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History: United States Before 1865

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Changes in the Role of Women Following The American Revolution
Examines the manner in which the American Revolution changed the role of women noting this change was limited at best and meaningless at worst. 94yr 6pgs Afn 6s $53.70
Native American Trading Posts
Examines the relationship that developed between the various Native American groups during the colonization of North America in the early 1600's and the development of permanent settlements of trading set up by the Europeans who arrived in the new world. 94yr 10pgs 24fn 6s $89.50
The Life of Sitting Bull of the Sioux Indian
Provides a biography of Sitting Bull along with a description of the era in which he lived and the events in which he was involved, with reference to modern portrayals of this Native American hero in film. 94yr 6pgs Afn 5s $53.70
The Southern Cotton Mill Industry and the American Transition to Modernity in the 19th Century
Observes the cotton mill as a necessary outgrowth of the antebellum South after the Civil War in mechanizing the production of cotton for economic efficiency during this industrial revolution. 94yr 9pgs 16fn 5s $80.55
Christopher Columbus : A Brief Overview
Observes Columbus's voyages in the service of Spain and whose efforts were elemental in opening the America's to European development. 94yr 4pgs 13fn 0s $35.80
A Discussion of Will's Lincoln at Gettysburg
Examines Garry Wills thoughts concerning Abraham Lincoln's words in the Gettysburg Address as far as its effects on a revolution in thought by the American people. 94yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Georgia During the Civil War : A Brief History
Examines Georgia's position after the secession of South Carolina where the election of Lincoln presented no other alternative than a political revolution on the one hand or a social revolution on the other. 94yr 10pgs 17fn 11s $89.50
Daniel Boone : King of the Eastern Frontier
Observes Boone as Scout and trailblazer, credited with forging the Cumberland Gap and his name as synomous with the personality and values of the frontier. 94yr 7pgs Afn 3s $62.65
The Rehabilitation of King George III
Notes America's last monarch as a biographical sketch and his role in the American rebellion. 79yr 7pgs 16fn 6s $62.65
Local/Regional Transformation Through Industrialization :
A consideration of these processes as described in Derek Gregory's Regional Transformation and Industrial Revolution. 90yr 11pgs 12fn 5s $98.45
Issues in the History of the American Indian
Discusses the impact of government policy during the period of western expansion the economic base, kinship system, and political system of the Souix, and also the policy on several northeastern and southeastern Native American people. 93yr 10pgs 22fn 6s $89.50
Stand Watie, Cherokee Leader and Confederate General
Looks at the life and military exploits of Stand Watie, to see how and why the diverse interests of the Cherokees coincided with those of the warring North and South. 93yr 20pgs Afn 12s $179.00
The Underground Railroad : An Analysis
Examines the belief that the Underground Railroad acquired legendary stature in the context of American history because of its perceived impact on freeing slaves. 0yr pgs fn s $0.00
The Effects of Industrialization on the Development of American History
Includes introduction and conclusion. 78yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
The Abolitionist Movement in the South Before the Civil War
Examines the movement as an institution from a historical perspective, focusing on economic, cultural, and sociological attitudes of the time. 78yr 25pgs 12fn 6s $223.75
The Tragic History of Andersonville and Its Commanding Officers
Discusses location, history, and construction of Andersonville, includes two casualty charts and an outline. 78yr 16pgs 44fn 8s $143.20
A Study of the Doctrine: Manifest Destiny
A historical perspective including its definition and applications to event of the 1840's. 78yr 10pgs 13fn 10s $89.50
The Whigs and Jacksonians in Economic History
Discusses the Farmer's Age, the transportation revolution and its effects and related topics. 78yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
The Treatment of Prisoners of War During the Civil War
A historical account which views both the Union and the Confederacy. 78yr 10pgs 9fn 4s $89.50
The Great Compromise: 1849-1850
An analysis of the Thirty First Congress, Henry Clay's compromise between northern and southern interests on states rights. 78yr 24pgs 69fn 17s $214.80
