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Business: Management & Administration

To order a specific paper, click the Catalog Number button next to the Paper Title of interest.
Paper Title
Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

Schools Of Thought In Management
Includes classical, behavioral and management science. 78yr 5pgs 5fn 3s $44.75
The Employment Interview
The use of the interview as a selection tool for employers. Interviewing skills needed, preparation for interview, things to ask and look for, evaluating results. 80yr 8pgs 13fn 4s $71.60
The Theory and Management of Systems by R. Johnson
A book review. 78yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Consumer Credit
Discusses the use of, credit screens, controls and analysis of credit problems. 78yr 10pgs 2fn 2s $89.50
The Behavior Of A Manager
Discusses motivation, Maslow, manager-employee relations and communications. 78yr 8pgs 11fn 6s $71.60
Managerial Psychology by H. Leavitt
A book review and critique suggesting that managerial success is governed by how thoroughly the manager knows and understands his fellow workers and employees, but , also, himself. 78yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Trade Offs As A Motivational Device
Examines trading rewards and discipline as motivating factors. 78yr 12pgs 15fn 11s $107.40
Control Data Corporation
A case study of information systems services at CDC, policies and objectives. 78yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
An Analysis Of Leadership In Industry
Examines social, psychological and economic conditions effecting leadership and business morale, ref. to Journal of Applied Psych. 78yr 11pgs 6fn 14s $98.45
Time Management
A study of the utilization of a manager's time for maximum benefit. 78yr 5pgs 2fn 12s $44.75
Recruitment And Selection Of Salesmen
Notes methods, tests and selection procedures for sales personnel. 78yr 14pgs 20fn 9s $125.30
The Nature And Scope Of Linear Programming
Discusses its use in attainting maximum profits with minimum costs and expenditures. 78yr 8pgs 14fn 0s $71.60
Time Study Requirements And Responsibilities
Discusses this practice and an analysis of function, method, and implementation of results. 78yr 5pgs 1fn 12s $44.75
Salesmen: Consumer Vs. Industrial Goods
Compare attitude, selling technique, demographic data and behavioral differences involved in reaching specific markets. 78yr 30pgs 13fn 5s $268.50
The Scanlon Plan
A historical and critical examination of one of the important initial plans for enhancing employee motivation and increasing productivity. 78yr 8pgs 6fn 6s $71.60
The Tire Industry
A historical overview of its development and current status, current marketing technique and projected future marketing trends. 78yr 12pgs 10fn 7s $107.40
Improving Business And Industrial Management Through Motivation And Communication To Employees
An examination of the role that communication and motivation (the ability to work with people) plays in implementing managerial plans and control in an organization. 81yr 10pgs 10fn 6s $89.50
Evaluation Of Western Pants Management Control Systems
A case study on this company. 78yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
Collective Bargaining
Discusses the evolution of bargaining processes between unions and management, noting its effect on business productivity. 79yr 10pgs 11fn 10s $89.50
The Role Of Psychological Testing In Predicting Manager Performance In Technically-Orientated Fields
Is psychological testing effective in predicting technically -oriented managerial performance. Considers the nature, circumstances and standards of such tests. 80yr 6pgs 3fn 3s $53.70
The Practice of Management by Drucker
A discussion and analysis. 79yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
A Study Of Production Control
Examines variables that ensure maximum efficiency in plant operations and the role of management in production control. 78yr 13pgs 9fn 9s $116.35
Operations Research In Business Management
Discusses this systematic, methodical approach to the structure, function and relationships of the organization. 78yr 7pgs 0fn 3s $62.65
Work Processing: An Overview Of Implications
Examines the IBM coined method of processing in the most efficient and automated way possible. 79yr 6pgs 7fn 5s $53.70
Dysfunctional Aspects Of Structural Modification Of Business At The Managerial Level
Discusses communication between management and employees. 79yr 6pgs 3fn 5s $53.70
Management Communications
Examines employer-employee relations, transferring information, and maintaining morale within a working system. 79yr 11pgs 8fn 7s $98.45
