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Medicine & Healthcare: General

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Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

Patient Report
Discusses nursing care for a double- leg- amputee suffering severe burns, psychological and other variables in rehabilitation. 78yr 9pgs 0fn 0s $80.55
Discusses background, occurrence and symptoms, genetics and treatment. 78yr 10pgs 29fn 19s $89.50
Physiological Effects of Vinyl Chloride
Tests toxicity of vinyl chloride products and its acute biological effects. 78yr 4pgs 0fn 5s $35.80
Observations of a Bicep Cineplast in Left- Handed- Amputees
Observes modern cineplastic operations available and different types of prosthesis, or artificial limbs both mechanical and electrical, the type of operation necessary, psychological problems encountered in replacing an amputated left hand. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 5s $44.75
Is It True Not All Sick People Seek and or Receive Medical Care
Includes the variables affecting the decision. 78yr 5pgs 8fn 5s $44.75
Stuttering and Stammering
A historical overview with case studies and a discussion as to the development of and treatment and cures for. 78yr 8pgs 15fn 6s $71.60
Ancient Greek Medicine
Discusses the development of Greek medicine, noting contributions of Aristotle, Galen, and Hippocrates. 78yr 5pgs 3fn 4s $44.75
Parkinson's Disease: A Motor Disorder of the Extrapyramidal System
Discusses the motor dysfunction that occurs and the physical and emotional treatment involved. 78yr 6pgs 8fn 6s $53.70
Eugenics: the Science of Make Believe
Discusses survival of the fittest in terms of selective breeding, genetic structure investigation as a means to improving the race, and elimination of damaged genes medically so that none but the genetically sound reproduce. 78yr 12pgs 38fn 15s $107.40
The Endocrine System
Explains the role of pituitary. 78yr 7pgs 14fn 2s $62.65
A Study of the Effects of Occupational Stress on Pathological and Physiological Employee Disorders
Proposes further study with questionnaire on employee disorders. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Creation of Speech
Traces a particular work thru respiration, phonation, neural activity to its reception. 78yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Reviews the types of, including symptoms and to what extent each dysfunction effects language skills. 78yr 6pgs 4fn 4s $53.70
Aphasia and its Treatment
Examines the severity of the various forms, relationship of each to rehabilitation, case studies and views from the Neuro-psychiatric Institute at U. of Illinois. 78yr 16pgs 24fn 15s $143.20
Therapy for Delayed Speech and Language Problems
Discusses a variety of programs for correction of speech disorders. 78yr 4pgs 4fn 6s $35.80
Functional Aphonia and Its Treatment
Discusses the circumstance of no voice being present and the rehabilitation efforts of doctors and therapists. 78yr 6pgs 0fn 4s $53.70
Bronchial Asthma
Examines the distinction between bronchitis and asthma in terms of their exact effect on the respiratory system and the resulting damage done, and the identification of both. 79yr 14pgs 22fn 7s $125.30
Examines this component part of the circulatory system's link with the kidney, liver and circulatory systems and hormone functioning. 79yr 4pgs 0fn 4s $35.80
Who Shall Live?
Examines euthanasia on a personal level, the physician's right to stop treatment, the patient's right to refuse treatment and the role of the courts noting the Quinlan case. 79yr 12pgs 16fn 17s $107.40
High Risk Pregnancy: Toxemia
Investigates Toxemia's occurrence, pathophysiology, treatment and possibilities for reducing the incidence of toxemia. 79yr 6pgs 7fn 5s $53.70
Paralysis Agitans
An overview of Parkinsonism, symptoms and treatment of at various levels of development. 79yr 6pgs 1fn 2s $53.70
Cleft Palate
Examines the incidence and frequency of, treatment and corrective surgery. 79yr 6pgs 12fn 2s $53.70
Birth Control
Includes the historical development of contraceptives, methods employed, effectiveness and societal acceptance. 79yr 9pgs 12fn 5s $80.55
The Physiological and Chemical Affect of Wilms Tumor Cell on the Normal Filtration of the Kidney
Examines current yet incomplete research indicating kidney deterioration from this tumor, affected cell structure, and chain reaction of a biologic nature often fatal in young people. 79yr 10pgs Afn 10s $89.50
The Biomechanics of the Forehand Drive
An analysis of the mechanics of tennis strokes and injuries which may occur. 79yr 4pgs 4fn 3s $35.80
The Migraine Headache
A discussion of latest literature as to the onset of the migraine headache recognizing that psychology and physiology interact in setting off an attack. 79yr 7pgs 17fn 12s $62.65
Visual Perception as Perceived by Brain Division
An analysis of literature gathered from experiments dealing with acception and retention of stimuli by left or right hemispheres of the brain. 79yr 11pgs Afn 16s $98.45