An Analysis of the Basis of Colonial American Education
A discussion of the foundation and organization of American education with emphasis on religion and cultural influences. 78yr 20pgs 15fn 8s $179.00
The Carolina Back country on the Eve of revolution
by Woodmason. A review and analysis. A collection of journals, rhetorical pieces, sermons and memoirs concerning society and the institutions of the South Carolina backcountry in the years 1766-1768. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Ben Franklin
Notes contributions and life. 78yr 6pgs 0fn 4s $53.70
John C. Calhoun
Discusses Calhoun's Southern views to uphold slave owners rights and a strong desire to have the country remain together. 78yr 5pgs 5fn 4s $44.75
The Private City
by Warner. A critical review of the story of Philadelphia. 79yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The Role of Lincoln in the Civil War
Examines Lincoln's political life that was above the disasters of war by virtue of his upbringing, his appeal to and protection of the common man, his religious beliefs and perseverance that affected the total outcome of the Civil War. 79yr 12pgs 11fn 4s $107.40
Epidemics in Colonial America: Size and Impact
An examination of the impact and prevalence of communicable diseases on life in early America. 79yr 12pgs 15fn 7s $107.40
Thomas Jefferson
A biography and analysis of his political and philosophical viewpoints and an analysis of these as they shaped the Declaration of Independence. 79yr 6pgs 9fn 8s $53.70
Ratification of the Constitution
Examines events surrounding the Constitution and its ultimate ratification. 80yr 15pgs 8fn 9s $134.25
The Religious Morality of Thomas Jefferson and His Battle for Religious Freedom
An expression of his humanistic interpretation of Christian morality and the battle for separation of Church and State. 80yr 10pgs 6fn 6s $89.50
Early American Prison
A look at conditions existent in our first prisons through discussions of prisons pointing out attempts by inmates at self=-government. 80yr 5pgs 6fn 3s $44.75
Woodrow Wilson: Idealist and Moralist in Foreign Policy
A discussion of the Wilson Administrations foreign policy (1917-1921) as a reflection of Wilson's belief in power balance as tentative and temporary. 80yr 10pgs 6fn 0s $89.50
The Elusive Swamp Fox
by Scheer. Analysis of a Southern military leader in the Civil War. 80yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
The Federal Blockade of the North Carolina Coast During the Civil War
Examines the military strategy of the Union Army in the Civil War to take advantage of Naval weaknesses of the Southern forces. 80yr 12pgs 21fn 8s $107.40
Ben Franklin's Loyalties as an American Mediator
Looks at Franklin's attempts to arbitrate between conflicting ideas between American colonies and British policies and power over the colonies. 80yr 9pgs 15fn 5s $80.55
The Social and Economic and Cultural Life of Colonial America
Discusses colonial life focusing on attitudes prevalent in various settlements. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Aaron Burr Conspiracy
Looks at the events behind the conflict between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton which ultimately led to a duel and the death of Hamilton and Burr's subsequent conflict with the government. 80yr 8pgs 8fn 3s $71.60
The Federalist Papers
by Rossiter. Reviews insights into current governmental problems with proposals of skillful new policies to be employed. 79yr 5pgs 1fn 0s $44.75
"The Trial of John Brown"
by Fleming. Reviews the article on his governmental involvement. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Theories of Education: Jefferson Versus Franklin
Contrasts the supposedly liberal but somewhat intolerant Jefferson with the pragmatic Franklin. 80yr 6pgs 7fn 2s $53.70
Crisis of the House Divided
by Jaffa. 80yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
The Presidency of John Adams
Discusses the political strengths and weaknesses of the second U.S. President. 81yr 10pgs 14fn 4s $89.50
Jefferson Davis
A discussion of why the Confederacy chose him as their president. 81yr 6pgs 7fn 4s $53.70
The Creation of the American Republic
by G. Wood. A book review on American freedoms during the years 17766-1787. 81yr 12pgs 33fn 5s $107.40
Tyron's and Clinton's Administrations
Examines the development of New York during the Revolutionary War and immediately thereafter. 81yr 15pgs 14fn 6s $134.25
An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States
