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Business: Labor Relations & Human Resources

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Paper Title
Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

Philosophy Of Motivation
Discusses Taylor's and Mc Gregor's "Theory X: Theory Y" analysis. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Pay As A Motivator
Discusses various facets of pay in encouraging production, with hypothesis, questionnaire, results an analysis. 78yr 15pgs 30fn 2s $134.25
The Daytom Metal Workers
A case study focusing on problems, solutions and recommendations. 78yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Women As Executives
An objective appraisal of women's current status and position in business today. 78yr 6pgs 3fn 6s $53.70
Job Content
Focuses on definition, and relation to worker/management in job satisfaction and techniques for increased productivity. 78yr 10pgs 16fn 11s $89.50
The Oppression Of The Career Women
Focuses on the career women as a minority, discriminatory attitudes and her status and function in society today (1974). 74yr 20pgs 19fn 13s $179.00
General Electric's Industrial Sales Force
Discusses their sales force operations as distinct from a consumer sales force. 78yr 6pgs 5fn 8s $53.70
Motivation and the Public Administrator
Examines applications of behavioral science theory. 78yr 17pgs 6fn 6s $152.15
The Relationship Between Monetary Rewards And Motivation In The Industrial Situation
Discusses literature concerned with motivation and job Performance in relation to financial incentive. 79yr 8pgs Afn 5s $71.60
Motivation Of Migrant Workers
A short, concise study of management motivation plans and existing motivators to this specific segment of the unskilled labor force. 79yr 7pgs 3fn 8s $62.65
A Microeconomic Focus On The Economic Determinants Of Emigration Of Skilled Labor From Developing Countries
Includes a discussion of unemployment, under-employment, high taxation, and standards of living related to economic and capital growth of underdeveloped countries. 79yr 19pgs 8fn 14s $170.05
Labor's Influence On New York State Legislation
Discusses historical background,m the Wagner Act, the Condon-Wadlin Act, the Taylor Act, anti-union efforts, and powers that supercede legislative action. 79yr 12pgs 10fn 6s $107.40
Organization Development, Organizational Psychology And Group Dynamics: How They Affect Women In Business
Examines the changing role of women in business as dependent on the re-organization of formal structure and the sharing of decisions. 80yr 11pgs 6fn 11s $98.45
U.S. Steel Industry Since 1900: A History And Analysis Of Effects Upon The industry By Unionism And Increased Labor Costs
Examines the influence of labor force demands on the pricing policies of major steel producers in the U.S. (1975). 75yr 45pgs 77fn 30s $402.75
An Evaluation Of Procedures For The Recruitment Of White Collar Personnel
Discusses innovative procedures used in recruiting white-collar employees, gathering sufficient clerical and managerial workers. 79yr 11pgs Afn 12s $98.45
Industrial Recreation In Japan And The U.S.
An extensive study as to the application of recreation by businesses and employers for an objective of company loyalty and production. Analysis of current utilization of recreation existing in Japan and the U.S. with a 25 year future projection and outline. 74yr 47pgs 40fn 30s $420.65
Attitudes of Employees Toward Various Work Incentives
An analysis of material and non-material motivators by management, including theory and practice with testing, graph and charts inclusive. 79yr 10pgs 15fn 13s $89.50
People and Productivity
A review and discussion. 78yr 11pgs 0fn 0s $98.45
Maslow, Herzberg and Job Satisfaction
A comparison of Abraham Maslow and Frederick Herzberg's theories of job satisfaction and how they shatter fallacies about what workers need. 80yr 6pgs 9fn 6s $53.70
Incentives To Prevent Absence
An analysis into the problem of worker attendance in relation to management incentive programs, or the lack of them. 79yr 15pgs 11fn 8s $134.25
