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Medicine & Healthcare: Funding Administration Organization

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American Medicine and the Public Interest by Stevens
A review and discussion. 78yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Minor Physically Handicapped Persons and the Armed Forces
Reviews various disabilities, their classifications and their acceptability in the Armed Forces in times of war and times of peace. 79yr 5pgs 8fn 8s $44.75
Effective Operation of an Emergency Medical System
Includes the systems component parts, management techniques, organizational structure, finances and accounting. 79yr 12pgs 8fn 13s $107.40
Blue Cross: What Went Wrong?
by Law. Critical review of the medical insurance program in health care. 79yr 6pgs 3fn 0s $53.70
Health Care Expenditures in the US
examines the seriousness of the present crisis in health care, steady and massive increase in public spending, hospital, nursing, and health insurance costs with some government spending figures. 79yr 8pgs 11fn 5s $71.60
The Economics of Health
Examines the problems of estimating the number of required physicians, compares health insurance to insurance in general, and analyzes the special economic characteristics of the health care industry. 79yr 7pgs 3fn 4s $62.65
Jews and the Medical Profession
Examines the people of Jewish backgrounds reputation for gravitating towards the professions, the Jews in place in medicine in ancient and modern times. 79yr 17pgs 25fn 20s $152.15
Canadian Health Plans
Reviews Canadian philosophies to provide services to the poor, provide food and pure water to all and protection of children. 79yr 4pgs 5fn 4s $35.80
Odin W. Anderson, PhD
An overview of the career of the social scientists, work as research director of the Health Information Foundation and subsequent results of related research (1950-60). 79yr 9pgs 0fn 11s $80.55
Health Maintenance Organizations: Costs and Benefits (HMO)
Examines the shortage of health care facilities, increasing cost of services, private and government maintenance organizations and plans in Boston, NY and Phila. 79yr 13pgs 19fn 9s $116.35
Public Health Care in China: The Training and Function of Doctors
Depicts changes that have occurred since Communist Rule, facilities, treatment methods, attention to psychotherapy and educational requirements in the medical professions. 79yr 12pgs 7fn 12s $107.40
History of the Jews in Medicine
Traces historical development of medicine and a disrespect for Gentile tradition that encouraged the Jews to innovate and discover and contribute humanitarian services to the sick from the Dark Ages to present. 79yr 20pgs 19fn 14s $179.00
National Health Service
Discusses the need for and availability of funds and doctors in the US and Britain and the role of the AMA in both countries. 79yr 8pgs 0fn 3s $71.60
Mirage of Health by R. Dubos
Contends that public health care in the US may be harmful in a sociological sense. 79yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
"American Medicine and the Public Interest by R. Stevens
A review and analysis of this book which is concerned with the role of the physician in determining the type and kind of care received by the patient as the physician decides to become specialized in his treatment of patients. 80yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Neighborhood Health Clinics
Examines the role of the health clinic in the overall makeup of a community and its relative effectiveness as seen in case studies throughout the country. 80yr 9pgs 10fn 5s $80.55
The successes and failures of social welfare as applied to medicine and the aged are examined. 80yr 8pgs 5fn 2s $71.60
Barriers to Health Care
Examines social, cultural, legal and economic issues as they inhibit proper treatment, with case studies. 80yr 8pgs 8fn 7s $71.60
The Health Care Programs of Selected Countries
Examines and compares the programs of the United Kingdom, Sweden, and the United States with recommendations. 80yr 6pgs 13fn 7s $53.70
Health, Manpower & Facilities Cut- Backs in Nigeria
Analyzes the scarcity of public health services in this African nation. 80yr 13pgs 8fn 11s $116.35
Toward Socialist Medicine
Stresses the growing trend to socialized medicine, noting Medicare and Medicaid legislation along with various health plans. 80yr 7pgs 8fn 6s $62.65
Absenteeism & Community Based Health Programs
Studies the relation of elementary school absences with conflicts in schedules with community-town based health programs. 80yr 11pgs 6fn 8s $98.45
