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Literature: Poetry

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Paper Title
Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

The Life and Works of Edgar Allen Poe
A biographical sketch of Poe and an analysis of his poetry and fiction which invariably turned to horror, melancholy, gloom and depression. 78yr 5pgs 6fn 6s $44.75
The Writings of Walt Whitman
Examines his life, thought, style and contributions to the literary world. 78yr 26pgs 60fn 8s $232.70
Eliot's Still Point as Found in the Four Quarters and a Comparison of the Poetic Vision as Found in His Earlier Poetry
Discusses how the concept of still-point works within the quartets and its application within Eliot's poetry. 79yr 11pgs 8fn 7s $98.45
Depiction of a Child's World in William Faulkner's "Barn Burning" and Dylan Thomas "The Peaches"
Comparison of different techniques in showing a child's vision. 81yr 5pgs 2fn 0s $44.75
T.S. Eliot's The Wasteland and Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness
Comparison of death and fertility themes and derivation of Eliot's poem from Conrad's book. 81yr 7pgs 8fn 5s $62.65
Christabel and Ancient Mariner
by Coleridge. Focuses on Coleridge's interest in the supernatural by comparing both works, pointing out the eccentricities within. 79yr 5pgs 3fn 4s $44.75
The Franklin's Tale by Chaucer
From Canterbury Tales, a summary and review of character motivation and interaction. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
John Donne Poems
Examines six poems that refer to the Elizabethan idea that all life was attuned to the music of the heavenly spheres. 79yr 14pgs 0fn 0s $125.30
Attitude Toward Women in the Canterbury Tales
Contends that Chaucer's work shows an ambivalent attitude towards women. 80yr 5pgs 7fn 2s $44.75
Art and Life in the Franklins Tale
A discussion of the ideas expressed by the Franklin in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. 80yr 7pgs 6fn 18s $62.65
The Knight's & Merchant's Tales
Analyzes the significance of the garden as the medieval ideal, expressed in two of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. 80yr 8pgs 12fn 11s $71.60
The Religious Views of Wycliffe in the Canterbury Tales
Examines the undercurrent of religious reform as expressed in the Tales by Chaucer and the Lameness of his "good" pilgrims. 81yr 7pgs 0fn 6s $62.65
Religious Themes in the Canterbury Tales
A study concerning itself with Chaucer's attitudes as regards religion in the Tales notably his characterization of the Pardoner and the Friar, both thoroughly corrupt figures. 81yr 7pgs 5fn 11s $62.65
Chaucer's the Canterbury Tales
Examines the monastic life as depicted in his characters especially the Prioress. 82yr 7pgs 13fn 8s $62.65
Pliers the Ploughman and Triolus and Criseyde
by Langband and Chaucer. 82yr 7pgs 9fn 2s $62.65
The Monk's Tale
A discussion of the three major influences (ancient world, medieval world and Renaissance) on Chaucer's Canterbury Tales through an analysis of the Monk's Tale. 82yr 7pgs 9fn 4s $62.65
Comparison of Chaucer's Characters of the Monk and the Friar
Hedonism, asceticism, and hypocrisy. 82yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
Malory's and Chaucer's Interpretations of Courtly Love
Romanticism in Le Morte d'Arthur, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, and Troilus and Criseyde. 83yr 7pgs 11fn 4s $62.65
The Use of Satire in Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales
Discusses Chaucer's use of satire to ridicule the clergy, women and the medical profession in medieval England. 87yr 9pgs 12fn 6s $80.55
The Anachronism of Marriage in The Wife of Bath's Tale by Chaucer
Discusses marriage and the battle of the sexes in Chaucer's The wife of Baths Tale in the Canterbury Tales. 85yr 7pgs 8fn 3s $62.65
An Imagery Study of Chaucer's "The Friar's Tale"
Examines the use of imagery to suggest different themes in this tale from the Canterbury Tales by Chaucer. 84yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Chaucers : The Clerks Tale
Analyzes the Clerks Tale in the Canterbury Tales by Chaucer as an account of the severe testing of a human being. 81yr 9pgs 36fn 3s $80.55
