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History: Black

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Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

A Discussion of the Growth of Greek Democracy and the End of the Roman Republic
An analysis of cultural and political developments not in accord with democratic rule, the advent of slavery and dictatorship. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Jo Ann Robinson and the Montgomery Bus Boycott
An essay on the importanc eof this event in the beginnings of the civil rights movement and Robinson's organization and direction of the boycott. 94yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Ambivalent Conspirators : John Brown, The Secret Six and a Theory of Slave Violence by Jeffrey Rossbach
A historical synthesis that offers new insights into the motivations, attitudes and behaviors of the men who participated in the events surrounding the Harper's Ferry raid. 94yr 9pgs Afn 2s $80.55
Sugar and Slavery in Puerto Rico : The Plantation Economy of Ponce, 1800-1850 by Francisco A. Scarano
Provides a highly detailed portrait of the relationship between the institution of slavery and the agricultural economy of Ponce, a major sugar producing district in Puerto Rico. 94yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The Role of African-American Women in the Civil Rights Movement
Examines the role of African-American women in the civil rights movement, in order to correct the special roles and responsibilities these women had in the struggle. 94yr 16pgs Afn 11s $143.20
Postbellum Georgia : Changes in the Socioeconomic System of Georgia After the Civil War
Examines the Civil War as disastrous for the South, particularly Georgia concerning Sherman's March to th Sea with its destruction of plantations, uprooting of railroads and the liberation of slaves. 94yr 13pgs 15fn 11s $116.35
Race and Races by Goldsby
A review. 80yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
A Comparison of Haitian and Jamaican Maroons
The runaway slave issue in the West Indies, and how they were affected by British and French imperialism respectively. 81yr 10pgs 28fn 9s $89.50
West African History
Analyzes various aspect of West African history, including the effects of slavery, the rise of Islam and the empire of Benin. 81yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
The Underground Railroad : An Analysis
Examines the belief that the Underground Railroad acquired legendary stature in the context of American history because of its perceived impact on freeing slaves. 0yr pgs fn s $0.00
Emmett Till and the Emergence of the civil Rights Movement
Examines the death by lynching of Emmett Till as a story of prejudice, bigotry, fear, and adolescent sexuality as creating a situation in which murder occurs. 93yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
A Discussion of the Emmett Case
Viewed as a martyr by the emergent Civil Rights Movement after he was lynched. 93yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
Slaves of the Border States
An analysis of the particular role border states played in the history of slavery. 78yr 6pgs 2fn 3s $53.70
The Negro in the American Revolution
A historical perspective on the lives of free and bound Blacks during the Revolutionary War of 1776. 78yr 5pgs 6fn 2s $44.75
The Social Effects of Slavery in the US to 1860
Examines social effects of slavery manifested in most institutions and arrangements from family life to education and training, labor, health and medical care, religion and morality, law and justice. 78yr 6pgs 18fn 5s $53.70
Frederick Douglas
by Quarles. A critical review and analysis . A Biography of Frederick Douglass's life as a slave. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
John C. Calhoun
Discusses Calhoun's Southern views to uphold slave owners rights and a strong desire to have the country remain together. 78yr 5pgs 5fn 4s $44.75
Capitalism and Slavery
by Williams. A review and discussion. 78yr 5pgs 8fn 0s $44.75
Garvey and DuBois: A Black Controversy
Discusses both men's views on improving the Black man's social and economic position, the differences in philosophies, their views on the African nation and the political strife since WW II. 79yr 21pgs 18fn 18s $187.95
Slavery in Virginia
Traces Virginia's history from colonial to Civil War, political leaders, role in Constitutional affairs and maintenance of slaves. 79yr 12pgs 14fn 7s $107.40
A study of the Chicago Race Riot of 1919
Examines racial incidents preceding the riot and contends that the media created rumors and perpetuated the cause of Blacks. 80yr 20pgs 20fn 26s $179.00
The Social Attitude of the American Indian Toward Black America
Discusses relations during the 18th and 19th centuries, showing an initially friendly relationship where antipathy existed and the white man's influence over relations. 81yr 10pgs 21fn 8s $89.50
From Slavery to Freedom
by Franklin and the Strange Career of Jim Crow by Woodward. A comparison on these two works which both deal with the fortunes and plights of the Southern blacks after the Civil War to the mid-Sixties. 81yr 8pgs 17fn 0s $71.60
The Ratification of the 13th Amendment
An inquiry into the origins and effects of the 13th Amendment, better known as the Emancipation Proclamation, ending slavery forever in the US. 81yr 8pgs 8fn 7s $71.60
Slavery in the Infant Republic
A comparison of the conditions of slavery in Northern and Southern states. 81yr 13pgs 9fn 12s $116.35
