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Medicine & Healthcare: Communicable Disease & Infection

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Paper Title
Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

Venereal Disease
Examines the origins, history and current bases for treatment of syphilis, gonorrhea and related maladies. 80yr 15pgs 6fn 16s $134.25
Hepatitis In N Y C
The incidence and recurrence of this affliction as diagnosed in various N Y C hospitals is examined. 80yr 11pgs 5fn 4s $98.45
The Viral Theory Of Cancer
Discusses various viruses and how they may induce malignant tumors the size of grapefruits in an otherwise healthy person. 80yr 6pgs 10fn 3s $53.70
Disease and Population Dynamics
Epidemics of ancient Rome and Greece, bubonic plague of Middle Ages, and population expansion and control. 81yr 13pgs 8fn 5s $116.35
The House Fly as a Disease Carrier
Pathogens carried by flies to animals, humans, and plants. 81yr 26pgs 12fn 13s $232.70
Research Proposal for Study of Hospital-Associated Urinary Tract Infections
How to prevent hospital-associated urinary tract infections. Gives findings of studies done with and without preventative measures. 81yr 14pgs Afn 26s $125.30
Bronchodilators and the Treatment of Respiratorial Constrictive Diseases
Discusses acute respiratory infections and the use of antibiotics, in the form of bronchodilators which promote easier breathing , and an evaluation as to their efficiency. 85yr 10pgs 15fn 10s $89.50
Girdia Lamblia
An examination of Girdia Lamblia, a parasitic organism part of the protozoans, which causes a disease in the gastrointestinal tract in humans, which occurs from drinking water that was not adequately filtered. 84yr 21pgs 50fn 15s $187.95
Hepatitis in a Major Urban Area: A Growing Medical, Political, and Social Problem
Why hepatitis is more prevalent in densely populated areas; a special look at New York City as a case study. 84yr 7pgs 12fn 5s $62.65
The Reduction of Infection in Bladder Catherization
The problem of urinary tract infections in hospitals using catheters. How to reduce the problem-education, counseling. 84yr 11pgs Afn 8s $98.45
A report based on a New York Times article that says the fight against malaria is failing. Deals with the development of a vaccine as well. Includes a 9-page annotated bibliography. 84yr 19pgs 12fn 38s $170.05
Systemic Anaphylaxis
An explanation of anaphylaxis, including research information, medications, mechanisms of the affliction. 83yr 15pgs 7fn 7s $134.25
Dermatophytes : Clinical Aspects, Origin, Treatment ' Differential Characteristics
Discusses causes and cures amongst these diseases affecting the skin,hair, nails and feet due to fungus growth. 84yr 8pgs 7fn 7s $71.60
Foodbourne Illnesses
An analysis of the role bacteria and other foreign agents play in both causing and curing food-causing illnesses. 83yr 8pgs 7fn 7s $71.60
Staphylococcus Disease and Its Relationship to the Elderly
Staphylococcus disease- who carries the cells, causes, stages, and the elderly as victims. 78yr 9pgs 8fn 14s $80.55
The Swine Influenza Immunization Program & Its Effects
The history of the flu, especially the 'swine' variety' ; steps leading to a vaccine; government role in immunization. 78yr 16pgs 18fn 26s $143.20
History, symptoms, treatment, and methods of control through immunization and chemotherapy. 82yr 14pgs 26fn 8s $125.30
AIDSPEAK: Images of AIDS in the Print Media
How the print media has been handling the AIDS crisis- how their views vary based on editorial position; why there is often contradictory information; the effects on public education efforts; sensationalism/panic in AIDS coverage; focus on risk groups. 88yr 32pgs 66fn 37s $286.40
HIV Infected Individuals
Examines studies concerned with the HIV virus and the factors leading to the progression to AIDS. The reasons, genetic factors, etc. 88yr 6pgs 0fn 12s $53.70
AIDS : Epidemiology and Etiology
Discusses the AIDS epidemic, the changing epidemiology and etiology of the disease and the linkage between HIV and AIDS. 88yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
AIDS in the Workplace
includes introduction, AIDS and the law, effects of discrimination, activists demands, companies claims. 90yr 8pgs 14fn 10s $71.60
Funding for AIDS Research
Examines the controversy surrounding the federal government's reluctance and long awaited decision to increase funding for AIDS Research. 90yr 7pgs Afn 6s $62.65
AIDS and Stigma
Examines the stigmatization of persons suffering from AIDS as a character defect since the disease results from intravenous drug use, unprotected sex and the resultant physical deformities. 90yr 8pgs 13fn 12s $71.60
AIDS and Minority Communities : An Analysis
Observes that Blacks and Hispanics make up the highest percentage of the American population with AIDS, examining the stigma attached to the virus, a lack of education among these people and a lack of programs to help those with the HIV virus. 91yr 10pgs 28fn 24s $89.50
AIDS Among College Students
Examines the AIDS epidemic as spreading with alarming speed and in disturbing numbers to college campuses as the result of widespread sexual activity and a reluctance to use condoms. 91yr 8pgs 14fn 7s $71.60
Homophobia and AIDS Education Among Minorities
Examines the fear of AIDS leading to overt discrimination, social ostracism, and deprivation of AIDS victims civil rights and the effect of homophobia. 92yr 7pgs 7fn 0s $62.65
A Profile of HIV and AIDs in Kenya
An examination of the increasing prevalence of HIV and AIDS cases in Kenya and the governments reluctance to report this increase or to take preventative measures to slow the spread of the virus. 94yr 4pgs Afn 3s $35.80
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