Health Services and the Law
A study of the sociology of health delivery in the US includes outline. 81yr 11pgs 8fn 16s $98.45
Issues Concerning Health Manpower in the US
An analysis of health delivery costs. 81yr 10pgs 7fn 5s $89.50
The Local Health Department
Looks at health care from the administrative standpoint- services available, operations of the facilities, information, regulation, environmental, and personal health. 83yr 10pgs 11fn 10s $89.50
Zero-base Budgeting Plan For The Implementation of Escort Carrier Services For The Radiology Department
Proposal for starting an escort service for Radiology patients -costs, benefits, alternatives. 81yr 14pgs 1fn 9s $125.30
The Economic Impact of Third-Party Payments on the Health Care Industry
A case for controlling waste in American third-party payments for health care. Why the present system is inefficient. 83yr 8pgs 2fn 5s $71.60
National Health Insurance Proposals: Effects on Health Care Delivery
Why reform is needed; government proposals; health care industry proposals; legislative proposals; comparisons of the proposals and recommendations. 81yr 11pgs Afn 10s $98.45
Community Health in Washington Heights
Gives housing and other demographical information about the Washington Heights section of New York City. 82yr 12pgs 7fn 6s $107.40
A Comparison of the Kennedy and Carter National Health Insurance Plans
Compares the two plans for ensuring full health insurance coverage for all Americans. Presents case for preferring the Kennedy plan, as it offers better coverage. 80yr 8pgs Afn 6s $71.60
A More Effective Administrative System For Modern Health Care Delivery in Light of Recent Demographic, Technological, Political, and Economic Changes
The impact of these changes on a hospital's organization and structure during the Director's absence. 84yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
The Financing of the Blue Cross Insurance Program
How rising hospital costs affect Blue Cross financially; other ways of controlling hospital costs. 80yr 8pgs 6fn 4s $71.60
The DRG: An Alternative Program for Medical Reimbursement
Explains and promotes the Diagnostic Related Groups of illness as a means of saving the elderly money on health care costs. 84yr 6pgs 5fn 5s $53.70
Health Care is Not The Aim of The Health Care Industry in the United States
Why the health care system has become bureaucratic, more interested in its own self-perpetuation than in health care itself. 83yr 8pgs 9fn 6s $71.60
Foreign Investment and Health Care in the United States
Discusses health care, expenditures, profit and loss in the U.S. health care industry. How foreign investment affects the health care industry for better or worse. 82yr 7pgs 8fn 5s $62.65
Government Involvement in The Provision of Health Care
How the federal, state, and local government roles differ in health care. 82yr 5pgs 0fn 4s $44.75
Government Involvement in the Provision of Health Care
Why government should not be in the business of providing direct health care services to people. 83yr 5pgs 0fn 4s $44.75
Toward Socialistic Medicine
Attacks opponents of 'compulsory' medical insurance and gives a case for Socialist medicine. 79yr 7pgs 8fn 6s $62.65
Senator Edward Kennedy's National Health Insurance Program
Background of Kennedy's National Health Insurance program. Features, Health Security Plan,how it would alter physicians earnings; cost-sharing, how it would affect physician supply and distribution, drug costs, cost effectiveness and benefits. 81yr 22pgs 42fn 18s $196.90
Review and Critique of the Book "Caring and Curing" by Eva J. Salber
A review of a book analyzing the quality of health care delivered to poor residents in a Boston community. Also looks at the background of the author. 80yr 14pgs 4fn 0s $125.30
An Information Retrieval System for a Public Health Department
Examines the Suffolk County, N.Y. Department of Health, its computer policies and systems and the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. 82yr 10pgs 6fn 5s $89.50
The Impact of Technology on Health Care
Observes the impact of word and data processing in keeping track of patient histories, appointments, and follow ups. 83yr 7pgs 5fn 21s $62.65
Controlling Medicare Costs
Events in medical expense leading to the creation of Medicare. Medicare reform. 84yr 10pgs 17fn 6s $89.50
Adoption of the Medicaid Program in the United States
The events leading to, objectives, and the legislative enactment process of Medicaid. Federal regulations, cost benefit analyses. Illinois as a case study. Implications of Medicaid cutbacks. 83yr 22pgs 61fn 25s $196.90
