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Literature: World

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Paper Title
Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

The Importance of Fate in Romeo and Juliet
Examines how the characters Romeo and Juliet suffer without understanding why, when in reality it is due to the implacable hatred their families have for one another. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Robinson Crusoe be Defoe.
Looks at the style and theme in the shipwreck tale. 79yr 7pgs 7fn 2s $62.65
Anti-Semitism in French Literature
A study of anti-Semitic undercurrents in Gallic Literature as most eminently noted in Lacretelle's Silberman and Sartre's Anti-Semite & Jew. 82yr 7pgs 5fn 2s $62.65
The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Dedalus' disillusionment with a rejection of the Catholic Church. 82yr 10pgs 17fn 5s $89.50
Courtly Love
Rituals of courtship among nobility in feudal society and as theme in literature. 82yr 8pgs 17fn 7s $71.60
A Comparison of Ibsen's Hedda Gabler and Huxley's Brave New World
Examines these two works that have in common the fact that they deal with the relationship between the individual and the social order. 84yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
A Comparison of the Character of Ariel in Shakespeare's The Tempest and Cortazar's "End of the Game"
Examines this character in both of these works as being able to change the real world into a world of fantasy. 82yr 7pgs 5fn 5s $62.65
The Theme of Justice and Vengeance in the Old Testament, Dante's Inferno and Shakespeare's Tempest
An attempt to find parallels of these themes among these three works written at different times in human history. 83yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Voltaire's Relation to "Billy Budd"
Why Voltaire and his ideas are critical to the development of major themes in Melville's "Billy Budd" - Enlightenment ideals, human perfection, naivete, etc. 84yr 7pgs 8fn 5s $62.65
"Beowulf" and "The Sound of Waves"
A review of the epic poem "Beowulf" and of Mishima's book on physical strength. 87yr 2pgs 0fn 0s $17.90
Digenis Akritas
A discussion of this Byzantine Epic characterizing the culture, beliefs and attitudes prevalent at the time. 79yr 11pgs 1fn 0s $98.45
Thomas Mann's A Death in Venice
Examined as a masterful example of the modern German novella, or short story and as a reflection of the theme of the conflict between art and beauty against ordinary "normal" life. 88yr 6pgs 7fn 0s $53.70
Moliere's Tartuffe
Examines the characters and theme as a richly humorous, scathing attack upon religious hypocrites and perhaps as an assault on the church as well, set in the French 1600's. 88yr 6pgs 4fn 0s $53.70
Monkey by Wu Ch'Eng-En
A critical review of this folk novel translated by Arthur Waley on morality. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Hamlet, Antigone, and Oedipus
As Comparable Tragic Figures. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Oedipus, The King and Antigone
A discussion of the problems by kingship in that time. 79yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Tartuffe or the Imposter by Moliere
An analysis of this comedy. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Candide by Voltaire
Discusses evil and contends that optimism is the ultimate evil. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Discusses the ancient myth by Jean Racin. A tragedy permeated by death of characters. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Ad adapted by Anouilh and Cocteau. Discusses similarities and differences between two different versions. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Discusses forest symbolism in Heart of Darkness and Siddhartha by Conrad and Hess respectively
An exploration of the protaganists in these works havinf had occasion to wander amid wild vegetation and grasp the higher significance of forests and trees. 80yr 8pgs 11fn 2s $71.60
No Exit by Sartre
Discusses the pessimistic philosophy of this play. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Four Topics in 19th Century Russian Literature
An investigation of fate in Eugeny Onegism by Pushkin, conflict in Turgenev''s Father and Sons, Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment, and characters in Soncharov's Glomov. 80yr 10pgs 14fn 4s $89.50
Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky
Depicts the role of religious influences on Sonia and Raskonidov. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Death in Venice by Thomas Mann
Studies losing physical beauty and youthful ideals in middle age. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Honore De Balzac
A critical analysis of Parish thru At the Sign of the Cat and Louis Lambert. 80yr 10pgs 14fn 2s $89.50
Let Bygones by Bygones
An analysis of selected prose and fiction from Metamorphosis by Kafka. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Nedezhda Wendelstam and Alexander Solqhenitzyn
Two views of the breakdown of Soviet legality. Protests thru literature and Russia's rule under Stalin. 80yr 20pgs 35fn 8s $179.00
From France To America: A Literary Exchange
Examines the movement from romantic to realistic, the French Revolution as a marking place in literature and a similar movement in pre- and post- Civil War literature. 80yr 11pgs 12fn 14s $98.45
The Individual, The Collective and the Works of Dostoyevsky
Focuses on Crime and Punishment, the Idiot, The Possessed and The Brothers Karamozov. 80yr 13pgs 23fn 7s $116.35
Par Lagerkvist and Barabbas