A Kinesiological Analysis of the Tennis Serve
A scientific analysis which will investigate and analyze the human motion occurring during the various types of tennis strokes during a game. 80yr 20pgs 6fn 0s $179.00
Discusses the unpleasant sensation of dizziness associated with vertigo usually associated to those with internal ear problems and related problems. 80yr 8pgs 18fn 4s $71.60
A discussion of fasting, an abstinence of food for a specified time as to its benefits both physically and psychologically. 80yr 6pgs 8fn 2s $53.70
An Analysis of Perception
Discusses and analyzes the phenomena of perception in attention and a search for the neural correlates of attention. 80yr 17pgs 8fn 18s $152.15
Parkinsons Disease
Examines the reasons for and treatment of this incurable disease, giving current therapies and prognosis for total cure in the future. 80yr 11pgs Afn 16s $98.45
Medical Electronics
Examines the uses of electronic devices in medicine today including radiology, cardiology and surgery. 80yr 19pgs 6fn 3s $170.05
Pernicious Anemia
Examines the reasons for and the treatment of this fairly common blood disease. 80yr 9pgs 0fn 0s $80.55
The Undesirability Of Contraception Extant Today
Examines and analyzes the various reasons why contraception today is unsanitary and unsafe. 80yr 14pgs 11fn 8s $125.30
Androgynous People
Examines the physiological and psychological make-up of those who are possessed with male and female sexual organs. 80yr 11pgs 10fn 6s $98.45
Minimal Incision Foot Surgery
Examines new methods for treatment of corns, bunions and hammertoes in modern man. 80yr 12pgs 8fn 9s $107.40
Perspective On Birth Control:The Pill
Analyzes the types of dosages, side effects, benefits, effectiveness and future prospects of oral contraceptives. 80yr 8pgs 5fn 9s $71.60
A Surgeon's World By William Nolen
A review and analysis of the workaday surgeon's milieu in a modern hospital. 80yr 6pgs 4fn 0s $53.70
A Surgeons World
by W. Nolen and Doing Better and Feeling Worse, Health in the U.S. by J. Knowles. 80yr 6pgs 8fn 2s $53.70
Traces its history and its effectiveness as a drug alternative. 80yr 8pgs 5fn 6s $71.60
A World Without Medicine
Hypothesizes, using the 18th century as an authentic back-drop, what would happen if medicine were not a progressive science. 80yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
The Moral Implications Of Cosmetic Surgery
Examines the current popularity of plastic surgery and its ethical implications. 80yr 7pgs 7fn 10s $62.65
Kinesthesis & hyperextension
The physiology of movement as it applies specifically to the legs and their usage in the area of dance and exercise. 80yr 10pgs 3fn 3s $89.50
Movement Analysis Of Hyper-extended Joints
An examination of the kinesthesis of the critical joints of the body and hose movement affects them. 80yr 10pgs 3fn 3s $89.50
Physical Therapy In The Treatment Of Lower Extremity Injuries
Classifies lower extremity injuries along with appropriate physical therapies. 80yr 11pgs 19fn 7s $98.45
Proteins' Classification, Synthesis And Metabolism
A Brief overview of protein biochemistry. 80yr 6pgs 13fn 5s $53.70
The Liabilities and Problems of Organ Donation
Cites ethics, legalities and medical difficulties. 80yr 7pgs 6fn 8s $62.65
The Effects of Ca++ on The Contracting Skeletal Muscle
Physiological mechanisms discussed. 80yr 8pgs Afn 9s $71.60
Sodium Metabolism and Its Effects on Hypertension
A survey on current theories regarding the mechanism by which sodium affects blood pressure. 80yr 7pgs Afn 10s $62.65
Hypnotism: Its Therapeutic Uses
A history of the medical uses of hypnotism. 80yr 13pgs 3fn 5s $116.35
Hormone Receptors in the Brain
A brief survey of the effects of certain hormones on brain function. 81yr 8pgs 10fn 7s $71.60
Paraquat Madness
A study of the causes and effects of the U.S. Gov't spraying program in Mexico. 81yr 10pgs 5fn 8s $89.50
Genetic Diseases and Birth Defects
Issues, types of diseases, prevention, screening and therapy. 81yr 16pgs Afn 17s $143.20
Colitis and Diverticular Disease
Etiology and therapy of two related intestinal diseases. 81yr 7pgs 14fn 5s $62.65
A Family Health Care Plan
A report of a case history for a New York family, with recommendations for the family's health. Includes recommendations for nursing care, nutritional assistance, psychological assistance, and other suggestions. 82yr 10pgs 5fn 5s $89.50
Glaucoma : Definition and Treatment
A discussion of this eye disease that is caused by intraocular pressure that is sufficient to cause either temporary or permanent impairment of vision. 81yr 8pgs 0fn 3s $71.60
Proper definition, pro-and anti-points of view; the need for more research into the subject. 84yr 7pgs 4fn 4s $62.65
Stress and the Medical School Experience
Discusses and researches stress and how it affects the medical student. Causes of such stress; consequences; possible solutions. 81yr 15pgs 18fn 7s $134.25
