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Law: General

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Includes definition, types of, historical and contemporary occurrences, punishment and related variables. 78yr 8pgs 12fn 5s $71.60
Felix Frankfurter: Labor and Law
Traces his influence on the American economy in his role as Supreme Court Justice in regard to his economic judicial decisions. 78yr 15pgs 45fn 28s $134.25
The Youth Study Center of Philadelphia
A study and examination of the institution designed as temporary lodging for children awaiting trials or placement. 75yr 9pgs 0fn 5s $80.55
The Philadelphia Court
Discusses all types of Courts in Philadelphia, function and problems. 78yr 8pgs 12fn 8s $71.60
The District Attorneys Office
Focuses on the Philadelphia Da"s office, function, operation and corruption as related to its being a political office by election. 78yr 9pgs 9fn 13s $80.55
The Role of the Lawyer in Today's Society
Discusses the American lawyer, the bar association, the ethics, legal aid and general practices thereof (1973). 73yr 8pgs 12fn 4s $71.60
The Equal Rights Amendment
A study of the 27th Amendment, known as the "Women's Rights" Amendment, the development of women's rights legislation to present with cases in support of the Amendment. 78yr 13pgs 19fn 7s $116.35
The Effectiveness of Grand Juries
Discusses function, power, relationship to the district attorney's Office. 78yr 9pgs 12fn 5s $80.55
School Desegregation Decisions
Examines efforts by minority citizens to obtain judicially enforced school desegregation in urban areas and contemporary decisions for 1973-1974. 74yr 14pgs 23fn 9s $125.30
Elements of Judicial Strategy
by Murphy. Discusses the role of the Judge, Justice and role of negotiator of court, Congress and the Presidential or County forces and his limitation or power. 78yr 5pgs 7fn 0s $44.75
The Nature of the Judicial Process
by Cardozo. Discusses the process of the law in accordance with accepted standards of 'right' behavior and conduct. 78yr 5pgs 7fn 0s $44.75
Law Enforcement: Objective Or Subjective
Two law essays dealing with interpretation of laws and society's exceptions to established laws. 78yr 8pgs 4fn 2s $71.60
The Systems Approach to Desegregation by Court Ordered School Busing
Interprets the busing issue in terms of input from the environment and public, administrative policies, use of service, and the response in Boston and Detroit. 78yr 8pgs 3fn 4s $71.60
Abortion Laws
Examines abortion reform in Pennsylvania (1974). 74yr 6pgs 9fn 5s $53.70
NORML: National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws
Gives history and function of an its accomplishments since its 1970 beginning. 78yr 7pgs 9fn 9s $62.65
Property Taxes
Focuses on New Jersey's land taxes and current statistics with quotes from Gov. Cahill (1973). 73yr 6pgs 0fn 3s $53.70
Legal Realism
Discusses legal philosophers, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Cordozo and Llewellyn and their ideas on common law as related to legal realism. 79yr 20pgs 40fn 7s $179.00
The Swedish Criminal System
An observation of this criminal system with distinction from the Anglo-American system. 79yr 6pgs 5fn 6s $53.70
Paul Goodman's "Confusion and Disorder"
A review of Goodman's book, which discusses man's confusion and disorganization due to an overly technological society. 80yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
New Jersey Laws Governing Wills and Interstacey
Notes the ambiguities of present day law, oral and written testimony, legal formalities, modifications, revocation of wills, probate, distribution of property and guidelines for interstacey. 74yr 13pgs 12fn 5s $116.35
Morality, Law and Civil Disobedience
Focuses on the Philosophical relationship between morality and law, the role of civil disobedience, law as a moral code, rights to disobey laws and morally defensible behavior, including one page proposal. 79yr 11pgs 10fn 12s $98.45
The American Civil Liberties Union in American Society
Includes the atmosphere in which the ACLU was born, events shaping its function, organizational practices, and philosophy, and American peoples attitudes towards specific activities it is involved in. 79yr 16pgs 7fn 9s $143.20
The Historical Background of Judicial Review in the US up to 1803
Examines whether a law should be subject to review by those who make the law or by a separate body of persons, early development of American theory concerning review of laws with specific cases. 79yr 10pgs 7fn 8s $89.50
Three Supreme Court Decisions Involving the Issue of School Desegregation
Discusses rulings on Bolling Vs. Sharpe, and Brown Vs. Board of Education and implications. 79yr 8pgs 9fn 3s $71.60
The Trouble with Lawyers
by Bloom. A critique and discussion on the fact that the rich can avail themselves to competent legal counsel, the poor to appointed counsel with the middle class considered fertile ground for abuse. 79yr 5pgs 2fn 1s $44.75
Advantages of a Liberal Interpretation of the U.S. Constitution
Investigates the rise in liberal nationalism, progressive constitution, Wilson and New Freedom and the role of the New Deal. 79yr 7pgs 8fn 4s $62.65
Law and Human Rights
