 83yr 9pgs 9fn 8s $80.55
Stock Brokerage
A total analysis of the history, operation, discount vs. full house, leaders in the industry, and future of the stock market industry. 82yr 17pgs 34fn 7s $152.15
Stock Splits
An examination of stock splits observing the arguments for and against stock splits, being unquestionably good for some segments of the investment community, affecting other segments in an indifferent manner, and damaging to the interests of other interests. 82yr 21pgs 4fn 22s $187.95
Analysis of Eastman Kodak Corporation, Stock Data and Purchase Choice
A case study on analyzing Eastman Kodak's stock data as to whether it would be a viable investment. 81yr 9pgs 9fn 8s $80.55
Real Estate Investment
An analysis of the complex factors in real estate, including the alternatives and circumstances in which a minimal difference in projected gain or loss can disguise any risks, depreciation of the buildings on the land, types of tax shelters,etc. 83yr 48pgs 53fn 0s $429.60
Exxon Common Stock : An Evaluation
A financial examination of Exxon stock, including political climate, the oil industry, current status of the stock market, etc. 84yr 14pgs 0fn 8s $125.30
Security Investment Strategies and Portfolio Theory
Discusses various investment programs in buying and owning marketable securities, economic indicators and portfolio theories of low risk, high yield investments , with graphs and charts. 79yr 20pgs 23fn 5s $179.00
Stock price questions answered in regard to Helios Engineering and Kelley, Newman and Fukuyama
88yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Beta Analysis
defines various stock market terms such as hedge beta, or the estimated coefficient on the explanatory variable,duration, or the market price of a bond being the present value of all cash flows applicable to the bond in the future and stock valuationb, or the process essential to maximization of the market value of the firm's common stock. 89yr 12pgs 0fn 0s $107.40
Ford Motor Company, Caesars World and Xerox : Stock Analysis
Stock analysis, bond analysis and current market analysis of these companies with charts of revenues ratios, etc. 88yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
IBM : Security Analysis
A bond, stock and current market analysis for 1987 with 1988 and 1989 projections with charts and appropriate ratio analysis. 88yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
IBM and General Electric : Security Analysis
Includes bond analysis, stock analysis and current market analysis through 1988 with projections for 1989 for these two companies. 88yr 9pgs 0fn 0s $80.55
Unisys, General Electric and National Semiconductor : Security Analysis
Bond analysis, stock analysis and current market analysis through 1988 with projections for 1989 for these companies. 88yr 11pgs 0fn 0s $98.45
Employee Stock - Ownership Plans
(ESOP'S) : viewed from management and financial perspectives. Compares the Avis Leasing Corp. and Weirton Steel Corp. plans. Also accounting standards. 90yr 50pgs 86fn 33s $447.50
The Effects of Employee Stock-Ownership Plans on Employees
A research proposal stressing the airlines industry. Includes introduction, significance of the study, problem statement, hypotheses, review of literature, etc. 90yr 25pgs 35fn 29s $223.75
Aspects of Modern Portfolio Theory and the Purchase of Stock
Compares and contrasts portfolio analysis using the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) as a leading theory in finance and (PDPM) or the payoff distribution pricing model for more optimum efficiency. 90yr 7pgs 10fn 7s $62.65
Financial and Subsequent Regulatory Aspects of Insider Trading
Examines the issue of insider trading in the hope of clarifying some of the technical problems concerning the impact of such trading on capital market efficiency. Views the financial and the legal/ethical aspects of the question. 90yr 25pgs 43fn 11s $223.75
A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton G Malkiel
an analysis of Malkiel's presentation of his theories of stock market prices and trends as a reflection of the firm foundation of the stock's intrinsic value. 90yr 15pgs Afn 5s $134.25
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