The Imagery of Chaucer's "Nun's Priest's Tale"
Imagery in this tale for humorous effect, to mock the medieval heroic epic, and to contrast simplicity and ornateness. 84yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The Relationship Between Sexuality and Economics in Daniel Defoe's Moll Flanders
Observes the character Moll Flanders greatest aim as being economic freedom and the novel as replete with references to sexuality. 82yr 8pgs 20fn 0s $71.60
Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde : Trojan War Themes
Examines Chaucer's great romantic poem Troilus and Criseyde as reflecting the literary trends of an era in which the English language was coming into its own as a literary vehicle. 82yr 7pgs 4fn 4s $62.65
Victorian Characteristics in Matthew Arnold's "Dover Beach"
An analysis of this poem as appearing to be antithetical to that of the age in which it was written, the Victorian Age. 84yr 6pgs 6fn 6s $53.70
Observes from Beowulf the passage that introduces the scene in which Boewulf slays Grendel. 84yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
"Beowulf" and "The Sound of Waves"
A review of the epic poem "Beowulf" and of Mishima's book on physical strength. 87yr 2pgs 0fn 0s $17.90
Percy Shelley and the Theory of the Perfectibility of Man
Discusses this theme through many of his poems. 83yr 7pgs 14fn 5s $62.65
Toward a more personalized form of expression Gray, Burns and Blake
Gray, Burns, and Blake as Poets Exemplifying the Transition From Neoclassical to Romantic Poetry. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Masochistic Nature of Lionel Johnson
Discusses Yeat's poetic influence on Johnson during the 1890's. 78yr 7pgs 10fn 6s $62.65
E.A. Robinson: His Philosophy of Frustration:
Discuses this American poet's works and writings, style and a critical analysis. 78yr 4pgs 6fn 6s $35.80
Water Imagery in Tennyson's "In Memoriam AHH"
Examines the repeated use of water as an image to best illustrate Tennyson's periods of doubt, faith, despair and hope during the seventeen years in the making of this poem. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Preoccupation with Death in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson
Analyzes the particular fascination the theme of death held for Dickinson in her poetic works and her deep reflection on this , her constant lifes companion. 78yr 10pgs 14fn 6s $89.50
Marianne Moore
An analysis of this contemporary poet, use of imagery, theme rhythm and rhyme. 78yr 11pgs 19fn 11s $98.45
Robert Frost
An analysis of his life and works as exemplified in his poetry. 79yr 4pgs 6fn 5s $35.80
Spencer, Milton and Donne
A discussion and comparison of styles and form in their sonnets. 79yr 9pgs 9fn 7s $80.55
Bertolt Brecht
Biographical sketch of the German poet's bitterness and cynicism toward life in Germany in the 1920's as reflected in is poetry. 79yr 9pgs 12fn 6s $80.55
The Wasteland
by T.S. Eliot A critical analysis of theme and content. 79yr 6pgs 13fn 8s $53.70
T.S. Eliot
Examines his style and technique of incorporating romantic images into modern poetry. 79yr 7pgs 21fn 9s $62.65
Sililoquy of the Spanish Cloister by Browning
Discusses mechanics and structure of the poem. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
When I have Fears that I may Cease to Be by Keats
An analysis of this sonnet. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Piers Plowman by William Langland
Discusses the social injustice and corrupt Christian society. 79yr 5pgs 4fn 3s $44.75
The Odyssey
Discusses the desire for home as compared with the love the sailors have for Odysseys. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Piers Plowman by William Langland
A discussion of the social injustice in a critical review. 79yr 5pgs 8fn 4s $44.75
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot
Discusses theme, style and substance. 79yr 4pgs 2fn 2s $35.80
Paradise Lost and Samson Agonistes
Focuses on the similarities and differences in the husband-wife relations and the divisions of labor within. 79yr 8pgs 1fn 1s $71.60
The Poetry of William Butler Yeats
Discusses the break from traditional theme and technique. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Ode to a Nightingale by Keats