Includes sketch of author and his personal philosophy, his search for understanding and Novel Award winning, summary of Barabbas, with secondary criticism, outline and review. 80yr 16pgs 8fn 12s $143.20
Don Quixote and Gargantua
A comparison of Common themes. 80yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
The Trial and Metamorphosis
by Kafka. A consideration of characters creation and interpersonal relationships in Kafka's works. 81yr 5pgs 2fn 0s $44.75
A Hunger Artist: The Penal Colony, and Metamorphosis
Discusses the theme of self-destruction and death thru these works. 81yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Oblomov by Goncharov
A discussion on the use of love as a theme. 81yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Spring in October
A Polish literary expression on the 1956 uprising. 81yr 15pgs 10fn 6s $134.25
Women in the Works of Hermann Hesse
From Siddhartha to the later works of Goldmund and Narcissus and Beneath the Wheel traces feminine character development. 81yr 10pgs 16fn 25s $89.50
The Just Man in Ancient Greek Literature
In seeking to characterize the man in Greek Literature who fulfills his duties to God and Man, the character of Priam and Nestor are discussed as are other relevant Greek figures. 81yr 5pgs 1fn 1s $44.75
Vergil's Motivation in Writing the Aeneid
Examines the debate that it is an epic to immortalize the Roman Empire and that it is an effort to speak out against the social ills of the time. 81yr 5pgs 4fn 3s $44.75
The Character of Meurault in Camus' The Stranger As Delineated By Sartre
A Sartrean derived explication of the character Meursault, the protagonist. 81yr 4pgs 4fn 1s $35.80
A Comparision of The Secret Agent and The Possessed
by J. Conrad and by Dostoyevsky. 81yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Thoughts on the Political and Anti-political in Selected Literary Works of French, Russian, and Anglo-Saxon Novelists
An investigation of writers whose works may be said to contain political overtones, focusing on Andre Malraux, Celine, Camus, Turgenev and many others. 81yr 9pgs 6fn 4s $80.55
A Brief History of the Life and Works of Albert Camus, Playwright, Novelist and Essayist
Examines Camus' keen sense of the absurdity of human existence in The Stranger and The Myth of Sisyphus and his later thinking evidencing a powerful regard for human life in The Rebel and The Plague. 81yr 4pgs 8fn 3s $35.80
Don Quixote's Discourse on Arms and Letters
Examines Cervante's writing, wherein Don Quixote logically argues that the profession of knight errantly and of bearing arms is superior to any other study or discipline. 81yr 7pgs 1fn 1s $62.65
Plato's Allegory of the Cave
Examines Plato's ideas and knowledge that may be attained through sense perception or through intellect and the allegory of men chained within the cave. 81yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Compares Sophocles' Oedipus and Miller's Willy Loman
Focuses on the tragic figure in literature. 81yr 6pgs 4fn 2s $53.70
Madame Bovary by Flaubert
Examines the intentional triteness of this novel, as it satirizes the boredom of day-to-day living reproduced by realistic and repetitious detail. 81yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
The Stranger by Camus
Focuses on leading characters, motivations and consequences of the character's actions. 81yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Notes from Underground by Dostoyevsky
Examines the split between conscious and emotional man. 81yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Chrestien De Troyes and Guillaume De Lorris
A discussion and examination of the courtly romance. 81yr 5pgs 4fn 6s $44.75
Honore De Balzac: His Life and Works
Draws correlations between the author's life and experiences and the subsequent reflection on his writing. 81yr 17pgs 14fn 16s $152.15
A Hunger Artist by Kafka
A short story review. 81yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
Morality and Structure in Pere Goriot
Discusses the recurrent characters and paternity in the work of Balzac. 82yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Function of Art In Dostoyevsky's Possessed
Discusses art within the novel as being a mirror which projects the feelings of the writer. 82yr 12pgs 0fn 0s $107.40
A Consideration of Mann's Death in Venice
Notes the relationship of mass art to its creation within the crumbling social structure of the day. 82yr 6pgs 2fn 2s $53.70
An Analysis of Dr. Ragin
As seen thru Chekhov's "Ward 6" in light of characters and Checkhov's classic fatalism. 82yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The Bridge on the Drina by Andric
Book review on a bridge near Yugoslavia serving as a symbol of connecting man with his homeland. 82yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Patriotism by Mishima
Looks at the role death and conflicting role of honor in this work. 82yr 3pgs 2fn 2s $26.85
Satyricon by Petronius
Critiques a consideration of Petronius as a social crotic in this highly interesting and informative piece of classical Roman literature. 82yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Mephistophelian Side of Technological Growth
Examines technology in light of Faust legend as recorded by Marlowe and Goethe. 82yr 6pgs 6fn 7s $53.70
Jaun Luis Borges
The Life of the Spanish writer and perceptions of literary genius he was exposed to. 82yr 6pgs 12fn 4s $53.70
Don Quixote's Discourse on Arms and Letters
Examines chapters 37 and 38 where Don Quixote declares knighthood superior to any other discipline. 82yr 7pgs 1fn 0s $62.65
The Development of the French Novel During the 19th Century: Stendahl, Balzac, Flaubert and Zola.
