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Literature: Shakespeare

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The First Part of King Henry IV
by Shakespeare. 78yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Critique of King Lear
McDonaldson's view of King Lear as early theater of the absurd. 78yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Symbolic Nature of the Storm in King Lear
Observes the storm on the heath as the first of King Lear's punitive and tramatic experiences and the consequences inflicted on Lear by the gods of pre-Christian Britain for upsetting the balance of nature. 78yr 10pgs 3fn 0s $89.50
The Tempest.
Focuses on the symbolism involved in the play by Shakespeare. 78yr 12pgs 18fn 12s $107.40
Defects in Hamlet
Looks at the criticism as seen by a 20th century audience. 78yr 7pgs 10fn 5s $62.65
Roles of Women in Twelfth Night and Hamlet
Compares the roles of women and the differences in their roles in these two Skakespearean plays. 78yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
The Role of Women in Shakespearean Tragedies
Observes the different women characters in Shakespearean plays and concludes that the characters and the plays as works of art were more important than the social validity of the roles his women depicted. 79yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
The Significance of King Henry's Opening Speech in Act III of Shakespeare's Henry IV, II
Examines King Henry's opening speech at the beginning of Act III in the play, Henry IV, Part II, as one of the two consecutive speeches which state the principal themes of the play. 79yr 5pgs 1fn 0s $44.75
Comparisons of the Role Playing of Hal and Edgar in the Plays Henry VI Part I, and King Lear
Examines this element common to both Shakespearean works as that of impersonation and role-playing by which a character pretends to be what he is not in order to aid him in attaining some future goal. 79yr 5pgs 2fn 0s $44.75
Lear and Gloucester
In Shakespeare's play, compares prominent characters. 79yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Women in Othello
An examination of female characters who are independent and most unlike the role of women customarily thought to be in Shakespearian Era. 78yr 8pgs 8fn 8s $71.60
The Chronicle of Nature in Shakespeare
Reference is made to the forces of nature, prominent works depicted. 79yr 6pgs 13fn 4s $53.70
Role of Women in Measure for Measure and As You Like It
by Shakespeare. A comparison and contrast. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 4s $44.75
Eleanor of Aquitaine and the Four Kings, Curtmantle (Henry II).
A historical evaluation of two plays. 79yr 8pgs 4fn 2s $71.60
Elizabethan Costume and Shakespeare
Discusses style and use of costumes, their historical value and significance in a number of his works. 79yr 11pgs 17fn 7s $98.45
Influences on Shakespearian Costumes
Notes international influences, particularly Spanish, and the eclectic habits of dress during the Elizabethan Period. 79yr 10pgs 19fn 7s $89.50
A Comparison of Oedipus Rex and King Lear
A comparison of theme and character portrayal. 79yr 10pgs 0fn 10s $89.50
"Richard II" by Shakespeare
Discusses the Duke of Aumerle as a catalyst in this play. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
King Lear
Discusses the central focus on the play, critical and theatrical interpretations of Lear's character and thematic development of the play. 79yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
"MacBeth" by Shakespeare
An analysis and criticism. 79yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
An Analysis of Dramatic Art Thru Playwright Characterization
Particularly thru "Death of a Salesman" and MacBeth. 79yr 4pgs 0fn 2s $35.80
Tennessee Williams' "A Streetcar Named Desire" and William Shakespeare's "Othello"
A comparison and contrast of these two major theatrical works, based both in fragility of love coupled with a hunger of the soul. 79yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Modes of Dramatic Comedy:
An analysis of the various types of Elizabethan comedy, including those of humors, romance, farce and satire, with examples from the period. 79yr 7pgs 5fn 14s $62.65
L'Terrary Perspectives: Hamlet, by William. Shakespeare, Waiting for Godot, by Samuel Beckett, & The End of the Road, by John Barth.
