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Education: Higher

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Paper Title
Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

Regional V. National Accreditation
Historically notes the feasibility of governmentally funded universities. 78yr 7pgs 6fn 3s $62.65
Vocational Education
Discusses its purpose, conditions, personal development and propositions. 78yr 10pgs 11fn 11s $89.50
On Improving The Learning Climate at a Two Year College
Focuses on the two year college in modern America as a step in transfer education, vocational services, remedial services and a link between education and community. 79yr 8pgs 13fn 4s $71.60
The Librarian's Status
Examines the result of a shift of librarian status from that of faculty member to that of civil service worker, problems that followed, loss of benefits and privileges, uses at Glassboro College, New Jersey as an example. 79yr 13pgs 0fn 0s $116.35
The Higher Learning in America
by Hutchins, Examines prevailing attitudes and practices that exist in education today. 79yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Two-Year-Colleges Studies
Discusses the junior colleges and enrollment, equality of educational opportunity with graphs and charts from 1964 to present. 79yr 7pgs 1fn 1s $62.65
Black Education in the Last Two Decades
Gives a brief history of Black education, Black colleges and enrollment, equality of educational opportunity with graphs and charts from 1964 to the present. 79yr 14pgs 33fn 14s $125.30
Liberal Arts Vs. General Vs. Industrial Education
Compares objectives and the general direction of each with an eye towards historical development. 79yr 6pgs 17fn 3s $53.70
High School v. College
Discusses the educational environment of both and the advantages of the more liberalized college curriculum. 80yr 2pgs 0fn 0s $17.90
The Validity of Student Evaluations Regarding the Effectiveness of College-Level Instructions
Discusses variables affecting validity and thereby detracting from the value of these evaluations. 80yr 11pgs 16fn 9s $98.45
An Orientation Seminar for Work-Study Supervisors
A unit designed to provide an understanding of the college work-study program, purposes and goals and a better knowledge of underlying rules and regulations. 80yr 13pgs 12fn 4s $116.35
Law and the Liberal Arts Education
Discusses the absence of law courses in undergraduate school suggesting mandatory law courses as preparation for life. 80yr 5pgs 8fn 5s $44.75
The B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) Market
The problems and pitfalls of finding an adequate placement for today's college graduate. 81yr 10pgs 9fn 1s $89.50
Adult and Continuing Education in Philadelphia
Describes the status of adult education in terms of goals and practices in America. Concludes with a survey of adult education in Philadelphia. 81yr 7pgs 2fn 6s $62.65
Veblen's the Higher Learning in America and Veysey's the Emergence of the American University
Compares and contrasts these two works on the development and purposes of American Colleges and Universities. 81yr 7pgs 3fn 2s $62.65
Three Essays written for College Admissions
Two essays on college admissions, one on studying law. Written in the first person. 81yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
Higher Education Compensatory Programs for Minority Students
Discusses the implications and results of higher education for minority students in light of current programs geared at increasing minority enrollment in such programs. 81yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Philetics in the Classroom
Reports on a communications project developed for a college classroom. Notes the importance of verbal and non-verbal communication in getting ideas across. 81yr 8pgs 0fn 10s $71.60
Awareness, Usage and Evaluation of Facilities and Services at Kean College in N.J. : A Research Design
A research design including the problem, the method, procedures and materials, results, discussion. 82yr 7pgs Afn 6s $62.65
A Rationale for the Associate Degree Program
An examination of the two year vs. four year college. 85yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Higher Educational Programs
Discusses the adult education programs, including the literacy program, the adult career development program, the two-year college program and the traditional "night school". 84yr 10pgs 13fn 6s $89.50
The Academic/Professional Conflict in University Curricula
Examines the advent, by colleges and universities,of integrating courses for the professional persons preparation in addition to the academic curricula. 80yr 5pgs 6fn 0s $44.75
West Point or Harvard : Education in Athens and Sparta
Looks at the advantages in educational opportunity at both facilities, one emphasizing intellect, the other physical perfection. 82yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
College Entrance Exams : Are they Valid and Practical Devices for Predicting Success in College
Observes the pros and cons of SAT tests as a valid predictor of college success. 85yr 8pgs Afn 6s $71.60
Questionnaire Concerning the Use of Second-Hand Textbooks at the College of Staten Island
A questionnaire. 83yr 1pgs 0fn 0s $8.95
A Personal Essay for College Admission
A personal essay to gain admission to Seattle University. 88yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Teaching Probability Statistics to College Freshmen and to Junior College Students
Observes that probability statistics has revelance in virtually all activities of contemporary society and that students will utilize notions from probability statistics as tools in their respective professions. 92yr 6pgs Afn 7s $53.70
Ethical Obligations of Colleges
Observes the ethical responsibilities of colleges in providing students with a socioeducational educational environment whic contributes to the acquisition of culturally appropriate knowledge. 93yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
College Student Loan Program : A Historical Overview and a current Evaluation
Includes a history of the guaranteed student loan program,the mechanism of GSLP, the crisis within the student loan program, unscrupulous institutions and operators taking advantage of the program, entillements, etc. 93yr 25pgs 40fn 12s $223.75
An Overview of the Multiculturalism Controversy
Focuses on the controversy surrounding multiculturalism on the campus and represents a study in public debate regarding such issues as the conduct of the two sides of the issue, the implicit values of each side,the tactics being used to achieve goals and. 93yr 10pgs 20fn 9s $89.50
An Overview of Issues in Peer Counseling on the College Campus
Describes peer counseling as a method of counseling assistance during times of crisis and as a means of supporting growth and personal development where college students themselves serve as counselors to their peers. 94yr 15pgs Afn 9s $134.25
Modern debates on Education : Liberal Arts and Social Change
Compares and contrasts modern approaches to the issue of liberal education with those of such classical thinkers as Plato, the men and women of the middle ages, and philosophers who have shaped and informed or understanding of this field. 94yr 6pgs Afn 5s $53.70
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Last Updated: 12/21/96
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