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History: Central & South America, Caribbean

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Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

Mayan Militarism
Contends that gradual militarism disrupted and eventually destroyed the culture. 80yr 6pgs 39fn 8s $53.70
Sugar and Slavery in Puerto Rico : The Plantation Economy of Ponce, 1800-1850 by Francisco A. Scarano
Provides a highly detailed portrait of the relationship between the institution of slavery and the agricultural economy of Ponce, a major sugar producing district in Puerto Rico. 94yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The Fall of Batista in Cuba
Describes the ways in which the Batista regime contributed to the inevitable Cuban revolution, with particular reference to support provided to that regime by the United States both overtly and covertly. 94yr 6pgs Afn 8s $53.70
Juan Manuel DeRosa
Examines the rebuilding of Argentina by DeRosa, favoring landholders, with political and historical perspective that shaped the country. 79yr 16pgs 17fn 7s $143.20
Puerto Rican History Thru the 20th Century
Discusses economic standing, US relations, political figures, and future prospects. 79yr 9pgs 3fn 3s $80.55
Eric Williams and the Development of Trinidad
Discusses Trinidad's progress of these battles. 79yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The CIA and Castro's Cuba
Traces CIA'S involvement in trying to infiltrate into the Cuban government, the Bay of Pigs. 79yr 7pgs 10fn 10s $62.65
The Wars for Independence in Spanish America
A brief and concise discussion of events that led to various South American countries to extricate themselves from Spanish rule in the 1700 and 1800 centuries. 79yr 8pgs 25fn 5s $71.60
Spanish Intervention in Santo Domingo in the 1860's
Discussion and historical examination of the development of Santo Domingo, originally discovered by Columbus and known as Hispanicola in 1492, to its subsequent removal of Spanish intervention in the 1860's and declaration as an independent Dominican Rep. 79yr 15pgs 2fn 4s $134.25
The History of Mexico
Discusses the political and social developments, recent history and projections for the future. 80yr 7pgs 8fn 3s $62.65
Juan Valdez: Portrait of a Modern Mexican
A first person account of the daily life and opinions of the man as he was supposed to have been. 80yr 5pgs 5fn 3s $44.75
Land Reform in Bolivia
Examines reform policies instituted in 1952 and consequences. 80yr 5pgs 13fn 5s $44.75
Coups D'Etate: Peru, 1821-1940
Examines Peruvian instability and the 19th-20th century government. 80yr 6pgs 2fn 2s $53.70
British Involvement in Latin America Before World War I
A critical analysis of the 19th century British policy towards Latin America. 80yr 10pgs 9fn 11s $89.50
The Rise to Power of Peron in Argentina
Discusses his term from 1943-1951. 80yr 16pgs 30fn 5s $143.20
Aspects of the Spanish Civil War
Discusses what was responsible for this outbreak, prominent leaders, from l936 to 1939. 80yr 10pgs 13fn 6s $89.50
The Dominican Crisis of 1965
Examines internal events and US intervention. 80yr 5pgs 3fn 5s $44.75
A Comparison of Haitian and Jamaican Maroons
The runaway slave issue in the West Indies, and how they were affected by British and French imperialism respectively. 81yr 10pgs 28fn 9s $89.50
Spanish America by Frederick B. Pike
Looks at the period of transition and social innovation ushered into the Americas by the Spanish conquerors and the subsequent effects. 81yr 2pgs 0fn 0s $17.90
The Conquest of New Spain by Del Castillo
Traces the rise of the Spanish empire in America as seen through the eyes of a conquistadore. 81yr 2pgs 0fn 0s $17.90
Social Stratification in Jamaica WI
Examines the social separation of the various races and religions on the collective consciousness of the Jewish people. 81yr 6pgs 0fn 5s $53.70
The Mexican Revolution
An Analysis of the revolution in Mexico, with an emphasis on its prior history and the meaning of the liberation for modern Mexico and its people. 81yr 15pgs 26fn 8s $134.25
The Political History of Equador: 1850-1900
A thumbnail sketch of Equadorian politics, noting governor's and economic and political effects on the rest of South and North America. 81yr 10pgs 7fn 10s $89.50
The Desirability of Restoring Full Relations with Cuba, Vietnam and China