by C. Beard. A book review and analysis as to whether a significant causal relationship existred between the economic interests of those who designed the American Constitutuion and the principles embodied therein. 81yr 5pgs 10fn 0s $44.75
A Study of Andersonville Prison Camps
An examination of inhumane conditions and treatment of prisoners in this southern Civil War prison camp. 81yr 12pgs 12fn 11s $107.40
A Nation of Dissenters
A critical analysis of American Dissenters from Columbus and Jefferson. 81yr 8pgs 0fn 3s $71.60
New Jersey and the Revolution
Focuses on fighting between colonists and the British, particularly at Monmouth in 1776. 81yr 6pgs 11fn 7s $53.70
Steps Toward Independence in the Continental Congress
Traces the role of the First and Second Continental Congress in bringing about independence and the formation of a unified thought in the American colonies. 81yr 15pgs 26fn 7s $134.25
The Great Awakening
Examines the sociological, historical and philosophical changes which brought about true religious freedom in the U.S. during the l7th century and Puritans' role in Americanization and shaping lifestyles prevailing today. 81yr 20pgs 12fn 8s $179.00
Colonial Medicine
Discusses a history of foolishness and wisdom, humanitarianism, enlightenment and superstition creating the panorama of colonial medicine. 81yr 11pgs 17fn 9s $98.45
The Puritans
A Conglomeration of forces shaping America are discussed in light of the Puritan ability to survive and be fit. 81yr 5pgs 1fn 1s $44.75
The Battle of Gettysburg
Essay that recalls events of the battle. 81yr 8pgs 7fn 3s $71.60
Albert Gallatin: Conflicts and Economics
Reviews the Swiss immigrant acting as Secretary of Treasury under Jefferson and Madison and his influence over financial and political affairs. 81yr 13pgs 20fn 12s $116.35
The Betsy Ross House
A subjective reaction to its historical significance. 81yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Federalist.
Discusses the Federalist Papers written by Madison, Hamilton and Jay as to the advantages of the Constitution. 81yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
James Madison: The Separation of Church and State
Traces Madison's role in the making of the Constitution and his rise to power as the country's fifty president, stressing his singular views on the separation of church and state still in effect today. 81yr 30pgs 27fn 15s $268.50
The Conservative Revolution: Changes in Political Structure in New Jersey and Georgia, 1774-1789
Traces the conservative strain in American politics, before and after the Revolution in the North and South as represented by these two states. 81yr 40pgs 26fn 48s $358.00
The Colonist Background of the American Revolution
by Charles M. Andrews. A review and analysis of the ideas and aspirations of the colonists living in America before the Revolution. 81yr 7pgs 4fn 0s $62.65
Traces the Ante-Bellum growth of the movement, noting Northern support for Southern slave policies. 81yr 22pgs 19fn 13s $196.90
Benjamin Franklin
An analysis of Franklin's life as a diplomat, revolutionary and statesman. 81yr 7pgs 3fn 2s $62.65
Taxation in Pre-Revolutionary America
Examines the issue of taxation as a primary element in the revolt against England in 1776. 81yr 8pgs 7fn 1s $71.60
The Onset of the Civil War
by Kenneth Stampp. A review and analysis, dealing with the political, social, cultural and economic bases of the Civil War. 81yr 7pgs 6fn 0s $62.65
Allegiance in America: The Case of the Loyalists:
by GND Evans. A review and analysis dealing with those sympathetic to King George VI during the revolution in the US. 81yr 7pgs 7fn 0s $62.65
The Death & re-Birth of the Seneca
by AFC Wallace. A review and analysis of the Seneca tribe, from pre-Revolution to the early 19th century. 81yr 7pgs 7fn 0s $62.65
Romanticism and Nationalism of the old South
Examines the strong nationalistic ties to the Union inherent in the South during revolutionary times and its numerous contributions to the nation, politically and literally. 81yr 16pgs 0fn 0s $143.20
The Quest for Power
An analysis of the colonists attempts, especially in New Jersey and Georgia, to develop representative assemblies in their break from British domination. 81yr 45pgs 7fn 12s $402.75
The US and Massachusetts Constitutions: A Comparison
An analysis of similarities and differences which maintains that the Massachusetts Constitution was primarily concerned with preventing abuse of power, while that of the U.S. sought to increase the power of the Federal Government. 81yr 8pgs 5fn 5s $71.60
Manifest Destiny
An analysis of the concept of manifest destiny and of the relation to American policy during the 1840's. 81yr 9pgs 6fn 6s $80.55
The American and French Revolutions as Historical Watersheds
