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Law: Criminal

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Paper Title
Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

The American Bail System
A historical background with a discussion of methods and operations of the bail bondsman. 78yr 9pgs 15fn 4s $80.55
The Criminal Justice System's Treatment of the Poor in Urban Society
Discusses inadequacies and problems with tentative solutions. 78yr 7pgs 10fn 5s $62.65
The Development of the Bail System
Deals with operation and problems with historical background. 78yr 9pgs 12fn 6s $80.55
The Constitutionality of a Mandatory Death Penalty
Analysis of the 1972 Supreme Court decision holding that this constitutes cruel and unusual punishment, noting actual court rulings. 78yr 10pgs 5fn 0s $89.50
Violent Crime
Discusses public reaction to, particularly in urban areas, distinguishing between contrived and happenstance violence, with 1960-68 crime figures. 78yr 4pgs 3fn 4s $35.80
Sutherland's theory of Criminal Behavior
Discusses sutherland's theory of criminal behavior and prison reform, Durkheim's view of crime as a natural phenomena, and Blumberg's view of the role of the judge in society. 74yr 13pgs 11fn 4s $116.35
Criminal Behavior in the United States
Defines criminal behavior and formulates the personality characteristics leading to criminal involvement, with detailed synopsis of involvement by minority groups and immigrant communities, their psychological make-up and level, acute, accidental, situat. 78yr 20pgs 25fn 17s $179.00
Capital Punishment
Focuses on the moral and ethical aspects of capital punishment as well as its effect on the public. 74yr 9pgs Afn 8s $80.55
Equality and Protection by Law Enforcers
Examines the practices of the jury system and the police' and the potential of fairer law enforcement. 86yr 11pgs 14fn 8s $98.45
Plea Bargaining
Supports abolishment of plea bargaining as a court practice, offers evidence in favor of abolishment. 79yr 7pgs 16fn 6s $62.65
Increasing Crime in America
A study and observation of the rapid rise of crime particularly in urban areas. Offers solutions to causal factors. 79yr 6pgs 7fn 13s $53.70
A Study of the Bail Systems of Philadelphia, Montgomery, and Delaware Counties
Discusses , in detail, the various bail and surety methods available in these Pennsylvania counties. 79yr 31pgs 0fn 0s $277.45
Murder in Ancient India vs. Modern New York
A study and comparasion of the two legal systems. 79yr 23pgs 44fn 26s $205.85
Murder and Insanity
An examination of the current law concerning the insanity defense against a murder charge. 79yr 10pgs 20fn 18s $89.50
Capital Punishment and the Law: Which Crimes Merit the Death Penalty and Why?
Felony, murder and other criteria for capital punishment with examples of cases. 80yr 8pgs 7fn 8s $71.60
Mail Fraud
Postal regulations, fraud and swindle detection. 80yr 6pgs 5fn 6s $53.70
A Case for Capital Punishment
Judao-Christian tradition, humanistic vs. non-humanistic arguments, reforms in thought. 81yr 9pgs 11fn 6s $80.55
Our Violent Culture and a Discussion About How To De-Glorify the Violent Criminal and Focus Instead on the Victim of Violence
proposes different methodsto create de-glamorization of crime including, non-coverage by media, retribution to victims, etc. 81yr 5pgs 9fn 6s $44.75
Crime in Developing Countries of Africa
Examines its relation to economic conditions, political attitudes and rapid social change and social policy. 81yr 4pgs 2fn 5s $35.80
Durkheim on Crime
Examines views on crime in society, deviance, norms and social acceptability. 81yr 7pgs 4fn 5s $62.65
Motivational Aspects of Criminal Behavior
Investigates and reviews studies of criminal behavior when various inhibiting factors intervene, pain avoidance principles, negative reinforcement, drug therapy and behavior modification, noting results of treatments. 81yr 11pgs 9fn 7s $98.45
Organized Crime
Looks at the hierarchy of organized crime and how it lends itself to business enterprises. 81yr 5pgs 0fn 3s $44.75
Problems Facing Ex-Offenders: A Case Study
Follows the attempts of an ex-convict to re enter society, noting the discrimination encountered thereafter. 81yr 9pgs 7fn 4s $80.55
Organized Crime in the 1920"s
Emphasizes business crime, specifically union infiltration and economic roots of the problem. 81yr 18pgs 4fn 4s $161.10
The Relationship of Crime to Poverty
Proposed study to show a significant relationship between the two, showing potential to commit crime as indicated by ones attitude toward specific criminal acts. 78yr 14pgs 5fn 4s $125.30
Federal Compensation to the Victims of Violent Crime
Depicts an innovative theory of compensatory payments to crime victims, detailing the need for legislation guaranteeing the rights of the victim. 78yr 11pgs 9fn 12s $98.45