Neurotransmittors as an explanation of the correlation between the individual's behavior and the body chemistry. A study of how they affect the body. 80yr 10pgs 12fn 6s $89.50
A definition of aphasia (or dyphasia). A defect in one's ability to express or comprehend spoken or written language. Symptoms, features, causes, diagnosis, treatment. 85yr 14pgs 17fn 0s $125.30
An Overview of Hemophilia
Facts about hemophilia- population, symptoms, treatment, the implications for nursing. 83yr 7pgs 7fn 5s $62.65
Epidemiology of Organic Brain Syndrome
Definition, diagnosis, causes, other determinants, etiology, manifestations of Organic Brain Syndrome (OBS). Also explains the more acute version. 85yr 24pgs Afn 28s $214.80
The Second Epidemiological Revolution: Implications for Public Health Training and Organization
Plans to conquer major non-infectious diseases by re-directing attention to physiochemical agents rather than bacteria. 83yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Fertility and Sterility in Males and Females
Reviews literature as to marijuana usage and its effects on human male testosterone levels and its adverse affect on sperm production. 84yr 12pgs Afn 20s $107.40
Pregnancy After 30 : Pros and Cons
Examines the growing numbers of women postponing pregnancy into their 30's and sometimes 40's through a wider freedom of choice and such medical advances as birth control, amniocentesis and sonography. 87yr 12pgs 6fn 7s $107.40
Sickle Cell Anemia: An Overview
An explanation of the blood disease sickle cell anemia- who it afflicts, symptoms, testing, treatment, etc. 84yr 7pgs 10fn 7s $62.65
Sociocultural Factors Related to Health and Illness
A look at the trend of evaluating various lifestyle, habit, routine, and cultural factors that cause or contribute to illness. 82yr 15pgs 15fn 12s $134.25
Causes and manifestations of diverticulosis, with treatment and a case study. 82yr 11pgs 10fn 5s $98.45
The Sterilization of Women
Dynamics of overpopulation; methods and studies on sterilization; psychological reactions; alternatives. 81yr 10pgs 13fn 12s $89.50
Cleft Palate
An explanation of the causes and types of cleft deformities. Also treatment and social implications of cleft-palates. 84yr 15pgs 24fn 14s $134.25
A Discussion of Specific Medical Considerations
A discussion of an article dealing with the pituitary gland. 84yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Comparison of Four Treatments of Arthritis
A comparison of various treatments for arthritis- private physician, home care, outpatient, and in-hospital care. 78yr 11pgs 10fn 1s $98.45
Pernicious Anemia
An explanation and history of pernicious anemia; manifestations, symptoms, treatment. 78yr 9pgs 0fn 0s $80.55
Effects of Massage Therapy in Scoliosis
Definition, manifestation/symptoms, types of Scoliosis. Therapy/treatments/exercises available. Case study of massage therapy treatment. 83yr 11pgs 0fn 6s $98.45
The Origins of Homeopathic Medicine
The anticipation of homeopathy; the role of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann; uses of homeopathy today; homeopathic vs. allopathic medicine. 81yr 9pgs 14fn 0s $80.55
Blood Groups and Hematologic Diseases of Selected Ethnic Groups
An analysis of different types of blood diseases that are peculiar or specific to certain ethnic groups compared and contrasted to other groups. 81yr 13pgs Afn 12s $116.35
Holistic Health and Human Nature
Examines various books and articles on non medical healing in both primitive and Western societies and the role of the mind in healing. 88yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Arthritis : An Illness Narrative
The effects of disease and illness and society's perception of those afflicted with arthritis defined according to Arthur Kleinman's The Illness Narratives. 88yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Rotator Cuff Injuries
Examines these muscles and tendons that provide both stability and motion at the shoulder and the various injuries invloving the rotator cuff particularly common in sports. 88yr 10pgs Afn 10s $89.50
Metabolic Genetic Disorders and Amino Acid Metabolism
Discusses Phenylketonuria(PKU), Maple syrup urine disease(MSUD), Alkaptonuria, general topics on amino acid metabolism and genetic disorders with treatment and possible cures of such disorders. 88yr 11pgs Afn 16s $98.45
The Kidneys : An Analysis
Examines the various functions of the kidneys including filtering of the blood,regulating the correct balance of water, elimination of waste, ADH effects on kidney function, etc. 88yr 7pgs 11fn 13s $62.65
The Buffer Systems of the Blood
Examines the regulation of the pH of the blood as the process which is done to keep a viable acid-base condition. Looks at buffer solutions to keep a normal pH such as the action of blood plasma, protein buffer system, phospahte buffer system, the kidne. 88yr 11pgs 13fn 18s $98.45
Enzymes : An Analysis
