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Medicine & Healthcare: Drug Dependency & Abuse

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Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

The College Drug Scene
Analytically studies drug use and deviant behavior. 78yr 5pgs 3fn 3s $44.75
In-Patient and Out-Patient Discrimination of Methadone Maintained Patients
Discusses society's attempt to curb drug addiction and its relative lack of success using the methadone programs. 78yr 5pgs 4fn 4s $44.75
Is Methadone the Solution to Heroin Addiction ?
Suggests methadone as a better way, noting also its considerable side effects. 78yr 6pgs 0fn 5s $53.70
Essay on the evils of the weed, and how society continues to indulge. 78yr 6pgs 12fn 3s $53.70
Marijuana: Prohibition and Paternalism
Presents marijuana laws as interfering with mans individual rights, stating that the law has little sound basis other than that of being like a father image. 78yr 11pgs 10fn 5s $98.45
Drug Use and Freedom of Choice
Discusses drugs (including caffeine and alcohol) as an individual right which requires knowledge and responsibility even if the result may be harmful to physical or emotional processes. 78yr 7pgs 5fn 5s $62.65
A Plan For Nursing Intervention: Drug Abuse and Methadone Maintenance Center
Develops a multi-lateral plan for nursing intervention in the social and medical lives of drug abuse patients. 79yr 24pgs 21fn 19s $214.80
A Study of Alcoholism
Includes an interview with an AA participant and an annotated review of ten studies of alcoholism. 79yr 9pgs 0fn 10s $80.55
Community Drug Prevention
A proposal for establishing land budgeting a drug prevention center. 80yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The Economics of Heroin
A research study to support the position that heroin supply will continue despite US efforts since money involvement is too great to upset the underground market. 80yr 9pgs 9fn 6s $80.55
Addiction and Marijuana: The Case For Legalization
Views, with much supportive evidence, that marijuana is less addictive than other drugs, including alcohol and tobacco and should be legalized in the same manner as the foregoing. 80yr 13pgs 20fn 12s $116.35
Smoking, Alcohol and the New Born Child
Analyzes the effects of clinical reports on smoking and drinking for mothers of newborns and unborn. 80yr 4pgs 1fn 4s $35.80
Reducing Demand for Tobacco
Examines the viable methods which can be undertaken to reduce smoking in large segments of the population. 80yr 11pgs 19fn 10s $98.45
Alcoholism: Theory & Treatment
Examines and analyzes the bases of alcoholic theories, noting various treatments which have proven effective in arresting this dread condition. 80yr 10pgs 9fn 13s $89.50
Drugs & Future Society
Examines the place which drugs will have for future generation and the implication for the present. 80yr 4pgs 0fn 4s $35.80
Alcohol As A Drug
A consideration of ethanol in terms of its physiological and psychological effects. 80yr 6pgs 9fn 5s $53.70
The Difference Between Casual And Frequent Marijuana Smokers
An analysis from the literature of the differences in psychological effects produced by frequent and by casual use. Includes tables. 80yr 16pgs 12fn 15s $143.20
Andrew Weil's The Natural Mind: A New Way of Looking at Drugs and the Higher Conciousness
The dynamics of psychobiology and constructive use of drugs. 81yr 7pgs 8fn 1s $62.65
Age and Occupation Related to the Use of Drugs
Drug abuse cutting across class and social sanctions, generational lines. 81yr 15pgs 24fn 6s $134.25
Drug Use and Freedom
Use, abuse, constitutional liberties and government role in control. 81yr 7pgs 5fn 5s $62.65
Alcoholism: Epidemiological Approach
Causal factors, incidence, identification, therapy, economics. 81yr 13pgs 10fn 8s $116.35
The Aging Alcoholic: A Problem in Rehabilitation Therapy
Levels of addiction, diagnostic difficulties, treatment modalities, suggested social programming. 81yr 15pgs 19fn 12s $134.25
Alcoholism and the Brain
Alcoholism as disease syndrome and social problem. 81yr 8pgs 9fn 6s $71.60
Karen Ann Quinlan
Review of Karen Ann, story of conflict over euthanasia of young woman in a coma. 81yr 7pgs 3fn 6s $62.65
Alcoholism: Theory and Treatment
Etiology, treatment, identification of addictive levels, and social problems. 81yr 10pgs 9fn 0s $89.50
The Administration of an Alcohol Treatment Center: A Summary of an Interview
An analytical report of an interview conducted with the head of an alcoholism unit at a Veteran's Hospital. 80yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Heroin : The Users , The Exporters, The Manufacture & Business
