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Medicine & Healthcare: Cancer

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Paper Title
Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

Medical aspects of Nuclear Physics
Discusses developments in nuclear medicine, x-ray, brain scans, isotope utilization and nuclear aspects of an afflicted 15 year old. 78yr 14pgs 21fn 7s $125.30
Wilm's Tumor in the Two Year Old
Discusses the occurrences of and treatment of this. 78yr 11pgs 8fn 7s $98.45
The Case Against Nicotine
Notes the evidence linking smoking to cancer, with statistical data, and advocates that smoking be foresaken for good physical health. 78yr 12pgs 15fn 9s $107.40
New Developments in Cancer Research
Brief overview on the hope of science to eliminate cancer soon. 74yr 6pgs 0fn 4s $53.70
Breast Cancer
Discusses the prevalence of, necessity of early detection, self-examination, and methods of treatment currently being used. 78yr 10pgs 15fn 12s $89.50
Care of Middle Aged Patients with Hodgkins Disease
Traces the 3 levels of Hodgkins (papagranuloma, granuloma, and sarcoma,) the medical basis for each, with rehab programs, and suggestions and role of the nurse in each. 78yr 11pgs 9fn 7s $98.45
Hodgkin's Disease
A delineation of the more current information regarding this disease, with an emphasis on the origins of Hodgkin's Disease in order to assess the information available at the moment. 79yr 32pgs 45fn 45s $286.40
Chalones and Cancer Research
An analysis into the rather recent usage of chalone or a substance produced within the tissue control mitotic activity within the tissue, to be used as an inducing agent in cancerous tumors. 80yr 17pgs Afn 21s $152.15
The Viral Theory Of Cancer
Discusses various viruses and how they may induce malignant tumors the size of grapefruits in an otherwise healthy person. 80yr 6pgs 10fn 3s $53.70
The Tobacco Industry and Anti-Smoking Groups
An examination of the arguments advanced by The American Cancer Society and the tobacco industry concerning the rights of the individual to smoke in public. 80yr 4pgs 0fn 5s $35.80
An Epidemiology of Lung Cancer
Discusses diseases attributed to smoking and speculates that the government contributes to the increase of Tobacco related cancer. 80yr 23pgs 20fn 12s $205.85
Carcinogens and the Air We Breathe
An explanation of the nature and effect of cancer-causing agents in the air. How they already have affected the environment. 82yr 15pgs 39fn 12s $134.25
Cancer and Genetics
Examines the role of genetics in causing cancer. Looks at hereditary factors leading to the susceptibility or predisposition to develop various forms of cancer. 88yr 8pgs 20fn 8s $71.60
Pharmacists and Unproven Cancer Therapies
Analyzes various cancer therapies considered as miracle cures not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration(FDA) such as Laetrile, dangers in unproven treatments and the role of the pharmacist. 88yr 5pgs 10fn 9s $44.75
A Prospective Study of Selenium Status and Breast Cancer Risks
A summary of this article. 90yr 4pgs Afn 0s $35.80
Chemotherapy and the Nurse's Role
Observes the expanded role of the nurse in patient care and therapy regarding chemotherapy and radiation therapy in cancer treatment. 90yr 7pgs Afn 6s $62.65
The Viral Theory of Cancer
Observes the suspected causal links between viral and carcinogenic conditions, by examining the virus ability to infiltrate a normal cell creating new cancerous cells eventually becoming a tumor. 91yr 9pgs 20fn 8s $80.55
Coping with a Mastectomy : The Male and Female Perspective
Provides a brief overview of the emotional and psychological problems that can and do occur in the aftermath of a mastectomy, orthe removal of a breast due to cancer and the effects of this surgery upon the patient and male partner. 93yr 6pgs 13fn 3s $53.70
Use of Mammography in Breast Cancer Screening
Observes mammography as long having been the best means of discovering a malignancy in the breast with early dection greatly increasing survival rates, but with many women still not obtaining screening mammograms. 94yr 6pgs Afn 6s $53.70
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