Examines the Constitution as a document of unlimited flexibility, a protector of individual liberty, finding the best interpretation, noting cases of individual liberty and Supreme Court decisions. 79yr 9pgs 5fn 4s $80.55
John Kennedy's Stand on Civil Rights
With regard to civil rights legislation, considers Kennedy's attitudes while a progressive in the White House, and a more conservative Senator, isolates particular issues and stands, legislation and fundamental issues of housing, employment, education an. 79yr 17pgs 11fn 7s $152.15
Drinking Age In Pennsylvania
Discusses age cut-off points in various laws. 79yr 2pgs 0fn 0s $17.90
The Civil Rights of Communists
Views of civil rights of Communists and the extent to which freedom of speech can be curtailed considering that the speakers views are antithetical to those in the US itself. 79yr 9pgs 2fn 9s $80.55
Law Enforcement Assistant Administration and Civil Rights
Includes purpose and brief history of LEAA, its commitment to enforcing civil rights and regulations as they affect programs that are recipients of Federal crime control funds. 79yr 17pgs 22fn 9s $152.15
The Original Function and the Actual Use of A Small Claims Court
Examines the Small Claims Movement in terms of earlier small claims reformers, including studies of how the court operates and its function as a dispute resolving agency. 79yr 13pgs 12fn 6s $116.35
Justice Hugo Black
Investigates Black's liberal position as Supreme Court Justice and his liberal activism which accounts for his impact on the philosophy and function of the Judicial Branch of the US Government. 79yr 10pgs 17fn 5s $89.50
The Offense of Driving While Intoxicated
Examines legal definition, consequences, breatholator tests and laws governing this offense and penalties. 79yr 12pgs 14fn 5s $107.40
The Role of The Supreme Court
Examines the notion of 'standing', petitioning grievances, judging the case's validity and decision-making powers. 79yr 8pgs Afn 2s $71.60
Karen Ann Quinlan Case
Examines legal aspects of euthanasia, constitutional rights to die and moral-religious aspects of the case. 79yr 11pgs 18fn 6s $98.45
Law Cases on Presidential Power to Remove Officers
Examines balance of power between Congress and the President, noting specific cases and precedents. 79yr 8pgs 0fn 5s $71.60
Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance
Examines the Attitude of the Supreme Court concerning wiretapping, historical banning of surveillance and individual rights to privacy and their violation. 79yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
Equity Theory and Compensation
Analyzes the various aspects of the theory of equity in jurisprudence through the ages and the modern concept of compensation as a cure for injustices. 79yr 14pgs 10fn 11s $125.30
Tests of Justice
Various tests used for differentiating between constitutionally protected speech and speech punishable by legislature. 79yr 7pgs Afn 0s $62.65
The Influence of Roscoe Pound on the Contemporary Legal System of the US
A review of Pound's reform suggestions, his anticipation of the problems the modern courts would be confronted with, and his overall influence on the modern criminal justice system. 79yr 24pgs 30fn 3s $214.80
The Concept of Bail
Traces the origins of bail from its earliest meanings to its modern jurisprudential sense. 79yr 7pgs 7fn 3s $62.65
Free Speech in Academia
A critical nanlysis of students rights of free speech as seen in Wasserstein and Green's book, With Justice for Some. 79yr 17pgs 41fn 18s $152.15
Legal Services and the Courts
Analyzes the Services extant to the defendant and the varying degrees of effectiveness of each of them, including legal aid and court services. 79yr 8pgs 7fn 6s $71.60
Peremptory Challenges
Analyzes arguments for the abolition of peremptory challenges in jury selection including time consumption and inadequate representation of minorities. 79yr 6pgs 16fn 2s $53.70
Salmon P. Chase: Supreme Court Justice
A legal biography of the noted Justice, with accent on his political career and decisions from the Bench. 79yr 5pgs 3fn 4s $44.75
Natural Law and the American Constitution
Examines the part this quasi-religious concept played in the actual formation of the Constitution. 79yr 11pgs Afn 11s $98.45
James C. McReynolds and Supreme Court
Analyzes the career of this court justice who retired in a disputed decision with the newly elected FDR. 79yr 9pgs 2fn 16s $80.55
The impact of the Courts on School Funding Arrangements
Analysis of four cases affecting public and parochial school financing, from 1947-1973. 79yr 5pgs 1fn 3s $44.75
American Tobacco Vs. the US, A case Analysis
Reviews the decision and its later effect on the tobacco industry. 79yr 8pgs 0fn 10s $71.60
The Separation of Church and Sate
A brief history of the doctrine and some cases decided under it. 79yr 8pgs 6fn 3s $71.60
"Anatomy of the Law" by Long L. Fuller
A summary and review of the book. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Courts and School Funding Arrangements
A history of the concept the unequal real estate bases unconstitutionally lead to different quality of education among difference school districts. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 3s $44.75
Alcohol, Drugs and Sex
A study of the concept of victimless crimes. 79yr 8pgs 26fn 20s $71.60
US role In Vietnam
