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Mass Media: General

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Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

The Media's Treatment of the Skylab III Mission (2/11/74)
Presents the modes and variables which control the coverage of the major news occurrences. 74yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Politics and the Media
Examines the press's handling of White House and Political family affairs. 78yr 6pgs 6fn 5s $53.70
Sex Roles in Childrens Programs
A discussion. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Public Relations
Depicts the role of public relations persons and practices involved. 78yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
The Free Press and Democratic Government
Questions if our free press is actually free and independent, or if it reports according to government standards . 78yr 3pgs 1fn 1s $26.85
Mass Media: The US and USSR
Notes the Soviet news establishment , during the communist era, as seeking to unify people and party , compared to US reporting, which is often divisive. 78yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
Communication Without Words
Based on Mehrabian's article dividing communication into verbal, vocal and facial. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Role of Press Coverage in the Tate-Labianco Murders
Also touches on the "Family Helter -Skelter". 79yr 7pgs 3fn 5s $62.65
The Case of The Local Pornographer
Deals with the handling of a student leader involved in sale and distribution of these materials, on a college campus, and the right of the college to judge his actions and a matter of legality vs. morality in imposing personal values . 79yr 9pgs 5fn 11s $80.55
First Amendment Rights Affecting the Press
Examines the Freedoms governing freedom of expression, belief, religion, gathering of information and social changes calling for a re-evaluation of this law. 79yr 5pgs 11fn 5s $44.75
Racism in the Mass Media
Focuses on the media's role in perpetuating outdated values and encouraging each new generation to repeat the errors of previous generations. 79yr 8pgs 10fn 13s $71.60
Ownership and Control of the Mass Media in America
An analysis of fair control of the media and private interest, including the attempts of ITT to purchase the American Broadcasting System and a sociological view of the media as being responsible for shaping public opinion. 79yr 10pgs 6fn 10s $89.50
Ownership of the Mass Media
Examines a town where mass ownership affects the broad aspects desirable in media and FCC regulatory cross ownership efforts. 79yr 5pgs 4fn 4s $44.75
Public Opinion: Political Communication and Behavior
Examines various views on public opinion and governmental processes, ways of assessing information gained from public opinion and the relation to democracy. 80yr 7pgs 6fn 3s $62.65
Limitations of the Interview Technique
Examines attempts to create a story based on second-hand information and factors. 80yr 6pgs 6fn 6s $53.70
Surveillance in America
An analysis of the computerized life in America, shown in the increase in private and governmental data gathering activities resulting in Americans being scrutinized, watched, and quizzed more than at any other time in our history. 80yr 28pgs 74fn 19s $250.60
Public Opinion & Politics
Discusses the ways in which mass media in the US influences and sometimes biases the coverage of news events, especially political ones. 80yr 8pgs 8fn 5s $71.60
Difference in Newspaper and TV Reporting
Analyzes the coverage given in these two media to news events, stressing time and space, priority and depth. 80yr 9pgs 0fn 0s $80.55
Censorship and & The Movies
Discusses the subject of film censorship, the differences of the guidelines within various media, and the idea of what constitutes obscenity in the US. 80yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
The Terrorist as Media Guerilla
Examines the use of the media as an ideological tool, which can be used to sway millions of minds to believe in the effectiveness of terrorist tactics. 80yr 13pgs 5fn 17s $116.35
Media & Politics
Discusses, in a series of questions, the ideas of McLuhan, and the effects of media on politics and vice-versa. 80yr 7pgs 4fn 3s $62.65
The Growth of The Mass Media & Its Effect On Criminal Trials
Examines the effects of the media on the concept of jury trials as seen through the camera's eye. 80yr 9pgs 7fn 9s $80.55
