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History: Ancient

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Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

Athen's Sparta
Discusses their societies and attitudes towards war. 78yr 4pgs 30fn 4s $35.80
Daily Life in Ancient Rome
Examines living conditions and activities of the day. 78yr 5pgs 6fn 3s $44.75
by AD Knock. Book review on Christianity's role from 500 AD concluding that it was the ultimate goal of much of the ancient world. 78yr 5pgs 8fn 2s $44.75
Ancient Mesopotamia
Discusses this culture thru Easton's The Heritage of the Past and Oppenheim's Ancient Mesopotamia. 78yr 5pgs 8fn 2s $44.75
Herodotus' Views of the Egyptian and Persian Wars
Examines Herodotus's fascination with the Egyptian way of life through the mysteries of the Nile, monuments, lifestyles, etc. 78yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
The Murder of Herodes and Other Trials
by Freeman. A personal focus on the Greek judicial system. 78yr 5pgs 9fn 2s $44.75
The Peloponnesian Wars: The Men and Personalities
According to Thucydides by John H. Finley. 78yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Herodotus' Account of the Persian Wars
An analysis of Greek historian Herodtus' views of wars between the Persian Empire and the Greek city State. 79yr 6pgs 14fn 5s $53.70
The Pasha Muhammed Ali and His Army
Traces his rule of Egypt, military strategy, expansion of Egypt and the conquering of Sudan. 79yr 10pgs 7fn 8s $89.50
The Ancient Roman Army
Discusses the Roman military and social civilization. 79yr 5pgs 4fn 6s $44.75
Alexander the Great
A detailed account of his life, and accomplishments, the man and the legend. 80yr 12pgs 32fn 15s $107.40
A Discussion of the Growth of Greek Democracy and the End of the Roman Republic
An analysis of cultural and political developments not in accord with democratic rule, the advent of slavery and dictatorship. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Imperial Cult of the Roman Empire
Examines religion and politics intertwined in Ancient Rome and how those in authority came to be seen as Gods. 80yr 10pgs 13fn 6s $89.50
Alcibiades: Patriot and Traitor
Examines paradoxical behavior of Alcibiades during the Peloponnesian Wars. 80yr 7pgs 28fn 10s $62.65
Factors Underlying the Process of Economic Growth in Western Society Between 100 and 1700 AD
No Abstract. 81yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
A Historical Analysis of Demosthenes' Speech
"On the Peace" Discusses his political frame of reference in traditional Athenian policy and the influences of Phillip II of Macedon. 81yr 11pgs 15fn 8s $98.45
Ancient Athenian Society
Focuses on family roles and social structure, dress and tradition, daily life and role of religion. 82yr 15pgs 19fn 6s $134.25
Josephus' Jewish War
An analysis of this ancient document, with the case against a master race theory, based upon the biblical Genesis accounts, and the US Declaration of Independence. 82yr 9pgs 7fn 3s $80.55
The Delian League
An analysis of the league and the reasons for its formation according to Thucydes, stressing whether it was really a defensive alliance against the Persians or a mask for Athens' Imperialism. 82yr 12pgs 8fn 6s $107.40
The Revolt of Boudicca and The Iceni
An account of the Roman conquest of the Britons and the difficulties which confronted them in the Druidic Castes, particularly the Iceni tribe and their queen, Boudicca, who sparked a bloody revolt. 82yr 10pgs 5fn 9s $89.50
A Comparison Of the Historical Methods of Thucydides and SSU-MA- Ch'ien
A contrast of the methods of these two ancient historians of Greece and China respectively. 83yr 14pgs 34fn 10s $125.30
Thucydides: Classical Democracy and the Peloponesian War
An examination of the idea of democracy as practiced in ancient Greece and seen through the eyes of its greatest historian in his most influential work. 83yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The Decline & Fall of Rome
Examines the traditional and current theories behind the fall of the Roman Empire, stressing economic and cultural difficulties encountered. 83yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
The Lemean Controversy and International Politics
A discussion of the relevance of Athens' aggression against Melos for the making of present-day foreign policy. 83yr 10pgs 7fn 14s $89.50
Hairstyles in Ancient Rome
Especially during the Roman Empire. A history of male and female hairstyles during the Roman Empire. 83yr 9pgs 44fn 4s $80.55
Egyptian Babylonian and Greek Conceptions of the Afterlife
A comparison of the Egyptian concept of the afterlife, as revealed in the Book of the Dead, with the Babylonian netherworld described in the Epic of Gilgamech and the Greek Hades described in Homer. 83yr 12pgs 18fn 8s $107.40
Relationship Between King and god in Pharaonic Egypt
The divine rights of kings, sub-god worship and subject tributes in Egypt. 83yr 7pgs 7fn 8s $62.65
Persian Greek Conflict of The Fifty Century B.C. and its Results
