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Literature: Biography

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Paper Title
Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

The Life and Works of Edgar Allen Poe
A biographical sketch of Poe and an analysis of his poetry and fiction which invariably turned to horror, melancholy, gloom and depression. 78yr 5pgs 6fn 6s $44.75
To the Lighthouse
by Virginia Woolf. An examination of time, including a listing of all published works by the author, novels, short stories, essays, biographies, diaries and letters. 78yr 6pgs 10fn 6s $53.70
Autobiographical Elements in the Works of Hemingway
Examines the five creative stages of Hemingway's life, and the relationship between actual events and writings. 78yr 3pgs 1fn 2s $26.85
The Life and Works of J.D. Salinger
Discusses the author's reclusive lifestyle and his most famous works, their common theses and character comparisons. 79yr 8pgs 1fn 1s $71.60
Irvin Shaw: A Biography
Looks at the novelist and short story writer, playwright as seen thru a selection of his works. 79yr 9pgs 9fn 9s $80.55
F.S. Fitzgerald: The Myth of His Affair with Wealth
Examines the autobiographical reasons for Fitzgerald's fascination with wealth and power, relating this to the materialism of the Jazz Age. 80yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
Fire in the Lake
A critical review of this analysis of the origins and outcomes of the war in Vietnam stressing the author's biography and intent in writing this book, so highly critical of U. S. Policy in Southeast Asia. 80yr 7pgs 10fn 7s $62.65
Ernest Hemingway
Brief biography with a discussion of the relationship between his politics and his work. 80yr 7pgs 8fn 5s $62.65
A Biography of William Shakespeare
Examines the life of Shakespeare concluding he is literature's greatest poet and playwright. 78yr 4pgs 10fn 3s $35.80
On the Psychological Side of Edgar Allen Poe
A biographical sketch of the life of Edgar Allen Poe concluding that the disadvantages and hard luck that followed him had a profound influence on his work. 79yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
An Analysis of the Works of Maya Angelou
A study of three autobiographical works by this sensitive black writer of the 70s. 81yr 14pgs 16fn 12s $125.30
A biography. 82yr 6pgs 8fn 6s $53.70
D.H. Lawrence
Biographical paper with a discussion of his literary reputation. 82yr 7pgs 14fn 6s $62.65
A Shakespeare Biography
Influences of Shakespeare's life and Restoration theater on his work. 82yr 7pgs 5fn 11s $62.65
George Orwell : A Biographical Analysis
Observes Orwell's childhood and his various books including Down and Out in Paris and London,Burmese Days, The Road to Wigan , Animal Farm, 1984 and others which invariably reflect his pessimistic view of life and society. 84yr 8pgs 10fn 9s $71.60
Tonio Kroger by Thomas Mann and Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce : A Comparison
Compares both stories as autobiographical and as reflecting the early, formative lives of artists, both writers. 83yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Some Insights from Keats' Letters
Examines these autobiographical materials as related to other expressions by the author and their value as they reflect the author's personal philosophies. 79yr 6pgs 5fn 0s $53.70
David Copperfield by Charles Dickens : Social Theme and Style
Examines this novel as a form of autobiography for Charles Dicken's in its setting as a Victorian novel through the manners and formalness of the period and the social themes of propriety, of order and definition existing in the characters. 88yr 7pgs 7fn 0s $62.65
The Autobiography of Malcolm X.
A critical analysis. 79yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
A Study of John Updike
Updike's contribution to American literature, an autobiographical sketch, his maple short story series, his times and parallels to his stories. 88yr 6pgs 10fn 9s $53.70
Walt Whitman
Discusses the formative period of Whitman's life before the 1855 publication of Leaves of Grass. Various influences in literature and life experiences are noted. 91yr 9pgs 18fn 6s $80.55
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Analysis of "The Bridal Party", "Babylon Revisited", "Crazy Sunday", "The Swimmers", "Freeze-Out". Looks at themes in these writings: transition, the past, autobiographical tones, historical processes, Hollywood, the American Dream, wastefulness. 82yr 8pgs 23fn 5s $71.60
Horacio Quiroga : His Life and Works
Examines the literary works and an autobiographical sketch of Horacio Quiroga, considered one of Latin America's greatest short story writers. 88yr 8pgs 15fn 6s $71.60
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