A comparison of romantic French literature. 82yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
An Analysis of Spanish Literature
Discusses and analyzes Spanish literary periods to present by observing styles, techniques and content by talented Spanish authors. 82yr 34pgs 63fn 27s $304.30
The Macho Image in Mexican Literature
Discusses the role of pride and dignity in Mexican literature noting prominent examples. 82yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The Trial by Kafka
Discusses elements of fantasy and imagination in this work. 82yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Bleak House by Dickens and The Trial by Kafka
Compares common elements of mans relationship with the law. 82yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Voltaire's Influences
Examines the influence of the authors Voltaire, Pope, and Swift on each other, noting Voltaire's humanitarianism and scientific contributions to French culture. 82yr 11pgs 17fn 6s $98.45
Confessions by Rousseau
Discusses overtones of melancholy, innerconsternation and remorse found in this work. 83yr 8pgs 4fn 0s $71.60
Madame Bovary by Flaubert
An examination of the role of unhappiness in Emma, ruled by desire and unable to attain happiness for any length of time. 83yr 5pgs 4fn 10s $44.75
Don Quixote: Chapter XXII
Analyzes and discusses Cervantes' statements expressed thru this work by looking at the circumstances of a specific chapter, the historical events, philosophical viewpoints, characters and artistic expression thereof. 83yr 25pgs 16fn 4s $223.75
The Castle, The Brothers Karamazov, and the Threshold of Uncertainty
Confronts the question of meaning and assurance in these works. 83yr 10pgs 12fn 0s $89.50
Madame Bovary
Argues Emma's suicide is inevitable due to Flaubert's structural design of the novel; victimized by boredom, she despairs when her romantic illusions fail. 83yr 5pgs 7fn 0s $44.75
Romance in Don Quixote and Stendhal's The Red & The Black
Stresses romance in both are influenced by the author's own histories of self-determination and failure, personal theories of love and views of society and the times. 83yr 18pgs Afn 0s $161.10
Reading in Cervantes & Montaigne
Examines the subject of reading in Don Quixote and Montaigne's essays. 83yr 7pgs 2fn 2s $62.65
Kafka's Use of the Father in "The Metamorphosis"
Analyzes the father figure in this memorable story and how it affects the totality of Kafka's work. 83yr 7pgs 4fn 12s $62.65
Buddenbrooks & Death in Venice: The Decadent Vision of Thomas Mann
Examines Mann's world view as it applies to the Buddenbrooks family and Von Aschenbach. 83yr 10pgs 9fn 0s $89.50
Carbonnaux's Candide
An analysis of the updated version of Voltaire's classic published in 1962. 83yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
Comments on the 19th Century French Novel
A comparison of the literary kinship of Hugo and Zola, Flaubert and De Maupassant. 83yr 11pgs 19fn 6s $98.45
The Father in Kafka's "The Metamorphosis" & Wilder's Little House In The Big Woods
A comparison and contrast of the father figure in the story by Kafka and the novella by Laura Ingalls Wilder. 83yr 6pgs 8fn 0s $53.70
The Death of Ivan Ilych by Tolstoy
Analyzes the subject of the views of life and death which are presented by Tolstoy in this classic story. 83yr 87pgs 9fn 1s $778.65
The Role of Enchanters in Don Quixote
Examines the quality of enchantment as it is used in Cervantes' master work. 83yr 10pgs 8fn 0s $89.50
Freudian Dualism in Literature
Analyzes Freudian aspects of literature using works by Twain, Poe and Conrad. 83yr 9pgs 10fn 13s $80.55
Pere Goriot
Examines the plot, characteristics and themes in this segment of Balzac's Comedie Humane. 83yr 9pgs 4fn 5s $80.55
Gogol's "The Overcoat"
Analyzes this story as a typical Gogol reflecting of Russian life and society. 83yr 7pgs 10fn 11s $62.65
Crime & Punishment by Dostoyevsky
Examines plot and character development in Dostoyevsky's classic novel. 83yr 11pgs 6fn 7s $98.45
Myth & Literature
Examines the influence of the classic Greek mythology on modern literature. 83yr 6pgs 3fn 2s $53.70
Literature & Writing: Gogol's Dead Souls
A study of Gogol as a writer, and the effects his greatest work has had on the society in which he lived. 83yr 10pgs 5fn 3s $89.50