Gang Violence
As discussed in Dowley's a Nation of Lords: the Vice Lords. 78yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
The Economics of Prostitution in New York City
Looks at various aspects of the economics, prostitute and pimp economics and the role of organized crime. 78yr 20pgs 21fn 17s $179.00
A Discussion of Organized Crime
Focuses on Carlo Gambino and the network of power and influence that stretch beyond the boundaries of this country. 78yr 16pgs 8fn 6s $143.20
A Study of Private Post Prison Release Facilities
An in depth study and analysis of the problems of recidivism and rehabilitation in modern society. 78yr 25pgs 40fn 6s $223.75
Al Capone and Theories of Crime and Punishment
An examination of theories or criminality using the famed Mafia Chieftains life and notoriety as a case in point. 78yr 15pgs 6fn 5s $134.25
Justice in America
A study dealing with the question of whether the criminal or the public is getting the breaks in modern American criminal justice. Cites "The Criminal Gets the Breaks" by Daniel Gutman. 79yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
Primitive Rebels
An examination of Haubsbaum's theorizes, dealing with the criminal elements of underdeveloped societies. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Critical Issues Affecting U.S. Security
Examines the problems and programs inherent in maintaining national security, with emphasis on the criminal aspect and the abuse of power. 79yr 17pgs 8fn 15s $152.15
The problems and Dimensions of Urban Crime and the Administration of Urban Justice
A brief analysis of some of the major issues of crime in the cities and how the courts administer to it. 79yr 10pgs 21fn 9s $89.50
Social Reality of Crime
An historical analysis dealing with the social aspects of crime and how it was and is being dealt with in these terms. 79yr 7pgs 3fn 3s $62.65
Crime Control
An analysis of this problem based upon three books: Class, State & Crime (Quinn), Explaining Crime (Nettler), Thinking of Crime (Wilson). 79yr 8pgs 4fn 3s $71.60
Social Aspects of Crime in The Capitalist Society
Examines the social element in crime indigenous to capitalism in various countries. 79yr 7pgs 3fn 3s $62.65
Crime and Environment
An Analysis of environmental factors as cause of crime, includes introduction, definition and hypothesis to change crime encouraging social conditions. 79yr 14pgs 28fn 27s $125.30
Criminal Violence, Criminal Justice
by Charles E. Silberman, A summary and review of the book. 79yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Our Crime Against Criminal: A Review of Karl Menninger's "The The Crime of Punishment:
A study of the American criminal justice system from Menninger's point of view. 79yr 7pgs 7fn 4s $62.65
Crime and Vandalism
Statistics and theories of contributing factors. 79yr 9pgs 0fn 10s $80.55
Law Enforcement: Crime in The Subway
Contributing factors and prevention. 79yr 7pgs 7fn 5s $62.65
Motivational Aspects of Criminal Behavior
Cultural factors in America. 79yr 14pgs 15fn 6s $125.30
Thinking About Crime
by James Q. Wilson. Discussion of cultural contributing factors and punitive methodology. 79yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
The Art Forger
Dynamics of unusual, highly skilled criminal trade. 79yr 9pgs 9fn 1s $80.55
Crime Classifications and Etiology
Theories of criminology. 79yr 10pgs Afn 0s $89.50
Politics and culture of crime and social policies of crime. 79yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
Supermarket Security
Devices and Methods of preventing shoplifting. 79yr 7pgs 6fn 4s $62.65
Crime in China and the United States : A Comparative and Contractive Analysis
Analyzes the approaches the United States and China take to the social problem of crime. 81yr 10pgs 11fn 7s $89.50
The Black Woman as Victim of sexual assault. Perceptions of Professional Intervention
Includes introduction hypothesizing the double victimization of the Black female. An historical analysis of the almost routine rape of black women: A research proposal. 83yr 10pgs 7fn 26s $89.50
Crime and Violence : The Linkage of Violence and Crime in America
Observes the rate of violent crime in the U.S. as being significantly higher than in the majority of other Western democracies. 81yr 6pgs 7fn 5s $53.70
Chop Shops : The "Disassembly Lines' of the Auto-Theft Industry
Examines car theft as a "profession", car thievery as to how it's done and who does it , and the role of the chop shop disassembly in this "industry". 85yr 17pgs 8fn 23s $152.15
Prostitution and Organized Crime
