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Medicine & Healthcare: Nutrition

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Food Falacies
Shows how the media leads the public to believe in a product for economic reasons, the natural foods advocated discrediting processed foods and occasionally vice-versa. 78yr 5pgs 7fn 5s $44.75
Factors that Affect Food Habits
Discusses tradition, economics, social status, and the desire for good health as contributing to our overall eating habits. 78yr 8pgs 12fn 4s $71.60
Five Smooth Stones by D. Champlin
Reviews this in light of relationship between social mobility for Blacks and factors of nutrition, maternal health, birth spacing, physical ailments characteristic of Black populations. 79yr 10pgs 13fn 4s $89.50
Food Additives with Cancer Causing Agents
Particularly potassium, sodium nitrate as carcinogens, noting food dyes currently under investigation. 79yr 5pgs 13fn 5s $44.75
Food Additives
An overview of their use and regulation in the United States, with viable alternatives for the future. 80yr 21pgs 22fn 10s $187.95
Health & Nutrition
Examines and analyzes the major and minor aspects of this subject, with case studies and side effects, including dieting programs and obesity. 80yr 15pgs Afn 15s $134.25
High Altitude Cooking
Examines the chemical and physical effects of preparing foods in high altitude areas. 80yr 7pgs 6fn 6s $62.65
Therapeutic Nutrition
Discusses the use of nutrition as a weapon against disease. 80yr 6pgs 14fn 4s $53.70
The Effects of Culture on Food Habits of Individuals Within the U.S. and The Nutritional Implication of These Practices
A survey of the basic biochemistry of nutrition and the nutritional effects of culturally determined food habits. 81yr 11pgs 0fn 6s $98.45
Nutrition During Pregnancy
A summary of the desirable positive and negative nutritional practices of pregnant women. 81yr 15pgs 25fn 7s $134.25
Nutrition, Diets and Poverty
A study of nutritional practices and constraints on the poor. Includes tables and charts. 81yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
Two Approaches to Food and Nutrition
Contrasts the biochemical view of nutrition to one which includes psychological and cultural aspects of food. 81yr 9pgs 0fn 8s $80.55
Milk, Egg and Wheat Allergies
Discusses prevalence, mechanism and treatment of allergic reaction to these foods. 81yr 9pgs 12fn 5s $80.55
Nutrition and Pregnancy
Nutritional needs of pregnant women, energy, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. 81yr 5pgs 12fn 3s $44.75
Stress and Nutrition: A Physiological Perspective
Stress affects on physiology, reactions such as allergies and special nutritional needs. 81yr 18pgs 30fn 22s $161.10
Nutritional Requirements of Pregnant Women
Weight gain, stress, increased need for proteins, vitamins. 81yr 7pgs 5fn 3s $62.65
Nutrition and Obesity
Analysis of article on relationship of childhood nutrition to obesity in later life. 81yr 7pgs 11fn 1s $62.65
Nutritional Aspects of Cardiac Disease
Relationship of cholesterol to heart disease and preventive nutrients. 81yr 11pgs 6fn 5s $98.45
B-Vitamins and Brain Function
Nutritional needs for various B vitamins, effects on emotional, intellectual functioning. 81yr 17pgs Afn 16s $152.15
Nutrition and Nursing
A nurse's findings and recommendations on nutritional care for a case study family. 81yr 13pgs 31fn 12s $116.35
Nutrition Education and the Public
An exploration of nutrition education in the U.S. - history, role of agencies, fads, etc. are discussed. 86yr 8pgs 10fn 6s $71.60
Nutrition and Achievement in the Elementary School: A Research Investigation
An investigation into nutrition for grade school students. Programs, parent support, recommendations, results of a research project. 82yr 15pgs Afn 7s $134.25
Nutrition Intake Patterns Among Hospital Workers
A research project on the eating habits of some workers in a small hospital; other influences on eating habits . 84yr 11pgs 8fn 6s $98.45
Obesity: Therapy, Causes, and Cures
A discussion on the causes, contributing factors, dieting, and therapy involved in obesity. 82yr 11pgs 8fn 6s $98.45
Studies in Anorexia Nervosa
Abstracts and reviews of selected articles on anorexia nervosa. 82yr 10pgs 10fn 10s $89.50
A look at obesity in terms of body and energy components, and behavioral patterns. 82yr 6pgs 3fn 3s $53.70
Report on "The Golden Cage" by Hilde Bruch
A review of this book dealing with anorexia nervosa as an enigma; the pursuit of thinness. 83yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
Foodbourne Illnesses
An analysis of the role bacteria and other foreign agents play in both causing and curing food-causing illnesses. 83yr 8pgs 7fn 7s $71.60
Food Allergy
An explanation of food allergy- causes, symptoms, effects, clinical manifestations, diagnostic/treatment methods. 85yr 8pgs 14fn 5s $71.60
The Role of Controlled Hydrotherapy and clinical nutrition
Examines the relevant literature connected to the utilization of internal hydrotherapy as a means of effecting temporary solutions or permanent cures for a number of maladies. 90yr 20pgs 15fn 0s $179.00
Anorexia Nervosa : Discussion and Description
Examines the psychopathological states involved as representing a more complex disturbance in this inappropriate or bizarre eating pattern. 90yr 5pgs 6fn 8s $44.75
Liquid Diets
Examines the design, benefits and possible damage to the metabolism caused by liquid diets which consist of a powdered-food supplement mixed with a low-calorie liquid and consumed five times a day for 12 to 25 weeks. 91yr 6pgs 3fn 5s $53.70
An Investigation as to how Overweight Individuals Respond to Food Stimuli : A Research Design
A research design that hypothesizes that the internal state of overweight persons is irrelevant to their eating behavior, which is determined by external factors. Includes abstract, intorduction, review of the literature, methods, results. 92yr 10pgs Afn 4s $89.50
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