Management Of The Sales Force
Three case studies of companies focusing on sales incentive. 79yr 12pgs 0fn 0s $107.40
Command And Management Philosophy
Depicts leadership as a role bound by flexible guidelines, shaped and effective in accordance with the ability of the manager to understand human behavior and communicate effectively. 79yr 7pgs 0fn 6s $62.65
Queuing Theory
Examines the application of servicing theory, primarily mathematical in nature, in customer services and production forecasting. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 3s $44.75
Personal Value Conflicts And Ethical Problems In Management: Abuses And Cures
Discusses the responsibilities and problems of management and includes three case studies and their related problems and solutions. 79yr 12pgs 8fn 9s $107.40
Corporate Decision Making
Discusses the complexity of the problems corporate executives are faced with. 79yr 6pgs 2fn 6s $53.70
National Presto Industries Inc
A case study/reaction paper evaluating the managerial techniques employed by this large corporation. 81yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Path-Goal Leadership Theory
Examines motivational stimuli and the disappearing myth of universal leadership, noting theories of House and Mitchell. 79yr 5pgs 3fn 4s $44.75
Organizational Conflict
An analysis of the executive and conflicts arising from his decision making requirements, with an assessment of a managers personal objectives. 79yr 11pgs 10fn 10s $98.45
A Discussion Of Organizational Structure
Focuses upon classical definitions and delineates the organizational reaction to ever changing technological advances. 79yr 25pgs 11fn 10s $223.75
Trends In Management Theory
A discussion of management theory including its origin and historical development to present day concepts, from its introduction as an art to its position today as a science. 79yr 11pgs 17fn 12s $98.45
Bayesian Statistics Tools or Techniques of Decision Making
An analysis of the Bayesian measure in providing optimal solutions to the decision maker. 80yr 5pgs 1fn 1s $44.75
Organizational Theory
A look at administration and control in business through various theories including the classical administrative, human relations approaches with the current patterns of change in control. 80yr 8pgs 5fn 5s $71.60
Accountants and Managers
A proposal for a study of communication dysfunctions between accountants and managers in the modern corporation. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 13s $44.75
Managerial Science
An evaluation/comparison of three managerial science theorists: MacGregor, Argyris, and Likert. A look at their influences and theoties. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Fielder's Contingency Model
An analysis of this leadership model as an indicator of leadership traits. Utilizes questionnaire to distinguish the differences between leadership and supervisory roles. 80yr 20pgs 13fn 21s $179.00
Leadership and Organization: Evaluation of a Manager's Style
A study of a small good shop in reference to the managers relationship with employees, with theoretical leadership and organization viewpoints. 80yr 10pgs 5fn 6s $89.50
An Investigation of the Project and Matrix Structures
Examines the use of innovative formal structures in business, noting the advantages and costs and savings to be derived from non-functional, non-linear organizations. 80yr 32pgs 33fn 13s $286.40
Teaching Management Skills and Self-Motivation to Employees
A review of related literature of related management practices. 80yr 5pgs 6fn 4s $44.75
The Process of Social Conflict and Power in Organizations
Reviews the multi-level conflicts inherent with the accruement of executive power in large corporate structures. 80yr 16pgs 21fn 36s $143.20
A Comparison of Delta, North-West & Pan American Airways
The pluses, problems and operations of these three airlines and what the management of each is doing to maintain or improve total production. 80yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Building Management Strength in Hard Times
Looks at the problems of the corporate heads in selecting adequate management prospects during periods of recession. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Thompson and Thorpe, Inc.
Study of management and personnel in a diversified shoe store chain. 80yr 7pgs 0fn 4s $62.65
Solution of an Hypothetical Case Requiring Formal Managerial and Organizational Behavior Theory
An imaginary case study which probes managerial methods. 80yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Business Theory in the World of Reality.
