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Medicine & Healthcare: Hospital

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Paper Title
Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

Medical Sociology: Various Types of Hospitals in the US
Includes differences, use of volunteers, British and US hospitals. 78yr 4pgs 8fn 3s $35.80
Levels of Anxiety Between Male And Female Patients Immobilized on an Orthopedic Ward
APA format, with conclusive results including graphs. 78yr 6pgs 0fn 10s $53.70
The Problems With Hospitals: The Need for Alternatives for the Long- Term- Chronically- Ill- Patient
An in-depth discussion of the impracticality of long-term-hospitalization and suggests nursing homes, outpatient services, and the patients home for convalescent and custodial care. 78yr 27pgs 42fn 31s $241.65
Role of Hospitals in Health Care Expenditures: 1929-1974
The history of massive health care expenditures, focusing on the role of Blue Cross Insurance Programs, and the collusion with hospitals to inflate prices and consensus that Blue Cross has failed to meet established goals. 79yr 10pgs 7fn 6s $89.50
Crisis Intervention with the Patient's Family in an Emergency Room Setting
Examines the level of anxiety that an emergency room patient experiences as related to family attitudes and adjustment, effects of cultural and ethnic background with definitions, hypotheses, review of related literature and conclusion. 79yr 10pgs Afn 7s $89.50
Death and Dying: The Terminally Ill Patient
Discusses death by choice, euthanasia, and hostile reactions from hospital staff and family. 79yr 5pgs 4fn 3s $44.75
The Token Economy in a Hospital Setting
Examines the Therapeutic and economic value of behavior modification in the treatment of hospitalized patients. 79yr 20pgs Afn 48s $179.00
Hospital Administration
A study focusing on various functions of hospital administration. 79yr 6pgs 2fn 5s $53.70
Competition within the Framework of Hospital Economics
Research traces the evaluation of hospitals as financed by the well to do and the status as a business requiring tremendous outlays for services, equipment and technology. 80yr 8pgs 12fn 6s $71.60
Approaches to Pre-Operative Teaching in Reducing Stress and/or Anxiety of Hospitalization and Surgery in the Young Child
Discusses approaches used to alleviate stress in young children prior to surgery and/or hospitalization. 80yr 31pgs Afn 45s $277.45
The Social and Physical Setting of the Diagnostic Clinic at County USC Medical Center: A Study in Non-Participant Observation
Describes a first person study of behavior in an anxiety ridden setting. 80yr 15pgs 0fn 0s $134.25
Missed Appointments in the Out Patient Department
Analyzes the philosophy of pain as applicable to patients in an out-status in various hospitals. 80yr 19pgs 23fn 11s $170.05
Program Evaluation in the Health Field
Analyzes the area of the specific components which make up a program evaluation in the field of health, including hospital and ambulatory care. 80yr 14pgs 6fn 20s $125.30
Theories Of Hospital Inflation
Examines the reasons for inflation in hospital expenses and what can be implemented to reduce them. 80yr 8pgs 10fn 3s $71.60
The Give And Take Of The Hospital
An overview of the American hospital and the environment in which it operates. 80yr 8pgs 7fn 21s $71.60
Death And Dying In The Aged Patient
Discussed terminal illness of the elderly, particularly in U S hospitals. 80yr 6pgs 1fn 5s $53.70
The Role of Psychiatric Social Work in the Hospital
Staffing, funding, utilization, consumer advocacy. 81yr 16pgs 18fn 9s $143.20
Research Proposal for Study of Hospital-Associated Urinary Tract Infections
How to prevent hospital-associated urinary tract infections. Gives findings of studies done with and without preventative measures. 81yr 14pgs Afn 26s $125.30
Leadership and Communication as Strategies for Effecting Change
Examines leadership and communication in hospital/clinical settings. The need to develop these traits among nurses. 81yr 8pgs 6fn 11s $71.60
A Work/Residence Program at Pilgrim State Hospital: A Case Study
Describes the work-residence program for people on the verge of release from this mental hospital. Tells about the administration, philosophy, and other aspects. 82yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
The Effects of Structured Teaching On Reducing Hospital Re-admission of Hypertensive Patients
The benefits of specific educational programs to help people learn more about hypertension, in the hope that they will be more conscientious about caring for themselves outside the hospital setting. 82yr 15pgs Afn 11s $134.25
A Systems Analysis Approach To Hospital Organization: A Case Study
An investigation of the organizational structure of a hospital in New York City. Includes suggestions for improvement. 83yr 11pgs 3fn 6s $98.45
Proposed Budgeting and Staffing of the Emergency Room at the Baptist Hospital by the Nursing Department
A study of the overall structure of an emergency room and plans to upgrade the quality of nursing care there. 82yr 10pgs 6fn 6s $89.50
Mt. Sinai Hospital
The organization and structure of Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York City, with special emphasis on the nursing function. Operation and relation to theory. 85yr 12pgs 10fn 5s $107.40
Risk Management Committee Structure Analysis
The purpose of this report is to evaluate and understand the organizational and operational structure of the risk management committee and the safety officer in that particular hospital. 83yr 16pgs 24fn 13s $143.20
Three Questions on Medicare, HMO's and Hospital Rates
The standards/impact of federalizing Medicare; debate over hospital rate regulation; competition demonstrations to choose the best HMO's for Medicare beneficiaries. 82yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
The Hudson Valley Health Systems Agency, Inc.
Examines this health agency in the region of Southern New York as having plans for acute care, long term health care, preventative care and mental hygiene. 90yr 10pgs 18fn 7s $89.50
Should Hospitals be Organized for Profit
Concludes that hospitals should involve themselves in other health related businesses as more taxes, higher Medicare payments are not economically viable. 91yr 10pgs 9fn 7s $89.50
Interviews with Hospital Patients
coping skills with a breast cancer patient, an asthma patient, apatient with multiple sclerosis, a patient with Lupus Erythematosus,and a patient with AIDS. 94yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
Physician - Hospital Organizations in the United States Today
An observation of the PHO's where hospitals and physicians are increasingly joining together to form organizations for their mutual benefit and to avoid having to work with health maintenance organizations (HMO) or other health plans. 94yr 6pgs Afn 7s $53.70
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