Media & Politics
Discusses McLuhan and the media. 80yr 7pgs 4fn 4s $62.65
Communications Technology & The Social Structure of the US
Analyzes impact of technology on investing public. 80yr 20pgs 24fn 12s $179.00
Freedom of the Press in Spain and the US
A look at the issue of freedom of the press in these two western countries. 80yr 21pgs 24fn 12s $187.95
The First Amendment and the Fairness Doctrine
Covers the history and its effect on the media and its relation with the FCC and the courts (includes exhibits). 80yr 15pgs 2fn 7s $134.25
"Prime Time Access Rule"
An examination of the history and evolution from its inception in 1971. 71yr 7pgs 8fn 7s $62.65
Communications Theory
An explanation of the theory and its application to administration, management, business writing, etc. Includes illustrations. 80yr 7pgs 0fn 7s $62.65
William S. Paley
An overview of his life and impact on broadcasting and mass media. 80yr 13pgs 23fn 7s $116.35
Street art as form of popular communication. 80yr 6pgs 5fn 7s $53.70
News Coverage of Iran
Media coverage and extent to which selective editing influences popular perceptions of a foreign power. 80yr 7pgs 3fn 3s $62.65
Sex in the Media
Male and female fantasies exploited in the media. 80yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Censorship and Distortion in Media
How media comes to serve the ends of the "ideology" process to more closely shape public opinion to reflect that of the 'power elite'. Gives historical examples of how media often select news based on political sentiments. 85yr 20pgs 19fn 7s $179.00
Journalistic Treatment of School Desegregation and Affirmative Action : Brown and Bakke
How the media reported on these two landmark civil rights cases- comparisons, contrasts, slants. Especially looks at changes in the media and social climate between the two cases. 83yr 20pgs 22fn 17s $179.00
The Media and Watergate: The Role of The Media in Influencing Public Opinion
How the media influenced public opinion during the Watergate controversy. The ways in which this was accomplished. Criticism the press received. 85yr 12pgs 11fn 7s $107.40
Mass Media and The Invasion of Privacy Issue
Conflicts between a free press and invasion of privacy. Examines into the controversy over whether or not to televise trials. 83yr 7pgs 8fn 10s $62.65
The Effect of Media on American Culture
How media influences our behavior and opinions, and the usefulness of technological advances in media. 84yr 8pgs 5fn 3s $71.60
John F. Kennedy and The Media
How Kennedy and the media were suited to each other. How media created and shaped images starting with his Presidential campaign. 78yr 10pgs 11fn 7s $89.50
Live TV or Print - Which is More Reliable?
Gives a case for both sides being more factual at certain times. Also discusses the need for regulation of media. 83yr 7pgs 7fn 6s $62.65
"Media: The Second God" by Tony Schwartz
The effects of broadcasting on communication and persuasion. 83yr 6pgs 7fn 0s $53.70
Considerations of Satellite Communications
Discusses satellite communications- its present and future directions. 85yr 7pgs 4fn 10s $62.65
Mass Media and Politics
Identifies terms such as global village, pseudo-event, fairness doctrine, pack journalism, etc. and McLuhan's views on politics and the media. 80yr 6pgs 4fn 0s $53.70
The Role of the Mass Media in the Ideology Process
Examines the media's influence in upholding dominant ideology, with competing ideologies finding difficulty in presenting their values in a favorable and legitimate light. Looks at media's role in capitalist society.and its methods . 84yr 26pgs 78fn 36s $232.70
Fiber Optics and Telecommunications
Examines the history and uses of fiber optics in telecommunication today. Focuses on the connection between the visual medium of light and the ability to transmit sound using this medium. 88yr 6pgs 9fn 4s $53.70
Postmodernism and the Consumer Society by Fred Jameson and White Noise by Don Delillo
Examines questions in postmodernism, media and culture. Is postmodernism a reaction against earlier tendencies or merely an extension of them?. 88yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
The Media System in Hungary
Examines the media control of radio, print material and television during the period of communist domination, particularly the influence of the Hungarian Socialist Workers Party. 89yr 13pgs 17fn 9s $116.35