An application of existing international law to the US involvement in Vietnam. 79yr 15pgs 45fn 12s $134.25
Bakke Case
An analysis of the Supreme Court decision in this case. 79yr 7pgs 12fn 7s $62.65
Juridical Positivism
The history, philosophy, exponents and consequences are examined. 79yr 9pgs 4fn 12s $80.55
Wiretapping and the Courts
Examines historical and current legal justification for wiretapping. 79yr 8pgs 12fn 2s $71.60
A Statute Claims Case
An examination of the legal recourse and actual compensation received by victims of traffic accidents. 79yr 9pgs 6fn 13s $80.55
Two Court Decisions that Resulted in Reversal
A study of the legality of private marijuana use in the US. 79yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Law and Human Subject Experimentation
Surveys current legal situation with regard to the use of human subjects in medical research; includes outline. 79yr 22pgs 91fn 12s $196.90
Health Services and the Law
A study of the logistic and legal constraints of the American Health Delivery system. 79yr 11pgs 8fn 16s $98.45
The Legality of Israelis Settlement of the West Bank
Examines applicable international law to the facts of Israeli settlement of the West Bank of the Jordan. 79yr 8pgs 27fn 15s $71.60
Abortion Today
A history of the abortion law in the US with emphasis on the present situation 1978. 78yr 17pgs 50fn 30s $152.15
Brain Death
Discusses difficulties of defining death, using the brain function as criteria and citing various legal cases. 79yr 8pgs 37fn 15s $71.60
The Courts in Educational Affairs
Desegregation, integration into public school systems of handicapped, coeducational or women's sports programs. 79yr 15pgs 20fn 6s $134.25
The Law and Social Forces
Review of Unequal Justice by Jerold Auerbach, on failure of law to adequately respond to society needs and demands. 80yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Custody Laws in the United States
Children's rights recognized, new trends in custody, such as granting custody to fathers. 80yr 7pgs 5fn 4s $62.65
Gideons' Trumpet: An Education
Review of book by journalist Anthony Lewis on one man's efforts to obtain the right to counsel. 80yr 8pgs 12fn 12s $71.60
Relevant Areas of Censorship
Censorship vs. freedom of expression, prejudice of trials, subversive activity, obscenity. 80yr 11pgs 13fn 6s $98.45
Philosophic Issues of Reverse Discrimination
Definitions, cases, pros and cons, processes. 80yr 40pgs 39fn 19s $358.00
Sociology of Law
Various questions on the social philosophy of legal principles. 81yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
The Doctrine of Judicial Review
History of evolving concept, examples of implementation in Marbury vs. Madison, the Dred Scott case, Eakin vs. Raub and others. 81yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
Sierra Club vs. Morton
Class suit to restrain federal government from developing game refuge. 81yr 4pgs 4fn 3s $35.80
Constitutional Law and Morgan vs. Virginia and Sierra Club vs. Morton
Commentaries on two Supreme Court landmark cases. 81yr 9pgs 16fn 31s $80.55
Rights of Mental Patients
Education, rehabilitation, due process, and right to counsel. 81yr 11pgs 21fn 8s $98.45
Criminal Justice Management
Examines communication and operational failures of the U.S. criminal justice system as they are symptomatic of poor management. 78yr 11pgs 8fn 9s $98.45
Kind and Usual Punishment
by J. Mitford, a review. 78yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders
An analysis of the government report. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
One Eyed Justice
and Victimless Crimes by Schur and Bedan. Two critical reviews. 78yr 11pgs 4fn 3s $98.45
Civil Disobedience in Theory and Practice
A historical examination of disobedience in the US contending that it is not only morally justifiable, but is essential to the American ideal. 78yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
The Pursuit of the Millenum
by Norman Cohn and Primitive Rebels by H.J. Hobsbaum. A comparison and contrast of the various theories and codes of criminality as reflected in these two books. 79yr 7pgs 9fn 0s $62.65
Methods of Crowd Control
An examination of the five basic methods of crowd control. 79yr 7pgs 7fn 4s $62.65
Foreign Criminal Systems
An analysis of the various aspects of crime and punishment in other countries, notably China and Puerto Rico, as compared to the U.S. 79yr 8pgs 14fn 7s $71.60
The Expensive Miss Hearst
A history of the Patricia Hearst Kidnapping. 79yr 9pgs 7fn 20s $80.55
The Trial of the Rosenbergs
A history of the trial with attention to the political and social circumstances of the times. 79yr 8pgs 20fn 6s $71.60
Training of the Personnel in the Criminal Justice System
An analysis of the education and experience of those who implement this system in the US. 79yr 10pgs 14fn 6s $89.50
Three Theories on Civil Disobedience
Cites Plato, Thoreau, and Martin Luther King, Jr. 79yr 8pgs 9fn 6s $71.60
Kind and Unusual Punishment
by Jessica Mitford. Failings of prison and criminal justice systems in America. 79yr 7pgs 10fn 7s $62.65
Victimology and Victim Precipitation
Analyzes these theories in which it is believed that in victimology, the victim of a crime is in some way responsible for its commission and victim-precipitation , in which the blame of the crime is shared by both the victim and the perpetrator. 83yr 11pgs 8fn 6s $98.45