A critical analysis and discussion. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Frost
A critical review and discussion. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Politics of Shelley, Wordsworth and Blake
Discusses the romantic nature of each, along with the underlying desire to be rid of oppressive tyranny and revolutionize the social order of that time. 79yr 6pgs 10fn 3s $53.70
The Role of the Narrator in The Book of the Duchess
by Chaucer. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Chaucer's use of Boccaccio's Teseida
Examines the relationship between Teseida and Chaucer's the Knights Tale, analyzing the originality of Chaucer's work with secondary literary criticisms. 79yr 11pgs 7fn 9s $98.45
The Prisoner of Chillon by Byron
Analyzes Byron's poem in fixed chronological progression thru various stages of the prisoners decline and destruction. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Character of Satan in Paradise Lost
Examines the proud and majestic figure of Satan and his actions as Commander in Chief. 79yr 4pgs 8fn 5s $35.80
Lamia by Keats
An analysis of the allegorical poem dealing with the conflict between poetic imagination and reality. 79yr 10pgs 15fn 5s $89.50
Portrait D'Une Femme and Portrait of a Lady by Pound and Eliot
A comparison of the works. 79yr 7pgs 5fn 5s $62.65
An Archetypal Interpretation of Shelley's Alabastor
Examines suggestive elements within the meaning of the poem, difficulties in interpretation and Shelley's philosophical approach. 79yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
A Study of the Collected Poems of Keith Douglas
Douglas' work is considered from the point of view of poetic ideas given expression with regard to technique and style embodying them. 79yr 15pgs 4fn 1s $134.25
A Comparison Between Poets Frost and Worksworth
A discussion of the descriptive realism of both, their philosophical beliefs and responsibility for their own destinies. 79yr 5pgs 7fn 3s $44.75
A study of the Poetry of Elizabeth Bishop
Discusses the value and objectives of her art, content and manner in which she conveys ideas relating to man and nature without analytical or critical perspective. 79yr 15pgs 2fn 1s $134.25
A Comparison of Wordsworth's Preface to Lyrical Ballads and Shelley's A Defense of Poetry
Discusses Wordsworth's attempt to verbally overthrow the theories of neo-classical poetry and Shelley's explanation of the universal qualities of poetry. 79yr 6pgs 11fn 2s $53.70
The Use of Conceit in Taylor, The Preface
a Line by line analysis of this poem. 79yr 2pgs 0fn 0s $17.90
Isabella by John Keats
An analysis of the love poem, the role of the leading character. 79yr 5pgs 19fn 0s $44.75
Religion and Chivalry in the Poems of Sidney Lanier
Focuses on his greatest poem, The Marshes of Glynn, as combining all the musical complexity of his earlier works such as "The Symphony" and "The Song of the Chattahoochee". 79yr 5pgs 4fn 6s $44.75
William Blake and the Mental Traveler
An interpretation. 79yr 5pgs 7fn 7s $44.75
Alfred Prufrock and John Donne
A comparison. 79yr 6pgs 1fn 0s $53.70
An Analysis of John Donne's "A Valediction Forbidding Mourning"
Examines Donne's poem as a careful mixture of rational arguments, logic, dramatic imagery and sexual overtones. 79yr 6pgs 3fn 2s $53.70
Stopping by Woods on a Snow Evening by Frost
Discusses cosmic serenity and aesthetics of the poem. 79yr 10pgs 12fn 15s $89.50
Anne Sexton: The Vision of Women
An analysis of the poet's claims of women who are role restricted and frustrated by repression. 79yr 10pgs 14fn 5s $89.50
The Abortion by Anne Sexton
Reviews the controversial poem. 79yr 5pgs 3fn 11s $44.75
An analysis of "Odes" by Keats
An analysis of each for theme similarity and relationship to larger themes and method of presentation. 79yr 8pgs 18fn 0s $71.60
Johnson and Herrick: Two Poems
Considers these works in light of theme, simplicity, style and originality. 79yr 5pgs 3fn 3s $44.75
Vergil and Homer: The Epic Poets
Defends Vergil's originality. 79yr 6pgs 3fn 2s $53.70
Walt Whitman: The Man and the Poet
Differentiates between the creative writer and his attitudes and the man who was the poet of the past. 79yr 16pgs 22fn 4s $143.20