Examines the various aspects of theoretical ideals as they are applied in actuality. 80yr 14pgs 15fn 4s $125.30
Review of Change Theories and Strategies
Examines planned organizational change and some approaches involved. 80yr 8pgs 24fn 7s $71.60
Organizational Change and Development
by Dalton and Lawrence. Reviews and outlines the prerequisites which the new manager should use as guidelines when entering a managerial position, using a series of case studies. 80yr 15pgs Afn 0s $134.25
Examines the long range changes which are implemented in corporate managerial decisions regarding the changes to be made within the firm as a result of improved technology. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Organizational Conflict
An examination of the various types of intramural conflicts and their ultimate meanings for the organization involved. 80yr 11pgs 10fn 10s $98.45
Choosing a Facility Location by Management
Discussion of physical location of plants as it affects workers, freight, convenience. 80yr 10pgs 12fn 6s $89.50
Management Exploitation of Employees
Report of how management goes about underpaying. 80yr 9pgs 5fn 7s $80.55
External Intelligence as a Decision Making Tool
Summary of how to assemble all the information necessary in today's complex business environment. 80yr 12pgs 11fn 11s $107.40
Sources Available to a Purchasing Manager of a Hotel Chain for Making Prudent Purchase Decisions
Discussion of such sources as Thomas Register and other books such as Dun and Bradstreet etc. 80yr 6pgs 2fn 4s $53.70
Personnel Processes-Induction and Development
Brief discussion of importance of induction into business firms. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 8s $44.75
Game Theory and Labor Management Inter-Actions
Bases assumptions that rational men will move in certain directions given certain motivations. 80yr 8pgs 3fn 8s $71.60
Skills and Characteristics of the Effective Personnel Manager
A brief literature review. 80yr 7pgs Afn 7s $62.65
Organizational structure, Objectives, sources of Authority
Using a public health agency as example of administrative structure. 79yr 8pgs 2fn 5s $71.60
A case in Organization Behavior
Based on the book, "We're Going to Make you a Star" by Sally Quinn, The mistakes made in this situation and how they might have been avoided. 80yr 7pgs 13fn 4s $62.65
Human Resources Accounting
Management should have a consistent, reliable method of measuring value of people and the cost of acquiring them. 80yr 10pgs 4fn 7s $89.50
Productivity Theory
Motivating, goal-setting, job enrichment, evaluating for high levels of productivity. 79yr 9pgs 0fn 0s $80.55
Managements Changing Perspective of the Employee Problem
Types of problem employees, impact on work environment and co-workers, new approaches and solutions. 81yr 18pgs 22fn 11s $161.10
Managerial Planning
Financing, budgeting, risk prediction, goal-setting. 81yr 7pgs 13fn 5s $62.65
Classicism vs. Behaviorism as Management Theories
Worker demands, motivating workers--traditional vs. contemporary views. 81yr 8pgs 5fn 8s $71.60
Cosmetic Prejudices in Personnel Management
Prejudices in hiring and evaluation, appearances, external and self imposed regulation on prejudicial practices. 81yr 16pgs 23fn 15s $143.20
Education of Prospective Workers in the Aerospace Industry
Levels of training for the industry, adequacy of education with respect to growth of industry, including questionnaire. 81yr 36pgs 10fn 14s $322.20
Application of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to the Business Community
Employee and employer need-satisfaction as performance motivators. 81yr 8pgs 11fn 6s $71.60
Management and Administration of Inventory Procedures in Physical Distribution Management
Inventory control and distribution systems evaluated. 81yr 7pgs 4fn 4s $62.65
Realization of Corporate Human Potential
Case study of E.I. du Pont de Nemour:s utilization and evaluation of human resources. 81yr 8pgs 13fn 5s $71.60
Organizational Theory and Structure
Management principles vs. corporate objectives as structure of organization. 81yr 7pgs 12fn 7s $62.65
Current Trends and Problems in Compensating Sales Personnel
Salaries, commissions, bonuses, sales trips, merchandise, and other performance motivators examined as tools of compensation. 81yr 6pgs 8fn 5s $53.70
Management Structure
Hierarchy of management and functions at various levels. 81yr 8pgs 3fn 3s $71.60
Forsyth's The Dogs of War: A Case for Managerial Planning
The management function illustrated in the plot of the best selling novel. 81yr 7pgs 10fn 7s $62.65
B.S. Corporation
Case study of worker slow downs and company cost cutting techniques. 81yr 8pgs 8fn 3s $71.60
Restaurant Management Practices