Psychosocial Foundations of the Criminal Justice System
Examines the various studies and theories pertaining to the role and function of sociology, psychology and social psychology in the criminal justice system. 82yr 17pgs 15fn 8s $152.15
The Black Muslims and their influence on the Prison System Past and Present
An analysis of the ability of the Muslims to take advantage, particularly of the Black convicts resentment of white society in the penal system through their historical important of black pride. 82yr 7pgs 7fn 6s $62.65
A Prison and Prisoner by Susan Sheehan
A book which traces the life of a particular person born in poverty and tracing his life of crime and concluding he was a victim of society and circumstances were beyond his control. 83yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
Corrections : Alternative Approaches to Dealing with Offenders
Examines different rehabilitative aspects of dealing with the convicted criminal, such as, learning trades, probation and parole,and other programs. 78yr 11pgs 6fn 3s $98.45
Crime and Punishment
An in depth analysis of sociological, psychological reasons for the commission of crime. Punitive processes including incarceration and other remedial steps to rehabilitate the offender. 84yr 20pgs 90fn 0s $179.00
Social Equity as it is Manifested in the Corrections System
Examines the correctional systems failure to adequately rehabilitate the criminal and the concurrent shifting away from rehabilitation and the indeterminate sentence toward a stronger emphasis on punishment as the basic apparatus. 82yr 17pgs 14fn 9s $152.15
Some Alternative Programs for Youthful Offenders
Observes several community, school and police-based programs designed to be both preventative and interventive in nature including job availabilities, drug counseling, etc. 83yr 7pgs 7fn 5s $62.65
The Legal Considerations in an Hypothetical Invasion of Nicaragua
Examines the President's rights, under the constitution, in directing a covert operation and activity without the knowledge of Congress. 85yr 6pgs 7fn s $53.70
Response of the Law to Social and Economic Changes in the Society
Examines the changing judicial interpretation of law due to societal pressure, includes cases relevant. 82yr 10pgs 19fn 9s $89.50
The American Judiciary System
Observes the judiciary system in the United States as a common-law system based largely on case law.Discusses ideas of natural law and basic legal concepts. 83yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
Legal and Ethical Issues of Home Video Taping
Examines the advent of the VCR, recent supreme court rulings, consumer marketing of the VCR, and the response by the movie industry. 84yr 10pgs 23fn 0s $89.50
Civil Liberties and the Bill of Rights
A discussion of civil liberties decisions and liberties and rights afforded under the constitution. 83yr 9pgs 7fn 5s $80.55
Manslaughter Through Negligence in the United States
A history of the development of criminal liability on the subject of manslaughter through negligence in the United States,the issues and legal cases. 83yr 13pgs 36fn 8s $116.35
Blaming the Victim by William Ryan
A review and analysis of this book which indicates the tendency to blame the victims of injustice for the plight in which they find themselves. 85yr 7pgs 6fn 0s $62.65
The Legal Battle Between Smokers and Non-Smokers
Examines the development of restrictions against smokers, the increasing evidence of the hazards smoking presents to nearby non-smokers and recent legislation. 84yr 11pgs 16fn 3s $98.45
An examination of the concept of common law as evolving from statutory law, historically to present
Observes the evolution of common law as emanating from 15th century English law and its re-interpretation through court decisions as opposed to statutory or legislative based law. Also looks at its application in U.S. law, specifically, constitutional. 82yr 9pgs 17fn 22s $80.55
There is a Revolution in State X-Claims Resolved
Deals with whether or not to recognize a revolutionary president as head of state, and whether another state can recover from the regular government for claims against a revolutionary government. 82yr 7pgs 17fn 0s $62.65
Principled Obedience and Disobedience: Cases in History and Literature
Discusses the law and civil disobedience, especially in relation to individuals, circumstances, and times. Cites ML king, Thoreau, Gandhi, Socrates, and Huck Finn and their instances and thoughts on obedience vs. disobedience. 80yr 10pgs 9fn 6s $89.50
The National Labor Relations Act and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 : Six Cases and Comments
Summarization of six court cases involving the National Labor Relations Board that had civil rights implications because of some kind of discrimination going on. Shows where the NLRA and the Civil Rights act of 1964 can conflict. 82yr 10pgs 6fn 0s $89.50
Fletcher v. Peck: The Issue of Legislative Motive in Judicial Review
An analysis of judicial review, with specific emphasis on using it to inquire into legislative motives behind the passage of an act. 80yr 8pgs 19fn 13s $71.60
How The Judicial Branch of the Government Keeps a Check on the Executive Branch of the Government