Samuel Coleridge's "Kubla Khan"
An analysis of style, description and influences creating this work. 79yr 4pgs 15fn 0s $35.80
A Discussion of Unamuno's Philosophy and Poetry
Notes the influences of Spanish dictatorship on Unamuno's works. 80yr 5pgs 6fn 6s $44.75
A Comparison of Two Poems by Wallace Stevens and William C. Williams
A comparative analysis of Steven's "The Snow Man" and William's "The Widow's Lament in Springtime". 80yr 16pgs 9fn 10s $143.20
Wordsworth and Coleridge
A comparative analysis of selected works. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
William Butler Yeats
A discussion of the life and works, early influences of his poetic drama. 80yr 10pgs 11fn 7s $89.50
A Comparison and Contrast of the Treatment of Death in the Works of Poe, Whitman and Emerson
A comparison and contrast as to how three different poets could have three different views of death and still emerge as major literary figures within the same age. 80yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Adrienne Rich
A critical analysis of the poetry of Adrienne Rich, focusing of "?Diving Into the Wreck". 80yr 10pgs 15fn 12s $89.50
Yeats and Keats
A comparative analysis of two works by Yeats and Keats, "Sailing to Byzantium and "Ode to a Grecian Urn". 80yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
An Analysis of various poets writings on urban life
including Wordsworth, Swift, TS Eliot, and John Gay. 80yr 10pgs 14fn 6s $89.50
Robert Frost
An analysis of the life and works of the American Poet, with biographical background, noting his works and achievements. 80yr 12pgs 10fn 10s $107.40
Poetry and Plato's Republic
Discusses Plato's ideas on the theory of knowledge and poetry. 80yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
An Examination of the Theme of Temperance
Particularly in Spencer's "The Faerie Queene" and Milton's "Paradise Lost". 80yr 8pgs 18fn 3s $71.60
Leaves of Grass by Whitman
Noting the Theme that makes it notable. 80yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
"Snake" by DH Lawrence
A thorough analysis of this poem illustrating Lawrence's idea of history as repulsive and symbolic imagery. 80yr 13pgs 0fn 0s $116.35
A Structural Analysis of the Main Symbols Employed in Whitman's "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Grew"
A study of the nature of the poem, its images, and its three main symbols, all of which center on Lincoln's assassination. 80yr 10pgs 5fn 6s $89.50
Charles Bauderlaire
An indepth biography of the great French poet, emphasizing his origins, schooling, upbringing literary influences and a precise of Les Fleurs du Mal. 80yr 27pgs 15fn 0s $241.65
Subway Ride
Description of the teaching of a number of poems to New York City school children and explanation of how another group of poems would be taught. 80yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Ben Johnson's Poem "Inviting a Friend to Supper"
Analysis from the point of view of mechanics, structure, theme and imagery. 80yr 7pgs 8fn 4s $62.65
Critique of the Critics
A review of the criticism on Robert Frost with discussion of two criticisms. 80yr 6pgs 8fn 6s $53.70
"The Poem of the Cid" by Rodrigo Diaz de Vivaro
A comparison of the Cid to contemporary political figures Jimmy Carter and Kohmeini (1978). 78yr 8pgs 6fn 3s $71.60
Margaret Atwood
Discussion of the theme of transformation in the work of poet. Eight poems are considered in detail, Language, style, etc., included. 80yr 15pgs 0fn 0s $134.25
Tennyson's "Crossing the Bar"
Its critical history, with a critique of the critics of this last and perhaps best of Tennyson's sea imagery. 81yr 7pgs 16fn 6s $62.65
Hebrew Poetry
Discussion of Hebrew Poetry, from the Old Testament to the Middle Ages. 81yr 9pgs 0fn 0s $80.55
T.S. Eliot
Examines the Theme of the Breakdown of relationships in TS Eliot's "Prufrock," "Gerontion" and "The Waste Land.". 81yr 16pgs 33fn 11s $143.20
"The Raven" and "Dream Land"
Discusses the theme of dreams in these two works by Poe. 81yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
"A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning"
