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Medicine & Healthcare: Mid-life to Geriatric

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Paper Title
Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

Viewpoints on Euthanasia
Three views are discussed including the living will to die, only God can take a life, and the doctor's responsibility. 78yr 10pgs 25fn 12s $89.50
Psychology of the Aged
A research study focusing on the elderly's perception of death and their response to the approaching impact of death. 79yr 5pgs 9fn 12s $44.75
The Aged and Chronic Disease
Focuses on arteriosclerosis and stroke victims, especially the aged, and the resultant implications for care necessary. 79yr 8pgs 27fn 7s $71.60
The Effect Of Stagflation On The Elderly
Examines the effects of stagnation and inflation (stagflation) on the elderly as they are surviving to grow older and older. 80yr 6pgs 10fn 4s $53.70
The High Price Of Dying
Examines the various expenses involved in death including medical bills and assorted death services. 80yr 7pgs 0fn 3s $62.65
Suicide & The Aged
Examines the incidence and increase of the suicide rate among the elderly and the reasons for it. 80yr 10pgs 13fn 11s $89.50
Progressive Debilitation And Death In Aged Patients
Discusses medical and psychological problems of terminally ill aged patients. 80yr 7pgs 8fn 12s $62.65
Pain in the Middle-Aged Client
Concepts of pain, psychological and physical stressors, adaptations, nursing strategies. 81yr 12pgs 23fn 8s $107.40
Old Age and Alienation, Isolation, and Depression
The changing family/societal structure and how it affects the elderly. Cites research studies on suicide and depression. 82yr 9pgs Afn 13s $80.55
Staphylococcus Disease and Its Relationship to the Elderly
Staphylococcus disease- who carries the cells, causes, stages, and the elderly as victims. 78yr 9pgs 8fn 14s $80.55
Death: The Final Stage of Growth
How medicine is now treating death and dying more openly; Kubler-Ross' work on death; death in children; implications for nursing. 82yr 10pgs 8fn 5s $89.50
Illness, Old Age and Depression : A Case Study
An account of an elderly patient dealing with depression and suggestions for alleviating this problem. 88yr 7pgs 11fn 0s $62.65
Public Policy Regarding the Connection Between the Elderly and the Delivery of Social Services
Explains how public decisions are made, in regard to this issue, the process by which public decisions are identified, defined and decisions made concerning what shall be done. 88yr 15pgs Afn 0s $134.25
Comparison of Two Case Studies
Analyzes two case studies of the subject of elderly clients near death and their sense of alienation and depression. 90yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Art Therapy for Bereaved Children
Discusses the use of art therapy for use in overcoming experiences of pain, confusion and sense of loss as a result of the death of a parent, also in understanding Alzheimer's Disease. 92yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
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