Deals with how the judiciary keeps tabs on the executive branch of the government. When can the courts stop or overrule the executive branch; remedying unlawful executive action; gives court cases. 80yr 7pgs 6fn 2s $62.65
The Role of the Media in New York v. Bergman
Prosecution by media and the Bergman case: how far should the media go in reporting on a case and creating the climate for a fair hearing?. 81yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
Sterilization and the Rights of the Retarded Citizen
Gives a case for not sterilizing retarded people involuntarily, based on rights and the fact that there is no law denying the retarded basic reproductive rights. 82yr 21pgs 17fn 1s $187.95
Supreme Court of The United States: The Bakke Decision
Review of the Bakke case based on actual court documents. 84yr 7pgs 29fn 0s $62.65
Critical Review of Law and Social Change
Review of Law and Social Change ten years after it was printed, with applications to present-day social and racial climate. 83yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Reitman v. Mulkey: The Role of Racial Classification as it Effects Judicial Review of Legislative Motive
Review of whether or not Sec. 26 of the California Constitution denied any person equal protection under the law, as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment. 83yr 8pgs 21fn 10s $71.60
Affirmative Action and Seniority: Some Compelling Arguments
Discusses both sides of whether affirmative action laws should take priority over seniority when layoffs are needed. 85yr 7pgs 4fn 4s $62.65
Immigration and Naturalization Law
A legal case-by-case analysis on the existing immigration and naturalization laws in the U.S. Reviews final orders of deportation, final orders of exclusion, any other order of agency, inaction by the agency. 81yr 23pgs Afn 0s $205.85
The Human Life Bill
An analysis of the recent bill in Congress to circumvent the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Roe V. Wade by various states attempting to pass their own laws on abortion. 83yr 16pgs 13fn 5s $143.20
Jehovah's Witneses and Blood Transfusions
Discusses whether or not a District Court can order a Jehovah's Witness to undergo a blood transfusion to save her life and the life of an unborn child. Is an injunction proper? The psychological aspects of the case. 83yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
A Comparative analysis of Justice Hugo Black and Justice Felix Frankfurter
Analysis of Justices Black and Frankfurter. Personalities, role on court, positions on key constitutional issues. 82yr 11pgs 14fn 3s $98.45
Wrongful Life and Wrongful Birth
An assessment of the liability of one person for wrongfully causing the birth of another. Also discusses wrongful death. Examines proof of negligence and assessment of impairments. Cites pertinent cases. 81yr 18pgs 57fn 26s $161.10
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor
Background and evaluation of Justice O'Connor, including significance of being first woman Supreme Court Justice. Also reviews her Supreme Court record to date. 85yr 10pgs 13fn 9s $89.50
The Media and Privacy Rights
Background of privacy rights; what is news and what is private; televising courtroom trials or not. 82yr 7pgs 8fn 10s $62.65
The Ethics of Capital Punishment
An analysis of the ethics of capital punishment, separate from legal and criminological ramifications. A more philosophical look. 82yr 7pgs 5fn 4s $62.65
Prayer in Public Schools
A review of events leading to and following the 1962 Supreme Court decision on public school prayer. Presents a case for supporting the ruling. 80yr 7pgs 5fn 4s $62.65
The Three Functions of Law
Discusses the three functions of law: to provide justice, to promote social order, and to preserve the interests of the dominant class. Examines this through six novels- Native Son, Red Harvest, The Scarlet Letter, the Trial, Petrovka 38, We. 82yr 9pgs 11fn 0s $80.55
Questions concerning the jurisdiction of the state over the individual
Observes various issues concerning citizenship of children, the gaining or losing citizenship, dual citizenship, and territorial jurisdiction. 91yr 9pgs 0fn 0s $80.55
The Pros and Cons of the Legalization of Drugs
Describes the negative and positive aspects of legalization and increased criminalization, taking the position that with respect to certain drugs criminialization would be counterproductive. 93yr 9pgs Afn 14s $80.55
Exceptions to Reasonable Standards in Negligence Law
Observes laws attempts to measure negligence against an objective or minimum average standard of reasonable care and ability in preventing harm to others in the course of ordinary social relations. 93yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
A Brief Discussion of the Theories of Michel Foucault
A Synopsis of Michel Foucault's Discipline and Punish which focuses on the history of modern penal institutions and the social conviction that the state has not only the authority but the right to punish those who reject conformity to its laws. 93yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Should the Individual or the State have the right to decide in Right to Die Cases