Analyzes the various character activities and how they give meaning to each of these three works. 80yr 9pgs 0fn 0s $80.55
Shakespearean Villains
A discussion of purposes of Shakespeare's knaves for their deformities or allegiance to minority groups. 80yr 8pgs 19fn 9s $71.60
A Winter's Tale by Shakespeare
Examines the various flaws in this least produced by the Bard's plays. 80yr 4pgs 5fn 1s $35.80
Shakespeare's Characterization: MacBeth and Lady MacBeth
An Analysis of the various aspects of characterization, including the historical and metaphysical, in this great Shakespearean tragedy. 80yr 7pgs 6fn 8s $62.65
Darkness Imagery in MacBeth
A study of the praeternatural imagery in MacBeth and how it affects the whole of the play. 80yr 5pgs 1fn 1s $44.75
Shakespeare's Coriolanus
An analysis of the attributes and drawbacks of this next-to-last of Shakespeare's plays. 80yr 7pgs 8fn 8s $62.65
The Shakespearean Fool
The role of the fool in early drama with emphasis on Falstaff and "The Merry Wives of Windsor". 80yr 9pgs 7fn 6s $80.55
What is Tragedy?
Analysis of tragedy in "Othello". 80yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
Why Does Hamlet Delay
A review of the critical theories on the reasons for Hamlet's delay in killing his stepfather. 80yr 8pgs 19fn 7s $71.60
"A Midsummer Night's Dream"
An analysis of the character of Demetrius, how he is viewed by the various characters and by the reader. 80yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Variations in the linguistic style which are significant to the character of Othello and the exemplification of Shakespeare's art are discussed. 80yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Analysis of Othello as Everyman, his change from moral greatness to moral smallness. 80yr 6pgs 5fn 4s $53.70
"Romeo and Juliet"
Discusses the role of Mercuteo and his relation to major characters. 80yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Brutus' Inability to Assume Leadership of the Conspiracy Against Julius Caesar
Nobility, self-conflict, conscience in Shakespeare's play. 80yr 3pgs 3fn 1s $26.85
Stagecraft in Shakespeare's Coriolanus
Dramatic qualities in Shakespeare's work. 80yr 15pgs 13fn 7s $134.25
The Nature of the Ghost in Hamlet
The ghost as the mover and shaker of plot development in Shakespeare's play. 80yr 7pgs 6fn 6s $62.65
Comparison of Hotspur and Sir John Falstaff in Shakespeare's Henry IV Part I
Falstaff's fool playing to Henry's straight man. 80yr 7pgs 10fn 2s $62.65
Hamlet by Shakespeare, Aeschylus, and Moliere
The Oresteia, Tartuffe, The Choephroe, and The Eumenides. 80yr 7pgs 1fn 1s $62.65
Treatment of Madness in Hamlet and King Lear
Psychodrama in Shakespeare's play. 80yr 8pgs 7fn 5s $71.60
Imagery in a Midsummer Night's Dream
Suggestive effects and illusions in Shakespeare's plan. 80yr 3pgs 4fn 1s $26.85
Shakespeare's Richard III: Fact or Fancy
Correcting the traditional view of Richard III as portrayed by Shakespeare via Sir Thomas More. 80yr 10pgs 20fn 10s $89.50
Shakespeare and the Supernatural
Occult figures in The Tempest, Macbeth, and Hamlet. 80yr 11pgs 12fn 8s $98.45
Shakespeare's Iago and Prospero
Power manipulation in The Tempest and Othello. 80yr 20pgs 9fn 6s $179.00
Romeo and Juliet
Social customs and themes of Shakespeare's romantic tragedy. 81yr 8pgs 18fn 7s $71.60
Miss Julie, Antigone and King Lear
Significance of principle characters actions and consequences of actions in Strindberg's, Shakespeare's and Sophocles plays. 81yr 6pgs 13fn 5s $53.70
Othello and Aaron
Comparison of principle characters from Shakespeare's Othello and Titus Andronicus, contrast of hero and villain. 81yr 8pgs 2fn 2s $71.60
Henry V.