Compares and contrasts these two poems by the same name by John Donne (1633) and Arienne Rich (1970). 81yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
The Poetics of the Far East
A comparison of the works of Mao Tse-Tung, Lao Tzu, and Rabindranath Tagore. 81yr 7pgs 5fn 12s $62.65
"The Swan" by Baudelaire and "Ode on a Grecian Urn" by Keats as Romantic Poems
Examines in both poems sensual romantic images from nature forming a picture of the influence of the classics. 88yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Poet and Political Crisis
Wole Soyinka and the Biafran Secession with a look at the events which precipitated the Biafran crisis leading to the jailing and an attempted liquidation of novelists, playwrights and poet Soyinka noting examples from his major works. 78yr 11pgs 15fn 10s $98.45
Cane by Toomer
Reviews the collection of prose and poetry. 78yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
The Use of Symbolism in the Dumbwaiter by Harold Pinter
Analyzes Pinter's dramatic creation , The Dumbwaiter, in terms of his minimalist technique and observation that the most significant poetic and symbolic image is the dumbwaiter itself. 88yr 10pgs 13fn 5s $89.50
Frost's Creation of the Malevolent God
Looks at Robert Frost's creation of the malevolent God as seen in his poems "Desert Places" and "Spring Pools". 88yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
The Odyssey and Gilgamesh : Two Epics of Antiquity
An analysis of several of the books of the Odyssey and the extraordinary emotional power of Gilgamesh and the similarity of their themes. 88yr 11pgs 0fn 0s $98.45
Ovid's Metamorphosis
An analysis of several of the books of this epic poem, being a masterpiece of storytelling ,and its place as a classical epic. 88yr 6pgs 8fn 0s $53.70
Born to Run as Poetry
Looks at the lyrics as a poetry of the moment in the life of Bruce Springsteen in the world of New Jersey. 89yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Robert Penn Warren's Theme of Identity : Self-Definition Outside the Self
Examines Robert Penn Warren's poetry as a search for self identity in a world of industrialism. 88yr 6pgs 9fn 5s $53.70
A Critical Analysis of the Poetry of A.M. Klein
Analysis of the Canadian poet's complete works. 81yr 20pgs 9fn 8s $179.00
Maxim Gorky: The Poet of the Russian Revolution
A proposal for further study. 81yr 4pgs 0fn 9s $35.80
Funeral Games of Homer's The Iliad
An analysis of the interplay between characters of the Iliad and the Gods, Fate and other extraterrestrial forces leading to Achilles role in the funeral games. 81yr 5pgs 3fn 0s $44.75
Nuyorican Poetry
Reviews a collection of Puerto Rican Poetry. 81yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Dante's Conception of Women
Examines Dante's views as seen through "Divine Comedy" and a critical analysis of the characters Pia, Metelda, Francesca and Picarda. 82yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Boewulf and Grendel
Discusses the significance of the dragons. 82yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
A Comparison of the WHD Rouse and Richard Lattimore Translations of the Iliad by Homer
Examines different translations of the Iliad, one as written for the masses understanding, the other for a more specialized audience. 82yr 4pgs 2fn 2s $35.80
The Funeral Games of Homer's The Iliad
Particularly the significance of the passage containing funeral games, paradoxes and conflicts. 82yr 5pgs 3fn 1s $44.75
Maxim Gorky As a Poet Of The Russian Revolution
An in-depth analysis of Gorky's ideology in terms of its relation and consistency with popular Russian political views and his relationship and concern with the development of Russia as seen thru his works. 83yr 70pgs 27fn 12s $626.50
Homer's Odyssey
Discussion of the theme of the return of Agamemnon. 84yr 10pgs 14fn 5s $89.50
Piers the Ploughman
Discussion of the depiction of the Seven Deadly Sins and the Reflection of the Comic and realistic qualities of Langland. 84yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Lyric elements in the Odyssey
Thematic symbolism in the Greek myth of Odysseus, Menelaos, Helen, and Agamemnon. 84yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