Food and beverage management, purchasing cycle, cost-effective operations, includes meat chart and menus. 81yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
Managerial Obsolescence
Discusses the health or lack of health of a business specifically with the relevance of who is hired and fired within the business structure and the resultant effects. 81yr 15pgs 13fn 6s $134.25
Management Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices By Peter Drucker
A discussion and analysis. 83yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Leadership and Effective Management by Fred E. Fiedler and Martin M. Chemers
A review and analysis of this book that is a broad discussion of types of leaders, motivations for leadership, leadership behaviors, training, experience, and methods of increasing leadership effectiveness. 83yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
A Job Rotation Program for Management training : A project in Research Design and Evaluation
To keep management, employees and owners satisfied with this projected design. 82yr 10pgs 7fn 6s $89.50
Managerial Requirements Planning by Joseph Orlicky
A discussion on this book which advocates the optimum amount at any given time of goods on stock by manufacturing concerns. 84yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
Management Organizational Behavior: Obstacles to Worker Participation in U.S. Industry
An observation of the inherent cultural differences in U.S. workers and other nationalities , notably the Japanese, regarding worker participation in management. 81yr 13pgs 10fn 6s $116.35
Analysis and description of three organizational specifics
Examines The Principles of Scientific Management by Frederick Taylor, Bureaucracy by Max Weber, and The Proverbs of Administration by Herbert Simon. 84yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Effective Behavior In Organizations by Cohen, Fink, Gadon and Willits
An analysis of this text dealing with the "science of management and organizational behavior". 84yr 8pgs 5fn 0s $71.60
Policy Formulation and Strategy Management : Text and Cases
A review of this text by Robert Schellenberger and Glenn Boseman. 85yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
The E Systems Leader
Provides the reader with an overview to leadership style and the impact of high technology on the changing role of the leader in the organization. 85yr 8pgs 9fn 6s $71.60
Organizational Behavior : Studies authority and delegation of authority, rules and decision making, role of managers, etc.
The purpose of this study is to determine how the rule and decision making structure of an organization reflects its function. 84yr 35pgs 36fn 13s $313.25
The Development of an Employee Training Program for Prospective Managerial Personnel, Promoted through the Organizational Ranks
An examination of the idea and feasibility of promoting managerial personnel from within the ranks of the organization. 86yr 8pgs 12fn 11s $71.60
An Energy Management Plan
Includes an energy management action plan for an organization, what has been done by various organizations and what needs to be done, and a demonstration of all concepts and processes. 84yr 7pgs 0fn 6s $62.65
Economics of Financial Management
Current applicability of forecasting techniques within the corporate setting. An inquiry as to the utilization of business forecasting , its goals and methodologies, by executives and managers. 85yr 13pgs 19fn 11s $116.35
An examination of Theory Z
A short discussion on the Japanese "friendly" managerial technique, regarded as the most successful in the world. 84yr 6pgs 6fn 12s $53.70
A comparative analysis and personal critique of Reitz and Sayles's treatment of Leadership, Motivation and Power in an Administrative Context
Explores theories of personal motivation factors and relates the three fundamental distinctions involved in leadership including personality, behavior and methods of managerial responsibility. 82yr 12pgs 24fn 0s $107.40
Job Design and the Quality of Working Life
Analysis of automation, time and motion studies, and other methods for increasing productivity. 81yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
An experimental design on models of leadership effectiveness
Three different models of leadership effectiveness are presented including the contingency model, the attribution theory model, and Markov model. 81yr 9pgs Afn 3s $80.55
A review of the text Managerial Finance by Weston and Brigham
A review and analysis of this text in which all prinicpal areas of financial management and managerial finance are reconsidered and redeveloped in light of recent conditions. 82yr 9pgs 7fn 0s $80.55
Effective Behavior in Organizations : A critique, by Cohen, Fink, Gadon, and Willits
