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Literature: Black, by or about

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Fitzgerald and Ellison
Discusses their views of commercial America in their works. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
A Comparison of the Autobiographies of Frederick Douglass, William Lovett and William Trench
Examines the backgrounds and life events contributing to the attitudes on slavery and political reform held by these men in the 1800's. 78yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Uncle Tom's Cabin and Black Boy
A discussion of slavery and the Black man in White society and the literature with underlying social protests from then to now. 78yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
Invisible Man by Ellison
Parallels this to the Black mans struggle for social identity. 78yr 5pgs 3fn 3s $44.75
Confessions of Nat Turner and Soul on Ice
by Styron and Cleaver respectively. A Comparison. 78yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
Langston Hughes:
The Life and Man. 78yr 8pgs 18fn 19s $71.60
The Theme of Youth in the Modern Short Story
Identifies adolescent dilemmas of mother-son relations, Black identity, inexperience and disillusionment. 79yr 15pgs 0fn 0s $134.25
A Comparison Between the Invisible Man and Heart of Darkness
Discusses the shared theme and symbolism in these works. 79yr 5pgs 4fn 3s $44.75
To Kill A Mockingbird
Examines the treatment of racial hatred as reflected in this work. 79yr 7pgs 6fn 0s $62.65
Herzog, Mrs. Dalloway and the Invisible Man
Are examined for character development subjectivity. 79yr 8pgs 13fn 6s $71.60
Tell Me How Long the Train's Been Gone
by Baldwin. Examines the pursuit of happiness thru the character Leo Proudhammer. 79yr 5pgs 4fn 3s $44.75
Black Characters in Faulkner: Absalom, Intruder in the Dust, and Light In August.
Examines his use of stereotypes, the dependent Black on White denomination and the use of absolutes. 79yr 12pgs 7fn 9s $107.40
Alienation: The Disintegration of Modern Man
An examination of modern man in American literature particularly thru the works of prominent Black authors. 79yr 22pgs 39fn 17s $196.90
Washington and DuBois:
A Freudian Analysis of Two Black Works. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Man's Corruption in Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Ministers Black Veil", "The Birthmark", and "Young Goodman Brown"
Sin, depravity and greed as human failing are explored. 81yr 4pgs 5fn 5s $35.80
Song of Soloman and Good as Gold
Familial relationships in two novels of ethnic minorities. 81yr 8pgs Afn 2s $71.60
An Analysis of the Works of Maya Angelou
A study of three autobiographical works by this sensitive black writer of the 70s. 81yr 14pgs 16fn 12s $125.30
The Best of Simple by Langston Hughes
A review of a barroom philosopher in the Black community. 78yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The Black Woman
by Toni Cade, a review. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Myth of the Negro Past
by H.J. Melville. A review and discussion. 78yr 5pgs 2fn 0s $44.75
The Strange Career of Jim Crow by C. Vann Woodward
A review and analysis of the Jim Crow movement, both North and South, to historically evaluate why Blacks maintain the status they do in society. 78yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
King of the Bingo Game by R. Ellison
A review noting Ellison's ability to universalize the problems facing the Black man. 78yr 6pgs 13fn 1s $53.70
Going to Meet the Man by Baldwin
Review of a short story. 78yr 3pgs 2fn 0s $26.85
Four Book Reviews
American Negro Slave Revolts, the White Man's Burden, Fight and Rebellion and The Negro in the American Revolution. 78yr 9pgs 3fn 4s $80.55
Jubilee by M. Walker
Discusses the role of invisibility encountered by Blacks in the South. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Bluest Eye, by Toni Morrison
Notes literary style and plot that convey relations in the Black community. 78yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Langston Hughes
Views Hughes as an extraordinary literary figure able to combine aesthetic beauty and social significance creatively. 78yr 4pgs 5fn 5s $35.80
Sonny's Blues by James Baldwin
A short story review. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Invisible Man by R. Ellison
Discusses illusion and reality. 78yr 5pgs 13fn 0s $44.75
Invisibility and Double Consciousness in Five Studies
Discusses two themes used by five writers: Frederick Douglas, Nella Larsen, Toni Morrison, Gwendolyn Brooks and Ralph Ellison. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Dusk of Dawn by DuBois
A review and critical evaluation. 78yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Corregidora and Sula : Two Stories of Black Women
A review and character analysis of Black women and an exploration of the role feminine awareness plays in the life of the Black woman. 79yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Invisible Man: Contrasts with DuBois and Washington
Comparative analysis of Invisible Man, Up From Slavery and the Soul of Black Folks. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Negro Revolt by Louis Lomax
A review and critical analysis which examines Negro attitudes and actions that act against the traditional white power structure and conservative Black leadership. 79yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Another Country and How Long the Train's Been Gone
A comparison of two works by Baldwin. 77yr 4pgs 2fn 4s $35.80
The Negro in the Making of America
by Benjamin Quarles. 79yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Harlem: The Making of A Ghetto
by Gilbert Osofsky. 79yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Roots by Alex Haley
Analyzes the plot, characters and situations in Haley's immensely popular "saga of an American family". 79yr 12pgs 0fn 0s $107.40
Kengi's Harvest by Wole Soyenka, Malfinis by Roderick Walcott and Meeting in Milkmarket by John Wickham
Character and story analysis of three African novelists and writers in these indigenous stories of their homeland. 79yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
The Wretched of the Earth by Fanon
A discussion of the book, concerning the black movements which took place in Africa in the 50's and 60's. 79yr 8pgs 7fn 7s $71.60
Alienation in Black Literature
Examines this theme through the writings of Richard Wright in Black Boy and Ralph Ellison's The Invisible Man. 79yr 17pgs 26fn 4s $152.15
Langston Hughes' Simply Heavenly
An analysis of Harlem life in the 20's and 30's as seen through the eyes of its best writer. 79yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
A Discussion of Langston Hughes
Traces and analyzes Hughes influence as a writer and chronicle of life in the Black world of Harlem during the Jazz Age. 79yr 7pgs 6fn 8s $62.65
W.E.B. DuBois
An Overview of his career and contribution to the position of blacks in America and the world. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Christ in Concrete, The Assistant, The Man Who Went to Chicago
Discusses the themes of the city and journey of the mind in these works. Also defines urban literature and relates the works to individuals and society. 79yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Native Son and the Man Who Lived Underground by Richard Wright
A critical analysis. 79yr 7pgs 6fn 10s $62.65
Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Examines her attempt to demonstrate that slavery was contrary to Christianity. 79yr 7pgs 13fn 2s $62.65
The Autobiography of Malcolm X.