Observes the socio-economic breakdown of users,the exporting countries and distribution networks. 83yr 7pgs 14fn 5s $62.65
The Psychological Effects of Alcohol
Analyzes the biochemical changes induced by ethanol, the effects on the brain and nervous system,the chronic effects of alcohol and the adverse social influences on the spouse and other family members. 78yr 10pgs 17fn 8s $89.50
A general overview of alcoholism- how it affects the body, use among women, children, elderly, and minorities. Alcoholism on the job; services for the alcoholic. 84yr 10pgs 14fn 5s $89.50
The Tobacco Industry and the Smoking Controversy
How the tobacco industry has reacted to the controversy over smoking. What they should and should not do to address the issue and stay in business at the same time. 82yr 16pgs 7fn 4s $143.20
A Commentary on the Abuse of Methaqualone and an Analysis of Drug Adaptations in Society (Quaaludes)
A detailed explanation of methaqualone (Quaaludes)- effects, usage, case study, research. The psychological and social functions of drugs in social systems. 83yr 22pgs 14fn 30s $196.90
Alcoholism in Teenagers
Dynamics of alcohol abuse among teens- history, causes, statistical/demographical information, solutions/treatment. 83yr 10pgs 13fn 8s $89.50
Why Do Our Children Decide To Use Drugs?
A discussion of drug use among teens-cites studies, reasons, effects. 83yr 7pgs 5fn 5s $62.65
Drug Addiction
Psychological, familial, and social contributing factors to drug abuse. Classification of drug users into personality types. 81yr 12pgs 12fn 11s $107.40
The Effectiveness of a Counseling Strategy Utilizing an Ex-Substance Abuser in a School-Based Drug Abuse and Prevention Program.
A thesis dealing with the use of former addicts and alcoholics in a school-run drug prevention/abuse program set up in the New York City Public Schools. Reports on research done to determine the effectiveness of this program. 82yr 29pgs 13fn 13s $259.55
Women and Alcoholism: The Poly-Addicted Female
Etiology of multiple drug abuse among women; offers therapies and other treatments.Why women use other drugs to cover alcohol use. 80yr 16pgs 30fn 30s $143.20
The Administration of a Drug Abuse Program: A Case Study
An analysis of a drug treatment center in New York City. How this center handles treatment, counseling, skills training, etc. 83yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Critique of Article: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among the Elderly
An analysis of an article written to determine the effects of social background and support in elderly drug and alcohol abuse. 81yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Cocaine and its Effect on the Cardio-Vascular System
Includes history of cocaine research, acute effects such as increased heart rate and blood pressure and chronic effects such as seizures of the cardiovascular system. 87yr 12pgs 10fn 8s $107.40
The Effects of Cannabinoids on Male - Female Sterility - Fertility
An overview as to studies conducted on the behavioral effects of marijuana and with specific attention given to the psychoactive component, THC, and its altering of reproductive functions in several species of laboratory animals and in humans. 84yr 22pgs 38fn 27s $196.90
The Case for Legalization of Marijuana : A Moral Issue or An Economic Reality
Observes the moral and health factors surrounding the use of marijuana, the untaxed billions in illegal profits and the case for legalization for economic purposes. 83yr 10pgs 9fn 0s $89.50
Crack in the United States
Observes the new incidence of "crack", a deadly derivative of cocaine, the instantaneous addiction, and the disturbing effects on the body. 87yr 4pgs 4fn 6s $35.80
Drug Problem in the Bay Area
A report on drug problems in the San Francisco Bay Area, and what can be done about it. Includes a proposal for a drug awareness/education program in the schools. 87yr 14pgs 18fn 6s $125.30
The Drinking Woman
A discussion of female alcoholism - causes, treatment. 83yr 7pgs 8fn 5s $62.65
Drugs : The Facts, The Problems, The Abuse and Alternative Methodologies Toward Confrontation and Resolution
Facts about drugs, their usage and abuse, the side effects, evaluation and testing,consequences for society and the user. Looks into prescription, illegal, and designer drugs. Identifies the usage and types of drugs abused, types of addiction, methods. 87yr 18pgs 29fn 9s $161.10
Teenage Alcoholism : Causes, Effects, and Possible Prevention Programs
A study of the problem of teenage drinking observing causes, sociological and physical effects and alternative prevention programs. 82yr 10pgs 17fn 14s $89.50