Comparison of Shakespeare's play with English king. 81yr 8pgs 7fn 6s $71.60
Imagery in MacBeth
Occult symbolism, suggestiveness, illusion and reality in Shakespear's tragedy. 81yr 15pgs 17fn 6s $134.25
Much Ado About Nothing
Themes and characterizations in Shakespeare's comedy. 81yr 7pgs 11fn 3s $62.65
Much Ado About Nothing
Life, love, deception, character analysis in Shakespeare's comedy. 81yr 7pgs 7fn 0s $62.65
The Theme of Revenge in the Old Testament, Dante's Inferno and Shakespeare's Tempest
A comparison of the concept of vengeance as developed in the Bible, the Inferno, and in the Tempest. 82yr 10pgs Afn 0s $89.50
The Modernization of Shakespeare
Shakespeare transmogrified to twentieth century values and politics in such plays as MacBird, Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead, Endgame, Your Own Thing and so forth. 80yr 61pgs 48fn 63s $545.95
A Comparison of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, The Merchant of Venice, As You Like It, and Twelfth Night
An analysis of Shakespeare's many dramas illustrating different facets of his genius. 83yr 8pgs 9fn 0s $71.60
A Comparison of Dryden's All For Love with Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra
Observes historical events affecting playwriting and stagecraft and the story of Antony and Cleopatra transmitted from Elizabethan drama to Restoration drama. 80yr 10pgs 3fn 5s $89.50
Romeo and Juliet and A Midsummer Night's Dream : A Comparison
Examines both plays as fraught with tragic implications, witnessing the doctrine "the course of true love never did run smooth". 83yr 5pgs 7fn 3s $44.75
A Comparison of the Characters of Shakespeare's Richard II and Bolingbroke (Henry IV)
Examines how Richard reveals his inability to govern, power transferred to Bolingbroke, Richard being deposed and power being transferred to Bolingbroke. 83yr 7pgs 8fn 5s $62.65
Shakespeare : Measure For Measure and Hamlet
Discusses the dramatic theme in both works, being the discovery of the underlying evil and hypocrisy in the religious morality of the day. 82yr 4pgs 1fn 0s $35.80
A Vision of Nature
The element of nature in King Lear, The Inferno, and Gulliver's Travels. 80yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Hamlet's Relationship with his Mother
An examination of Hamlet's relationship to his mother as being basic to the play, particularly in his inability to reconcile his mothers relationship with Claudius. 83yr 8pgs 7fn 5s $71.60
Hamlet by William Shakespeare
Analyzes Hamlet as a revenge tragedy but observing the fact that the nature of the drama does not depend upon how Hamlet takes revenge so much as it does upon Hamlet's failure to take revenge in the manner one would expect. 84yr 11pgs 15fn 7s $98.45
Hamlet, the play, its theme and plot
Hamlet as a revenge tragedy. 82yr 4pgs 5fn 0s $35.80
A Comparison of the Ideas of Shakespeare and Sir Thomas More on Kingship
Examines the works of Shakespeare and More as supportive of kingship, or the monarchy. 83yr 8pgs 8fn 5s $71.60
Imagery and Symbolism in Romeo and Juliet
Shakespeare's developing metaphorical language and style in the symbolic imagery of this tragedy. 83yr 7pgs 5fn 0s $62.65
A Comparison of Shakespeare's Two Comedies; A Midsummer Night's Dream and As You Like It
A comparison of these two comedies from the aspect of plot, style and characterization. 81yr 7pgs 5fn 0s $62.65
Othello by Shakespeare
Being that the concept of seeing is one that is basic to the play. What is real or what various people see or think they see is responsible for much of the plays tragic action. 82yr 7pgs 8fn 0s $62.65
Shakespeare's Stage
Observes the stage usage by Shakespeare in his various works and concludes that the very simplicity of Shakespeare's stage permitted him a greater degree of dramatic freedom than the more elaborate stage of modern day. 81yr 9pgs 10fn 4s $80.55
The Winter's Tale by William Shakespeare
Discusses characterization and criticism of this Shakespearean romance, one of his least popular works produced in his last period. 78yr 4pgs 5fn 0s $35.80
Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar" and "Coriolanus"/Dickinson
A look at Shakespeare's two plays and how they depict the tragic hero and his country's moral code. Analysis of an Emily Dickinson poem about a snake. 88yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