The struggle between Europe and Asia, the clash of Eastern and Western cultures. 83yr 11pgs 23fn 6s $98.45
Transition Civilizations
Moslem, Roman and Norman civilizations in transition to urban societies. 83yr 11pgs 12fn 6s $98.45
Transitional Cultures
Roman civilization, Barbarian invasion and feudalism. 83yr 12pgs 5fn 4s $107.40
Athenian Empire
Democracy, city states and Thucydides as historian. 83yr 12pgs 14fn 2s $107.40
Herodotus and Thucydides
Literary styles and historical methodologies of two ancient Greek historians contrasted. 83yr 7pgs 6fn 2s $62.65
Origins of Western Civilization
Hellenic contributions to Western civilization with emphasis on rationalism and secular studies. 83yr 5pgs 6fn 5s $44.75
The Delphic Oracle of Apollo
A discussion on The Delphic Oracle as a unifying force for over a thousand years in Ancient Greece. 82yr 8pgs 11fn 4s $71.60
Man's Perception of Historical Time
An examination of the methods used by ancient man in measuring the passage of time and dating events to the current method of basing all dates to the date that is commonly regarded as the year of Christ's birth. 84yr 20pgs 13fn 12s $179.00
Thucydides' The Peloponnesian War
An examination of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides as marking the end of the great age of classical Greece that had begun with the war against the Persians. 83yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Life in Egypt Under the Ptolemies
An observation of life in Egypt very much under the Greek influence, after its conquest by Alexander the Great, when the House of Ptolemy was brought in to rule. 85yr 7pgs 6fn 0s $62.65
Reasons Behind the Survival of the Byzantine State
Including the geographical position of Byzantium, its strong degree of centralization,cultural continuity, and other factors. 84yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
The Mythology of Greece : A Unifying Agent in the Development of Classical Greek Civilization
Provides an overview to Greek mythology and its relationship with other aspects of Greek life. 86yr 8pgs 11fn 6s $71.60
Pompeii : A Civilization Devastated
Analyzes the destruction of the city of Pompeii,by the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius,excavation procedures, historical examination of life in this city. 84yr 7pgs 8fn 11s $62.65
History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides
An analysis of the events of the Peloponnesian War as recorded by Thucydides, after his defeat and exile from Greece, painstakingly researched. 80yr 10pgs 7fn 14s $89.50
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Looks at significant factors such as the advent of expansion of Christianity, and the opening of civil and military positions to barbarians. 81yr 7pgs 4fn 3s $62.65
Plutarch's Depiction of Crassus, Pompey and Caesar
An examination of Plutarch's biographies of these men and their achievements. 84yr 9pgs 0fn 0s $80.55
The Origins and Nature of Ostrogothic Rule and Justinian's Rule in 6th Century Italy
An historical analysis of the events leading up to the Ostrogothic rule of Justinian in the 500's A.D.as the Roman world at this point in time, separated into different parts. 83yr 17pgs 15fn 6s $152.15
Roman Life by Mary Johnston
A review and analysis of Roman life, society and social characteristics. 82yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
The Paganism of the Vikings
An observation of the Viking Age (780-1070), made up of Danes, Norwegians and Swedes, The Pantheon, their rites and rituals, the Scandinavian community and religious beliefs. 83yr 10pgs 11fn 4s $89.50
Spartans and Athenians : The Roles that Members Played Within the Family
Notes the Athenian society, in which the rights of the individual and th home as the sphere of individual development, were recognized, and the Spartan life of discipline and regimentation. 84yr 14pgs 12fn 8s $125.30
Spartans and Athenians : The Roles that Members Played Within the Family
Notes the Athenian society, in which the rights of the individual and th home as the sphere of individual development, were recognized, and the Spartan life of discipline and regimentation. 83yr 14pgs 12fn 8s $125.30
Julius Caesar
A biographical sketch of Julius Caesar, including his early years, initial rise against Pompey, Caesar the soldier, and final struggle against Pompey. 83yr 15pgs 25fn 9s $134.25
Julius Caesar
A biographical sketch of Julius Caesar, including his early years, initial rise against Pompey, Caesar the soldier, and final struggle against Pompey. 83yr 15pgs 25fn 9s $134.25
Egyptian Pyramids in the Old Kingdom
An historical analysis of the pyramids of ancient Egypt as a reflection of many styles and motifs of the Dynasty and the reflection of the "cosmic" order of things by the Old Kingdom rulers. 86yr 8pgs 2fn 4s $71.60
Egyptian Pyramids in the Old Kingdom
An historical analysis of the pyramids of ancient Egypt as a reflection of many styles and motifs of the Dynasty and the reflection of the "cosmic" order of things by the Old Kingdom rulers. 84yr 8pgs 2fn 4s $71.60
