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Education: Secondary

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Paper Title
Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

Role of the Teacher in Adolescent Education
The need for the teacher to fully understand adolescents and their purposes in teaching them. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Vocational Education
Discusses its purpose, conditions, personal development and propositions. 78yr 10pgs 11fn 11s $89.50
The Year Long Middle School
Examines Feasibility, advantages and disadvantages. 78yr 19pgs 5fn 11s $170.05
Vocational Specialization
Deals with the development of adequate special education programs to meet the secondary level young adults and prepare them for entrance into the working world, includes programs to improve self-concept, physical appearance, motor problems, home environm. 79yr 8pgs 6fn 3s $71.60
High School v. College
Discusses the educational environment of both and the advantages of the more liberalized college curriculum. 80yr 2pgs 0fn 0s $17.90
The Effectiveness of Guidance Programs on the Junior High School Level
Examines in an in-depth analysis, the expectations of JHS students, their educational and vocational choices, and problems and potentialities in extant guidance programs, with tables and questionnaires. 80yr 30pgs 20fn 36s $268.50
Career Education in Home Economics for Middle Schools
The development of a career in this field with an evaluation and critique for the future, what carrer education involves, are students able to learn more with a newer approach and what are their attitudes . Includes introduction, purpose, review of lite. 81yr 25pgs 27fn 16s $223.75
A Curriculum Project for Teachers Involving Adolescent Rites of Passage
Analysis on a exploratory project involving student teaching activities. 81yr 7pgs 7fn 7s $62.65
Secondary Education
Examines the problems inherent in high school educational methods, centering on the class as a microcosm of society in general. 81yr 12pgs 11fn 9s $107.40
A guide for Teaching Multiplication
An effective guide for the 7th and 8th grade using games and riddles and an analysis of the guide's effectiveness. 81yr 39pgs 18fn 9s $349.05
High School Students and Drug Education
An attempt to analyze the multifaceted aspects of drug education in high school. 81yr 4pgs 0fn 7s $35.80
Social Studies in the Secondary School
Provides both an Assessment of present social studies curricula and an experimental curricula design using non-text resources. 81yr 26pgs 12fn 15s $232.70
Report on Educational Research
Application of innovative disciplinary methods in a junior high school. 81yr 6pgs 2fn 3s $53.70
A Study of the Attitudes of N.Y.C. Inner City Students in Intermediate and Junior High School Towards Science Education
A thesis on this subject including introduction, review of literature methodology, results and conclusions. 82yr 24pgs 32fn 46s $214.80
Junior High School Counseling : A Research Design Measuring Student's Expectations From Counseling
Explores different hypotheses centering around junior high school childrens experiences with guidance counselors and their expectations of what counseling should consist of. Observes also problem areas in guidance and counseling. 78yr 30pgs 20fn 36s $268.50
An Educational Practicum Experience in a Junior High School
Observes the school community,national, state and regional context in mathematics achievement, identification of the problem, objectives,strategies. 85yr 19pgs Afn 0s $170.05
Attitudes of Mainstreamed 7th Graders Toward Mentally Retarded Peers
Observes that the integration of mentally handicapped children into regular classrooms has resulted in social rejection and isolation among their non-handicapped peers. 92yr 5pgs Afn 5s $44.75
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