The Concept of Greek Education in The Iliad and The Oresteia
The religious connection, women's education, and political education in ancient Greece. 84yr 7pgs 13fn 7s $62.65
The Presentation of Aeneas as a Leader in the Aeneid by Virgil
Examines Aeneas portrayed as a leader heroic enough in stature to father a people capable of so great a destiny as the Romans. 84yr 8pgs 8fn 0s $71.60
The Epic Hero vs. The Tragic Hero: Their Development, Ethics,& Intentions
Discusses the characters of Achilles and Odysseus in Homers The Iliad and The Odyssey. 84yr 8pgs 13fn 9s $71.60
The Theme of Creation Explained in Greek Mythology
Examines the stories of Prometheus and Pandora ,as ancient Greek myths, that explained the creation of the universe. 84yr 7pgs 0fn 3s $62.65
The Aeneid and The Song of Roland
The hierarchical worlds depicted in The Aeneid and The Song of Roland as centering upon an idea of deity. 86yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The Trial by Franz Kafka
An analysis of Kafka's sense of fear of authority and a reflection of his own sense of alienation in his book The Trial. 85yr 10pgs 13fn 0s $89.50
The Iliad and Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut : A Comparison and Contrast
Observes the Homeric view of resignation by man to God's will and the thesis in Vonnegut's work as man's attempts to direct destiny as foolish and short sighted. 85yr 7pgs 7fn 3s $62.65
The Iliad of Homer
Summary of the legendary tale of superhuman powers, human destiny, and human fallacy. 82yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
George Newton Conklin's Biblical Criticism and Heresy in Milton and John Milton's Life and Writings
Explores the subject of the poet's approach to the Bible and the influence played by the Bible in the formulation of his ideas. 84yr 7pgs 6fn 0s $62.65
Modes of Authority in Homeric Society
Observes society depicted in the Homeric epics as being basically an aristocratic agrarian-based society as seen in the Iliad and Odyssey. 84yr 8pgs 9fn 6s $71.60
Little Black Boy by Blake
Discusses childish inferiority feelings. 84yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Dante and Virgil : The Great Poets of the First Circle
Explores Dante's estimation of his greatness as reflected in a passage in Canto IV of the Inferno at his inclusion among the most exclusive group of great poets gathered in the First Circle of Hell and looking at the nature of his relationship[ with Virg. 0yr 8pgs Afn 1s $71.60
Robert Frost : Poet of Nature
An examination of Frost's poetry where nature figures importantly in his poetry but concluding that his concern is first and foremost with man. 91yr 10pgs Afn 8s $89.50
Questions of Literature Past and Present
Distinguishes the sensual differences in poems The Piano and To His Coy Mistress by D.H. Lawrence and Andrew Marvel respectively. Also Willy's crisis of self-knowledge in Death of A Salesman. 91yr 6pgs 5fn 0s $53.70
The Allegory of Justice in The Faerie Queene
The effects of justice in Book Five of Edmund Spenser's narrative poem. 84yr 7pgs 13fn 5s $62.65
Comparison of Various Italian Poets
Work of Ungaretti, d'Annunzio, Montale, Pirandello and Svevo analyzed. 84yr 7pgs 4fn 0s $62.65
Analysis of poem dealing with Yeats theory of history. 84yr 7pgs 9fn 4s $62.65
Yeats and Pound
The relationship between Yeats and Pound and influence of Yeats work on Pound's. 84yr 12pgs 14fn 0s $107.40
Ezra Pound in Prison
Pound's treasonous radio broadcasts during World War II and his philosophy of fascism. 84yr 16pgs 18fn 10s $143.20
Personification in the Odes of William Collins
Allegory, neoclassical language and imagery in Collins' poetry. 84yr 11pgs 29fn 9s $98.45
Walt Whitman's "As I Ebbed with the Ocean of Life"
Analysis of Whitman's biographical poem of pessimism. 80yr 10pgs 17fn 5s $89.50
Robert Frost: Man and Nature
Nature as symbolism in the "The Mending Wall", the "Birches", and others. 80yr 4pgs 5fn 3s $35.80
The Attitude Towards Death in the Poems of Robert Frost
Frost's evolving attitude towards death in six of his poems. 83yr 7pgs 17fn 4s $62.65
Comparison of John Donne and George Herbert in Three Poems, Each