Labor-Management Relations And Wages In America
An economic approach to the process of setting wages and the business/management response in an economical and theoretical fashion. 79yr 6pgs 0fn 12s $53.70
Job Discrimination Against The Handicapped
An in-depth analysis of the performance of the handicapped in various working capacities and managerial attitudes towards hiring the disabled. 78yr 39pgs 37fn 26s $349.05
Breaking The Competitive Employment Barrier For Blind People
An analysis of corporate attitudes and responses towards hiring blind employees. 79yr 9pgs 0fn 2s $80.55
Money As A Factor Of Motivation In America
An examination of the traditional management view of increased pay as an employee motivational device in relation to other motivational devices with future projections of use. 79yr 10pgs 11fn 8s $89.50
Personnel Administration
An examination of the key aspects of personnel management which include the process of selecting the right person for the right job and efforts undertaken to insure and maintain a productive working environment. 79yr 15pgs 20fn 10s $134.25
Proposed Program For Hiring Minority Groups In A Corporate Structure With-in New Jersey
Looks at the current and historical practice of job discrimination as it exists in N.J. with proposed solutions and recommended courses of action. 79yr 15pgs 6fn 6s $134.25
Motivation The Public Employee
A look at motivation of employees in the public sector in a variety including Maslow's and McGregor's hierarchy of needs in relation to maintaining increased motivation of employees. 79yr 17pgs 17fn 7s $152.15
Salesmen: Consumer Vs. Industrial Goods
An attempt to define the qualities in salesmen necessary to become successful through examining satisfaction historically in salesmen and includes questionnaire method focusing upon consumer and industrial goods. 80yr 20pgs 4fn 4s $179.00
Improving The Productivity Of State And City Employees
Examines the advantages of innovative employees, interest techniques and their relative effect on worker satisfaction. 80yr 50pgs 31fn 16s $447.50
Pay and Salary as a Motivator
A psychological examination of the attitudes of workers towards their salaries concluding that generally pay increase is the key motivator, although not in all cases. 80yr 15pgs 19fn 11s $134.25
Training in Organizations
An examination of the effectiveness and utilization of training procedures in organizations, including classroom instruction in industry and on the job training. 80yr 4pgs 7fn 6s $35.80
Functions of Personnel Administrators and Employee Motivation, Productivity and Job Inducements
Examines the roles of the personnel department and its relative acuity relating to job placement. 80yr 11pgs 15fn 6s $98.45
Men and Women at Work and the Implications for the Future in an Organizational Society
A first person account of life in the workaday business world and its implications for the youth of today. 80yr 25pgs 31fn 15s $223.75
Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century
By Harry Braverman. A review of the book and its implications for modern labor and culture. 80yr 5pgs 4fn 0s $44.75
The Process of Social Conflict and Power in Organizations
Reviews the multi-level conflicts inherent with the accruement of executive power in large corporate structures. 80yr 16pgs 21fn 36s $143.20
Zerox Corporation's Social Service Leave Program of 1972
A case study of the Zerox Social Service Leave Program, statement of problem, recommendations and evaluation. 79yr 11pgs 9fn 3s $98.45
Human Assets Accounting Effects of Job Enrichment
Examines the nature of work and the human element involved in making a test more meaningful. 80yr 9pgs 16fn 9s $80.55
Employment Problems of the Handicapped
Examines the scope, changing conceptions and depth of this dilemma with an analysis of the standard barriers to employment for handicapped persons. 80yr 21pgs Afn 29s $187.95
The B.A. Market
Problems and pitfalls of hiring the college graduate in this country. 80yr 10pgs 9fn 1s $89.50
Thompson and Thorpe, Inc.