Observes doctor assisted suicide, abortion of defective fetuses, removal of life support, surgical intervention in the case of severely damaged infants and others and examines laws and ethics where the state or the individual determines whether they rece. 93yr 9pgs Afn 5s $80.55
A Discussion of the Legalization of Marijuana
Describes the issues related to legalization of marijuana use in America and also describes medical uses of the drug, its side effects, and the potential economic benefits of legalization. 93yr 8pgs Afn 8s $71.60
Public Defenders and the Sixth Amendment Right to Counsel
Examines the office of the public defender in the rights of the accused indigent defendents constitutionally protected right to counsel but observes the chronically underfunded and overburdened public defenders office as being sometimes inadequate and in. 93yr 10pgs Afn 2s $89.50
Law Without Sanctions by Michael Barkun
Analyzes his distinction about the concept of law as a component of sociopolitical behavior and science as it is about the formal character of the law as a distinct entity of philosophy and practice. 94yr 12pgs 0fn 0s $107.40
The Sunshine Law: Good or Bad
An examination of the California Freedom of Information Act (1966). 79yr 5pgs 4fn 10s $44.75
Due Process and the Equal Rights Amendment
Discusses the constitutional basis of ERA. 79yr 4pgs 9fn 3s $35.80
The Evolving Role of the Defense Attorney in American Society
Maintains that the defense attorney in America wields tremendous power as a representative of the general public and an influential force in shaping US government and law. 80yr 50pgs 93fn 18s $447.50
The Malpractice of Parenthood
Discusses child abuse as a too little publicized crime, recommending stricter laws and a more concerned public and the intervention of the media to help protect the battered child. 79yr 40pgs 82fn 26s $358.00
The Morality of Law
by Fuller, Reviews the international aspects and application to specific instances the morality of legal codes. 79yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Scott and Zenger: Constitutional Cases
Examines the case of Dred Scott and Peter Zenger as significant influences on the development of present day law. 79yr 8pgs 3fn 2s $71.60
The Concept of Inalienable Rights
An analysis of the foundations of US democracy. 79yr 6pgs 3fn 3s $53.70
Gun Control
Explores gun control regulations as contradicting the second amendment right to bear arms. 79yr 5pgs 1fn 5s $44.75
Equal Protection Under the Law
Examines Brown Vs. the Board of Education, segregation and integration rulings and enforcement of these laws. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
American Society on Trial: Justice.
Position paper stating that man is guilty of injustice, power plays and discrimination and punishments that attempt to rectify, but only add to the vicious cycle of injustice. 79yr 10pgs 6fn 6s $89.50
First Amendment Controversies Surrounding Freedom of the Press
Including freedom of public opinion and the right to criticize the government or political system. 79yr 10pgs 8fn 12s $89.50
Law and The Political System
Examines what sub-groups of society receive fair treatment in terms of civil and criminal law and social justice, with implications on political and economic justice. 79yr 9pgs 15fn 5s $80.55
Sunset Legislation S. 2925
An evaluation of the bill before Congress attempting to eliminate bureaucracy and restore accountability of government agencies and programs. 79yr 11pgs 13fn 3s $98.45
An Overview of the Supreme Court Docket for the Session Beginning October 4, 1976
Looks at the cases the Supreme Court will hear during this period including cases on workloads of Federal Judges, and a number of questions about race and discrimination. 78yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
The Role of the Supreme Court
Particularly in the protection individual and constitutional rights against oppressive governmental regulations that infringe on these rights. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Rules of Evidence and Court Procedure
A brief on the"Schmerber v. California" (384 US 757) case involving defendants' rights. The due process clause, right to counsel, self-incrimination, search and seizure, dissention court opinions, cites many cases. 79yr 11pgs 41fn 0s $98.45
Fourth Amendment Rights
An essay on whether or not police can do "search and seizure" on vehicles, with the Fourth Amendment as protection. 84yr 6pgs 5fn 6s $53.70
Immigration Law
An examination and legal decision on a case involving qualifications for US citizenship when a naturalized US citizen returns to his homeland for two years. 84yr 7pgs 12fn 0s $62.65
Presidential Powers and Congress
Briefs of several Supreme Court cases dealing with how the President's actual power is determined by the views of Congress, especially at times of war or conflict or in foreign affairs. 85yr 20pgs Afn 0s $179.00
The Role of the Public Defender in the Court System : Analysis and Overview
Analyzes the public defenders position as having arisen out of a gap in the legal system representing those "indigent" who cannot afford an attorney, whose goal is equal representation for all in front of the court. 89yr 10pgs 7fn 5s $89.50
Case Research on Tort Actions
legal case analyses of cases dealing with : Free Exercise vs. Legal Obligation, Cases where legal obligation upheld, Free Exercise vs. Tort - Cases supporting Free Exercise, conclusion. 88yr 11pgs 11fn 0s $98.45