That That Is Is, and Nothing That Is So Is So in Shakespeare's " Twelfth Night "
An examination of Shakespeare's utilization of the mythic world of comedy to probe the differences between appearance and reality, self-deception and self-knowledge as seen in the Twelfth Night. 81yr 6pgs 7fn 0s $53.70
Hamlet : A Symbol For Lost Souls
Observes the ambiguity of the character Hamlet in Shakespeare's play and as symbolic of lost souls suffering the anguish of life in a manner that on the surface may appear cowardly. 85yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
Shakespeare's The Tempest
An analysis of theme and characterization and the interplay of these characters to create a seamless artistry that has seldom been rivaled. 88yr 6pgs 4fn 0s $53.70
Shakespeare's Development as a Dramatist as Evidenced by the Early Comedies
Observes Shakespeare's artistic development in perfecting poetic imagery through the type of comedy important to him during his "master craftsman" period characterized by such works as A Midsummer Night's Dream, As You Like It, The Merchant of Venice, et. 88yr 7pgs 9fn 6s $62.65
The Development of the Characters of Gloucester and Lear in King Lear
Observes the crucial difference between the character development of Lear and Gloucester in that Lear gains insight into himself and into the human condition upon realization of being deluded in regard to his children while Gloucester gains no comparable. 88yr 7pgs 10fn 9s $62.65
Oedipus the King
Looks at the theme, "pride goeth before the fall" referring to the dominance of personal importance and its inevitable crash in human beings. 90yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
King Lear
Shows the protagonists successive self-discoveries closely following the six main points of Shakespeare's tragic vision as Lear moves from self deception to a slow and painful self-realization of his own shortcomings. 90yr 7pgs Afn 3s $62.65
Troilus and Cressida
Love and heroism in war when Shakespeare concentates largely on the falseness of love and the senselessness of war. 90yr 5pgs Afn 0s $44.75
All's Well that Ends Well
An analysis of characters focusing on Bertram making himself worthy of Helena's love by educating himself in ways that his wealth and breeding ignore. 90yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Character of Bertram in Shakespeare's All's Well
That Ends Well. Looks at Bertram as a totally unsympathetic character introducing various social prejudices , etc, into Bertram's character. 90yr 6pgs 11fn 5s $53.70
Much Ado About Nothing
Examines the relationship between Benedick and Beatrice suggesting that each partner must willingly compromise and actively contribute if their union is to prove successful. 90yr 7pgs 7fn 0s $62.65
Shakespeare's Twelfth Night and As You Like It
Compares these works by observing Shakespeare's utilization of the identical themes of the isolation of human beings in remote and idyllic surroundings and the effect of these surroundings upon the growth and flowering of love. 90yr 8pgs 15fn 0s $71.60
Shakespeare's Richard the Third
Looks at the character of Richard as diabolically evil and yet not avoiding the feeling that this very evil made him distinguished among men. 90yr 7pgs 8fn 5s $62.65
Shakespeare's Julius Caesar
offers a complex depiction of the motives of Caesar's assassins, suggesting that while Brutus was motivated by idealism the other conspirators tended to be guided by considerations of ambition and personal interest. 90yr 8pgs 7fn 0s $71.60
Family Relations in Five Shakespeare Works
Looks at family relations and disputes figuring predominantly in The Taming of the Shrew, Measure for Measure, The Merchant of Venice, King Lear and Henry V. 90yr 7pgs 5fn 6s $62.65
Love's Labour's Lost and The Taming of the Shrew
Shows, through all their shortcomings, through the lack of action in one and the distasteful subject in the other the product of a young Shakespeare who is clearly in his apprentice phase. 90yr 7pgs 9fn 7s $62.65
Visual Language in Shakespeare's Henry IV
Observes the vital role the props, costumes, settings and actors on stage movements play attesting to the interpersonal dynamincs and also the evolution of the undisciplined young Prince Hal into a masterful and capable king. 91yr 6pgs 6fn 6s $53.70
The New York Shakespeare Festival : A Selective Analysis