Observes the decline in interest on the part of organized crime toward prostitution, especially in New York, runaway children as prostitutes with , however, their continued interest in big-time call girl operations. 82yr 15pgs 3fn 12s $134.25
The Conceptual Model Considered : An "Ideal" Program of Higher Education for Criminal Offenders
An overview to a conceptual model for the utilization of higher education as a means to rehabilitate criminal offenders applied to an existing correctional facility. 84yr 9pgs 9fn 0s $80.55
Higher Education and the Criminal Offender : A Case Study
The actual application of the conceptual model to a program of higher education for criminal offenders incarcerated in a correctional facility. 82yr 10pgs 9fn 8s $89.50
Forensic Criminology
The usage of medical science to scientifically determine origins of crime. Specifically discusses blood samples, gunshot and handwriting analysis. 78yr 10pgs 0fn 5s $89.50
White Collar Crime: Does Deterrence Have an Effect on the Theory of Prosecution?
Motivations for white collar crime; current methods for deterrence and their effectiveness. 87yr 12pgs 17fn 14s $107.40
The Leo Frank Case
An examination of the murder trial, legal patterns, and their effects on the citizens of Atlanta as an example of one of the most spectacular displays of mass intolerance during the Progressive Era in America (1913). 78yr 20pgs 52fn 8s $179.00
The Sacco-Vanzetti Case
Historical background, the case itself, the decision, and case analysis. Also worldwide reaction to the decision, the social climate and the bigotry of the times. 78yr 25pgs 26fn 0s $223.75
Behavior Modification and Criminal Offenders
A review of how behavior modification theory has been applied in the treatment of incarcerated criminal offenders. Literature review. 82yr 8pgs Afn 8s $71.60
John Gotti and the Law
Chronicles the rise to underworld power of John Gotti, the boss of the powerful Gambino family as seen in Mafia Dynasty by John H. Davis. 93yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Impact of Rape Laws on Women
Examines Anglo-American rape law as being built on a history of class, race, and gender biases and that legal defenses against rape are based on the doctrine that her unsupported testimony was insufficient in itself to prove that rape had been committed. 93yr 7pgs 9fn 7s $62.65
A Discussion of Uncomplete Crimes
A discussion of this category of crime which includes attempted crime, solicitation of person to participate in crime, and conspiracy to commit a crime observing the doctine of mens rea. 94yr 6pgs Afn 5s $53.70
An Analysis of the Effects of Alcohol Blackouts on the Competency to Stand Trial
Describes and analyzes the key issues which impact upon the competency of an individual who has experienced an alcoholic blackout to stand trial. 94yr 10pgs Afn 9s $89.50
An Analysis of the Effects of Alcohol Blackouts on the Competency of an Individual to Stand Trial
Observes alcoholic blackouts as linked to a definitive loss of short-term memory in which memory loss is total and permanent and when a person is engaged in criminal conduct and arrested, the question of that person's competency emerges. 94yr 25pgs Afn 20s $223.75
Organized Crime as Terrorism
Examines organized crime in the United states as a terrorist phenomenon, in order to show that political motivation and fanaticism are not the defining characteristics of terrorism, observing the tactics of the Mafia, , Colombian drug cartels, Chinese to. 94yr 11pgs Afn 10s $98.45
The Death Penalty: The Practical and Moral Issue
States that the death penalty cannot be justified on moral grounds and justification for practical reasons violate moral laws of society and individuality. 79yr 9pgs 6fn 6s $80.55
Bail: History, Problems, and Alternatives
An analysis of the bail system of the US focusing on its historical use, financial difficulties arising from the lack of alternatives. 79yr 10pgs 23fn 13s $89.50
The Killings at Kent State
Looks at the events surrounding the May 1970 riots and the resultant public outrage that terminated in recent courst decisions upholding the Ohio Guardsmen's not guilty verdict. 76yr 8pgs 24fn 14s $71.60
Capital Punishment
Examined from different points including egoism, utilitarianism, and a Kantanian viewpoint. 90yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Aspects concerning the Legalization of Marijuana
Looks at the original decriminalization in many states, the efforts of the Reagan administration to recriminilize marijuana and the result of simply driving up the price to the consumer. 90yr 8pgs 11fn 10s $71.60
Gun Control
Examines the gun control issue as one of the few divisive domestic issues, pitting citizens concerned with growing crime and gang-violence problems against those who adamantly defend their Second Amendment rights. 90yr 8pgs Afn 7s $71.60