Goethe: The Sufferings of Young Werther
Examines this epistolary novel as an augur to Goethe's later and greater works. 83yr 15pgs 14fn 16s $134.25
Novalis: Theories of Romanticism
Stresses Novalis influence on German literature, in novels like Heinrich von Ofterdingen and Christendom in Europe. 83yr 13pgs 9fn 10s $116.35
Flaubert's Madame Bovary: A Critical Analysis
Examines Flaubert's work as seen through Emma's eyes, noting popular critical reactions at the time. 83yr 10pgs 7fn 11s $89.50
Alienation in Modern Literature
Examines this theme as seen in the works of Eliot, Kafka, Joyce and Beckett. 83yr 11pgs 34fn 7s $98.45
Perspectives on Cervantes' Don Quixote
Examines a series of questions dealing with chivalry and the character of Altisdora. 83yr 8pgs 6fn 14s $71.60
One Day In The Life of Ivan Denisovich
Examines this early Solzhenitsyn work as a perspective of Russian Society. 83yr 7pgs 12fn 5s $62.65
Death of Ivan Ilych by Tolstoy
Criticism and comment on the methods of literary criticism using Tolstoy's story. 83yr 7pgs 4fn 1s $62.65
Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl
Analyzes the development of despair and end of childhood of a young girl coming of age in the Warsaw ghetto. 83yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Existential Thought in Works by Hemingway and Tolstoy
The development of a truly literary theory of existence as seen in Dostoyevsky's Ivan Ilych and Hemingway's The Gambler. 84yr 7pgs 7fn 2s $62.65
Lucius Apuleius
Examines the influence of this classical writer, especially The Golden Ass. 84yr 5pgs 7fn 2s $44.75
Da Chin
Discusses the importance of Chinese anarchist novelist in the literature of modern China. 84yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
The Nibelungenlied
Analysis of the character of Kriemhild in the ancient Germanic myth. 84yr 16pgs 0fn 0s $143.20
Brief summary of life and importance of Herman Hesse and analysis of his book. 84yr 5pgs 0fn 3s $44.75
Kafka's "The Metamorphosis"
Analyzes themes, symbols, style, relation to Kafka's Life. 84yr 9pgs 10fn 6s $80.55
The Plague
By Albert Camus: Analysis of the Novel in terms of Existentialism. 84yr 11pgs 11fn 3s $98.45
Kafka's The Country Doctor
Overview of Kafka's writing style and sense of reality and of the critical approaches to his work. 84yr 10pgs 12fn 9s $89.50
Greek Plays
Discussion of social, political, religious and philosophical ideas in four ancient Greek plays: Prometheus Bound, Antigone, Hippolytus and Lysistrata. 84yr 12pgs 21fn 10s $107.40
History of the Novel in Expository Form
Includes ancient origins of the novel, forerunners of the modern novel, early eighteenth century novelists, victorian english novelists, early american novels, minor novelists and novels created after the wars. 84yr 16pgs 8fn 10s $143.20
A Village Romeo and Juliet
Gottfried Keller's tale of the antagonism of two families visited on their children. 84yr 4pgs 9fn 7s $35.80
Alexander Solzhenitsyn's One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Man's inhumanity to man as theme of contemporary Soviet work. 84yr 4pgs 3fn 1s $35.80
Confessions of a Mask
by Yukio Mishima. The author's search for self-identity and self-knowledge. 84yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Solzhenitsyn: The First Circle
An expose of Soviet prison camps in novel form. 84yr 7pgs 9fn 7s $62.65
The Theme of Evil in Nabokov's Lolita
Whether Lolita fulfills the demands of an art form or constitutes pornography. 84yr 6pgs 8fn 8s $53.70
The Ability of Thomas Mann's Felix Krull to Control His Emotions
Self-deception and human will in Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man. 84yr 6pgs 9fn 1s $53.70
Interpretations of Sartre's No Exit
Existentialism and absurdity as perceived by several critics in Sartre's play. 84yr 11pgs 15fn 6s $98.45
The Short Stories of Jean Paul Sartre
Existentialism and life's absurdities in Sartre's philosophical works. 84yr 8pgs 11fn 7s $71.60
Chernyshevskii and Chekhov
Conflicting views of social realism and art. 84yr 13pgs 8fn 7s $116.35
Nineteenth-century social realism in various aspects of Dostoyevsky's novels. 84yr 10pgs 6fn 5s $89.50
All Quiet on the Western Front