An overall analysis of this organization as a functioning arts institution, looking at its formation and central objectives,its funding,public relations, productions, etc. 91yr 19pgs 48fn 16s $170.05
The Porter's Scene in Macbeth
Examines the Porter's scene as having been the subject of considerable controversy because of its crucial placement in the moments just after Duncan's murder. 91yr 6pgs Afn 0s $53.70
An Analysis of Shakespeare's Tragic Vision
Examines the elements of Shakespeare's tragic vision such as the dramatic individual's potential for good or evil, the role or meaning of fate in creating joy or suffering, the effects of suprise and discovery, etc., as seen in Antony and Cleopatra, Cori. 91yr 15pgs Afn 11s $134.25
Much Ado About Nothing : Examines Support Characters
The functions of the various minor character's romantic comedy about mistaken identity are studied for humor and narrative role. 91yr 6pgs 12fn 1s $53.70
The Character of Caliban in The Tempest
Caliban's position as the natural man against the forces of civilization in Shakespeare's drama of shipwreck on a desert island, analyzed. 91yr 9pgs 19fn 6s $80.55
Lear, His Daughters and Love
Brief analysis of the love of Lear and his three daughters. Focuses on concepts of market and use value as approaches to defining love and its meaning. 91yr 6pgs 13fn 6s $53.70
Lear and Cordelia : The Love of Father and Daughter
Examines the love between Lear and Cordelia, concluding that it is only through suffering and death that Lear comes to fully value Cordelia and face mistakes as man, father anf king. 91yr 6pgs 17fn 6s $53.70
Psychological Intrepretations in Hamlet and King Lear
Assess the validity of the psychological intrepretation of drama by applying Jung's ideas of the nature of feminine and masculine and the implications of the Oedipus myth upon those ideas to Shakespeare's Hamlet and King Lear. 91yr 11pgs 26fn 5s $98.45
Evil Within and Evil Without in Macbeth
Compares evil within and evil without in Macbeth to see how Shakespeare treats the criminal instinct as a cancerous growth and only shows itself externally through actions that contradict the false words of the criminal. 92yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Hamlet and Love
Observes love as expressed in Hamlet as running the gamut from sheer contradiction and lying to the extreme of hopeless love expressed by Ophelia. 92yr 7pgs 5fn 7s $62.65
Hamlet and Love
Observes love as expressed in Hamlet as running the gamut from sheer contradiction and lying to the extreme of hopeless love expressed by Ophelia. 92yr 7pgs 5fn 7s $62.65
Analysis of a Scene from Henry IV, Part I
Examines the struggle between Hotspur and Henry and focuses on the staging of a single and vital scen from the play (Act 3, Scene 2) along with views on costume, setting, and other related aspects that should be addressed by a director. 92yr 11pgs 0fn 0s $98.45
Set Directions and Characterization for King Lear
Examines this seminal drama of filial ingratitude, arrogance, and redemption, from the perspective of a director staging the play. Particular attention will be given to a passage from Act3, Scene 7, Lines 53 to 95. 92yr 10pgs 5fn 0s $89.50
Hamlet by Shakespeare
Observes that Hamlet is as much a play of mastery of language as it is about plot and role playing being that the giving and ignoring of advice forms the core of the play and the development of its characters. 93yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Characters of Lord and Lady Macbeth
Observes the worldly ambitions of Lord Macbeth as allowing this to dictate his actions but being driven to his crimes by the greater ambition and determination of his wife, Lady Macbeth, who is a far greater source of evil than her husband. 93yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
King Richard II : by Shakespeare
Deals with a variation of usurped power, that of a weak and indecisive king whose selfishness and delusions bring about his own forced abdication and evetually his murder. 93yr 4pgs Afn 2s $35.80
Themes of Insanity and Death in Hamlet
Observes that Hamlet is feigning insanity in order to find out the truth about the King's murder, the Queen's remarriage, and Claudius' own ascension to the throne. 93yr 6pgs 4fn 0s $53.70
A Brief Analysis of Hamlet
