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Medicine & Healthcare: Mental Health

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Paper Title
Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

Mental Health: The Role of the Nurse
Analyzes and defines the role of the nurse as a therapeutic agent, the role in helping the patient through stress situations, and degrees of personal involvement required of the nurse. 79yr 9pgs 7fn 7s $80.55
A Comparison of Nursing Practice in Two Health Care Settings
Assesses care quality in large metropolitan v. out-patient psychiatric clinics. 79yr 5pgs 3fn 3s $44.75
Speech Disorders Associated with the Mentally Retarded
A discussion of mental retardation in general and the nature of speech disorders in retarded people, including methods of assessment and treatment and language programs and models upon which such treatment is based. 79yr 21pgs 38fn 13s $187.95
The Role of Psychiatric Social Work in the Hospital
Staffing, funding, utilization, consumer advocacy. 81yr 16pgs 18fn 9s $143.20
A Work/Residence Program at Pilgrim State Hospital: A Case Study
Describes the work-residence program for people on the verge of release from this mental hospital. Tells about the administration, philosophy, and other aspects. 82yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
MAO Inhibitors and Their Use
An overview of MAO (monoamine oxidase) inhibitors- the first antidepressant drug. Its proper use and its effects. 85yr 10pgs Afn 7s $89.50
Chemical Regulation of Pain
An exhaustive study of various forms of physical and mental maladies with chemical remedies to alleviate such. 84yr 19pgs Afn 18s $170.05
The Psychological Effects of Premenstrual Syndrome Upon Women
An analysis of how PMS affects women, especially the severe forms. 84yr 8pgs 9fn 10s $71.60
The Leadership Role of the Psychiatric Nurse in In-Service Education
Deals with continuing education for the psychiatric nurse- the latest therapies, treatments, etc. 83yr 6pgs Afn 6s $53.70
Five Considerations of Psychosomatic Medicine
How the mind can be instrumental in: Multiple Sclerosis, AIDS, criminality, hypnosis, and child abuse. 87yr 10pgs Afn 20s $89.50
Obesity: Therapy, Causes, and Cures
A discussion on the causes, contributing factors, dieting, and therapy involved in obesity. 82yr 11pgs 8fn 6s $98.45
Studies in Anorexia Nervosa
Abstracts and reviews of selected articles on anorexia nervosa. 82yr 10pgs 10fn 10s $89.50
A look at obesity in terms of body and energy components, and behavioral patterns. 82yr 6pgs 3fn 3s $53.70
Causes, Effects, and Aspects of the Disease, Pica
Explanation, causes, effects and manifestations of pica, which is the desire/tendency to ingest inedible substances. 85yr 7pgs 10fn 10s $62.65
Report on "The Golden Cage" by Hilde Bruch
A review of this book dealing with anorexia nervosa as an enigma; the pursuit of thinness. 83yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
Examines this general term that covers the mental and physical deterioration due to age, including but not limited to Alzheimer's disease, Pick's dementia and senile dementia. Includes definition, diagnosis and treatment. 88yr 7pgs 14fn 7s $62.65
The Community Mental Health Centers Amendment of 1970
Analyzes this act which expanded the 1963 Community Mental Health Centers Act by extending authorization of funds for the treatment of alcoholism and drug addictions. 89yr 8pgs 11fn 13s $71.60
Dementia : Alzheimer's Disease and Multi-Infarct Dementia
Examines Dementia as collective term for the mental and physical deterioration due to age the degenerative processes which progressively break down the individual's system. Focuses on Alzheimer's disease and Multi-infarct dementia. 89yr 8pgs 15fn 10s $71.60
Nursing Burnout and its effects on Psychiatric Care
Observes the steadily increasing numbers of registered nurses leaving the medical profession due to stress, low pay and mounting frustrations of their jobs particularly in the psychiatric wards and mental hospitals. 90yr 7pgs Afn 7s $62.65
Anorexia Nervosa : Discussion and Description
Examines the psychopathological states involved as representing a more complex disturbance in this inappropriate or bizarre eating pattern. 90yr 5pgs 6fn 8s $44.75
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