Study of management and personnel in a diversified shoe store chain. 80yr 7pgs 0fn 4s $62.65
Labor Turnover
A through the years analysis of this constant basis of industrial unrest in the modern world. 80yr 15pgs 9fn 16s $134.25
The Changing Role Of People in Organizations
An analysis of workers changing roles in business dealt with historically through time and motion studies, worker attitudes and managerial relationships. 80yr 14pgs 7fn 7s $125.30
Personnel Tests
Examines these and other measuring instruments used in the selecting and classification process of large corporations. 80yr 12pgs 5fn 9s $107.40
The Advantages of Behavior Based Job Descriptions
A brief analysis of this method of selecting employed by some firms. 80yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Analysis of ":Work and the Nature of Man"
by Frederick Herzberg. Also author of "The Motivation to Work" and "Job Attitudes". 80yr 9pgs 0fn 0s $80.55
How the Increased Costs of Labor Affect Prices of Manufactured Products
Using the steel industry and its leading firms as examples this scholarly paper discussed this complex issue. 78yr 41pgs 77fn 31s $366.95
Job Design for Motivation
Comments on this subject written by Howard M.F. Rush who is a leading theorist in this area. 80yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
The Relaxation Response in the Business Community-A Review of the Literature
How to avoid stress by panned relaxation on the job. 79yr 7pgs 7fn 5s $62.65
Job Expectation Training
Role prescriptions, career advice, job-hunting techniques, women in work force. 81yr 11pgs 11fn 8s $98.45
Reconciling Career Development, Performance Appraisal and Needs of Employees
Specific programs and recommendations for expediting employer/employee relationships. 81yr 15pgs 23fn 17s $134.25
Application of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to the Business Community
Employee and employer need-satisfaction as performance motivators. 81yr 8pgs 11fn 6s $71.60
B.S. Corporation
Case study of worker slow downs and company cost cutting techniques. 81yr 8pgs 8fn 3s $71.60
The U.A.W. and Black Workers
Discrimination against and black participation in automotive industry. 81yr 12pgs 9fn 7s $107.40
Employer/Employee Relations
Various questions on employee appraisal, MBO, union relations, job discrimination, motivation. 82yr 20pgs 24fn 13s $179.00
Personnel Administration
Selection, advancement, job training, benefits. 82yr 8pgs 14fn 8s $71.60
Job Recruiting in the Private Sector
Advertising, college recruiting, recruiting already employed skilled personnel, advantages of untrained but trainable workers. 82yr 11pgs 16fn 8s $98.45
Consumer Behavior : Women As a Subculture
An examination of women as a subculture and the evolving aspects and interest to the marketing world. 84yr 19pgs 17fn 12s $170.05
Entry level occupational opportunities and applications in a New York - based corporation
A discussion upon word processing as a new advent in office working conditions. 84yr 7pgs 5fn 11s $62.65
Management Organizational Behavior: Obstacles to Worker Participation in U.S. Industry
An observation of the inherent cultural differences in U.S. workers and other nationalities , notably the Japanese, regarding worker participation in management. 81yr 13pgs 10fn 6s $116.35
Obstacles to worker participation in U.S. Industry
Worker participation and industrial democracy, alienation and ideology, Yugoslavia, increased productivity, autonomous work groups, cooperation, worker satisfaction, The United Kingdom, West Germany. 84yr 11pgs 6fn 7s $98.45
The Black Female Supervisor : A Personal and Theoretical Account
Observes and analyzes a Black female in her role in supervisory work and the subsequent problems that have emerged in management. 84yr 10pgs 7fn 6s $89.50
Male secretaries in the office
Provides an overview of the incursion of male secretaries and office workers as a recent phenomena. 84yr 8pgs 9fn 5s $71.60
The exit interview : analysis and applications
Discusses the exit interview, or that interview that takes place when an employer attempts to determine reasons for an employee terminating his position as well as trying to remedy the situation that caused the employee to terminate. 80yr 13pgs 17fn 11s $116.35
The Personnel Department : A Comparative Study
Examines and compares the personnel department operations of The New York Times to American Can Company and General Mills. 82yr 12pgs 1fn 20s $107.40
The General Electric Company vs. The New York Telephone Company
A discussion on both of these technologically oriented companies for the purpose of building a career in a high technology arena. 82yr 11pgs 14fn 30s $98.45
Management Communications, Discipline and Job Satisfaction
An examination of the increasingly prevalent managerial strategy of taking worker-oriented considerations. 84yr 7pgs 9fn 10s $62.65
The Role of Work
An examination of the many facets of work, its providing satisfaction to people's lives and peoples attitudes towards work. 82yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Controlling Work at the Workplace Site