Reviews this text on the science of management and organizational behavior. 84yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
Strategy and environment in modern corporate planning
An analysis of the various internal and external environments within which the corporation must exist and successfully interact on a constant basis in order to maintain a continually viable posture in the marketplace. 83yr 20pgs 7fn 8s $179.00
Management and organization
A short discussion on the application of organizational devices in regard to contemporary commercial considerations. 84yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
Case history of management problems at Hill Enterprises
A business case study. 80yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
A training program for assistant personnel managers
Observes the different personnel management training programs for assistant managers in preparation for a fully responsible manager position. 84yr 9pgs 0fn 0s $80.55
Expediting Customer Orders : EDP Accounting Technology
A research paper discussing the utilization of EDP Technology to facilitate the timing from weeks, on a manual basis, to the new EDP system by filling the orders in a few hours. 82yr 7pgs 2fn 5s $62.65
KANBAN (Just-In-Time production)
A discussion on this Japanese developed advanced production-managing system for repetitive manufacturing. 82yr 8pgs 0fn 4s $71.60
Avon Products, Inc. and Quoizel, Inc. : Management/Marketing problems and Solutions
A case study. 87yr 4pgs 1fn 1s $35.80
Management of Information Systems
An examination of the overall management of computerized departments in business organizations and the advent of Management Information Systems to alleviate this situation. 87yr 20pgs 32fn 17s $179.00
Management Communications, Discipline and Job Satisfaction
An examination of the increasingly prevalent managerial strategy of taking worker-oriented considerations. 84yr 7pgs 9fn 10s $62.65
Implications and Techniques of Quality Control
Includes introduction, process quality control, acceptance sampling, related topics, summary, conclusions,recommendations. 85yr 40pgs 53fn 35s $358.00
Questions on Leadership and Group Relations and Effectiveness
Utilizes goal emphasis, interaction, Fiedler's Model, etc., relating to this topic. 82yr 16pgs 0fn 8s $143.20
Organizational Behavior and Practice of Management
Cites company histories and indicates better results when managers utilize some suggestions offered by subordinates. 80yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
The Art of Management
Examines primary functions of management personnel, traditional implications of leadership,planning, organizing, decision making etc. including introduction,outline, review of literature, methodology, results, conclusion. 85yr 10pgs 13fn 0s $89.50
The Art of Management : A Detailed Survey of Today's Managerial Methodologies Defined, Compared, Contrasted, Analyzed
Reviews literature on classical management theory and observes the rather bad track record of many contemporary American firms. 85yr 15pgs 20fn 0s $134.25
The Art of Management : A Detailed Survey of Today's Managerial Methodologies Defined, Compared, Contrasted, Analyzed
reviews literature on managerial techniques examining the ITT case in the late 1960's as symbolizing everything wrong about modern business society and corrective management strategies developed. 85yr 20pgs 19fn 0s $179.00
The Art of Management : A Detailed Survey of Today's Managerial Methodologies Defined' Compared, Contrasted, Analyzed
reviews literature on managerial and commercial techniques in developing economies of Australia,Ghana and Nigeria as incorporating many of the successful Japanese management techniques. 85yr 15pgs 15fn 0s $134.25
The Art of Management : A Detailed Survey of Today's Managerial Methodologies Defined, Compared, Contrasted, Analyzed
A review of literature focusing on the history of Japanese managerial techniques from World War II to present. 85yr 9pgs 12fn 0s $80.55
The Art of Management : A Detailed Survey of Today's Managerial Methodologies Defined, Compared, Contrasted, Analyzed
A review of literature concerning the success of Japanese companies in competing in the international marketplace as a result of their managerial techniques. Also gives specific Japanese managerial strategies and policies. 85yr 10pgs 12fn 0s $89.50
The Art of Management : A Detailed Survey of Today's Managerial Methodologies Defined, Compared, Contrasted, Analyzed
A review of literature concerning the corporate decision making techniques in the Republic of West Germany, the responsibilities of labor,and the methodology of using statistics in quality control in management. 85yr 14pgs 15fn 0s $125.30
The Art of Management : A Detailed Survey of Today's Managerial Methodologies Defined , Compared, Contrasted, Analyzed