A comparison of the 2 revolutions, maintaining that the American Revolution proved more successful because it was more conservative and non-violent. 81yr 11pgs 25fn 13s $98.45
The Supreme Court, Congress and Human Rights Under Reconstruction
An analysis of the role of the Court from the Dred Scott decision through Reconstruction, culminating in the Slaughter-house cases. 81yr 10pgs 6fn 6s $89.50
The Hawkens Rifle
Technical account of Hawkens Rifle, from 1815 to Civil War. 81yr 5pgs 10fn 8s $44.75
Answers to specific questions based upon certain readings in American Government, including the Federalist Papers, the Articles of Confederation, Lincoln-Douglas debates and views on the Presidency and Congress
Examines Madison's views on the extended republic, justice, democracy in the Federalist Papers, Lincoln and Douglas on slavery, electoral realignment,. 81yr 23pgs 0fn 0s $205.85
The Revolutionary War
A brief account of the American Revolution, its causes, and treating the war and its aftermath. 81yr 7pgs 10fn 4s $62.65
Crane Brinton's Model of Modern Revolutions
Theories of revolution in France, England, the Soviet Union and the United States. 81yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
The American Heritage Short History of the Civil War
by Bruce Catton. State of the nation prior to war, transition to an industrialized society, abolitionism, military maneuvers, states rights issues. 81yr 7pgs 6fn 0s $62.65
Early American History
Views of the Revolution and philosophy of the Constitution. 81yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
Biography of Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln's life and times viewed by three authors. 81yr 10pgs 9fn 2s $89.50
Causes of the Civil War
The divisiveness of abolitionism and other factors leading to the Civil War. 81yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Jewish Involvement in New York in the Civil War
The newest immigrant group's commitment to the war effort. 81yr 11pgs 13fn 6s $98.45
The Political Theory of Daniel Webster
Advocate of nationalism, Whig party member, anti-secessionist but not strong abolitionist. 81yr 12pgs 12fn 8s $107.40
Draft Riots of 1863 in New York
The worst of the Civil War protests against wartime military conscription. 81yr 8pgs 10fn 5s $71.60
Abraham Lincoln and the Union
A biographical sketch of Lincoln,the times of the slavery crisis, Lincoln's belief in natural law and freedom,his acceptance of the sovereignty of the Federal System, his religious views and a critical evaluation of Lincoln's political philosophy. 85yr 12pgs 9fn 7s $107.40
The American Revolution : A History of Revolutionary Politics
An analysis of the political history of the American Revolution as a result of differences in the aristocracy appointed by English government and the movement for home rule and independence and the democratization of American politics and society. 82yr 10pgs 8fn 5s $89.50
The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution by Bernard Bailyn
A review and analysis of this work taht deals with the writers and literature of the revolution. 84yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The Portable Thomas Jefferson edited by Merrill D. Peterson
Examines the writings of Thomas Jefferson. 84yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The Pursuit of Equality in American History by J. R. Pole
A work that explores the meaning of the concept of equality and attempts at it s realization over the course of American history. 83yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Protestantism as an important part in shaping and defining the American character in the decades prior to the Civil War
Observes evangelical Protestantism as well suited to the American character by giving a sense of a common heritage and destiny. 82yr 13pgs 0fn 0s $116.35
Missionaries and Indians
An analysis of the Indians already existing in America as assisting the European settlers to survive and flourish in America.Also discusses Indian Religions and beliefs, Protestant missionary activity and its results. 80yr 15pgs 16fn 14s $134.25
Thomas Jefferson and Charles W. Eliot on Curriculum
A comparison of the concept of the curriculum in education in the writings of Thomas Jefferson and Charles W. Eliot. 84yr 5pgs 8fn 0s $44.75
The First Bank of the United States : A History of its Development
An examination of the events leading to the formation of the first United States bank, Hamilton and Jefferson's role, different economic events leading to its demise and the resultant formation of the Second Bank in 1816. 82yr 13pgs 19fn 6s $116.35