A policy paper which analyzes the efficacy of establishing full economic and political relations with these hardline Communist countries. 81yr 6pgs 6fn 7s $53.70
Castro's Rise to Power
Traces the gun theory of revolution in a pointed analysis of the successes and failures of the Cuban Revolution. 81yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
A General Description of the History, Culture and Political Status of Puerto Rico
Examines Puerto Rico as having a unique position in the Carribean through its peoples subjection to culture change: both via diffusion, assimilation and the physical change of its population. 82yr 6pgs 10fn 5s $53.70
The Castro Cuban Revolution
Analyzes revolution, with Castro's personality filling void left by lack of ideology. 82yr 11pgs 7fn 4s $98.45
Commerce Between Spain and Latin America Before 1800
Colonialism, Spanish imperialism, monopoly ports, and illicit trade. 82yr 11pgs 28fn 7s $98.45
The Peron Era by Robert J. Alexander
Examines the historical events surrounding the rise to power of Peron, beginning in 1943, in Argentina. 85yr 7pgs 8fn 0s $62.65
Spanish vs. Portuguese Empire
Discusses the development of the Spanish empire through conquest and the Portuguese empire through exploration and trade. 83yr 9pgs 0fn 0s $80.55
Cuba : The Making of a Revolution by Ramon Eduardo Ruiz
Analyzes Ruiz's interpretation of the historical and social events that erupted in 1959 into violence in Cuba and placed one man, Fidel Castro in the seat of power in this island nation. 81yr 8pgs 17fn 12s $71.60
Rigidification as the Underlying Structural Fault of Peronism in Argentina
Observes that the ideology of Peron failed to account for and adjust to societal and political realities in his reign of power in Argentina from essentially 1946-1976. 83yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
Origins of the Mexican - American War
Examines the Mexican Constitutition of 1824, the adscendency of General Santa Anna, the defeat at the Alamo, the victory of General Austins's troops at San Jancinto and the role of President Polk. 90yr 14pgs 29fn 8s $125.30
Crown and Clergy in Colonial Mexico 1759-1821
by N.M. Fariss An analysis of this work whose purpose is to explore a neglected aspect of the relations between the Church and State in Colonial Mexico. 90yr 10pgs 11fn 0s $89.50
Puerto Rico : A Colonial Experiment by Raymond Carr
A comprehensive investigation of the political forces which have created tension between Puerto Rico and the United States in recent years. 93yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Puerto Rico : A Political and Cultural History by Arturo Morales Carrion
93yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The Covert CIA Involvement in Castro's Takeover of Cuba (1959)
Discusses the events leading up to the Bay of Pigs invasion and the CIA's involvement with its related political ramifications. 78yr 7pgs 23fn 8s $62.65
The Cuban Missile Crisis
Examines the miscalculations regarding intentions of opposing powers in the early 60's and judgmental errors in the US and Russia. 80yr 5pgs 4fn 4s $44.75
President McKinley and the Spanish American War
Examines the causes of the war and McKinley's unwilling part in the declaration of war. 80yr 13pgs 13fn 4s $116.35
James Polk and the Origins of the Mexican War
An historical analysis of Polk's role in the onset of the war with Mexico in 1845. 81yr 7pgs 20fn 1s $62.65
U.S. Imperialism and Latin America
US policy in Latin America examined, from the Monroe Doctrine to Castro. 81yr 12pgs 29fn 4s $107.40
Intervention in the Dominican Republic Revolution
Contemporary applications of the Monroe Doctrine. 81yr 9pgs 16fn 7s $80.55
Reasons for the Collapse of the Mayan Civilization
Explores the development of the Mayan civilization after the abandonment of the Southern cities and the socio-political reasons for the collapse of the Mayan civilization. 88yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The Sinking of the Maine : Spanish-American War
examines the actual circumstances and consequences of the sinking of the Maine, looking at the ship and men who died, the actions and investigations of the governments involved, and how the Maine was used in The Spanish-American War. 90yr 15pgs 30fn 9s $134.25
Coups D'Etate: Peru, 1821-1940
Examines Peruvian instability and the 19th-20th century government. 80yr 6pgs 2fn 2s $53.70
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