How Mummies Are Made
An analysis of the Egyptian theories of the afterlife and the precise methods employed in the mummification process. 86yr 6pgs 7fn 3s $53.70
How Mummies Are Made
An analysis of the Egyptian theories of the afterlife and the precise methods employed in the mummification process. 88yr 6pgs 7fn 3s $53.70
Classical Civilizations : The World of Ancient Greece and Rome
An overview of Greek and Roman civilizations, from outset to the flowering of these civilizations to their ultimate decline. 86yr 15pgs 12fn 5s $134.25
Greek Contributions to Civilization
An analysis of Greek civilization, as they felt set apart from other peoples, in that they set up a conscious ideal of political and spiritual freedom , and in Athens they achieved a truly democratic state. 86yr 9pgs 6fn 4s $80.55
The Status and Treatment of Women in Classical Greek Society
The basis of women's status/roles in classical Greece- intellectual inferiority, seclusion, limited educational opportunities, praise of masculine virtues, homosexuality. 83yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
Judaic Practices, Pauline Christianity, Arianism, the Constitution, and th Federalists
Essays on: Events that changed Judaic beliefs and practices; the history and debate over Christ's divinity, including Arianism; the constitutional convention, and the Federalist view of the constitution. 83yr 16pgs 0fn 0s $143.20
The Role of the Preamble in Roman Law
Includes definition of Roman Law, The Preamble and its legal function, change in legal intrepretation through the early republic, later republic, and Empire. 90yr 15pgs 14fn 10s $134.25
Ancient Civilizations : Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome
Looks at these early civilizations which flourished consecutively as not only differing in focus and cultural outlooks but , in a way, represent sections in an evolutionary scale. 90yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Caesar : The Man and the Political Figure
Examinies the very clear ironies in the interplay between Julius Caesar the man and Julius Caesar the political figure in Shakespeares's play Julius Caesar. 90yr 6pgs 10fn 8s $53.70
Archetypes of Western Civilization
Examines the chief strains of cultural thought, Roman, Greek and Hebrew and the profound influence they have created in influencing western philosophy, their interaction, in creating distinctivly Western strains of thought, most notably, the Biblical vis. 91yr 9pgs 8fn 7s $80.55
Alexander the Great : Liabilities and Vices as a General, Leader, and Administrator
Notes from the beginning of his career his traits of excessive brutality and force toward anyone who might oppose him using the destruction of Thebes as an example. 93yr 6pgs 8fn 3s $53.70
The Spartan Social Revolution
Suggests that a true revolution occurred during the reign of the kings, Agis IV and Cleomenes III. 93yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
The Phoenicians
observes the ancient Phoenicians as a society of merchants, sailors and artisans who forged a civilization lasting nearly a thousand years credited with the invention of the alphabet and the first systematic development of seagoing mercantile culture, am. 93yr 10pgs 14fn 7s $89.50
Thucydides on the Importance of the Peloponessian War
An observation of Thucydides thoughts on writing about this war fromthe vantage point of a contemporary figure describing the most importantpolitical and military events of his day. 93yr 6pgs 9fn 0s $53.70
The Iliad as Glorifying War
Observes Homer's epic of the Trojan war, The Iliad, as focusing almost entirely on the activity of warfare, looting and the taking of prizes. 94yr 6pgs Afn 1s $53.70
Stonehenge of England
Describes the stone formation and extends theories regarding its origins and uses. 80yr 10pgs 6fn 3s $89.50
The Origins of the Dead Sea Scrolls
A speculative essay on the birthplace of these ancient documents which chronicle man's beginnings. 81yr 7pgs 28fn 9s $62.65
Divide and Conquer: A Look at the Third World of Antiquity
Herodotus historical chronicles, counterculture movements, wars between city-states in ancient Greece. 82yr 14pgs 16fn 16s $125.30
Ethiopian History
Traces the history of Ethiopia from its ancestry of Menelek , the legendary son of Solomon and Sheba, to the Hebrew claim of descent, to the overthrow of the monarchy and current military rule. 83yr 18pgs 22fn 9s $161.10
The Sumerian Civilization and its Role in the Discovery of Writing
Includes introduction and brief history, cuneiforms and the discovery of language, Sumerian hymns, laments , business records and conclusions. 88yr 16pgs 19fn 10s $143.20
The Twelve Caesars by Suetonius
Discusses what the personalities and lives of the 12 Caesars indicate about the potential strengths and weaknesses of the government and the Principate established by Augustus. 88yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
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