The Health Systems Agency
An analysis of the federal agency formulated to guarantee health services for all. Critique and suggestions for improvement. 84yr 7pgs 6fn 5s $62.65
An Energy Management Action Plan for the ABC Comprehensive Health Care Center
Outlines the steps taken to develop an energy use plan for this health care center, from initial audit to implementation. 84yr 12pgs 19fn 18s $107.40
Medicare: A Study in Health Care Policy for the Aged and Social Assistance Policy
An analysis of Medicare- its inception, budget, growth, disadvantages, response to a growing need, evaluation of its effectiveness. 84yr 14pgs 10fn 14s $125.30
"The Health Plan: The Only Practical Solution To Soaring Cost of Medical Care"
A review of this book, written to introduce a comprehensive health care program to reduce costs and maintain quality care. 83yr 11pgs 0fn 0s $98.45
Marketing Innovations in Health Care Delivery
Discusses the need to 'market' health care services in an expanding, competitive market. Evaluates several marketing models. 83yr 7pgs 7fn 6s $62.65
The American Medical Association
An overview of the background and functions of the AMA. Looks at their relationship with politics and government as well. 82yr 10pgs 13fn 5s $89.50
The Medicare Program
An explanation of the background of the Medicare program. Gives its effects on hospitals, laboratories, and payments. 84yr 11pgs 20fn 9s $98.45
Given the Socio-Political and Economic Systems That Exist in the United States, Is it Possible to Apply True Principles of Justice to the Delivery of Health Care?
A case for the impossibility of delivering health care by applying true principles of justice alone. 85yr 7pgs 16fn 12s $62.65
A Comparison of the Philosophies of Health and Medical Care of Hippocrates and Leo Tolstoy
How Hippocrates and Tolstoy both approached medicine -with hope and distrust, respectively. 82yr 6pgs 10fn 6s $53.70
Relevant Issues in Health Care Delivery
Abstracts of selected readings on important issues in health care delivery. Issues include: ambulatory care, costs, geriatrics, primary care, health care planning, government roles, health profession, local health surveys. 83yr 27pgs 0fn 12s $241.65
Informed Consent in Medicine
Examines informed consent as the recognition that the patient is autonomous and should have almost total responsibility in determining what treatment or research will or will not be rendered on their person. Includes description, policy and history of. 88yr 11pgs Afn 15s $98.45
Discrimination and Health Care
Observes the lack of access to health care, specifically minorities and women, drastic cuts in federally funded programs like Medicaid and other welfare programs, etc. 88yr 6pgs 7fn 4s $53.70
Medical Sociology Issues
Discusses emphasis placed by organized medicine, corporate capital and government on individualistic prevention vs. social intervention in responsibility for health. 88yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Medicare Financing
Examines the rising costs of health care and focuses on the financing that Medicare receives and the future status of its financing. 88yr 11pgs 19fn 11s $98.45
Social Health Indicators
Discusses the history and future of health care in the U.S. as a result of the tremendous amount of money spent in the continuing quest for controlling or curing diseases. 89yr 7pgs 8fn 12s $62.65
National Health Insurance in the United States
Examines the direction for health care in the 1990's and 21st century looking at the implementation of universal medical coverage with Medicare/Medicaid reform. 90yr 13pgs 16fn 14s $116.35
Funding for AIDS Research
Examines the controversy surrounding the federal government's reluctance and long awaited decision to increase funding for AIDS Research. 90yr 7pgs Afn 6s $62.65
Universal Health Care : Public Policy or Private Interest?
Examines the issue of universal health care in the U.S., various plans advanced, but that to be politically viable, a proposal for universal health insurance must respect cultural preferences for pluralism, diversity, local solutions, and individual resp. 92yr 8pgs 7fn 7s $71.60
The Health Belief Model
Observes this model used to describe how people feel about health, how they structure their personal behavior to facilitate perceived good health practices and procedures and what values operate to influence personal health beliefs and actions. 92yr 4pgs Afn 5s $35.80
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