The Legalization of Drugs : A Position Paper
Argues that the supply of illegal drugs and the demand for them can never be stopped, law enforcement and social service systems cannot cope with the problems of underground drug use and the costs of continuing the war on drugs far outweigh the potential. 90yr 8pgs Afn 3s $71.60
Mandatory Jail Sentencing
Analyzes the rationale behind mandatory prison sentencing in which judges are given a strict set of guidelines under which prison sentences are given according to the crime, regardless of mitigating circumstances. 91yr 16pgs 21fn 12s $143.20
Contemporary Criminal Investigation : The Tinyes/Golub Murder Case
Examines the particular police investigative techniques involved in this murder case in long Island, New York which resulted in the conviction of the defendent of first degree murder. 90yr 6pgs 15fn 8s $53.70
Corroboration of Accomplice Testimony : A Comparison of Criminal Procedure Law at the Federal Level and in New York state
Investigates, through comparison, similarities and differences in the federal criminal law and in legal procedures regulating criminal law in New York state in the matter of corroboration of accomplice testimony. 92yr 30pgs 37fn 0s $268.50
Carjacking in the United States
Includes description of carjacking, the motivation, its prevalence, economic motives, violence, laws enacted against it and new laws contemplated. 94yr 6pgs Afn 10s $53.70
Psychosocial Aspects of Crime
Reviews current literature to determine whether crime can best be explained by the moral defectiveness of the perpetrator or as a product of the social process, looking at a wide range of criminal activities. 94yr 12pgs Afn 11s $107.40
The Pros and Cons of the Legalization of Drugs From a Health Care Perspective
Describes the negative and positive aspects of legalization and increased criminalization from the legal perspective of the health care delivery system within the context of a recognition that drug and use do, in fact, constitute health care problems. 94yr 11pgs Afn 14s $98.45
Night-Life Security in the United States Today
Observes the night-life, or leisure and entertainment activities and the need for security due to the overzealous fan or patron at high profile night clubs with the need for security for celebrities, etc. through the services of bouncers, and other secur. 94yr 7pgs 14fn 9s $62.65
A Discussion of Stalking
Examines stalking, several cases in which interest has become obsession and the laws that have been created to resolve the problem or punish the stalker. 94yr 6pgs Afn 8s $53.70
A Discussion of Carjacking
Discusses the topic of carjacking, the laws that have been created to deal with the problem, the types of punishment accorded to convicted carjackers, and will include examples of what is meant by carjacking. 94yr 6pgs Afn 7s $53.70
The Rights of Prisoners
Contends that prisoners are still citizens with their inherent constitutional rights, suggests a bill of rights for prisoners noting case studies. 78yr 6pgs 0fn 5s $53.70
The Effectiveness of a Prison and Parole System
by Glaser. A review and discussion. 78yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Three Book Reviews in Criminology
Compares and summarizes three books dealing with prison rehabilitation, crime as a natural phenomena and stringent law enforcement by Glasser, Durkheim, and Blumberg respectively. 78yr 7pgs 0fn 3s $62.65
Social Worker's Role in the State Penal Institution
Discusses social worker's role as counselor, rehabilitator, and legal representative of the client. 78yr 6pgs 7fn 3s $53.70
Prison Communication (Internal)
Examines aspects and mechanisms of facilitating communication between prison populations and staff administrations. 79yr 25pgs 21fn 12s $223.75
Mini-Maxi Prisons - Are They Working
A proposal for further study on both forms of security systems. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
An Examination of Prisoner's Rights
Investigates various prisoner reform acts from the late 18th century to present, regulation of parole and short term prison treatment. 78yr 7pgs 10fn 0s $62.65
The Massachusetts Correctional System
Examines the traditional and innovative systems, developmental and rehabilitative efforts within the systems. 81yr 5pgs 8fn 4s $44.75
The Role of the Police in Arson Investigation
Examines apprehension, motives of the criminal, illegal claim to insurance and subsequent legal proceedings. 81yr 7pgs 6fn 5s $62.65
Rights and Privileges of Prisoners: New Jersey Penal Institutions
Examines the inequitable treatment of prisoners in New Jersey Prisons, concluding that prison is often the denying of basic human rights. 81yr 9pgs 7fn 7s $80.55
Prisons: Should They Punish or Rehabilitate?