Lincoln on Slavery
An analysis of Lincoln's views, based on the Collected Works on Lincoln, Volumes I & II. 81yr 7pgs 4fn 5s $62.65
Slavery in the AnteBellum South
by Kenneth Stampp. A book review dealing with the cultural autonomy and development of the black slave in the pre Civil War South. 81yr 7pgs 9fn 0s $62.65
Traces the Ante-Bellum growth of the movement, noting Northern support for Southern slave policies. 81yr 22pgs 19fn 13s $196.90
Frederick Douglas As an Abolitionist
Account, with 1 page outline of Douglas' career, based largely on Benjamin Quarles' Black Abolitionists. 81yr 7pgs 5fn 3s $62.65
Answers to specific questions based upon certain readings in American Government, including the Federalist Papers, the Articles of Confederation, Lincoln-Douglas debates and views on the Presidency and Congress
Examines Madison's views on the extended republic, justice, democracy in the Federalist Papers, Lincoln and Douglas on slavery, electoral realignment,. 81yr 23pgs 0fn 0s $205.85
Abraham Lincoln and the Union
A biographical sketch of Lincoln,the times of the slavery crisis, Lincoln's belief in natural law and freedom,his acceptance of the sovereignty of the Federal System, his religious views and a critical evaluation of Lincoln's political philosophy. 85yr 12pgs 9fn 7s $107.40
Arguments Against Slavery
Examines anti-slavery sentiments in early America (1700-1865) centered particularly in Boston and seen through various works and songs such as The Battle Hymn of the Republic, Uncle Tom's Cabin,The Liberator and the formation of the Union around this is. 78yr 9pgs 8fn 5s $80.55
Miscegenation in American in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries and its effects upon Race Relations
Examines this rationale for oppression of blacks in America having its roots in the stigmatization of the free black after their freedom from slavery in 1700's and 1800's. 88yr 25pgs 20fn 12s $223.75
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs
A review of this work which illustrates the extent to which relationships between white men and black women constituted a conspicuous characteristic of the slavery system. 88yr 6pgs 5fn 0s $53.70
The Whig Party
A History of the Whig Party (1840-1852) and an analysis of its failure to endure because it failed to take a firm position on the slavery issue among other things. 90yr 10pgs 11fn 5s $89.50
Harriet Tubman : The Underground Railroad
Looks at the life of Tubman and her role in freeing the slaves via the underground railroad and having no children of her own, took on the plight of the slaves from a combination of maternal instinct and religious fervor. 90yr 10pgs Afn 8s $89.50
Black Involvement in the Civil War
Examines that despite the tremendous prejudices they faced, Blacks, both slaves and freedmen, were one of the most influential groups in determining the outcome of the Civil War. 91yr 8pgs 19fn 9s $71.60
Slavery : Mythology and Reality
An observation of the system of slavery, its brutality, drudgery, its considerable degree of adaptaility, the Abolitionists stereotypes,their working conditions, etc. 91yr 10pgs 12fn 8s $89.50
Current's : The Political Thought of Abraham Lincoln
Examines Lincoln's views on slavery, his grasp of the menaining of equality and his views on the Constitution. 91yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Time on the Cross by Robert W. Fogel and Stanley L. Engerman
An analysis of this two-volume work which provides an evaluation of the traditional interpretation of the slave economy as it existed in the antebellum southeastern United States. 91yr 13pgs 15fn 0s $116.35
The Treatment of Slaves in the United States
Analyzes the treatment of the slaves prior to the Civil war, the forcible bondage and inhumane conditions of travel on slave ships from Africa, the tyranny of their owners and their eventual freedom. 91yr 11pgs 20fn 10s $98.45
Cultural Ramifications of Post Civil War Sharecropping System
Focuses on the cultural and social effects of the sharecropping system, primarily upon blacks in rural areas. 92yr 5pgs 7fn 0s $44.75
The Slave Trade by Oliver Ransford
Examines the slave trade from the standpoint of European and African involvement, Atlantic passage, slavery in the New World, struggle for emancipation, etc. 92yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Issues Related to Reconstruction in America
Examines various issues concerning the transitory political, social and educational gains made by the newly freed slaves during reconstruction as not resulting in true equality. 92yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Malcolm X and Anne Moody
Compares autobiographies and works, one being a militant, discovering Islam and redemption in jail and the other being raised on a farm, having a center and knowing the value of an education. 92yr 6pgs Afn 5s $53.70
Claude McKay and Black American Immigration
Describes how one of McKay's novels, Home to Harlem, examines the social and cultural aspects of n0n-European immigration to the U.S. It particularlly focuses upon those issues of acculturation which can be linked to race. 93yr 7pgs 12fn 8s $62.65
The Political Economy of the Cotton South by Gavin Wright
Deals with the slave crop and free farms in the scale of operations and the producitivity of labor. 93yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
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