American Diplomacy During the Civil War
An analysis of the foreign relations of the governments of the United States and the Confederate States during the American Civil War as depicted in historical literature. 88yr 25pgs 13fn 18s $223.75
American Leaders and American Times
Looks at the United States as having a history of leaders focusing on the life and times of John Winthrop, George Washington and Henry Clay. 88yr 9pgs 9fn 0s $80.55
Cherokees and the Missionaries Involvement
An examination of the assimilation of the Cherokee Nation, living in the State of Georgia, and the role of missionaries in becoming centrally involved in developing the educational and religious aspects of the tribe. 88yr 10pgs 18fn 7s $89.50
The Whigs' and the Federalists' : Critiques of
the present constitution. Observes that the historical critiques and modern critiques of the constitution would remain the same, being the long standing debate between states rights and those favoring a strong, responsible Govt. 90yr 10pgs 10fn 0s $89.50
The Whig Party
A History of the Whig Party (1840-1852) and an analysis of its failure to endure because it failed to take a firm position on the slavery issue among other things. 90yr 10pgs 11fn 5s $89.50
James Madison and the Separation of Church and State
Explores the part played by James Madison as perhaps the greatest role in separating organized religion from Government in the United States, having authored the bill of rights and other legislation preventing religion' role. 90yr 13pgs 8fn 7s $116.35
Harriet Tubman : The Underground Railroad
Looks at the life of Tubman and her role in freeing the slaves via the underground railroad and having no children of her own, took on the plight of the slaves from a combination of maternal instinct and religious fervor. 90yr 10pgs Afn 8s $89.50
The Federalist no. 10
Madison extoling the advantages of the union by exposing and arguing against what a federal government is designed to prevent, the dominance of warring political factions. 90yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
The Navigation Acts and the Colonial Economy
Examines divergent viewpoints as to the the importance of the Navigation Acts in causing the American Revolution. 90yr 7pgs 8fn 4s $62.65
The Ordeal of Thomas Hutchinson by Bernard Bailyn
review of this book that portrays a Hutchinson as firmly believing that America's well being depended upon a strong ties with Britain. 90yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
American History, 1607- 1783
Focuses on the events that took place in the continental United States during this period, including French and Spanish attempts at colonization, the first permanent colony of English speaking people at Jamestown, Virginia,the plymouth colony in1620, Que. 91yr 6pgs 8fn 4s $53.70
Current's : The Political Thought of Abraham Lincoln
Examines Lincoln's views on slavery, his grasp of the menaining of equality and his views on the Constitution. 91yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
The American Revolution by Edward F. Countryman
Discussion on this work as a well written account of the events which led to the war, the war itself, major players and institutions on both sides and the prevailing philosophical perspectives. 91yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
American Indians of the East Coast : A Brief History and Analysis
Describes the history, culture, religion, and lifestyles of the collected East Coast Native Americans. 93yr 6pgs 23fn 4s $53.70
The Political Economy of the Cotton South by Gavin Wright
Deals with the slave crop and free farms in the scale of operations and the producitivity of labor. 93yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The American Revolution : Change and Continuity
Looks at the American Revolution and its aftermath, to see what its immediate and long-term impact was, and to consider how the new Constitution restructured American civil and political society. 93yr 7pgs 8fn 6s $62.65
Cherokees and the Missionaries Involvement
An examination of the assimilation of the Cherokee Nation, living in the State of Georgia, and the role of missionaries in becoming centrally involved in developing the educational and religious aspects of the tribe. 88yr 10pgs 18fn 7s $89.50
Cherokees and the Missionaries Involvement
An examination of the assimilation of the Cherokee Nation, living in the State of Georgia, and the role of missionaries in becoming centrally involved in developing the educational and religious aspects of the tribe. 88yr 10pgs 18fn 7s $89.50
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