by Erich Maria Remarque. The evils of ware in Remarque's account of World War I. 84yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Two Friends
by Guy de Maupassant. Honor and dishonor in war as inevitable, needless sacrifices. 84yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
The Concept of Greek Education in The Iliad and The Oresteia
The religious connection, women's education, and political education in ancient Greece. 84yr 7pgs 13fn 7s $62.65
The Legend of Saint Julien
by Gustave Flaubert. Conflict between good and evil and free will and predestination. 84yr 5pgs 9fn 4s $44.75
Love and Knighthood in Eric and Enid
Chretien de Troyes interpretations and adaptation of the Arthurian legends. 84yr 7pgs 15fn 6s $62.65
The Portrayal of the Lives of the Poor in the Work of Jorge Amado
Examines the preoccupation of the harshness of the lives of the poor in the works of Jorge Amado focusing on The Violent Land,Shepherds of the Night and other works by Amado, including critics viewpoints. 84yr 15pgs 24fn 10s $134.25
Euripedes Works Hecuba and Medea Examined
Euripedes portrayal of the notion that when a female has been unjustly wronged , she will go to any extreme to find personal vengeance, as seen in the characters Hecuba and Medea. 78yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
"An Outpost of Progress" by Joseph Conrad and "A Day After Saturday" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez : A Comparison
Sees both works as dealing with societies which are not directly incorporated into the western world. 84yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
Observes Franz Kafka's dealing with the problem of human alienation by dramatizing the transformation of a man into a giant bug. 84yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Image of the Peasantry in Pre-revolutionary Russian Literature
Analyzes serfdom, as a social institution, fostering a sense of lethargy and pessimistic fatalism as a major theme in pre- revolutionary Russian literature. 84yr 9pgs 10fn 6s $80.55
A Comparison of Oedipus and Richard Nixon
Examines the personality traits that Oedipus and Nixon have in common. 84yr 4pgs 3fn 3s $35.80
The Underground Man as an Anti-Hero
Observes the underground man in literature as lacking genuine strength or substance and having no admirable qualities. 84yr 8pgs 8fn 0s $71.60
Siddhartha & Demian by Hermann Hesse : Two Modern Works of Mystical Thought
Examines both of these works of consciousness and inner growth which follow the inner searchings of their main protagonists from youth to adulthood. 85yr 8pgs 46fn 0s $71.60
Crime and Punishment by Dostoyefsky
Observes the character Raskolnikov as learning humility which had been unknown to him as a student and intellectual. 83yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse : A Review
Provides an overview and discussion of content. 84yr 7pgs 3fn 0s $62.65
"The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant
Discusses the plot development and theme. 84yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
A Comparison of The Communist Manifesto and Zola's Germinal
An examination of these works by Marx and Zola respectively, who were concerned with the way in which the Industrial Revolution made the workers less than human. 85yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Marriano Jose De Larra : His Life and his Role in the Development of Costumbrista Literature
Analyzes Costumbrista as a variety of fiction that puts it's primary emphasis on a realistic description of customs, characters, and manners. 84yr 14pgs 15fn 13s $125.30
by Wolfram Eschenbach. A search for something beyond the physical world. 84yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin
An analysis of this novel which attempts to redifine the nature of humankind by envisioning an androgynous society and creating a speculative culture based upon that redifinition. 91yr 6pgs 22fn 1s $53.70
The Differences Between the Greek and the Medieval Christian View of Odysseus
Examines the Ulysses of medieval tradition to Greek as both in his being made to bear the moral responsibility for what the medieval west regarded as the tragedy of Troy's fall and in his being the prototype of the wanderer as wanderer. 91yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Emile Zola's L' Assommoir