Media Bias in Presidential Elections
Analyzes the 1984,1988 elections and notes systematic selling of images in television and newspaper in the delivering of politicians to the public competing for their share of the audience. 88yr 11pgs 12fn 10s $98.45
The Role of the Mass Media in the Civil Rights Movement
Examines the mass media- newspapers, magazines, professional journals, radio, television and the movies as influencial agents of socialization in the civil rights movement of the 1950's and 1960's. 90yr 16pgs 21fn 12s $143.20
Contingency and Action Plans and Press release for Dupont
Examines the Dupont Corporation's plans to handle chemical waste emergencies. 90yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Cartoon Analysis
Interprets a cartoon and concludes that American efforts at dominance throughout the world are extensions of violence at home. 91yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
A Comparison of the Media Coverage of the Jury Selection for the Smith Rape Trial by Various Periodicals
Notes the touchy press coverage of this event involving The Kennedys, and the thin line between sensationalism and simply telling the facts. Examines notable periodicals. 91yr 6pgs 11fn 12s $53.70
Memoirs of Press Correspondents Assigned to the Vietnam War
Focuses on the debate concerning questions of press prejudice in reporting the war, and if such an attitude affected the attitudes of the American people to ultimately exert an undue influence on the outcome of the war. 91yr 5pgs 5fn 4s $44.75
An Examination of Censorship in Music
Focuses on Rap Music, observing the recent arrest of 2 Live Crew under Florida's ant-obscenity laws as an example of the actions and effects of censorship. 91yr 6pgs 14fn 14s $53.70
The Effect of the Mass Media on American Democracy
Discusses the effect of the expanded role of the American mass media upon democracy, with reference to electoral politics, national security, manipulation of the media by government and the private sector, and the controversy regarding the relationship between them. 92yr 6pgs 14fn 7s $53.70
An Investigation of the ability of contemporary Media to manipulate or shape the opinions of recipients of Media messages.
Focuses on a contemporary columnist in Canada ,analyzing his conservative, right wing views. 92yr 17pgs Afn 25s $152.15
John F. Kennedy and the Mass Media
Discusses how Kennedy used the media to enhance his career and focuses particularly on the televised Nixon-Kennedy debates which took place in the 1960 presidential campaign. 93yr 6pgs Afn 10s $53.70
Censorship in the Media : Postmodernism and Society
Observes the ongoing censorship battle involving the National Endowment of the Arts, historical preservation societies, schools and libraries and the postmodern idea. Uses historical, realistic and literal images . 93yr 9pgs Afn 12s $80.55
Telecommunication Satellites : A Strategic Industry?
Observes the strategic importance of telecommunications as seen in the thousands of military, weather, and search and rescue functions in which these satellite links assist, but also as a fast growing private sector enterprise. 94yr 6pgs Afn 4s $53.70
Henry R. Luce-Publishing Giant
Discusses the forces that shaped his career. 80yr 12pgs 14fn 8s $107.40
Walter Lippman and Public Philosophy
Walter Lippman and his contribution to the quality of journalism as a profession and to American life. His views of 'public philosophy'. 82yr 8pgs 13fn 3s $71.60
Analysis of Advertisement and Editorial
Looks at an advertisement for Infiniti automibles and the New York Times opinion article about Lithuania as using more emotional appeal than strict logic to persuade the reader. 90yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
C.U.N.Y. Crisis : Comparison of Coverage by Various media of the C.U.N.Y./Jeffries Incident of 10/29/91
Observes the coverage of the Professor Jeffries incident and his claim of freedom of speech and the coverage and reporting of this incident by major newspapers and periodicals. 91yr 6pgs 10fn 9s $53.70
Technologies of Communication
Examines present and future technologies allowig the transmition and receiving of visual and audio information observing uses of twisted pair wires, coaxial cables, fiber optics, etc. 91yr 5pgs 0fn 4s $44.75
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