A study of our prisons, noting punishments, dehumanization and interviews with incarcerated individuals. 78yr 12pgs 17fn 9s $107.40
Prison Talk
An examination of linguistic phenomena in the prison community. 78yr 7pgs Afn 9s $62.65
An Examination of the Prison System at Trenton State
Discusses prison conditions between 1950 and the present, noting recent outbreaks and conditions as compared to other New Jersey institutions. 78yr 6pgs 10fn 5s $53.70
Prison Discipline Using Due Process
Examines the relative effectiveness of the prison system methods of discipline and the subsequent effect in the crime rate. 79yr 12pgs 14fn 4s $107.40
Prison Discipline
Looks at various aspects of the prison system using case studies. 79yr 12pgs 18fn 4s $107.40
Administration and Management of the Prison System in Pennsylvania
An attempt to identify some of the basic elements of the prison system in the cradle of democracy. 79yr 9pgs 10fn 9s $80.55
Prison Reform in France
An analysis of the antiquated French prison system, noting recent revolts and uprisings. 79yr 8pgs 5fn 10s $71.60
Criminal Science
Discussion of prison life and recommendations for improvements. 79yr 7pgs 3fn 3s $62.65
Questions Emerging from the Attica Uprising of 1971 : Guidelines for Prison Reform
Observes information pertaining to this riot and questions that have emerged about the whole concept of criminal justice and corrections as a result. 81yr 8pgs 8fn 6s $71.60
Suicide Among the Incarcerated : An Investigative Model
An exploration of the issue of suicide in prison attempting to synthesize a credible theory based on the research of others. Includes a statement of significance, hypothesis, literature review and discussion. 86yr 15pgs 18fn 12s $134.25
US Prisons - A Change for the Worse
Discusses historical legislative reform for prisoners and current US penal institutional efforts to cope. 82yr 6pgs 5fn 4s $53.70
A History of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Provides an overview of the agency,observing its maintenance of a national fingerprint collection, other compilation of criminal statistical data and emphasis on the long term tenure of director J. Edgar Hoover. 94yr 11pgs 35fn 0s $98.45
Male Rape
Examines the phenomenon of men raping men, with the emphasis on rape in prison, the psychology of male prison rape, violence and the threat of AIDS. 91yr 7pgs 15fn 7s $62.65
Racial Violence in Prisons : The Gang Connection
Provides an overview of racially inspired hostility and violence in contemporary prisons and attempts to demonstrate that the apparent increase in the intensity and incidence of such activities is due in large part to the emergence of the prison gang. 94yr 7pgs Afn 8s $62.65
Governing Prisons by John J. DiIulio,Jr.
Observes his belief that prisons need to provide training and rehabilitation for inmates if they are to optimally serve their purpose, otherwise criminals are apt to repeat their offenses, often to a more serious degree. 94yr 6pgs Afn 6s $53.70
Prisons: Should They Punish or Rehabilitate?
A study of our prisons, noting punishments, dehumanization and interviews with incarcerated individuals. 78yr 12pgs 17fn 9s $107.40
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