Religious and secular themes in Donne and his disciple, Herbert. 83yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Keats "La Belle Dame Sans Merci"
An explication of the romantic poets' preoccupation with the destructive power of love. 83yr 6pgs 5fn 4s $53.70
A Comparison of W.H. Auden and William Butler Yeats
Irrationality, occultism and religion compared in both poets works. 83yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
John Donne's "Going to Bed"
An explication of Donne's unromantic, sensual appeal to his mistress. 83yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Death and Resurrection in "The Waste Land"
A detailed analysis of this poem by T.S. Eliot. Deals with the theme of resurrection through death using the image of the seasonal harvest cycle of planting and reaping. Comparisons to Biblical imagery. 85yr 14pgs 5fn 10s $125.30
T.S. Eliot
Eliot as his generation's voice of disillusionment, especially through his poem "The Waste Land". How closely it reflects Eliot's own experiences and view of the world. Its images as showing no purpose and direction. Analyzes some of Eliot's other poe. 83yr 9pgs 15fn 6s $80.55
A Comparison of Emily Dickinson's "A Narrow Fellow in the Grass" and D.H. Lawrence's "Snake"
How both poems deal with the symbolism of the snake and what it had meant throughout history. Comparison of the snakes in each poem - behavior, relationship to man, man's feeling toward them. How both depart from the perception of snakes as loathsome c. 83yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
John Milton's "On His Blindness"
A poem by Milton on his meditation on the significance of his loss of sight. Goes from discouragement/depression to resignation. Talks about Milton's literary usage and how it can be interpreted today. 84yr 7pgs 6fn 5s $62.65
"Aucassin and Nicolette"
Analysis of the Medieval poem "Aucassin and Nicolette". They are two lovers who want to marry but are forbidden to since they are social unequals. Tells about their imprisonment and Nicolette's slave background. Religious implications and attitudes to. 78yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Matthew Arnold and Tennyson
How both poets balanced doubt with optimism in their works and believed in man's evolutionary progress leading to a perfect world order. (Darwinian) Emphasis on Arnold's work as a reflection of Victorian beliefs and values. 84yr 6pgs 5fn 0s $53.70
"Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister" by Robert Browning
An analysis of the poem, particularly its unique use of monologue and its depiction of life in a monastery. The narrator is a monk who is venting his disgust with one of his fellow-monks. 83yr 5pgs 4fn 4s $44.75
Robert Browning's Life and His Relationship With Elizabeth Barrett
A biographical sketch of his life and work, especially his courtship of, and marriage to Elizabeth Barrett. Their life in Italy and a review of his poetry. His love of freedom, disrespect of social forms, and support for the Italian cause. Some compar. 85yr 12pgs 15fn 7s $107.40
"Kaddish" by Allan Ginsburg
Philosophy of the poem related to various soceital concerns such as nuclear destruction. Rails at a society that has destroyed its best. Imagery is not classicist. Analysis of the times that it reflects- the Fifties. 82yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
Satan as Seen in Book One Of Milton's "Paradise Lost"
Analysis of differing opinions of the characterization of Satan in this classic work. Looks at Satan's character and the uses of simile. 80yr 3pgs 7fn 3s $26.85
Beauty as Seen by Baudelaire and Yeats
Beauty, or the conception of beauty as seen in the poetry of Charles Baudelaire and William Butler Yeats. Analyzes two poems by each poet. Looks at certain themes in their work, such as the use of disguise and the origins of beauty. Their poetry as e. 83yr 14pgs 15fn 6s $125.30
John Milton's Poetry as an Illustration of his Christian Doctrine
The sum total of Milton's religious philosophy, including free will, human freedom, choosing between good and evil, and Adam and Eve. Looks at "Paradise Lost", "Paradise Regained", "Areopagitica", "Treatise on Christian Doctrine". 83yr 8pgs 9fn 6s $71.60
A Comparison of Byron's "Darkness" and Keats' "Ode on Melancholy"