Observes in this work Shakespeare's understanding of all that is most vital in mans life : desire and passion for another, life and death, hatred and action,, love of parents, fear of maturity and responsibility, immobility and action and the thrust towa. 93yr 6pgs 13fn 4s $53.70
Similarities between Shylock and Portia in The Merchant of Venice
Observes Shylocks transformation from a villaneous buffoon to a dignified tragic figure and the effect Portia has upon this transformation. 94yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Forgiveness in the Tempest and Beckett's Endgame
Compares and contrasts Shakespeare's joyful romantic comedy The Tempest with Samuel beckett's bleak existential tragicomedy Endgame. 94yr 10pgs Afn 2s $89.50
Christianity in Hamlet
Focuses on the theme of Christianity and Christian values as depicted in the play and the views of critics who have analyzed the religious themes of the drama. 94yr 5pgs 7fn 0s $44.75
A Discussion of King Lear
Focuses on the question of how advantaged lives influence behavior and attitudes and the related question of whether or not class or social status can be linked to the qualities of nobility and goodness. 94yr 6pgs Afn 3s $53.70
Views of Hamlet's Procrastination
Focuses on the question of why Hamlet procrastinates in his plan to kill Claudius and this indecision as being largely responsible for the tension of the drama and symbolic of Hamlet's nature and personality as well. 94yr 7pgs Afn 3s $62.65
Richard II and Responsibility
Analyzes Richard's long speech in Act V, Scene V of Shakespear's play and answers the question of what this speech tells about Richard and his era of failures of Kingship. 94yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Fathers and Daughters in The Merchant of Venice
Examines the relationships between the fathers and daughters in Shakespeare's play, compared and contrasted to each other. 94yr 4pgs Afn 1s $35.80
Richard II by Shakespeare
Explores the original and creative aspects of the personality of Richard II and his achieving a certain tragic nobility through accepting his fate and fighting to the end for his life. 94yr 5pgs Afn 1s $44.75
Images in Antony and Cleopatra
Identifies within the text of Antony and Cleopatra, the most visible groups of image patterns, to link those patterns to other plays and how these image patterns define the thematic meaning of the play and make it different from other plays by Shakespear. 94yr 13pgs Afn 6s $116.35
The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare
Observes Shylock as long having been the center of discussion and even controversy and examines the sources used by Shakespeare in creating this character describing the similarities and differences among these sources and assessing their relevance. 94yr 6pgs Afn 5s $53.70
The Positioning of Women in Great Tragic Dramas
Observes that beginning in the Hellenic era, continuing through the Renaissance and into the modern women as almost always in opposition or subjugation to a dominant and tragic male figure, illustrated in Antigone, Othello, and Death of a Salesman. 94yr 5pgs Afn 3s $44.75
Aspects of Nature and Nuturing in Shakespeare's The Tempest
Observes the element of nature in the piece as is really the story of a shipwreck but with Prospero's daughter Miranda expressing a nuturing concern for the safety of the ships passengers. 94yr 3pgs 6fn 0s $26.85
Virgil's Aeneid and Shakespeare's Tempest : Resolution of Conflict Between Public and Private Interest
Depicts Aeneas internal struggles to balance his own needs with those of the state and Prospero as an eloquent and powerful magician who manipulates others to achieve his own ends. 94yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
Women in Three Shakespearean Plays
Describes the role of the central female characters in Antony and Cleopatra, Hamlet, and Romeo and Juliet, with respect to the question of how each woman influences the development of the central tragedy of the play. 94yr 8pgs Afn 7s $71.60
A Comparison of Romeo and Juliet and West Side Story
Compares and contrasts the two versions of the love story of a young man and woman, children of fueding and antagonistic parents, who elect to die rather than to submit to their parents refusal for them to marry. 94yr 6pgs Afn 5s $53.70
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