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Law: Juvenile

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Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

Juvenile Delinquency
An overview of the entire juvenile delinquency problem discussing the courts, theory, and related literature. 78yr 6pgs 20fn 16s $53.70
The Juvenile Conference Committee
Its function, advantages and reasons for its establishment. 78yr 6pgs 4fn 6s $53.70
Why Juvenile Delinquents Deviate from the Law
Explains the basis for behavior beginning at an early age, with roots in emotional frustration and inability to cope. 78yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
Responsibility Defenses
Deals with prosecution and defenses of juveniles accused of crimes. 79yr 9pgs 0fn 0s $80.55
The Philosophies of the Criminal and Juvenile Courts and Their Implications
Discusses how these particular philosophies form the basis for general proceedings of the criminal and juvenile courts. Role of court personnel and the relation of the offender to the court system. Examines major decisions regarding the court system. 86yr 30pgs 38fn 16s $268.50
The Juvenile Justice System
Examines justice procedures offered minors, when they should be treated as adults, role of the court in offering guidance when no law has been broken and results of criminal classifications on minors. 81yr 10pgs 13fn 7s $89.50
Should Minors be Treated Like Adults for Crimes
Notes factors contributing to handling of juvenile crimes, nature and intent and rehab facilities in the U.S. 81yr 5pgs 3fn 2s $44.75
Juvenile Justice
Examines juvenile justice as an inequitable force, recommending reform of the judicial system with regard to the protection of juvenile offenders. 78yr 7pgs 16fn 9s $62.65
Sutherland's Theory of Differential Association and the Juvenile Delinquent
Examines the theory of Differential Association upon the development of the science of criminology specifically leading to a valid profile of the juvenile delinquent. 78yr 10pgs 9fn 7s $89.50
Juvenile Justice
An inquiry, social and historical, into the symptoms and cures for juvenile delinquency and how it has been dealt with in the courts. 79yr 12pgs 0fn 0s $107.40
Juvenile Delinquency Among The Upper Classes; Legislation and Procedural Changes
A study of its prevalence and causes. 79yr 10pgs 18fn 9s $89.50
Juvenile Narcotic Laws in New Jersey
Observes the treatment of juveniles by the law,narcotic laws in New Jersey,the major cases of juvenile drug offenders and their treatment in these cases. 82yr 16pgs 58fn 41s $143.20
Brooklyn Teen-Age Killers Case
Looks at the case of a notorious, but precedent-setting case and the facts surrounding it that occurred in New York in 1954. The recognition of juvenile delinquency and gangs and the ultimate disposition of the case. 82yr 7pgs 17fn 6s $62.65
Juvenile Narcotic Laws in New Jersey
Explanation of NJ drug (and drug paraphernalia) laws and their application to minors; treatment of juvenile drug offenders. Court cases cited. 81yr 13pgs 32fn 14s $116.35
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