Examines the enzymatic reactions of the Krebs cycle, as a source of energy for living cells, as promoting important chemical transformations to allow living organisms to function normally and the effect of toxic substances on enzyme activity. 88yr 9pgs 12fn 16s $80.55
Estrogen : An Analysis
Examines the actions of estrogen in its effects on the production of progesterone, its regulation and responsibility for menstruation, the physiological effects of menopause and beneficial effects of estrogen treatment. 88yr 6pgs 10fn 12s $53.70
Blood-Brain Barrier
Analyzes the action of the blood-brain barrier or that complex web of blood vessels covering the brain that keeps the brain's blood supply free from contaminants that may be circulating through the rest of the body and as a hinderance in treating disease. 88yr 6pgs 7fn 9s $53.70
Analyzes this chronic disease, affecting many organs and body functions, especially those involved in metabolism, caused by a lack of the hormone insulin or by the body's inability to use it. 88yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Mercy Killing
Examines the question of euthanasia as a means of seeking relief from terminal illnesses and the tide shifting towards the suffering patient. 90yr 6pgs 7fn 7s $53.70
The Effect of Korsakoff's Syndrome on the Brain
Structure of Alcoholics : A comparison with normal (non-alcoholic) brain structure. Examines the fall in intellectual ability which has accompanied the development of alcoholic dementia. 90yr 11pgs Afn 18s $98.45
Sickle Cell Anemia
Sickle cell anemia and its causes, new methods of testing, experimental results. 90yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The Physiology of Decompression
discusses decompression, or "the bends" involving the expansion and retraction of the air volume inside the lungs, rib cage and diaphragm caused by rapid ascent to the surface when diving. 90yr 10pgs 14fn 8s $89.50
Werner's Syndrome
A discussion of Werner's Syndrome as a disease striking young adults accelerating the aging process causing its victims to die of "old age" before age sixty. 90yr 8pgs 9fn 7s $71.60
Color Blindness
An investigation into the phenomenon of color blindness examining basic research into the condition looking at the psychological and physical effects and sensations of color blindness and interviewing a person with this condition. 91yr 10pgs 17fn 6s $89.50
Examines the medical diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia, and considers the many different types and degrees of seriousness in the disease. 91yr 6pgs 7fn 6s $53.70
Pneumococcal Pneumonia
Examines the medical diagnosis and treatment of pneumoccal pneumonia and considers the progress of the disease from the bacteria entering the body, to their attack on the cilia of the lung, to their final destruction through "phagocyztization" by leukocy. 91yr 6pgs 9fn 6s $53.70
Sickle Cell Anemia
The biochemistry of the inherited disorder of the hemoglobin that affects one in 400 Blacks is reviewed, new treatments and screening efforts are examined. 91yr 8pgs 11fn 10s $71.60
Defining Health and Non-Health : A Personal Perspective
Personalized report describes and defines concepts of health, non-health, illness and death from professional perspective of nurse anesthetist. Includes theory and personal experiences. 91yr 11pgs 17fn 10s $98.45
Contemporary Chiropractics and the Medical Profession
examines the history of chiropractic medicine, different forms of spinal manipulations, diagnostic techniques, therapies and organized medicines hostility toward chiropractic professionals. 91yr 8pgs 12fn 5s $71.60
The Immune System
An examination of the various functions of the human immune system and its specific defenses against infecting agents and non-specific defenses such as the skin, skeletal structure, mucus fluids, cells lining the blood capillaries of the brain, etc. 92yr 5pgs 4fn 5s $44.75
The Benefits of Biofeedback in Medical Stress Reduction
Explores the nature, use and benefits of biofeedback as a means of facilitating an overall reduction in stress resulting in psycho/physiological disorders. 92yr 10pgs Afn 13s $89.50
Pain and Discomfort and other factors influencing the use of Mammography : A Literature Review
Observes relevant literature focusing on several aspects of the problem, including individual responsibility for pre-test breast self-examination, efforts to foster wellness care among health care consumers, work site screening programs, and the seminal. 92yr 17pgs Afn 25s $152.15
Helper T Cells and the Immune System
An observation of the central event in the immune response as the antigen-specific interaction between a help T lymphocyte and a B lymphocyte, leading to their mutual activation. 92yr 6pgs Afn 5s $53.70
Risk and Preventative Precaution for Clients with Cranial Bone Flap Removal
An observation of the risks associated with permanent cranial bone flap removal including seizures, trauma and the necessary nursing preventative measures. 92yr 7pgs Afn 8s $62.65
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