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Law: Police & Law Enforcement

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Behavior Within the Traditional Police Organization
Discusses modern police vs. the modern public, police organization and administrative goals,principals in community relations,law enforcement vs. peace-keeping activities and centralization. 78yr 13pgs 17fn 11s $116.35
Police Administration Essays
Discreationary law enforcement and public expectations, policy initiative, police position, peace and order as constitutional issues. 78yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Police Authoritarianism
Defines the authorization personality and gives a breakdown of the nature of authoritarianism, includes questionnaire for determining authoritarian attitudes to be administered to police recruits. 78yr 19pgs 9fn 13s $170.05
A survey of Attitudes, Opinions, and Experiences of the Suburban Policemen
A survey of police expectations, responses to community needs and relationship with city police forces. 78yr 21pgs 41fn 6s $187.95
The Use of Violence by the Police
An examination of the growing public concern and awareness of violent action on the part of police, deemed unnecessary and excessive. 79yr 19pgs 16fn 34s $170.05
The ACLU and Police Protection
An analysis of ACLU functions, clash of issues between ACLU and advocates of a stronger police force, ACLU's role in defending civil liberties, acts of search and seizure, self-incrimination, wire-tapping and surveillance, and fair treatment of those u. 79yr 17pgs 15fn 17s $152.15
Police Corruption in Philadelphia Since 1945
Examines police activity which involves the direct breaking of the law, ignoring or overlooking of law breaking by another, and activities which violate legal and ethical norms of the police establishment and of society at large (1973). 73yr 10pgs 19fn 12s $89.50
Vice Law
A study of the enforcement, application and effectiveness of these laws in current American society. 79yr 14pgs 51fn 21s $125.30
Police Corruption in Philadelphia since 1900
An analysis of attitudes toward corruption as exhibited by the Crime Commission during the past seven decades. 81yr 12pgs 13fn 3s $107.40
National Guard Trained as Auxiliary Police
Describes the expenses and advantages of training military units to function in coordination with local and state police. 78yr 15pgs Afn 13s $134.25
Staff Services in Police Administration
Criticizes the use of unqualified or inexperienced personnel in determining police policy and the community relations status. 78yr 11pgs 10fn 9s $98.45
The Police and Society
A discussion of the liaison between police and community groups to combat the rising rate of crime. 78yr 11pgs 10fn 6s $98.45
Varieties of Police Behavior
by Wilson, and The Management of Law and Order in Eight Communities. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Police, New York City and You
A Historical overview and in--depth investigation of police corruption in New York from 1844 to the present, noting the role authority plays in large societies, public apathy, role of the media and efforts on the part of the police to establish better co. 78yr 29pgs 54fn 27s $259.55
Police Contract Negotiations
Focuses on how contract negotiations differ in suburban and urban areas, negotiations vs. arbitration and police labor relations contracts. 78yr 9pgs 26fn 7s $80.55
Causes of Neurosis in Police
Includes a discussion of mental illness, emotional stress, social alienation and brutality to civilians by the police. 78yr 6pgs 5fn 5s $53.70
The effects of Budget cuts on the New York City Police Department
Examines the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association as attempting to establish satisfactory working conditions and wages for police and rebellious police forces as a reaction to unsatisfactory negotiations. 78yr 10pgs 5fn 10s $89.50
Police Tactics in Crowd Control
An examination of police actions in crowd restraint. 78yr 6pgs 7fn 6s $53.70
A Stand in Support of the Standard Allowing Police Administrators to be Responsible for Devising and Implementing Their Own Body of Rules
A position paper supporting delegating judicial authority to administrators of the police department and allowing them to punish their own. 78yr 6pgs 3fn 6s $53.70
Sociological Analysis of the Philadelphia Police Department
Examines the organization of the department, systems of authority, role of alienation from the mainstream the police must contend with and the influence of excitement and maintaining an image on law enforcement. 78yr 11pgs 24fn 17s $98.45
Internal Affairs: The Knapp Commission Investigation
Discusses this two and a half year investigation into police corruption in New York City, findings, and effects on internal affairs of the police department. 78yr 5pgs 4fn 2s $44.75
Women in Law Enforcement
Notes their recent success in expanded roles as police officers, their effectiveness as law enforcers, media glamorization of the police woman role and employment discrimination. 78yr 7pgs 18fn 10s $62.65
A study of the attitudes of policewomen in relation to their assumed effectiveness in the promotion of community relations. 79yr 11pgs 17fn 37s $98.45
The Efficacy of Paliamentary Influence in Police Academy Training
Examines the relevancy of the traditionalist methods in training policemen to confront the realty of modern crime. 79yr 11pgs 31fn 17s $98.45
Police Specialization
Examines the various types of police work which have evolved as a result of dealing with modern criminals and crime. 79yr 8pgs 7fn 5s $71.60
Police Administration: Pros and Cons
An inquiry into the methods and effectiveness of modern police administrations, using some U.S. cities as examples. 79yr 10pgs 11fn 13s $89.50
The Necessity of Over Seeing Police Activities
An analysis of presenting a rationale for the implementation of a civilian review board. 79yr 6pgs 15fn 7s $53.70
Computers for the Police in a Small Village
Examines the various advantages and drawbacks of using computerized equipment in small scale police work. 79yr 9pgs 7fn 6s $80.55
Personal Values and Motivations in the NYC Police Dept.
A study of the motivational values of NY policemen and policewomen, including TA police and Housing Authority Police. 79yr 17pgs 5fn 4s $152.15
Police Administration
Traditional vs. innovative approaches to police department organization and administration. 79yr 11pgs 0fn 0s $98.45
Police and the Black Community
by Robert Wintersmith. Special Dynamics of black citizen and police relationships. 79yr 6pgs 9fn 5s $53.70
Police Athletic League
Sports, entertainment, and community affairs programs conducted by police departments to prevent juvenile delinquency, foster better community relations. 79yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
A Sociological Model : Police as a Profession
A definition of profession, followed by the requirements and characteristics necessary to successfully become a policeman. 81yr 13pgs 34fn 9s $116.35
Personal Values and Motivations in the New York City Police Department
A study of the motivational values of New York policemen and police women, including Transit Authority Police and Housing Authority Police. 78yr 18pgs 5fn 4s $161.10
Irish and American Police
Includes history of Irish and American Policemen, structure, functions and power of the police in these countries and recruitment and training procedures. 80yr 13pgs 37fn 12s $116.35
Specifics Concerning Police Interrogation
Analyzes police interrogation and arrest procedures in light of the 'exclusionary rule', a law created by the courts, that forbids prosecutors from using evidence illegally obtained. 86yr 7pgs 4fn 11s $62.65
The Enforcement of Law in Pre-Industrial and Industrial Societies with Emphasis on Pre-Industrial England
Examines the legal system of England in the 18th and 19th centuries. 79yr 9pgs 7fn 7s $80.55
In Support of Polygraph Tests : A Position Paper
Takes the position that lie detector tests are a preventative tool, are not an intrusion of privacy, are extremely reliable, etc. 88yr 6pgs 9fn 3s $53.70
Police Training and Illiteracy
Answers the questions of the difficulty in training police officers due to their lack of basic skills such as reading, writing and math and an analysis of illertacy as it impacts the workplace. 90yr 8pgs 12fn 8s $71.60
The ACLU and Police Protection
An analysis of ACLU functions, clash of issues between ACLU and advocates of a stronger police force, ACLU's role in defending civil liberties, acts of search and seizure, self-incrimination, wire-tapping and surveillance, and fair treatment of those u. 79yr 17pgs 15fn 17s $152.15
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