A conclusion and recommendations upon different managerial techniques and processes internationally calling towards utilizing the best features of each countries concepts for optimum results. 85yr 12pgs 0fn 85s $107.40
Management of the Industrial Structure and Resultant Policy Functions as Devised and Evidenced by Contemporary Multinational Corporations
An investigation into the problem of high level multinational management in terms of industrial structure and those organization productivity policies which result as the firm strives to confront successfully the many problems facing it. 87yr 20pgs 32fn 0s $179.00
Management of the Industrial Structure and Resultant Policy Functions as Devised and Evidenced by Contemporary Multinational Corporations
A review of literature concerning the advent of companies adopting globally-oriented product structures and top management decision making in determining strategy and policy for foreign operations. 87yr 30pgs 46fn 0s $268.50
Management of the Industrial Structure and Resultant Policy Functions as Devised and Evidenced by Contemporary Multinational Corporations
A review of literature concerning the marketing research and marketing policies necessary for the development and eventual success of new products in the global market including centralized manufacturing,labor considerations,quality control and managerial selection methods. 87yr 50pgs 35fn 0s $447.50
Management of the Industrial Structure and Resultant Policy Decisions as Devised and Evidenced by Contemporary Multinational Corporations
A review of literature concerning the necessity of the thinning of the ranks of middle management in multinationationals,the adaptation of Japanese style management techniques and Japanese manufacturing methodologies. 86yr 20pgs 16fn 0s $179.00
Management of the Industrial Structure and Resultant Policy Functions as Devised and Implemented by Contemporary Multinational Operations
A review of literature concerning JIT (just-in-time) Japanese production techniques, transnational product positioning structure,methodology of statistically analyzing product and promotional strategy, the revolutionary changes taking place in manufacturing such as CAD/CAM, robotics, CIMand results toward the optimum positioning that transnational companies must adjust to...Continuing series. 87yr 80pgs 71fn 159s $716.00
Quality Control Sampling Techniques
A survey that examines acceptance sampling, double sampling, multiple sample, control chart, averages, range as quality control sampling techniques. 84yr 4pgs 7fn 0s $35.80
Lee Iacocca : A New Kind of CEO
Discusses Lee Iacocca's role in saving Chrysler Corporation from bankruptcy in the 70's, his paring of the corporate structure and his personal charisma. 87yr 4pgs 3fn 0s $35.80
Contemporary Management by David R. Hampton
Summarizes this book dealing with organizational management as an exact science. 85yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
Managerial Problem-Solving
The importance on analytical and problem-solving skills in management; how it works best for an organization; recognizing problems, motivations, and needs. How to use analytical skills best. 85yr 12pgs 12fn 17s $107.40
Off-Balance Sheet Financing
A case study on justifying non-balance sheet financing for a new plant, based on certain accounting standards. 88yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
An Example of a Business Memo
A memo to a marketing VP about a possible outlet for a line of suits. 88yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
Palton Finance Company : A Business Memo
A memo from the business manager to the President of the company suggesting different alternatives to handling the increasing paperwork requirements of the company. 88yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Management as both an Art and Science
An essay on the history of management,various developments, main approaches in management and managerial tools. 82yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Restaurant Internal Marketing
Discusses internal marketing in restaurants focusing on how to train restaurant employees to do it effectively, incentive programs, restaurant layout and design, and other promotional devices including menu design. 88yr 9pgs 10fn 7s $80.55
Personnel Issues Defined and Discussed
Discusses various issues such as the importance and role of the personnel manager in the 21st century, definition of work and job redesign, employee training and development, human resources planning and employee performance appraisal. 88yr 15pgs 0fn 0s $134.25
Business Memo in regard to a Marketing problem, suggesting a solution in the clothing industry
88yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
In Search of Excellence : an analysis
Examines the framework and elements necessary for successful management systems. 88yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
A Study in Management : Theory Z
Analyzes this productivity theory, used predominantly by the Japanese, which looks at production as a problem that can be worked out through coordinating individual efforts in a productive manner and of giving employees the incentives to do so by taking a cooperative long range view. 88yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The Human Side of Enterprise by McGregor
Reflects a confrontation between theories of management, and an attempt to humanize the workplace examining Theory X and Theory Y. 88yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Megatrends, The Human Side of Enterprise, In Search of Excellence and Theory Z : Some common elements
Looks at the common observations of these books in Management Theory realizing the expiring age of Industrialism and the dawning of the Age of Information and the changes in the relationship of the worker and of management. 88yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Iacocca vs. Geneen : Management Theories
Compares their management similarities and differences, characterizing their respective styles. 88yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Job Analysis : A Computer Firm
A Job Analysis of the Vice President of a computer company by determining the relevant behaviors and tasks performed in this position with the knowledges, skills and abilities needed for this position. 88yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The Case for Employee Health Promotion Programs
As an alternative to the impact of rising health care costs on industry, the health promotion programs are investigated in detail, formulated by the corporation whose goals are to help the individual to identfy health risks, teach alternative behaviors and motivate the individual to take responsibility for his health. 88yr 41pgs Afn 57s $366.95
Product Manager Skills
Analyzes the imaginitive and business skills needed by the product manager whose position embraces the planning and control of every phase of a product or product line from the inception of the original idea to the marketing strategy. 88yr 8pgs 13fn 10s $71.60
The History of Management
Examines management as an art, a science and a profession. Looks at the types of management principles such as classical, behavioral, contemporary, quantitative, other theories of leadership, etc. 88yr 7pgs 14fn 7s $62.65
Job Analysis
Using a small company located in San Francisco, Calif.as an example by determining relevant behaviors and tasks, knowledge, skills and abilities through an interview with the vice-president. 88yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Managerial Communication
Examines the various elements of communication, factors involved in breakdown in communication and barriers to effective communication. 90yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
The Systems Approach in Planning and Selection
Observes how computers play a role in this, what will happen in the future and how technology is used in a systems approach in the present and the future. 90yr 4pgs 0fn 6s $35.80
Statistical Sampling Applied to Business
Statistical techniques as applied to Wang Computers, Inc. using cluster sampling, proportional stratified sampling, random sampling dealing with marketing and financial questions. 90yr 8pgs 6fn 0s $71.60
Leadership in Business
Examines the importance of leadership in the business organization with traits and abilities of successful leaders observed. 90yr 5pgs 10fn 7s $44.75
Job Evaluation and Wage Structure
A comparison of methodologies. Includes introduction to job evaluation, job evaluation methods such as the ranking method, the classfication method, the factor comparison method, job specifications, etc. 90yr 14pgs 22fn 9s $125.30
The Development of a Process-Oriented Performance Appraisal System
Examines performance appraisal as the most important human-resource issue and examining process-oriented variables, contamination, rating scales,deficiencies,halo error, leniency/severity, program design, etc. 90yr 20pgs 32fn 19s $179.00
Operations Management : Two Considerations
A review of articles pertaining to operations management regarding required resources, quaility control, inventory, for the purposes of effective operations management. 90yr 8pgs 9fn 0s $71.60
Collective Bargaining
Discusses the evolution of bargaining processes between unions and management, noting its effect on business productivity. 79yr 10pgs 11fn 10s $89.50
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