Heroin Addiction and Drug Counseling
Examines dependence on heroin and other opiates and the variety of treatment methods and programs available for the heroin addict. 88yr 10pgs 29fn 10s $89.50
The Community Mental Health Centers Amendment of 1970
Analyzes this act which expanded the 1963 Community Mental Health Centers Act by extending authorization of funds for the treatment of alcoholism and drug addictions. 89yr 8pgs 11fn 13s $71.60
Alcoholism and Substance Abuse
Examines the current crisis of alcohol and substance abuse, the progression of addiction, physiological effects, various therapies including intervention, aversion therapy, detoxification, rehabilitation centers, Alcoholics Anonymous. 88yr 11pgs 14fn 13s $98.45
The Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act, PL 91-616 of 1970
Examines the purpose of this legislation, the evolution of policy, the agencies involved in the adoption and implementation of the policy. 88yr 6pgs 9fn 6s $53.70
Attitudes toward Alcoholism : the U.S. and the Soviet Union
Looks at the traditional Soviet view as a public social problem and the American view of alcoholism linking the moral and social problems of it to medical treatment, detoxification and rehabilitation programs. 90yr 13pgs 26fn 11s $116.35
Drug Use in the Workplace
Examines stress as a common cause of drug and alcohol use in the workplace, the resultant decreased productivity and health problems and the spread of drug testing and testing procedures are discussed. 91yr 12pgs 26fn 10s $107.40
Alcoholism, Ethnicity and Marriage
The definition, diagnosis and treatment of the "alcoholic marriage" are examined. Particular emphasis is given to ethnic, cultural, and cross-cultural influences on maritial and family dynamics, and the attitudes and experiences of Filipino-Americans in. 91yr 20pgs 32fn 22s $179.00
Alcoholics Anonymous : Myths Versus Facts
Examines the objectives of AA including providing group support, mutual recognition of an alcohol problem, and a sense of belonging to the alcohol-dependent individual. 91yr 6pgs Afn 5s $53.70
Treating the Alcoholic Family
An analysis of successful psychotherapeutic approaches to the treatment of alcoholism by using familt therapy. examines the positive and negative effects. 91yr 7pgs Afn 7s $62.65
Nursing Substance Abusers : Improving the Therapeutic Milieu After 5 P.M.
An examination of milieu therapy as a mode of treatment that recognizes and uses the effects of the environment on the individual condition focusing on substance abuse. 92yr 10pgs Afn 13s $89.50
Crack Babies and the Nursing Profession
Examines the prenatal cocaine exposure as becoming the subject of intense study and public concern in the last decade as large numbers of crack cocaine addicted women are giving birth to children who are either addicted to crack through exposure to the d. 93yr 7pgs Afn 11s $62.65
Alcoholism Among Native Americans
Examines the use of alcohol and its resulting disease, alcoholism, and will focus more specifically upon the problem as it relates to Native Americans. 93yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The Environmental Effects of Parental Substance Abuse on Cognitive Development and Self-Esteem in Offspring : A Nursing Perspective
Observes that the children of parents identified as substance abusers suffer from numerous disorders, including arrested cognitive development and low self esteem and examines methods of nurse intervention. 93yr 12pgs Afn 16s $107.40
A Brief History of Alcohol and Drugs in California
Looks at the history of alcohol and drugs in California, both legal and illegal enterprises and activities, and as growing public health problems for the people of the state. 93yr 6pgs Afn 6s $53.70
Proposal for furthur study on the effects of Alcohol and other Drug Abuse on Pregnancy and Newborns
Poses the question, Is there a demonstrable relationship between drug use by expectant mothers and the appearance of developmental disabilities in their offspring. 93yr 6pgs 0fn 26s $53.70
Fetal Drug Exposure : A Pilot Study
Hypothesizes that there is a positive correlation between drug or substance abuse among pregnant women with resulting fetal exposure to those toxic substances, and the occurence of a wide range of developmental disabilities among their offspring. A Rese. 93yr 16pgs Afn 24s $143.20
Is Alcoholism Hereditary : Annotated Bibliography
Analyzes various Journal articles concerning the predisposition for the use and abuse of alcohol and drugs as hereditary or as mimicked by parental role models and environment. 94yr 6pgs Afn 7s $53.70
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