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Medicine & Healthcare: Pharmacology & Technology

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Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

Observations of a Bicep Cineplast in Left- Handed- Amputees
Observes modern cineplastic operations available and different types of prosthesis, or artificial limbs both mechanical and electrical, the type of operation necessary, psychological problems encountered in replacing an amputated left hand. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 5s $44.75
Computers in Medical Diagnosis
Discusses computers possibilities to communicate patient information to the physician, compares patient data to computer data, diagnostic decision making discusses drawbacks. 78yr 18pgs 4fn 4s $161.10
A pharmacological examination of the chemical enzyme and its effects on lung tissue and bronchial disease. 79yr 14pgs 47fn 10s $125.30
Radioactive Tracers
Examines the use and benefits from radioactive isotopes, how they are traced in the body for diagnostic purposes and advances in radioactive medicine. 79yr 5pgs 6fn 3s $44.75
"Test Tube" Babies: Or Vitro-Fertilization
An analysis of this recent technique involving the transfer of an immature egg from the uterus to a lab setting and the impregnation by sperm cell in this setting. 79yr 20pgs 21fn 11s $179.00
Patients on-Line with Gemisch
Discusses and analyzes the introduction of computers to offer solutions to problems which plague most clinical systems known as GEMISCH, or Generalized Medical Information System for Community Health. 80yr 24pgs 7fn 7s $214.80
Pre Administration Assessment of Drug Combinations
Discusses various effects of drug interactions and mixtures are scrutinized. 80yr 6pgs 1fn 5s $53.70
Medical Electronics
Examines the uses of electronic devices in medicine today including radiology, cardiology and surgery. 80yr 19pgs 6fn 3s $170.05
The Ethical Drug Industry
Examines and analyzes the prescription only drugs and their importance to modern diagnostic methods, centering on Chas. Pfizer, Inc. 80yr 18pgs 44fn 7s $161.10
Drugs & Future Society
Examines the place which drugs will have for future generation and the implication for the present. 80yr 4pgs 0fn 4s $35.80
Medical Electronics
Considers all the impending situations and those which are presently existing to determine the position of the medical electronic industry in the United States. Discusses recent technological developments and certain companies in the industry. 78yr 19pgs 6fn 3s $170.05
Recommendations Regarding the Advisability : Installation Full _ Body CT Scanner at Northwest Connecticut Health Systems Agency
A recommendation survey supporting the need for a CT scanner in the Danbury, Conn. area to the executive director of the Northwest Connecticut Health Systems Agency. 80yr 12pgs 0fn 9s $107.40
The Effects of Drugs on Pregnant Women
An investigation into the effects of drugs on pregnant women and their babies. Deals mostly with medicinal drugs. 81yr 9pgs Afn 17s $80.55
The Effects of Drugs on Pregnancy
This study focuses on the effects of over-the-counter drugs on the mother and baby. Also suggests ways to monitor drug use during pregnancy. 81yr 10pgs 12fn 7s $89.50
Chemical Regulation of Pain
An exhaustive study of various forms of physical and mental maladies with chemical remedies to alleviate such. 84yr 19pgs Afn 18s $170.05
An Interactive Man-Machine System For Biomedical Engineering Research
A study of how humans interact with machines. Review of literature, background information on the experiment, detailed explanation of a man-machine system, other research and applications. 84yr 18pgs Afn 21s $161.10
Analgesic Products and Nutrient Interactions
Discusses the effect of analgesic products on the body. 87yr 8pgs 10fn 6s $71.60
The recent Tylenol deaths
The role of the media in alerting the public in the real or imagined drug-related poisonings. 81yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
Pharmacists and Unproven Cancer Therapies
Analyzes various cancer therapies considered as miracle cures not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration(FDA) such as Laetrile, dangers in unproven treatments and the role of the pharmacist. 88yr 5pgs 10fn 9s $44.75
The Role of Pharmacists in Home Health Care
Observes that pharmacists will be increasingly involved in treatment management services as the current decade progresses and, more significantly, as the total population of the elderly increases. 94yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
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