Illegal Gambling in the State of Connecticutt : Should it be Legalized
Analyzes the current gambling laws in Connecticutt and the differentiations in the types of gambling activities that will be prosecuted. 88yr 10pgs 12fn 8s $89.50
TWA Inc. vs. Independent Federation of Flight Attendants
Analyzes the Supreme court decision in this case involving the right to use a strike as a tool of negotiations on the part of the union and the ramifications of this decision. 88yr 11pgs 15fn 0s $98.45
Keep Abortion Legal : A Position Paper
an argumentative paper which takes the position that abortion should remain legal. 88yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Legalized Gambling in New York : A Position Paper
Argues that New York should legalize gambling in that it is a victimless crime, its readily available in Atlantic City N.J., the lottery is a legal version of numbers, etc. 88yr 6pgs 7fn 5s $53.70
Advertising of Legal and Other Professional Services Today
Looks at the increasingly prevelant use of advertising and promotion, particularly inthe legal profession following the 1977 Supreme Court ruling permitting lawyers to use the media to advertise for clients. 88yr 8pgs 18fn 9s $71.60
The Thirteenth Amendment : Analysis of its Impact
on Women's Rights. Includes outline, and covers such subjects as sex discrimination, ie. employment, criminal law and administration, tax and retirement benefits, property rights, etc, Legal attempts to achieve equal rights. 90yr 23pgs 27fn 10s $205.85
Illegal Aliens
Deals with the economic strain caused by the presence of millions of illegal aliens within America's borders. 90yr 12pgs Afn 5s $107.40
Mc Cree vs. the State Bar Admissions Committee
of West Dakota Includes jurisdictional statement, questions presented, statement of facts,discussion regarding the denial of a woman to practice law over a felony conviction. 90yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Asian Immigration
Examines the entry of Asian immigrants into the entry of competition in the United States commercial fishing industry. 90yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Cross Cultural Values and the Death Penalty
Looks at the attitudes regarding capital punishment in Europe, Asia, Africa, and implies that the death penalty is an element that transforms customs and mores into laws, capital punishment as the most extreme form of privileged force. 90yr 8pgs 10fn 10s $71.60
Parent's Rights to Deny Children Medical Treatment
Looks at the controversy over the right of Christian Scientists and other Christian fundamentalists to deny their children medical treatment due to religious beliefs, even if their children risk dying. 90yr 7pgs 10fn 7s $62.65
Negligence Laws and Nursing
Looks at the frustrating conditions and the ways to confront and dispel growing accusations of neglience and remedy the problem's causes. 90yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
Supreme Court decisions dealing with the Fourth
Amendment to the Constitution : Search and Seizure Cases. Examines the Mapp v. Ohio case of extending the federal judiciary's exclusionary ruling to the state level, Miranda v. Arizona in the notification of rights and others. 90yr 9pgs Afn 4s $80.55
International Arbitration Convention
A comparison of American Federal Domestic Laws with the provisional remedies of New York State Law. Involves disputes in international arbitration as the legal convention in settling disputes among nations. 90yr 20pgs Afn 8s $179.00
Affirmative Action and Hispanic Americans
Examines the impact of affirmative action programs on the Hispanic population and the significance of recent Supreme Court reversals of a two-and-a-half- decade movement. The effects of these decisions on prospects for Hispanics in the job market. 90yr 11pgs 19fn 7s $98.45
Search and Seizure Decisions of the Supreme Court
1987-1990 Includes introduction : The legal background, recent Supreme Court decisions on search and seizure issues, trends towards erosion of other Fourth Amendment guarantees. 90yr 14pgs 30fn 20s $125.30
Formal and Informal Legal Processes
Explores the relative merits of formal and informal process in adjudication, in order to see which system is better at resolving which types of conflicts, which seems to serve the interests and purposes of certain classes of litigants at the expense of o. 91yr 6pgs Afn 3s $53.70
Pornography and Cable Television : Legal Limits within the Context of the First Amendment
Observes recent decisions regarding program content with sexual orientation, FCC restrictions, constitutional questions arising, The Fairness Doctrine, etc. 91yr 16pgs 9fn 11s $143.20
Case Brief : Jackson v. Brown, 164 NW 2d824 (Iowa 1969)
A Case brief regarding liability for damages resulting from a car accident in which the defendant was driving. Includes statement of facts, the issue, the holding, the appeal. 91yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Defranz and Con V. Pigu
A case involving rights and liabilities in regard to the use of reasonable as opposed to unreasonable use of deadly force, burden of proof, liabilities of parties, etc. 91yr 7pgs Afn 4s $62.65