How both poems approach their authors' bouts with depression and view the world. How each poem is organized, imagery, complexity of thought, and purpose. 83yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Yeats, Hopkins, and Swinburne
An analysis of their poetic thoughts. Swinburne's views on life, death, and religion, Hopkins on Christ and St. Paul, Yeats on love, hate, self, God. How their religious beliefs influenced their poetry. 83yr 10pgs 17fn 0s $89.50
Robert Frost's "Mending Wall", "A Tree Fallen Across the Road', and "The Road Not Taken"
In "Mending Wall", the meaning of the wall as a division between people and as symbolic of man vs. nature. "Tree" as portraying a man vs. nature conflict , and "Road" as a different outlook on nature. Quotes from other critics on these three poems. 84yr 12pgs 22fn 9s $107.40
A Comparision of D.H. Lawrence's "Snake" and Emily Dickinson's "A Narrow Fellow"
Examines both poems written as distinguished tributes to an animal which is widely feared and despised, notes differences in rhyme schemes. 85yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The Imagery of Andrew Marvell's "The Garden"
The Garden of Eden and the garden as contemplation. Contentment vs. ambition for more. How imagery in "The Garden" expresses the poet's religious faith. 82yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Dante's and Tennyson's "Ulysses"
A comparison/contrast of Dante's and Tennyson's interpretations of "Ulysses"-how each speaks, dreams, and acts. 80yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Dickinson and Whitman
A comparison of how Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman viewed a train in their poetry. 88yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
The Gods /The Iliad vs. the Aeneid vs. the Bible
Two essays: 1. Do the gods have any responsibility for human acts? 2. The Iliad , the Aeneid, and the Bible compared and contrasted. 84yr 7pgs 4fn 6s $62.65
A review of this poem, capturing the chorus and the events, along with the message about man. 79yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
E.A. Robinson, Poet
A biographical sketch and analysis of EA Robinson's poetry. How his life affected his writings, especially themes of failure, wealth, and spirituality. 78yr 13pgs 19fn 3s $116.35
Four Poems by Robert Graves
Analyzes four of Robert Graves' poems: "The Pier-Glass", "The Survivor", "Ulysses", "Sick Love".How Graves uses imagery, modernism, tradition, and despair. Also looks at the effect of World War 2 on Graves and his poetry. 86yr 9pgs 12fn 7s $80.55
A Narrow Fellow in the Grass by Emily Dickinson
Examines Dickinson's tone or mood in this poem. 88yr 1pgs 0fn 0s $8.95
The Canterbury Tales : The Franklin's Tale
Examines the tale of the Franklin offering a philosophy of good sense and presenting a picture of life as an event to be enjoyed and enhanced by pleasure. 88yr 6pgs 10fn 3s $53.70
Book of the Duchess by Chaucer
The story of a knight who suffers from emotional pain. 88yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
Eating and Feeding in Paradise Lost by John Milton
Examines the symbolism of eating and feeding to define what is the original sin in that the tasting of the fruitis an act that covers all the sins for it shares the common trait of being disobedient and unfaithful to God in indulging in personal appetite. 88yr 10pgs Afn 0s $89.50
Romanticism vs. Modernism : contrasting Literary styles
Looks at the romanticism in the poetry of John Keats, particularly in "To Autumn"and "To Nature" as a prime example of romantic literature as a whole and literary moderinism as exemplified by Beckett's work Endgame. 90yr 6pgs Afn 0s $53.70
J. W. Goethe's Faust
Analyzes Faust in terms of the universal qualities of the story, in which a variety of themes, multitude of characters and range of styles reflect the ambiguity and indeterminate nature of post-classical world. 90yr 6pgs 7fn 4s $53.70
The Trial by Franz Kafka
An analysis of Kafka's sense of fear of authority and a reflection of his own sense of alienation in his book The Trial. 85yr 10pgs 13fn 0s $89.50
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