A critical analysis. 79yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Studies of the Works of Flannery O'Connor and Ralph Ellison
Regionalism, racism, pretension and black experience compared in O'Connor's "The Artificial Nigger" and Ellison's Invisible Man. 79yr 7pgs 7fn 7s $62.65
The Problem of Identity in Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man
Identity crises and invisibility analyzed. 79yr 6pgs 7fn 6s $53.70
Camara Laye's The Dark Child
The black childhood and adolescent experience in Guinea. 79yr 5pgs 12fn 3s $44.75
"Native Son" by Richard Wright
A discussion and analysis of Wright's classic of mutual victimization, racism, and injustice. Looks at it primarily from a sociological point of view. 79yr 5pgs 3fn 0s $44.75
Langston Hughes
Hughes as a "black genius of the Harlem Renaissance". Recognizes his place in Black American literature and the sense of injustice shown in his works. 82yr 6pgs 4fn 6s $53.70
Ralph Ellison
A survey of Ralph Ellison's life and work, particularly the"Invisible Man" and TS Eliot's influence on his work. His place in Black literature. 85yr 5pgs 14fn 8s $44.75
Concepts of Good and Evil in Sula by Toni Morrison
Examines ways in which order is shaken and the impulses of characters in the novel to refute confining patterns by defying current standards of morality to recreate their own reality. 87yr 8pgs 6fn 2s $71.60
The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
An analysis of this contemporary novel of growing up young, black and female in the United States through examination of effectiveness of theme. 88yr 6pgs 6fn 0s $53.70
The Rainbow Challenge by Sheila Collins and The Jesse Jackson Phenomenon by Adolph Reed Jr.
Two approaches to analyzing the significance of the Jesse Jackson Rainbow Coalition campaign of 1984. 88yr 12pgs 26fn 4s $107.40
Mutiny on the Amistad : The Saga of a Slave Revolt and its Impact on American Abolition, Law and Diplomacy by Howard Jones
Reviews this work which chronicles the incident of revolt, in 1839, of a shipload of African slaves who are eventually captured by the American Navy and who subsequently are developed into an American antislavery movement cause. 88yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
New People : Miscegenation and Mulattoes in the United States by Joel Williamson
An analysis of this study which questions the generally accepted view of the history of American attitudes toward miscegenation. 88yr 6pgs 3fn 0s $53.70
Success and Failure in three of Wright's Novels
Observes that in Richard Wright's Black Boy, Native Son and Uncle Tom's Children, the characters who set their aspirations beyond what the oppressive racial climate aloows them fail and those who learn to function succeed. 90yr 13pgs 18fn 12s $116.35
Native Son as a Novel of Protest
Feels Baldwin's claim that Native Son fails as a protest novel is not wholly valid because Baldwin has missed Wright's point. Wroght, in fact uses Bigger's lack of humanity as reasons for his brutal acts of protest. 90yr 4pgs Afn 0s $35.80
How Black and White Interact Symbolically in Native Son
Examines how Wright uses the symbolic interactions between black and white to illustrate the racial situation, but Wright's view of the colors inherent meanings and how they define each other through reaction to each other. 90yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Native Son and Slaughterhouse-Five
Examines both novels as works of social criticism in which a surreal, exagerated technique of story-telling is used to draw a sharp moral lesson. 90yr 3pgs Afn 2s $26.85
The Street by Ann Petry
Observes the characterization of Lutie as being transformed by the strictures of her world from a striving, independent parent to a victim of both racism and sexism. 90yr 6pgs 10fn 4s $53.70
The marriages in Go Down, Moses by William Faulkner
Looks at the marriages throughout the novel as to heighten and expose the differences between blacks and whites within the same family, the McCaslins. 90yr 4pgs 4fn 0s $35.80
The Sociology of Minorities in Sci-Fi
Examines the sociologic theories in the writings of CS Lewis, Jules Verne and Ursula Le Guin. 83yr 10pgs 9fn 7s $89.50
Hemingway and James Baldwin- Comparison and Contrast
How the lives of Hemingway and Baldwin affected their writing, including the fact that both lived in Europe as young men, and that Hemingway wrote as one inside the mainstream of American society; Baldwin as one outside the mainstream. Baldwin deals wit. 84yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
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