Examines, in this novel, the family and friends of Gervaise Coupeau as epitomizing the social problems and plight of the poor in early nineteenth century France. 91yr 9pgs 12fn 0s $80.55
Camus' The Stranger : An Analysis
An examination of why the novel is titled The Stranger by looking at Mersault and his actions and the fact that the very openness and simplicity of the surface structure belie the complexity of thematic meaning the work communicates. 91yr 10pgs 34fn 0s $89.50
People or Monsters by Liu Binyan
Gives an insightful and thoughtful portrayal of Communist China and how the government effectively ignores the will and needs of the people. 91yr 4pgs 5fn 0s $35.80
Comparison of Four Versions of "Don Juan"
Observes the fable about a reckless and amoral Spanish nobleman who seduces one woman too many and ultimately winds up taken to Hell by the statue of a man he killed. Examines versions by Pushkin, Moliere, Lorenzo da Ponte and Tirso de Molina. 91yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The Iliad and the Legend of Alfred the Great : A Comparison
Compares and contrasts the nature of a hero in Homer's time with the legend of Alfred the Great during the ninth century, noting dramatic differences in cultures. 91yr 6pgs 4fn 0s $53.70
Paz's Mask : The Labyrinth of Solitude
An analysis of this series of nine essays written by Mexican poet Octavio Paz, which discuss various aspects of the character and culture of Mexico. 91yr 10pgs 19fn 7s $89.50
Death and Immortality in Literature
Analyzes selected literature for their treatment of death and immortality. Fear of death, mortality, illness, funerals and other rites of death, triumph over death, war, and Dracula are among the themes examined. "The Epic of Gilgamesh", "The Death of. 85yr 15pgs 11fn 8s $134.25
Japanese Literary Tradition
Literary structures in Japanese fiction, with comparisons to Western tradition and criticism. Types of genre common in Japanese literature, with some history. The influence of Western literary tradition. 79yr 12pgs 0fn 6s $107.40
Thematic Sketches of Twelve Major Works
Short analyses of twelve European fiction writers' works and how they each deal with life. Includes Goethe, Balzac, Pushkin, Dickens, Dostoevsky, Ibsen, Brecht, Sartre, Beckett, Pirandello, Mann, Kafka. 79yr 12pgs 0fn 0s $107.40
Dante's and Tennyson's "Ulysses"
A comparison/contrast of Dante's and Tennyson's interpretations of "Ulysses"-how each speaks, dreams, and acts. 80yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest The Stranger
Analysis of the character McMurphy as Hero versus the staff as Authority. Camus' tale, told without word images, in movements. 82yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Las Manos De Dios Le Diable et le bon Dieu
Review of Carlos Solorzano's play Las Manos De Dios as a struggle between God and Satan. The characters as types and ideals more than characters. Sartre's play about a character's contest with God. Sartre's influence on the Latin American Theater. 81yr 16pgs 18fn 11s $143.20
House Made of Dawn: An Analysis
This novel is presented as a view of the failure of Christianity. How Part I is repetitious, Parts 2,3, and 4 improving in fact and context. Deals with the irrelevance of Christianity to Indian culture. How it more concerns survival than salvation. 83yr 9pgs 8fn 7s $80.55
A Comparison of Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle" and Cervantes' "Don Quixote"
Tells how both works have a greater influence than their actual readership reveals. The Jungle's concern with social values, and Don Quixote's preoccupation with the human condition. How Sinclair wrote with passion and intensity, Cervantes with leisur. 82yr 7pgs 8fn 5s $62.65
Rousseau's Emile
Analyzes this work which deals with the education of a hypothetical young person. Includes quotations from the book. 82yr 11pgs 0fn 0s $98.45
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Focuses on the dominant myth in Latin American literature that of the jungle or the mythic symbolism of the jungle. 83yr 5pgs 3fn 4s $44.75
A Summary of Antonio Garcia's Book Gaitan; Y el Camino de la Revolucion Colombiana