O'Flaherty v. United States : Arguments Supporting Incompetence of Petitioner's Waiver of Effective Counsel an Subsequent Denial of Procedural Due Process
Examines various cases regarding the right to a fair trial as protected by the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution, waiver of right to counsel, case law arguments, and due process guarantees of the Fourteenth Amendment. 91yr 14pgs 21fn 0s $125.30
O'Flaherty v. United States
Analyzes questions in this case as to whether the defendant competently waived his right to effective cuonsel, under the Sixth Amendment and was the defendant denied procedural Due Process, access to legal counsel , under the Fourteenth Amendment. 91yr 10pgs 29fn 0s $89.50
AIDS Education and the Constitution
Constitutional issues raised by the suits against mandatory AIDS education in public schools are examined in depth, freedom of religion, the clause against the establishment, and the states's interest in protecting public health are considered in light o. 91yr 20pgs 26fn 15s $179.00
The New York Convention : Its Provisional Remedies in International Arbitration as Compared to those of Federal Domestic Laws
An analysis of the legal convention in settling disputes between nations and international arbitration where an acceptable set of atandards for arbitrating contracts was arrived at in the New York Convention of 1958. 91yr 20pgs 43fn 19s $179.00
International Human Rights Law and the Political Offense Exception to Extradition
Examines exception to extradition when political offense is the issue noting historical analysis, rationale for the political offense exception, definition of political offense, and application of the political offense exception. 91yr 20pgs Afn 13s $179.00
Pre-Sentence Reports as a Mandatory Judicial Mechanism : An Analysis and Evaluation
Examines the use of psychologists and sociologists in sheding light on the thought processes of criminal activity in the pre-sentence report and the role of these reports in the determination of sentence by the judge. 91yr 16pgs 29fn 11s $143.20
The Legal Status of Anti-Terrorist Units and their Deployment against Sovereign States/Terrorist Groups who hold American citizens as Hostages
Investigates the legal status of exclusively American or International mixed-force anti-terrorist units deployed against hostile sovereignities or terrorist groups who have made American citizens hostages for their various political purposes. 92yr 18pgs 10fn 6s $161.10
The Writings on Criminology of Marvin E. Wolfgang
Examines Wolfgang's position as a liberal one, regarding his preoccupation of ethical issues and his criticism of the discipline of criminology and the failure of its practitioners to adhere to the highest professional standards. 90yr 25pgs 23fn 9s $223.75
Confidentiality in Mediation : Policy Issues and Case Law
Address the problems of protection of confidentiality in the mediation process, particularly those of the statuatory protections accorded that privilege in American law. 93yr 8pgs Afn 6s $71.60
An Analysis of the Complexion of the New York Supreme Court system
Observes the state courts as tending to reflect a more egalitarian cross section of American society, justices including women, different ethnic and racial minority groups, etc. using New York as an example. 94yr 9pgs 14fn 0s $80.55
Analysis of a Brief
Analyzes the arguments advanced by members of various nurses organizations who filed a brief upon "amici curiae" status asking they be relieved of any responsibility for serving as executioners in removing life sustaining feeding tubes. 94yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
An Analysis of the Insanity defense
Explores several aspects of the "Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity" defense. Examines the background of the defense, the types of cases in which the verdict is generally rendered, arguments for and against its continued use and proposals for alleviating s. 94yr 11pgs Afn 11s $98.45
Early Release for Prisoners with AIDS
Presents the arguments offered for and against a move proposed by the State of New york which would release terminally ill prisoners with AIDS so that these men might die in freedom and greater dignity. 94yr 7pgs Afn 7s $62.65
Kramden v. Norton : Landlord's Obligation to Repair
A Hypothetical memorandum of law of Ralph and Alic Kramden in support of Motion for Summary Judgment. 94yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Chief Justice John marshall : His Decision in the Case of Marbury v. Madison
examines this case confronting Marshall in which he had to deal with a constitutional question involving inquiry as to the power and the duty of the court to set aside an act of Congress because of its repugnance to the Federal Constitution thereby estab. 94yr 7pgs Afn 10s $62.65
Legal Ramifications of Assisted Death
Examines a hypothetical case where a patient is injected with a lethal drug to alleviate suffering and pain and cause death and the legal ramifications, consequently. 94yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Prayer in Public Schools
A review of events leading to and following the 1962 Supreme Court decision on public school prayer. Presents a case for supporting the ruling. 80yr 7pgs 5fn 4s $62.65
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