An examination, through literary works, the dehumanization of man through his work and the ways and means that employers attempt to control both work and the workers at the workplace sites. 85yr 7pgs 7fn 0s $62.65
Asian-Americans in Education and Business
Includes definition of "Asian -American", population trends, and how Asian-Americans are affected in their job, business and education. 88yr 7pgs 6fn 8s $62.65
Work Satisfaction
Observes factors important in worker satisfaction including advancement possibilities, compensation, a sense of fulfillment, conducive work environment, achievement awards, etc. 88yr 3pgs Afn 3s $26.85
Personnel Issues Defined and Discussed
Discusses various issues such as the importance and role of the personnel manager in the 21st century, definition of work and job redesign, employee training and development, human resources planning and employee performance appraisal. 88yr 15pgs 0fn 0s $134.25
The Practical Aspects Involved in Designing a Workable Recruitment, Selection and Appraisal System for a Contemporary Organization
Using Apple Computer as an example, designing a new personnel program for this companies present and future use by examining the organizational environment in relation to relevant literature related to personnel management. 88yr 20pgs 7fn 6s $179.00
A Personnel System using General Motors as an example
Includes description of the business, job analysis system, interview, job description, recruitment, selection criteria, performance appraisal. 89yr 14pgs 0fn 0s $125.30
Employee Performance Appraisals
Examines the process of employee performance appraisal or that process of determining how well employees do their jobs compared to a set of standards and communicating that information to the employees. 88yr 7pgs 0fn 5s $62.65
A Recruitment, Selection and Appraisal System
Includes company description, job analysis technique, job description, recruitment, selection, application for employment,interview, performance appraisal. 88yr 12pgs 0fn 0s $107.40
Performance Appraisal : Micro1, Inc.
An employee performance appraisal for a small business in San Francisco, Calif. 88yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Pay as a Motivator for Registered Nurses
Explores such ideas as is pay more likely to improve productivity/job satisfaction, is it a factor in attracting people to the profession, does salary matter in retaining nurses, etc. 90yr 9pgs Afn 13s $80.55
Computers and the Handicapped
Recent innovations in assistive technology, introduction into the market place, laws and regulations, educational/occupational uses of assistive technology. 90yr 12pgs Afn 12s $107.40
San Francisco Bay area Employment Predictions
Looks at Federal Budget Deficit,defense cuts, housing problems, and other factors as related to and predictions for employment in San Francisco in the 1990's. 90yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Resolving Deadlocking in Public Employment and Avoiding Strikes through Viable Alternatives
Looks at different alternatives to meeting striking employees demands for their roles in public service and appeasing citizens as well to avoid nasty confrontations. 90yr 12pgs 14fn 9s $107.40
The Effects of Employee Stock-Ownership Plans on Employees
A research proposal stressing the airlines industry. Includes introduction, significance of the study, problem statement, hypotheses, review of literature, etc. 90yr 25pgs 35fn 29s $223.75
Employee Acquisition, Retention and Development
Examines different methods and components of effective employee recruitment programs, personel requirements, methods in retaining employees, etc. 90yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Treatment of Minority Groups in the Workplace
Examines how the law has perpetuated the social inequality, through racism, relegation of inferior positions of minority citizens in the workplace, legal harassment, discriminination and prejudice. 90yr 11pgs 20fn 17s $98.45
Job Analysis and the Human Resources Manager
Defines and analyzes the components of the classification methodologies of job analysis to the functions of the human resources manager who uses the complete description of tasks, processes, for hiring , firing, etc. 90yr 8pgs Afn 6s $71.60
The Development of a Process-Oriented Performance Appraisal System
Examines performance appraisal as the most important human-resource issue and examining process-oriented variables, contamination, rating scales,deficiencies,halo error, leniency/severity, program design, etc. 90yr 20pgs 32fn 19s $179.00
A Public Relations Campaign for Eastern Airlines
An analysis of the labor difficulties in the mid-80's between Chairman Lorenzo and the machinists and pilots. the ensuing strike and the 100 day public relations campaign and press releases occuring at this time. 90yr 14pgs 23fn 12s $125.30
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