The socio-psychological realities of Colombian society. 83yr 7pgs 8fn 0s $62.65
The History of the Picaresque Novel
A didactic discussion of the narrative realistic style of literature in Spain during the counter reformation. 84yr 17pgs 11fn 6s $152.15
Two Critics and Their World : Don Quixote and Gargantua
An analysis of these works by Cervantes and Rabelais in their historical context with particular reference to Renaissance humanism, idealism and reason. 78yr 14pgs 5fn 0s $125.30
Dostoevsky's "Notes From Underground"
A review of this classic, with emphasis on the speaker as author. Comparison/contrast to Aeschylus. 79yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Dante's Attitude in Canto XXI, The Grafters
A semi-fictional account of attitudes and political practices which resulted in Dante's exile by being tried and convicted "in absentia" of the public selling of political office. 82yr 6pgs 14fn 3s $53.70
Candide by Voltaire
Examines Candide as a representative work of the Age of Enlightenment through the nature of discovery shown throughout the book. 88yr 6pgs 2fn 0s $53.70
The Princess of Cleves by Madame de Lafayette and The Red and The Black by Henri Stendahl
Analyzes the setting, the meaning and similarities of these French novels dealing with love and morality. 88yr 6pgs 10fn 10s $53.70
Home by Witold Rybczynski
A review of this work which traces the history of our ideas of comfort and a rebuke of modern architecture. 88yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Ramon Valle-Inclan and Miguel de Unamuno as leading novelists in Spanish Literature
Examines the works of these authors as part of the "generation of 98", or those intellectuals concerned with the tragic awareness of Spain's loss of national prestige following the Spanish American war of 1898. 88yr 10pgs 20fn 8s $89.50
Horacio Quiroga : His Life and Works
Examines the literary works and an autobiographical sketch of Horacio Quiroga, considered one of Latin America's greatest short story writers. 88yr 8pgs 15fn 6s $71.60
Love Compared and Contrasted in Shakespeare,
Rostand, and Webster. The effect of the way the characters approach love as affecting them in highly divergent ways in Romeo and Juliet, Cyrano de Bergerac, As You Like It, and Daddy-Long-Legs. 90yr 7pgs 8fn 4s $62.65
A review of this best known fairy tale in the world. Originally titled in1697, was first published in Paris by Charles Perrault, reflecting the society of noblemen and peasants in which he resided. 90yr 6pgs 11fn 8s $53.70
The Oedipus Myth :
As a reflection of the relationship between man and the Gods in Greece. Illustrates the inability of man to control his own destiny in the face of the will of the gods. 90yr 6pgs 6fn 0s $53.70
Classical Greek Literature
Examines various themes including Achilles as the bravest of the Greek heroes, Odysseus as the wiliest,Medea and Lysistrata reflecting the lowly position of women, the trial and execution of Socrates. 90yr 10pgs 9fn 7s $89.50
J. W. Goethe's Faust
Analyzes Faust in terms of the universal qualities of the story, in which a variety of themes, multitude of characters and range of styles reflect the ambiguity and indeterminate nature of post-classical world. 90yr 6pgs 7fn 4s $53.70
The Concept of Justice in Ancient Greek Literature
Examines the concept of justice as it is depicted in Greek literature from Homer and the pre-classical era, through Hesiod and the classical dramatists. 90yr 6pgs 7fn 0s $53.70
Three Literary Classics : Comparisons of philosophy
Compares philosophic motivations in the historical time period of the early Middle Ages as seen in Metamorphoses, The Confessions, and The Song of Roland. 90yr 7pgs 5fn 6s $62.65
The Rise of Absurdism from Decadence
Examines decadence as a major motif in nineteenth century literature, especially France and Absurdism as largely a movement of the era following World War II. 90yr 7pgs 9fn 7s $62.65
Ursula K. Leguin's Left Hand of Darkness
Examines the theme of reconciliation of left and right as well as opposites in general as symbolized by the two main characters. 90yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
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